]> git.ipfire.org Git - people/stevee/guardian.git/blob - guardian
[people/stevee/guardian.git] / guardian
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 ###############################################################################
3 # #
4 # IPFire.org - A linux based firewall #
5 # Copyright (C) 2015 IPFire Development Team #
6 # #
7 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
8 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
9 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
10 # (at your option) any later version. #
11 # #
12 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
13 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
15 # GNU General Public License for more details. #
16 # #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
18 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
19 # #
20 ###############################################################################
22 use strict;
23 use threads;
24 use threads::shared;
25 use Getopt::Long;
26 use Thread::Queue;
27 use Linux::Inotify2;
28 use Time::HiRes qw[ time sleep ];
30 require Guardian::Config;
31 require Guardian::Parser;
32 require Guardian::Socket;
34 use warnings;
36 # Define version.
37 my $version ="2.0";
39 # Array to store the monitored logfiles.
40 my @monitored_files = (
41 "/var/log/snort/alert",
42 );
44 # Get and store the given command line arguments in a hash.
45 my %cmdargs = ();
47 &GetOptions (\%cmdargs,
48 'foreground|f',
49 'config|c=s',
50 'help|h',
51 'version|v',
52 );
54 # Show help / version information.
55 if (defined($cmdargs{"help"})) {
56 print "Guardian $version \n";
57 print "Usage: guardian <optional arguments>\n";
58 print " -c, --config\t\tspecifiy a configuration file other than the default (/etc/guardian/guardian.conf)\n";
59 print " -f, --foreground\trun in the foreground (doesn't fork, any output goes to STDOUT)\n";
60 print " -h, --help\t\tshows this help\n";
61 print " -v, --version\t\tdisplay programm version and exit.\n";
62 exit;
63 } elsif (defined($cmdargs{"version"})) {
64 print "Guardian $version \n";
65 exit;
66 }
68 # Read-in the configuration file and store the settings.
69 # Push the may be given config file argument.
70 my %mainsettings = &Guardian::Config::UseConfig($cmdargs{"config"});
72 # Create the main queue. It is used to store and process all events which are
73 # reported and enqueued by the worker threads.
74 my $queue :shared = new Thread::Queue or die "Could not create new, empty queue. $!\n";;
76 # Call Init function to initzialize guardian.
77 &Init();
79 # Infinite main loop, which processes all queued events.
80 while(1) {
81 # Get the amount of elements in our queue.
82 # "undef" will be returned if it is empty.
83 my $current_events = $queue->pending();
85 # If there is at least one element enqued
86 if($current_events > 0) {
87 # Grab the data of the top enqueued event.
88 my $event = $queue->peek();
90 print "Got event: $event\n";
92 # Drop processed event from queue.
93 $queue->dequeue();
94 }
96 # Sleep 10ms to reduce the load of the main process.
97 sleep(0.01);
98 }
100 #
101 ## Init function.
102 #
103 ## This function contains code which has to be executed while guardian
104 ## is starting.
105 #
106 sub Init () {
107 # Setup signal handler.
108 &SignalHandler();
110 # Setup IPC mechanism via Socket in an own thread.
111 threads->create(\&Socket);
113 # Loop through the array of which files should be monitored and
114 # create a worker thread for each single one.
115 foreach my $monitored_file (@monitored_files) {
116 # Check if the file exists and is readable.
117 if (-r "$monitored_file") {
118 # Create worker thread for the file.
119 threads->create(\&Worker,$monitored_file);
120 }
121 }
122 }
124 #
125 ## Worker function.
126 #
127 ## This function is responsible for monitoring modifications of the given logfile,
128 ## read them and pass them to the message parser.
129 #
130 ## To get file modifications the inotify subsystem of the linux kernel is used.
131 #
132 ## In order to prevent from permanently read and keep files opened, or dealing
133 ## with huge logfiles, at initialization time of the worker process, the file will
134 ## be opened once and the cursor position of the end of file (EOF) get stored. When
135 ## reading any newly added lines from the file, we directly can jump to the last
136 ## known position and get these lines. Afterwards, we store the current curser position
137 ## again, so we can do it in this way over and over again.
138 #
139 ## All read lines get stored in an array, which will be passed to the Parser.
140 #
141 ## If any response (action) from the parser get recieved, it will be put into the
142 ## shared event queue.
143 #
144 sub Worker ($) {
145 my $file = @_[0];
147 # Get the fileposition.
148 my $fileposition = &Init_fileposition("$file");
150 # Create inotify watcher.
151 my $watcher = new Linux::Inotify2 or die "Could not use inotify. $!\n";
153 # Monitor the specified file.
154 $watcher->watch("$file", IN_MODIFY) or die "Could not monitor $file. $!\n";
156 # Get all notifications.
157 while ($watcher->read) {
158 my @message = ();
160 # Open the file.
161 open (FILE, $file) or die "Could not open $file. $!\n";
163 # Seek to the last known position.
164 seek (FILE, $fileposition, 0);
166 # Get the log message.
167 while (my $line = <FILE>) {
168 # Remove any newlines.
169 chomp $line;
171 # Add all lines to the message array.
172 push (@message, $line);
173 }
175 # Update fileposition.
176 $fileposition = tell(FILE);
178 # Close file.
179 close(FILE);
181 # Send filename and message to the parser,
182 # which will return if an action has to be performed.
183 my @action = &Guardian::Parser::Parser("$file", @message);
185 # Send the action to the main process and put it into
186 # the queue.
187 if (@action) {
188 # Lock the queue.
189 lock($queue);
191 # Put the required action into the queue.
192 $queue->enqueue(@action);
193 }
194 }
195 }
197 #
198 ## Socket function.
199 #
200 ## This function uses the Socket module to create and listen to an UNIX socket.
201 ## It automatically accepts all incomming connections and pass the recieved
202 ## data messages to the the Message_Parser function which is also part of the
203 ## socket module.
204 #
205 ## If a valid command has been sent through the socket, the corresponding event
206 ## will be enqueued into the shared event queue.
207 #
208 sub Socket () {
209 # Create the Server socket by calling the responsible function.
210 my $server = &Guardian::Socket::Server();
212 # Accept incomming connections from the socket.
213 while (my $connection = $server->accept()) {
214 # Autoflush the socket after the data
215 # has been recieved.
216 $connection->autoflush(1);
218 # Gather all data from the connection.
219 while (my $message = <$connection>) {
220 # Remove any newlines.
221 chomp($message);
223 # Send the recieved data message to the
224 # socket parser.
225 my $action = &Guardian::Socket::Message_Parser($message);
227 # If the parser returns to perform an action,
228 # add it to the main event queue.
229 if ($action) {
230 # Lock the queue.
231 lock($queue);
233 # Enqueue the returned action.
234 $queue->enqueue($action);
235 }
236 }
237 }
238 }
240 #
241 ## Function for fileposition initialization.
242 #
243 ## This function is used to get the cursor position of the end of file (EOF) of
244 ## a specified file.
245 #
246 ## In order to prevent from permanently read and keep files opened, or dealing
247 ## with huge logfiles, at initialization time of the worker processes, the file will
248 ## be opened once and the cursor position of the end of file (EOF) get stored.
249 #
250 sub Init_fileposition ($) {
251 my $file = $_[0];
253 # Open the file.
254 open(FILE, $file) or die "Could not open $file. $!\n";
256 # Just seek to the end of the file (EOF).
257 seek(FILE, 0, 2);
259 # Get and store the position.
260 my $position = tell(FILE),
262 # Close the file again.
263 close(FILE);
265 # Return the position.
266 return $position;
267 }
269 #
270 ## Function for capturing process signals.
271 #
272 ## This function captures any sent process signals and will call various
273 ## actions, basend on the captured signal.
274 #
275 sub SignalHandler {
276 $SIG{INT} = \&Shutdown;
277 $SIG{TERM} = \&Shutdown;
278 $SIG{QUIT} = \&Shutdown;
279 }
281 #
282 ## Shutdown function.
283 #
284 ## This function is used to do a clean shutdown of guardian. It will be called
285 ## by the signal handler when recieving INT (2), QUIT (3) and TERM (15) signals.
286 #
287 sub Shutdown () {
288 # Remove socket file on exit.
289 &Guardian::Socket::RemoveSocketFile();
291 # Exit guardian.
292 exit;
293 }