]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/openssl.git/blob - .travis.yml
Fix some doc-nits and make update errors
[thirdparty/openssl.git] / .travis.yml
1 dist: bionic
3 osx_image: xcode9.3
5 language: c
6 cache: ccache
7 git:
8 submodules: false
9 quiet: true
11 before_install:
12 - if [ -n "$COVERALLS" ]; then
13 travis_retry pip install --user cpp-coveralls;
14 fi;
15 - if expr "$CONFIG_OPTS" ":" ".*enable-external-tests" > /dev/null; then
16 travis_retry git submodule update --init --recursive;
17 fi;
18 - eval "${MATRIX_EVAL}"
20 arch:
21 - amd64
23 os:
24 - linux
25 - osx
27 compiler:
28 - clang
29 - gcc
31 env:
32 # Note: env entry here must exactly match the value in the exclude: table below that contains env:, otherwise it will not find a match.
33 - CONFIG_OPTS="" DESTDIR="_install"
34 - CONFIG_OPTS="no-asm --debug --strict-warnings no-afalgeng no-shared enable-rc5 enable-md2 -fsanitize=address" LSAN_OPTIONS="report_objects=1"
35 - CONFIG_OPTS="no-asm no-makedepend enable-buildtest-c++ --strict-warnings -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE" BUILDONLY="yes" CHECKDOCS="yes" CPPFLAGS="-ansi"
37 jobs:
38 exclude:
39 - os: linux
40 compiler: clang
41 env: CONFIG_OPTS="" DESTDIR="_install"
42 - os: linux
43 compiler: clang
44 env: CONFIG_OPTS="no-asm no-makedepend enable-buildtest-c++ --strict-warnings --with-rand-seed=rdcpu,os -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE" BUILDONLY="yes" CHECKDOCS="yes" CPPFLAGS="-ansi"
45 - os: osx
46 compiler: gcc
47 - os: osx
48 env: CONFIG_OPTS="no-asm --debug --strict-warnings no-afalgeng no-shared enable-rc5 enable-md2 -fsanitize=address" LSAN_OPTIONS="report_objects=1"
49 include:
50 - os: linux
51 arch: arm64
52 compiler: gcc
53 env: CONFIG_OPTS="--strict-warnings" MAKEVERBOSE="yes"
54 - os: linux
55 arch: arm64
56 compiler: gcc
57 env: CONFIG_OPTS="no-asm no-makedepend no-deprecated enable-buildtest-c++ --strict-warnings -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE" BUILDONLY="yes" CHECKDOCS="yes" GENERATE="yes" CPPFLAGS="-ansi"
58 - os: linux
59 arch: s390x
60 compiler: gcc
61 env: CONFIG_OPTS="--strict-warnings"
62 - os: linux-ppc64le
63 compiler: gcc
64 env: CONFIG_OPTS="--strict-warnings"
65 - os: linux
66 compiler: gcc
67 env: CONFIG_OPTS="--strict-warnings no-ec enable-trace enable-ssl-trace enable-zlib enable-zlib-dynamic enable-crypto-mdebug enable-crypto-mdebug-backtrace enable-egd" COMMENT="Move to the BORINGTEST build when interoperable"
68 - os: linux
69 dist: trusty
70 compiler: clang
71 env: CONFIG_OPTS="--strict-warnings -D__NO_STRING_INLINES"
72 - os: linux
73 dist: xenial
74 compiler: gcc
75 env: CONFIG_OPTS="--strict-warnings no-deprecated enable-rc5 enable-md2"
76 - os: linux
77 addons:
78 apt:
79 packages:
80 - binutils-mingw-w64
81 - gcc-mingw-w64
82 compiler: i686-w64-mingw32-gcc
83 env: CONFIG_OPTS="no-stdio" BUILDONLY="yes"
84 - os: linux
85 addons:
86 apt:
87 packages:
88 - golang-1.10
89 compiler: gcc
90 env: EXTENDED_TEST="yes" CONFIG_OPTS="--debug --coverage no-asm enable-rc5 enable-md2 enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128 enable-ssl3 enable-ssl3-method enable-nextprotoneg enable-weak-ssl-ciphers no-shared enable-buildtest-c++ -DPEDANTIC -DFUZZING_BUILD_MODE_UNSAFE_FOR_PRODUCTION" COVERALLS="yes" BORINGSSL_TESTS="yes" CXX="g++"
91 - os: linux
92 addons:
93 apt:
94 packages:
95 - golang-1.10
96 - cmake
97 - libtest2-suite-perl
98 compiler: gcc
99 # External test pyca-cryptography temporarily disabled due to long term travis failures
100 env: EXTENDED_TEST="yes" CONFIG_OPTS="--debug enable-ssl3 enable-ssl3-method enable-weak-ssl-ciphers enable-external-tests enable-buildtest-c++" BORINGSSL_TESTS="yes" CXX="g++" TESTS="test_external_boringssl test_external_krb5 test_external_gost_engine"
101 - os: linux
102 compiler: clang
103 env: EXTENDED_TEST="yes" CONFIG_OPTS="enable-msan disable-afalgeng -Wno-unused-command-line-argument"
104 - os: linux
105 compiler: clang
106 env: EXTENDED_TEST="yes" CONFIG_OPTS="no-asm enable-ubsan enable-rc5 enable-md2 enable-ssl3 enable-ssl3-method enable-nextprotoneg no-shared enable-buildtest-c++ -DFUZZING_BUILD_MODE_UNSAFE_FOR_PRODUCTION -Wno-unused-command-line-argument" CXX="clang++"
107 - os: linux
108 compiler: gcc
109 env: EXTENDED_TEST="yes" CONFIG_OPTS="--debug no-asm enable-asan enable-ubsan enable-rc5 enable-md2 enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128 enable-buildtest-c++" OPENSSL_TEST_RAND_ORDER=0
110 - os: linux
111 dist: xenial
112 addons:
113 apt:
114 packages:
115 - binutils-mingw-w64
116 - gcc-mingw-w64
117 compiler: i686-w64-mingw32-gcc
118 env: EXTENDED_TEST="yes" CONFIG_OPTS="no-pic"
119 - os: linux
120 dist: xenial
121 addons:
122 apt:
123 packages:
124 - binutils-mingw-w64
125 - gcc-mingw-w64
126 compiler: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc
127 env: EXTENDED_TEST="yes" CONFIG_OPTS="no-pic"
128 - os: linux
129 language: python
130 python: 3.7
131 install: pip install flake8
132 before_script:
133 # stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names
134 - flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics
135 # exit-zero treats all errors as warnings. The GitHub editor is 127 chars wide
136 - flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
137 script: true
138 - os: linux
139 compiler: gcc
140 env: CONFIGURE_TARGET="linux-generic32" MARKDOWNLINT="yes" CONFIG_OPTS="--strict-warnings no-shared no-dso no-pic no-aria no-async no-autoload-config no-blake2 no-bf no-camellia no-cast no-chacha no-cmac no-cms no-cmp no-comp no-ct no-des no-dgram no-dh no-dsa no-dtls no-ec2m no-engine no-filenames no-gost no-idea no-ktls no-mdc2 no-md4 no-multiblock no-nextprotoneg no-ocsp no-ocb no-poly1305 no-psk no-rc2 no-rc4 no-rmd160 no-seed no-siphash no-siv no-sm2 no-sm3 no-sm4 no-srp no-srtp no-ssl3 no-ssl3-method no-ts no-ui-console no-whirlpool no-asm -DOPENSSL_NO_SECURE_MEMORY -DOPENSSL_SMALL_FOOTPRINT"
143 before_script:
144 - env
145 - if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" -a -n "$EXTENDED_TEST" ]; then
146 (git log -1 $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE | grep '\[extended tests\]' > /dev/null) || travis_terminate 0;
147 fi
148 - if [ -n "$DESTDIR" ]; then
149 sh .travis-create-release.sh $TRAVIS_OS_NAME;
150 tar -xzf _srcdist.tar.gz;
151 mkdir -p _build/tree;
152 cd _build/tree;
153 srcdir=../../_srcdist;
154 top=../..;
155 else
156 srcdir=.;
157 top=.;
158 fi
159 - if [ "$CC" = i686-w64-mingw32-gcc ]; then
160 export CROSS_COMPILE=${CC%%gcc}; unset CC;
161 $srcdir/Configure mingw $CONFIG_OPTS -Wno-pedantic-ms-format;
162 elif [ "$CC" = x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc ]; then
163 export CROSS_COMPILE=${CC%%gcc}; unset CC;
164 $srcdir/Configure mingw64 $CONFIG_OPTS -Wno-pedantic-ms-format;
165 else
166 if which ccache >/dev/null && test "$BORINGSSL_TESTS" != yes; then
167 CC="ccache $CC";
168 fi;
169 if [ -n "$CONFIGURE_TARGET" ]; then
170 $srcdir/Configure $CONFIGURE_TARGET $CONFIG_OPTS;
171 else
172 $srcdir/config -v $CONFIG_OPTS;
173 fi;
174 fi
175 - ./configdata.pm --dump
176 - export HARNESS_JOBS=${HARNESS_JOBS:-4}
177 - cd $top
179 script:
180 - if [ -z "$BUILDONLY" ] && [ -z "$MAKEVERBOSE" ] ; then
181 make="make -s";
182 else
183 make="make";
184 fi
185 - if [ -n "$GENERATE" ]; then
186 make2="$make PERL=no-perl";
187 else
188 make2="$make";
189 fi
190 - top=${PWD}
191 - if [ -n "$DESTDIR" ]; then
192 cd _build/tree;
193 fi
194 - if ! $make update; then
195 echo -e '\052\052 FAILED -- MAKE UPDATE';
196 travis_terminate 1;
197 fi
198 - if ! git diff --exit-code; then
199 echo -e '\052\052 FAILED -- UPDATED FILES NOT COMMITTED';
200 travis_terminate 1;
201 fi
202 - if test -n "$GENERATE" && ! $make build_all_generated; then
203 echo -e '\052\052 FAILED -- MAKE BUILD_ALL_GENERATED';
204 travis_terminate 1;
205 fi
206 - if test -n "$CHECKDOCS" && ! $make doc-nits; then
207 echo -e '\052\052 FAILED -- MAKE DOC-NITS';
208 travis_terminate 1;
209 fi
210 - if test -n "$MARKDOWNLINT" ; then
211 if ! gem install mdl ; then
212 echo -e '\052\052 FAILED -- GEM INSTALL MDL';
213 travis_terminate 1;
214 fi;
215 if ! $make md-nits ; then
216 echo -e '\052\052 FAILED -- MAKE MD-NITS';
217 travis_terminate 1;
218 fi;
219 fi
220 - if ! $make2; then
221 echo -e '\052\052 FAILED -- MAKE';
222 travis_terminate 1;
223 fi;
224 - if test -n "$CHECKDOCS" && ! $make cmd-nits; then
225 echo -e '\052\052 FAILED -- MAKE CMD-NITS';
226 travis_terminate 1;
227 fi
228 - if [ -z "$BUILDONLY" ]; then
229 if [ -n "$CROSS_COMPILE" ]; then
230 sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386;
231 sudo apt-get update;
232 sudo apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends --force-yes install wine;
233 export EXE_SHELL="wine" WINEPREFIX=`pwd`;
234 fi;
235 if [ -e krb5/src ]; then
236 sudo apt-get -yq install bison dejagnu gettext keyutils ldap-utils libldap2-dev libkeyutils-dev python-cjson python-paste python-pyrad slapd tcl-dev tcsh;
237 fi;
238 if ! HARNESS_VERBOSE_FAILURE=yes BORING_RUNNER_DIR=$top/boringssl/ssl/test/runner travis_wait 60 make _tests; then
239 echo -e '\052\052 FAILED -- MAKE TEST';
240 travis_terminate 1;
241 fi;
242 else
243 if ! $make build_tests >~/build.log 2>&1; then
244 echo -e '\052\052 FAILED -- MAKE BUILD_TESTS';
245 cat ~/build.log
246 travis_terminate 1;
247 fi;
248 fi
249 - if [ -n "$DESTDIR" ]; then
250 mkdir "$top/$DESTDIR";
251 if ! $make install DESTDIR="$top/$DESTDIR" >~/install.log 2>&1 ; then
252 echo -e '\052\052 FAILED -- MAKE INSTALL';
253 cat ~/install.log;
254 travis_terminate 1;
255 fi;
256 fi
257 - cd $top
258 - echo -e '\052\052 DONE'
260 after_success:
261 - if [ -n "$COVERALLS" ]; then
262 coveralls -b . --gcov gcov --gcov-options '\-lpbc';
263 fi;
265 notifications:
266 email:
267 secure: "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"