= network-zone(8) == NAME network-zone - Manage network zones == SYNOPSIS [verse] 'network zone [new|destroy]' ZONE 'network zone' ZONE ... == DESCRIPTION With help of the 'zone' command, it is very easy to configure network zones. It is possible to create zones and remove them. Zones may also be brought up and down and reconfigured. Their status may be viewed as well. == COMMANDS The following commands are understood: 'new ZONE HOOK OPTIONS':: A new zone may be created by the 'create' command. There are at least two arguments required. + ZONE must be valid name for a zone which does not already exist. HOOK is a valid zone hook which may require additional options. 'destroy ZONE':: A zone can be destroyed with this command. + There are two possible ways to remove a zone. The case is when the zone is not up. Then, it will be removed immediately. When the zone is current up and used, it will tagged to be remove later, after it has been brought down. For all other commands, the name of the zone needs to be passed first: 'edit OPTIONS':: The settings of a zone may be edited after it has been created. The options that can be passed depend on the hook that is used for the zone. Run 'network zone ZONE edit --help' to learn more about that. + It usually is required to restart/reload the zone until the new settings are taken into account. '[up|down]':: These commands will bring the zone up/down. This is done without control of systemd, therefore not intended to be done in a productive environment. However, these commands may be used for debugging. '[enable|disable]':: These commands will enable or disable the zone. An enabled zone will automatically be started either during the boot process or a hotplug event of an associated port or other device. 'status':: This will show some detailed information about the state if the specified zone. include::include-color.txt[] include::include-description.txt[] 'identify':: This command will make all ports of the zone flash for a few seconds so that you can identify the correct network adapters in the system. 'rename' NAME:: Renames the zone to NAME. + The command will shut down the zone if it is up and start it again with the new name. If the zone is not up it won't be started. == AUTHORS Michael Tremer == SEE ALSO link:network[8]