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[thirdparty/gcc.git] / gcc / doc / gcc / language-standards-supported-by-gcc / c-language.rst
2 Copyright 1988-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3 This is part of the GCC manual.
4 For copying conditions, see the copyright.rst file.
6.. index:: C standard, C standards, ANSI C standard, ANSI C, ANSI C89, C89, ANSI X3.159-1989, X3.159-1989, ISO C standard, ISO C, ISO C90, ISO/IEC 9899, ISO 9899, C90, ISO C94, C94, ISO C95, C95, ISO C99, C99, ISO C9X, C9X, ISO C11, C11, ISO C1X, C1X, ISO C17, C17, ISO C2X, C2X, Technical Corrigenda, TC1, Technical Corrigendum 1, TC2, Technical Corrigendum 2, TC3, Technical Corrigendum 3, AMD1, freestanding implementation, freestanding environment, hosted implementation, hosted environment, __STDC_HOSTED__, std, ansi, pedantic, pedantic-errors
8C Language
11The original ANSI C standard (X3.159-1989) was ratified in 1989 and
12published in 1990. This standard was ratified as an ISO standard
13(ISO/IEC 9899:1990) later in 1990. There were no technical
14differences between these publications, although the sections of the
15ANSI standard were renumbered and became clauses in the ISO standard.
16The ANSI
17standard, but not the ISO standard, also came with a Rationale
19This standard, in both its forms, is commonly known as :dfn:`C89`, or
20occasionally as :dfn:`C90`, from the dates of ratification.
21To select this standard in GCC, use one of the options
22:option:`-ansi`, :option:`-std=c90` or :option:`-std=iso9899:1990` ; to obtain
23all the diagnostics required by the standard, you should also specify
24:option:`-pedantic` (or :option:`-pedantic-errors` if you want them to be
25errors rather than warnings). See :ref:`c-dialect-options`.
27Errors in the 1990 ISO C standard were corrected in two Technical
28Corrigenda published in 1994 and 1996. GCC does not support the
29uncorrected version.
31An amendment to the 1990 standard was published in 1995. This
32amendment added digraphs and ``__STDC_VERSION__`` to the language,
33but otherwise concerned the library. This amendment is commonly known
34as :dfn:`AMD1`; the amended standard is sometimes known as :dfn:`C94` or
35:dfn:`C95`. To select this standard in GCC, use the option
36:option:`-std=iso9899:199409` (with, as for other standard versions,
37:option:`-pedantic` to receive all required diagnostics).
39A new edition of the ISO C standard was published in 1999 as ISO/IEC
409899:1999, and is commonly known as :dfn:`C99`. (While in
41development, drafts of this standard version were referred to as
42:dfn:`C9X`.) GCC has substantially
43complete support for this standard version; see
44https://gcc.gnu.org/c99status.html for details. To select this
45standard, use :option:`-std=c99` or :option:`-std=iso9899:1999`.
47Errors in the 1999 ISO C standard were corrected in three Technical
48Corrigenda published in 2001, 2004 and 2007. GCC does not support the
49uncorrected version.
51A fourth version of the C standard, known as :dfn:`C11`, was published
52in 2011 as ISO/IEC 9899:2011. (While in development, drafts of this
53standard version were referred to as :dfn:`C1X`.)
54GCC has substantially complete support
55for this standard, enabled with :option:`-std=c11` or
56:option:`-std=iso9899:2011`. A version with corrections integrated was
57prepared in 2017 and published in 2018 as ISO/IEC 9899:2018; it is
58known as :dfn:`C17` and is supported with :option:`-std=c17` or
59:option:`-std=iso9899:2017` ; the corrections are also applied with
60:option:`-std=c11`, and the only difference between the options is the
61value of ``__STDC_VERSION__``.
63A further version of the C standard, known as :dfn:`C2X`, is under
64development; experimental and incomplete support for this is enabled
65with :option:`-std=c2x`.
67By default, GCC provides some extensions to the C language that, on
68rare occasions conflict with the C standard. See :ref:`c-extensions`.
69Some features that are part of the C99 standard
70are accepted as extensions in C90 mode, and some features that are part
71of the C11 standard are accepted as extensions in C90 and C99 modes.
72Use of the
73:option:`-std` options listed above disables these extensions where
74they conflict with the C standard version selected. You may also
75select an extended version of the C language explicitly with
76:option:`-std=gnu90` (for C90 with GNU extensions), :option:`-std=gnu99`
77(for C99 with GNU extensions) or :option:`-std=gnu11` (for C11 with GNU
80The default, if no C language dialect options are given,
81is :option:`-std=gnu17`.
83The ISO C standard defines (in clause 4) two classes of conforming
84implementation. A :dfn:`conforming hosted implementation` supports the
85whole standard including all the library facilities; a :dfn:`conforming
86freestanding implementation` is only required to provide certain
87library facilities: those in ``<float.h>``, ``<limits.h>``,
88``<stdarg.h>``, and ``<stddef.h>`` ; since AMD1, also those in
89``<iso646.h>`` ; since C99, also those in ``<stdbool.h>`` and
90``<stdint.h>`` ; and since C11, also those in ``<stdalign.h>``
91and ``<stdnoreturn.h>``. In addition, complex types, added in C99, are not
92required for freestanding implementations.
94The standard also defines two environments for programs, a
95:dfn:`freestanding environment`, required of all implementations and
96which may not have library facilities beyond those required of
97freestanding implementations, where the handling of program startup
98and termination are implementation-defined; and a :dfn:`hosted
99environment`, which is not required, in which all the library
100facilities are provided and startup is through a function ``int
101main (void)`` or ``int main (int, char *[])``. An OS kernel is an example
102of a program running in a freestanding environment;
103a program using the facilities of an
104operating system is an example of a program running in a hosted environment.
106.. index:: ffreestanding
108GCC aims towards being usable as a conforming freestanding
109implementation, or as the compiler for a conforming hosted
110implementation. By default, it acts as the compiler for a hosted
111implementation, defining ``__STDC_HOSTED__`` as ``1`` and
112presuming that when the names of ISO C functions are used, they have
113the semantics defined in the standard. To make it act as a conforming
114freestanding implementation for a freestanding environment, use the
115option :option:`-ffreestanding` ; it then defines
116``__STDC_HOSTED__`` to ``0`` and does not make assumptions about the
117meanings of function names from the standard library, with exceptions
118noted below. To build an OS kernel, you may well still need to make
119your own arrangements for linking and startup.
120See :ref:`c-dialect-options`.
122GCC does not provide the library facilities required only of hosted
123implementations, nor yet all the facilities required by C99 of
124freestanding implementations on all platforms.
125To use the facilities of a hosted
126environment, you need to find them elsewhere (for example, in the
127GNU C library). See :ref:`standard-libraries`.
129Most of the compiler support routines used by GCC are present in
130:samp:`libgcc`, but there are a few exceptions. GCC requires the
131freestanding environment provide ``memcpy``, ``memmove``,
132``memset`` and ``memcmp``.
133Finally, if ``__builtin_trap`` is used, and the target does
134not implement the ``trap`` pattern, then GCC emits a call
135to ``abort``.
137For references to Technical Corrigenda, Rationale documents and
138information concerning the history of C that is available online, see