This document describes the standard configuration for this CUPS server.


This file reflects the standard CUPS configuration as distributed by Easy Software Products, the creator of CUPS.

cupsd Configuration

cupsd(8) is configured by default to show printers shared by other systems and only allow local access to the system and its printers. Administration operations require Basic authentication with membership in the group "@CUPS_GROUP@".

Connections are accepted via domain socket (@CUPS_DEFAULT_DOMAINSOCKET@) or "localhost" (


Directive Value


Directory Purpose
@CUPS_SERVERROOT@ The location of configuration files such as printers.conf. Overridden by the ServerRoot directive in cupsd.conf.
@bindir@ The location of user programs.
@includedir@ The location of CUPS include files.
@libdir@ The location of CUPS library files.
@CUPS_SERVERBIN@ The location of server programs such as backends and filters. Overridden by the ServerBin directive in cupsd.conf.
@sbindir@ The location of administrator programs.
@CUPS_DATADIR@ The location of data files such as fonts. Overridden by the DataDir directive in cupsd.conf.
@CUPS_DOCROOT@ The location of documentation files. Overridden by the DocumentRoot directive in cupsd.conf.
@CUPS_LOCALEDIR@ The location of localization files.
@CUPS_CACHEDIR@ The location of cache files such as ppds.dat and remote.cache. Overridden by the CacheDir directive in cupsd.conf.
@CUPS_LOGDIR@ The location of the access_log, error_log, and page_log files. Overridden by the AccessLog, ErrorLog, PageLog, directive in cupsd.conf.
@CUPS_STATEDIR@ The location of the domain socket file and state data such as authentication certificates. Overridden by the StateDir directive in cupsd.conf.
@CUPS_REQUESTS@ The location of spooled print jobs. Overridden by the RequestRoot directive in cupsd.conf.