## Create Dockerfile that builds container suitable for systemd build ## This container runs as non-root user by deafult # Use the latest stable version of fedora FROM fedora:latest # Demand the specification of non-root username ARG DOCKER_USER ARG DOCKER_USER_UID ARG DOCKER_USER_GID # Copy the requirements into the container at /tmp COPY requirements.txt /tmp/ # Install the requirements # RUN dnf -y update FIXME RUN dnf -y install $(cat '/tmp/requirements.txt') # clean step to prevent cache and metadata corruption RUN dnf clean all RUN dnf -y builddep systemd # Add non-root user and chown the project dir RUN groupadd -g $DOCKER_USER_GID $DOCKER_USER RUN useradd --create-home --shell /bin/bash -u $DOCKER_USER_UID -g $DOCKER_USER_GID -G wheel $DOCKER_USER ENV HOME /home/$DOCKER_USER ENV PROJECTDIR $HOME/systemd # Copy content to the project directory COPY . $PROJECTDIR # Greant user all permissions to the project dir RUN chown -R $DOCKER_USER $PROJECTDIR # Switch to noroot user by default USER $DOCKER_USER # Update workdir to user home dir WORKDIR $PROJECTDIR