]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/squid.git/blob - src/base/ClpMap.h
Source Format Enforcement (#1234)
[thirdparty/squid.git] / src / base / ClpMap.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 1996-2023 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
3 *
4 * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
5 * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
6 * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
7 */
12 #include "mem/PoolingAllocator.h"
13 #include "SquidMath.h"
14 #include "time/gadgets.h"
16 #include <functional>
17 #include <limits>
18 #include <list>
19 #include <optional>
20 #include <unordered_map>
22 template<class Value>
23 uint64_t
24 DefaultMemoryUsage(const Value &e)
25 {
26 return sizeof(e);
27 }
29 /// An in-memory associative container enforcing three primary caching policies:
30 /// * Capacity: The memory used by cached entries has a configurable limit;
31 /// * Lifetime: Entries are hidden (and may be deleted) after their TTL expires;
32 /// * Priority: Capacity victims are purged in LRU order.
33 /// Individual cache entry operations have average constant-time complexity.
34 ///
35 /// Value must meet STL requirements of Erasable and EmplaceConstructible.
36 /// Key must come with std::hash<Key> and std::equal_to<Key> instantiations.
37 /// Key::length() must return the number of memory bytes in use by the key.
38 /// MemoryUsedBy() must return the number of memory bytes in use by the value.
39 template <class Key, class Value, uint64_t MemoryUsedBy(const Value &) = DefaultMemoryUsage>
40 class ClpMap
41 {
42 public:
43 /// maximum desired entry caching duration (a.k.a. TTL), in seconds
44 using Ttl = int;
46 explicit ClpMap(const uint64_t capacity) { setMemLimit(capacity); }
47 ClpMap(uint64_t capacity, Ttl defaultTtl);
48 ~ClpMap() = default;
50 // copying disabled because it may be expensive for large maps
51 // moving (implicitly) disabled for simplicity sake
52 ClpMap(const ClpMap &) = delete;
53 ClpMap &operator =(const ClpMap &) = delete;
55 /// \return a pointer to a fresh cached value (or nil)
56 /// The underlying value is owned by the map, so the pointer may be
57 /// invalidated by any non-constant method call, including another get().
58 /// Also moves the found entry to the end of the purging queue.
59 const Value *get(const Key &);
61 /// Copy the given value into the map (with the given key and TTL)
62 /// \retval true the value was successfully copied into the map
63 /// \retval false caching was rejected (the map remains unchanged)
64 bool add(const Key &, const Value &, Ttl);
66 /// Copy the given value into the map (with the given key and default TTL)
67 bool add(const Key &key, const Value &v) { return add(key, v, defaultTtl_); }
69 /// Remove the corresponding entry (if any)
70 void del(const Key &);
72 /// Reset the memory capacity for this map, purging if needed
73 void setMemLimit(uint64_t newLimit);
75 /// The memory capacity for the map
76 uint64_t memLimit() const { return memLimit_; }
78 /// The free space of the map
79 uint64_t freeMem() const { return memLimit() - memoryUsed(); }
81 /// The current (approximate) memory usage of the map
82 uint64_t memoryUsed() const { return memUsed_; }
84 /// The number of currently stored entries, including expired ones
85 size_t entries() const { return entries_.size(); }
87 private:
88 /// the keeper of cache entry Key, Value, and caching-related entry metadata
89 class Entry
90 {
91 public:
92 Entry(const Key &, const Value &, const Ttl);
94 /// whether the entry is stale
95 bool expired() const { return expires < squid_curtime; }
97 public:
98 Key key; ///< the entry search key; see ClpMap::get()
99 Value value; ///< cached value provided by the map user
100 time_t expires = 0; ///< get() stops returning the entry after this time
101 uint64_t memCounted = 0; ///< memory accounted for this entry in our ClpMap
102 };
104 /// Entries in LRU order
105 using Entries = std::list<Entry, PoolingAllocator<Entry> >;
106 using EntriesIterator = typename Entries::iterator;
108 using IndexItem = std::pair<const Key, EntriesIterator>;
109 /// key:entry_position mapping for fast entry lookups by key
110 using Index = std::unordered_map<Key, EntriesIterator, std::hash<Key>, std::equal_to<Key>, PoolingAllocator<IndexItem> >;
111 using IndexIterator = typename Index::iterator;
113 static std::optional<uint64_t> MemoryCountedFor(const Key &, const Value &);
115 void trim(uint64_t wantSpace);
116 void erase(const IndexIterator &);
117 IndexIterator find(const Key &);
119 /// cached entries, including expired ones, in LRU order
120 Entries entries_;
122 /// entries_ positions indexed by the entry key
123 Index index_;
125 /// entry TTL to use if none provided to add()
126 Ttl defaultTtl_ = std::numeric_limits<Ttl>::max();
128 /// the maximum memory we are allowed to use for all cached entries
129 uint64_t memLimit_ = 0;
131 /// the total amount of memory we currently use for all cached entries
132 uint64_t memUsed_ = 0;
133 };
135 template <class Key, class Value, uint64_t MemoryUsedBy(const Value &)>
136 ClpMap<Key, Value, MemoryUsedBy>::ClpMap(const uint64_t capacity, const Ttl defaultTtl):
137 defaultTtl_(defaultTtl)
138 {
139 assert(defaultTtl >= 0);
140 setMemLimit(capacity);
141 }
143 template <class Key, class Value, uint64_t MemoryUsedBy(const Value &)>
144 void
145 ClpMap<Key, Value, MemoryUsedBy>::setMemLimit(const uint64_t newLimit)
146 {
147 if (memUsed_ > newLimit)
148 trim(memLimit_ - newLimit);
149 memLimit_ = newLimit;
150 }
152 /// \returns the index position of an entry identified by its key (or end())
153 template <class Key, class Value, uint64_t MemoryUsedBy(const Value &)>
154 typename ClpMap<Key, Value, MemoryUsedBy>::IndexIterator
155 ClpMap<Key, Value, MemoryUsedBy>::find(const Key &key)
156 {
157 const auto i = index_.find(key);
158 if (i == index_.end())
159 return i;
161 const auto entryPosition = i->second;
162 if (!entryPosition->expired()) {
163 if (entryPosition != entries_.begin())
164 entries_.splice(entries_.begin(), entries_, entryPosition);
165 return i;
166 }
167 // else fall through to cleanup
169 erase(i);
170 return index_.end();
171 }
173 template <class Key, class Value, uint64_t MemoryUsedBy(const Value &)>
174 const Value *
175 ClpMap<Key, Value, MemoryUsedBy>::get(const Key &key)
176 {
177 const auto i = find(key);
178 if (i != index_.end()) {
179 const auto &entry = *(i->second);
180 return &entry.value;
181 }
182 return nullptr;
183 }
185 template <class Key, class Value, uint64_t MemoryUsedBy(const Value &)>
186 std::optional<uint64_t>
187 ClpMap<Key, Value, MemoryUsedBy>::MemoryCountedFor(const Key &k, const Value &v)
188 {
189 // Both storage and index store keys, but we count keySz once, assuming that
190 // copying a Key does not consume more memory. This assumption holds for
191 // Key=SBuf, but, ideally, we should be outsourcing this decision to another
192 // configurable function, storing each key once, or hard-coding Key=SBuf.
193 const auto keySz = k.length();
195 // approximate calculation (e.g., containers store wrappers not value_types)
196 return NaturalSum<uint64_t>(
197 keySz,
198 // storage
199 sizeof(typename Entries::value_type),
200 MemoryUsedBy(v),
201 // index
202 sizeof(typename Index::value_type));
203 }
205 template <class Key, class Value, uint64_t MemoryUsedBy(const Value &)>
206 bool
207 ClpMap<Key, Value, MemoryUsedBy>::add(const Key &key, const Value &v, const Ttl ttl)
208 {
209 // optimization: avoid del() search, MemoryCountedFor() in always-empty maps
210 if (memLimit() == 0)
211 return false;
213 del(key);
215 if (ttl < 0)
216 return false; // already expired; will never be returned by get()
218 const auto memoryRequirements = MemoryCountedFor(key, v);
219 if (!memoryRequirements)
220 return false; // cannot even compute memory requirements
222 const auto wantSpace = memoryRequirements.value();
223 if (wantSpace > memLimit() || wantSpace == 0) // 0 is 64-bit integer overflow
224 return false; // will never fit
225 trim(wantSpace);
227 auto &addedEntry = entries_.emplace_front(key, v, ttl);
228 index_.emplace(key, entries_.begin());
230 addedEntry.memCounted = wantSpace;
231 memUsed_ += wantSpace;
232 assert(memUsed_ >= wantSpace); // no overflows
233 return true;
234 }
236 /// removes the cached entry (identified by its index) from the map
237 template <class Key, class Value, uint64_t MemoryUsedBy(const Value &)>
238 void
239 ClpMap<Key, Value, MemoryUsedBy>::erase(const IndexIterator &i)
240 {
241 assert(i != index_.end());
242 const auto entryPosition = i->second;
244 assert(entryPosition != entries_.end());
245 const auto sz = entryPosition->memCounted;
246 assert(memUsed_ >= sz);
247 memUsed_ -= sz;
249 index_.erase(i); // destroys a "pointer" to our Entry
250 entries_.erase(entryPosition); // destroys our Entry
251 }
253 template <class Key, class Value, uint64_t MemoryUsedBy(const Value &)>
254 void
255 ClpMap<Key, Value, MemoryUsedBy>::del(const Key &key)
256 {
257 const auto i = find(key);
258 if (i != index_.end())
259 erase(i);
260 }
262 /// purges entries to make free memory large enough to fit wantSpace bytes
263 template <class Key, class Value, uint64_t MemoryUsedBy(const Value &)>
264 void
265 ClpMap<Key, Value, MemoryUsedBy>::trim(const uint64_t wantSpace)
266 {
267 assert(wantSpace <= memLimit()); // no infinite loops and in-vain trimming
268 while (freeMem() < wantSpace) {
269 assert(!entries_.empty());
270 // TODO: Purge expired entries first. They are useless, but their
271 // presence may lead to purging potentially useful fresh entries here.
272 del(entries_.rbegin()->key);
273 }
274 }
276 template <class Key, class Value, uint64_t MemoryUsedBy(const Value &)>
277 ClpMap<Key, Value, MemoryUsedBy>::Entry::Entry(const Key &aKey, const Value &v, const Ttl ttl) :
278 key(aKey),
279 value(v),
280 expires(0) // reset below
281 {
282 SetToNaturalSumOrMax(expires, squid_curtime, ttl);
283 }
285 #endif /* SQUID__SRC_BASE_CLPMAP_H */