language: c sudo: false cache: directories: - $HOME/travis-cache os: - linux - osx compiler: - clang - gcc addons: apt: packages: - language-pack-is - git-svn - apache2 env: global: - DEVELOPER=1 # The Linux build installs the defined dependency versions below. # The OS X build installs the latest available versions. Keep that # in mind when you encounter a broken OS X build! - LINUX_P4_VERSION="16.2" - LINUX_GIT_LFS_VERSION="1.5.2" - DEFAULT_TEST_TARGET=prove - GIT_PROVE_OPTS="--timer --jobs 3 --state=failed,slow,save" - GIT_TEST_OPTS="--verbose-log" - GIT_TEST_CLONE_2GB=YesPlease # t9810 occasionally fails on Travis CI OS X # t9816 occasionally fails with "TAP out of sequence errors" on Travis CI OS X - GIT_SKIP_TESTS="t9810 t9816" matrix: include: - env: jobname=GETTEXT_POISON GETTEXT_POSION=YesPlease os: linux compiler: addons: before_install: - env: jobname=Windows os: linux compiler: addons: before_install: before_script: script: - > test "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" != "git/git" || ci/ $TRAVIS_BRANCH $(git rev-parse HEAD) after_failure: - env: jobname=Linux32 os: linux compiler: services: - docker before_install: before_script: script: ci/ - env: jobname=StaticAnalysis os: linux compiler: addons: apt: packages: - coccinelle before_install: before_script: script: ci/ after_failure: - env: jobname=Documentation os: linux compiler: addons: apt: packages: - asciidoc - xmlto before_install: before_script: script: ci/ after_failure: before_install: ci/ before_script: ci/ script: ci/ after_failure: ci/ notifications: email: false