The PPD API is deprecated starting in CUPS 1.6/macOS 10.8. Please use the new Job Ticket APIs in the CUPS API documentation. These functions will be removed in a future release of CUPS.
Header cups/ppd.h
Library -lcups
See Also Programming: Introduction to CUPS Programming
Programming: CUPS API
Specifications: CUPS PPD Extensions



The PPD API is deprecated starting in CUPS 1.6/macOS 10.8. Please use the new Job Ticket APIs in the CUPS API documentation. These functions will be removed in a future release of CUPS.

The CUPS PPD API provides read-only access the data in PostScript Printer Description ("PPD") files which are used for all printers with a driver. With it you can obtain the data necessary to display printer options to users, mark option choices and check for conflicting choices, and output marked choices in PostScript output. The ppd_file_t structure contains all of the information in a PPD file.


The CUPS PPD API uses the terms "option" and "choice" instead of the Adobe terms "MainKeyword" and "OptionKeyword" to refer to specific printer options and features. CUPS also treats option ("MainKeyword") and choice ("OptionKeyword") values as case-insensitive strings, so option "InputSlot" and choice "Upper" are equivalent to "inputslot" and "upper", respectively.

Loading a PPD File

The ppdOpenFile function "opens" a PPD file and loads it into memory. For example, the following code opens the current printer's PPD file in a CUPS filter:

#include <cups/ppd.h>

ppd_file_t *ppd = ppdOpenFile(getenv("PPD"));

The return value is a pointer to a new ppd_file_t structure or NULL if the PPD file does not exist or cannot be loaded. The ppdClose function frees the memory used by the structure:

#include <cups/ppd.h>

ppd_file_t *ppd;


Once closed, pointers to the ppd_file_t structure and any data in it will no longer be valid.

Options and Groups

PPD files support multiple options, which are stored in arrays of ppd_option_t and ppd_choice_t structures.

Each option in turn is associated with a group stored in a ppd_group_t structure. Groups can be specified in the PPD file; if an option is not associated with a group then it is put in an automatically-generated "General" group. Groups can also have sub-groups, however CUPS currently ignores sub-groups because of past abuses of this functionality.

Option choices are selected by marking them using one of three functions. The first is ppdMarkDefaults which selects all of the default options in the PPD file:

#include <cups/ppd.h>

ppd_file_t *ppd;


The second is ppdMarkOption which selects a single option choice in the PPD file. For example, the following code selects the upper paper tray:

#include <cups/ppd.h>

ppd_file_t *ppd;

ppdMarkOption(ppd, "InputSlot", "Upper");

The last function is cupsMarkOptions which selects multiple option choices in the PPD file from an array of CUPS options, mapping IPP attributes like "media" and "sides" to their corresponding PPD options. You typically use this function in a print filter with cupsParseOptions and ppdMarkDefaults to select all of the option choices needed for the job, for example:

#include <cups/ppd.h>

ppd_file_t *ppd = ppdOpenFile(getenv("PPD"));
cups_option_t *options = NULL;
int num_options = cupsParseOptions(argv[5], 0, &options);

cupsMarkOptions(ppd, num_options, options);
cupsFreeOptions(num_options, options);


PPD files support specification of conflict conditions, called constraints, between different options. Constraints are stored in an array of ppd_const_t structures which specify the options and choices that conflict with each other. The ppdConflicts function tells you how many of the selected options are incompatible. Since constraints are normally specified in pairs, the returned value is typically an even number.

Page Sizes

Page sizes are special options which have physical dimensions and margins associated with them. The size information is stored in ppd_size_t structures and is available by looking up the named size with the ppdPageSize function. The page size and margins are returned in units called points; there are 72 points per inch. If you pass NULL for the size, the currently selected size is returned:

#include <cups/ppd.h>

ppd_file_t *ppd;
ppd_size_t *size = ppdPageSize(ppd, NULL);

Besides the standard page sizes listed in a PPD file, some printers support variable or custom page sizes. Custom page sizes are supported if the variables_sizes member of the ppd_file_t structure is non-zero. The custom_min, custom_max, and custom_margins members of the ppd_file_t structure define the limits of the printable area. To get the resulting media size, use a page size string of the form "Custom.widthxlength", where "width" and "length" are in points. Custom page size names can also be specified in inches ("Custom.widthxheightin"), centimeters ("Custom.widthxheightcm"), or millimeters ("Custom.widthxheightmm"):

#include <cups/ppd.h>

ppd_file_t *ppd;

/* Get an 576x720 point custom page size */
ppd_size_t *size = ppdPageSize(ppd, "Custom.576x720");

/* Get an 8x10 inch custom page size */
ppd_size_t *size = ppdPageSize(ppd, "Custom.8x10in");

/* Get a 100x200 millimeter custom page size */
ppd_size_t *size = ppdPageSize(ppd, "Custom.100x200mm");

/* Get a 12.7x34.5 centimeter custom page size */
ppd_size_t *size = ppdPageSize(ppd, "Custom.12.7x34.5cm");

If the PPD does not support variable page sizes, the ppdPageSize function will return NULL.


Every PPD file is composed of one or more attributes. Most of these attributes are used to define groups, options, choices, and page sizes, however several informational attributes may be present which you can access in your program or filter. Attributes normally look like one of the following examples in a PPD file:

*name: "value"
*name spec: "value"
*name spec/text: "value"

The ppdFindAttr and ppdFindNextAttr functions find the first and next instances, respectively, of the named attribute with the given "spec" string and return a ppd_attr_t structure. If you provide a NULL specifier string, all attributes with the given name will be returned. For example, the following code lists all of the Product attributes in a PPD file:

#include <cups/ppd.h>

ppd_file_t *ppd;
ppd_attr_t *attr;

for (attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "Product", NULL);
     attr != NULL;
     attr = ppdFindNextAttr(ppd, "Product", NULL))


 CUPS 1.4/macOS 10.6 cupsGetConflicts

Get a list of conflicting options in a marked PPD.

int cupsGetConflicts(ppd_file_t *ppd, const char *option, const char *choice, cups_option_t **options);


ppd PPD file
option Option to test
choice Choice to test
options Conflicting options

Return Value

Number of conflicting options


This function gets a list of options that would conflict if "option" and "choice" were marked in the PPD. You would typically call this function after marking the currently selected options in the PPD in order to determine whether a new option selection would cause a conflict.

The number of conflicting options are returned with "options" pointing to the conflicting options. The returned option array must be freed using cupsFreeOptions.


Get the PPD file for a printer on the default server.

const char *cupsGetPPD(const char *name);


name Destination name

Return Value

Filename for PPD file


For classes, cupsGetPPD returns the PPD file for the first printer in the class.

The returned filename is stored in a static buffer and is overwritten with each call to cupsGetPPD or cupsGetPPD2. The caller "owns" the file that is created and must unlink the returned filename.

 CUPS 1.1.21/macOS 10.4 cupsGetPPD2

Get the PPD file for a printer from the specified server.

const char *cupsGetPPD2(http_t *http, const char *name);


http Connection to server or CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT
name Destination name

Return Value

Filename for PPD file


For classes, cupsGetPPD2 returns the PPD file for the first printer in the class.

The returned filename is stored in a static buffer and is overwritten with each call to cupsGetPPD or cupsGetPPD2. The caller "owns" the file that is created and must unlink the returned filename.

 CUPS 1.4/macOS 10.6 cupsGetPPD3

Get the PPD file for a printer on the specified server if it has changed.

http_status_t cupsGetPPD3(http_t *http, const char *name, time_t *modtime, char *buffer, size_t bufsize);


http HTTP connection or CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT
name Destination name
modtime Modification time
buffer Filename buffer
bufsize Size of filename buffer

Return Value

HTTP status


The "modtime" parameter contains the modification time of any locally-cached content and is updated with the time from the PPD file on the server.

The "buffer" parameter contains the local PPD filename. If it contains the empty string, a new temporary file is created, otherwise the existing file will be overwritten as needed. The caller "owns" the file that is created and must unlink the returned filename.

On success, HTTP_STATUS_OK is returned for a new PPD file and HTTP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED if the existing PPD file is up-to-date. Any other status is an error.

For classes, cupsGetPPD3 returns the PPD file for the first printer in the class.

 CUPS 1.3/macOS 10.5 cupsGetServerPPD

Get an available PPD file from the server.

char *cupsGetServerPPD(http_t *http, const char *name);


http Connection to server or CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT
name Name of PPD file ("ppd-name")

Return Value

Name of PPD file or NULL on error


This function returns the named PPD file from the server. The list of available PPDs is provided by the IPP CUPS_GET_PPDS operation.

You must remove (unlink) the PPD file when you are finished with it. The PPD filename is stored in a static location that will be overwritten on the next call to cupsGetPPD, cupsGetPPD2, or cupsGetServerPPD.


Mark command-line options in a PPD file.

int cupsMarkOptions(ppd_file_t *ppd, int num_options, cups_option_t *options);


ppd PPD file
num_options Number of options
options Options

Return Value

1 if conflicts exist, 0 otherwise


This function maps the IPP "finishings", "media", "mirror", "multiple-document-handling", "output-bin", "print-color-mode", "print-quality", "printer-resolution", and "sides" attributes to their corresponding PPD options and choices.

 CUPS 1.4/macOS 10.6 cupsResolveConflicts

Resolve conflicts in a marked PPD.

int cupsResolveConflicts(ppd_file_t *ppd, const char *option, const char *choice, int *num_options, cups_option_t **options);


ppd PPD file
option Newly selected option or NULL for none
choice Newly selected choice or NULL for none
num_options Number of additional selected options
options Additional selected options

Return Value

1 on success, 0 on failure


This function attempts to resolve any conflicts in a marked PPD, returning a list of option changes that are required to resolve them. On input, "num_options" and "options" contain any pending option changes that have not yet been marked, while "option" and "choice" contain the most recent selection which may or may not be in "num_options" or "options".

On successful return, "num_options" and "options" are updated to contain "option" and "choice" along with any changes required to resolve conflicts specified in the PPD file and 1 is returned.

If option conflicts cannot be resolved, "num_options" and "options" are not changed and 0 is returned.

When resolving conflicts, cupsResolveConflicts does not consider changes to the current page size (media, PageSize, and PageRegion) or to the most recent option specified in "option". Thus, if the only way to resolve a conflict is to change the page size or the option the user most recently changed, cupsResolveConflicts will return 0 to indicate it was unable to resolve the conflicts.

The cupsResolveConflicts function uses one of two sources of option constraint information. The preferred constraint information is defined by cupsUIConstraints and cupsUIResolver attributes - in this case, the PPD file provides constraint resolution actions.

The backup constraint information is defined by the UIConstraints and NonUIConstraints attributes. These constraints are resolved algorithmically by first selecting the default choice for the conflicting option, then iterating over all possible choices until a non-conflicting option choice is found.


Collect all marked options that reside in the specified section.

int ppdCollect(ppd_file_t *ppd, ppd_section_t section, ppd_choice_t ***choices);


ppd PPD file data
section Section to collect
choices Pointers to choices

Return Value

Number of options marked


The choices array should be freed using free when you are finished with it.

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppdCollect2

Collect all marked options that reside in the specified section and minimum order.

int ppdCollect2(ppd_file_t *ppd, ppd_section_t section, float min_order, ppd_choice_t ***choices);


ppd PPD file data
section Section to collect
min_order Minimum OrderDependency value
choices Pointers to choices

Return Value

Number of options marked


The choices array should be freed using free when you are finished with it.


Check to see if there are any conflicts among the marked option choices.

int ppdConflicts(ppd_file_t *ppd);


ppd PPD to check

Return Value

Number of conflicts found


The returned value is the same as returned by ppdMarkOption.


Emit code for marked options to a file.

int ppdEmit(ppd_file_t *ppd, FILE *fp, ppd_section_t section);


ppd PPD file record
fp File to write to
section Section to write

Return Value

0 on success, -1 on failure

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppdEmitAfterOrder

Emit a subset of the code for marked options to a file.

int ppdEmitAfterOrder(ppd_file_t *ppd, FILE *fp, ppd_section_t section, int limit, float min_order);


ppd PPD file record
fp File to write to
section Section to write
limit Non-zero to use min_order
min_order Lowest OrderDependency

Return Value

0 on success, -1 on failure


When "limit" is non-zero, this function only emits options whose OrderDependency value is greater than or equal to "min_order".

When "limit" is zero, this function is identical to ppdEmit().


Emit code for marked options to a file.

int ppdEmitFd(ppd_file_t *ppd, int fd, ppd_section_t section);


ppd PPD file record
fd File to write to
section Section to write

Return Value

0 on success, -1 on failure


Emit code for JCL options to a file.

int ppdEmitJCL(ppd_file_t *ppd, FILE *fp, int job_id, const char *user, const char *title);


ppd PPD file record
fp File to write to
job_id Job ID
user Username
title Title

Return Value

0 on success, -1 on failure

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppdEmitJCLEnd

Emit JCLEnd code to a file.

int ppdEmitJCLEnd(ppd_file_t *ppd, FILE *fp);


ppd PPD file record
fp File to write to

Return Value

0 on success, -1 on failure

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppdEmitString

Get a string containing the code for marked options.

char *ppdEmitString(ppd_file_t *ppd, ppd_section_t section, float min_order);


ppd PPD file record
section Section to write
min_order Lowest OrderDependency

Return Value

String containing option code or NULL if there is no option code


When "min_order" is greater than zero, this function only includes options whose OrderDependency value is greater than or equal to "min_order". Otherwise, all options in the specified section are included in the returned string.

The return string is allocated on the heap and should be freed using free when you are done with it.

 CUPS 1.1.19/macOS 10.3 ppdFindAttr

Find the first matching attribute.

ppd_attr_t *ppdFindAttr(ppd_file_t *ppd, const char *name, const char *spec);


ppd PPD file data
name Attribute name
spec Specifier string or NULL

Return Value

Attribute or NULL if not found


Return a pointer to an option choice.

ppd_choice_t *ppdFindChoice(ppd_option_t *o, const char *choice);


o Pointer to option
choice Name of choice

Return Value

Choice pointer or NULL

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppdFindCustomOption

Find a custom option.

ppd_coption_t *ppdFindCustomOption(ppd_file_t *ppd, const char *keyword);


ppd PPD file
keyword Custom option name

Return Value

Custom option or NULL

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppdFindCustomParam

Find a parameter for a custom option.

ppd_cparam_t *ppdFindCustomParam(ppd_coption_t *opt, const char *name);


opt Custom option
name Parameter name

Return Value

Custom parameter or NULL


Return the marked choice for the specified option.

ppd_choice_t *ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd_file_t *ppd, const char *option);


ppd PPD file
option Keyword/option name

Return Value

Pointer to choice or NULL

 CUPS 1.1.19/macOS 10.3 ppdFindNextAttr

Find the next matching attribute.

ppd_attr_t *ppdFindNextAttr(ppd_file_t *ppd, const char *name, const char *spec);


ppd PPD file data
name Attribute name
spec Specifier string or NULL

Return Value

Attribute or NULL if not found


Return a pointer to the specified option.

ppd_option_t *ppdFindOption(ppd_file_t *ppd, const char *option);


ppd PPD file data
option Option/Keyword name

Return Value

Pointer to option or NULL

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppdFirstCustomParam

Return the first parameter for a custom option.

ppd_cparam_t *ppdFirstCustomParam(ppd_coption_t *opt);


opt Custom option

Return Value

Custom parameter or NULL

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppdFirstOption

Return the first option in the PPD file.

ppd_option_t *ppdFirstOption(ppd_file_t *ppd);


ppd PPD file

Return Value

First option or NULL


Options are returned from all groups in ascending alphanumeric order.

 CUPS 1.4/macOS 10.6 ppdInstallableConflict

Test whether an option choice conflicts with an installable option.

int ppdInstallableConflict(ppd_file_t *ppd, const char *option, const char *choice);


ppd PPD file
option Option
choice Choice

Return Value

1 if conflicting, 0 if not conflicting


This function tests whether a particular option choice is available based on constraints against options in the "InstallableOptions" group.


Check to see if an option is marked.

int ppdIsMarked(ppd_file_t *ppd, const char *option, const char *choice);


ppd PPD file data
option Option/Keyword name
choice Choice name

Return Value

Non-zero if option is marked

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppdLocalize

Localize the PPD file to the current locale.

int ppdLocalize(ppd_file_t *ppd);


ppd PPD file

Return Value

0 on success, -1 on error


All groups, options, and choices are localized, as are ICC profile descriptions, printer presets, and custom option parameters. Each localized string uses the UTF-8 character encoding.


Localize an attribute.

ppd_attr_t *ppdLocalizeAttr(ppd_file_t *ppd, const char *keyword, const char *spec);


ppd PPD file
keyword Main keyword
spec Option keyword or NULL for none

Return Value

Localized attribute or NULL if none exists


This function uses the current locale to find the localized attribute for the given main and option keywords. If no localized version of the attribute exists for the current locale, the unlocalized version is returned.

 CUPS 1.3/macOS 10.5 ppdLocalizeIPPReason

Get the localized version of a cupsIPPReason attribute.

const char *ppdLocalizeIPPReason(ppd_file_t *ppd, const char *reason, const char *scheme, char *buffer, size_t bufsize);


ppd PPD file
reason IPP reason keyword to look up
scheme URI scheme or NULL for text
buffer Value buffer
bufsize Size of value buffer

Return Value

Value or NULL if not found


This function uses the current locale to find the corresponding reason text or URI from the attribute value. If "scheme" is NULL or "text", the returned value contains human-readable (UTF-8) text from the translation string or attribute value. Otherwise the corresponding URI is returned.

If no value of the requested scheme can be found, NULL is returned.

 CUPS 1.4/macOS 10.6 ppdLocalizeMarkerName

Get the localized version of a marker-names attribute value.

const char *ppdLocalizeMarkerName(ppd_file_t *ppd, const char *name);


ppd PPD file
name Marker name to look up

Return Value

Value or NULL if not found


This function uses the current locale to find the corresponding name text from the attribute value. If no localized text for the requested name can be found, NULL is returned.


Mark all default options in the PPD file.

void ppdMarkDefaults(ppd_file_t *ppd);


ppd PPD file record


Mark an option in a PPD file and return the number of conflicts.

int ppdMarkOption(ppd_file_t *ppd, const char *option, const char *choice);


ppd PPD file record
option Keyword
choice Option name

Return Value

Number of conflicts

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppdNextCustomParam

Return the next parameter for a custom option.

ppd_cparam_t *ppdNextCustomParam(ppd_coption_t *opt);


opt Custom option

Return Value

Custom parameter or NULL

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppdNextOption

Return the next option in the PPD file.

ppd_option_t *ppdNextOption(ppd_file_t *ppd);


ppd PPD file

Return Value

Next option or NULL


Options are returned from all groups in ascending alphanumeric order.


Get the page length for the given size.

float ppdPageLength(ppd_file_t *ppd, const char *name);


ppd PPD file
name Size name

Return Value

Length of page in points or 0.0


Get the page size record for the named size.

ppd_size_t *ppdPageSize(ppd_file_t *ppd, const char *name);


ppd PPD file record
name Size name

Return Value

Size record for page or NULL

 CUPS 1.4/macOS 10.6 ppdPageSizeLimits

Return the custom page size limits.

int ppdPageSizeLimits(ppd_file_t *ppd, ppd_size_t *minimum, ppd_size_t *maximum);


ppd PPD file record
minimum Minimum custom size
maximum Maximum custom size

Return Value

1 if custom sizes are supported, 0 otherwise


This function returns the minimum and maximum custom page sizes and printable areas based on the currently-marked (selected) options.

If the specified PPD file does not support custom page sizes, both "minimum" and "maximum" are filled with zeroes.


Get the page width for the given size.

float ppdPageWidth(ppd_file_t *ppd, const char *name);


ppd PPD file record
name Size name

Return Value

Width of page in points or 0.0

Data Types

 CUPS 1.1.19/macOS 10.3 ppd_attr_t

PPD Attribute Structure

typedef struct ppd_attr_s ppd_attr_t;


Option choices

typedef struct ppd_choice_s ppd_choice_t;

 CUPS 1.1.19/macOS 10.3 ppd_conform_t

Conformance Levels

typedef enum ppd_conform_e ppd_conform_t;



typedef struct ppd_const_s ppd_const_t;

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppd_coption_t

Custom Option

typedef struct ppd_coption_s ppd_coption_t;

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppd_cparam_t

Custom Parameter

typedef struct ppd_cparam_s ppd_cparam_t;

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppd_cplimit_t

Custom Parameter Limit

typedef union ppd_cplimit_u ppd_cplimit_t;

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppd_cptype_t

Custom Parameter Type

typedef enum ppd_cptype_e ppd_cptype_t;

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppd_cpvalue_t

Custom Parameter Value

typedef union ppd_cpvalue_u ppd_cpvalue_t;



typedef enum ppd_cs_e ppd_cs_t;



typedef struct ppd_emul_s ppd_emul_t;


PPD File

typedef struct ppd_file_s ppd_file_t;



typedef struct ppd_group_s ppd_group_t;



typedef struct ppd_option_s ppd_option_t;


sRGB Color Profiles

typedef struct ppd_profile_s ppd_profile_t;


Order dependency sections

typedef enum ppd_section_e ppd_section_t;


Page Sizes

typedef struct ppd_size_s ppd_size_t;

 CUPS 1.1.19/macOS 10.3 ppd_status_t

Status Codes

typedef enum ppd_status_e ppd_status_t;


UI Types

typedef enum ppd_ui_e ppd_ui_t;


 CUPS 1.1.19/macOS 10.3 ppd_attr_s

PPD Attribute Structure

struct ppd_attr_s {
    char name[PPD_MAX_NAME];
    char spec[PPD_MAX_NAME];
    char text[PPD_MAX_TEXT];
    char *value;


name[PPD_MAX_NAME] Name of attribute (cupsXYZ)
spec[PPD_MAX_NAME] Specifier string, if any
text[PPD_MAX_TEXT] Human-readable text, if any
value Value string


Option choices

struct ppd_choice_s {
    char choice[PPD_MAX_NAME];
    char *code;
    char marked;
    ppd_option_t *option;
    char text[PPD_MAX_TEXT];


choice[PPD_MAX_NAME] Computer-readable option name
code Code to send for this option
marked 0 if not selected, 1 otherwise
option Pointer to parent option structure
text[PPD_MAX_TEXT] Human-readable option name



struct ppd_const_s {
    char choice1[PPD_MAX_NAME];
    char choice2[PPD_MAX_NAME];
    char option1[PPD_MAX_NAME];
    char option2[PPD_MAX_NAME];


choice1[PPD_MAX_NAME] First option/choice (blank for all)
choice2[PPD_MAX_NAME] Second option/choice (blank for all)
option1[PPD_MAX_NAME] First keyword
option2[PPD_MAX_NAME] Second keyword

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppd_coption_s

Custom Option

struct ppd_coption_s {
    char keyword[PPD_MAX_NAME];
    int marked;
    ppd_option_t *option;
    cups_array_t *params;


keyword[PPD_MAX_NAME] Name of option that is being extended...
marked Extended option is marked
option Option that is being extended...
params Parameters

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppd_cparam_s

Custom Parameter

struct ppd_cparam_s {
    ppd_cpvalue_t current;
    ppd_cplimit_t minimum, maximum;
    char name[PPD_MAX_NAME];
    int order;
    char text[PPD_MAX_TEXT];
    ppd_cptype_t type;


current Current value
maximum Maximum value
name[PPD_MAX_NAME] Parameter name
order Order (0 to N)
text[PPD_MAX_TEXT] Human-readable text
type Parameter type



struct ppd_emul_s {
    char name[PPD_MAX_NAME];
    char *start;
    char *stop;


name[PPD_MAX_NAME] Emulator name
start Code to switch to this emulation
stop Code to stop this emulation


PPD File

struct ppd_file_s {
    int accurate_screens;
    int color_device;
    ppd_cs_t colorspace;
    ppd_const_t *consts;
    int contone_only;
    float custom_margins[4];
    float custom_max[2];
    float custom_min[2];
    ppd_emul_t *emulations;
    char **filters;
    int flip_duplex;
    char **fonts;
    ppd_group_t *groups;
    char *jcl_begin;
    char *jcl_end;
    char *jcl_ps;
    int landscape;
    char *lang_encoding;
    char *lang_version;
    int language_level;
    int manual_copies;
    char *manufacturer;
    int model_number;
    char *modelname;
    char *nickname;
    int num_consts;
    int num_emulations;
    int num_filters;
    int num_fonts;
    int num_groups;
    int num_profiles;
    int num_sizes;
    char *patches;
    char *pcfilename;
    char *product;
    ppd_profile_t *profiles;
    char *protocols;
    char *shortnickname;
    ppd_size_t *sizes;
    int throughput;
    char *ttrasterizer;
    int variable_sizes;


accurate_screens 1 = supports accurate screens, 0 = not
color_device 1 = color device, 0 = grayscale
colorspace Default colorspace
consts UI/Non-UI constraints
contone_only 1 = continuous tone only, 0 = not
custom_margins[4] Margins around page
custom_max[2] Maximum variable page size
custom_min[2] Minimum variable page size
emulations Emulations and the code to invoke them
filters Filter strings...
flip_duplex  DEPRECATED  1 = Flip page for back sides
fonts Pre-loaded fonts
groups UI groups
jcl_begin Start JCL commands
jcl_end End JCL commands
jcl_ps Enter PostScript interpreter
landscape -90 or 90
lang_encoding Language encoding
lang_version Language version (English, Spanish, etc.)
language_level Language level of device
manual_copies 1 = Copies done manually, 0 = hardware
manufacturer Manufacturer name
model_number Device-specific model number
modelname Model name (general)
nickname Nickname (specific)
num_consts Number of UI/Non-UI constraints
num_emulations Number of emulations supported
num_filters Number of filters
num_fonts Number of pre-loaded fonts
num_groups Number of UI groups
num_profiles  DEPRECATED  Number of sRGB color profiles
num_sizes Number of page sizes
patches Patch commands to be sent to printer
pcfilename  CUPS 1.1.19/macOS 10.3  PCFileName string
product Product name (from PS RIP/interpreter)
profiles  DEPRECATED  sRGB color profiles
protocols  CUPS 1.1.19/macOS 10.3  Protocols (BCP, TBCP) string
shortnickname Short version of nickname
sizes Page sizes
throughput Pages per minute
ttrasterizer Truetype rasterizer
variable_sizes 1 = supports variable sizes, 0 = doesn't



struct ppd_group_s {
    char text[PPD_MAX_TEXT - PPD_MAX_NAME];
    char name[PPD_MAX_NAME];
    int num_options;
    int num_subgroups;
    ppd_option_t *options;
    struct ppd_group_s *subgroups;


PPD_MAX_NAME] Human-readable group name
name[PPD_MAX_NAME]  CUPS 1.1.18/macOS 10.3  Group name
num_options Number of options
num_subgroups Number of sub-groups
options Options
subgroups Sub-groups (max depth = 1)



struct ppd_option_s {
    ppd_choice_t *choices;
    char conflicted;
    char defchoice[PPD_MAX_NAME];
    char keyword[PPD_MAX_NAME];
    int num_choices;
    float order;
    ppd_section_t section;
    char text[PPD_MAX_TEXT];
    ppd_ui_t ui;


choices Option choices
conflicted 0 if no conflicts exist, 1 otherwise
defchoice[PPD_MAX_NAME] Default option choice
keyword[PPD_MAX_NAME] Option keyword name ("PageSize", etc.)
num_choices Number of option choices
order Order number
section Section for command
text[PPD_MAX_TEXT] Human-readable text
ui Type of UI option


sRGB Color Profiles

struct ppd_profile_s {
    float density;
    float gamma;
    float matrix[3][3];
    char media_type[PPD_MAX_NAME];
    char resolution[PPD_MAX_NAME];


density Ink density to use
gamma Gamma correction to use
matrix[3][3] Transform matrix
media_type[PPD_MAX_NAME] Media type or "-"
resolution[PPD_MAX_NAME] Resolution or "-"


Page Sizes

struct ppd_size_s {
    float bottom;
    float left;
    float length;
    int marked;
    char name[PPD_MAX_NAME];
    float right;
    float top;
    float width;


bottom Bottom printable margin in points
left Left printable margin in points
length Length of media in points
marked Page size selected?
name[PPD_MAX_NAME] Media size option
right Right printable margin in points
top Top printable margin in points
width Width of media in points


 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppd_cplimit_u

Custom Parameter Limit

union ppd_cplimit_u {
    float custom_curve;
    int custom_int;
    float custom_invcurve;
    int custom_passcode;
    int custom_password;
    float custom_points;
    float custom_real;
    int custom_string;


custom_curve Gamma value
custom_int Integer value
custom_invcurve Gamma value
custom_passcode Passcode length
custom_password Password length
custom_points Measurement value
custom_real Real value
custom_string String length

 CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5 ppd_cpvalue_u

Custom Parameter Value

union ppd_cpvalue_u {
    float custom_curve;
    int custom_int;
    float custom_invcurve;
    char *custom_passcode;
    char *custom_password;
    float custom_points;
    float custom_real;
    char *custom_string;


custom_curve Gamma value
custom_int Integer value
custom_invcurve Gamma value
custom_passcode Passcode value
custom_password Password value
custom_points Measurement value
custom_real Real value
custom_string String value


 CUPS 1.1.19/macOS 10.3 ppd_conform_e

Conformance Levels


PPD_CONFORM_RELAXED Relax whitespace and control char
PPD_CONFORM_STRICT Require strict conformance




PPD_CS_CMY CMY colorspace
PPD_CS_CMYK CMYK colorspace
PPD_CS_GRAY Grayscale colorspace
PPD_CS_N DeviceN colorspace
PPD_CS_RGB RGB colorspace
PPD_CS_RGBK RGBK (K = gray) colorspace


Order dependency sections


PPD_ORDER_ANY Option code can be anywhere in the file
PPD_ORDER_DOCUMENT ... must be in the DocumentSetup section
PPD_ORDER_EXIT ... must be sent prior to the document
PPD_ORDER_JCL ... must be sent as a JCL command
PPD_ORDER_PAGE ... must be in the PageSetup section
PPD_ORDER_PROLOG ... must be in the Prolog section

 CUPS 1.1.19/macOS 10.3 ppd_status_e

Status Codes


PPD_ALLOC_ERROR Memory allocation error
PPD_BAD_CUSTOM_PARAM Bad custom parameter
PPD_BAD_VALUE Bad value string
PPD_FILE_OPEN_ERROR Unable to open PPD file
PPD_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER Illegal control character
PPD_ILLEGAL_MAIN_KEYWORD Illegal main keyword string
PPD_ILLEGAL_OPTION_KEYWORD Illegal option keyword string
PPD_ILLEGAL_TRANSLATION Illegal translation string
PPD_ILLEGAL_WHITESPACE Illegal whitespace character
PPD_LINE_TOO_LONG Line longer than 255 chars
PPD_MISSING_ASTERISK Missing asterisk in column 0
PPD_MISSING_OPTION_KEYWORD Missing option keyword
PPD_MISSING_PPDADOBE4 Missing PPD-Adobe-4.x header
PPD_MISSING_VALUE Missing value string
PPD_NESTED_OPEN_GROUP OpenGroup without a CloseGroup first
PPD_NESTED_OPEN_UI OpenUI/JCLOpenUI without a CloseUI/JCLCloseUI first


UI Types


PPD_UI_BOOLEAN True or False option
PPD_UI_PICKMANY Pick zero or more from a list
PPD_UI_PICKONE Pick one from a list