{{ _("Donate with PayPal") }}

{% if lang == "de" %}

Um mit PayPal zu spenden, einfach auf den Button klicken und den gewünschten Betrag eingeben.

{% else %}

Simply click on the donate button and type in the amount of money you would like to donate.

{% end %}
{% module DonationButton(reason_for_transfer=reason_for_transfer) %}
    {% for currency in ("USD", "GBP", "CHF", "AUD", "NZD", "CAD") %}
  • {% module DonationButton(reason_for_transfer=reason_for_transfer, currency=currency) %}
  • {% end %}

{{ _("Donate by Bank Transfer") }}

{% if lang == "de" %}

Ebenso ist eine Spende auf unser Bankkonto möglich.

{% else %}

You can also send donations directly to our bank account.

{% end %}
{{ _("IBAN") }}
DE86 4265 0150 1020 0768 89
{{ _("BIC-/SWIFT-Code") }}
{% if reason_for_transfer %}
{{ _("Reason for transfer") }}
{{ reason_for_transfer }}
{% end %}

{% if lang == "de" %} Da das IPFire-Projekt keine registrierte gemeinnützige Organisation ist, können keine steuerlich abzugsfähige Spendenquittungen erstellt werden. {% else %} The IPFire project is not a registered non-profit organisation.
Hence we are not able to issue a tax-deductible contribution receipt for your donation.
{% end %}