#!/usr/bin/perl # # This code is distributed under the terms of the GPL # # (c) 2006-2008 marco.s - http://update-accelerator.advproxy.net # # $Id: download,v 2.0 2008/04/06 00:00:00 marco.s Exp $ # use strict; use HTTP::Date; my $swroot='/var/ipfire'; my $apphome="$swroot/updatexlrator"; my $logfile="/var/log/updatexlrator/download.log"; my $logging=0; my $repository='/var/updatecache'; my $login=''; my $dlrate=''; my $uuid=''; my $useragent="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)"; my %xlratorsettings=(); my %proxysettings=(); my @http_header=(); my $remote_mtime=0; my $updatefile=''; my $unique=0; my $mirror=1; my $sfOk="1"; my $vendorid = @ARGV[0]; if ($vendorid eq '') { exit; } my $sourceurl = @ARGV[1]; if ($sourceurl eq '') { exit; } my $cfmirror = @ARGV[2]; if ($cfmirror eq '') { exit; } umask(0002); $sourceurl =~ s@\%2f@/@ig; $sourceurl =~ s@\%7e@~@ig; $updatefile = substr($sourceurl,rindex($sourceurl,"/")+1); $updatefile =~ s@\%20@ @ig; $vendorid =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; unless (-d "$repository/download/$vendorid") { system("mkdir -p $repository/download/$vendorid"); system("chown -R nobody.squid $repository/download/$vendorid"); system("chmod 775 $repository/download/$vendorid"); } exit if (-e "$repository/download/$vendorid/$updatefile"); system("touch $repository/download/$vendorid/$updatefile"); if ($cfmirror) { $uuid = `echo $updatefile | md5sum`; } else { $uuid = `echo $sourceurl | md5sum`; } $uuid =~ s/[^0-9a-f]//g; $uuid =~ s/([a-f\d]{8})([a-f\d]{4})([a-f\d]{4})([a-f\d]{4})([a-f\d]{12})/$1-$2-$3-$4-$5/; if (-e "$swroot/updatexlrator/settings") { &readhash("$swroot/updatexlrator/settings", \%xlratorsettings); if ($xlratorsettings{'ENABLE_LOG'} eq 'on') { $logging=1; }; if ($xlratorsettings{'MAX_DOWNLOAD_RATE'} ne '') { $dlrate = "--limit-rate=" . int($xlratorsettings{'MAX_DOWNLOAD_RATE'} / 8) . "k" }; } if (-e "$swroot/proxy/settings") { &readhash("$swroot/proxy/settings", \%proxysettings); } if (-e "$swroot/proxy/advanced/settings") { %proxysettings=(); &readhash("$swroot/proxy/advanced/settings", \%proxysettings); } if (($proxysettings{'UPSTREAM_PROXY'}) && ($proxysettings{'UPSTREAM_USER'})) { $login = "--proxy-user=\"$proxysettings{'UPSTREAM_USER'}\""; if ($proxysettings{'UPSTREAM_PASSWORD'}) { $login .= " --proxy-password=\"$proxysettings{'UPSTREAM_PASSWORD'}\""; } } if ($xlratorsettings{'MAX_DOWNLOAD_RATE'} eq '') { &writelog("Retrieving file for local cache: $updatefile"); } else { &writelog("Retrieving file for local cache at max. " . $xlratorsettings{'MAX_DOWNLOAD_RATE'} . " kBit/s: $updatefile"); } $ENV{'http_proxy'} = $proxysettings{'UPSTREAM_PROXY'}; @http_header = `wget $login --user-agent="$useragent" --spider -S $sourceurl 2>&1`; $ENV{'http_proxy'} = ''; foreach (@http_header) { chomp; if (/^\s*Content-Length:\s/) { s/[^0-9]//g; &writelog("Remote file size: $_ bytes"); } if (/^\s*Last-Modified:\s/) { s/^\s*Last-Modified:\s//; $remote_mtime = HTTP::Date::str2time($_); &writelog("Remote file date: $_"); } } $ENV{'http_proxy'} = $proxysettings{'UPSTREAM_PROXY'}; unlink "$repository/download/$vendorid/$updatefile"; $_ = system("wget $login $dlrate --user-agent=\"$useragent\" -q -nc -P $repository/download/$vendorid $sourceurl"); $ENV{'http_proxy'} = ''; if ($_ == 0) { &writelog("Download finished with result code: OK"); unless (-d "$repository/$vendorid") { system("mkdir -p $repository/$vendorid"); system("chown -R nobody.squid $repository/$vendorid"); system("chmod 775 $repository/$vendorid"); } unless (-d "$repository/$vendorid/$uuid") { system("mkdir -p $repository/$vendorid/$uuid"); system("chown -R nobody.squid $repository/$vendorid/$uuid"); system("chmod 775 $repository/$vendorid/$uuid"); } &writelog("Moving file to the cache directory: $vendorid/$uuid"); $updatefile =~ s@ @\\ @ig; system("mv $repository/download/$vendorid/$updatefile $repository/$vendorid/$uuid"); # Workaround for IPCop's mv bug: utime time,$remote_mtime,"$repository/$vendorid/$uuid/$updatefile"; $updatefile =~ s@\\ @ @ig; &setcachestatus("$repository/$vendorid/$uuid/source.url",$sourceurl); &setcachestatus("$repository/$vendorid/$uuid/status",$sfOk); &setcachestatus("$repository/$vendorid/$uuid/checkup.log",time); &setcachestatus("$repository/$vendorid/$uuid/access.log",time); system("chown -R nobody.squid $repository/$vendorid/$uuid/*"); system("chmod 775 $repository/$vendorid/$uuid/*"); } else { &writelog("Download finished with result code: ERROR"); if (-e "$repository/download/$vendorid/$updatefile") { unlink ("$repository/download/$vendorid/$updatefile"); } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- sub readhash { my $filename = $_[0]; my $hash = $_[1]; my ($var, $val); if (-e $filename) { open(FILE, $filename) or die "Unable to read file $filename"; while () { chop; ($var, $val) = split /=/, $_, 2; if ($var) { $val =~ s/^\'//g; $val =~ s/\'$//g; # Untaint variables read from hash $var =~ /([A-Za-z0-9_-]*)/; $var = $1; $val =~ /([\w\W]*)/; $val = $1; $hash->{$var} = $val; } } close FILE; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- sub writelog { if ($logging) { open (LOGFILE,">>$logfile"); my @now = localtime(time); printf LOGFILE "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d [%d] %s\n",$now[5]+1900,$now[4]+1,$now[3],$now[2],$now[1],$now[0],$$,$_[0]; close LOGFILE; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- sub setcachestatus { open (FILE,">$_[0]"); print FILE "$_[1]\n"; close FILE; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------