- browser: > Edge summary: > Visual artifacts in scrollable modal dialogs upstream_bug: > Edge#9011176 origin: > Bootstrap#20755 - browser: > Edge summary: > Native browser tooltip for `title` shows on first keyboard focus (in addition to custom tooltip component) upstream_bug: > Edge#6793560 origin: > Bootstrap#18692 - browser: > Edge summary: > Hovered element still remains in `:hover` state after scrolling away. upstream_bug: > Edge#5381673 origin: > Bootstrap#14211 - browser: > Edge summary: > When hovering over a `` menu is sometimes missing when screen is set to uncommon resolution upstream_bug: > Mozilla#545685 origin: > Bootstrap#15990 - browser: > Firefox (OS X & Linux) summary: > Badge widget causes bottom border of Tabs widget to unexpectedly not overlap upstream_bug: > Mozilla#1259972 origin: > Bootstrap#19626 - browser: > Chrome (Android) summary: > Tapping on an `` in a scrollable overlay doesn't scroll the `` into view upstream_bug: > Chromium#595210 origin: > Bootstrap#17338 - browser: > Chrome (OS X) summary: > Clicking above `` increment button flashes the decrement button. upstream_bug: > Chromium#419108 origin: > Offshoot of Bootstrap#8350 & Chromium#337668 - browser: > Chrome summary: > CSS infinite linear animation with alpha transparency leaks memory. upstream_bug: > Chromium#429375 origin: > Bootstrap#14409 - browser: > Chrome summary: > `:focus` `outline` style causes cursor to not be displayed when toggling a `readonly` `` to read-write. upstream_bug: > Chromium#465274 origin: > Bootstrap#16022 - browser: > Chrome summary: > `table-cell` borders not overlapping despite `margin-right: -1px` upstream_bug: > Chromium#568691 origin: > Bootstrap#17438, Bootstrap#14237 - browser: > Chrome summary: > Clicking scrollbar in ``'s pop-up menu is blank on some systems. upstream_bug: > Chromium#510079 origin: > Bootstrap#21120 - browser: > Safari summary: > `rem` units in media queries should be calculated using `font-size: initial`, not the root element's `font-size` upstream_bug: > WebKit#156684 origin: > Bootstrap#17403 - browser: > Safari summary: > Link to container with id and tabindex results in container being ignored by VoiceOver (affects skip links) upstream_bug: > WebKit#163658 origin: > Bootstrap#20732 - browser: > Safari (OS X) summary: > `px`, `em`, and `rem` should all behave the same in media queries when page zoom is applied upstream_bug: > WebKit#156687 origin: > Bootstrap#17403 - browser: > Safari (OS X) summary: > Weird button behavior with some `` elements. upstream_bug: > WebKit#137269, Safari#18834768 origin: > Bootstrap#8350, Normalize#283, Chromium#337668 - browser: > Safari (OS X) summary: > Small font size when printing webpage with fixed-width `.container`. upstream_bug: > WebKit#138192, Safari#19435018 origin: > Bootstrap#14868 - browser: > Safari (iOS) summary: > `transform: translate3d(0,0,0);` rendering bug. upstream_bug: > WebKit#138162, Safari#18804973 origin: > Bootstrap#14603 - browser: > Safari (iOS) summary: > Text input's cursor doesn't move while scrolling the page. upstream_bug: > WebKit#138201, Safari#18819624 origin: > Bootstrap#14708 - browser: > Safari (iOS) summary: > Can't move cursor to start of text after entering long string of text into `` upstream_bug: > WebKit#148061, Safari#22299624 origin: > Bootstrap#16988 - browser: > Safari (iOS) summary: > `display: block` causes text of temporal ``s to become vertically misaligned upstream_bug: > WebKit#139848, Safari#19434878 origin: > Bootstrap#11266, Bootstrap#13098 - browser: > Safari (iOS) summary: > Tapping on `` doesn't fire `click` events upstream_bug: > WebKit#151933 origin: > Bootstrap#16028 - browser: > Safari (iOS) summary: > `position:fixed` is incorrectly positioned when tab bar is visible on iPhone 6S+ Safari upstream_bug: > WebKit#153056 origin: > Bootstrap#18859 - browser: > Safari (iOS) summary: > Tapping into an `` within a `position:fixed` element scrolls to the top of the page upstream_bug: > WebKit#153224, Safari#24235301 origin: > Bootstrap#17497 - browser: > Safari (iOS) summary: > `` with `overflow:hidden` CSS is scrollable on iOS upstream_bug: > WebKit#153852 origin: > Bootstrap#14839 - browser: > Safari (iOS) summary: > Scroll gesture in text field in `position:fixed` element sometimes scrolls `` instead of scrollable ancestor upstream_bug: > WebKit#153856 origin: > Bootstrap#14839 - browser: > Safari (iOS) summary: > Tapping from one `` to another in an overlay can cause shaking/jiggling effect upstream_bug: > WebKit#158276 origin: > Bootstrap#19927 - browser: > Safari (iOS) summary: > Modal with `-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch` doesn't become scrollable after added text makes it taller upstream_bug: > WebKit#158342 origin: > Bootstrap#17695 - browser: > Safari (iOS) summary: > Don't make `:hover` sticky on touch-friendly webpages upstream_bug: > WebKit#158517 origin: > Bootstrap#12832 - browser: > Safari (iOS) summary: > Element which is `position:fixed` disappears after opening a `