#!/usr/bin/perl # # IPFire Connection Scheduler (F)Cron Job # # This code is distributed under the terms of the GPL # The original code is taken from weizen_42. # See /home/httpd/cgi-bin/connscheduler.cgi # use strict; require '/var/ipfire/general-functions.pl'; require '/var/ipfire/connscheduler/lib.pl'; # seems to be necessary my $sleep_after_profile = 5; my ($second, $minute, $hour, $day, $month ,$year, $weekday) = localtime(time); # correction for weekday, I am used to weeks starting with Monday (= 0) ;-) $weekday = ($weekday + 6) % 7; # get the closest thing possible $minute = int($minute / 5) * 5; if ( $ARGV[0] eq 'hangup' ) { &hangup(); } elsif ( $ARGV[0] eq 'dial' ) { &dial(); } elsif ( $ARGV[0] eq 'reconnect' ) { &reconnect(); } elsif ( $ARGV[0] eq 'profile' ) { &profile($ARGV[1]); } elsif ( $ARGV[0] eq 'timer' ) { &timer(); } elsif ( $ARGV[0] eq 'test' ) { &test(); } else { print "Usage: $0 {dial | hangup | reconnect | profile nr# }\n"; } exit 0; # __ _ _ # / _| | | (_) # | |_ _ _ _ __ ___| |_ _ ___ _ __ ___ # | _| | | | '_ \ / __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| # | | | |_| | | | | (__| |_| | (_) | | | \__ \ # |_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/ # sub hangup { # Kill connectd if running to prevent redial system('/bin/killall', 'connectd'); unless ( -e "${General::swroot}/red/active" ) { &General::log("ConnSched already disconnected"); return; } &General::log("ConnSched disconnect"); unless ( system('/etc/rc.d/init.d/network', 'stop', 'red') == 0 ) { &General::log("ConnSched disconnect failed: $?"); return; } # now wait for active triggerfile and ppp daemon to disappear # wait maximum 60 seconds my $counter = 60; sleep 1; while ( -e "${General::swroot}/red/active" || -e '/var/run/ppp-ipfire.pid' || $counter == 0 ) { sleep 1; $counter--; } } sub dial { if ( -e "${General::swroot}/red/active" ) { &General::log("ConnSched already connected"); return; } &General::log("ConnSched connect"); unless ( system('/etc/rc.d/init.d/network', 'start', 'red') == 0 ) { &General::log("ConnSched connect failed: $?"); return; } # wait maximum 60 seconds for active triggerfile my $counter = 60; until ( -e "${General::swroot}/red/active" || $counter == 0 ) { sleep 1; $counter--; } } sub reconnect { &hangup() if ( -e "${General::swroot}/red/active" ); # now wait for active triggerfile and ppp daemon to disappear # wait maximum 60 seconds my $counter = 60; sleep 1; while ( -e "${General::swroot}/red/active" || -e '/var/run/ppp-ipfire.pid' || $counter == 0 ) { sleep 1; $counter--; } /etc/init.d/collectd stop &dial(); /etc/init.d/collectd start } sub profile { my $profile = shift; my $restart_red = 0; unless ( ($profile > 0) and ($profile < $CONNSCHED::maxprofiles) ) { &General::log("ConnSched invalid profile: $profile"); return; } unless ( -e "${General::swroot}/ppp/settings-$profile" ) { &General::log("ConnSched profile file does not exist: $profile"); return; } if ( -e "${General::swroot}/red/active" ) { # remember to restart red after changing profile $restart_red = 1; &hangup(); } &General::log("ConnSched select profile: $profile"); # Method to change Profile from pppsetup.cgi unlink("${General::swroot}/ppp/settings"); link("${General::swroot}/ppp/settings-$profile", "${General::swroot}/ppp/settings"); system ("/usr/bin/touch", "${General::swroot}/ppp/updatesettings"); if ( $restart_red == 1 ) { ## FIXME: do we need to do this ? sleep($sleep_after_profile); &dial(); } } # fcronjob entry sub timer { for my $i ( 0 .. $#CONNSCHED::config ) { next if ( $CONNSCHED::config[$i]{'ACTIVE'} ne 'on' ); my $action_hour = substr($CONNSCHED::config[$i]{'TIME'},0,2); my $action_minute = substr($CONNSCHED::config[$i]{'TIME'},3,2); next if ( $action_hour != $hour ); next if ( $action_minute != $minute ); if ( $CONNSCHED::config[$i]{'DAYSTYPE'} eq 'days' ) { my @temp = split(/-/,$CONNSCHED::config[$i]{'DAYS'},2); my $daystart = substr($temp[0], 0, -1); my $dayend = substr($temp[1], 1); next if ( ($day < $daystart) || ($day > $dayend) ); } else { next if ( index($CONNSCHED::config[$i]{'WEEKDAYS'}, $CONNSCHED::weekdays[$weekday]) == -1 ); } if ( $CONNSCHED::config[$i]{'ACTION'} eq 'reconnect' ) { &reconnect() } elsif ( $CONNSCHED::config[$i]{'ACTION'} eq 'dial' ) { &dial(); } elsif ( $CONNSCHED::config[$i]{'ACTION'} eq 'hangup' ) { &hangup(); } elsif ( $CONNSCHED::config[$i]{'ACTION'} eq 'select profile' ) { &profile($CONNSCHED::config[$i]{'PROFILENR'}); } elsif ( $CONNSCHED::config[$i]{'ACTION'} eq 'reboot' ) { &General::log("ConnSched reboot"); system ("/usr/local/bin/ipfirereboot", "boot"); } elsif ( $CONNSCHED::config[$i]{'ACTION'} eq 'shutdown' ) { &General::log("ConnSched shutdown"); system ("/usr/local/bin/ipfirereboot", "down"); } elsif ( $CONNSCHED::config[$i]{'ACTION'} eq 'ipsecstart' ) { &General::log("ConnSched ipsecstart"); system ("/usr/local/bin/ipsecctrl", "S"); } elsif ( $CONNSCHED::config[$i]{'ACTION'} eq 'ipsecstop' ) { &General::log("ConnSched ipsecstop"); system ("/usr/local/bin/ipsecctrl", "D"); } else { # okay ? an event we don't know about } } }