project( 'pdns', ['c', 'cpp'], version: run_command('builder-support' / 'gen-version', check: true).stdout().strip(), license: 'GPLv2', license_files: 'NOTICE', meson_version: '>= 1.2.1', default_options: [ 'buildtype=debugoptimized', 'warning_level=2', # TODO Move this to 3 to enable -Wpedantic 'cpp_std=c++17', ], ) product_source_dir = meson.current_source_dir() product_build_dir = meson.current_build_dir() summary('Source Dir', product_source_dir, section: 'Build') summary('Build Dir', product_build_dir, section: 'Build') # Create the configuration object and dependencies list. conf = configuration_data() # Feature detection and system configuration subdir('meson' / 'config') # Config subdir('meson' / 'version') # Generate version define subdir('meson' / 'compiler-setup') # Common compiler setup subdir('meson' / 'summary') # Print a system/project summary subdir('meson' / 'sysconfdir') # Sysconfdir subdir('meson' / 'libdir') # Libdir subdir('meson' / 'platform') # Platform detection subdir('meson' / 'timet-size') # Check the size of time_t subdir('meson' / 'timet-sign') # Check the sign of time_t subdir('meson' / 'atomics') # Check atomics support subdir('meson' / 'pthread-headers') # Check pthread headers subdir('meson' / 'pthread-setname') # Pthread setname madness subdir('meson' / 'strerror') # Strerror_r subdir('meson' / 'lua') # Lua subdir('meson' / 'lua-records') # Lua-based Records subdir('meson' / 'hardening') # Hardening subdir('meson' / 'kiss-rng') # Unsafe KISS RNG subdir('meson' / 'net-libs') # Network Libraries subdir('meson' / 'tm-gmtoff') # Check for tm_gmtoff field in struct tm subdir('meson' / 'mmap') # Check for mmap subdir('meson' / 'libsodium') # Libsodium-based signers subdir('meson' / 'libdecaf') # Libdecaf-based signers subdir('meson' / 'libcrypto') # OpenSSL-based signers subdir('meson' / 'libssl') # OpenSSL libssl subdir('meson' / 'gnutls') # GnuTLS subdir('meson' / 'dot') # DNS over TLS subdir('meson' / 'ipcipher') # IPCipher subdir('meson' / 'clock-gettime') # Clock_gettime subdir('meson' / 'boost') # Boost subdir('meson' / 'boost-program-options') # Boost Program Options Library subdir('meson' / 'boost-test') # Boost Testing Library subdir('meson' / 'boost-serialization') # Boost Serialization Library subdir('meson' / 'reproducible') # Reproducible Builds subdir('meson' / 'dlopen') # dlopen subdir('meson' / 'verbose-logging') # Verbose Logging subdir('meson' / 'pkcs11') # PKCS11 subdir('meson' / 'gss-tsig') # GSS-TSIG subdir('meson' / 'libsystemd') # Systemd notification subdir('meson' / 'systemd') # Systemd and unit file handling subdir('meson' / 'code-coverage') # Code coverage subdir('meson' / 'auto-var-init') # Automatic Variable Initialization subdir('meson' / 'sanitizers') # Sanitizers subdir('meson' / 'malloc-trace') # Malloc-trace subdir('meson' / 'socket-dir') # Socket Dir subdir('meson' / 'various-functions') # Various Functions subdir('meson' / 'various-headers') # Various Headers subdir('meson' / 'yaml-cpp') # YAML C++ subdir('meson' / 'sqlite3') # Sqlite3 subdir('meson' / 'lmdb') # LMDB subdir('meson' / 'mysql') # MySQL subdir('meson' / 'odbc') # ODBC subdir('meson' / 'pgsql') # PostgreSQL subdir('meson' / 'ldap') # LDAP subdir('meson' / 'prog-curl') # cURL Program subdir('meson' / 'zeromq') # ZeroMQ subdir('meson' / 'cdb') # CDB subdir('meson' / 'geoip') # GeoIP subdir('meson' / 'mmdb') # MaxMindDB subdir('meson' / 'cxx-fs') # C++ stdlib Filesystem Module common_sources = [] fs = import('fs') src_dir = fs.is_dir('pdns') ? 'pdns' : '' docs_dir = 'docs' # Toplevel includes dep_pdns = declare_dependency(include_directories: include_directories('.', src_dir)) # Ext subdir('ext' / 'arc4random') subdir('ext' / 'ipcrypt') subdir('ext' / 'json11') subdir('ext' / 'luawrapper') subdir('ext' / 'protozero') subdir('ext' / 'yahttp') libpdns_gettime = declare_dependency( link_whole: static_library( 'pdns-gettime', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'gettime.hh', dependencies: dep_rt, ) ) if get_option('module-lmdb') != 'disabled' subdir('ext' / 'lmdb-safe') endif deps = [ dep_pdns, dep_platform, dep_atomics, dep_threads, dep_lua, dep_lua_records, dep_netlibs, dep_libsodium, dep_libdecaf, dep_libcrypto, dep_libssl, dep_gnutls, dep_boost, dep_boost_program_options, dep_dlopen, dep_pkcs11, dep_gss_tsig, dep_systemd, dep_arc4random, dep_ipcrypt, dep_json11, dep_luawrapper, dep_protozero, dep_yahttp, dep_yaml_cpp, dep_sqlite3, dep_lmdb, dep_boost_serialization, dep_mysql, dep_odbc, dep_pgsql, dep_ldap, dep_cdb, dep_geoip, dep_mmdb, dep_cxx_fs, dep_boost_test, ] if dep_systemd.found() systemd_service_conf = configuration_data() systemd_service_conf.set('BinDir', get_option('bindir')) systemd_service_conf.set('StaticBinDir', get_option('sbindir')) systemd_service_user = get_option('systemd-service-user') systemd_service_group = get_option('systemd-service-group') systemd_service_conf.set('ServiceUser', systemd_service_user) systemd_service_conf.set('ServiceGroup', systemd_service_group) summary('Service User', systemd_service_user, section: 'Systemd') summary('Service Group', systemd_service_group, section: 'Systemd') # ProtectSystem=full will disallow write access to /etc and /usr, possibly not being # able to write slaved-zones into sqlite3 or zonefiles. systemd_service_conf.set( 'ProtectSystem', have_systemd_protect_system ? 'ProtectSystem=full' : '', ) systemd_service_conf.set( 'SystemCallArchitectures', have_systemd_system_call_architectures ? 'SystemCallArchitectures=native' : '', ) systemd_system_call_filter = '~ @clock @debug @module @mount @raw-io @reboot @swap @cpu-emulation @obsolete' systemd_service_conf.set( 'SystemCallFilter', have_systemd_system_call_filter ? 'SystemCallFilter=' + systemd_system_call_filter : '', ) systemd_service_conf.set( 'ProtectProc', have_systemd_protect_proc ? 'ProtectProc=invisible' : '', ) systemd_features = { 'LockPersonality': have_systemd_lock_personality, 'PrivateDevices': have_systemd_private_devices, 'PrivateTmp': have_systemd_private_tmp, 'PrivateUsers': false, # Setting it to true prevents us from opening our sockets. 'ProtectClock': have_systemd_protect_clock, 'ProtectControlGroups': have_systemd_protect_control_groups, 'ProtectHome': have_systemd_protect_home, 'ProtectHostname': have_systemd_protect_hostname, 'ProtectKernelLogs': have_systemd_protect_kernel_logs, 'ProtectKernelModules': have_systemd_protect_kernel_modules, 'ProtectKernelTunables': have_systemd_protect_kernel_tunables, 'RestrictNamespaces': have_systemd_restrict_namespaces, 'RestrictRealtime': have_systemd_restrict_realtime, 'RestrictSUIDSGID': have_systemd_restrict_suidsgid, 'PrivateIPC': have_systemd_private_ipc, 'RemoveIPC': have_systemd_remove_ipc, } foreach feature, enable_it: systemd_features systemd_service_conf.set(feature, enable_it ? feature + '=true': '') endforeach auth_service_conf = configuration_data() auth_service_conf.merge_from(systemd_service_conf) # Disabled, it breaks LuaJIT. auth_service_conf.set( 'MemoryDenyWriteExecute', have_systemd_memory_deny_write_execute ? 'MemoryDenyWriteExecute=false' : '', ) auth_service_conf.set( 'RestrictAddressFamilies', have_systemd_restrict_address_families ? 'RestrictAddressFamilies=AF_UNIX AF_INET AF_INET6' : '', ) enable_socket_dir = (not have_systemd_with_runtime_dir_env) and have_systemd_percent_t auth_service_conf_general = configuration_data() auth_service_conf_general.merge_from(auth_service_conf) auth_service_conf_general.set('Description', 'PowerDNS Authoritative Server') auth_service_conf_general.set('SocketDir', enable_socket_dir ? '--socket-dir=%t/pdns-auth' : '') auth_service_conf_general.set('SyslogIdentifier', 'pdns-auth') auth_service_conf_general.set('RuntimeDirectory', 'pdns-auth') configure_file( input: 'auth' / 'systemd' / '', output: 'pdns-auth.service', configuration: auth_service_conf_general, ) auth_service_conf_instance = configuration_data() auth_service_conf_instance.merge_from(auth_service_conf) auth_service_conf_instance.set('Description', 'PowerDNS Authoritative Server %i') auth_service_conf_instance.set('ConfigName', '--config-name=%i') auth_service_conf_instance.set('SocketDir', enable_socket_dir ? '--socket-dir=%t/pdns-auth-%i' : '') auth_service_conf_instance.set('SyslogIdentifier', 'pdns-auth-%i') auth_service_conf_instance.set('RuntimeDirectory', have_systemd_percent_t ? 'pdns-auth-%i' : 'pdns-auth') configure_file( input: 'auth' / 'systemd' / '', output: 'pdns-auth@.service', configuration: auth_service_conf_instance, ) if get_option('tools-ixfrdist') ixfrdist_service_conf = configuration_data() ixfrdist_service_conf.merge_from(systemd_service_conf) ixfrdist_service_conf.set( 'MemoryDenyWriteExecute', have_systemd_memory_deny_write_execute ? 'MemoryDenyWriteExecute=true' : '', ) ixfrdist_service_conf.set( 'RestrictAddressFamilies', have_systemd_restrict_address_families ? 'RestrictAddressFamilies=AF_INET AF_INET6' : '', ) ixfrdist_service_conf_general = configuration_data() ixfrdist_service_conf_general.merge_from(ixfrdist_service_conf) ixfrdist_service_conf_general.set('Description', 'PowerDNS IXFR Distributor') configure_file( input: 'auth' / 'systemd' / '', output: 'ixfrdist.service', configuration: ixfrdist_service_conf_general, ) ixfrdist_service_conf_instance = configuration_data() ixfrdist_service_conf_instance.merge_from(ixfrdist_service_conf) ixfrdist_service_conf_instance.set('Description', 'PowerDNS IXFR Distributor %i') ixfrdist_service_conf_instance.set('Config', '--config=' + get_option('sysconfdir') + '/ixfrdist-%.ymli') configure_file( input: 'auth' / 'systemd' / '', output: 'ixfrdist@.service', configuration: ixfrdist_service_conf_instance, ) endif endif libpdns_bindlexer_source = src_dir / 'bindlexer.l' libpdns_bindlexer_gen = src_dir / 'bindlexer.c' if not fs.is_file(libpdns_bindlexer_gen) flex = find_program('flex', required: true) summary('Flex', flex.found(), bool_yn: true, section: 'BIND Parser') summary('Flex Path', flex.full_path(), section: 'BIND Parser') summary('Flex Version', flex.version(), section: 'BIND Parser') flex_generator = generator( flex, output: '@BASENAME@.c', arguments: ['--case-insensitive', '--outfile=@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@'], ) libpdns_bindlexer_gen = flex_generator.process(libpdns_bindlexer_source) endif libpdns_bindparser_source = src_dir / 'bindparser.yy' libpdns_bindparser_gen = src_dir / '' libpdns_bindparser_gen_header = src_dir / 'bindparser.hh' if not fs.is_file(libpdns_bindparser_gen) and not fs.is_file(libpdns_bindparser_gen_header) bison = find_program('bison', required: false) if not bison.found() bison = find_program('yacc', required: true) endif summary('Bison/YACC', bison.found(), bool_yn: true, section: 'BIND Parser') summary('Bison/YACC Path', bison.full_path(), section: 'BIND Parser') summary('Bison/YACC Version', bison.version(), section: 'BIND Parser') bison_generator = generator( bison, output: ['', '@BASENAME@.hh', '@BASENAME@.output'], arguments: ['-d', '--verbose', '--debug', '--output=@OUTPUT0@', '@INPUT@'], ) libpdns_bindparser_gen = bison_generator.process(libpdns_bindparser_source) endif libpdns_dnslabeltext_source = src_dir / 'dnslabeltext.rl' libpdns_dnslabeltext_gen = src_dir / '' if not fs.is_file(libpdns_dnslabeltext_gen) ragel = find_program('ragel', required: true) summary('Ragel', ragel.found(), bool_yn: ragel.found(), section: 'DNS Labels') summary('Ragel Path', ragel.full_path(), section: 'DNS Labels') summary('Ragel Version', ragel.version(), section: 'DNS Labels') ragel_generator = generator( ragel, output: '', arguments: ['@INPUT@', '-o', '@OUTPUT@'], ) libpdns_dnslabeltext_gen = ragel_generator.process(libpdns_dnslabeltext_source) endif libpdns_apidocfiles_source = 'docs' / 'http-api' / 'swagger' / 'authoritative-api-swagger.yaml' libpdns_apidocfiles_gen = src_dir / 'apidocfiles.h' generate_api_swagger_py = src_dir / '' if not fs.is_file(libpdns_apidocfiles_gen) py = import('python') python = py.find_installation('python3', modules: 'yaml', required: true) summary('Python', python.found(), bool_yn: true, section: 'Swagger API') summary('Path', python.full_path(), section: 'Swagger API') summary('Version', python.version(), section: 'Swagger API') libpdns_apidocfiles_gen = custom_target( 'pdns-apidocfiles-h', command: [python, '@INPUT0@', '@INPUT1@'], input: [generate_api_swagger_py, libpdns_apidocfiles_source], output: 'apidocfiles.h', capture: true, ) endif libpdns_bind_dnssec_schema_source = src_dir / 'bind-dnssec.schema.sqlite3.sql' libpdns_bind_dnssec_schema_gen = src_dir / 'bind-dnssec.schema.sqlite3.sql.h' generate_bind_dnssec_schema_py = src_dir / '' if not fs.is_file(libpdns_bind_dnssec_schema_gen) py = import('python') python = py.find_installation('python3', required: true) summary('Python', python.found(), bool_yn: true, section: 'BIND DNSSEC Schema') summary('Path', python.full_path(), section: 'BIND DNSSEC Schema') summary('Version', python.version(), section: 'BIND DNSSEC Schema') libpdns_bind_dnssec_schema_gen = custom_target( 'pdns-bind-dnssec-schema', command: [python, '@INPUT0@', '@INPUT1@'], input: [generate_bind_dnssec_schema_py, libpdns_bind_dnssec_schema_source], output: 'bind-dnssec.schema.sqlite3.sql.h', capture: true, ) endif conditional_sources = { 'mplexer-sunos-devpoll': { 'sources': [ src_dir / '', src_dir / '', ], 'condition': have_sunos, }, 'mplexer-linux-epoll': { 'sources': [src_dir / ''], 'condition': have_linux, }, 'mplexer-bsd-kqueue': { 'sources': [src_dir / ''], 'condition': have_openbsd or have_freebsd, }, 'minicurl': { 'sources': [ src_dir / '', src_dir / 'minicurl.hh', ], 'condition': dep_lua_records.found() or dep_libcurl.found(), }, 'lua-record': { 'sources': [src_dir / ''], 'condition': dep_lua_records.found(), }, 'standalone-fuzz-target-runner': { 'sources': [src_dir / ''], 'condition': get_option('fuzz-targets'), }, } foreach name, info: conditional_sources if info['condition'] common_sources += files(info['sources']) endif endforeach # Conditional sources that need to be separated into standalone libraries for special # linking without implicitly getting rid of symbols. libpdns_signers_sodium = dependency('', required: false) if dep_libsodium.found() libpdns_signers_sodium = declare_dependency( link_whole: static_library( 'pdns-signers-sodium', sources: files(src_dir / ''), dependencies: deps, ) ) endif libpdns_signers_decaf = dependency('', required: false) if dep_libdecaf.found() libpdns_signers_decaf = declare_dependency( link_whole: static_library( 'pdns-signers-decaf', sources: files(src_dir / ''), dependencies: deps, ) ) endif libpdns_signers_pkcs11 = dependency('', required: false) if dep_pkcs11.found() libpdns_signers_pkcs11 = declare_dependency( link_whole: static_library( 'pdns-signers-pkcs11', sources: files(src_dir / '', src_dir / 'pkcs11signers.hh'), dependencies: dep_pkcs11, ) ) endif # This needs to be link_whole'd because it's needed by auth backends. libpdns_ssqlite3 = dependency('', required: false) if dep_sqlite3.found() libpdns_ssqlite3 = declare_dependency( link_whole: static_library( 'pdns-ssqlite3', sources: files(src_dir / '', src_dir / 'ssqlite3.hh'), dependencies: deps, ) ) endif libpdns_signers_openssl = declare_dependency( link_whole: static_library( 'pdns-signers-openssl', sources: files(src_dir / '', src_dir / 'opensslsigners.hh'), dependencies: deps, ) ) common_sources += files( src_dir / '', src_dir / 'arguments.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'auth-caches.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'auth-catalogzone.hh', src_dir / 'auth-main.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'auth-packetcache.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'auth-querycache.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'auth-zonecache.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'axfr-retriever.hh', src_dir / 'backends' / 'gsql' / '', # TODO Move to a separate module. src_dir / 'backends' / 'gsql' / 'gsqlbackend.hh', # TODO Move to a separate module. src_dir / 'backends' / 'gsql' / 'ssql.hh', # TODO Move to a separate module. src_dir / '', src_dir / 'base32.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'base64.hh', src_dir / 'bindparserclasses.hh', src_dir / 'burtle.hh', src_dir / 'cachecleaner.hh', src_dir / 'circular_buffer.hh', src_dir / 'comment.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'communicator.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'coverage.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'credentials.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'digests.hh', src_dir / 'distributor.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'dns.hh', src_dir / 'dns_random.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'dnsbackend.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'dnsname.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'dnspacket.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'dnsparser.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'dnsproxy.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'dnsrecords.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'dnssecinfra.hh', src_dir / 'dnsseckeeper.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'dnswriter.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'dynhandler.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'dynlistener.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'dynmessenger.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'ednscookies.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'ednsoptions.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'ednssubnet.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'gss_context.hh', src_dir / 'histogram.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'ipcipher.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'iputils.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'ixfr.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'json.hh', src_dir / 'lock.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'logger.hh', src_dir / 'logging.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'lua-auth4.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'lua-base4.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'misc.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'nameserver.hh', src_dir / 'namespaces.hh', src_dir / 'noinitvector.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'packetcache.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'packethandler.hh', src_dir / 'pdnsexception.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'proxy-protocol.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'qtype.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'query-local-address.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'rcpgenerator.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'resolver.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'responsestats.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'secpoll-auth.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'secpoll.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'sha.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'shuffle.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'signingpipe.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'sstuff.hh', src_dir / 'stat_t.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'statbag.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'stubresolver.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'svc-records.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'tcpreceiver.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'threadname.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'trusted-notification-proxy.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'tsigutils.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'tsigverifier.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'ueberbackend.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'utility.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'uuid-utils.hh', src_dir / 'validate.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'version.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'webserver.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'ws-api.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'ws-auth.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'zonemd.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'zoneparser-tng.hh', ) libpdns_bindparser = declare_dependency( link_with: static_library( 'pdns-bindparser', libpdns_bindlexer_gen, libpdns_bindparser_gen, cpp_args: ['-Wno-redundant-decls', '-Wno-sign-compare'], dependencies: deps, ) ) libpdns_dnslabeltext = declare_dependency( link_with: static_library( 'pdns-dnslabeltext', libpdns_dnslabeltext_gen, dependencies: deps, ) ) libpdns_cdb = dependency('', required: false) if dep_cdb.found() libpdns_cdb = declare_dependency( link_whole: static_library( 'pdns-cdb', sources: files(src_dir / '', src_dir / 'cdb.hh'), dependencies: deps, ) ) endif # Modules all_modules = [ 'bind', 'pipe', 'gmysql', 'godbc', 'gpgsql', 'gsqlite3', 'ldap', 'lua2', 'remote', 'tinydns', 'geoip', 'lmdb', ] selected_modules = [] selected_dyn_modules = [] dep_modules = [] foreach module_name: all_modules module_backend_name = module_name + 'backend' module_opt = get_option('module-' + module_name) if module_opt == 'disabled' continue elif module_opt == 'static' selected_modules += module_name else selected_dyn_modules += module_name endif subdir('modules' / module_backend_name) dep_modules += get_variable('dep_' + module_backend_name) endforeach conf.set_quoted('PDNS_MODULES', ' '.join(selected_modules), description: 'Built-in modules') conf.set_quoted('PDNS_DYN_MODULES', ' '.join(selected_dyn_modules), description: 'Loadable modules') # Generate config.h config_h = configure_file(configuration: conf, output: 'config.h') tools = { 'pdns-auth': { 'main': src_dir / '', 'export-dynamic': true, 'deps-extra': [ dep_modules, libpdns_ssqlite3, libpdns_gettime, libpdns_signers_openssl, libpdns_signers_decaf, libpdns_signers_sodium, ], 'manpages': ['pdns_server.1'], }, 'pdns-auth-util': { 'main': src_dir / '', 'files-extra': libpdns_bind_dnssec_schema_gen, 'deps-extra': [ dep_modules, libpdns_ssqlite3, libpdns_signers_openssl, libpdns_signers_decaf, libpdns_signers_sodium, ], 'manpages': ['pdnsutil.1'], }, 'pdns-auth-control': { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['pdns_control.1'], }, 'pdns-zone2sql': { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['zone2sql.1'], }, 'pdns-zone2json': { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['zone2json.1'], }, } if get_option('module-ldap') != 'disabled' tools += { 'pdns-zone2ldap': { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['zone2ldap.1'], } } endif if get_option('tools') tools += { 'pdns-auth-notify': { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['pdns_notify.1'], }, 'sdig': { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['sdig.1'], }, 'calidns': { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['calidns.1'], }, 'dnsdemog': { 'main': src_dir / '', }, 'dnsgram': { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['dnsgram.1'], }, 'dnspcap2calidns': { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['dnspcap2calidns.1'], }, 'dnspcap2protobuf' : { 'main': src_dir / '', 'deps-extra': libpdns_gettime, 'manpages': ['dnspcap2protobuf.1'], }, 'dnsreplay': { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['dnsreplay.1'], }, 'dnsscan' : { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['dnsscan.1'], }, 'dnsscope' : { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['dnsscope.1'], }, 'dnswasher': { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['dnswasher.1'], }, 'nproxy' : { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['nproxy.1'], }, 'nsec3dig' : { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['nsec3dig.1'], }, 'dumresp' : { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['dumresp.1'], }, 'kvresp' : { 'main': src_dir / '', }, 'stubquery': { 'main': src_dir / '', }, 'saxfr' : { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['saxfr.1'], }, 'ixplore' : { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['ixplore.1'], }, # Broken # 'comfun' : { # 'main': src_dir / '', # }, } common_sources += files( src_dir / 'anadns.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'dnspcap.hh', src_dir / 'dolog.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'ednsextendederror.hh', src_dir / 'histog.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'ixfrutils.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'libssl.hh', src_dir / 'mplexer.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'protozero.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'statnode.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'tcpiohandler.hh', ) if have_boost_1_48_0 tools += { 'dnstcpbench': { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['dnstcpbench.1'], }, 'dnsbulktest': { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': ['dnsbulktest.1'], }, } endif endif if get_option('tools-ixfrdist') tools += { 'ixfrdist': { 'main': src_dir / '', 'manpages': [ 'ixfrdist.1', 'ixfrdist.yml.5', ], }, } common_sources += files( src_dir / '', src_dir / 'ixfrdist-stats.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'ixfrdist-web.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'ixfrutils.hh', src_dir / 'mplexer.hh', src_dir / '', ) endif if get_option('unit-tests') libpdns_test = declare_dependency( link_whole: static_library( 'pdns-test', config_h, src_dir / '', src_dir / 'channel.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'test-common.hh', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / '', src_dir / 'zoneparser-tng.hh', dependencies: [ deps, ], ) ) tools += { # TODO: NOINSTALL speedtest and pdns-auth-testrunner 'pdns-auth-testrunner': { 'main': src_dir / '', 'deps-extra': [ libpdns_test, libpdns_signers_openssl, libpdns_signers_decaf, libpdns_signers_sodium, ], }, 'speedtest': { 'main': src_dir / '', }, 'tsig-tests': { 'main': src_dir / '', }, } endif if get_option('fuzz-targets') tools += { 'fuzz-target-moadnsparser' : { 'main': src_dir / '' }, 'fuzz-target-packetcache' : { 'main': src_dir / '' }, 'fuzz-target-proxyprotocol' : { 'main': src_dir / '' }, 'fuzz-target-dnslabeltext-parseRFC1035CharString' : { 'main': src_dir / '' }, 'fuzz-target-yahttp' : { 'main': src_dir / '' }, 'fuzz-target-zoneparsertng' : { 'main': src_dir / '' }, } endif libpdns_common = declare_dependency( link_with: static_library( 'pdns-common', common_sources, config_h, libpdns_apidocfiles_gen, dependencies: [ deps, libpdns_signers_pkcs11, libpdns_bindparser, libpdns_dnslabeltext, ], ) ) man_pages = [] foreach tool, info: tools var_name = tool.underscorify() main = files(info['main']) export_dynamic = 'export-dynamic' in info ? info['export-dynamic'] : false files_extra = 'files-extra' in info ? info['files-extra'] : [] deps_extra = 'deps-extra' in info ? info['deps-extra'] : [] set_variable( var_name, executable( tool, main, config_h, files_extra, export_dynamic: export_dynamic, dependencies: [ deps, libpdns_common, deps_extra, ], ) ) if 'manpages' in info foreach man_page: info['manpages'] man_pages += docs_dir / 'manpages' / (man_page + '.rst') endforeach endif endforeach # Man-pages. py = import('python') python = py.find_installation('python3', modules: 'venv', required: false) summary('Python', python.found(), bool_yn: true, section: 'Manual Pages') summary('Path', python.full_path(), section: 'Manual Pages') summary('Version', python.version(), section: 'Manual Pages') if python.found() run_target( 'man-pages', command: [ python, docs_dir / '', '--venv-name', 'venv-auth-man-pages', '--requirements-file', docs_dir / 'requirements.txt', '--source-directory', docs_dir, '--target-directory', 'auth-man-pages', ] + man_pages, ) endif if get_option('unit-tests') test( 'pdns-auth-testrunner', pdns_auth_testrunner, env: { 'BOOST_TEST_LOG_LEVEL': 'message', }, is_parallel: false, ) endif if get_option('module-remote') != 'disabled' and get_option('unit-tests-backends') libpdns_module_remotebackend_test_common = declare_dependency( link_whole: static_library( 'pdns-test-remotebackend', module_remotebackend_test_sources_common, dependencies: [ deps, module_remotebackend_lib, libpdns_signers_pkcs11, libpdns_common, libpdns_dnslabeltext, ], extra_files: module_remotebackend_test_sources_extra, ) ) env = { 'BOOST_TEST_LOG_LEVEL': 'message', 'REMOTEBACKEND_ZEROMQ': get_option('module-remote-zeromq') ? 'yes' : 'no', } foreach test_binary, test_source: module_remotebackend_test_sources_binaries exec_var_name = test_binary.underscorify() set_variable( exec_var_name, executable( test_binary, test_source, dependencies: [ deps, dep_boost_test, dep_zeromq, libpdns_module_remotebackend_test_common, ], ) ) test( 'pdns-auth-' + test_binary, module_remotebackend_testrunner, args: ['--', get_variable(exec_var_name).full_path()], env: env, workdir: product_source_dir / fs.parent(module_remotebackend_testrunner), is_parallel: false, ) endforeach endif