#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################ # # # This file is part of the IPCop Firewall. # # # # IPCop is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # IPCop is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with IPCop; if not, write to the Free Software # # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # # # Copyright (C) 2004-01-19 Mark Wormgoor . # # # ############################################################################ # # $Id: makegraphs,v 2006/01/08 13:41:04 eoberlander Exp $ # use strict; #use warnings; use RRDs; require "CONFIG_ROOT/general-functions.pl"; require "${General::swroot}/lang.pl"; my (%settings, @ipacsum, $iface, $ERROR); &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/ethernet/settings", \%settings); # Added for conversion of utf-8 characters use Encode 'from_to'; my %tr=(); # Force language back to English (ugly hack!) # Modified to only force if we are unable to convert charset # from utf-8 if ((${Lang::language} eq 'el') || (${Lang::language} eq 'fa') || (${Lang::language} eq 'ru') || (${Lang::language} eq 'th') || (${Lang::language} eq 'vi') || (${Lang::language} eq 'zh') || (${Lang::language} eq 'zt')) { eval `/bin/cat "${General::swroot}/langs/en.pl"`; } else { %tr=%Lang::tr; # use translated version for other languages } # Settings my $rrdlog = "/var/log/rrd"; my $graphs = "/home/httpd/html/graphs"; $ENV{PATH}="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin"; sub gettraffic { my $interface = $_[0]; my $bytesin=0; my $bytesout=0; foreach (@ipacsum) { # Incoming... $bytesin += $1 if (/^[\* ]\s+incoming\s+${interface}.+\:\s+(\d+)/); # Forwarded Incoming... $bytesin += $1 if (/^[\* ]\s+forwarded\s+incoming\s+${interface}.+\:\s+(\d+)/); # Outgoing... $bytesout += $1 if (/^[* ]\s+outgoing\s+${interface}.+\:\s+(\d+)/); # Forwarded Outgoing... $bytesout += $1 if (/^[* ]\s+forwarded\s+outgoing\s+${interface}.+\:\s+(\d+)/); } return "$bytesin:$bytesout"; } sub updatecpugraph { my $period = $_[0]; RRDs::graph ("$graphs/cpu-$period.png", "--start", "-1$period", "-aPNG", "-i", "-z", "--alt-y-grid", "-w 600", "-h 100", "-l 0", "-u 100", "-r", "--color", "SHADEA#EAE9EE", "--color", "SHADEB#EAE9EE", "--color", "BACK#FFFFFF", "-t $tr{'cpu usage per'} $tr{$period}", "DEF:user=$rrdlog/cpu.rrd:user:AVERAGE", "DEF:system=$rrdlog/cpu.rrd:system:AVERAGE", "DEF:idle=$rrdlog/cpu.rrd:idle:AVERAGE", "CDEF:total=user,system,idle,+,+", "CDEF:userpct=100,user,total,/,*", "CDEF:systempct=100,system,total,/,*", "CDEF:idlepct=100,idle,total,/,*", "AREA:userpct#0000FF:$tr{'user cpu usage'}\\j", "STACK:systempct#FF0000:$tr{'system cpu usage'}\\j", "STACK:idlepct#00FF00:$tr{'idle cpu usage'}\\j", "GPRINT:userpct:MAX:$tr{'maximal'} $tr{'user cpu'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:userpct:AVERAGE:$tr{'average'} $tr{'user cpu'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:userpct:LAST:$tr{'current'} $tr{'user cpu'}\\:%3.2lf%%\\j", "GPRINT:systempct:MAX:$tr{'maximal'} $tr{'system cpu'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:systempct:AVERAGE:$tr{'average'} $tr{'system cpu'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:systempct:LAST:$tr{'current'} $tr{'system cpu'}\\:%3.2lf%%\\j", "GPRINT:idlepct:MAX:$tr{'maximal'} $tr{'idle cpu'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:idlepct:AVERAGE:$tr{'average'} $tr{'idle cpu'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:idlepct:LAST:$tr{'current'} $tr{'idle cpu'}\\:%3.2lf%%\\j"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::graph for cpu: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } sub updatecpudata { if ( ! -e "$rrdlog/cpu.rrd") { RRDs::create ("$rrdlog/cpu.rrd", "--step=300", "DS:user:COUNTER:600:0:500000000", "DS:system:COUNTER:600:0:500000000", "DS:idle:COUNTER:600:0:500000000", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:576", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:672", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:732", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:144:1460"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::create for cpu: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } my ($cpu, $user, $nice, $system, $idle); open STAT, "/proc/stat"; while() { chomp; /^cpu\s/ or next; ($cpu, $user, $nice, $system, $idle) = split /\s+/; last; } close STAT; $user += $nice; RRDs::update ("$rrdlog/cpu.rrd", "-t", "user:system:idle", "N:$user:$system:$idle"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::update for cpu: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } sub updatememgraph { my $period = $_[0]; RRDs::graph ("$graphs/memory-$period.png", "--start", "-1$period", "-aPNG", "-i", "-z", "--alt-y-grid", "-w 600", "-h 100", "-l 0", "-u 100", "-r", "--color", "SHADEA#EAE9EE", "--color", "SHADEB#EAE9EE", "--color", "BACK#FFFFFF", "-t $tr{'memory usage per'} $tr{$period}", "DEF:used=$rrdlog/mem.rrd:memused:AVERAGE", "DEF:free=$rrdlog/mem.rrd:memfree:AVERAGE", "DEF:shared=$rrdlog/mem.rrd:memshared:AVERAGE", "DEF:buffer=$rrdlog/mem.rrd:membuffers:AVERAGE", "DEF:cache=$rrdlog/mem.rrd:memcache:AVERAGE", "CDEF:total=used,free,+", "CDEF:used2=used,buffer,cache,shared,+,+,-", "CDEF:usedpct=100,used2,total,/,*", "CDEF:sharedpct=100,shared,total,/,*", "CDEF:bufferpct=100,buffer,total,/,*", "CDEF:cachepct=100,cache,total,/,*", "CDEF:freepct=100,free,total,/,*", "AREA:usedpct#0000FF:$tr{'used memory'}\\j", "STACK:sharedpct#FF0000:$tr{'shared memory'}\\j", "STACK:bufferpct#FF00FF:$tr{'buffered memory'}\\j", "STACK:cachepct#FFFF00:$tr{'cached memory'}\\j", "STACK:freepct#00FF00:$tr{'free memory'}\\j", "GPRINT:usedpct:MAX:$tr{'maximal'} $tr{'used memory'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:usedpct:AVERAGE:$tr{'average'} $tr{'used memory'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:usedpct:LAST:$tr{'current'} $tr{'used memory'}\\:%3.2lf%%\\j", "GPRINT:sharedpct:MAX:$tr{'maximal'} $tr{'shared memory'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:sharedpct:AVERAGE:$tr{'average'} $tr{'shared memory'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:sharedpct:LAST:$tr{'current'} $tr{'shared memory'}\\:%3.2lf%%\\j", "GPRINT:bufferpct:MAX:$tr{'maximal'} $tr{'buffered memory'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:bufferpct:AVERAGE:$tr{'average'} $tr{'buffered memory'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:bufferpct:LAST:$tr{'current'} $tr{'buffered memory'}\\:%3.2lf%%\\j", "GPRINT:cachepct:MAX:$tr{'maximal'} $tr{'cached memory'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:cachepct:AVERAGE:$tr{'average'} $tr{'cached memory'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:cachepct:LAST:$tr{'current'} $tr{'cached memory'}\\:%3.2lf%%\\j", "GPRINT:freepct:MAX:$tr{'maximal'} $tr{'free memory'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:freepct:AVERAGE:$tr{'average'} $tr{'free memory'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:freepct:LAST:$tr{'current'} $tr{'free memory'}\\:%3.2lf%%\\j"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::graph for mem: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; RRDs::graph ("$graphs/swap-$period.png", "--start", "-1$period", "-aPNG", "-i", "-z", "--alt-y-grid", "-w 600", "-h 100", "-l 0", "-u 100", "-r", "--color", "SHADEA#EAE9EE", "--color", "SHADEB#EAE9EE", "--color", "BACK#FFFFFF", "-t $tr{'swap usage per'} $tr{$period}", "DEF:used=$rrdlog/mem.rrd:swapused:AVERAGE", "DEF:free=$rrdlog/mem.rrd:swapfree:AVERAGE", "CDEF:total=used,free,+", "CDEF:usedpct=100,used,total,/,*", "CDEF:freepct=100,free,total,/,*", "AREA:usedpct#0000FF:$tr{'used swap'}\\j", "STACK:freepct#00FF00:$tr{'free swap'}\\j", "GPRINT:usedpct:MAX:$tr{'maximal'} $tr{'used swap'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:usedpct:AVERAGE:$tr{'average'} $tr{'used swap'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:usedpct:LAST:$tr{'current'} $tr{'used swap'}\\:%3.2lf%%\\j", "GPRINT:freepct:MAX:$tr{'maximal'} $tr{'free swap'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:freepct:AVERAGE:$tr{'average'} $tr{'free swap'}\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:freepct:LAST:$tr{'current'} $tr{'free swap'}\\:%3.2lf%%\\j"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::graph for swap: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } sub updatememdata { my ($memused, $memfree, $memshared, $membuffers, $memcache, $swapused, $swapfree); if ( ! -e "$rrdlog/mem.rrd") { RRDs::create ("$rrdlog/mem.rrd", "--step=300", "DS:memused:ABSOLUTE:600:0:5000000000", "DS:memfree:ABSOLUTE:600:0:5000000000", "DS:memshared:ABSOLUTE:600:0:5000000000", "DS:membuffers:ABSOLUTE:600:0:5000000000", "DS:memcache:ABSOLUTE:600:0:5000000000", "DS:swapused:ABSOLUTE:600:0:5000000000", "DS:swapfree:ABSOLUTE:600:0:5000000000", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:576", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:672", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:732", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:144:1460"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::create for mem: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } open MEM, "/proc/meminfo"; while() { chomp; if ($_ =~ /^Mem:/) { my @temp = split (/\s+/, $_); $memused = $temp[2]; $memfree = $temp[3]; $memshared = $temp[4]; $membuffers = $temp[5]; $memcache = $temp[6]; } elsif ($_ =~ /^Swap:/) { my @temp = split (/\s+/, $_); $swapused = $temp[2]; $swapfree = $temp[3]; } } close MEM; RRDs::update ("$rrdlog/mem.rrd", "-t", "memused:memfree:memshared:membuffers:memcache:swapused:swapfree", "N:$memused:$memfree:$memshared:$membuffers:$memcache:$swapused:$swapfree"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::update for mem: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } sub updatediskgraph { my $period = $_[0]; RRDs::graph ("$graphs/disk-$period.png", "--start", "-1$period", "-aPNG", "-i", "-z", "--alt-y-grid", "-w 600", "-h 100", "-l 0", "-r", "--color", "SHADEA#EAE9EE", "--color", "SHADEB#EAE9EE", "--color", "BACK#FFFFFF", "-t $tr{'disk access per'} $tr{$period}", "DEF:read=$rrdlog/disk.rrd:readsect:AVERAGE", "DEF:write=$rrdlog/disk.rrd:writesect:AVERAGE", "AREA:read#0000FF:$tr{'sectors read from disk per second'}\\j", "STACK:write#00FF00:$tr{'sectors written to disk per second'}\\j", "GPRINT:read:MAX:$tr{'maximal'} $tr{'read sectors'}\\:%8.0lf", "GPRINT:read:AVERAGE:$tr{'average'} $tr{'read sectors'}\\:%8.0lf", "GPRINT:read:LAST:$tr{'current'} $tr{'read sectors'}\\:%8.0lf\\j", "GPRINT:write:MAX:$tr{'maximal'} $tr{'written sectors'}\\:%8.0lf", "GPRINT:write:AVERAGE:$tr{'average'} $tr{'written sectors'}\\:%8.0lf", "GPRINT:write:LAST:$tr{'current'} $tr{'written sectors'}\\:%8.0lf\\j"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::graph for disk: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } sub updatediskdata { my ($readwritereq, $readreq, $readsect, $writereq, $writesect); if ( ! -e "$rrdlog/disk.rrd") { RRDs::create ("$rrdlog/disk.rrd", "--step=300", "DS:readsect:COUNTER:600:0:5000000000", "DS:writesect:COUNTER:600:0:5000000000", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:576", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:672", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:732", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:144:1460"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::create for disk: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat("/dev/harddisk"); my $major = $rdev >> 8; my $minor = $rdev & 0xFF; open STAT, "/proc/stat"; my @diskstat = ; close (STAT); foreach my $line (@diskstat) { chomp ($line); my @temp = split(/\:\ /,$line); if ($temp[1]) { my @devicestat = split(/\ /,$temp[1]); foreach my $stats (@devicestat) { chomp ($stats); my @fields = split(/\((\d+),(\d+)\):\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)/,$stats); if ($major eq $fields[1] and $minor eq $fields[2]) { $readwritereq = $fields[3]; $readreq = $fields[4]; $readsect = $fields[5]; $writereq = $fields[6]; $writesect = $fields[7]; } } } } if ($readsect && $writesect) { RRDs::update ("$rrdlog/disk.rrd", "-t", "readsect:writesect", "N:$readsect:$writesect"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::update for disk: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } else { print "Error in RRD::update for disk: no data available\n"; } } sub updatediskgraphnew { my $disk = $_[0]; my $period = $_[1]; RRDs::graph ("$graphs/disk-$disk-$period.png", "--start", "-1$period", "-aPNG", "-i", "-z", "--alt-y-grid", "-w 600", "-h 100", "-l 0", "-r", "--color", "SHADEA#EAE9EE", "--color", "SHADEB#EAE9EE", "--color", "BACK#FFFFFF", "-t $tr{'disk access per'} $tr{$period}", "DEF:read=$rrdlog/disk-$disk.rrd:readsect:AVERAGE", "DEF:write=$rrdlog/disk-$disk.rrd:writesect:AVERAGE", "DEF:sleep=$rrdlog/disk-$disk.rrd:sleeping:AVERAGE", "CDEF:sl_state=sleep,INF,*", "AREA:sl_state#a0a0a0:disk standby\\j", "AREA:read#0000FF:$tr{'sectors read from disk per second'}\\j", "STACK:write#00FF00:$tr{'sectors written to disk per second'}\\j", "GPRINT:read:MAX:$tr{'maximal'} $tr{'read sectors'}\\:%8.0lf", "GPRINT:read:AVERAGE:$tr{'average'} $tr{'read sectors'}\\:%8.0lf", "GPRINT:read:LAST:$tr{'current'} $tr{'read sectors'}\\:%8.0lf\\j", "GPRINT:write:MAX:$tr{'maximal'} $tr{'written sectors'}\\:%8.0lf", "GPRINT:write:AVERAGE:$tr{'average'} $tr{'written sectors'}\\:%8.0lf", "GPRINT:write:LAST:$tr{'current'} $tr{'written sectors'}\\:%8.0lf\\j"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::graph for disk-$disk: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } sub updatediskdatanew { my $disk = $_[0]; my ($readwritereq, $readreq, $readsect, $writereq, $writesect); if ( ! -e "$rrdlog/disk-$disk.rrd") { RRDs::create ("$rrdlog/disk-$disk.rrd", "--step=300", "DS:readsect:COUNTER:600:0:5000000000", "DS:writesect:COUNTER:600:0:5000000000", "DS:sleeping:GAUGE:600:0:1", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:576", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:672", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:732", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:144:1460"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::create for disk-$disk: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat("/dev/$disk"); my $major = $rdev >> 8; my $minor = ($rdev & 0xFF) >>6; open STAT, "/proc/stat"; my @diskstat = ; close (STAT); foreach my $line (@diskstat) { chomp ($line); my @temp = split(/\:\ /,$line); if ($temp[1]) { my @devicestat = split(/\ /,$temp[1]); foreach my $stats (@devicestat) { chomp ($stats); my @fields = split(/\((\d+),(\d+)\):\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)/,$stats); if ($major eq $fields[1] and $minor eq $fields[2]) { $readwritereq = $fields[3]; $readreq = $fields[4]; $readsect = $fields[5]; $writereq = $fields[6]; $writesect = $fields[7]; } } } } my $sleeping=0; my $lastsleepstate=0; if ( -e "/tmp/hddshutdown-$disk" ) { open STAT,"/tmp/hddshutdown-$disk"; $lastsleepstate = ; close (STAT); if ($lastsleepstate==$readwritereq) { $sleeping=1; } } if ($readsect && $writesect) { RRDs::update ("$rrdlog/disk-$disk.rrd", "-t", "readsect:writesect:sleeping", "N:$readsect:$writesect:$sleeping"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::update for disk-$disk: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } else { print "Error in RRD::update for disk-$disk: no data available\n"; } } sub updateifgraph { my $interface = $_[0]; my $period = $_[1]; RRDs::graph ("$graphs/$interface-$period.png", "--start", "-1$period", "-aPNG", "-i", "-z", "--alt-y-grid", "-w 600", "-h 100", "--color", "SHADEA#EAE9EE", "--color", "SHADEB#EAE9EE", "--color", "BACK#FFFFFF", "-t $tr{'traffic on'} $interface ($tr{'graph per'} $tr{$period})", "-v$tr{'bytes per second'}", "DEF:incoming=$rrdlog/$interface.rrd:incoming:AVERAGE", "DEF:outgoing=$rrdlog/$interface.rrd:outgoing:AVERAGE", "AREA:incoming#00FF00:$tr{'incoming traffic in bytes per second'}\\j", "LINE1:outgoing#0000FF:$tr{'outgoing traffic in bytes per second'}\\j", "GPRINT:incoming:MAX:$tr{'maximal'} $tr{'in'}\\:%8.3lf %sBps", "GPRINT:incoming:AVERAGE:$tr{'average'} $tr{'in'}\\:%8.3lf %sBps", "GPRINT:incoming:LAST:$tr{'current'} $tr{'in'}\\:%8.3lf %sBps\\j", "GPRINT:outgoing:MAX:$tr{'maximal'} $tr{'out'}\\:%8.3lf %sBps", "GPRINT:outgoing:AVERAGE:$tr{'average'} $tr{'out'}\\:%8.3lf %sBps", "GPRINT:outgoing:LAST:$tr{'current'} $tr{'out'}\\:%8.3lf %sBps\\j"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::graph for $interface: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } sub updateifdata { my $interface = $_[0]; if ( ! -e "$rrdlog/$interface.rrd") { RRDs::create ("$rrdlog/$interface.rrd", "--step=300", "DS:incoming:ABSOLUTE:600:0:12500000", "DS:outgoing:ABSOLUTE:600:0:12500000", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:576", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:672", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:732", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:144:1460"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::create for $interface: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } my $traffic = gettraffic ($interface); RRDs::update ("$rrdlog/$interface.rrd", "-t", "incoming:outgoing", "N:$traffic"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::update for $interface: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } sub updatefwhitsgraph { my $interval = $_[0]; RRDs::graph ("$graphs/firewallhits-$interval-area.png", "--start", "-1$interval", "-aPNG", "-i", "-z", "--alt-y-grid", "-w 600", "-h 200", "--color", "SHADEA#EAE9EE", "--color", "SHADEB#EAE9EE", "--color", "BACK#FFFFFF", "-t firewall hits over the last $interval", "DEF:amount=$rrdlog/firewallhits.rrd:amount:AVERAGE", "AREA:amount#6464FF:firewallhits", "GPRINT:amount:MAX: Max\\: %2.2lf %S", "GPRINT:amount:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %2.2lf %S", "GPRINT:amount:LAST: Current\\: %2.2lf %Shits/5 min\\n", "DEF:portamount=$rrdlog/firewallhits.rrd:portamount:AVERAGE", "AREA:portamount#FF6464:portscans", "GPRINT:portamount:MAX: Max\\: %2.2lf %S", "GPRINT:portamount:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %2.2lf %S", "GPRINT:portamount:LAST: Current\\: %2.2lf %Shits/5 min"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::graph for Firewallhits: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; RRDs::graph ("$graphs/firewallhits-$interval-line.png", "--start", "-1$interval", "-aPNG", "-i", "-z", "--alt-y-grid", "-w 600", "-h 200", "--color", "SHADEA#EAE9EE", "--color", "SHADEB#EAE9EE", "--color", "BACK#FFFFFF", "-t firewall hits over the last $interval", "DEF:amount=$rrdlog/firewallhits.rrd:amount:AVERAGE", "LINE2:amount#6464FF:firewallhits", "GPRINT:amount:MAX: Max\\: %2.2lf %S", "GPRINT:amount:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %2.2lf %S", "GPRINT:amount:LAST: Current\\: %2.2lf %Shits/5 min\\n", "DEF:portamount=$rrdlog/firewallhits.rrd:portamount:AVERAGE", "LINE2:portamount#FF6464:portscans", "GPRINT:portamount:MAX: Max\\: %2.2lf %S", "GPRINT:portamount:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %2.2lf %S", "GPRINT:portamount:LAST: Current\\: %2.2lf %Shits/5 min"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::graph for Firewallhits: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } sub updatefwhitsdata { my $portamount=0; my $alertaktuell=0; my $aktuell=0; my $portaktuell=0; my $skip=0; if (! -e "$rrdlog/firewallhits.rrd") { RRDs::create ("$rrdlog/firewallhits.rrd", "--step=300", "DS:amount:GAUGE:600:0:U", "DS:portamount:GAUGE:600:0:U", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:576", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:672", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:732", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:144:1460"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::create for cpu: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } system("logtailfwhits /var/log/messages /var/log/fwhits.messages.offset >/tmp/messages.fwhits"); if (!(open (FILE,'/tmp/messages.fwhits'))) { $skip=1; } $aktuell = 0; if (!$skip) { while () { if (/kernel:.*(IN=.*)$/) { $aktuell++; } } close (FILE); } system("logtailfwhits /var/log/snort/alert /var/log/snort/fwhits.alert.offset >/tmp/snort.fwhits"); if (!(open (FILE,'/tmp/snort.fwhits'))) { $skip=1; } $alertaktuell = 0; if (!$skip) { while () { if (/scan.*$/) { $alertaktuell++; } } close (FILE); } if (!(open (FILE,'/tmp/messages.fwhits'))) { $skip=1; } $portaktuell = 0; if (!$skip) { while () { if (/kernel:.*(Scan.*)$/) { $portaktuell++; } } close (FILE); } system("rm /tmp/messages.fwhits"); system("rm /tmp/snort.fwhits"); $portamount = $portaktuell + $alertaktuell; chomp($portamount); RRDs::update ("$rrdlog/firewallhits.rrd", "N:$aktuell:$portamount"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::update for Firewallhits: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } # Creates and updates a link quality database # ------------------------------------------- sub updatelq { if ( ! -e "$rrdlog/lq.rrd") { RRDs::create ("$rrdlog/lq.rrd", "--step=300", "DS:loss:GAUGE:600:0:100", "DS:roundtrip:GAUGE:600:0:10000", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:576", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:672", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:732", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:144:1460"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::create for link: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } my $packetloss=0; my $roundtrip=0; my $test=0; # LQ_GATEWAY is the ip of your isp's public ip facing you my $LQ_GATEWAY=`netstat -r | grep ^default | awk '{print \$2}'`; my $NUMPINGS=10; my $pingoutput = `ping -c $NUMPINGS -q $LQ_GATEWAY`; chomp; my @temp = split (/\/|\%|\s/, $pingoutput); $packetloss = $temp[17]; $roundtrip = $temp[28]; RRDs::update ("$rrdlog/lq.rrd", "N:$packetloss:$roundtrip"); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::update for line quality: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } sub updatelqgraph { my $period = $_[0]; RRDs::graph ("$graphs/lq-$period.png", "--start", "-1$period", "-aPNG", "-i", "-z", "--alt-y-grid", "-w 600", "-h 100", "-l 0", "-r", "-t $tr{'linkq'} ($tr{'graph per'} $tr{$period})", "--lazy", "--color", "SHADEA#EAE9EE", "--color", "SHADEB#EAE9EE", "--color", "BACK#FFFFFF", "-v ms / pkts (% x10)", "DEF:roundtrip=$rrdlog/lq.rrd:roundtrip:AVERAGE", "DEF:loss=$rrdlog/lq.rrd:loss:AVERAGE", "CDEF:roundavg=roundtrip,PREV(roundtrip),+,2,/", "CDEF:loss10=loss,10,*", "CDEF:r0=roundtrip,30,MIN", "CDEF:r1=roundtrip,70,MIN", "CDEF:r2=roundtrip,150,MIN", "CDEF:r3=roundtrip,300,MIN", "AREA:roundtrip#EE7000:>300 ms", "AREA:r3#D88E1B:150-300 ms", "AREA:r2#B9B63F:70-150 ms", "AREA:r1#99E064:30-70 ms", "AREA:r0#80FF80:<30 ms", "AREA:loss10#800000:Packet loss (x10)", "LINE1:roundtrip#707070:", "GPRINT:roundtrip:MAX:$tr{'maximal'} $tr{'linkq'}\\:%3.2lf ms", "GPRINT:roundtrip:AVERAGE:$tr{'average'} $tr{'linkq'}\\:%3.2lf ms", "GPRINT:roundtrip:LAST:$tr{'current'} $tr{'linkq'}\\:%3.2lf ms\\j", "GPRINT:loss:MAX:$tr{'maximal'} Loss\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:loss:AVERAGE:$tr{'average'} Loss\\:%3.2lf%%", "GPRINT:loss:LAST:$tr{'current'} Loss\\:%3.2lf%%\\j" ); $ERROR = RRDs::error; print "Error in RRD::graph for Link Quality: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } ## Update ipac logs system ('/usr/sbin/fetchipac'); sleep 8; ### ### Squid Graphs ### if ( -e "/var/log/squid/access.log") { system ("/usr/bin/squid-graph -o=/home/httpd/html/sgraph --tcp-only < /var/log/squid/access.log >/dev/null 2>&1"); } ### ### utf8 conversion ### if ((${Lang::language} eq 'cs') || (${Lang::language} eq 'hu') || (${Lang::language} eq 'pl') || (${Lang::language} eq 'sk')) { # Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Slovak character set foreach my $key(keys %Lang::tr) { from_to($tr{$key}, "utf-8", "iso-8859-2"); } } elsif (${Lang::language} eq 'tr') { # Turkish foreach my $key(keys %Lang::tr) { from_to($tr{$key}, "utf-8", "iso-8859-9"); } } else { foreach my $key(keys %Lang::tr) { from_to($tr{$key}, "utf-8", "iso-8859-1"); } } ### ### System graphs ### updatecpudata(); updatecpugraph ("day"); updatecpugraph ("week"); updatecpugraph ("month"); updatecpugraph ("year"); updatememdata(); updatememgraph ("day"); updatememgraph ("week"); updatememgraph ("month"); updatememgraph ("year"); updatediskdata(); updatediskgraph ("day"); updatediskgraph ("week"); updatediskgraph ("month"); updatediskgraph ("year"); if (open STAT,"/dev/hda") { close STAT; updatediskdatanew ("hda"); updatediskgraphnew ("hda","day"); updatediskgraphnew ("hda","week"); updatediskgraphnew ("hda","month"); updatediskgraphnew ("hda","year"); } else { if (-e "$graphs/disk-hda-day.png") { system("rm $graphs/disk-hda-day.png"); } } if (open STAT,"/dev/hdb") { close STAT; updatediskdatanew ("hdb"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdb","day"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdb","week"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdb","month"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdb","year"); } else { if (-e "$graphs/disk-hdb-day.png") { system("rm $graphs/disk-hdb-day.png"); } } if (open STAT,"/dev/hdc") { close STAT; updatediskdatanew ("hdc"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdc","day"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdc","week"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdc","month"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdc","year"); } else { if (-e "$graphs/disk-hdc-day.png") { system("rm $graphs/disk-hdc-day.png"); } } if (open STAT,"/dev/hdd") { close STAT; updatediskdatanew ("hdd"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdd","day"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdd","week"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdd","month"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdd","year"); } else { if (-e "$graphs/disk-hdd-day.png") { system("rm $graphs/disk-hdd-day.png"); } } if (open STAT,"/dev/hde") { close STAT; updatediskdatanew ("hde"); updatediskgraphnew ("hde","day"); updatediskgraphnew ("hde","week"); updatediskgraphnew ("hde","month"); updatediskgraphnew ("hde","year"); } else { if (-e "$graphs/disk-hde-day.png") { system("rm $graphs/disk-hde-day.png"); } } if (open STAT,"/dev/hdf") { close STAT; updatediskdatanew ("hdf"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdf","day"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdf","week"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdf","month"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdf","year"); } else { if (-e "$graphs/disk-hdf-day.png") { system("rm $graphs/disk-hdf-day.png"); } } if (open STAT,"/dev/hdg") { close STAT; updatediskdatanew ("hdg"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdg","day"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdg","week"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdg","month"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdg","year"); } else { if (-e "$graphs/disk-hdg-day.png") { system("rm $graphs/disk-hdg-day.png"); } } if (open STAT,"/dev/hdh") { close STAT; updatediskdatanew ("hdh"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdh","day"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdh","week"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdh","month"); updatediskgraphnew ("hdh","year"); } else { if (-e "$graphs/disk-hdh-day.png") { system("rm $graphs/disk-hdh-day.png"); } } ### ### Firewallhits ### updatefwhitsdata(); updatefwhitsgraph ("day"); updatefwhitsgraph ("week"); updatefwhitsgraph ("month"); updatefwhitsgraph ("year"); ### ### Link Quality ### updatelq(); sleep 2; updatelqgraph("day"); updatelqgraph("week"); updatelqgraph("month"); updatelqgraph("year"); ### ### Network Graphs ### @ipacsum = `/usr/sbin/ipacsum --exact -s 5m 2>/dev/null`; if (@ipacsum) { updateifdata ("GREEN"); updateifdata ("RED"); if ($settings{'CONFIG_TYPE'} =~ /^(1|3|5|7)$/ ) { updateifdata ("ORANGE"); } if ($settings{'CONFIG_TYPE'} =~ /^(4|5|6|7)$/ ) { updateifdata ("BLUE"); } } if ( -e "$rrdlog/GREEN.rrd") { updateifgraph ("GREEN", "day"); updateifgraph ("GREEN", "week"); updateifgraph ("GREEN", "month"); updateifgraph ("GREEN", "year"); } if ( -e "$rrdlog/RED.rrd") { updateifgraph ("RED", "day"); updateifgraph ("RED", "week"); updateifgraph ("RED", "month"); updateifgraph ("RED", "year"); } if ($settings{'CONFIG_TYPE'} =~ /^(1|3|5|7)$/ && -e "$rrdlog/ORANGE.rrd") { updateifgraph ("ORANGE", "day"); updateifgraph ("ORANGE", "week"); updateifgraph ("ORANGE", "month"); updateifgraph ("ORANGE", "year"); } if ($settings{'CONFIG_TYPE'} =~ /^(4|5|6|7)$/ && -e "$rrdlog/BLUE.rrd") { updateifgraph ("BLUE", "day"); updateifgraph ("BLUE", "week"); updateifgraph ("BLUE", "month"); updateifgraph ("BLUE", "year"); } #chmod 777 /home/httpd/html/{graphs,sgraph} -R system("chmod -R 0777 /home/httpd/html/graphs"); system("chmod -R 0777 /home/httpd/html/sgraph");