• {% if not short %} {% if wish.remaining_days <= 10 and wish.remaining_days >= 0 %} {{ _("Only a few days left!") }} {% end %}

    {{ escape(wish.title) }}

    {% raw wish.description %}
    {% end %}

    {{ "%d%%" % wish.percentage }}

    {{ _("funded") }}

    {% raw _("%s €") % wish.donated %}

    {{ _("donated") }}

    {% if wish.status == "running" %} {% if wish.remaining_days %}

    {{ wish.remaining_days }}

    {{ _("day to go", "days to go", wish.remaining_days) }}

    {% else %}

    {% raw _("%s €") % (wish.goal - wish.donated) %}

    {{ _("to go") }}

    {% end %} {% elif wish.status == "in_progress" %}

    {{ _("In progress") }}

    {% elif wish.status == "finished" %}

    {{ _("Finished") }}

    {% else %}

    {{ _("Funding ended") }}

    {% end %}

    {{ _("Share this wish with your friends and help us promote it!") }}