# test suite cribbed from ksh93 nameref tests typeset -i errors=0 ckval() { typeset -n one=$1 if [[ $one != $2 ]]; then echo "one=$one != 2=$2" (( errors++ )) fi } ckref() { typeset -n one=$1 two=$2 if [[ $one != $two ]]; then echo "one=$one != two=$two" (( errors++ )) fi } name=first ckref name name func1() { typeset -n color=$1 func2 color } func2() { typeset color=$1 set -- ${color[@]} printf "<%s>" "$@" echo } typeset -A color color[apple]=red color[grape]=purple color[banana]=yellow # XXX #func1 color unset foo bar export bar=foo typeset -n foo=bar ckval foo foo # XXX - need to see if we can do checks for self-referencing at assignment # time command typeset -n xx=yy command typeset -n yy=xx echo $? unset foo bar unset -n foo bar set foo typeset -n bar=$1 foo=hello ckval bar hello # XXX -- another self-referencing error? # ksh93 makes this another invalid self-reference unset foo unset -n bar bar=123 foobar() { typeset -n foo=bar typeset -n foo=bar ckval foo 123 } typeset -n short=long short=( a b ) echo "expect " echo ${long[@]} unset long unset -n short # assignment to a previously-unset variable typeset -n short=long short=foo echo "expect " echo ${long} unset long unset -n short unset foo bar # simple array references and assignments typeset -n foo=bar bar=( 1 3 5 7 9) echo ${foo[@]} echo ${foo[4]} foo[2]=42 echo ${bar[@]} barfunc() { typeset -n v=$1 echo ${v[@]} echo ${v[4]} v[2]=44 echo ${bar[@]} } barfunc bar unset -f foobar unset bar unset -n foo # should ref at global scope survive call to foobar()? unset ref x typeset -n ref x=42 foobar() { local xxx=3 ref=xxx return 0 } echo ${ref-unset} ref=x foobar ckval ref xxx ckval x xxx # assignment in a function to something possibly out of scope assignvar() { typeset -n v=$1 shift v="$@" } assignvar lex a b c d e echo "expect " recho "${lex}" unset foo bar short long typeset -n foo='x[2]' x=(zero one two three four) foo=seven echo "expect " recho "${x[@]}" unset ref x unset -n ref typeset -n ref ref=x # make sure nameref to a previously-unset variable creates the variable ref=42 ckval x 42 # make sure they work inside arithmetic expressions unset foo bar ref x xxx unset -n ref typeset -i ivar typeset -n iref=ivar ivar=4+3 ckval ivar 7 iref+=5 ckval ivar 12 echo $(( iref+4 )) (( iref=17 )) ckval ivar 17 typeset +n iref unset iref ivar typeset +n foo bar unset foo bar # should the reference do immediate evaluation or deferred? set -- one two three four bar=4 # XXX - what does foo get set to here? typeset -n foo='bar[0]' echo "expect <4>" echo ${bar[0]} echo "expect <4>" echo ${foo} echo "expect <4>" echo $foo ckval foo $bar # Need to add code and tests for nameref to array subscripts bar=(one two three four) typeset -n foo='bar[0]' typeset -n qux='bar[3]' echo "expect " echo ${bar[0]} echo "expect " echo ${foo} echo "expect " echo $foo ckval foo $bar echo "expect " echo $qux ckval qux ${bar[3]} # Need to add code and tests for `for' loop nameref variables echo errors = $errors exit $errors