language: c sudo: required dist: trusty # don't build tags separately if: tag IS blank compiler: - gcc - clang cache: ccache before_install: - travis_retry ./scripts/ deps - travis_retry ./scripts/ pydeps before_script: - sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 || true script: - ./scripts/ after_success: if [ "$TEST" == "coverage" ]; then bash <(curl -s; fi after_failure: - cat config.log env: global: - TESTS_REDUCED_KEYLENGTHS=yes - LEAK_DETECTIVE=no - MONOLITHIC=no matrix: - TEST=all - TEST=all MONOLITHIC=yes - TEST=all LEAK_DETECTIVE=yes - TEST=default - TEST=default MONOLITHIC=yes - TEST=default LEAK_DETECTIVE=yes - TEST=botan - TEST=botan LEAK_DETECTIVE=yes - TEST=openssl - TEST=openssl LEAK_DETECTIVE=yes - TEST=gcrypt - TEST=gcrypt LEAK_DETECTIVE=yes # we can't test Vstr as negative int args are not properly passed to CBs - TEST=printf-builtin - TEST=printf-builtin LEAK_DETECTIVE=yes matrix: include: - compiler: clang os: osx env: TEST=osx - compiler: gcc env: TEST=sonarcloud if: env(SONAR_TOKEN) IS present git: depth: false addons: sonarcloud: organization: "strongswan" - compiler: gcc env: TEST=coverage - compiler: clang env: TEST=fuzzing MONOLITHIC=yes - compiler: gcc env: TEST=dist - compiler: gcc env: TEST=apidoc - compiler: gcc env: TEST=win64 MONOLITHIC=yes # this does not work on 14.04 due to a missing @4 decoration for # TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive in MinGW 3.1.0 - compiler: gcc env: TEST=win32 MONOLITHIC=yes dist: precise