]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/openssl.git/blob - crypto/ppccpuid.pl
Engage POWER8 AES support.
[thirdparty/openssl.git] / crypto / ppccpuid.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 $flavour = shift;
5 $0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
6 ( $xlate="${dir}ppc-xlate.pl" and -f $xlate ) or
7 ( $xlate="${dir}perlasm/ppc-xlate.pl" and -f $xlate) or
8 die "can't locate ppc-xlate.pl";
10 open STDOUT,"| $^X $xlate $flavour ".shift || die "can't call $xlate: $!";
12 if ($flavour=~/64/) {
13 $CMPLI="cmpldi";
14 $SHRLI="srdi";
15 $SIGNX="extsw";
16 } else {
17 $CMPLI="cmplwi";
18 $SHRLI="srwi";
19 $SIGNX="mr";
20 }
22 $code=<<___;
23 .machine "any"
24 .text
26 .globl .OPENSSL_ppc64_probe
27 .align 4
28 .OPENSSL_ppc64_probe:
29 fcfid f1,f1
30 extrdi r0,r0,32,0
31 blr
32 .long 0
33 .byte 0,12,0x14,0,0,0,0,0
34 .size .OPENSSL_ppc64_probe,.-.OPENSSL_ppc64_probe
36 .globl .OPENSSL_altivec_probe
37 .align 4
38 .OPENSSL_altivec_probe:
39 .long 0x10000484 # vor v0,v0,v0
40 blr
41 .long 0
42 .byte 0,12,0x14,0,0,0,0,0
43 .size .OPENSSL_altivec_probe,.-..OPENSSL_altivec_probe
45 .globl .OPENSSL_crypto207_probe
46 .align 4
47 .OPENSSL_crypto207_probe
48 lvx_u v0,0,r1
49 vcipher v0,v0,v0
50 blr
51 .long 0
52 .byte 0,12,0x14,0,0,0,0,0
53 .size .OPENSSL_crypto207_probe,.-.OPENSSL_crypto207_probe
55 .globl .OPENSSL_wipe_cpu
56 .align 4
57 .OPENSSL_wipe_cpu:
58 xor r0,r0,r0
59 fmr f0,f31
60 fmr f1,f31
61 fmr f2,f31
62 mr r3,r1
63 fmr f3,f31
64 xor r4,r4,r4
65 fmr f4,f31
66 xor r5,r5,r5
67 fmr f5,f31
68 xor r6,r6,r6
69 fmr f6,f31
70 xor r7,r7,r7
71 fmr f7,f31
72 xor r8,r8,r8
73 fmr f8,f31
74 xor r9,r9,r9
75 fmr f9,f31
76 xor r10,r10,r10
77 fmr f10,f31
78 xor r11,r11,r11
79 fmr f11,f31
80 xor r12,r12,r12
81 fmr f12,f31
82 fmr f13,f31
83 blr
84 .long 0
85 .byte 0,12,0x14,0,0,0,0,0
86 .size .OPENSSL_wipe_cpu,.-.OPENSSL_wipe_cpu
88 .globl .OPENSSL_atomic_add
89 .align 4
90 .OPENSSL_atomic_add:
91 Ladd: lwarx r5,0,r3
92 add r0,r4,r5
93 stwcx. r0,0,r3
94 bne- Ladd
95 $SIGNX r3,r0
96 blr
97 .long 0
98 .byte 0,12,0x14,0,0,0,2,0
99 .long 0
100 .size .OPENSSL_atomic_add,.-.OPENSSL_atomic_add
102 .globl .OPENSSL_rdtsc
103 .align 4
104 .OPENSSL_rdtsc:
105 mftb r3
106 mftbu r4
107 blr
108 .long 0
109 .byte 0,12,0x14,0,0,0,0,0
110 .size .OPENSSL_rdtsc,.-.OPENSSL_rdtsc
112 .globl .OPENSSL_cleanse
113 .align 4
114 .OPENSSL_cleanse:
115 $CMPLI r4,7
116 li r0,0
117 bge Lot
118 $CMPLI r4,0
119 beqlr-
120 Little: mtctr r4
121 stb r0,0(r3)
122 addi r3,r3,1
123 bdnz \$-8
124 blr
125 Lot: andi. r5,r3,3
126 beq Laligned
127 stb r0,0(r3)
128 subi r4,r4,1
129 addi r3,r3,1
130 b Lot
131 Laligned:
132 $SHRLI r5,r4,2
133 mtctr r5
134 stw r0,0(r3)
135 addi r3,r3,4
136 bdnz \$-8
137 andi. r4,r4,3
138 bne Little
139 blr
140 .long 0
141 .byte 0,12,0x14,0,0,0,2,0
142 .long 0
143 .size .OPENSSL_cleanse,.-.OPENSSL_cleanse
144 ___
145 {
146 my ($out,$cnt,$max)=("r3","r4","r5");
147 my ($tick,$lasttick)=("r6","r7");
148 my ($diff,$lastdiff)=("r8","r9");
150 $code.=<<___;
151 .globl .OPENSSL_instrument_bus
152 .align 4
153 .OPENSSL_instrument_bus:
154 mtctr $cnt
156 mftb $lasttick # collect 1st tick
157 li $diff,0
159 dcbf 0,$out # flush cache line
160 lwarx $tick,0,$out # load and lock
161 add $tick,$tick,$diff
162 stwcx. $tick,0,$out
163 stwx $tick,0,$out
165 Loop: mftb $tick
166 sub $diff,$tick,$lasttick
167 mr $lasttick,$tick
168 dcbf 0,$out # flush cache line
169 lwarx $tick,0,$out # load and lock
170 add $tick,$tick,$diff
171 stwcx. $tick,0,$out
172 stwx $tick,0,$out
173 addi $out,$out,4 # ++$out
174 bdnz Loop
176 mr r3,$cnt
177 blr
178 .long 0
179 .byte 0,12,0x14,0,0,0,2,0
180 .long 0
181 .size .OPENSSL_instrument_bus,.-.OPENSSL_instrument_bus
183 .globl .OPENSSL_instrument_bus2
184 .align 4
185 .OPENSSL_instrument_bus2:
186 mr r0,$cnt
187 slwi $cnt,$cnt,2
189 mftb $lasttick # collect 1st tick
190 li $diff,0
192 dcbf 0,$out # flush cache line
193 lwarx $tick,0,$out # load and lock
194 add $tick,$tick,$diff
195 stwcx. $tick,0,$out
196 stwx $tick,0,$out
198 mftb $tick # collect 1st diff
199 sub $diff,$tick,$lasttick
200 mr $lasttick,$tick
201 mr $lastdiff,$diff
202 Loop2:
203 dcbf 0,$out # flush cache line
204 lwarx $tick,0,$out # load and lock
205 add $tick,$tick,$diff
206 stwcx. $tick,0,$out
207 stwx $tick,0,$out
209 addic. $max,$max,-1
210 beq Ldone2
212 mftb $tick
213 sub $diff,$tick,$lasttick
214 mr $lasttick,$tick
215 cmplw 7,$diff,$lastdiff
216 mr $lastdiff,$diff
218 mfcr $tick # pull cr
219 not $tick,$tick # flip bits
220 rlwinm $tick,$tick,1,29,29 # isolate flipped eq bit and scale
222 sub. $cnt,$cnt,$tick # conditional --$cnt
223 add $out,$out,$tick # conditional ++$out
224 bne Loop2
226 Ldone2:
227 srwi $cnt,$cnt,2
228 sub r3,r0,$cnt
229 blr
230 .long 0
231 .byte 0,12,0x14,0,0,0,3,0
232 .long 0
233 .size .OPENSSL_instrument_bus2,.-.OPENSSL_instrument_bus2
234 ___
235 }
237 $code =~ s/\`([^\`]*)\`/eval $1/gem;
238 print $code;
239 close STDOUT;