From: Junio C Hamano Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2019 04:34:02 +0000 (+0900) Subject: Merge branch 'bw/format-patch-o-create-leading-dirs' X-Git-Tag: v2.24.0-rc1~4 X-Git-Url:;a=commitdiff_plain;h=c555caab7a303109d6c712d757bc4621a3ee0bbd;hp=19c29e538e48ed50286339b0fdd5e62111a724db Merge branch 'bw/format-patch-o-create-leading-dirs' Test update. * bw/format-patch-o-create-leading-dirs: t4014: make output-directory tests self-contained --- diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 521d8f4fb4..89b3b79c1a 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ /tags /TAGS /cscope* +*.hcc *.obj *.lib *.res @@ -231,7 +232,6 @@ *.ipdb *.dll .vs/ -*.manifest Debug/ Release/ /UpgradeLog*.htm diff --git a/.mailmap b/.mailmap index 9a5ff04753..14fa041043 100644 --- a/.mailmap +++ b/.mailmap @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Alexey Shumkin Alexey Shumkin Anders Kaseorg Anders Kaseorg +Andrey Mazo Mazo, Andrey Aneesh Kumar K.V Amos Waterland Amos Waterland diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fc4645d5c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +# Git Code of Conduct + +This code of conduct outlines our expectations for participants within +the Git community, as well as steps for reporting unacceptable behavior. +We are committed to providing a welcoming and inspiring community for +all and expect our code of conduct to be honored. Anyone who violates +this code of conduct may be banned from the community. + +## Our Pledge + +In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as +contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our project and +our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, +body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and +expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, +nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and +orientation. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment +include: + +* Using welcoming and inclusive language +* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences +* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism +* Focusing on what is best for the community +* Showing empathy towards other community members + +Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or + advances +* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic + address, without explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a + professional setting + +## Our Responsibilities + +Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable +behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in +response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. + +Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or +reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions +that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or +permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, +threatening, offensive, or harmful. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies within all project spaces, and it also applies +when an individual is representing the project or its community in public +spaces. Examples of representing a project or community include using an +official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, +or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. +Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project +maintainers. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be +reported by contacting the project team at All +complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response +that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project +team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of +an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted +separately. + +Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good +faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other +members of the project's leadership. + +The project leadership team can be contacted by email as a whole at, or individually: + + - Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason + - Christian Couder + - Jeff King + - Junio C Hamano + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], +version 1.4, available at + +[homepage]: + +For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see + diff --git a/Documentation/Makefile b/Documentation/Makefile index 76f2ecfc1b..06d85ad958 100644 --- a/Documentation/Makefile +++ b/Documentation/Makefile @@ -123,7 +123,8 @@ ASCIIDOC_HTML = xhtml11 ASCIIDOC_DOCBOOK = docbook ASCIIDOC_CONF = -f asciidoc.conf ASCIIDOC_COMMON = $(ASCIIDOC) $(ASCIIDOC_EXTRA) $(ASCIIDOC_CONF) \ - -agit_version=$(GIT_VERSION) + -amanversion=$(GIT_VERSION) \ + -amanmanual='Git Manual' -amansource='Git' TXT_TO_HTML = $(ASCIIDOC_COMMON) -b $(ASCIIDOC_HTML) TXT_TO_XML = $(ASCIIDOC_COMMON) -b $(ASCIIDOC_DOCBOOK) MANPAGE_XSL = manpage-normal.xsl @@ -197,11 +198,13 @@ ifdef USE_ASCIIDOCTOR ASCIIDOC = asciidoctor ASCIIDOC_CONF = ASCIIDOC_HTML = xhtml5 -ASCIIDOC_DOCBOOK = docbook45 +ASCIIDOC_DOCBOOK = docbook5 ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -acompat-mode -atabsize=8 ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -I. -rasciidoctor-extensions ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -alitdd='&\#x2d;&\#x2d;' DBLATEX_COMMON = +XMLTO_EXTRA += --skip-validation +XMLTO_EXTRA += -x manpage.xsl endif SHELL_PATH ?= $(SHELL) diff --git a/Documentation/MyFirstContribution.txt b/Documentation/MyFirstContribution.txt index f8670379c0..5e9b808f5f 100644 --- a/Documentation/MyFirstContribution.txt +++ b/Documentation/MyFirstContribution.txt @@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ int cmd_psuh(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix) ---- We'll also need to add the declaration of psuh; open up `builtin.h`, find the -declaration for `cmd_push`, and add a new line for `psuh` immediately before it, -in order to keep the declarations sorted: +declaration for `cmd_pull`, and add a new line for `psuh` immediately before it, +in order to keep the declarations alphabetically sorted: ---- int cmd_psuh(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix); @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ int cmd_psuh(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix) } ---- -Let's try to build it. Open `Makefile`, find where `builtin/push.o` is added +Let's try to build it. Open `Makefile`, find where `builtin/pull.o` is added to `BUILTIN_OBJS`, and add `builtin/psuh.o` in the same way next to it in alphabetical order. Once you've done so, move to the top-level directory and build simply with `make`. Also add the `DEVELOPER=1` variable to turn on @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ a `cmd_struct` to the `commands[]` array. `struct cmd_struct` takes a string with the command name, a function pointer to the command implementation, and a setup option flag. For now, let's keep mimicking `push`. Find the line where `cmd_push` is registered, copy it, and modify it for `cmd_psuh`, placing the new -line in alphabetical order. +line in alphabetical order (immediately before `cmd_pull`). The options are documented in `builtin.h` under "Adding a new built-in." Since we hope to print some data about the user's current workspace context later, @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Check it out! You've got a command! Nice work! Let's commit this. `git status` reveals modified `Makefile`, `builtin.h`, and `git.c` as well as untracked `builtin/psuh.c` and `git-psuh`. First, let's take care of the binary, -which should be ignored. Open `.gitignore` in your editor, find `/git-push`, and +which should be ignored. Open `.gitignore` in your editor, find `/git-pull`, and add an entry for your new command in alphabetical order: ---- diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.24.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.24.0.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..125169d0da --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.24.0.txt @@ -0,0 +1,397 @@ +Git 2.24 Release Notes +====================== + +Updates since v2.23 +------------------- + +Backward compatibility note + + * Although it is not officially deprecated, "filter-branch" is + showing its age and alternatives are available. From this release, + we started to discourage its uses and hint people about + filter-repo. + +UI, Workflows & Features + + * We now have an active interim maintainer for the Git-Gui part of + the system. Praise and thank Pratyush Yadav for volunteering. + + * The command line parser learned "--end-of-options" notation; the + standard convention for scripters to have hardcoded set of options + first on the command line, and force the command to treat end-user + input as non-options, has been to use "--" as the delimiter, but + that would not work for commands that use "--" as a delimiter + between revs and pathspec. + + * A mechanism to affect the default setting for a (related) group of + configuration variables is introduced. + + * "git fetch" learned "--set-upstream" option to help those who first + clone from their private fork they intend to push to, add the true + upstream via "git remote add" and then "git fetch" from it. + + * Device-tree files learned their own userdiff patterns. + (merge 3c81760bc6 sb/userdiff-dts later to maint). + + * "git rebase --rebase-merges" learned to drive different merge + strategies and pass strategy specific options to them. + + * A new "pre-merge-commit" hook has been introduced. + + * Command line completion updates for "git -c" have been + added. + + * The lazy clone machinery has been taught that there can be more + than one promisor remote and consult them in order when downloading + missing objects on demand. + + * The list-objects-filter API (used to create a sparse/lazy clone) + learned to take a combined filter specification. + + * The documentation and tests for "git format-patch" have been + cleaned up. + + * On Windows, the root level of UNC share is now allowed to be used + just like any other directory. + + * The command line completion support (in contrib/) learned about the + "--skip" option of "git revert" and "git cherry-pick". + + * "git rebase --keep-base " tries to find the original base + of the topic being rebased and rebase on top of that same base, + which is useful when running the "git rebase -i" (and its limited + variant "git rebase -x"). + + The command also has learned to fast-forward in more cases where it + can instead of replaying to recreate identical commits. + + * A configuration variable tells "git fetch" to write the commit + graph after finishing. + + * "git add -i" has been taught to show the total number of hunks and + the hunks that has been processed so far when showing prompts. + + * "git fetch --jobs=" allowed parallel jobs when fetching + submodules, but this did not apply to "git fetch --multiple" that + fetches from multiple remote repositories. It now does. + + * The installation instruction for zsh completion script (in + contrib/) has been a bit improved. + + +Performance, Internal Implementation, Development Support etc. + + * The code to write commit-graph over given commit object names has + been made a bit more robust. + + * The first line of verbose output from each test piece now carries + the test name and number to help scanning with eyeballs. + + * Further clean-up of the initialization code. + + * xmalloc() used to have a mechanism to ditch memory and address + space resources as the last resort upon seeing an allocation + failure from the underlying malloc(), which made the code complex + and thread-unsafe with dubious benefit, as major memory resource + users already do limit their uses with various other mechanisms. + It has been simplified away. + + * Unnecessary full-tree diff in "git log -L" machinery has been + optimized away. + + * The http transport lacked some optimization the native transports + learned to avoid unnecessary ref advertisement, which has been + corrected. + + * Preparation for SHA-256 upgrade continues in the test department. + (merge 0c37c41d13 bc/hash-independent-tests-part-5 later to maint). + + * The memory ownership model of the "git fast-import" got + straightened out. + + * Output from trace2 subsystem is formatted more prettily now. + + * The internal code originally invented for ".gitignore" processing + got reshuffled and renamed to make it less tied to "excluding" and + stress more that it is about "matching", as it has been reused for + things like sparse checkout specification that want to check if a + path is "included". + + * "git stash" learned to write refreshed index back to disk. + + * Coccinelle checks are done on more source files than before now. + + * The cache-tree code has been taught to be less aggressive in + attempting to see if a tree object it computed already exists in + the repository. + + * The code to parse and use the commit-graph file has been made more + robust against corrupted input. + + * The hg-to-git script (in contrib/) has been updated to work with + Python 3. + + * Update the way build artifacts in t/helper/ directory are ignored. + + * Preparation for SHA-256 upgrade continues. + + * "git log --graph" for an octopus merge is sometimes colored + incorrectly, which is demonstrated and documented but not yet + fixed. + + * The trace2 output, when sending them to files in a designated + directory, can populate the directory with too many files; a + mechanism is introduced to set the maximum number of files and + discard further logs when the maximum is reached. + + * We have adopted a Code-of-conduct document. + (merge 3f9ef874a7 jk/coc later to maint). + + +Fixes since v2.23 +----------------- + + * "git grep --recurse-submodules" that looks at the working tree + files looked at the contents in the index in submodules, instead of + files in the working tree. + (merge 6a289d45c0 mt/grep-submodules-working-tree later to maint). + + * Codepaths to walk tree objects have been audited for integer + overflows and hardened. + (merge 5aa02f9868 jk/tree-walk-overflow later to maint). + + * "git pack-refs" can lose refs that are created while running, which + is getting corrected. + (merge a613d4f817 sc/pack-refs-deletion-racefix later to maint). + + * "git checkout" and "git restore" to re-populate the index from a + tree-ish (typically HEAD) did not work correctly for a path that + was removed and then added again with the intent-to-add bit, when + the corresponding working tree file was empty. This has been + corrected. + + * Compilation fix. + (merge 70597e8386 rs/nedalloc-fixlets later to maint). + + * "git gui" learned to call the clean-up procedure before exiting. + (merge 0d88f3d2c5 py/git-gui-do-quit later to maint). + + * We promoted the "indent heuristics" that decides where to split + diff hunks from experimental to the default a few years ago, but + some stale documentation still marked it as experimental, which has + been corrected. + (merge 64e5e1fba1 sg/diff-indent-heuristic-non-experimental later to maint). + + * Fix a mismerge that happened in 2.22 timeframe. + (merge acb7da05ac en/checkout-mismerge-fix later to maint). + + * "git archive" recorded incorrect length in extended pax header in + some corner cases, which has been corrected. + (merge 71d41ff651 rs/pax-extended-header-length-fix later to maint). + + * On-demand object fetching in lazy clone incorrectly tried to fetch + commits from submodule projects, while still working in the + superproject, which has been corrected. + (merge a63694f523 jt/diff-lazy-fetch-submodule-fix later to maint). + + * Prepare get_short_oid() codepath to be thread-safe. + (merge 7cfcb16b0e rs/sort-oid-array-thread-safe later to maint). + + * "for-each-ref" and friends that show refs did not protect themselves + against ancient tags that did not record tagger names when asked to + show "%(taggername)", which have been corrected. + (merge 8b3f33ef11 mp/for-each-ref-missing-name-or-email later to maint). + + * The "git am" based backend of "git rebase" ignored the result of + updating ".gitattributes" done in one step when replaying + subsequent steps. + (merge 2c65d90f75 bc/reread-attributes-during-rebase later to maint). + + * Tell cURL library to use the same malloc() implementation, with the + xmalloc() wrapper, as the rest of the system, for consistency. + (merge 93b980e58f cb/curl-use-xmalloc later to maint). + + * Build fix to adjust .gitignore to unignore a path that we started to track. + (merge aac6ff7b5b js/visual-studio later to maint). + + * A few implementation fixes in the notes API. + (merge 60fe477a0b mh/notes-duplicate-entries later to maint). + + * Fix an earlier regression to "git push --all" which should have + been forbidden when the target remote repository is set to be a + mirror. + (merge 8e4c8af058 tg/push-all-in-mirror-forbidden later to maint). + + * Fix an earlier regression in the test suite, which mistakenly + stopped running HTTPD tests. + (merge 3960290675 sg/git-test-boolean later to maint). + + * "git rebase --autostash ", when is + different from the current branch, incorrectly moved the tip of the + current branch, which has been corrected. + (merge bf1e28e0ad bw/rebase-autostash-keep-current-branch later to maint). + + * Update support for Asciidoctor documentation toolchain. + (merge 83b0b8953e ma/asciidoctor-refmiscinfo later to maint). + + * Start using DocBook 5 (instead of DocBook 4.5) as Asciidoctor 2.0 + no longer works with the older one. + (merge f6461b82b9 bc/doc-use-docbook-5 later to maint). + + * The markup used in user-manual has been updated to work better with + asciidoctor. + (merge c4d2f6143a ma/user-manual-markup-update later to maint). + + * Make sure the grep machinery does not abort when seeing a payload + that is not UTF-8 even when JIT is not in use with PCRE1. + (merge ad7c543e3b cb/skip-utf8-check-with-pcre1 later to maint). + + * The name of the blob object that stores the filter specification + for sparse cloning/fetching was interpreted in a wrong place in the + code, causing Git to abort. + + * "git log --decorate-refs-exclude=" was incorrectly + overruled when the "--simplify-by-decoration" option is used, which + has been corrected. + (merge 0cc7380d88 rs/simplify-by-deco-with-deco-refs-exclude later to maint). + + * The "upload-pack" (the counterpart of "git fetch") needs to disable + commit-graph when responding to a shallow clone/fetch request, but + the way this was done made Git panic, which has been corrected. + + * The object traversal machinery has been optimized not to load tree + objects when we are only interested in commit history. + (merge 72ed80c784 jk/list-objects-optim-wo-trees later to maint). + + * The object name parser for "Nth parent" syntax has been made more + robust against integer overflows. + (merge 59fa5f5a25 rs/nth-parent-parse later to maint). + + * The code used in following tags in "git fetch" has been optimized. + (merge b7e2d8bca5 ms/fetch-follow-tag-optim later to maint). + + * Regression fix for progress output. + (merge 2bb74b53a4 sg/progress-fix later to maint). + + * A bug in merge-recursive code that triggers when a branch with a + symbolic link is merged with a branch that replaces it with a + directory has been fixed. + (merge 83e3ad3b12 jt/merge-recursive-symlink-is-not-a-dir-in-way later to maint). + + * The rename detection logic sorts a list of rename source candidates + by similarity to pick the best candidate, which means that a tie + between sources with the same similarity is broken by the original + location in the original candidate list (which is sorted by path). + Force the sorting by similarity done with a stable sort, which is + not promised by system supplied qsort(3), to ensure consistent + results across platforms. + (merge 2049b8dc65 js/diff-rename-force-stable-sort later to maint). + + * The code to skip "UTF" and "UTF-" prefix, when computing an advice + message, did not work correctly when the prefix was "UTF", which + has been fixed. + (merge b181676ce9 rs/convert-fix-utf-without-dash later to maint). + + * The author names taken from SVN repositories may have extra leading + or trailing whitespaces, which are now munged away. + (merge 4ddd4bddb1 tk/git-svn-trim-author-name later to maint). + + * "git rebase -i" showed a wrong HEAD while "reword" open the editor. + (merge b0a3186140 pw/rebase-i-show-HEAD-to-reword later to maint). + + * A few simplification and bugfixes to PCRE interface. + (merge c581e4a749 ab/pcre-jit-fixes later to maint). + + * PCRE fixes. + (merge ff61681b46 cb/pcre1-cleanup later to maint). + + * "git range-diff" segfaulted when diff.noprefix configuration was + used, as it blindly expected the patch it internally generates to + have the standard a/ and b/ prefixes. The command now forces the + internal patch to be built without any prefix, not to be affected + by any end-user configuration. + (merge 937b76ed49 js/range-diff-noprefix later to maint). + + * "git stash apply" in a subdirectory of a secondary worktree failed + to access the worktree correctly, which has been corrected. + (merge dfd557c978 js/stash-apply-in-secondary-worktree later to maint). + + * The merge-recursive machiery is one of the most complex parts of + the system that accumulated cruft over time. This large series + cleans up the implementation quite a bit. + (merge b657047719 en/merge-recursive-cleanup later to maint). + + * Pretty-printed command line formatter (used in e.g. reporting the + command being run by the tracing API) had a bug that lost an + argument that is an empty string, which has been corrected. + (merge ce2d7ed2fd gs/sq-quote-buf-pretty later to maint). + + * "git range-diff" failed to handle mode-only change, which has been + corrected. + (merge 2b6a9b13ca tg/range-diff-output-update later to maint). + + * Dev support update. + (merge 4f3c1dc5d6 dl/allow-running-cocci-verbosely later to maint). + + * "git format-patch -o " did an equivalent of "mkdir " + not "mkdir -p ", which was corrected. + + * "git stash save" lost local changes to submodules, which has been + corrected. + (merge 556895d0c8 jj/stash-reset-only-toplevel later to maint). + + * The atomic push over smart HTTP transport did not work, which has + been corrected. + (merge 6f1194246a bc/smart-http-atomic-push later to maint). + + * Other code cleanup, docfix, build fix, etc. + (merge d1387d3895 en/fast-import-merge-doc later to maint). + (merge 1c24a54ea4 bm/repository-layout-typofix later to maint). + (merge 415b770b88 ds/midx-expire-repack later to maint). + (merge 19800bdc3f nd/diff-parseopt later to maint). + (merge 58166c2e9d tg/t0021-racefix later to maint). + (merge 7027f508c7 dl/compat-cleanup later to maint). + (merge e770fbfeff jc/test-cleanup later to maint). + (merge 1fd881d404 rs/trace2-dst-warning later to maint). + (merge 7e92756751 mh/http-urlmatch-cleanup later to maint). + (merge 9784f97321 mh/release-commit-memory-fix later to maint). + (merge 60d198d022 tb/banned-vsprintf-namefix later to maint). + (merge 80e3658647 rs/help-unknown-ref-does-not-return later to maint). + (merge 0a8bc7068f dt/remote-helper-doc-re-lock-option later to maint). + (merge 27fd1e4ea7 en/merge-options-ff-and-friends later to maint). + (merge 502c386ff9 sg/clean-nested-repo-with-ignored later to maint). + (merge 26e3d1cbea am/mailmap-andrey-mazo later to maint). + (merge 47b27c96fa ss/get-time-cleanup later to maint). + (merge dd2e50a84e jk/commit-graph-cleanup later to maint). + (merge 4fd39c76e6 cs/pretty-formats-doc-typofix later to maint). + (merge 40e747e89d dl/submodule-set-branch later to maint). + (merge 689a146c91 rs/commit-graph-use-list-count later to maint). + (merge 0eb7c37a8a js/doc-patch-text later to maint). + (merge 4b3aa170d1 rs/nth-switch-code-simplification later to maint). + (merge 0d4304c124 ah/doc-submodule-ignore-submodules later to maint). + (merge af78249463 cc/svn-fe-py-shebang later to maint). + (merge 7bd97d6dff rs/alias-use-copy-array later to maint). + (merge c46ebc2496 sg/travis-help-debug later to maint). + (merge 24c681794f ps/my-first-contribution-alphasort later to maint). + (merge 75b2c15435 cb/do-not-use-test-cmp-with-a later to maint). + (merge cda0d497e3 bw/submodule-helper-usage-fix later to maint). + (merge fe0ed5d5e9 am/visual-studio-config-fix later to maint). + (merge 2e09c01232 sg/name-rev-cutoff-underflow-fix later to maint). + (merge ddb3c856f3 as/shallow-slab-use-fix later to maint). + (merge 71f4960b91 js/mingw-spawn-with-spaces-in-path later to maint). + (merge 53d687bf5f ah/cleanups later to maint). + (merge f537485fa5 rs/test-remove-useless-debugging-cat later to maint). + (merge 11a3d3aadd dl/rev-list-doc-cleanup later to maint). + (merge d928a8388a am/t0028-utf16-tests later to maint). + (merge b05b40930e dl/t0000-skip-test-test later to maint). + (merge 03d3b1297c js/xdiffi-comment-updates later to maint). + (merge 57d8f4b4c7 js/doc-stash-save later to maint). + (merge 8c1cfd58e3 ta/t1308-typofix later to maint). + (merge fa364ad790 bb/utf8-wcwidth-cleanup later to maint). + (merge 68b69211b2 bb/compat-util-comment-fix later to maint). + (merge 5cc6a4be11 rs/http-push-simplify later to maint). + (merge a81e42d235 rs/column-use-utf8-strnwidth later to maint). + (merge 062a309d36 rs/remote-curl-use-argv-array later to maint). + (merge 3b3c79f6c9 nr/diff-highlight-indent-fix later to maint). + (merge 3444ec2eb2 wb/fsmonitor-bitmap-fix later to maint). + (merge 10da030ab7 cb/pcre2-chartables-leakfix later to maint). diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.1.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.1.txt index 6553d69e33..6323feaf64 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.1.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.1.txt @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Fixes since v2.7 setting GIT_WORK_TREE environment themselves. * The "exclude_list" structure has the usual "alloc, nr" pair of - fields to be used by ALLOC_GROW(), but clear_exclude_list() forgot + fields to be used by ALLOC_GROW(), but clear_pattern_list() forgot to reset 'alloc' to 0 when it cleared 'nr' to discard the managed array. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.8.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.8.0.txt index 25079710fa..5fbe1b86ee 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.8.0.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.8.0.txt @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ notes for details). setting GIT_WORK_TREE environment themselves. * The "exclude_list" structure has the usual "alloc, nr" pair of - fields to be used by ALLOC_GROW(), but clear_exclude_list() forgot + fields to be used by ALLOC_GROW(), but clear_pattern_list() forgot to reset 'alloc' to 0 when it cleared 'nr' to discard the managed array. diff --git a/Documentation/SubmittingPatches b/Documentation/SubmittingPatches index 6d589e118c..1a60cc1329 100644 --- a/Documentation/SubmittingPatches +++ b/Documentation/SubmittingPatches @@ -372,9 +372,9 @@ such as "Thanks-to:", "Based-on-patch-by:", or "Mentored-by:". Some parts of the system have dedicated maintainers with their own repositories. -- `git-gui/` comes from git-gui project, maintained by Pat Thoyts: +- `git-gui/` comes from git-gui project, maintained by Pratyush Yadav: - git:// + - `gitk-git/` comes from Paul Mackerras's gitk project: diff --git a/Documentation/asciidoc.conf b/Documentation/asciidoc.conf index 2c16c536ba..8fc4b67081 100644 --- a/Documentation/asciidoc.conf +++ b/Documentation/asciidoc.conf @@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ template::[header-declarations] {mantitle} {manvolnum} -Git -{git_version} -Git Manual +{mansource} +{manversion} +{manmanual} {manname} diff --git a/Documentation/asciidoctor-extensions.rb b/Documentation/asciidoctor-extensions.rb index 0089e0cfb8..d906a00803 100644 --- a/Documentation/asciidoctor-extensions.rb +++ b/Documentation/asciidoctor-extensions.rb @@ -9,8 +9,11 @@ module Git named :chrome def process(parent, target, attrs) - if parent.document.basebackend? 'html' - prefix = parent.document.attr('git-relative-html-prefix') + prefix = parent.document.attr('git-relative-html-prefix') + if parent.document.doctype == 'book' + "" \ + "#{target}(#{attrs[1]})" + elsif parent.document.basebackend? 'html' %(#{target}(#{attrs[1]})) elsif parent.document.basebackend? 'docbook' "\n" \ @@ -20,9 +23,26 @@ module Git end end end + + class DocumentPostProcessor < Asciidoctor::Extensions::Postprocessor + def process document, output + if document.basebackend? 'docbook' + mansource = document.attributes['mansource'] + manversion = document.attributes['manversion'] + manmanual = document.attributes['manmanual'] + new_tags = "" \ + "#{mansource}\n" \ + "#{manversion}\n" \ + "#{manmanual}\n" + output = output.sub(/<\/refmeta>/, new_tags + "") + end + output + end + end end end Asciidoctor::Extensions.register do inline_macro Git::Documentation::LinkGitProcessor, :linkgit + postprocessor Git::Documentation::DocumentPostProcessor end diff --git a/Documentation/config.txt b/Documentation/config.txt index e3f5bc3396..f50f1b4128 100644 --- a/Documentation/config.txt +++ b/Documentation/config.txt @@ -178,47 +178,49 @@ to either specify only the realpath version, or both versions. Example ~~~~~~~ - # Core variables - [core] - ; Don't trust file modes - filemode = false - - # Our diff algorithm - [diff] - external = /usr/local/bin/diff-wrapper - renames = true - - [branch "devel"] - remote = origin - merge = refs/heads/devel - - # Proxy settings - [core] - gitProxy="ssh" for "" - gitProxy=default-proxy ; for the rest - - [include] - path = /path/to/ ; include by absolute path - path = ; find "" relative to the current file - path = ~/ ; find "" in your `$HOME` directory - - ; include if $GIT_DIR is /path/to/foo/.git - [includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/foo/.git"] - path = /path/to/ - - ; include for all repositories inside /path/to/group - [includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"] - path = /path/to/ - - ; include for all repositories inside $HOME/to/group - [includeIf "gitdir:~/to/group/"] - path = /path/to/ - - ; relative paths are always relative to the including - ; file (if the condition is true); their location is not - ; affected by the condition - [includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"] - path = +---- +# Core variables +[core] + ; Don't trust file modes + filemode = false + +# Our diff algorithm +[diff] + external = /usr/local/bin/diff-wrapper + renames = true + +[branch "devel"] + remote = origin + merge = refs/heads/devel + +# Proxy settings +[core] + gitProxy="ssh" for "" + gitProxy=default-proxy ; for the rest + +[include] + path = /path/to/ ; include by absolute path + path = ; find "" relative to the current file + path = ~/ ; find "" in your `$HOME` directory + +; include if $GIT_DIR is /path/to/foo/.git +[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/foo/.git"] + path = /path/to/ + +; include for all repositories inside /path/to/group +[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"] + path = /path/to/ + +; include for all repositories inside $HOME/to/group +[includeIf "gitdir:~/to/group/"] + path = /path/to/ + +; relative paths are always relative to the including +; file (if the condition is true); their location is not +; affected by the condition +[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"] + path = +---- ; include only if we are in a worktree where foo-branch is ; currently checked out @@ -345,6 +347,8 @@ include::config/difftool.txt[] include::config/fastimport.txt[] +include::config/feature.txt[] + include::config/fetch.txt[] include::config/format.txt[] diff --git a/Documentation/config/core.txt b/Documentation/config/core.txt index 75538d27e7..852d2ba37a 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/core.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/core.txt @@ -86,7 +86,9 @@ core.untrackedCache:: it will automatically be removed, if set to `false`. Before setting it to `true`, you should check that mtime is working properly on your system. - See linkgit:git-update-index[1]. `keep` by default. + See linkgit:git-update-index[1]. `keep` by default, unless + `feature.manyFiles` is enabled which sets this setting to + `true` by default. core.checkStat:: When missing or is set to `default`, many fields in the stat @@ -577,7 +579,7 @@ the `GIT_NOTES_REF` environment variable. See linkgit:git-notes[1]. core.commitGraph:: If true, then git will read the commit-graph file (if it exists) - to parse the graph structure of commits. Defaults to false. See + to parse the graph structure of commits. Defaults to true. See linkgit:git-commit-graph[1] for more information. core.useReplaceRefs:: diff --git a/Documentation/config/diff.txt b/Documentation/config/diff.txt index 5afb5a2cbc..ff09f1cf73 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/diff.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/diff.txt @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ diff.guitool:: include::../mergetools-diff.txt[] diff.indentHeuristic:: - Set this option to `true` to enable experimental heuristics + Set this option to `false` to disable the default heuristics that shift diff hunk boundaries to make patches easier to read. diff.algorithm:: diff --git a/Documentation/config/feature.txt b/Documentation/config/feature.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..875f8c8a66 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/config/feature.txt @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +feature.*:: + The config settings that start with `feature.` modify the defaults of + a group of other config settings. These groups are created by the Git + developer community as recommended defaults and are subject to change. + In particular, new config options may be added with different defaults. + +feature.experimental:: + Enable config options that are new to Git, and are being considered for + future defaults. Config settings included here may be added or removed + with each release, including minor version updates. These settings may + have unintended interactions since they are so new. Please enable this + setting if you are interested in providing feedback on experimental + features. The new default values are: ++ +* `pack.useSparse=true` uses a new algorithm when constructing a pack-file +which can improve `git push` performance in repos with many files. ++ +* `fetch.negotiationAlgorithm=skipping` may improve fetch negotiation times by +skipping more commits at a time, reducing the number of round trips. ++ +* `fetch.writeCommitGraph=true` writes a commit-graph after every `git fetch` +command that downloads a pack-file from a remote. Using the `--split` option, +most executions will create a very small commit-graph file on top of the +existing commit-graph file(s). Occasionally, these files will merge and the +write may take longer. Having an updated commit-graph file helps performance +of many Git commands, including `git merge-base`, `git push -f`, and +`git log --graph`. + +feature.manyFiles:: + Enable config options that optimize for repos with many files in the + working directory. With many files, commands such as `git status` and + `git checkout` may be slow and these new defaults improve performance: ++ +* `index.version=4` enables path-prefix compression in the index. ++ +* `core.untrackedCache=true` enables the untracked cache. This setting assumes +that mtime is working on your machine. diff --git a/Documentation/config/fetch.txt b/Documentation/config/fetch.txt index ba890b5884..f11940280f 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/fetch.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/fetch.txt @@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ fetch.negotiationAlgorithm:: effort to converge faster, but may result in a larger-than-necessary packfile; The default is "default" which instructs Git to use the default algorithm that never skips commits (unless the server has acknowledged it or one - of its descendants). + of its descendants). If `feature.experimental` is enabled, then this + setting defaults to "skipping". Unknown values will cause 'git fetch' to error out. + See also the `--negotiation-tip` option for linkgit:git-fetch[1]. @@ -68,3 +69,23 @@ fetch.showForcedUpdates:: Set to false to enable `--no-show-forced-updates` in linkgit:git-fetch[1] and linkgit:git-pull[1] commands. Defaults to true. + +fetch.parallel:: + Specifies the maximal number of fetch operations to be run in parallel + at a time (submodules, or remotes when the `--multiple` option of + linkgit:git-fetch[1] is in effect). ++ +A value of 0 will give some reasonable default. If unset, it defaults to 1. ++ +For submodules, this setting can be overridden using the `submodule.fetchJobs` +config setting. + +fetch.writeCommitGraph:: + Set to true to write a commit-graph after every `git fetch` command + that downloads a pack-file from a remote. Using the `--split` option, + most executions will create a very small commit-graph file on top of + the existing commit-graph file(s). Occasionally, these files will + merge and the write may take longer. Having an updated commit-graph + file helps performance of many Git commands, including `git merge-base`, + `git push -f`, and `git log --graph`. Defaults to false, unless + `feature.experimental` is true. diff --git a/Documentation/config/gc.txt b/Documentation/config/gc.txt index 02b92b18b5..00ea0a678e 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/gc.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/gc.txt @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ gc.writeCommitGraph:: If true, then gc will rewrite the commit-graph file when linkgit:git-gc[1] is run. When using `git gc --auto` the commit-graph will be updated if housekeeping is - required. Default is false. See linkgit:git-commit-graph[1] + required. Default is true. See linkgit:git-commit-graph[1] for details. gc.logExpiry:: diff --git a/Documentation/config/index.txt b/Documentation/config/index.txt index f181503041..7cb50b37e9 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/index.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/index.txt @@ -24,3 +24,4 @@ index.threads:: index.version:: Specify the version with which new index files should be initialized. This does not affect existing repositories. + If `feature.manyFiles` is enabled, then the default is 4. diff --git a/Documentation/config/pack.txt b/Documentation/config/pack.txt index 9cdcfa7324..1d66f0c992 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/pack.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/pack.txt @@ -112,7 +112,8 @@ pack.useSparse:: objects. This can have significant performance benefits when computing a pack to send a small change. However, it is possible that extra objects are added to the pack-file if the included - commits contain certain types of direct renames. + commits contain certain types of direct renames. Default is `false` + unless `feature.experimental` is enabled. pack.writeBitmaps (deprecated):: This is a deprecated synonym for `repack.writeBitmaps`. diff --git a/Documentation/config/remote.txt b/Documentation/config/remote.txt index 6c4cad83a2..a8e6437a90 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/remote.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/remote.txt @@ -76,3 +76,11 @@ remote..pruneTags:: + See also `remote..prune` and the PRUNING section of linkgit:git-fetch[1]. + +remote..promisor:: + When set to true, this remote will be used to fetch promisor + objects. + +remote..partialclonefilter:: + The filter that will be applied when fetching from this + promisor remote. diff --git a/Documentation/config/trace2.txt b/Documentation/config/trace2.txt index 2edbfb02fe..4ce0b9a6d1 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/trace2.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/trace2.txt @@ -54,3 +54,9 @@ trace2.destinationDebug:: By default, these errors are suppressed and tracing is silently disabled. May be overridden by the `GIT_TRACE2_DST_DEBUG` environment variable. + +trace2.maxFiles:: + Integer. When writing trace files to a target directory, do not + write additional traces if we would exceed this many files. Instead, + write a sentinel file that will block further tracing to this + directory. Defaults to 0, which disables this check. diff --git a/Documentation/diff-generate-patch.txt b/Documentation/diff-generate-patch.txt index f10ca410ad..e8ed6470fb 100644 --- a/Documentation/diff-generate-patch.txt +++ b/Documentation/diff-generate-patch.txt @@ -1,11 +1,15 @@ -Generating patches with -p --------------------------- - -When "git-diff-index", "git-diff-tree", or "git-diff-files" are run -with a `-p` option, "git diff" without the `--raw` option, or -"git log" with the "-p" option, they -do not produce the output described above; instead they produce a -patch file. You can customize the creation of such patches via the +Generating patch text with -p +----------------------------- + +Running +linkgit:git-diff[1], +linkgit:git-log[1], +linkgit:git-show[1], +linkgit:git-diff-index[1], +linkgit:git-diff-tree[1], or +linkgit:git-diff-files[1] +with the `-p` option produces patch text. +You can customize the creation of patch text via the `GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF` and the `GIT_DIFF_OPTS` environment variables. What the -p option produces is slightly different from the traditional @@ -49,7 +53,7 @@ similarity index value of 100% is thus reserved for two equal files, while 100% dissimilarity means that no line from the old file made it into the new one. + -The index line includes the SHA-1 checksum before and after the change. +The index line includes the blob object names before and after the change. The is included if the file mode does not change; otherwise, separate lines indicate the old and the new mode. @@ -70,7 +74,7 @@ separate lines indicate the old and the new mode. rename to a -combined diff format +Combined diff format -------------------- Any diff-generating command can take the `-c` or `--cc` option to @@ -80,7 +84,7 @@ linkgit:git-show[1]. Note also that you can give the `-m` option to any of these commands to force generation of diffs with individual parents of a merge. -A 'combined diff' format looks like this: +A "combined diff" format looks like this: ------------ diff --combined describe.c @@ -113,11 +117,11 @@ index fabadb8,cc95eb0..4866510 ------------ 1. It is preceded with a "git diff" header, that looks like - this (when `-c` option is used): + this (when the `-c` option is used): diff --combined file + -or like this (when `--cc` option is used): +or like this (when the `--cc` option is used): diff --cc file @@ -160,7 +164,7 @@ parents. 4. Chunk header format is modified to prevent people from accidentally feeding it to `patch -p1`. Combined diff format was created for review of merge commit changes, and was not - meant for apply. The change is similar to the change in the + meant to be applied. The change is similar to the change in the extended 'index' header: @@@ @@@ diff --git a/Documentation/doc-diff b/Documentation/doc-diff index 3355be4798..88a9b20168 100755 --- a/Documentation/doc-diff +++ b/Documentation/doc-diff @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ asciidoc use asciidoc with both commits to-asciidoc use asciidoc with the 'to'-commit to-asciidoctor use asciidoctor with the 'to'-commit asciidoctor use asciidoctor with both commits -cut-header-footer cut away header and footer +cut-footer cut away footer " SUBDIRECTORY_OK=1 . "$(git --exec-path)/git-sh-setup" @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ force= clean= from_program= to_program= -cut_header_footer= +cut_footer= while test $# -gt 0 do case "$1" in @@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ do --asciidoc) from_program=-asciidoc to_program=-asciidoc ;; - --cut-header-footer) - cut_header_footer=-cut-header-footer ;; + --cut-footer) + cut_footer=-cut-footer ;; --) shift; break ;; *) @@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ construct_makemanflags () { from_makemanflags=$(construct_makemanflags "$from_program") && to_makemanflags=$(construct_makemanflags "$to_program") && -from_dir=$from_oid$from_program$cut_header_footer && -to_dir=$to_oid$to_program$cut_header_footer && +from_dir=$from_oid$from_program$cut_footer && +to_dir=$to_oid$to_program$cut_footer && # generate_render_makefile generate_render_makefile () { @@ -169,12 +169,11 @@ render_tree () { make -j$parallel -f - && mv "$tmp/rendered/$dname+" "$tmp/rendered/$dname" - if test "$cut_header_footer" = "-cut-header-footer" + if test "$cut_footer" = "-cut-footer" then for f in $(find "$tmp/rendered/$dname" -type f) do - tail -n +3 "$f" | head -n -2 | - sed -e '1{/^$/d}' -e '${/^$/d}' >"$f+" && + head -n -2 "$f" | sed -e '${/^$/d}' >"$f+" && mv "$f+" "$f" || return 1 done diff --git a/Documentation/fetch-options.txt b/Documentation/fetch-options.txt index 3c9b4f9e09..43b9ff3bce 100644 --- a/Documentation/fetch-options.txt +++ b/Documentation/fetch-options.txt @@ -160,15 +160,27 @@ ifndef::git-pull[] -j:: --jobs=:: - Number of parallel children to be used for fetching submodules. - Each will fetch from different submodules, such that fetching many - submodules will be faster. By default submodules will be fetched - one at a time. + Number of parallel children to be used for all forms of fetching. ++ +If the `--multiple` option was specified, the different remotes will be fetched +in parallel. If multiple submodules are fetched, they will be fetched in +parallel. To control them independently, use the config settings +`fetch.parallel` and `submodule.fetchJobs` (see linkgit:git-config[1]). ++ +Typically, parallel recursive and multi-remote fetches will be faster. By +default fetches are performed sequentially, not in parallel. --no-recurse-submodules:: Disable recursive fetching of submodules (this has the same effect as using the `--recurse-submodules=no` option). +--set-upstream:: + If the remote is fetched successfully, pull and add upstream + (tracking) reference, used by argument-less + linkgit:git-pull[1] and other commands. For more information, + see `branch..merge` and `branch..remote` in + linkgit:git-config[1]. + --submodule-prefix=:: Prepend to paths printed in informative messages such as "Fetching submodule foo". This option is used diff --git a/Documentation/git-clean.txt b/Documentation/git-clean.txt index 0028ff12d1..a7f309dff5 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-clean.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-clean.txt @@ -26,18 +26,20 @@ are affected. OPTIONS ------- -d:: - Remove untracked directories in addition to untracked files. - If an untracked directory is managed by a different Git - repository, it is not removed by default. Use -f option twice - if you really want to remove such a directory. + Normally, when no is specified, git clean will not + recurse into untracked directories to avoid removing too much. + Specify -d to have it recurse into such directories as well. + If any paths are specified, -d is irrelevant; all untracked + files matching the specified paths (with exceptions for nested + git directories mentioned under `--force`) will be removed. -f:: --force:: If the Git configuration variable clean.requireForce is not set to false, 'git clean' will refuse to delete files or directories - unless given -f, -n or -i. Git will refuse to delete directories - with .git sub directory or file unless a second -f - is given. + unless given -f or -i. Git will refuse to modify untracked + nested git repositories (directories with a .git subdirectory) + unless a second -f is given. -i:: --interactive:: diff --git a/Documentation/git-commit-graph.txt b/Documentation/git-commit-graph.txt index eb5e7865f0..8c708a7a16 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-commit-graph.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-commit-graph.txt @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ SYNOPSIS -------- [verse] 'git commit-graph read' [--object-dir ] -'git commit-graph verify' [--object-dir ] [--shallow] -'git commit-graph write' [--object-dir ] +'git commit-graph verify' [--object-dir ] [--shallow] [--[no-]progress] +'git commit-graph write' [--object-dir ] [--[no-]progress] DESCRIPTION @@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ OPTIONS commit-graph file is expected to be in the `/info` directory and the packfiles are expected to be in `/pack`. +--[no-]progress:: + Turn progress on/off explicitly. If neither is specified, progress is + shown if standard error is connected to a terminal. COMMANDS -------- diff --git a/Documentation/git-commit.txt b/Documentation/git-commit.txt index 7628193284..afa7b75a23 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-commit.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-commit.txt @@ -282,18 +282,20 @@ FROM UPSTREAM REBASE" section in linkgit:git-rebase[1].) --untracked-files[=]:: Show untracked files. + +-- The mode parameter is optional (defaults to 'all'), and is used to specify the handling of untracked files; when -u is not used, the default is 'normal', i.e. show untracked files and directories. -+ + The possible options are: -+ + - 'no' - Show no untracked files - 'normal' - Shows untracked files and directories - 'all' - Also shows individual files in untracked directories. -+ + The default can be changed using the status.showUntrackedFiles configuration variable documented in linkgit:git-config[1]. +-- -v:: --verbose:: diff --git a/Documentation/git-config.txt b/Documentation/git-config.txt index ff9310f958..899e92a1c9 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-config.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-config.txt @@ -339,33 +339,35 @@ EXAMPLES Given a .git/config like this: - # - # This is the config file, and - # a '#' or ';' character indicates - # a comment - # - - ; core variables - [core] - ; Don't trust file modes - filemode = false - - ; Our diff algorithm - [diff] - external = /usr/local/bin/diff-wrapper - renames = true - - ; Proxy settings - [core] - gitproxy=proxy-command for - gitproxy=default-proxy ; for all the rest - - ; HTTP - [http] - sslVerify - [http ""] - sslVerify = false - cookieFile = /tmp/cookie.txt +------------ +# +# This is the config file, and +# a '#' or ';' character indicates +# a comment +# + +; core variables +[core] + ; Don't trust file modes + filemode = false + +; Our diff algorithm +[diff] + external = /usr/local/bin/diff-wrapper + renames = true + +; Proxy settings +[core] + gitproxy=proxy-command for + gitproxy=default-proxy ; for all the rest + +; HTTP +[http] + sslVerify +[http ""] + sslVerify = false + cookieFile = /tmp/cookie.txt +------------ you can set the filemode to true with diff --git a/Documentation/git-fast-export.txt b/Documentation/git-fast-export.txt index cc940eb9ad..37634bffd1 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-fast-export.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-fast-export.txt @@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ This program dumps the given revisions in a form suitable to be piped into 'git fast-import'. You can use it as a human-readable bundle replacement (see -linkgit:git-bundle[1]), or as a kind of an interactive -'git filter-branch'. - +linkgit:git-bundle[1]), or as a format that can be edited before being +fed to 'git fast-import' in order to do history rewrites (an ability +relied on by tools like 'git filter-repo'). OPTIONS ------- @@ -75,11 +75,20 @@ produced incorrect results if you gave these options. Before processing any input, load the marks specified in . The input file must exist, must be readable, and must use the same format as produced by --export-marks. + +--mark-tags:: + In addition to labelling blobs and commits with mark ids, also + label tags. This is useful in conjunction with + `--export-marks` and `--import-marks`, and is also useful (and + necessary) for exporting of nested tags. It does not hurt + other cases and would be the default, but many fast-import + frontends are not prepared to accept tags with mark + identifiers. + -Any commits that have already been marked will not be exported again. -If the backend uses a similar --import-marks file, this allows for -incremental bidirectional exporting of the repository by keeping the -marks the same across runs. +Any commits (or tags) that have already been marked will not be +exported again. If the backend uses a similar --import-marks file, +this allows for incremental bidirectional exporting of the repository +by keeping the marks the same across runs. --fake-missing-tagger:: Some old repositories have tags without a tagger. The diff --git a/Documentation/git-fast-import.txt b/Documentation/git-fast-import.txt index fad327aecc..a3f1e0c5e4 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-fast-import.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-fast-import.txt @@ -337,6 +337,13 @@ and control the current import process. More detailed discussion `commit` command. This command is optional and is not needed to perform an import. +`alias`:: + Record that a mark refers to a given object without first + creating any new object. Using --import-marks and referring + to missing marks will cause fast-import to fail, so aliases + can provide a way to set otherwise pruned commits to a valid + value (e.g. the nearest non-pruned ancestor). + `checkpoint`:: Forces fast-import to close the current packfile, generate its unique SHA-1 checksum and index, and start a new packfile. @@ -391,7 +398,7 @@ change to the project. ('encoding' SP )? data ('from' SP LF)? - ('merge' SP LF)? + ('merge' SP LF)* (filemodify | filedelete | filecopy | filerename | filedeleteall | notemodify)* LF? .... @@ -774,6 +781,7 @@ lightweight (non-annotated) tags see the `reset` command below. .... 'tag' SP LF + mark? 'from' SP LF original-oid? 'tagger' (SP )? SP LT GT SP LF @@ -913,6 +921,21 @@ a data chunk which does not have an LF as its last byte. + The `LF` after ` LF` is optional (it used to be required). +`alias` +~~~~~~~ +Record that a mark refers to a given object without first creating any +new object. + +.... + 'alias' LF + mark + 'to' SP LF + LF? +.... + +For a detailed description of `` see above under `from`. + + `checkpoint` ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forces fast-import to close the current packfile, start a new one, and to diff --git a/Documentation/git-filter-branch.txt b/Documentation/git-filter-branch.txt index 6b53dd7e06..5876598852 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-filter-branch.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-filter-branch.txt @@ -16,6 +16,19 @@ SYNOPSIS [--original ] [-d ] [-f | --force] [--state-branch ] [--] [...] +WARNING +------- +'git filter-branch' has a plethora of pitfalls that can produce non-obvious +manglings of the intended history rewrite (and can leave you with little +time to investigate such problems since it has such abysmal performance). +These safety and performance issues cannot be backward compatibly fixed and +as such, its use is not recommended. Please use an alternative history +filtering tool such as[git +filter-repo]. If you still need to use 'git filter-branch', please +carefully read <> (and <>) to learn about the land +mines of filter-branch, and then vigilantly avoid as many of the hazards +listed there as reasonably possible. + DESCRIPTION ----------- Lets you rewrite Git revision history by rewriting the branches mentioned @@ -445,36 +458,236 @@ warned. (or if your git-gc is not new enough to support arguments to `--prune`, use `git repack -ad; git prune` instead). -NOTES ------ - -git-filter-branch allows you to make complex shell-scripted rewrites -of your Git history, but you probably don't need this flexibility if -you're simply _removing unwanted data_ like large files or passwords. -For those operations you may want to consider -[The BFG Repo-Cleaner], -a JVM-based alternative to git-filter-branch, typically at least -10-50x faster for those use-cases, and with quite different -characteristics: - -* Any particular version of a file is cleaned exactly _once_. The BFG, - unlike git-filter-branch, does not give you the opportunity to - handle a file differently based on where or when it was committed - within your history. This constraint gives the core performance - benefit of The BFG, and is well-suited to the task of cleansing bad - data - you don't care _where_ the bad data is, you just want it - _gone_. - -* By default The BFG takes full advantage of multi-core machines, - cleansing commit file-trees in parallel. git-filter-branch cleans - commits sequentially (i.e. in a single-threaded manner), though it - _is_ possible to write filters that include their own parallelism, - in the scripts executed against each commit. - -* The[command options] - are much more restrictive than git-filter branch, and dedicated just - to the tasks of removing unwanted data- e.g: - `--strip-blobs-bigger-than 1M`. +[[PERFORMANCE]] +PERFORMANCE +----------- + +The performance of git-filter-branch is glacially slow; its design makes it +impossible for a backward-compatible implementation to ever be fast: + +* In editing files, git-filter-branch by design checks out each and +every commit as it existed in the original repo. If your repo has 10\^5 +files and 10\^5 commits, but each commit only modifies 5 files, then +git-filter-branch will make you do 10\^10 modifications, despite only +having (at most) 5*10^5 unique blobs. + +* If you try and cheat and try to make git-filter-branch only work on +files modified in a commit, then two things happen + + ** you run into problems with deletions whenever the user is simply + trying to rename files (because attempting to delete files that + don't exist looks like a no-op; it takes some chicanery to remap + deletes across file renames when the renames happen via arbitrary + user-provided shell) + + ** even if you succeed at the map-deletes-for-renames chicanery, you + still technically violate backward compatibility because users are + allowed to filter files in ways that depend upon topology of + commits instead of filtering solely based on file contents or names + (though this has not been observed in the wild). + +* Even if you don't need to edit files but only want to e.g. rename or +remove some and thus can avoid checking out each file (i.e. you can use +--index-filter), you still are passing shell snippets for your filters. +This means that for every commit, you have to have a prepared git repo +where those filters can be run. That's a significant setup. + +* Further, several additional files are created or updated per commit by +git-filter-branch. Some of these are for supporting the convenience +functions provided by git-filter-branch (such as map()), while others +are for keeping track of internal state (but could have also been +accessed by user filters; one of git-filter-branch's regression tests +does so). This essentially amounts to using the filesystem as an IPC +mechanism between git-filter-branch and the user-provided filters. +Disks tend to be a slow IPC mechanism, and writing these files also +effectively represents a forced synchronization point between separate +processes that we hit with every commit. + +* The user-provided shell commands will likely involve a pipeline of +commands, resulting in the creation of many processes per commit. +Creating and running another process takes a widely varying amount of +time between operating systems, but on any platform it is very slow +relative to invoking a function. + +* git-filter-branch itself is written in shell, which is kind of slow. +This is the one performance issue that could be backward-compatibly +fixed, but compared to the above problems that are intrinsic to the +design of git-filter-branch, the language of the tool itself is a +relatively minor issue. + + ** Side note: Unfortunately, people tend to fixate on the + written-in-shell aspect and periodically ask if git-filter-branch + could be rewritten in another language to fix the performance + issues. Not only does that ignore the bigger intrinsic problems + with the design, it'd help less than you'd expect: if + git-filter-branch itself were not shell, then the convenience + functions (map(), skip_commit(), etc) and the `--setup` argument + could no longer be executed once at the beginning of the program + but would instead need to be prepended to every user filter (and + thus re-executed with every commit). + +The[git filter-repo] tool is +an alternative to git-filter-branch which does not suffer from these +performance problems or the safety problems (mentioned below). For those +with existing tooling which relies upon git-filter-branch, 'git +repo-filter' also provides +[filter-lamely], +a drop-in git-filter-branch replacement (with a few caveats). While +filter-lamely suffers from all the same safety issues as +git-filter-branch, it at least ameloriates the performance issues a +little. + +[[SAFETY]] +SAFETY +------ + +git-filter-branch is riddled with gotchas resulting in various ways to +easily corrupt repos or end up with a mess worse than what you started +with: + +* Someone can have a set of "working and tested filters" which they +document or provide to a coworker, who then runs them on a different OS +where the same commands are not working/tested (some examples in the +git-filter-branch manpage are also affected by this). BSD vs. GNU +userland differences can really bite. If lucky, error messages are +spewed. But just as likely, the commands either don't do the filtering +requested, or silently corrupt by making some unwanted change. The +unwanted change may only affect a few commits, so it's not necessarily +obvious either. (The fact that problems won't necessarily be obvious +means they are likely to go unnoticed until the rewritten history is in +use for quite a while, at which point it's really hard to justify +another flag-day for another rewrite.) + +* Filenames with spaces are often mishandled by shell snippets since +they cause problems for shell pipelines. Not everyone is familiar with +find -print0, xargs -0, git-ls-files -z, etc. Even people who are +familiar with these may assume such flags are not relevant because +someone else renamed any such files in their repo back before the person +doing the filtering joined the project. And often, even those familiar +with handling arguments with spaces may not do so just because they +aren't in the mindset of thinking about everything that could possibly +go wrong. + +* Non-ascii filenames can be silently removed despite being in a desired +directory. Keeping only wanted paths is often done using pipelines like +`git ls-files | grep -v ^WANTED_DIR/ | xargs git rm`. ls-files will +only quote filenames if needed, so folks may not notice that one of the +files didn't match the regex (at least not until it's much too late). +Yes, someone who knows about core.quotePath can avoid this (unless they +have other special characters like \t, \n, or "), and people who use +ls-files -z with something other than grep can avoid this, but that +doesn't mean they will. + +* Similarly, when moving files around, one can find that filenames with +non-ascii or special characters end up in a different directory, one +that includes a double quote character. (This is technically the same +issue as above with quoting, but perhaps an interesting different way +that it can and has manifested as a problem.) + +* It's far too easy to accidentally mix up old and new history. It's +still possible with any tool, but git-filter-branch almost invites it. +If lucky, the only downside is users getting frustrated that they don't +know how to shrink their repo and remove the old stuff. If unlucky, +they merge old and new history and end up with multiple "copies" of each +commit, some of which have unwanted or sensitive files and others which +don't. This comes about in multiple different ways: + + ** the default to only doing a partial history rewrite ('--all' is not + the default and few examples show it) + + ** the fact that there's no automatic post-run cleanup + + ** the fact that --tag-name-filter (when used to rename tags) doesn't + remove the old tags but just adds new ones with the new name + + ** the fact that little educational information is provided to inform + users of the ramifications of a rewrite and how to avoid mixing old + and new history. For example, this man page discusses how users + need to understand that they need to rebase their changes for all + their branches on top of new history (or delete and reclone), but + that's only one of multiple concerns to consider. See the + "DISCUSSION" section of the git filter-repo manual page for more + details. + +* Annotated tags can be accidentally converted to lightweight tags, due +to either of two issues: + + ** Someone can do a history rewrite, realize they messed up, restore + from the backups in refs/original/, and then redo their + git-filter-branch command. (The backup in refs/original/ is not a + real backup; it dereferences tags first.) + + ** Running git-filter-branch with either --tags or --all in your + . In order to retain annotated tags as + annotated, you must use --tag-name-filter (and must not have + restored from refs/original/ in a previously botched rewrite). + +* Any commit messages that specify an encoding will become corrupted +by the rewrite; git-filter-branch ignores the encoding, takes the original +bytes, and feeds it to commit-tree without telling it the proper +encoding. (This happens whether or not --msg-filter is used.) + +* Commit messages (even if they are all UTF-8) by default become +corrupted due to not being updated -- any references to other commit +hashes in commit messages will now refer to no-longer-extant commits. + +* There are no facilities for helping users find what unwanted crud they +should delete, which means they are much more likely to have incomplete +or partial cleanups that sometimes result in confusion and people +wasting time trying to understand. (For example, folks tend to just +look for big files to delete instead of big directories or extensions, +and once they do so, then sometime later folks using the new repository +who are going through history will notice a build artifact directory +that has some files but not others, or a cache of dependencies +(node_modules or similar) which couldn't have ever been functional since +it's missing some files.) + +* If --prune-empty isn't specified, then the filtering process can +create hoards of confusing empty commits + +* If --prune-empty is specified, then intentionally placed empty +commits from before the filtering operation are also pruned instead of +just pruning commits that became empty due to filtering rules. + +* If --prune empty is specified, sometimes empty commits are missed +and left around anyway (a somewhat rare bug, but it happens...) + +* A minor issue, but users who have a goal to update all names and +emails in a repository may be led to --env-filter which will only update +authors and committers, missing taggers. + +* If the user provides a --tag-name-filter that maps multiple tags to +the same name, no warning or error is provided; git-filter-branch simply +overwrites each tag in some undocumented pre-defined order resulting in +only one tag at the end. (A git-filter-branch regression test requires +this surprising behavior.) + +Also, the poor performance of git-filter-branch often leads to safety +issues: + +* Coming up with the correct shell snippet to do the filtering you want +is sometimes difficult unless you're just doing a trivial modification +such as deleting a couple files. Unfortunately, people often learn if +the snippet is right or wrong by trying it out, but the rightness or +wrongness can vary depending on special circumstances (spaces in +filenames, non-ascii filenames, funny author names or emails, invalid +timezones, presence of grafts or replace objects, etc.), meaning they +may have to wait a long time, hit an error, then restart. The +performance of git-filter-branch is so bad that this cycle is painful, +reducing the time available to carefully re-check (to say nothing about +what it does to the patience of the person doing the rewrite even if +they do technically have more time available). This problem is extra +compounded because errors from broken filters may not be shown for a +long time and/or get lost in a sea of output. Even worse, broken +filters often just result in silent incorrect rewrites. + +* To top it all off, even when users finally find working commands, they +naturally want to share them. But they may be unaware that their repo +didn't have some special cases that someone else's does. So, when +someone else with a different repository runs the same commands, they +get hit by the problems above. Or, the user just runs commands that +really were vetted for special cases, but they run it on a different OS +where it doesn't work, as noted above. GIT --- diff --git a/Documentation/git-gc.txt b/Documentation/git-gc.txt index 247f765604..0c114ad1ca 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-gc.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-gc.txt @@ -115,15 +115,14 @@ NOTES ----- 'git gc' tries very hard not to delete objects that are referenced -anywhere in your repository. In -particular, it will keep not only objects referenced by your current set -of branches and tags, but also objects referenced by the index, -remote-tracking branches, refs saved by 'git filter-branch' in -refs/original/, reflogs (which may reference commits in branches -that were later amended or rewound), and anything else in the refs/* namespace. -If you are expecting some objects to be deleted and they aren't, check -all of those locations and decide whether it makes sense in your case to -remove those references. +anywhere in your repository. In particular, it will keep not only +objects referenced by your current set of branches and tags, but also +objects referenced by the index, remote-tracking branches, notes saved +by 'git notes' under refs/notes/, reflogs (which may reference commits +in branches that were later amended or rewound), and anything else in +the refs/* namespace. If you are expecting some objects to be deleted +and they aren't, check all of those locations and decide whether it +makes sense in your case to remove those references. On the other hand, when 'git gc' runs concurrently with another process, there is a risk of it deleting an object that the other process is using diff --git a/Documentation/git-grep.txt b/Documentation/git-grep.txt index 2d27969057..c89fb569e3 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-grep.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-grep.txt @@ -271,6 +271,23 @@ providing this option will cause it to die. -f :: Read patterns from , one per line. ++ +Passing the pattern via allows for providing a search pattern +containing a \0. ++ +Not all pattern types support patterns containing \0. Git will error +out if a given pattern type can't support such a pattern. The +`--perl-regexp` pattern type when compiled against the PCRE v2 backend +has the widest support for these types of patterns. ++ +In versions of Git before 2.23.0 patterns containing \0 would be +silently considered fixed. This was never documented, there were also +odd and undocumented interactions between e.g. non-ASCII patterns +containing \0 and `--ignore-case`. ++ +In future versions we may learn to support patterns containing \0 for +more search backends, until then we'll die when the pattern type in +question doesn't support them. -e:: The next parameter is the pattern. This option has to be diff --git a/Documentation/git-gui.txt b/Documentation/git-gui.txt index 5f93f8003d..c9d7e96214 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-gui.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-gui.txt @@ -112,15 +112,9 @@ Other versions are distributed as part of the Git suite for the convenience of end users. -A 'git gui' development repository can be obtained from: +The official repository of the 'git gui' project can be found at: - git clone git:// - -or - - git clone - -or browsed online at[]. + GIT --- diff --git a/Documentation/git-ls-remote.txt b/Documentation/git-ls-remote.txt index 0b057cbb10..a2ea1fd687 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-ls-remote.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-ls-remote.txt @@ -92,21 +92,23 @@ OPTIONS EXAMPLES -------- - $ git ls-remote --tags ./. - d6602ec5194c87b0fc87103ca4d67251c76f233a refs/tags/v0.99 - f25a265a342aed6041ab0cc484224d9ca54b6f41 refs/tags/v0.99.1 - 7ceca275d047c90c0c7d5afb13ab97efdf51bd6e refs/tags/v0.99.3 - c5db5456ae3b0873fc659c19fafdde22313cc441 refs/tags/v0.99.2 - 0918385dbd9656cab0d1d81ba7453d49bbc16250 refs/tags/junio-gpg-pub - $ git ls-remote master pu rc - 5fe978a5381f1fbad26a80e682ddd2a401966740 refs/heads/master - c781a84b5204fb294c9ccc79f8b3baceeb32c061 refs/heads/pu - $ git remote add korg - $ git ls-remote --tags korg v\* - d6602ec5194c87b0fc87103ca4d67251c76f233a refs/tags/v0.99 - f25a265a342aed6041ab0cc484224d9ca54b6f41 refs/tags/v0.99.1 - c5db5456ae3b0873fc659c19fafdde22313cc441 refs/tags/v0.99.2 - 7ceca275d047c90c0c7d5afb13ab97efdf51bd6e refs/tags/v0.99.3 +---- +$ git ls-remote --tags ./. +d6602ec5194c87b0fc87103ca4d67251c76f233a refs/tags/v0.99 +f25a265a342aed6041ab0cc484224d9ca54b6f41 refs/tags/v0.99.1 +7ceca275d047c90c0c7d5afb13ab97efdf51bd6e refs/tags/v0.99.3 +c5db5456ae3b0873fc659c19fafdde22313cc441 refs/tags/v0.99.2 +0918385dbd9656cab0d1d81ba7453d49bbc16250 refs/tags/junio-gpg-pub +$ git ls-remote master pu rc +5fe978a5381f1fbad26a80e682ddd2a401966740 refs/heads/master +c781a84b5204fb294c9ccc79f8b3baceeb32c061 refs/heads/pu +$ git remote add korg +$ git ls-remote --tags korg v\* +d6602ec5194c87b0fc87103ca4d67251c76f233a refs/tags/v0.99 +f25a265a342aed6041ab0cc484224d9ca54b6f41 refs/tags/v0.99.1 +c5db5456ae3b0873fc659c19fafdde22313cc441 refs/tags/v0.99.2 +7ceca275d047c90c0c7d5afb13ab97efdf51bd6e refs/tags/v0.99.3 +---- SEE ALSO -------- diff --git a/Documentation/git-merge-base.txt b/Documentation/git-merge-base.txt index 261d5c1164..2d944e0851 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-merge-base.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-merge-base.txt @@ -80,9 +80,11 @@ which is reachable from both 'A' and 'B' through the parent relationship. For example, with this topology: - o---o---o---B - / - ---o---1---o---o---o---A +.... + o---o---o---B + / +---o---1---o---o---o---A +.... the merge base between 'A' and 'B' is '1'. @@ -90,21 +92,25 @@ Given three commits 'A', 'B' and 'C', `git merge-base A B C` will compute the merge base between 'A' and a hypothetical commit 'M', which is a merge between 'B' and 'C'. For example, with this topology: - o---o---o---o---C - / - / o---o---o---B - / / - ---2---1---o---o---o---A +.... + o---o---o---o---C + / + / o---o---o---B + / / +---2---1---o---o---o---A +.... the result of `git merge-base A B C` is '1'. This is because the equivalent topology with a merge commit 'M' between 'B' and 'C' is: - o---o---o---o---o - / \ - / o---o---o---o---M - / / - ---2---1---o---o---o---A +.... + o---o---o---o---o + / \ + / o---o---o---o---M + / / +---2---1---o---o---o---A +.... and the result of `git merge-base A M` is '1'. Commit '2' is also a common ancestor between 'A' and 'M', but '1' is a better common ancestor, @@ -116,11 +122,13 @@ the best common ancestor of all commits. When the history involves criss-cross merges, there can be more than one 'best' common ancestor for two commits. For example, with this topology: - ---1---o---A - \ / - X - / \ - ---2---o---o---B +.... +---1---o---A + \ / + X + / \ +---2---o---o---B +.... both '1' and '2' are merge-bases of A and B. Neither one is better than the other (both are 'best' merge bases). When the `--all` option is not given, @@ -131,18 +139,22 @@ and B is (or at least used to be) to compute the merge base between A and B, and check if it is the same as A, in which case, A is an ancestor of B. You will see this idiom used often in older scripts. - A=$(git rev-parse --verify A) - if test "$A" = "$(git merge-base A B)" - then - ... A is an ancestor of B ... - fi +.... +A=$(git rev-parse --verify A) +if test "$A" = "$(git merge-base A B)" +then + ... A is an ancestor of B ... +fi +.... In modern git, you can say this in a more direct way: - if git merge-base --is-ancestor A B - then - ... A is an ancestor of B ... - fi +.... +if git merge-base --is-ancestor A B +then + ... A is an ancestor of B ... +fi +.... instead. @@ -154,13 +166,15 @@ topic origin/master`, the history of remote-tracking branch `origin/master` may have been rewound and rebuilt, leading to a history of this shape: - o---B2 - / - ---o---o---B1--o---o---o---B (origin/master) - \ - B0 - \ - D0---D1---D (topic) +.... + o---B2 + / +---o---o---B1--o---o---o---B (origin/master) + \ + B0 + \ + D0---D1---D (topic) +.... where `origin/master` used to point at commits B0, B1, B2 and now it points at B, and your `topic` branch was started on top of it back @@ -193,13 +207,15 @@ will find B0, and will replay D0, D1 and D on top of B to create a new history of this shape: - o---B2 - / - ---o---o---B1--o---o---o---B (origin/master) - \ \ - B0 D0'--D1'--D' (topic - updated) - \ - D0---D1---D (topic - old) +.... + o---B2 + / +---o---o---B1--o---o---o---B (origin/master) + \ \ + B0 D0'--D1'--D' (topic - updated) + \ + D0---D1---D (topic - old) +.... A caveat is that older reflog entries in your repository may be expired by `git gc`. If B0 no longer appears in the reflog of the diff --git a/Documentation/git-merge-index.txt b/Documentation/git-merge-index.txt index 02676fb391..2ab84a91e5 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-merge-index.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-merge-index.txt @@ -54,20 +54,24 @@ original is first. But the argument order to the 3-way merge program Examples: - torvalds@ppc970:~/merge-test> git merge-index cat MM - This is MM from the original tree. # original - This is modified MM in the branch A. # merge1 - This is modified MM in the branch B. # merge2 - This is modified MM in the branch B. # current contents +---- +torvalds@ppc970:~/merge-test> git merge-index cat MM +This is MM from the original tree. # original +This is modified MM in the branch A. # merge1 +This is modified MM in the branch B. # merge2 +This is modified MM in the branch B. # current contents +---- or - torvalds@ppc970:~/merge-test> git merge-index cat AA MM - cat: : No such file or directory - This is added AA in the branch A. - This is added AA in the branch B. - This is added AA in the branch B. - fatal: merge program failed +---- +torvalds@ppc970:~/merge-test> git merge-index cat AA MM +cat: : No such file or directory +This is added AA in the branch A. +This is added AA in the branch B. +This is added AA in the branch B. +fatal: merge program failed +---- where the latter example shows how 'git merge-index' will stop trying to merge once anything has returned an error (i.e., `cat` returned an error diff --git a/Documentation/git-merge.txt b/Documentation/git-merge.txt index 01fd52dc70..092529c619 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-merge.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-merge.txt @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ SYNOPSIS -------- [verse] 'git merge' [-n] [--stat] [--no-commit] [--squash] [--[no-]edit] - [-s ] [-X ] [-S[]] + [--no-verify] [-s ] [-X ] [-S[]] [--[no-]allow-unrelated-histories] [--[no-]rerere-autoupdate] [-m ] [-F ] [...] 'git merge' (--continue | --abort | --quit) diff --git a/Documentation/git-rebase.txt b/Documentation/git-rebase.txt index 6156609cf7..639a4179d1 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-rebase.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-rebase.txt @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ git-rebase - Reapply commits on top of another base tip SYNOPSIS -------- [verse] -'git rebase' [-i | --interactive] [] [--exec ] [--onto ] - [ []] +'git rebase' [-i | --interactive] [] [--exec ] + [--onto | --keep-base] [ []] 'git rebase' [-i | --interactive] [] [--exec ] [--onto ] --root [] 'git rebase' (--continue | --skip | --abort | --quit | --edit-todo | --show-current-patch) @@ -217,6 +217,24 @@ As a special case, you may use "A\...B" as a shortcut for the merge base of A and B if there is exactly one merge base. You can leave out at most one of A and B, in which case it defaults to HEAD. +--keep-base:: + Set the starting point at which to create the new commits to the + merge base of . Running + 'git rebase --keep-base ' is equivalent to + running 'git rebase --onto ... '. ++ +This option is useful in the case where one is developing a feature on +top of an upstream branch. While the feature is being worked on, the +upstream branch may advance and it may not be the best idea to keep +rebasing on top of the upstream but to keep the base commit as-is. ++ +Although both this option and --fork-point find the merge base between + and , this option uses the merge base as the _starting +point_ on which new commits will be created, whereas --fork-point uses +the merge base to determine the _set of commits_ which will be rebased. ++ +See also INCOMPATIBLE OPTIONS below. + :: Upstream branch to compare against. May be any valid commit, not just an existing branch name. Defaults to the configured @@ -369,6 +387,10 @@ ends up being empty, the will be used as a fallback. + If either or --root is given on the command line, then the default is `--no-fork-point`, otherwise the default is `--fork-point`. ++ +If your branch was based on but was rewound and +your branch contains commits which were dropped, this option can be used +with `--keep-base` in order to drop those commits from your branch. --ignore-whitespace:: --whitespace=