#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################### # # # IPFire.org - A linux based firewall # # Copyright (C) 2007 Michael Tremer & Christian Schmidt # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # ############################################################################### use strict; # enable only the following on debugging purpose #use warnings; #use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser'; # use the special mpd POD and the encode POD to handle the utf8 scalars use Audio::MPD; use Encode; # initiate the connector for the mpd POD, mpd must be running on locahost # port 6600 without authentication my $mpd = Audio::MPD->new('localhost',6600,'','$REUSE'); my $work = $mpd->status()->updating_db(); require '/var/ipfire/general-functions.pl'; require "${General::swroot}/lang.pl"; require "${General::swroot}/header.pl"; my %color = (); my %mainsettings = (); my %mpfiresettings = (); my %checked = (); my $message = '0'; my $errormessage = ""; my @songs; &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/main/settings", \%mainsettings); &General::readhash("/srv/web/ipfire/html/themes/".$mainsettings{'THEME'}."/include/colors.txt", \%color); &Header::showhttpheaders(); if ( $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ /title/){ ################################################################################ # $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ /title/ is used to handle the inline iframe used to # display the current song playing ( artist - title - album aso ) # the cgi call´s itself with a parameter and the iframe refreshes itself without # reloading the whole page ################################################################################ my $number = $mpd->status()->song()+1; my $volume = $mpd->status()->volume(); my $random = $mpd->status()->random(); if ($random eq "0" ){ $random="off"; }else{ $random="on"; } my $repeat = $mpd->status()->repeat(); if ($repeat eq "0" ){ $repeat="off"; }else{ $repeat="on"; } my $song = ""; if ( $mpd->current() ) { $song = substr("-= ".$mpd->current()->Artist()." | ".$mpd->current()->Title(),0,85)." =-
"; if ( $song eq "-= | =-
" ){ $song = "None
" }; $song .= $mpd->current()->Track()."# ".substr($mpd->current()->Album(),0,90)."
"; }else{ $song = "None

"; } if ( $song eq "None
" ){ $song = "None
" }; $song .= "Playlist: ".$number."-".$mpd->status()->playlistlength()." Time: ".$mpd->status()->time()->sofar."/"; $song .= $mpd->status()->time()->total." (".$mpd->status()->time()->percent()."%) Status: "; $song .= $mpd->status()->state()." Volume: ".$volume." % Repeat: ".$repeat." Random: ".$random; print < END ; print"

".encode('utf-8', $song)."

"; exit; }elsif ( $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ /control/){ ################################################################################ # $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ /control/ is used to handle the inline iframe used to # display the control button ( prev play skip stop toggle aso ) # the cgi call´s itself with a parameter and only the iframe is reloaded on click ################################################################################ &Header::getcgihash(\%mpfiresettings); if ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "playall" ){ $mpd->playlist->clear(); foreach ($mpd->collection->all_pathes){ $mpd->playlist->add($_); } $mpd->play(); }elsif ($mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "x" ){ $mpd->stop(); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "|>" ){ $mpd->pause(); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "<<" ){ $mpd->prev(); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq ">>" ){ $mpd->next(); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "+" ){ $mpd->volume('+5'); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "-" ){ $mpd->volume('-5'); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "++" ){ $mpd->volume('+10'); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "--" ){ $mpd->volume('-10'); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq ">" ){ $mpd->play(); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "repeat" ){ $mpd->repeat(); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "shuffle" ){ $mpd->random(); } print < END ; print <
END ; exit; } # just a little subpage to handle automatic page refresh on demand ( 1 sec ) sub refreshpage{ &Header::openbox( 'Waiting', 1, "" ); print "

"; &Header::closebox(); } # if the mpd is updating his database because of user interaction then the cgi # should display that the mpd is unavailable, and refresh the status every 5 seconds if ($work ne ""){ &Header::openpage($Lang::tr{'mpfire'}, 1,); &Header::openbigbox('100%', 'left', '', $errormessage); &Header::openbox( 'Waiting', 5, "" ); print "

Database is updating, please be patient.
"; &Header::closebox(); &Header::closebigbox(); &Header::closepage(); exit; } if ( $mpfiresettings{'PAGE'} eq "" ){ $mpfiresettings{'PAGE'} = "1";}; if ( $mpfiresettings{'FRAME'} eq "" ){$mpfiresettings{'FRAME'} = "webradio";}; &Header::getcgihash(\%mpfiresettings); &Header::openpage($Lang::tr{'mpfire'}, 1,); &Header::openbigbox('100%', 'left', '', $errormessage); ############################################################################################################################ ######################################## Scanne Verzeichnisse nach Mp3 Dateien ############################################# if ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "scan" ){ # on keypress scan the given directory and store the path to the mpd config &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/mpfire/settings", \%mpfiresettings); &Header::getcgihash(\%mpfiresettings); delete $mpfiresettings{'__CGI__'};delete $mpfiresettings{'x'};delete $mpfiresettings{'y'}; delete $mpfiresettings{'PAGE'}; delete $mpfiresettings{'FRAME'}; &General::writehash("${General::swroot}/mpfire/settings", \%mpfiresettings); open(DATEI, "<${General::swroot}/mpfire/mpd.conf") || die "Datei nicht gefunden"; my @Zeilen = ; close(DATEI); open(DATEI, ">${General::swroot}/mpfire/mpd.conf") || die "Datei nicht gefunden"; foreach (@Zeilen){ if ( $_ =~ /music_directory/){ print DATEI "music_directory \"".$mpfiresettings{'MUSICDIR'}."\"\n"; }else { print DATEI $_; } } close(DATEI); $mpd->updatedb(); refreshpage(); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "playweb" ){ $message=system("/usr/local/bin/mpfirectrl","playweb","\"$mpfiresettings{'FILE'}\"","2>/dev/null"); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "playlist" ){ $mpd->play(); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "emptyplaylist" ){ # on keypress clear the playlist $mpd->playlist->clear(); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "addtoplaylist" ){ $mpd->playlist->add($mpfiresettings{'FILE'}); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "playalbum" ){ # on keypress play the selected albums my @select = split(/\|/,$mpfiresettings{'album'}); $mpd->playlist->clear(); foreach (@select){ foreach ($mpd->collection->filenames_by_album($_)){ if ( $_ ne "" ){ $mpd->playlist->add($_); } } } $mpd->play(); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "playartist" ){ # on keypress play the selected artist my @select = split(/\|/,$mpfiresettings{'artist'}); $mpd->playlist->clear(); foreach (@select){ foreach ($mpd->collection->filenames_by_artist($_)){ if ( $_ ne "" ){ $mpd->playlist->add($_); } } } $mpd->play(); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "playyear" ){ # on keypress play the selected year my @select = split(/\|/,$mpfiresettings{'year'}); $mpd->playlist->clear(); foreach (@select){ foreach ($mpd->collection->filenames_by_year($_)){ if ( $_ ne "" ){ $mpd->playlist->add($_); } } } $mpd->play(); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq "playgenre" ){ # on keypress play the selected genre my @select = split(/\|/,$mpfiresettings{'genre'}); $mpd->playlist->clear(); foreach (@select){ foreach ($mpd->collection->filenames_by_genre($_)){ if ( $_ ne "" ){ $mpd->playlist->add($_); } } } $mpd->play(); }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'ACTION'} eq ">" ){ $mpd->playlist->clear(); $mpd->playlist->add($mpfiresettings{'FILE'}); $mpd->play(); } if ( $mpfiresettings{'SEARCH'} eq "artist" && $mpfiresettings{'SEARCHITEM'} ne "" ){ foreach ($mpd->collection->songs_with_artist_partial_filename($mpfiresettings{'SEARCHITEM'})){ if ( $_ ne "" ){ push(@songs,$_); } } }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'SEARCH'} eq "title" && $mpfiresettings{'SEARCHITEM'} ne "" ){ foreach ($mpd->collection->songs_with_title_partial_filename($mpfiresettings{'SEARCHITEM'})){ if ( $_ ne "" ){ push(@songs,$_); } } }elsif ( $mpfiresettings{'SEARCH'} eq "album" && $mpfiresettings{'SEARCHITEM'} ne "" ){ foreach ($mpd->collection->songs_with_album_partial_filename($mpfiresettings{'SEARCHITEM'})){ if ( $_ ne "" ){ push(@songs,$_); } } }else{ @songs = $mpd->collection->all_items_simple(); shift(@songs); } ############################################################################################################################ ################################### Aufbau der HTML Seite fr globale Sambaeinstellungen #################################### $mpfiresettings{'MUSICDIR'} = "/var/mp3"; &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/mpfire/settings", \%mpfiresettings); ############################################################################################################################ ########################################### rekursiv nach neuen Mp3s Scannen ##############################################ä if ( $message ne '0' ){ print "An Error occured while launching the command"; }elsif ( $message ne "" && $message ne '0' ){ print "$message"; } &Header::openbox('100%', 'center', $Lang::tr{'mpfire scanning'}); # box to enter the music directory and initiate the scan process print <
$Lang::tr{'Scan for Files'}
$Lang::tr{'Scan from Directory'}
END ; &Header::closebox(); &Header::openbox('100%', 'center', $Lang::tr{'mpfire controls'}); # box for the two iframes showing the current playbar and the control buttons print < END ; print "Songs:".$mpd->stats()->songs()."
"; &Header::closebox(); &Header::openbox('100%', 'center', ''); print <
END ; my @buttons=("webradio", "quick playlist","songs"); foreach (@buttons){ if ( $mpfiresettings{'FRAME'} eq $_ ) { print ""; } else { print ""; } } print < END ; &Header::closebox(); if ( $mpfiresettings{'FRAME'} eq "quick playlist" ) { &Header::openbox('100%', 'center', $Lang::tr{'quick playlist'}); # box to quickly select artist, album, year or genre and play the selection print ""; print ""; print <
$Lang::tr{'artist'} - ".$mpd->stats()->artists()."$Lang::tr{'album'} - ".$mpd->stats()->albums()."
END ; &Header::closebox(); } if ( $mpfiresettings{'FRAME'} eq "songs" ) { &Header::openbox('100%', 'center', $Lang::tr{'mpfire search'}); # box to quickly search artist, album or title print <
$Lang::tr{'artist'} $Lang::tr{'title'} $Lang::tr{'album'}
END ; &Header::closebox(); &Header::openbox('100%', 'center', $Lang::tr{'mpfire songs'}); print < END ; if ( $#songs > 100 ){ print ""; } print < END ; my $lines=0;my $i=0;my $begin;my $end; if ( $mpfiresettings{'PAGE'} eq 'all' ){ $begin=0; $end=$#songs; }else{ $begin=(($mpfiresettings{'PAGE'}-1) * 100); $end=(($mpfiresettings{'PAGE'} * 100)-1); } foreach (@songs){ if (!($i >= $begin && $i <= $end)){ #print $begin."->".$i."<-".$end."\n"; $i++;next; } my @song = split(/\=/,$mpd->collection->song($_)); @song = reverse @song; if ($lines % 2) { print ""; }else{ print ""; } print <
END ; print "
"; print ""; print ""; $lines++; $i++; } print "
$Lang::tr{'Existing Files'}


"; my $pages =(int($#songs/100)+1); for(my $i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++){ print ""; if (!($i % 205)){ print"
"; } } print ""; print "
$Lang::tr{'number'} $Lang::tr{'album'}
".encode('utf-8', $song[0])."
".encode('utf-8', $song[1])."
".encode('utf-8', $song[2])."".encode('utf-8', $song[3])."
"; &Header::closebox(); } if ( $mpfiresettings{'FRAME'} eq "webradio" ) { &Header::openbox('100%', 'center', $Lang::tr{'mpfire webradio'}); # box to select some webradio´s to be played by one click open(DATEI, "<${General::swroot}/mpfire/webradio") || die "Could not open playlist"; my @webradio = ; close(DATEI); print < $Lang::tr{'webradio playlist'} Stream END ; my $lines=0; foreach (@webradio){ my @stream = split(/\|/,$_); $lines++; chomp($stream[2]); if ($lines % 2) { print ""; }else{ print ""; } chomp $stream[1];chomp $stream[2]; print <$stream[1]
END ; } $lines++; if ($lines % 2){ print ""; }else{ print ""; } print <

END ; print ""; &Header::closebox(); } &Header::openbox('100%', 'center', $Lang::tr{'mpfire playlist'}); # box to show the current playlist given from mpc system command my @playlist = `mpc playlist 2>/dev/null`; print < $Lang::tr{'current playlist'}
END ; &Header::closebox(); &Header::closebigbox(); &Header::closepage();