#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################### # # # IPFire.org - A linux based firewall # # Copyright (C) 2007-2012 IPFire Team # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # ############################################################################### use strict; use Net::Telnet; # enable only the following on debugging purpose #use warnings; #use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser'; require '/var/ipfire/general-functions.pl'; require "${General::swroot}/lang.pl"; require "${General::swroot}/header.pl"; require "/opt/pakfire/lib/functions.pl"; my %cgiparams=(); my %pppsettings=(); my %modemsettings=(); my %netsettings=(); my %ddnssettings=(); my $warnmessage = ''; my $refresh = ""; my $ipaddr=''; my $haveipsec=0; my $haveovpn=0; &Header::showhttpheaders(); $cgiparams{'ACTION'} = ''; &Header::getcgihash(\%cgiparams); $pppsettings{'VALID'} = ''; $pppsettings{'PROFILENAME'} = 'None'; &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/ppp/settings", \%pppsettings); &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/modem/settings", \%modemsettings); &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/ethernet/settings", \%netsettings); &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/ddns/settings", \%ddnssettings); my %color = (); my %mainsettings = (); &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/main/settings", \%mainsettings); &General::readhash("/srv/web/ipfire/html/themes/".$mainsettings{'THEME'}."/include/colors.txt", \%color); my $connstate = &Header::connectionstatus(); if ( -e "/var/ipfire/main/gpl-accepted" ) { if ($connstate =~ /$Lang::tr{'connecting'}/ || /$Lang::tr{'connection closed'}/ ){ $refresh = ""; } elsif ($connstate =~ /$Lang::tr{'dod waiting'}/ || -e "${General::swroot}/main/refreshindex") { $refresh = ""; } } if ($cgiparams{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'dial profile'}) { my $profile = $cgiparams{'PROFILE'}; my %tempcgiparams = (); $tempcgiparams{'PROFILE'} = ''; &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/ppp/settings-$cgiparams{'PROFILE'}", \%tempcgiparams); # make a link from the selected profile to the "default" one. unlink("${General::swroot}/ppp/settings"); link("${General::swroot}/ppp/settings-$cgiparams{'PROFILE'}", "${General::swroot}/ppp/settings"); system ("/usr/bin/touch", "${General::swroot}/ppp/updatesettings"); # read in the new params "early" so we can write secrets. %cgiparams = (); &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/ppp/settings", \%cgiparams); $cgiparams{'PROFILE'} = $profile; $cgiparams{'BACKUPPROFILE'} = $profile; &General::writehash("${General::swroot}/ppp/settings-$cgiparams{'PROFILE'}", \%cgiparams); # write secrets file. open(FILE, ">/${General::swroot}/ppp/secrets") or die "Unable to write secrets file."; flock(FILE, 2); my $username = $cgiparams{'USERNAME'}; my $password = $cgiparams{'PASSWORD'}; print FILE "'$username' * '$password'\n"; chmod 0600, "${General::swroot}/ppp/secrets"; close FILE; &General::log("$Lang::tr{'profile made current'} $tempcgiparams{'PROFILENAME'}"); $cgiparams{'ACTION'} = "$Lang::tr{'dial'}"; } if ($cgiparams{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'dial'}) { system('/usr/local/bin/redctrl start > /dev/null') == 0 or &General::log("Dial failed: $?"); sleep 1;} elsif ($cgiparams{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'hangup'}) { system('/usr/local/bin/redctrl stop > /dev/null') == 0 or &General::log("Hangup failed: $?"); sleep 1;} my $c; my $maxprofiles = 5; my @profilenames = (); for ($c = 1; $c <= $maxprofiles; $c++) { my %temppppsettings = (); $temppppsettings{'PROFILENAME'} = ''; &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/ppp/settings-$c", \%temppppsettings); $profilenames[$c] = $temppppsettings{'PROFILENAME'}; } my %selected; for ($c = 1; $c <= $maxprofiles; $c++) { $selected{'PROFILE'}{$c} = ''; } $selected{'PROFILE'}{$pppsettings{'PROFILE'}} = "selected='selected'"; my $dialButtonDisabled = "disabled='disabled'"; &Header::openpage($Lang::tr{'main page'}, 1, $refresh); &Header::openbigbox('', 'center'); # licence agreement if ($cgiparams{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'yes'} && $cgiparams{'gpl_accepted'} eq '1') { system('touch /var/ipfire/main/gpl_accepted') } if ( -e "/var/ipfire/main/gpl_accepted" ) { &Header::openbox('100%', 'center', ''); if ( ( $pppsettings{'VALID'} eq 'yes' && $modemsettings{'VALID'} eq 'yes' ) || ( $netsettings{'CONFIG_TYPE'} =~ /^(1|2|3|4)$/ && $netsettings{'RED_TYPE'} =~ /^(DHCP|STATIC)$/ )) { if (open(IPADDR,"${General::swroot}/ddns/ipcache")) { $ipaddr = ; close IPADDR; chomp ($ipaddr); } if (open(IPADDR,"${General::swroot}/red/local-ipaddress")) { $ipaddr = ; close IPADDR; chomp ($ipaddr); } } elsif ($modemsettings{'VALID'} eq 'no') { print "$Lang::tr{'modem settings have errors'}\n \n"; } else { print "$Lang::tr{'profile has errors'}\n \n"; } print <
$Lang::tr{'network'} $Lang::tr{'ip address'} $Lang::tr{'status'}
$ipaddr $connstate END my $HOSTNAME = (gethostbyaddr(pack("C4", split(/\./, $ipaddr)), 2))[0]; if ( "$HOSTNAME" ne "" ) { print <Hostname:$HOSTNAME  END } if ( -e "/var/ipfire/red/remote-ipaddress" ) { my $GATEWAY = `cat /var/ipfire/red/remote-ipaddress`; chomp($GATEWAY); print <Gateway:$GATEWAY  END } my $DNS1 = `cat /var/ipfire/red/dns1`; my $DNS2 = `cat /var/ipfire/red/dns2`; chomp($DNS1); chomp($DNS1); if ( $DNS1 ) { print <DNS-Server:$DNS1 END } if ( $DNS2 ) { print <$DNS2 END } else { print < 
END } #Dial profiles if ( $netsettings{'RED_TYPE'} ne "STATIC" && $netsettings{'RED_TYPE'} ne "DHCP" ){ print `/usr/local/bin/dialctrl.pl show`; print <
END } else { print "$Lang::tr{'profile has errors'}\n \n"; } print"
"; } if ( $netsettings{'GREEN_DEV'} ) { my $sub=&General::iporsubtocidr($netsettings{'GREEN_NETMASK'}); print <
$Lang::tr{'network'} $Lang::tr{'ip address'} $Lang::tr{'status'}
$Lang::tr{'lan'} $netsettings{'GREEN_ADDRESS'}/$sub END if ( `cat /var/ipfire/proxy/advanced/settings | grep ^ENABLE=on` ) { print $Lang::tr{'advproxy on'}; if ( `cat /var/ipfire/proxy/advanced/settings | grep ^TRANSPARENT=on` ) { print " (transparent)"; } } else { print $Lang::tr{'advproxy off'}; } } if ( $netsettings{'BLUE_DEV'} ) { my $sub=&General::iporsubtocidr($netsettings{'BLUE_NETMASK'}); print <$Lang::tr{'wireless'}
$netsettings{'BLUE_ADDRESS'}/$sub END if ( `cat /var/ipfire/proxy/advanced/settings | grep ^ENABLE_BLUE=on` ) { print $Lang::tr{'advproxy on'}; if ( `cat /var/ipfire/proxy/advanced/settings | grep ^TRANSPARENT_BLUE=on` ) { print " (transparent)"; } } else { print $Lang::tr{'advproxy off'}; } } if ( $netsettings{'ORANGE_DEV'} ) { my $sub=&General::iporsubtocidr($netsettings{'ORANGE_NETMASK'}); print <$Lang::tr{'dmz'}
$netsettings{'ORANGE_ADDRESS'}/$sub Online END } #check if IPSEC is running if ( `cat /var/ipfire/vpn/settings | grep ^ENABLED=on` || `cat /var/ipfire/vpn/settings | grep ^ENABLED_BLUE=on` ) { $haveipsec=1; my $ipsecip = `cat /var/ipfire/vpn/settings | grep ^VPN_IP= | cut -c 8-`; print<$Lang::tr{'ipsec'}
$ipsecip Online END } #check if OpenVPN is running my %confighash=(); &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/ovpn/settings", \%confighash); if (($confighash{'ENABLED'} eq "on") || ($confighash{'ENABLED_BLUE'} eq "on") || ($confighash{'ENABLED_ORANGE'} eq "on")) { my ($ovpnip,$sub) = split("/",$confighash{'DOVPN_SUBNET'}); $sub=&General::iporsubtocidr($sub); $ovpnip="$ovpnip/$sub"; $haveovpn=1; print < OpenVPN
$ovpnip Online END } print"
"; &Header::closebox(); # Start of Box wich contains all vpn connections &Header::openbox('100%', 'center', $Lang::tr{'vpn'}) if ($haveipsec || $haveovpn); #show ipsec connectiontable if ( $haveipsec ) { my $ipsecip = `cat /var/ipfire/vpn/settings | grep ^VPN_IP= | cut -c 8-`; my @status = `/usr/local/bin/ipsecctrl I`; my %confighash = (); &General::readhasharray("${General::swroot}/vpn/config", \%confighash); print < END my $id = 0; my $gif; my $col=""; foreach my $key (sort { uc($confighash{$a}[1]) cmp uc($confighash{$b}[1]) } keys %confighash) { if ($confighash{$key}[0] eq 'on') { $gif = 'on.gif'; } else { $gif = 'off.gif'; } my ($vpnip,$vpnsub) = split("/",$confighash{$key}[11]); $vpnsub=&General::iporsubtocidr($vpnsub); $vpnip="$vpnip/$vpnsub"; if ($id % 2) { $col="bgcolor='$color{'color20'}'"; print ""; } else { $col="bgcolor='$color{'color22'}'"; print ""; } my $active = ""; if ($confighash{$key}[0] eq 'off') { $active = ""; } else { foreach my $line (@status) { if (($line =~ /\"$confighash{$key}[1]\".*IPsec SA established/) || ($line =~/$confighash{$key}[1]\{.*INSTALLED/ )) { $active = "
$Lang::tr{'ipsec network'} $Lang::tr{'ip address'} $Lang::tr{'status'}
$confighash{$key}[1] / " . $Lang::tr{"$confighash{$key}[3]"} . " (" . $Lang::tr{"$confighash{$key}[4]"} . ")$vpnip
$confighash{$key}[1] / " . $Lang::tr{"$confighash{$key}[3]"} . " (" . $Lang::tr{"$confighash{$key}[4]"} . ")$vpnip$Lang::tr{'capsclosed'}$Lang::tr{'capsclosed'}
"; } } } print "$active"; } print ""; } ### # Check if there is any OpenVPN connection configured. ### if ( $haveovpn ) { print < END # Check if the OpenVPN server for Road Warrior Connections is running and display status information. my %confighash=(); &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/ovpn/settings", \%confighash); # Print the OpenVPN N2N connection status. if ( -d "${General::swroot}/ovpn/n2nconf") { my %confighash=(); &General::readhasharray("${General::swroot}/ovpn/ovpnconfig", \%confighash); my $lines; my $col=""; foreach my $dkey (keys %confighash) { $lines++; if (($confighash{$dkey}[3] eq 'net') && (-e "/var/run/$confighash{$dkey}[1]n2n.pid")) { my $tport = $confighash{$dkey}[22]; next if ($tport eq ''); my $tnet = new Net::Telnet ( Timeout=>5, Errmode=>'return', Port=>$tport); $tnet->open(''); my @output = $tnet->cmd(String => 'state', Prompt => '/(END.*\n|ERROR:.*\n)/'); my @tustate = split(/\,/, $output[1]); my $display; my $display_colour = $Header::colourred; if ( $tustate[1] eq 'CONNECTED') { $display_colour = $Header::colourgreen; $display = $Lang::tr{'capsopen'}; } else { $display = $tustate[1]; } if ($lines %2){ $col="bgcolor='$color{'color20'}'"; }else{ $col="bgcolor='$color{'color22'}'"; } #make cidr from ip my ($vpnip,$vpnsub) = split("/",$confighash{$dkey}[11]); my $vpnsub=&General::iporsubtocidr($vpnsub); my $vpnip="$vpnip/$vpnsub"; print < END } } } } &Header::closebox(); # Fireinfo if ( ! -e "/var/ipfire/main/send_profile") { $warnmessage .= "
  • $Lang::tr{'fireinfo please enable'}
  • "; } # Memory usage warning my @free = `/usr/bin/free`; $free[1] =~ m/(\d+)/; my $mem = $1; $free[2] =~ m/(\d+)/; my $used = $1; my $pct = int 100 * ($mem - $used) / $mem; if ($used / $mem > 90) { $warnmessage .= "
  • $Lang::tr{'high memory usage'}: $pct% !
  • \n"; } # Diskspace usage warning my @temp=(); my $temp2=(); my @df = `/bin/df -B M -P -x rootfs`; foreach my $line (@df) { next if $line =~ m/^Filesystem/; if ($line =~ m/root/ ) { $line =~ m/^.* (\d+)M.*$/; @temp = split(/ +/,$line); if ($1<5) { # available:plain value in MB, and not %used as 10% is too much to waste on small disk # and root size should not vary during time $warnmessage .= "
  • $Lang::tr{'filesystem full'}: $temp[0] $Lang::tr{'free'}=$1M !
  • \n"; } } else { # $line =~ m/^.* (\d+)m.*$/; $line =~ m/^.* (\d+)\%.*$/; if ($1>90) { @temp = split(/ /,$line); $temp2=int(100-$1); $warnmessage .= "
  • $Lang::tr{'filesystem full'}: $temp[0] $Lang::tr{'free'}=$temp2% !
  • \n"; } } } # S.M.A.R.T. health warning my @files = `/bin/ls /var/run/smartctl_out_hddtemp-* 2>/dev/null`; foreach my $file (@files) { chomp ($file); my $disk=`echo $file | cut -d"-" -f2`; chomp ($disk); if (`/bin/grep "SAVE ALL DATA" $file`) { $warnmessage .= "
  • $Lang::tr{'smartwarn1'} /dev/$disk $Lang::tr{'smartwarn2'} !
  • \n\n"; } } # Reiser4 warning my @files = `mount | grep " reiser4 (" 2>/dev/null`; foreach my $disk (@files) { chomp ($disk); $warnmessage .= "
  • $disk - $Lang::tr{'deprecated fs warn'}
  • \n\n"; } if ($warnmessage) { print "
    $Lang::tr{'openvpn network'} $Lang::tr{'ip address'} $Lang::tr{'status'} $confighash{$dkey}[1] $vpnip $display
    "; } print < END ; &Pakfire::dblist("upgrade", "notice"); print <
    $Lang::tr{'needreboot'}!"; } &Header::closebox(); } else { &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'gpl license agreement'}); print <
    END ; if ( -e "/usr/share/doc/licenses/GPLv3" ) { print ''; } else { print '
    '; } print <
    $Lang::tr{'gpl i accept these terms and conditions'}.

    $Lang::tr{'gpl unofficial translation of the general public license v3'} END &Header::closebox(); } &Header::closebigbox(); &Header::closepage();