#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################### # # # IPFire.org - A linux based firewall # # Copyright (C) 2014 Alexnder Marx # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # ############################################################################### use strict; # enable only the following on debugging purpose #use warnings; #use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser'; require '/var/ipfire/general-functions.pl'; require "${General::swroot}/lang.pl"; require "${General::swroot}/header.pl"; require "${General::swroot}/graphs.pl"; my %color = (); my %mainsettings = (); &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/main/settings", \%mainsettings); &General::readhash("/srv/web/ipfire/html/themes/ipfire/include/colors.txt", \%color); my %vpnsettings = (); &General::readhasharray("${General::swroot}/vpn/config", \%vpnsettings); my @vpns=(); # Make list of all IPsec graphs my %ipsecgraphs = (); foreach my $key (sort {$vpnsettings{$a}[1] <=> $vpnsettings{$b}[1]} keys %vpnsettings) { my $interface_mode = $vpnsettings{$key}[36]; next unless ($interface_mode); $ipsecgraphs{$vpnsettings{$key}[1]} = "${interface_mode}${key}"; } my @querry = split(/\?/,$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); $querry[0] = '' unless defined $querry[0]; $querry[1] = 'week' unless defined $querry[1]; if ( $querry[0] ne ""){ print "Content-type: image/png\n\n"; binmode(STDOUT); if (grep { $_ eq $querry[0] } values %ipsecgraphs) { &Graphs::updateifgraph($querry[0],$querry[1]); } else { &Graphs::updatevpnn2ngraph($querry[0],$querry[1]); } }else{ &Header::showhttpheaders(); &Header::openpage($Lang::tr{'vpn statistic n2n'}, 1, ''); &Header::openbigbox('100%', 'left'); my @vpngraphs = `find /var/log/rrd/collectd/localhost/openvpn-*-n2n/ -not -path *openvpn-UNDEF* -name *traffic.rrd 2>/dev/null|sort`; foreach (@vpngraphs){ if($_ =~ /(.*)\/openvpn-(.*)\/if_octets_derive-traffic.rrd/){ push(@vpns,$2); } } if (@vpns || %ipsecgraphs) { foreach my $name (sort keys %ipsecgraphs) { &Header::openbox('100%', 'center', "$Lang::tr{'ipsec connection'}: $name"); &Graphs::makegraphbox("netovpnsrv.cgi", "ipsec-$ipsecgraphs{$name}", "day"); &Header::closebox(); } foreach (@vpns) { &Header::openbox('100%', 'center', "$_ $Lang::tr{'graph'}"); &Graphs::makegraphbox("netovpnsrv.cgi",$_, "day"); &Header::closebox(); } }else{ print "
".$Lang::tr{'no data'}."
"; } my $output = ''; &Header::closebigbox(); &Header::closepage(); }