{% extends "../base-1.html" %} {% block title %}{{ _("Get Support") }}{% end block %} {% block container %}

{{ _("Get Professional Support") }}

{% if lang == "de" %} Lightning Wire Labs bietet professionelle Supportdienstleistungen rund um IPFire für Unternehmen an. {% else %} Lightning Wire Labs provides professional support services for companies that use IPFire. {% end %}

{% if lang == "de" %} Das Entwicklerteam erarbeitet individuelle Lösungen basierend auf IPFire und neue Funktionen. Bei der Planung von sicheren Netzwerken und der Integration von IPFire stehen sie unterstützend zur Seite. {% else %} Their team of developers implements custom solutions based on IPFire and carries out development of new features. They will help you with designing a secure network that is tailored to the specific needs of your business and support you with the integration of IPFire. {% end %}

{% end block %}