#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Id: chpasswd.cgi,v 1.0 2005/01/25 00:00:00 marco Exp $ # use CGI qw(param); $swroot = "/var/ipfire"; my %cgiparams; my %mainsettings; my %proxysettings; $proxysettings{'NCSA_MIN_PASS_LEN'} = 6; ### Initialize environment &readhash("${swroot}/main/settings", \%mainsettings); &readhash("${swroot}/proxy/advanced/settings", \%proxysettings); $language = $mainsettings{'LANGUAGE'}; ### Initialize language if ($language =~ /^(\w+)$/) {$language = $1;} # # Uncomment this to force a certain language: # $language='en'; # require "${swroot}/langs/en.pl"; require "${swroot}/langs/${language}.pl"; my $userdb = "$swroot/proxy/advanced/ncsa/passwd"; &readhash("$swroot/ethernet/settings", \%netsettings); my $success = 0; &getcgihash(\%cgiparams); if ($cgiparams{'SUBMIT'} eq $tr{'advproxy chgwebpwd change password'}) { if ($cgiparams{'USERNAME'} eq '') { $errormessage = $tr{'advproxy errmsg no username'}; goto ERROR; } if (($cgiparams{'OLD_PASSWORD'} eq '') || ($cgiparams{'NEW_PASSWORD_1'} eq '') || ($cgiparams{'NEW_PASSWORD_2'} eq '')) { $errormessage = $tr{'advproxy errmsg no password'}; goto ERROR; } if (!($cgiparams{'NEW_PASSWORD_1'} eq $cgiparams{'NEW_PASSWORD_2'})) { $errormessage = $tr{'advproxy errmsg passwords different'}; goto ERROR; } if (length($cgiparams{'NEW_PASSWORD_1'}) < $proxysettings{'NCSA_MIN_PASS_LEN'}) { $errormessage = $tr{'advproxy errmsg password length 1'}.$proxysettings{'NCSA_MIN_PASS_LEN'}.$tr{'advproxy errmsg password length 2'}; goto ERROR; } if (! -z $userdb) { open FILE, $userdb; @users = ; close FILE; $username = ''; $cryptpwd = ''; foreach (@users) { chomp; @temp = split(/:/,$_); if ($temp[0] =~ /^$cgiparams{'USERNAME'}$/i) { $username = $temp[0]; $cryptpwd = $temp[1]; } } } if ($username eq '') { $errormessage = $tr{'advproxy errmsg invalid user'}; goto ERROR; } if (!(crypt($cgiparams{'OLD_PASSWORD'}, $cryptpwd) eq $cryptpwd)) { $errormessage = $tr{'advproxy errmsg password incorrect'}; goto ERROR; } $returncode = system("/usr/bin/htpasswd -b $userdb $username $cgiparams{'NEW_PASSWORD_1'}"); if ($returncode == 0) { $success = 1; undef %cgiparams; } else { $errormessage = $tr{'advproxy errmsg change fail'}; goto ERROR; } } ERROR: print "Pragma: no-cache\n"; print "Cache-control: no-cache\n"; print "Connection: close\n"; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print <
END ; if ($errormessage) { print < END ; } if ($success) { print < END ; } print <
$tr{'advproxy chgwebpwd change web password'}
$tr{'advproxy chgwebpwd username'}:
$tr{'advproxy chgwebpwd old password'}:
$tr{'advproxy chgwebpwd new password'}:
$tr{'advproxy chgwebpwd new password confirm'}:

$tr{'advproxy chgwebpwd ERROR'} $errormessage
$tr{'advproxy chgwebpwd SUCCESS'} $tr{'advproxy errmsg change success'}
Advanced Proxy running on IPCop
END ; # ------------------------------------------------------------------- sub readhash { my $filename = $_[0]; my $hash = $_[1]; my ($var, $val); if (-e $filename) { open(FILE, $filename) or die "Unable to read file $filename"; while () { chop; ($var, $val) = split /=/, $_, 2; if ($var) { $val =~ s/^\'//g; $val =~ s/\'$//g; # Untaint variables read from hash $var =~ /([A-Za-z0-9_-]*)/; $var = $1; $val =~ /([\w\W]*)/; $val = $1; $hash->{$var} = $val; } } close FILE; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getcgihash { my ($hash, $params) = @_; my $cgi = CGI->new (); return if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} ne 'POST'); if (!$params->{'wantfile'}) { $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1; $CGI::POST_MAX = 512 * 1024; } else { $CGI::POST_MAX = 10 * 1024 * 1024; } $cgi->referer() =~ m/^https?\:\/\/([^\/]+)/; my $referer = $1; $cgi->url() =~ m/^https?\:\/\/([^\/]+)/; my $servername = $1; return if ($referer ne $servername); ### Modified for getting multi-vars, split by | %temp = $cgi->Vars(); foreach my $key (keys %temp) { $hash->{$key} = $temp{$key}; $hash->{$key} =~ s/\0/|/g; $hash->{$key} =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; } if (($params->{'wantfile'})&&($params->{'filevar'})) { $hash->{$params->{'filevar'}} = $cgi->upload ($params->{'filevar'}); } return; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------