]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/mdadm.git/blob - md.man
[thirdparty/mdadm.git] / md.man
1 MD(4) MD(4)
5 N\bNA\bAM\bME\bE
6 md - Multiple Device driver aka Linux Software Raid
8 S\bSY\bYN\bNO\bOP\bPS\bSI\bIS\bS
9 /\b/d\bde\bev\bv/\b/m\bmd\bd_\bn
10 /\b/d\bde\bev\bv/\b/m\bmd\bd/\b/_\bn
12 D\bDE\bES\bSC\bCR\bRI\bIP\bPT\bTI\bIO\bON\bN
13 The m\bmd\bd driver provides virtual devices that are created
14 from one or more independent underlying devices. This
15 array of devices often contains redundancy, and hence the
16 acronym RAID which stands for a Redundant Array of Inde-
17 pendent Devices.
19 m\bmd\bd support RAID levels 1 (mirroring) 4 (striped array with
20 parity device) and 5 (striped array with distributed par-
21 ity information. If a single underlying device fails
22 while using one of these level, the array will continue to
23 function.
25 m\bmd\bd also supports a number of pseudo RAID (non-redundant)
26 configurations including RAID0 (striped array), LINEAR
27 (catenated array) and MULTIPATH (a set of different inter-
28 faces to the same device).
31 M\bMD\bD S\bSU\bUP\bPE\bER\bR B\bBL\bLO\bOC\bCK\bK
32 With the exception of Legacy Arrays described below, each
33 device that is incorporated into an MD array has a _\bs_\bu_\bp_\be_\br
34 _\bb_\bl_\bo_\bc_\bk written towards the end of the device. This
35 superblock records information about the structure and
36 state of the array so that the array can be reliably re-
37 assembled after a shutdown.
39 The superblock is 4K long and is written into a 64K
40 aligned block that starts at least 64K and less than 128K
41 from the end of the device (i.e. to get the address of the
42 superblock round the size of the device down to a multiple
43 of 64K and then subtract 64K). The available size of each
44 device is the amount of space before the super block, so
45 between 64K and 128K is lost when a device in incorporated
46 into an MD array.
48 The superblock contains, among other things:
50 LEVEL The manner in which the devices are arranged into
51 the array (linear, raid0, raid1, raid4, raid5, mul-
52 tipath).
54 UUID a 128 bit Universally Unique Identifier that iden-
55 tifies the array that this device is part of.
58 L\bLE\bEG\bGA\bAC\bCY\bY A\bAR\bRR\bRA\bAY\bYS\bS
59 Early versions of the m\bmd\bd driver only supported Linear and
60 Raid0 configurations and so did not use an MD superblock
61 (as there is not state that needs to be recorded). While
62 it is strongly recommended that all newly created arrays
63 utilise a superblock to help ensure that they are assem-
64 bled properly, the m\bmd\bd driver still supports legacy linear
65 and raid0 md arrays that do not have a superblock.
68 L\bLI\bIN\bNE\bEA\bAR\bR
69 A linear array simply catenates the available space on
70 each drive together to form one large virtual drive.
72 One advantage of this arrangement over the more common
73 RAID0 arrangement is that the array may be reconfigured at
74 a later time with an extra drive and so the array is made
75 bigger without disturbing the data that is on the array.
76 However this cannot be done on a live array.
80 R\bRA\bAI\bID\bD0\b0
81 A RAID0 array (which has zero redundancy) is also known as
82 a striped array. A RAID0 array is configured at creation
83 with a C\bCh\bhu\bun\bnk\bk S\bSi\biz\bze\be which must be a multiple of 4 kibibytes.
85 The RAID0 driver places the first chunk of the array to
86 the first device, the second chunk to the second device,
87 and so on until all drives have been assigned one chuck.
88 This collection of chunks forms a s\bst\btr\bri\bip\bpe\be. Further chunks
89 are gathered into stripes in the same way which are
90 assigned to the remaining space in the drives.
92 If device in the array are not all the same size, then
93 once the smallest devices has been exhausted, the RAID0
94 driver starts collecting chunks into smaller stripes that
95 only span the drives which still have remaining space.
99 R\bRA\bAI\bID\bD1\b1
100 A RAID1 array is also known as a mirrored set (though mir-
101 rors tend to provide reflect images, which RAID1 does not)
102 or a plex.
104 Once initialised, each device in a RAID1 array contains
105 exactly the same data. Changes are written to all devices
106 in parallel. Data is read from any one device. The
107 driver attempts to distribute read requests across all
108 devices to maximise performance.
110 All devices in a RAID1 array should be the same size. If
111 they are not, then only the amount of space available on
112 the smallest device is used. Any extra space on other
113 devices is wasted.
116 R\bRA\bAI\bID\bD4\b4
117 A RAID4 array is like a RAID0 array with an extra device
118 for storing parity. Unlike RAID0, RAID4 also requires
119 that all stripes span all drives, so extra space on
120 devices that are larger than the smallest is wasted.
122 When any block in a RAID4 array is modified the parity
123 block for that stripe (i.e. the block in the parity device
124 at the same device offset as the stripe) is also modified
125 so that the parity block always contains the "parity" for
126 the whole stripe. i.e. its contents is equivalent to the
127 result of performing an exclusive-or operation between all
128 the data blocks in the stripe.
130 This allows the array to continue to function if one
131 device fails. The data that was on that device can be
132 calculated as needed from the parity block and the other
133 data blocks.
136 R\bRA\bAI\bID\bD5\b5
137 RAID5 is very similar to RAID4. The difference is that
138 the parity blocks for each stripe, instead of being on a
139 single device, are distributed across all devices. This
140 allows more parallelism when writing as two different
141 block updates will quite possibly affect parity blocks on
142 different devices so there is less contention.
144 This also allows more parallelism when reading as read
145 requests are distributed over all the devices in the array
146 instead of all but one.
149 M\bMU\bUT\bTI\bIP\bPA\bAT\bTH\bH
150 MULTIPATH is not really a RAID at all as there is only one
151 real device in a MULTIPATH md array. However there are
152 multiple access points (paths) to this device, and one of
153 these paths might fail, so there are some similarities.
155 A MULTIPATH array is composed of a number of different
156 devices, often fibre channel interfaces, that all refer
157 the the same real device. If one of these interfaces
158 fails (e.g. due to cable problems), the multipath driver
159 to attempt to redirect requests to another interface.
163 U\bUN\bNC\bCL\bLE\bEA\bAN\bN S\bSH\bHU\bUT\bTD\bDO\bOW\bWN\bN
164 When changes are made to an RAID1, RAID4, or RAID5 array
165 there is a possibility of inconsistency for short periods
166 of time as each update requires are least two block to be
167 written to different devices, and these writes probably
168 wont happen at exactly the same time. This is a system
169 with one of these arrays is shutdown in the middle of a
170 write operation (e.g. due to power failure), the array may
171 not be consistent.
173 The handle this situation, the md driver marks an array as
174 "dirty" before writing any data to it, and marks it as
175 "clean" when the array is being disabled, e.g. at shut-
176 down. If the md driver finds an array to be dirty at
177 startup, it proceeds to correct any possibly inconsis-
178 tency. For RAID1, this involves copying the contents of
179 the first drive onto all other drives. For RAID4 or RAID5
180 this involves recalculating the parity for each stripe and
181 making sure that the parity block has the correct data.
183 If a RAID4 or RAID5 array is degraded (missing one drive)
184 when it is restarted after an unclean shutdown, it cannot
185 recalculate parity, and so it is possible that data might
186 be undetectably corrupted. The md driver currently d\bdo\boe\bes\bs
187 n\bno\bot\bt alert the operator to this condition. It should prob-
188 ably fail to start an array in this condition without man-
189 ual intervention.
192 R\bRE\bEC\bCO\bOV\bVE\bER\bRY\bY
193 If the md driver detects any error on a device in a RAID1,
194 RAID4, or RAID5 array, it immediately disables that device
195 (marking it as faulty) and continues operation on the
196 remaining devices. If there is a spare drive, the driver
197 will start recreating on one of the spare drives the data
198 what was on that failed drive, either by copying a working
199 drive in a RAID1 configuration, or by doing calculations
200 with the parity block on RAID4 and RAID5.
202 Why this recovery process is happening, the md driver will
203 monitor accesses to the array and will slow down the rate
204 of recovery if other activity is happening, so that normal
205 access to the array will not be unduly affected. When no
206 other activity is happening, the recovery process proceeds
207 at full speed. The actual speed targets for the two dif-
208 ferent situations can be controlled by the s\bsp\bpe\bee\bed\bd_\b_l\bli\bim\bmi\bit\bt_\b_m\bmi\bin\bn
209 and s\bsp\bpe\bee\bed\bd_\b_l\bli\bim\bmi\bit\bt_\b_m\bma\bax\bx control files mentioned below.
213 F\bFI\bIL\bLE\bES\bS
214 /\b/p\bpr\bro\boc\bc/\b/m\bmd\bds\bst\bta\bat\bt
215 Contains information about the status of currently
216 running array.
218 /\b/p\bpr\bro\boc\bc/\b/s\bsy\bys\bs/\b/d\bde\bev\bv/\b/r\bra\bai\bid\bd/\b/s\bsp\bpe\bee\bed\bd_\b_l\bli\bim\bmi\bit\bt_\b_m\bmi\bin\bn
219 A readable and writable file that reflects the cur-
220 rent goal rebuild speed for times when non-rebuild
221 activity is current on an array. The speed is in
222 Kibibytes per second, and is a per-device rate, not
223 a per-array rate (which means that an array with
224 more disc will shuffle more data for a given
225 speed). The default is 100.
228 /\b/p\bpr\bro\boc\bc/\b/s\bsy\bys\bs/\b/d\bde\bev\bv/\b/r\bra\bai\bid\bd/\b/s\bsp\bpe\bee\bed\bd_\b_l\bli\bim\bmi\bit\bt_\b_m\bma\bax\bx
229 A readable and writable file that reflects the cur-
230 rent goal rebuild speed for times when no non-
231 rebuild activity is current on an array. The
232 default is 100,000.
235 S\bSE\bEE\bE A\bAL\bLS\bSO\bO
236 m\bmd\bda\bad\bdm\bm(8), m\bmk\bkr\bra\bai\bid\bd(8).
240 MD(4)