# From https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/gitlab_com/#shared-runners: # # ... # # All your CI/CD jobs run on n1-standard-1 instances with 3.75GB of RAM, CoreOS # and the latest Docker Engine installed. Instances provide 1 vCPU and 25GB of # HDD disk space. The default region of the VMs is US East1. Each instance is # used only for one job, this ensures any sensitive data left on the system can’t # be accessed by other people their CI jobs. # # The gitlab-shared-runners-manager-X.gitlab.com fleet of runners are dedicated # for GitLab projects as well as community forks of them. They use a slightly # larger machine type (n1-standard-2) and have a bigger SSD disk size. They don’t # run untagged jobs and unlike the general fleet of shared runners, the instances # are re-used up to 40 times. # # ... # # The n1-standard-1 runners seem to be tagged with 'docker' together with 'gce'. # # The more powerful n1-standard-2 runners seem to be tagged with # 'gitlab-org-docker' or some with just 'gitlab-org'. # # # Our current private runner 'docker', 'samba-ci-private', 'shared' and # 'ubuntu2204'. It runs with an ubuntu2204 kernel (5.15) and provides an # ext4 filesystem and similar RAM as the n1-standard-2 runners. # .shared_runner_build: # We use n1-standard-1 shared runners by default. # # There are currently 5 shared runners with 'docker' and 'gce', # while there are only 2 provising 'docker' together with 'shared'. # # We used to fallback to our private runner if the docker+shared runners # were busy, but now that we use the 5 docker+gce runners, we try to only # use shared runners without a fallback to our private runner! # Lets see how that will work out. tags: - docker - gce .shared_runner_test: # Currently we're fine using the n1-standard-1 runners also for testing extends: .shared_runner_build .private_runner_test: # We use our private runner only for special tests tags: - docker - samba-ci-private