#! /bin/sh PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin NAME=nut DESC="Network UPS Tools" DEFAULT=/etc/sysconfig/nut CONFIG=/etc/nut/nut.conf . /etc/sysconfig/rc . $rc_functions # set upsd specific options. use "man upsd" for more info UPSD_OPTIONS="" # set upsmon specific options. use "man upsmon" for more info UPSMON_OPTIONS="" # Include defaults if available (transition period) if [ -f $DEFAULT ] ; then . $DEFAULT fi # Include NUT nut.conf if [ -f $CONFIG ] ; then . $CONFIG fi # Explicitly require the configuration to be done in /etc/nut/nut.conf if [ "x$MODE" = "xnone" ] ; then log_failure_msg "$NAME disabled, please adjust the configuration to your needs " log_failure_msg "and then set MODE to a suitable value in $CONFIG to enable it." # exit success to avoid breaking the install process! exit 0 fi upsd=/usr/sbin/upsd upsdrvctl=/usr/sbin/upsdrvctl upsmon=/usr/sbin/upsmon log=">/dev/null 2>/dev/null" start_stop_server () { case "$MODE" in standalone|netserver) case "$1" in start) ! $upsdrvctl start >/dev/null 2>&1 && boot_mesg "(upsdrvctl failed)" $upsd $UPSD_OPTIONS >/dev/null 2>&1 evaluate_retval ;; stop) $upsd -c stop >/dev/null 2>&1 evaluate_retval ! $upsdrvctl stop >/dev/null 2>&1 && boot_mesg "(upsdrvctl failed)" ;; esac ;; none|netclient|*) return 1 ;; esac } start_stop_client () { case "$MODE" in standalone|netserver|netclient) case "$1" in start) $upsmon $UPSMON_OPTIONS >/dev/null 2>&1 evaluate_retval ;; stop) $upsmon -c stop >/dev/null 2>&1 evaluate_retval ;; esac ;; none|*) return 1 ;; esac } status_server () { case "$MODE" in standalone|netserver) statusproc $upsd statusproc $upsmon ;; none|netclient|*) return 1 ;; esac } status_client () { case "$MODE" in standalone|netclient) statusproc $upsmon ;; none|*) return 1 ;; esac } case "$1" in start) boot_mesg "Starting $DESC ..." start_stop_server start start_stop_client start ;; stop) boot_mesg "Stopping $DESC ..." start_stop_server stop start_stop_client stop ;; reload) $upsd -c reload >/dev/null 2>&1 $upsmon -c reload >/dev/null 2>&1 ;; status) status_server status_client ;; restart|force-reload) boot_mesg "Restarting $DESC ..." start_stop_client stop start_stop_server stop sleep 5 start_stop_server start start_stop_client start ;; poweroff) flag=`sed -ne 's#^ *POWERDOWNFLAG *\(.*\)$#\1#p' /etc/nut/upsmon.conf` wait_delay=`sed -ne 's#^ *POWEROFF_WAIT= *\(.*\)$#\1#p' $CONFIG` if [ -f "$flag" ] ; then if $upsmon -K >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then boot_mesg "Shutting down the UPS ..." sleep 1 if $upsdrvctl shutdown ; then sleep 5 boot_mesg "Waiting for UPS to cut the power" else boot_mesg "Shutdown failed." boot_mesg "Waiting for UPS batteries to run down" fi if [ "$wait_delay" ] ; then boot_mesg " (will reboot after $wait_delay) ..." sleep "$wait_delay" /etc/init.d/reboot stop fi else boot_mesg "Power down flag is not set (UPS shutdown not needed)" fi else if [ -z "$flag" ] ; then boot_mesg "##########################################################" boot_mesg "## POWERDOWNFLAG is not defined in /etc/nut/upsmon.conf ##" boot_mesg "## ##" boot_mesg "## Please read the Manual page upsmon.conf(5) ##" boot_mesg "##########################################################" fi fi ;; *) N=/etc/init.d/$NAME echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|status|reload|restart|force-reload|poweroff}" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac exit 0