]> git.ipfire.org Git - ipfire-2.x.git/blob - config/guardian/guardian.pl
guardian: Added interface and alias detection. Added Forward Chain.
[ipfire-2.x.git] / config / guardian / guardian.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 # based on V 1.7 guardian enhanced for IPFire and snort 2.8
3 # Read the readme file for changes
4 #
5 # Enhanced for IPFire by IPFire Team
6 # Added Portscan detection for non syslog system
7 # Added SSH-Watch for SSH-Bruteforce Attacks
8 # An suppected IP will be blocked on all interfaces
10 $OS=`uname`;
11 chomp $OS;
12 print "OS shows $OS\n";
14 require 'getopts.pl';
16 &Getopts ('hc:d');
17 if (defined($opt_h)) {
18 print "Guardian v1.7 \n";
19 print "guardian.pl [-hd] <-c config>\n";
20 print " -h shows help\n";
21 print " -d run in debug mode (doesn't fork, output goes to STDOUT)\n";
22 print " -c specifiy a configuration file other than the default (/etc/guardian.conf)\n";
23 exit;
24 }
25 &load_conf;
26 &sig_handler_setup;
28 print "My ip address and interface are: $hostipaddr $interface\n";
30 if ($hostipaddr !~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) {
31 print "This ip address is bad : $hostipaddr\n";
32 die "I need a good host ipaddress\n";
33 }
35 $networkaddr = $hostipaddr;
36 $networkaddr =~ s/\d+$/0/;
37 $gatewayaddr = `cat /var/ipfire/red/remote-ipaddress 2>/dev/null`;
38 $broadcastaddr = $hostipaddr;
39 $broadcastaddr =~ s/\d+$/255/;
40 &build_ignore_hash;
42 print "My gatewayaddess is: $gatewayaddr\n";
44 # This is the target hash. If a packet was destened to any of these, then the
45 # sender of that packet will get denied, unless it is on the ignore list..
47 %targethash = ( "$networkaddr" => 1,
48 "$broadcastaddr" => 1,
49 "0" => 1, # This is what gets sent to &checkem if no
50 # destination was found.
51 "$hostipaddr" => 1);
53 &get_aliases;
55 %sshhash = ();
57 if ( -e $targetfile ) {
58 &load_targetfile;
59 }
61 if (!defined($opt_d)) {
62 print "Becoming a daemon..\n";
63 &daemonize;
64 } else { print "Running in debug mode..\n"; }
66 open (ALERT, $alert_file) or die "can't open alert file: $alert_file: $!\n";
67 seek (ALERT, 0, 2); # set the position to EOF.
68 # this is the same as a tail -f :)
69 $counter=0;
70 open (ALERT2, "/var/log/messages" ) or die "can't open /var/log/messages: $!\n";
71 seek (ALERT2, 0, 2); # set the position to EOF.
72 # this is the same as a tail -f :)
74 for (;;) {
75 sleep 1;
76 if (seek(ALERT,0,1)){
77 while (<ALERT>) {
78 chop;
79 if (defined($opt_d)) {
80 print "$_\n";
81 }
82 if (/\[\*\*\]\s+(.*)\s+\[\*\*\]/){
83 $type=$1;
84 }
85 if (/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+):\d+ -\> (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+):\d+/) {
86 &checkem ($1, $2, $type);
87 }
88 if (/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)+ -\> (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)+/) {
89 &checkem ($1, $2, $type);
90 }
91 }
92 }
94 sleep 1;
95 if (seek(ALERT2,0,1)){
96 while (<ALERT2>) {
97 chop;
98 if ($_=~/.*sshd.*Failed password for root from.*/) {
99 my @array=split(/ /,$_);&checkssh ($array[11], "possible SSH-Bruteforce Attack");}
100 }
101 }
103 # Run this stuff every 30 seconds..
104 if ($counter == 30) {
105 &remove_blocks; # This might get moved elsewhere, depending on how much load
106 # it puts on the system..
107 &check_log_name;
108 $counter=0;
109 } else {
110 $counter=$counter+1;
111 }
112 }
114 sub check_log_name {
115 my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
116 $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($alert_file);
117 if ($size < $previous_size) { # The filesize is smaller than last
118 close (ALERT); # we checked, so we need to reopen it
119 open (ALERT, "$alert_file"); # This should still work in our main while
120 $previous_size=$size; # loop (I hope)
121 write_log ("Log filename changed. Reopening $alert_file\n");
122 } else {
123 $previous_size=$size;
124 }
125 }
128 sub checkem {
129 my ($source, $dest,$type) = @_;
130 my $flag=0;
132 return 1 if ($source eq $hostipaddr);
133 # this should prevent is from nuking ourselves
135 return 1 if ($source eq $gatewayaddr); # or our gateway
136 if ($ignore{$source} == 1) { # check our ignore list..
137 &write_log("$source\t$type\n");
138 &write_log("Ignoring attack because $source is in my ignore list\n");
139 return 1;
140 }
142 # if the offending packet was sent to us, the network, or the broadcast, then
143 if ($targethash{$dest} == 1) {
144 &ipchain ($source, $dest, $type);
145 }
146 # you will see this if the destination was not in the $targethash, and the
147 # packet was not ignored before the target check..
148 else {
149 &write_log ("Odd.. source = $source, dest = $dest - No action done.\n");
150 if (defined ($opt_d)) {
151 foreach $key (keys %targethash) {
152 &write_log ("targethash{$key} = $targethash{$key}\n");
153 }
154 }
155 }
156 }
158 sub checkssh {
159 my ($source,$type) = @_;
160 my $flag=0;
162 return 1 if ($source eq $hostipaddr);
163 # this should prevent is from nuking ourselves
165 return 1 if ($source eq $gatewayaddr); # or our gateway
167 if ($sshhash{$dest} eq "" ){
168 $sshhash{$dest} = 1;
169 }
170 if ($sshhash{$dest} >= 3 ) {
171 &write_log ("source = $source, count $sshhash{$dest} - blocking for ssh attack.\n");
172 &ipchain ($source, "", $type);
173 }
174 # you will see this if the destination was not in the $sshhash, and the
175 # packet was not ignored before the target check..
176 else {
177 &write_log ("Odd.. source = $source, ssh count only $sshhash{$dest} - No action done.\n");
178 if (defined ($opt_d)) {
179 foreach $key (keys %sshhash) {
180 &write_log ("sshhash{$key} = %sshhash{$key}\n");
181 }
182 }
183 $sshhash{$key} = $sshhash{$key}+1;
184 }
185 }
187 sub ipchain {
188 my ($source, $dest, $type) = @_;
189 &write_log ("$source\t$type\n");
190 if ($hash{$source} eq "") {
191 &write_log ("Running '$blockpath $source $interface'\n");
192 system ("$blockpath $source $interface");
193 $hash{$source} = time() + $TimeLimit;
194 } else {
195 # We have already blocked this one, but snort detected another attack. So
196 # we should update the time blocked..
197 $hash{$source} = time() + $TimeLimit;
198 }
199 }
201 sub build_ignore_hash {
202 # This would cause is to ignore all broadcasts if it
203 # got set.. However if unset, then the attacker could spoof the packet to make
204 # it look like it came from the network, and a reply to the spoofed packet
205 # could be seen if the attacker were on the local network.
206 # $ignore{$networkaddr}=1;
208 # same thing as above, just with the broadcast instead of the network.
209 # $ignore{$broadcastaddr}=1;
210 my $count =0;
211 $ignore{$gatewayaddr}=1;
212 $ignore{$hostipaddr}=1;
213 if ($ignorefile ne "") {
214 open (IGNORE, $ignorefile);
215 while (<IGNORE>) {
216 $_=~ s/\s+$//;
217 chomp;
218 next if (/\#/); #skip comments
219 next if (/^\s*$/); # and blank lines
220 $ignore{$_}=1;
221 $count++;
222 }
223 close (IGNORE);
224 print "Loaded $count addresses from $ignorefile\n";
225 } else {
226 print "No ignore file was loaded!\n";
227 }
228 }
230 sub load_conf {
231 if ($opt_c eq "") {
232 $opt_c = "/etc/guardian.conf";
233 }
235 if (! -e $opt_c) {
236 die "Need a configuration file.. please use to the -c option to name a configuration file\n";
237 }
239 open (CONF, $opt_c) or die "Cannot read the config file $opt_c, $!\n";
240 while (<CONF>) {
241 chop;
242 next if (/^\s*$/); #skip blank lines
243 next if (/^#/); # skip comment lines
244 if (/LogFile\s+(.*)/) {
245 $logfile = $1;
246 }
247 if (/Interface\s+(.*)/) {
248 $interface = $1;
249 if ( $interface eq "" ) {
250 $interface = `cat /var/ipfire/ethernet/settings | grep RED_DEV | cut -d"=" -f2`;
251 }
252 }
253 if (/AlertFile\s+(.*)/) {
254 $alert_file = $1;
255 }
256 if (/IgnoreFile\s+(.*)/) {
257 $ignorefile = $1;
258 }
259 if (/TargetFile\s+(.*)/) {
260 $targetfile = $1;
261 }
262 if (/TimeLimit\s+(.*)/) {
263 $TimeLimit = $1;
264 }
265 if (/HostIpAddr\s+(.*)/) {
266 $hostipaddr = $1;
267 }
268 if (/HostGatewayByte\s+(.*)/) {
269 $hostgatewaybyte = $1;
270 }
271 }
273 if ($alert_file eq "") {
274 print "Warning! AlertFile is undefined.. Assuming /var/log/snort.alert\n";
275 $alert_file="/var/log/snort.alert";
276 }
277 if ($hostipaddr eq "") {
278 print "Warning! HostIpAddr is undefined! Attempting to guess..\n";
279 $hostipaddr = `cat /var/ipfire/red/local-ipaddress`;
280 print "Got it.. your HostIpAddr is $hostipaddr\n";
281 }
282 if ($ignorefile eq "") {
283 print "Warning! IgnoreFile is undefined.. going with default ignore list (hostname and gateway)!\n";
284 }
285 if ($hostgatewaybyte eq "") {
286 print "Warning! HostGatewayByte is undefined.. gateway will not be in ignore list!\n";
287 }
288 if ($logfile eq "") {
289 print "Warning! LogFile is undefined.. Assuming debug mode, output to STDOUT\n";
290 $opt_d = 1;
291 }
292 if (! -w $logfile) {
293 print "Warning! Logfile is not writeable! Engaging debug mode, output to STDOUT\n";
294 $opt_d = 1;
295 }
297 foreach $mypath (split (/:/, $ENV{PATH})) {
298 if (-x "$mypath/guardian_block.sh") {
299 $blockpath = "$mypath/guardian_block.sh";
300 }
301 if (-x "$mypath/guardian_unblock.sh") {
302 $unblockpath = "$mypath/guardian_unblock.sh";
303 }
304 }
306 if ($blockpath eq "") {
307 print "Error! Could not find guardian_block.sh. Please consult the README. \n";
308 exit;
309 }
310 if ($unblockpath eq "") {
311 print "Warning! Could not find guardian_unblock.sh. Guardian will not be\n";
312 print "able to remove blocked ip addresses. Please consult the README file\n";
313 }
314 if ($TimeLimit eq "") {
315 print "Warning! Time limit not defined. Defaulting to absurdly long time limit\n";
316 $TimeLimit = 999999999;
317 }
318 }
320 sub write_log {
321 my $message = $_[0];
322 my $date = localtime();
323 if (defined($opt_d)) { # we are in debug mode, and not daemonized
324 print STDOUT $message;
325 } else {
326 open (LOG, ">>$logfile");
327 print LOG $date.": ".$message;
328 close (LOG);
329 }
330 }
332 sub daemonize {
333 my ($home);
334 if (fork()) {
335 # parent
336 exit(0);
337 } else {
338 # child
339 &write_log ("Guardian process id $$\n");
340 $home = (getpwuid($>))[7] || die "No home directory!\n";
341 chdir($home); # go to my homedir
342 setpgrp(0,0); # become process leader
343 close(STDOUT);
344 close(STDIN);
345 close(STDERR);
346 print "Testing...\n";
347 }
348 }
350 sub sig_handler_setup {
351 $SIG{INT} = \&clean_up_and_exit; # kill -2
352 $SIG{TERM} = \&clean_up_and_exit; # kill -9
353 $SIG{QUIT} = \&clean_up_and_exit; # kill -3
354 # $SIG{HUP} = \&flush_and_reload; # kill -1
355 }
357 sub remove_blocks {
358 my $source;
359 my $time = time();
360 foreach $source (keys %hash) {
361 if ($hash{$source} < $time) {
362 &call_unblock ($source, "expiring block of $source\n");
363 delete ($hash{$source});
364 }
365 }
366 }
368 sub call_unblock {
369 my ($source, $message) = @_;
370 &write_log ("$message");
371 system ("$unblockpath $source $interface");
372 }
374 sub clean_up_and_exit {
375 my $source;
376 &write_log ("received kill sig.. shutting down\n");
377 foreach $source (keys %hash) {
378 &call_unblock ($source, "removing $source for shutdown\n");
379 }
380 exit;
381 }
383 sub load_targetfile {
384 my $count = 0;
385 open (TARG, "$targetfile") or die "Cannot open $targetfile\n";
386 while (<TARG>) {
387 chop;
388 next if (/\#/); #skip comments
389 next if (/^\s*$/); # and blank lines
390 $targethash{$_}=1;
391 $count++;
392 }
393 close (TARG);
394 print "Loaded $count addresses from $targetfile\n";
395 }
397 sub get_aliases {
398 my $ip;
399 print "Scanning for aliases on $interface and add them to the target hash...";
401 open (IFCONFIG, "/sbin/ip addr show $interface |");
402 my @lines = <IFCONFIG>;
403 close(IFCONFIG);
405 foreach $line (@lines) {
406 if ( $line =~ /inet (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/) {
407 $ip = $1;
408 print " got $ip on $interface ... ";
409 $targethash{'$ip'} = "1";
410 }
411 }
413 print "done \n";
414 }