PACKAGE_NAME = pakfire PACKAGE_VERSION = 0.9.9 PACKAGE_AUTHOR = Team PACKAGE_AUTHOR_EMAIL = PACKAGE_URL = PACKAGE_VERSION_FILE = pakfire/ PREFIX ?= /usr CC = gcc CFLAGS ?= -O2 -pipe MACHINE = $(shell uname -m) ifeq "$(MACHINE)" "x86_64" LIBDIR = $(PREFIX)/lib64 else LIBDIR = $(PREFIX)/lib endif # Get the version and configuration of the python interpreter. PYTHON_VERSION = $(shell python -c "import platform; print '.'.join(platform.python_version_tuple()[:2])") PYTHON_CC = $(CC) -pthread PYTHON_CFLAGS = $(shell python-config --cflags) PYTHON_DIR = $(LIBDIR)/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages PYTHON_MODULES = pakfire pakfire/packages pakfire/repository # The place, where all internally used scripts and bins are copied. SCRIPT_DIR = $(PREFIX)/lib/$(PACKAGE_NAME) TOP := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) # A list of all files that contain translations and need to # be indexed. TRANS_FILES = $(addsuffix /*.py,$(addprefix python/,$(PYTHON_MODULES))) TRANS_FILES += python/src/*.c scripts/