{% extends "../base.html" %} {% block title %}{{ _("Donate") }}{% end block %} {% block container %} {% set amounts = (10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250) %}


{{ _("Please support our project with your donation today") }}

{% raw xsrf_form_html() %}
I am an ...
{{ _("Choose an amount") }}

{% for a in amounts %} {% end %}

If you are an organization in Europe and you are VAT-registered, please provide your VAT number here. It will make your donation VAT free (if applicable) and the project will benefit from more of your help Please see the FAQ below for more details about VAT.

{% set lines = current_user.street.splitlines() if current_user and current_user.street else [] %}
1 %}value="{{ lines[1] }}"{% end %}>

The organization you will be donating to is Lightning Wire Labs GmbH who is kindly handling donations for the IPFire project. After clicking "Donate Now", you will be redirected to Lightning Wire Labs where you will be able to complete the transaction.

Why should I donate?

At IPFire, we are working hard to provide you with a free firewall distribution that is like no other. We release updates regularly and enhance functionality to make IPFire more secure, faster and easier to use.

To achieve our high standards that we have set for ourselves, we need your help. Only with your donation, we can get the right tools, people and utilities that we need to make our work most efficient and reach our maximum potential. Only with your donation, we can achieve our vision to make the Internet a safer place that is fair for everyone and giving equal opportunities.

How much should I give?

We are grateful for every single donation, but of course, we appreciate if you help us as much as you can.

We rely on steady contributions from companies to keep the project healthy and encourage them to set up a monthly donation.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do you accept bank transfer via SEPA?

We do accept direct transfers through SEPA. These are our bank details:

Bank Account Owner
IPFire Project
DE76 3605 0105 1010 8206 84
Why do you need my address in order to process a donation?

We understand that your privacy is very important.

We ask for a minimum amount of information required to process credit card donations, including billing addresses. This allows our payment processor to verify your identity, process your payment, and prevent fraudulent charges to your credit card.

We keep your information private - if you have questions, please refer to Lightning Wire Labs' Privacy Policy.

If you would rather not fill in your information on our online donation form, you can send your donation via SEPA bank transfer.

I am concerned about losing my credit card details

Credit card fraud is a serious and common problem. To avoid that you and we fall victim of that, we comply with PCI DSS, which is mandatory in Europe.

That means that we never handle any credit card data or store it on our systems. The entire transaction is securely handled by our payment provider and our systems are regularly audited to ensure that we implement this standard correctly.

Is my donation tax deductible?

IPFire is not registered as a charitable organization and therefore donations are not tax deductible in Germany or the European Union.

For donors outside of the European Union, please consult your tax advisor about whether your donation is tax deductible.

What will be charged to my credit card?

We are based in Germany. Donations by credit card from other countries may be subject to an international payment fee charged by your credit card issuer. This is usually a small fee around 1%, but please check with your bank before donating.

If you consider this charge too high, please consider using SEPA direct Debit or Bank Transfer if you can. Even with this charge, it is a lot cheaper than paying the higher processing fees of other payment services like PayPal which keep a lot more of the donation to themselves.

How do I cancel or change my recurring donation?

Your credit card statements or bank statements will contain a link that you can follow to cancel your donation at any time.

Who can I email directly with questions about donating?

If you have a question about donating to the IPFire Project, please contact us at donate@ipfire.org.

{% end block %} {% block javascript %} {% end block %}