]> git.ipfire.org Git - people/teissler/ipfire-2.x.git/blob - html/cgi-bin/status.cgi
upnp.cgi und status.cgi von Maniac eingebaut
[people/teissler/ipfire-2.x.git] / html / cgi-bin / status.cgi
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 #
3 # SmoothWall CGIs
4 #
5 # This code is distributed under the terms of the GPL
6 #
7 # (c) The SmoothWall Team
8 #
9 #
11 use strict;
13 # enable only the following on debugging purpose
14 use warnings;
15 use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';
17 require '/var/ipfire/general-functions.pl';
18 require "${General::swroot}/lang.pl";
19 require "${General::swroot}/header.pl";
21 #workaround to suppress a warning when a variable is used only once
22 my @dummy = ( ${Header::colourred} );
23 undef (@dummy);
25 my %netsettings=();
26 &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/ethernet/settings", \%netsettings);
28 my %cgiparams=();
29 # Maps a nice printable name to the changing part of the pid file, which
30 # is also the name of the program
31 my %servicenames =
32 (
33 $Lang::tr{'dhcp server'} => 'dhcpd',
34 $Lang::tr{'web server'} => 'httpd',
35 $Lang::tr{'cron server'} => 'fcron',
36 $Lang::tr{'dns proxy server'} => 'dnsmasq',
37 $Lang::tr{'logging server'} => 'syslogd',
38 $Lang::tr{'kernel logging server'} => 'klogd',
39 $Lang::tr{'ntp server'} => 'ntpd',
40 $Lang::tr{'secure shell server'} => 'sshd',
41 $Lang::tr{'vpn'} => 'pluto',
42 $Lang::tr{'web proxy'} => 'squid',
43 'OpenVPN' => 'openvpn'
44 );
46 my $iface = '';
47 if (open(FILE, "${General::swroot}/red/iface"))
48 {
49 $iface = <FILE>;
50 close FILE;
51 chomp $iface;
52 }
53 $servicenames{"$Lang::tr{'intrusion detection system'} (RED)"} = "snort_${iface}";
54 $servicenames{"$Lang::tr{'intrusion detection system'} (GREEN)"} = "snort_$netsettings{'GREEN_DEV'}";
55 if ($netsettings{'ORANGE_DEV'} ne '') {
56 $servicenames{"$Lang::tr{'intrusion detection system'} (ORANGE)"} = "snort_$netsettings{'ORANGE_DEV'}";
57 }
58 if ($netsettings{'BLUE_DEV'} ne '') {
59 $servicenames{"$Lang::tr{'intrusion detection system'} (BLUE)"} = "snort_$netsettings{'BLUE_DEV'}";
60 }
62 my %dhcpsettings=();
63 my %netsettings=();
64 my %dhcpinfo=();
65 my %pppsettings=();
66 my $output='';
68 &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/dhcp/settings", \%dhcpsettings);
69 &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/ethernet/settings", \%netsettings);
70 &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/ppp/settings", \%pppsettings);
72 &Header::showhttpheaders();
74 &Header::getcgihash(\%cgiparams);
76 &Header::openpage($Lang::tr{'status information'}, 1, '');
78 &Header::openbigbox('100%', 'left');
80 &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'services'});
82 print <<END
83 <div align='center'>
84 <table width='60%' cellspacing='0' border='0'>
85 END
86 ;
88 my $lines = 0;
89 my $key = '';
90 foreach $key (sort keys %servicenames)
91 {
92 if ($lines % 2) {
93 print "<tr bgcolor='${Header::table1colour}'>\n"; }
94 else {
95 print "<tr bgcolor='${Header::table2colour}'>\n"; }
96 print "<td align='left'>$key</td>\n";
97 my $shortname = $servicenames{$key};
98 my $status = &isrunning($shortname);
99 print "$status\n";
100 print "</tr>\n";
101 $lines++;
102 }
105 print "</table></div>\n";
107 &Header::closebox();
109 &Header::openbox('100%', 'center', $Lang::tr{'memory'});
110 print "<table><tr><td><table>";
111 my $ram=0;
112 my $size=0;
113 my $used=0;
114 my $free=0;
115 my $percent=0;
116 my $shared=0;
117 my $buffers=0;
118 my $cached=0;
119 open(FREE,'/usr/bin/free |');
120 while(<FREE>)
121 {
122 if ($_ =~ m/^\s+total\s+used\s+free\s+shared\s+buffers\s+cached$/ )
123 {
124 print <<END
125 <tr>
126 <td>&nbsp;</td>
127 <td align='center' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'size'}</b></td>
128 <td align='center' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'used'}</b></td>
129 <td align='center' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'free'}</b></td>
130 <td align='left' class='boldbase' colspan='2'><b>$Lang::tr{'percentage'}</b></td>
131 </tr>
132 END
133 ;
134 } else {
135 if ($_ =~ m/^Mem:\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/) {
136 ($ram,$size,$used,$free,$shared,$buffers,$cached) = ($1,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);
137 ($percent = ($used/$size)*100) =~ s/^(\d+)(\.\d+)?$/$1%/;
138 print <<END
139 <tr>
140 <td class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'ram'}</b></td>
141 <td align='right'>$size</td>
142 END
143 ;
144 } elsif ($_ =~ m/^Swap:\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/) {
145 ($size,$used,$free) = ($1,$2,$3);
146 if ($size != 0)
147 {
148 ($percent = ($used/$size)*100) =~ s/^(\d+)(\.\d+)?$/$1%/;
149 } else {
150 ($percent = '');
151 }
152 print <<END
153 <tr>
154 <td class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'swap'}</b></td>
155 <td align='right'>$size</td>
156 END
157 ;
158 } elsif ($ram and $_ =~ m/^-\/\+ buffers\/cache:\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/ ) {
159 ($used,$free) = ($1,$2);
160 ($percent = ($used/$ram)*100) =~ s/^(\d+)(\.\d+)?$/$1%/;
161 print "<tr><td colspan='2' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'excluding buffers and cache'}</b></td>"
162 }
163 print <<END
164 <td align='right'>$used</td>
165 <td align='right'>$free</td>
166 <td>
167 END
168 ;
169 &percentbar($percent);
170 print <<END
171 </td>
172 <td align='right'>$percent</td>
173 </tr>
174 END
175 ;
176 }
177 }
178 close FREE;
179 print <<END
180 </table></td><td>
181 <table>
182 <tr><td class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'shared'}</b></td><td align='right'>$shared</td></tr>
183 <tr><td class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'buffers'}</b></td><td align='right'>$buffers</td></tr>
184 <tr><td class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'cached'}</b></td><td align='right'>$cached</td></tr>
185 </table>
186 </td></tr></table>
187 END
188 ;
189 &Header::closebox();
191 &Header::openbox('100%', 'center', $Lang::tr{'disk usage'});
192 print "<table width=66%>\n";
193 open(DF,'/bin/df -B M -x rootfs|');
194 while(<DF>)
195 {
196 if ($_ =~ m/^Filesystem/ )
197 {
198 print <<END
199 <tr>
200 <td align='left' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'device'}</b></td>
201 <td align='left' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'mounted on'}</b></td>
202 <td align='center' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'size'}</b></td>
203 <td align='center' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'used'}</b></td>
204 <td align='center' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'free'}</b></td>
205 <td align='left' class='boldbase' colspan='2'><b>$Lang::tr{'percentage'}</b></td>
206 </tr>
207 END
208 ;
209 }
210 else
211 {
212 my ($device,$size,$used,$free,$percent,$mount) = split;
213 print <<END
214 <tr>
215 <td>$device</td>
216 <td>$mount</td>
217 <td align='right'>$size</td>
218 <td align='right'>$used</td>
219 <td align='right'>$free</td>
220 <td>
221 END
222 ;
223 &percentbar($percent);
224 print <<END
225 </td>
226 <td align='right'>$percent</td>
227 </tr>
228 END
229 ;
230 }
231 }
232 close DF;
233 print "<tr><td colspan='6'>&nbsp;\n<tr><td colspan='6'><h2>Inodes</h2>\n";
235 open(DF,'/bin/df -i -x rootfs|');
236 while(<DF>)
237 {
238 if ($_ =~ m/^Filesystem/ )
239 {
240 print <<END
241 <tr>
242 <td align='left' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'device'}</b></td>
243 <td align='left' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'mounted on'}</b></td>
244 <td align='center' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'size'}</b></td>
245 <td align='center' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'used'}</b></td>
246 <td align='center' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'free'}</b></td>
247 <td align='left' class='boldbase' colspan='2'><b>$Lang::tr{'percentage'}</b></td>
248 </tr>
249 END
250 ;
251 }
252 else
253 {
254 my ($device,$size,$used,$free,$percent,$mount) = split;
255 print <<END
256 <tr>
257 <td>$device</td>
258 <td>$mount</td>
259 <td align='right'>$size</td>
260 <td align='right'>$used</td>
261 <td align='right'>$free</td>
262 <td>
263 END
264 ;
265 &percentbar($percent);
266 print <<END
267 </td>
268 <td align='right'>$percent</td>
269 </tr>
270 END
271 ;
272 }
273 }
274 close DF;
275 print "</table>\n";
276 &Header::closebox();
278 &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'interfaces'});
279 $output = `/sbin/ifconfig`;
280 $output = &Header::cleanhtml($output,"y");
282 my @itfs = ('ORANGE','BLUE','GREEN');
283 foreach my $itf (@itfs) {
284 my $ColorName='';
285 my $lc_itf=lc($itf);
286 my $dev = $netsettings{"${itf}_DEV"};
287 if ($dev){
288 $ColorName = "${lc_itf}"; #dereference variable name...
289 $output =~ s/$dev/<b><font color="$ColorName">$dev<\/font><\/b>/ ;
290 }
291 }
293 if (open(REDIFACE, "${General::swroot}/red/iface")) {
294 my $lc_itf='red';
295 my $reddev = <REDIFACE>;
296 close(REDIFACE);
297 chomp $reddev;
298 $output =~ s/$reddev/<b><font color='red'>${reddev}<\/font><\/b>/;
299 }
300 print "<pre>$output</pre>\n";
301 &Header::closebox();
304 if ( $netsettings{'CONFIG_TYPE'} =~ /^(2|3|6|7)$/ && $netsettings{'RED_TYPE'} eq "DHCP") {
306 print "<a name='reddhcp'/>\n";
307 &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', "RED $Lang::tr{'dhcp configuration'}");
308 if (-s "${General::swroot}/dhcpc/dhcpcd-$netsettings{'RED_DEV'}.info") {
310 &General::readhash("${General::swroot}/dhcpc/dhcpcd-$netsettings{'RED_DEV'}.info", \%dhcpinfo);
312 my $DNS1=`echo $dhcpinfo{'DNS'} | cut -f 1 -d ,`;
313 my $DNS2=`echo $dhcpinfo{'DNS'} | cut -f 2 -d ,`;
315 my $lsetme=0;
316 my $leasetime="";
317 if ($dhcpinfo{'LEASETIME'} ne "") {
318 $lsetme=$dhcpinfo{'LEASETIME'};
319 $lsetme=($lsetme/60);
320 if ($lsetme > 59) {
321 $lsetme=($lsetme/60); $leasetime=$lsetme." Hour";
322 } else {
323 $leasetime=$lsetme." Minute";
324 }
325 if ($lsetme > 1) {
326 $leasetime=$leasetime."s";
327 }
328 }
329 my $rentme=0;
330 my $rnwltime="";
331 if ($dhcpinfo{'RENEWALTIME'} ne "") {
332 $rentme=$dhcpinfo{'RENEWALTIME'};
333 $rentme=($rentme/60);
334 if ($rentme > 59){
335 $rentme=($rentme/60); $rnwltime=$rentme." Hour";
336 } else {
337 $rnwltime=$rentme." Minute";
338 }
339 if ($rentme > 1){
340 $rnwltime=$rnwltime."s";
341 }
342 }
343 my $maxtme=0;
344 my $maxtime="";
345 if ($dhcpinfo{'REBINDTIME'} ne "") {
346 $maxtme=$dhcpinfo{'REBINDTIME'};
347 $maxtme=($maxtme/60);
348 if ($maxtme > 59){
349 $maxtme=($maxtme/60); $maxtime=$maxtme." Hour";
350 } else {
351 $maxtime=$maxtme." Minute";
352 }
353 if ($maxtme > 1) {
354 $maxtime=$maxtime."s";
355 }
356 }
358 print "<table width='100%'>";
359 if ($dhcpinfo{'HOSTNAME'}) {
360 print "<tr><td width='30%'>$Lang::tr{'hostname'}</td><td>$dhcpinfo{'HOSTNAME'}.$dhcpinfo{'DOMAIN'}</td></tr>\n";
361 } else {
362 print "<tr><td width='30%'>$Lang::tr{'domain'}</td><td>$dhcpinfo{'DOMAIN'}</td></tr>\n";
363 }
364 print <<END
365 <tr><td>$Lang::tr{'gateway'}</td><td>$dhcpinfo{'GATEWAY'}</td></tr>
366 <tr><td>$Lang::tr{'primary dns'}</td><td>$DNS1</td></tr>
367 <tr><td>$Lang::tr{'secondary dns'}</td><td>$DNS2</td></tr>
368 <tr><td>$Lang::tr{'dhcp server'}</td><td>$dhcpinfo{'DHCPSIADDR'}</td></tr>
369 <tr><td>$Lang::tr{'def lease time'}</td><td>$leasetime</td></tr>
370 <tr><td>$Lang::tr{'default renewal time'}</td><td>$rnwltime</td></tr>
371 <tr><td>$Lang::tr{'max renewal time'}</td><td>$maxtime</td></tr>
372 </table>
373 END
374 ;
375 }
376 else
377 {
378 print "$Lang::tr{'no dhcp lease'}";
379 }
380 &Header::closebox();
381 }
383 if ($dhcpsettings{'ENABLE_GREEN'} eq 'on' || $dhcpsettings{'ENABLE_BLUE'} eq 'on') {
385 print "<a name='leases'/>";
386 &Header::CheckSortOrder;
387 &Header::PrintActualLeases;
388 }
390 &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'routing table entries'});
391 $output = `/sbin/route -n`;
392 $output = &Header::cleanhtml($output,"y");
393 print "<pre>$output</pre>\n";
394 &Header::closebox();
396 &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'arp table entries'});
397 $output = `/sbin/arp -n`;
398 $output = &Header::cleanhtml($output,"y");
399 print "<pre>$output</pre>\n";
400 &Header::closebox();
402 &Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'loaded modules'});
403 my $module = qx(/bin/lsmod | awk -F" " '{print \$1}');
404 my $size = qx(/bin/lsmod | awk -F" " '{print \$2}');
405 my $used = qx(/bin/lsmod | awk -F" " '{print \$3}');
406 my @usedby = qx(/bin/lsmod | awk -F" " '{print \$4}');
407 my @usedbyf;
408 my $usedbyline;
410 foreach $usedbyline(@usedby)
411 {
412 my $laenge = length($usedbyline);
414 if ( $laenge > 30)
415 {
416 my $usedbylinef=substr($usedbyline,0,30);
417 $usedbyline="$usedbylinef ...\n";
418 push(@usedbyf,$usedbyline);
419 }
420 else
421 {push(@usedbyf,$usedbyline);}
422 }
423 print <<END
424 <table cellspacing=25><tr>
425 <td><pre>$module</pre></td>
426 <td><pre>$size</pre></td>
427 <td><pre>$used</pre></td>
428 <td><pre>@usedbyf</pre></td>
429 </tr></table>
430 END
431 ;
433 print "";
434 &Header::closebox();
436 &Header::closebigbox();
438 &Header::closepage();
440 sub isrunning
441 {
442 my $cmd = $_[0];
443 my $status = "<td bgcolor='${Header::colourred}'><font color='white'><b>$Lang::tr{'stopped'}</b></font></td>";
444 my $pid = '';
445 my $testcmd = '';
446 my $exename;
448 $cmd =~ /(^[a-z]+)/;
449 $exename = $1;
451 if (open(FILE, "/var/run/${cmd}.pid"))
452 {
453 $pid = <FILE>; chomp $pid;
454 close FILE;
455 if (open(FILE, "/proc/${pid}/status"))
456 {
457 while (<FILE>)
458 {
459 if (/^Name:\W+(.*)/) {
460 $testcmd = $1; }
461 }
462 close FILE;
463 if ($testcmd =~ /$exename/)
464 {
465 $status = "<td bgcolor='${Header::colourgreen}'><font color='white'><b>$Lang::tr{'running'}</b></font></td>";
466 }
467 }
468 }
470 return $status;
471 }
473 sub percentbar
474 {
475 my $percent = $_[0];
476 my $fg = '#a0a0a0';
477 my $bg = '#e2e2e2';
479 if ($percent =~ m/^(\d+)%$/ )
480 {
481 print <<END
482 <table width='100' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' style='border-width:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:$fg;width:100px;height:10px;'>
483 <tr>
484 END
485 ;
486 if ($percent eq "100%") {
487 print "<td width='100%' bgcolor='$fg' style='background-color:$fg;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-color:$bg'>"
488 } elsif ($percent eq "0%") {
489 print "<td width='100%' bgcolor='$bg' style='background-color:$bg;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-color:$bg'>"
490 } else {
491 print "<td width='$percent' bgcolor='$fg' style='background-color:$fg;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-color:$bg'></td><td width='" . (100-$1) . "%' bgcolor='$bg' style='background-color:$bg;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-color:$bg'>"
492 }
493 print <<END
494 <img src='/images/null.gif' width='1' height='1' alt='' /></td></tr></table>
495 END
496 ;
497 }
498 }