############################################################################### # IPFire.org - An Open Source Firewall Solution # # Copyright (C) - IPFire Development Team # ############################################################################### name = aiccu version = 20070115 release = 1 groups = System/Daemons url = http://www.sixxs.net/tools/aiccu/ license = BSD summary = Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Client Utility for SixXS tunnels. description This client automatically gives one IPv6 connectivity without having to manually configure interfaces etc. One does need a SixXS account and at least a tunnel. end source_dl = http://www.sixxs.net/archive/sixxs/aiccu/unix/ build requires gnutls-devel end DIR_APP = %{DIR_SRC}/%{name} build %{DO_FIX_LIBTOOL} make %{PARALLELISMFLAGS} RPM_OPT_FLAGS="%{CFLAGS}" end install_cmds rm -rvf %{BUILDROOT}/{etc,usr/share} end end packages package %{name} end package %{name}-debuginfo template DEBUGINFO end end