]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/gcc.git/blame - gcc/config/arm/types.md
[AArch64, AArch32][Insn classification refactoring 6/N] Remove "neon_type" attribute
[thirdparty/gcc.git] / gcc / config / arm / types.md
1;; Instruction Classification for ARM for GNU compiler.
3;; Copyright (C) 1991-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4;; Contributed by ARM Ltd.
6;; This file is part of GCC.
8;; GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
10;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
11;; option) any later version.
13;; GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
15;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
16;; License for more details.
18;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19;; along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
20;; <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22; TYPE attribute is used to classify instructions for use in scheduling.
24; Instruction classification:
26; arlo_imm any arithmetic or logical instruction that doesn't have
27; a shifted operand and has an immediate operand. This
28; excludes MOV, MVN and RSB(S) immediate.
29; arlo_reg any arithmetic or logical instruction that doesn't have
30; a shifted or an immediate operand. This excludes
31; MOV and MVN but includes MOVT. This is also the default.
32; arlo_shift any arithmetic or logical instruction that has a source
33; operand shifted by a constant. This excludes
34; simple shifts.
35; arlo_shift_reg as arlo_shift, with the shift amount specified in a
36; register.
37; block blockage insn, this blocks all functional units.
38; branch branch.
39; call subroutine call.
40; clz count leading zeros (CLZ).
41; extend extend instruction (SXTB, SXTH, UXTB, UXTH).
42; f_cvt conversion between float and integral.
43; f_flag transfer of co-processor flags to the CPSR.
44; f_load[d,s] double/single load from memory. Used for VFP unit.
45; f_mcr transfer arm to vfp reg.
46; f_mcrr transfer two arm regs to vfp reg.
701bd1bd 47; f_minmax[d,s] double/single floating point minimum/maximum.
48; f_mrc transfer vfp to arm reg.
49; f_mrrc transfer vfp to two arm regs.
50; f_rint[d,s] double/single floating point rount to integral.
51; f_sel[d,s] double/single floating byte select.
52; f_store[d,s] double/single store to memory. Used for VFP unit.
53; fadd[d,s] double/single floating-point scalar addition.
54; fcmp[d,s] double/single floating-point compare.
55; fconst[d,s] double/single load immediate.
56; fcpys single precision floating point cpy.
57; fdiv[d,s] double/single precision floating point division.
58; ffarith[d,s] double/single floating point abs/neg/cpy.
59; ffma[d,s] double/single floating point fused multiply-accumulate.
60; float floating point arithmetic operation.
61; fmac[d,s] double/single floating point multiply-accumulate.
62; fmul[d,s] double/single floating point multiply.
e2fd7ca7 63; load_acq load-acquire.
64; load_byte load byte(s) from memory to arm registers.
65; load1 load 1 word from memory to arm registers.
66; load2 load 2 words from memory to arm registers.
67; load3 load 3 words from memory to arm registers.
68; load4 load 4 words from memory to arm registers.
69; mla integer multiply accumulate.
70; mlas integer multiply accumulate, flag setting.
71; mov_imm simple MOV instruction that moves an immediate to
72; register. This includes MOVW, but not MOVT.
73; mov_reg simple MOV instruction that moves a register to another
74; register. This includes MOVW, but not MOVT.
75; mov_shift simple MOV instruction, shifted operand by a constant.
76; mov_shift_reg simple MOV instruction, shifted operand by a register.
77; mul integer multiply.
78; muls integer multiply, flag setting.
79; mvn_imm inverting move instruction, immediate.
80; mvn_reg inverting move instruction, register.
81; mvn_shift inverting move instruction, shifted operand by a constant.
82; mvn_shift_reg inverting move instruction, shifted operand by a register.
83; sdiv signed division.
84; shift simple shift operation (LSL, LSR, ASR, ROR) with an
85; immediate.
86; shift_reg simple shift by a register.
87; smlad signed multiply accumulate dual.
88; smladx signed multiply accumulate dual reverse.
89; smlal signed multiply accumulate long.
90; smlald signed multiply accumulate long dual.
91; smlals signed multiply accumulate long, flag setting.
92; smlalxy signed multiply accumulate, 16x16-bit, 64-bit accumulate.
93; smlawx signed multiply accumulate, 32x16-bit, 32-bit accumulate.
94; smlawy signed multiply accumulate wide, 32x16-bit,
95; 32-bit accumulate.
96; smlaxy signed multiply accumulate, 16x16-bit, 32-bit accumulate.
97; smlsd signed multiply subtract dual.
98; smlsdx signed multiply subtract dual reverse.
99; smlsld signed multiply subtract long dual.
100; smmla signed most significant word multiply accumulate.
101; smmul signed most significant word multiply.
102; smmulr signed most significant word multiply, rounded.
103; smuad signed dual multiply add.
104; smuadx signed dual multiply add reverse.
105; smull signed multiply long.
106; smulls signed multiply long, flag setting.
107; smulwy signed multiply wide, 32x16-bit, 32-bit accumulate.
108; smulxy signed multiply, 16x16-bit, 32-bit accumulate.
109; smusd signed dual multiply subtract.
110; smusdx signed dual multiply subtract reverse.
e2fd7ca7 111; store_rel store-release.
112; store1 store 1 word to memory from arm registers.
113; store2 store 2 words to memory from arm registers.
114; store3 store 3 words to memory from arm registers.
115; store4 store 4 (or more) words to memory from arm registers.
116; udiv unsigned division.
117; umaal unsigned multiply accumulate accumulate long.
118; umlal unsigned multiply accumulate long.
119; umlals unsigned multiply accumulate long, flag setting.
120; umull unsigned multiply long.
121; umulls unsigned multiply long, flag setting.
123; The classification below is for instructions used by the Wireless MMX
124; Technology. Each attribute value is used to classify an instruction of the
125; same name or family.
127; wmmx_tandc
128; wmmx_tbcst
129; wmmx_textrc
130; wmmx_textrm
131; wmmx_tinsr
132; wmmx_tmcr
133; wmmx_tmcrr
134; wmmx_tmia
135; wmmx_tmiaph
136; wmmx_tmiaxy
137; wmmx_tmrc
138; wmmx_tmrrc
139; wmmx_tmovmsk
140; wmmx_torc
141; wmmx_torvsc
142; wmmx_wabs
143; wmmx_wdiff
144; wmmx_wacc
145; wmmx_wadd
146; wmmx_waddbhus
147; wmmx_waddsubhx
148; wmmx_waligni
149; wmmx_walignr
150; wmmx_wand
151; wmmx_wandn
152; wmmx_wavg2
153; wmmx_wavg4
154; wmmx_wcmpeq
155; wmmx_wcmpgt
156; wmmx_wmac
157; wmmx_wmadd
158; wmmx_wmax
159; wmmx_wmerge
160; wmmx_wmiawxy
161; wmmx_wmiaxy
162; wmmx_wmin
163; wmmx_wmov
164; wmmx_wmul
165; wmmx_wmulw
166; wmmx_wldr
167; wmmx_wor
168; wmmx_wpack
169; wmmx_wqmiaxy
170; wmmx_wqmulm
171; wmmx_wqmulwm
172; wmmx_wror
173; wmmx_wsad
174; wmmx_wshufh
175; wmmx_wsll
176; wmmx_wsra
177; wmmx_wsrl
178; wmmx_wstr
179; wmmx_wsub
180; wmmx_wsubaddhx
181; wmmx_wunpckeh
182; wmmx_wunpckel
183; wmmx_wunpckih
184; wmmx_wunpckil
185; wmmx_wxor
187; The classification below is for NEON instructions.
189; neon_bp_2cycle
190; neon_bp_3cycle
191; neon_bp_simple
192; neon_fp_vadd_ddd_vabs_dd
193; neon_fp_vadd_qqq_vabs_qq
194; neon_fp_vmla_ddd_scalar
195; neon_fp_vmla_ddd
196; neon_fp_vmla_qqq_scalar
197; neon_fp_vmla_qqq
198; neon_fp_vmul_ddd
199; neon_fp_vmul_qqd
200; neon_fp_vrecps_vrsqrts_ddd
201; neon_fp_vrecps_vrsqrts_qqq
202; neon_fp_vsum
203; neon_int_1
204; neon_int_2
205; neon_int_3
206; neon_int_4
207; neon_int_5
208; neon_ldm_2
209; neon_ldr
210; neon_mcr_2_mcrr
211; neon_mcr
212; neon_mla_ddd_16_scalar_qdd_32_16_long_scalar
213; neon_mla_ddd_32_qqd_16_ddd_32_scalar_qdd_64_32_long_scalar_qdd_64_32_long
214; neon_mla_ddd_8_16_qdd_16_8_long_32_16_long
215; neon_mla_qqq_32_qqd_32_scalar
216; neon_mla_qqq_8_16
217; neon_mrc
218; neon_mrrc
219; neon_mul_ddd_16_scalar_32_16_long_scalar
220; neon_mul_ddd_8_16_qdd_16_8_long_32_16_long
221; neon_mul_qdd_64_32_long_qqd_16_ddd_32_scalar_64_32_long_scalar
222; neon_mul_qqd_32_scalar
223; neon_mul_qqq_8_16_32_ddd_32
224; neon_shift_1
225; neon_shift_2
226; neon_shift_3
227; neon_stm_2
228; neon_str
229; neon_vaba_qqq
230; neon_vaba
231; neon_vld1_1_2_regs
232; neon_vld1_3_4_regs
233; neon_vld1_vld2_lane
234; neon_vld2_2_regs_vld1_vld2_all_lanes
235; neon_vld2_4_regs
236; neon_vld3_vld4_all_lanes
237; neon_vld3_vld4_lane
238; neon_vld3_vld4
239; neon_vmov
240; neon_vqneg_vqabs
241; neon_vqshl_vrshl_vqrshl_qqq
242; neon_vshl_ddd
243; neon_vsma
244; neon_vsra_vrsra
245; neon_vst1_1_2_regs_vst2_2_regs
246; neon_vst1_3_4_regs
247; neon_vst1_vst2_lane
248; neon_vst2_4_regs_vst3_vst4
249; neon_vst3_vst4_lane
250; neon_vst3_vst4
252(define_attr "type"
253 "arlo_imm,\
254 arlo_reg,\
255 arlo_shift,\
256 arlo_shift_reg,\
257 block,\
258 branch,\
259 call,\
260 clz,\
261 extend,\
262 f_cvt,\
263 f_flag,\
264 f_loadd,\
265 f_loads,\
266 f_mcr,\
267 f_mcrr,\
268 f_minmaxd,\
269 f_minmaxs,\
270 f_mrc,\
271 f_mrrc,\
272 f_rintd,\
273 f_rints,\
274 f_seld,\
275 f_sels,\
276 f_stored,\
277 f_stores,\
278 faddd,\
279 fadds,\
280 fcmpd,\
281 fcmps,\
282 fconstd,\
283 fconsts,\
284 fcpys,\
285 fdivd,\
286 fdivs,\
287 ffarithd,\
288 ffariths,\
289 ffmad,\
290 ffmas,\
291 float,\
292 fmacd,\
293 fmacs,\
294 fmuld,\
295 fmuls,\
e2fd7ca7 296 load_acq,\
297 load_byte,\
298 load1,\
299 load2,\
300 load3,\
301 load4,\
302 mla,\
303 mlas,\
304 mov_imm,\
305 mov_reg,\
306 mov_shift,\
307 mov_shift_reg,\
308 mul,\
309 muls,\
310 mvn_imm,\
311 mvn_reg,\
312 mvn_shift,\
313 mvn_shift_reg,\
314 sdiv,\
315 shift,\
316 shift_reg,\
317 smlad,\
318 smladx,\
319 smlal,\
320 smlald,\
321 smlals,\
322 smlalxy,\
323 smlawx,\
324 smlawy,\
325 smlaxy,\
326 smlsd,\
327 smlsdx,\
328 smlsld,\
329 smmla,\
330 smmul,\
331 smmulr,\
332 smuad,\
333 smuadx,\
334 smull,\
335 smulls,\
336 smulwy,\
337 smulxy,\
338 smusd,\
339 smusdx,\
e2fd7ca7 340 store_rel,\
341 store1,\
342 store2,\
343 store3,\
344 store4,\
345 udiv,\
346 umaal,\
347 umlal,\
348 umlals,\
349 umull,\
350 umulls,\
351 wmmx_tandc,\
352 wmmx_tbcst,\
353 wmmx_textrc,\
354 wmmx_textrm,\
355 wmmx_tinsr,\
356 wmmx_tmcr,\
357 wmmx_tmcrr,\
358 wmmx_tmia,\
359 wmmx_tmiaph,\
360 wmmx_tmiaxy,\
361 wmmx_tmrc,\
362 wmmx_tmrrc,\
363 wmmx_tmovmsk,\
364 wmmx_torc,\
365 wmmx_torvsc,\
366 wmmx_wabs,\
367 wmmx_wabsdiff,\
368 wmmx_wacc,\
369 wmmx_wadd,\
370 wmmx_waddbhus,\
371 wmmx_waddsubhx,\
372 wmmx_waligni,\
373 wmmx_walignr,\
374 wmmx_wand,\
375 wmmx_wandn,\
376 wmmx_wavg2,\
377 wmmx_wavg4,\
378 wmmx_wcmpeq,\
379 wmmx_wcmpgt,\
380 wmmx_wmac,\
381 wmmx_wmadd,\
382 wmmx_wmax,\
383 wmmx_wmerge,\
384 wmmx_wmiawxy,\
385 wmmx_wmiaxy,\
386 wmmx_wmin,\
387 wmmx_wmov,\
388 wmmx_wmul,\
389 wmmx_wmulw,\
390 wmmx_wldr,\
391 wmmx_wor,\
392 wmmx_wpack,\
393 wmmx_wqmiaxy,\
394 wmmx_wqmulm,\
395 wmmx_wqmulwm,\
396 wmmx_wror,\
397 wmmx_wsad,\
398 wmmx_wshufh,\
399 wmmx_wsll,\
400 wmmx_wsra,\
401 wmmx_wsrl,\
402 wmmx_wstr,\
403 wmmx_wsub,\
404 wmmx_wsubaddhx,\
405 wmmx_wunpckeh,\
406 wmmx_wunpckel,\
407 wmmx_wunpckih,\
408 wmmx_wunpckil,\
409 wmmx_wxor,\
410 neon_bp_2cycle,\
411 neon_bp_3cycle,\
412 neon_bp_simple,\
413 neon_fp_vadd_ddd_vabs_dd,\
414 neon_fp_vadd_qqq_vabs_qq,\
415 neon_fp_vmla_ddd_scalar,\
416 neon_fp_vmla_ddd,\
417 neon_fp_vmla_qqq_scalar,\
418 neon_fp_vmla_qqq,\
419 neon_fp_vmul_ddd,\
420 neon_fp_vmul_qqd,\
421 neon_fp_vrecps_vrsqrts_ddd,\
422 neon_fp_vrecps_vrsqrts_qqq,\
423 neon_fp_vsum,\
424 neon_int_1,\
425 neon_int_2,\
426 neon_int_3,\
427 neon_int_4,\
428 neon_int_5,\
429 neon_ldm_2,\
430 neon_ldr,\
431 neon_mcr_2_mcrr,\
432 neon_mcr,\
433 neon_mla_ddd_16_scalar_qdd_32_16_long_scalar,\
434 neon_mla_ddd_32_qqd_16_ddd_32_scalar_qdd_64_32_long_scalar_qdd_64_32_long,\
435 neon_mla_ddd_8_16_qdd_16_8_long_32_16_long,\
436 neon_mla_qqq_32_qqd_32_scalar,\
437 neon_mla_qqq_8_16,\
438 neon_mrc,\
439 neon_mrrc,\
440 neon_mul_ddd_16_scalar_32_16_long_scalar,\
441 neon_mul_ddd_8_16_qdd_16_8_long_32_16_long,\
442 neon_mul_qdd_64_32_long_qqd_16_ddd_32_scalar_64_32_long_scalar,\
443 neon_mul_qqd_32_scalar,\
444 neon_mul_qqq_8_16_32_ddd_32,\
445 neon_shift_1,\
446 neon_shift_2,\
447 neon_shift_3,\
448 neon_stm_2,\
449 neon_str,\
450 neon_vaba_qqq,\
451 neon_vaba,\
452 neon_vld1_1_2_regs,\
453 neon_vld1_3_4_regs,\
454 neon_vld1_vld2_lane,\
455 neon_vld2_2_regs_vld1_vld2_all_lanes,\
456 neon_vld2_4_regs,\
457 neon_vld3_vld4_all_lanes,\
458 neon_vld3_vld4_lane,\
459 neon_vld3_vld4,\
460 neon_vmov,\
461 neon_vqneg_vqabs,\
462 neon_vqshl_vrshl_vqrshl_qqq,\
463 neon_vshl_ddd,\
464 neon_vsma,\
465 neon_vsra_vrsra,\
466 neon_vst1_1_2_regs_vst2_2_regs,\
467 neon_vst1_3_4_regs,\
468 neon_vst1_vst2_lane,\
469 neon_vst2_4_regs_vst3_vst4,\
470 neon_vst3_vst4_lane,\
471 neon_vst3_vst4"
472 (const_string "arlo_reg"))
474; Is this an (integer side) multiply with a 32-bit (or smaller) result?
475(define_attr "mul32" "no,yes"
476 (if_then_else
477 (eq_attr "type"
478 "smulxy,smlaxy,smulwy,smlawx,mul,muls,mla,mlas,smlawy,smuad,smuadx,\
479 smlad,smladx,smusd,smusdx,smlsd,smlsdx,smmul,smmulr,smmla,smlald,smlsld")
480 (const_string "yes")
481 (const_string "no")))
483; Is this an (integer side) multiply with a 64-bit result?
484(define_attr "mul64" "no,yes"
485 (if_then_else
486 (eq_attr "type"
487 "smlalxy,umull,umulls,umaal,umlal,umlals,smull,smulls,smlal,smlals")
488 (const_string "yes")
489 (const_string "no")))