From: IPFire Project To: {{ account.email_to }} Subject: {{ _("Dear Santa...") }} Precedence: bulk X-Auto-Response-Suppress: OOF {{ _("Dear %s,") % account.first_name }} {{ _("At IPFire, we’ve been compiling our Christmas wish list to send to the North Pole, working to make sure we can support the continued development of the project over the next year.") }} {{ _("2020 has been an incredibly challenging year for all of us in the Open Source community and your donation makes a huge difference, enabling us to achieve the milestones we’ve set out in our 12 month plan.") }} {{ _("Please click below to help IPFire with a donation this Christmas:") }} {{ _("We hope you keep safe and well in the lead up to the festive season.") }} {{ _("Best,") }} -{{ _("Your IPFire Team") }} -- {{ _("Don't like these emails?") }}