PowerDNS is copyright 2002 by PowerDNS.COM BV To compile a very clean version, use: $ ./configure --with-modules="" $ make # make install This generates a PowerDNS binary with no modules, except the bind backend, built in. When ./configure is run without --with-modules, the mysql and pgmysql modules are built by default, with the latter only supporting mysql. To add multiple modules, try: $ ./configure --with-modules="pipe pgmysql" --enable-mysql --enable-pgsql See http://rtfm.powerdns.com/compiling-powerdns.html for more details. Please don't use the 'mysql' backend, it is deprecated. Use the 'gmysql' one that is in the pgmysql Generic PostgreSQL and MySQL module! SOLARIS NOTES ------------- You need gcc 3.x, preferably 3.2! The 'Sunpro' compiler is currently not supported (patches are welcome if not too intrusive). If you encounter problems with the Solaris make, gmake is advised IPv6 is currently (2.9.1.) broken in Solaris, awaiting patches! FREEBSD NOTES ------------- gcc 2.95.x works. You need to compile using gmake - regular make only appears to work, but doesn't in fact. Use gmake, not make. pipebackend does not work due to bad interaction between fork and pthreads. Amazingly, running the Linux version under the linuxulator DOES work! LINUX NOTES ----------- None really. WIN32 NOTES ----------- For the brave! See http://rtfm.powerdns.com/compiling-powerdns.html#ON-WINDOWS Needs Visual C++ --- After compiling, you may find the file 'pdns/pdns' helpful, we suggest you place it in /etc/init.d/ or your operating system's equivalent.