#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################### # # # IPFire.org - A linux based firewall # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # # Copyright (C) 2018 - 2020 The IPFire Team # # # ############################################################################### use strict; # enable the following only for debugging purposes #use warnings; #use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser'; require '/var/ipfire/general-functions.pl'; require "${General::swroot}/lang.pl"; require "${General::swroot}/header.pl"; require "${General::swroot}/ipblocklist-functions.pl"; # Import blockist sources and settings file. require "${General::swroot}/ipblocklist/sources"; ############################################################################### # Configuration variables ############################################################################### my $settings = "${General::swroot}/ipblocklist/settings"; my %cgiparams = ('ACTION' => ''); ############################################################################### # Variables ############################################################################### my $errormessage = ''; my $headline = "$Lang::tr{'error message'}"; my $updating = 0; my %mainsettings; my %color; # Default settings - normally overwritten by settings file my %settings = ( 'DEBUG' => 0, 'LOGGING' => 'on', 'ENABLE' => 'off' ); # Read all parameters &Header::getcgihash( \%cgiparams); &General::readhash( "${General::swroot}/main/settings", \%mainsettings ); &General::readhash("/srv/web/ipfire/html/themes/ipfire/include/colors.txt", \%color); # Get list of supported blocklists. my @blocklists = &IPblocklist::get_blocklists(); # Show Headers &Header::showhttpheaders(); # Process actions if ($cgiparams{'ACTION'} eq "$Lang::tr{'save'}") { # Assign checkbox values, in case they are not checked. $cgiparams{'ENABLE'} = "off" unless($cgiparams{'ENABLE'}); $cgiparams{'LOGGING'} = "off" unless($cgiparams{'LOGGING'}); # Array to store if blocklists are missing on the system # and needs to be downloaded first. my @missing_blocklists = (); # Loop through the array of supported blocklists. foreach my $blocklist (@blocklists) { # Skip the blocklist if it is not enabled. next if($cgiparams{$blocklist} ne "on"); # Get the file name which keeps the converted blocklist. my $ipset_db_file = &IPblocklist::get_ipset_db_file($blocklist); # Check if the blocklist already has been downloaded. if(-f "$ipset_db_file") { # Blocklist already exits, we can skip it. next; } else { # Blocklist not present, store in array to download it. push(@missing_blocklists, $blocklist); } } # Check if the red device is not active and blocklists are missing. if ((not -e "${General::swroot}/red/active") && (@missing_blocklists)) { # The system is offline, cannot download the missing blocklists. # Store an error message. $errormessage = "$Lang::tr{'system is offline'}"; } else { # Loop over the array of missing blocklists. foreach my $missing_blocklist (@missing_blocklists) { # Call the download and convert function to get the missing blocklist. my $status = &IPblocklist::download_and_create_blocklist($missing_blocklist); # Check if there was an error during download. if ($status eq "dl_error") { $errormessage = "$Lang::tr{'ipblocklist could not download blocklist'} - $Lang::tr{'ipblocklist download error'}"; } elsif ($status eq "empty_list") { $errormessage = "$Lang::tr{'ipblocklist could not download blocklist'} - $Lang::tr{'ipblocklist empty blocklist received'}"; } } } # Check if there was an error. unless($errormessage) { # Write configuration hash. &General::writehash($settings, \%cgiparams); # Call function to mark a required reload of the firewall. &General::firewall_config_changed(); # Display notice about a required reload of the firewall. $headline = "$Lang::tr{'notice'}"; $errormessage = "$Lang::tr{'fw rules reload notice'}"; } } # Show site &Header::openpage($Lang::tr{'ipblocklist'}, 1, ''); &Header::openbigbox('100%', 'left'); # Display error message if there was one. &error() if ($errormessage); # Read-in ipblocklist settings. &General::readhash( $settings, \%settings ) if (-r $settings); # Display configuration section. &configsite(); # End of page &Header::closebigbox(); &Header::closepage(); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # sub configsite() # # Displays configuration #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub configsite { # Find preselections my $enable = 'checked'; &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'settings'}); # Enable checkbox $enable = ($settings{'ENABLE'} eq 'on') ? ' checked' : ''; print<
$Lang::tr{'ipblocklist use ipblocklists'}

END # The following are only displayed if the blacklists are enabled $enable = ($settings{'LOGGING'} eq 'on') ? ' checked' : ''; print <
$Lang::tr{'ipblocklist log'}

$Lang::tr{'ipblocklist blocklist settings'}

END # Iterate through the list of sources my $lines = 0; foreach my $blocklist (@blocklists) { # Display blocklist name or provide a link to the website if available. my $website = "$blocklist"; if ($IPblocklist::List::sources{$blocklist}{info}) { $website ="$blocklist"; } # Get the full name for the blocklist. my $name = &CGI::escapeHTML( $IPblocklist::List::sources{$blocklist}{'name'} ); # Get category for this blocklist. my $category = $Lang::tr{"ipblocklist category $IPblocklist::List::sources{$blocklist}{'category'}"}; # Determine if the blocklist is enabled. my $enable = ''; $enable = 'checked' if ($settings{$blocklist} eq 'on'); # Set colour for the table columns. my $col = ($lines++ % 2) ? "bgcolor='$color{'color20'}'" : "bgcolor='$color{'color22'}'"; print < END } # The save button at the bottom of the table print <
$Lang::tr{'ipblocklist id'} $Lang::tr{'ipblocklist name'} $Lang::tr{'ipblocklist category'} $Lang::tr{'ipblocklist enable'}
$website $name $category
END &Header::closebox(); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # sub error() # # Shows error messages #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub error { &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $headline); print "$errormessage\n"; print " \n"; &Header::closebox(); }