]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/bird.git/blob - doc/bird.sgml
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1 <!doctype birddoc system>
3 <!--
4 BIRD documentation
6 This documentation can have 4 forms: sgml (this is master copy), html, ASCII
7 text and dvi/postscript (generated from sgml using sgmltools). You should always
8 edit master copy.
10 This is a slightly modified linuxdoc dtd. Anything in <descrip> tags is
11 considered definition of configuration primitives, <cf> is fragment of
12 configuration within normal text, <m> is "meta" information within fragment of
13 configuration - something in config which is not keyword.
15 (set-fill-column 80)
17 Copyright 1999,2000 Pavel Machek <pavel@ucw.cz>, distribute under GPL version 2 or later.
19 -->
21 <book>
23 <title>BIRD User's Guide
24 <author>
25 Ondrej Filip <it/&lt;feela@network.cz&gt;/,
26 Pavel Machek <it/&lt;pavel@ucw.cz&gt;/,
27 Martin Mares <it/&lt;mj@ucw.cz&gt;/,
28 Ondrej Zajicek <it/&lt;santiago@crfreenet.org&gt;/
29 </author>
31 <abstract>
32 This document contains user documentation for the BIRD Internet Routing Daemon project.
33 </abstract>
35 <!-- Table of contents -->
36 <toc>
38 <!-- Begin the document -->
41 <chapt>Introduction
43 <sect>What is BIRD
45 <p><label id="intro">
46 The name `BIRD' is actually an acronym standing for `BIRD Internet Routing
47 Daemon'. Let's take a closer look at the meaning of the name:
49 <p><em/BIRD/: Well, we think we have already explained that. It's an acronym
50 standing for `BIRD Internet Routing Daemon', you remember, don't you? :-)
52 <p><em/Internet Routing/: It's a program (well, a daemon, as you are going to
53 discover in a moment) which works as a dynamic router in an Internet type
54 network (that is, in a network running either the IPv4 or the IPv6 protocol).
55 Routers are devices which forward packets between interconnected networks in
56 order to allow hosts not connected directly to the same local area network to
57 communicate with each other. They also communicate with the other routers in the
58 Internet to discover the topology of the network which allows them to find
59 optimal (in terms of some metric) rules for forwarding of packets (which are
60 called routing tables) and to adapt themselves to the changing conditions such
61 as outages of network links, building of new connections and so on. Most of
62 these routers are costly dedicated devices running obscure firmware which is
63 hard to configure and not open to any changes (on the other hand, their special
64 hardware design allows them to keep up with lots of high-speed network
65 interfaces, better than general-purpose computer does). Fortunately, most
66 operating systems of the UNIX family allow an ordinary computer to act as a
67 router and forward packets belonging to the other hosts, but only according to a
68 statically configured table.
70 <p>A <em/Routing Daemon/ is in UNIX terminology a non-interactive program
71 running on background which does the dynamic part of Internet routing, that is
72 it communicates with the other routers, calculates routing tables and sends them
73 to the OS kernel which does the actual packet forwarding. There already exist
74 other such routing daemons: routed (RIP only), GateD (non-free),
75 Zebra <HTMLURL URL="http://www.zebra.org"> and
76 MRTD <HTMLURL URL="http://sourceforge.net/projects/mrt">,
77 but their capabilities are limited and they are relatively hard to configure
78 and maintain.
80 <p>BIRD is an Internet Routing Daemon designed to avoid all of these shortcomings,
81 to support all the routing technology used in the today's Internet or planned to
82 be used in near future and to have a clean extensible architecture allowing new
83 routing protocols to be incorporated easily. Among other features, BIRD
84 supports:
86 <itemize>
87 <item>both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols
88 <item>multiple routing tables
89 <item>the Border Gateway Protocol (BGPv4)
90 <item>the Routing Information Protocol (RIPv2)
91 <item>the Open Shortest Path First protocol (OSPFv2, OSPFv3)
92 <item>the Router Advertisements for IPv6 hosts
93 <item>a virtual protocol for exchange of routes between different
94 routing tables on a single host
95 <item>a command-line interface allowing on-line control and inspection
96 of status of the daemon
97 <item>soft reconfiguration (no need to use complex online commands to
98 change the configuration, just edit the configuration file and
99 notify BIRD to re-read it and it will smoothly switch itself to
100 the new configuration, not disturbing routing protocols unless
101 they are affected by the configuration changes)
102 <item>a powerful language for route filtering
103 </itemize>
105 <p>BIRD has been developed at the Faculty of Math and Physics, Charles
106 University, Prague, Czech Republic as a student project. It can be freely
107 distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
109 <p>BIRD has been designed to work on all UNIX-like systems. It has been
110 developed and tested under Linux 2.0 to 2.6, and then ported to FreeBSD, NetBSD
111 and OpenBSD, porting to other systems (even non-UNIX ones) should be relatively
112 easy due to its highly modular architecture.
114 <p>BIRD supports either IPv4 or IPv6 protocol, but have to be compiled separately
115 for each one. Therefore, a dualstack router would run two instances of BIRD (one
116 for IPv4 and one for IPv6), with completely separate setups (configuration
117 files, tools ...).
120 <sect>Installing BIRD
122 <p>On a recent UNIX system with GNU development tools (GCC, binutils, m4, make)
123 and Perl, installing BIRD should be as easy as:
125 <code>
126 ./configure
127 make
128 make install
129 vi /usr/local/etc/bird.conf
130 bird
131 </code>
133 <p>You can use <tt>./configure --help</tt> to get a list of configure
134 options. The most important ones are: <tt/--enable-ipv6/ which enables building
135 of an IPv6 version of BIRD, <tt/--with-protocols=/ to produce a slightly smaller
136 BIRD executable by configuring out routing protocols you don't use, and
137 <tt/--prefix=/ to install BIRD to a place different from <file>/usr/local</file>.
140 <sect>Running BIRD
142 <p>You can pass several command-line options to bird:
144 <descrip>
145 <tag>-c <m/config name/</tag>
146 use given configuration file instead of <it/prefix/<file>/etc/bird.conf</file>.
148 <tag>-d</tag>
149 enable debug messages and run bird in foreground.
151 <tag>-D <m/filename of debug log/</tag>
152 log debugging information to given file instead of stderr.
154 <tag>-p</tag>
155 just parse the config file and exit. Return value is zero if the config
156 file is valid, nonzero if there are some errors.
158 <tag>-s <m/name of communication socket/</tag>
159 use given filename for a socket for communications with the client,
160 default is <it/prefix/<file>/var/run/bird.ctl</file>.
162 <tag>-P <m/name of PID file/</tag>
163 create a PID file with given filename.
165 <tag>-u <m/user/</tag>
166 drop privileges and use that user ID, see the next section for details.
168 <tag>-g <m/group/</tag>
169 use that group ID, see the next section for details.
171 <tag>-f</tag>
172 run bird in foreground.
174 <tag>-R</tag>
175 apply graceful restart recovery after start.
176 </descrip>
178 <p>BIRD writes messages about its work to log files or syslog (according to config).
181 <sect>Privileges
183 <p>BIRD, as a routing daemon, uses several privileged operations (like setting
184 routing table and using raw sockets). Traditionally, BIRD is executed and runs
185 with root privileges, which may be prone to security problems. The recommended
186 way is to use a privilege restriction (options <cf/-u/, <cf/-g/). In that case
187 BIRD is executed with root privileges, but it changes its user and group ID to
188 an unprivileged ones, while using Linux capabilities to retain just required
189 privileges (capabilities CAP_NET_*). Note that the control socket is created
190 before the privileges are dropped, but the config file is read after that. The
191 privilege restriction is not implemented in BSD port of BIRD.
193 <p>A nonprivileged user (as an argument to <cf/-u/ options) may be the user
194 <cf/nobody/, but it is suggested to use a new dedicated user account (like
195 <cf/bird/). The similar considerations apply for the group option, but there is
196 one more condition -- the users in the same group can use <file/birdc/ to
197 control BIRD.
199 <p>Finally, there is a possibility to use external tools to run BIRD in an
200 environment with restricted privileges. This may need some configuration, but it
201 is generally easy -- BIRD needs just the standard library, privileges to read
202 the config file and create the control socket and the CAP_NET_* capabilities.
205 <chapt>About routing tables
207 <p>BIRD has one or more routing tables which may or may not be synchronized with
208 OS kernel and which may or may not be synchronized with each other (see the Pipe
209 protocol). Each routing table contains a list of known routes. Each route
210 consists of:
212 <itemize>
213 <item>network prefix this route is for (network address and prefix
214 length -- the number of bits forming the network part of the
215 address; also known as a netmask)
216 <item>preference of this route
217 <item>IP address of router which told us about this route
218 <item>IP address of router we should forward the packets to using this
219 route
220 <item>other attributes common to all routes
221 <item>dynamic attributes defined by protocols which may or may not be
222 present (typically protocol metrics)
223 </itemize>
225 Routing table maintains multiple entries for a network, but at most one entry
226 for one network and one protocol. The entry with the highest preference is used
227 for routing (we will call such an entry the <it/selected route/). If there are
228 more entries with the same preference and they are from the same protocol, the
229 protocol decides (typically according to metrics). If they aren't, an internal
230 ordering is used to break the tie. You can get the list of route attributes in
231 the Route attributes section.
233 <p>Each protocol is connected to a routing table through two filters which can
234 accept, reject and modify the routes. An <it/export/ filter checks routes passed
235 from the routing table to the protocol, an <it/import/ filter checks routes in
236 the opposite direction. When the routing table gets a route from a protocol, it
237 recalculates the selected route and broadcasts it to all protocols connected to
238 the table. The protocols typically send the update to other routers in the
239 network. Note that although most protocols are interested in receiving just
240 selected routes, some protocols (e.g. the <cf/Pipe/ protocol) receive and
241 process all entries in routing tables (accepted by filters).
243 <p><label id="dsc-sorted">Usually, a routing table just chooses a selected route
244 from a list of entries for one network. But if the <cf/sorted/ option is
245 activated, these lists of entries are kept completely sorted (according to
246 preference or some protocol-dependent metric). This is needed for some features
247 of some protocols (e.g. <cf/secondary/ option of BGP protocol, which allows to
248 accept not just a selected route, but the first route (in the sorted list) that
249 is accepted by filters), but it is incompatible with some other features (e.g.
250 <cf/deterministic med/ option of BGP protocol, which activates a way of choosing
251 selected route that cannot be described using comparison and ordering). Minor
252 advantage is that routes are shown sorted in <cf/show route/, minor disadvantage
253 is that it is slightly more computationally expensive.
256 <sect>Graceful restart
258 <p>When BIRD is started after restart or crash, it repopulates routing tables in
259 an uncoordinated manner, like after clean start. This may be impractical in some
260 cases, because if the forwarding plane (i.e. kernel routing tables) remains
261 intact, then its synchronization with BIRD would temporarily disrupt packet
262 forwarding until protocols converge. Graceful restart is a mechanism that could
263 help with this issue. Generally, it works by starting protocols and letting them
264 repopulate routing tables while deferring route propagation until protocols
265 acknowledge their convergence. Note that graceful restart behavior have to be
266 configured for all relevant protocols and requires protocol-specific support
267 (currently implemented for Kernel and BGP protocols), it is activated for
268 particular boot by option <cf/-R/.
271 <chapt>Configuration
273 <sect>Introduction
275 <p>BIRD is configured using a text configuration file. Upon startup, BIRD reads
276 <it/prefix/<file>/etc/bird.conf</file> (unless the <tt/-c/ command line option
277 is given). Configuration may be changed at user's request: if you modify the
278 config file and then signal BIRD with <tt/SIGHUP/, it will adjust to the new
279 config. Then there's the client which allows you to talk with BIRD in an
280 extensive way.
282 <p>In the config, everything on a line after <cf/#/ or inside <cf>/* */</cf> is
283 a comment, whitespace characters are treated as a single space. If there's a
284 variable number of options, they are grouped using the <cf/{ }/ brackets. Each
285 option is terminated by a <cf/;/. Configuration is case sensitive. There are two
286 ways how to name symbols (like protocol names, filter names, constats etc.). You
287 can either use a simple string starting with a letter followed by any
288 combination of letters and numbers (e.g. "R123", "myfilter", "bgp5") or you can
289 enclose the name into apostrophes (<cf/'/) and than you can use any combination
290 of numbers, letters. hyphens, dots and colons (e.g. "'1:strange-name'",
291 "'-NAME-'", "'cool::name'").
293 <p>Here is an example of a simple config file. It enables synchronization of
294 routing tables with OS kernel, scans for new network interfaces every 10 seconds
295 and runs RIP on all network interfaces found.
297 <code>
298 protocol kernel {
299 persist; # Don't remove routes on BIRD shutdown
300 scan time 20; # Scan kernel routing table every 20 seconds
301 export all; # Default is export none
302 }
304 protocol device {
305 scan time 10; # Scan interfaces every 10 seconds
306 }
308 protocol rip {
309 export all;
310 import all;
311 interface "*";
312 }
313 </code>
316 <sect>Global options
318 <p><descrip>
319 <tag>include "<m/filename/"</tag>
320 This statement causes inclusion of a new file. <m/Filename/ could also
321 be a wildcard. The maximal depth is 8. Note that this statement could be
322 used anywhere in the config file, not just as a top-level option.
324 <tag><label id="dsc-log">log "<m/filename/"|syslog [name <m/name/]|stderr all|{ <m/list of classes/ }</tag>
325 Set logging of messages having the given class (either <cf/all/ or
326 <cf/{ error, trace }/ etc.) into selected destination (a file specified
327 as a filename string, syslog with optional name argument, or the stderr
328 output). Classes are:
329 <cf/info/, <cf/warning/, <cf/error/ and <cf/fatal/ for messages about local problems,
330 <cf/debug/ for debugging messages,
331 <cf/trace/ when you want to know what happens in the network,
332 <cf/remote/ for messages about misbehavior of remote machines,
333 <cf/auth/ about authentication failures,
334 <cf/bug/ for internal BIRD bugs.
335 You may specify more than one <cf/log/ line to establish logging to
336 multiple destinations. Default: log everything to the system log.
338 <tag>debug protocols all|off|{ states, routes, filters, interfaces, events, packets }</tag>
339 Set global defaults of protocol debugging options. See <cf/debug/ in the
340 following section. Default: off.
342 <tag>debug commands <m/number/</tag>
343 Control logging of client connections (0 for no logging, 1 for logging
344 of connects and disconnects, 2 and higher for logging of all client
345 commands). Default: 0.
347 <tag>debug latency <m/switch/</tag>
348 Activate tracking of elapsed time for internal events. Recent events
349 could be examined using <cf/dump events/ command. Default: off.
351 <tag>debug latency limit <m/time/</tag>
352 If <cf/debug latency/ is enabled, this option allows to specify a limit
353 for elapsed time. Events exceeding the limit are logged. Default: 1 s.
355 <tag>watchdog warning <m/time/</tag>
356 Set time limit for I/O loop cycle. If one iteration took more time to
357 complete, a warning is logged. Default: 5 s.
359 <tag>watchdog timeout <m/time/</tag>
360 Set time limit for I/O loop cycle. If the limit is breached, BIRD is
361 killed by abort signal. The timeout has effective granularity of
362 seconds, zero means disabled. Default: disabled (0).
364 <tag>mrtdump "<m/filename/"</tag>
365 Set MRTdump file name. This option must be specified to allow MRTdump
366 feature. Default: no dump file.
368 <tag>mrtdump protocols all|off|{ states, messages }</tag>
369 Set global defaults of MRTdump options. See <cf/mrtdump/ in the
370 following section. Default: off.
372 <tag>filter <m/name local variables/{ <m/commands/ }</tag>
373 Define a filter. You can learn more about filters in the following
374 chapter.
376 <tag>function <m/name/ (<m/parameters/) <m/local variables/ { <m/commands/ }</tag>
377 Define a function. You can learn more about functions in the following chapter.
379 <tag>protocol rip|ospf|bgp|... [<m/name/ [from <m/name2/]] { <m>protocol options</m> }</tag>
380 Define a protocol instance called <cf><m/name/</cf> (or with a name like
381 "rip5" generated automatically if you don't specify any
382 <cf><m/name/</cf>). You can learn more about configuring protocols in
383 their own chapters. When <cf>from <m/name2/</cf> expression is used,
384 initial protocol options are taken from protocol or template
385 <cf><m/name2/</cf> You can run more than one instance of most protocols
386 (like RIP or BGP). By default, no instances are configured.
388 <tag>template rip|bgp|... [<m/name/ [from <m/name2/]] { <m>protocol options</m> }</tag>
389 Define a protocol template instance called <m/name/ (or with a name like
390 "bgp1" generated automatically if you don't specify any <m/name/).
391 Protocol templates can be used to group common options when many
392 similarly configured protocol instances are to be defined. Protocol
393 instances (and other templates) can use templates by using <cf/from/
394 expression and the name of the template. At the moment templates (and
395 <cf/from/ expression) are not implemented for OSPF protocol.
397 <tag>define <m/constant/ = <m/expression/</tag>
398 Define a constant. You can use it later in every place you could use a
399 value of the same type. Besides, there are some predefined numeric
400 constants based on /etc/iproute2/rt_* files. A list of defined constants
401 can be seen (together with other symbols) using 'show symbols' command.
403 <tag>router id <m/IPv4 address/</tag>
404 Set BIRD's router ID. It's a world-wide unique identification of your
405 router, usually one of router's IPv4 addresses. Default: in IPv4
406 version, the lowest IP address of a non-loopback interface. In IPv6
407 version, this option is mandatory.
409 <tag>router id from [-] [ "<m/mask/" ] [ <m/prefix/ ] [, ...]</tag>
410 Set BIRD's router ID based on an IP address of an interface specified by
411 an interface pattern. The option is applicable for IPv4 version only.
412 See <ref id="dsc-iface" name="interface"> section for detailed
413 description of interface patterns with extended clauses.
415 <tag>listen bgp [address <m/address/] [port <m/port/] [dual]</tag>
416 This option allows to specify address and port where BGP protocol should
417 listen. It is global option as listening socket is common to all BGP
418 instances. Default is to listen on all addresses ( and port 179.
419 In IPv6 mode, option <cf/dual/ can be used to specify that BGP socket
420 should accept both IPv4 and IPv6 connections (but even in that case,
421 BIRD would accept IPv6 routes only). Such behavior was default in older
422 versions of BIRD.
424 <tag>graceful restart wait <m/number/</tag>
425 During graceful restart recovery, BIRD waits for convergence of routing
426 protocols. This option allows to specify a timeout for the recovery to
427 prevent waiting indefinitely if some protocols cannot converge. Default:
428 240 seconds.
430 <tag>timeformat route|protocol|base|log "<m/format1/" [<m/limit/ "<m/format2/"]</tag>
431 This option allows to specify a format of date/time used by BIRD. The
432 first argument specifies for which purpose such format is used.
433 <cf/route/ is a format used in 'show route' command output,
434 <cf/protocol/ is used in 'show protocols' command output, <cf/base/ is
435 used for other commands and <cf/log/ is used in a log file.
437 "<m/format1/" is a format string using <it/strftime(3)/ notation (see
438 <it/man strftime/ for details). <m/limit> and "<m/format2/" allow to
439 specify the second format string for times in past deeper than <m/limit/
440 seconds. There are few shorthands: <cf/iso long/ is a ISO 8601 date/time
441 format (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) that can be also specified using <cf/"%F %T"/.
442 <cf/iso short/ is a variant of ISO 8601 that uses just the time format
443 (hh:mm:ss) for near times (up to 20 hours in the past) and the date
444 format (YYYY-MM-DD) for far times. This is a shorthand for
445 <cf/"%T" 72000 "%F"/.
447 By default, BIRD uses the <cf/iso short/ format for <cf/route/ and
448 <cf/protocol/ times, and the <cf/iso long/ format for <cf/base/ and
449 <cf/log/ times.
451 In pre-1.4.0 versions, BIRD used an short, ad-hoc format for <cf/route/
452 and <cf/protocol/ times, and a <cf/iso long/ similar format (DD-MM-YYYY
453 hh:mm:ss) for <cf/base/ and <cf/log/. These timeformats could be set by
454 <cf/old short/ and <cf/old long/ compatibility shorthands.
456 <tag>table <m/name/ [sorted]</tag>
457 Create a new routing table. The default routing table is created
458 implicitly, other routing tables have to be added by this command.
459 Option <cf/sorted/ can be used to enable sorting of routes, see
460 <ref id="dsc-sorted" name="sorted table"> description for details.
462 <tag>roa table <m/name/ [ { roa table options ... } ]</tag>
463 Create a new ROA (Route Origin Authorization) table. ROA tables can be
464 used to validate route origination of BGP routes. A ROA table contains
465 ROA entries, each consist of a network prefix, a max prefix length and
466 an AS number. A ROA entry specifies prefixes which could be originated
467 by that AS number. ROA tables could be filled with data from RPKI (RFC
468 6480) or from public databases like Whois. ROA tables are examined by
469 <cf/roa_check()/ operator in filters.
471 Currently, there is just one option, <cf>roa <m/prefix/ max <m/num/ as
472 <m/num/</cf>, which can be used to populate the ROA table with static
473 ROA entries. The option may be used multiple times. Other entries can be
474 added dynamically by <cf/add roa/ command.
476 <tag>eval <m/expr/</tag>
477 Evaluates given filter expression. It is used by us for testing of filters.
478 </descrip>
481 <sect>Protocol options
483 <p>For each protocol instance, you can configure a bunch of options. Some of
484 them (those described in this section) are generic, some are specific to the
485 protocol (see sections talking about the protocols).
487 <p>Several options use a <m/switch/ argument. It can be either <cf/on/,
488 <cf/yes/ or a numeric expression with a non-zero value for the option to be
489 enabled or <cf/off/, <cf/no/ or a numeric expression evaluating to zero to
490 disable it. An empty <m/switch/ is equivalent to <cf/on/ ("silence means
491 agreement").
493 <descrip>
494 <tag>preference <m/expr/</tag>
495 Sets the preference of routes generated by this protocol. Default:
496 protocol dependent.
498 <tag>disabled <m/switch/</tag>
499 Disables the protocol. You can change the disable/enable status from the
500 command line interface without needing to touch the configuration.
501 Disabled protocols are not activated. Default: protocol is enabled.
503 <tag>debug all|off|{ states, routes, filters, interfaces, events, packets }</tag>
504 Set protocol debugging options. If asked, each protocol is capable of
505 writing trace messages about its work to the log (with category
506 <cf/trace/). You can either request printing of <cf/all/ trace messages
507 or only of the types selected: <cf/states/ for protocol state changes
508 (protocol going up, down, starting, stopping etc.), <cf/routes/ for
509 routes exchanged with the routing table, <cf/filters/ for details on
510 route filtering, <cf/interfaces/ for interface change events sent to the
511 protocol, <cf/events/ for events internal to the protocol and <cf/packets/
512 for packets sent and received by the protocol. Default: off.
514 <tag>mrtdump all|off|{ states, messages }</tag>
515 Set protocol MRTdump flags. MRTdump is a standard binary format for
516 logging information from routing protocols and daemons. These flags
517 control what kind of information is logged from the protocol to the
518 MRTdump file (which must be specified by global <cf/mrtdump/ option, see
519 the previous section). Although these flags are similar to flags of
520 <cf/debug/ option, their meaning is different and protocol-specific. For
521 BGP protocol, <cf/states/ logs BGP state changes and <cf/messages/ logs
522 received BGP messages. Other protocols does not support MRTdump yet.
524 <tag>router id <m/IPv4 address/</tag>
525 This option can be used to override global router id for a given
526 protocol. Default: uses global router id.
528 <tag>import all | none | filter <m/name/ | filter { <m/filter commands/ } | where <m/filter expression/</tag>
529 Specify a filter to be used for filtering routes coming from the
530 protocol to the routing table. <cf/all/ is shorthand for <cf/where true/
531 and <cf/none/ is shorthand for <cf/where false/. Default: <cf/all/.
533 <tag>export <m/filter/</tag>
534 This is similar to the <cf>import</cf> keyword, except that it works in
535 the direction from the routing table to the protocol. Default: <cf/none/.
537 <tag>import keep filtered <m/switch/</tag>
538 Usually, if an import filter rejects a route, the route is forgotten.
539 When this option is active, these routes are kept in the routing table,
540 but they are hidden and not propagated to other protocols. But it is
541 possible to show them using <cf/show route filtered/. Note that this
542 option does not work for the pipe protocol. Default: off.
544 <tag><label id="import-limit">import limit [<m/number/ | off ] [action warn | block | restart | disable]</tag>
545 Specify an import route limit (a maximum number of routes imported from
546 the protocol) and optionally the action to be taken when the limit is
547 hit. Warn action just prints warning log message. Block action discards
548 new routes coming from the protocol. Restart and disable actions shut
549 the protocol down like appropriate commands. Disable is the default
550 action if an action is not explicitly specified. Note that limits are
551 reset during protocol reconfigure, reload or restart. Default: <cf/off/.
553 <tag>receive limit [<m/number/ | off ] [action warn | block | restart | disable]</tag>
554 Specify an receive route limit (a maximum number of routes received from
555 the protocol and remembered). It works almost identically to <cf>import
556 limit</cf> option, the only difference is that if <cf/import keep
557 filtered/ option is active, filtered routes are counted towards the
558 limit and blocked routes are forgotten, as the main purpose of the
559 receive limit is to protect routing tables from overflow. Import limit,
560 on the contrary, counts accepted routes only and routes blocked by the
561 limit are handled like filtered routes. Default: <cf/off/.
563 <tag>export limit [ <m/number/ | off ] [action warn | block | restart | disable]</tag>
564 Specify an export route limit, works similarly to the <cf>import
565 limit</cf> option, but for the routes exported to the protocol. This
566 option is experimental, there are some problems in details of its
567 behavior -- the number of exported routes can temporarily exceed the
568 limit without triggering it during protocol reload, exported routes
569 counter ignores route blocking and block action also blocks route
570 updates of already accepted routes -- and these details will probably
571 change in the future. Default: <cf/off/.
573 <tag>description "<m/text/"</tag>
574 This is an optional description of the protocol. It is displayed as a
575 part of the output of 'show route all' command.
577 <tag>table <m/name/</tag>
578 Connect this protocol to a non-default routing table.
579 </descrip>
581 <p>There are several options that give sense only with certain protocols:
583 <descrip>
584 <tag><label id="dsc-iface">interface [-] [ "<m/mask/" ] [ <m/prefix/ ] [, ...] [ { <m/option/ ; [...] } ]</tag>
585 Specifies a set of interfaces on which the protocol is activated with
586 given interface-specific options. A set of interfaces specified by one
587 interface option is described using an interface pattern. The interface
588 pattern consists of a sequence of clauses (separated by commas), each
589 clause is a mask specified as a shell-like pattern. Interfaces are
590 matched by their name.
592 An interface matches the pattern if it matches any of its clauses. If
593 the clause begins with <cf/-/, matching interfaces are excluded. Patterns
594 are processed left-to-right, thus <cf/interface "eth0", -"eth*", "*";/
595 means eth0 and all non-ethernets.
597 Some protocols (namely OSPFv2 and Direct) support extended clauses that
598 may contain a mask, a prefix, or both of them. An interface matches such
599 clause if its name matches the mask (if specified) and its address
600 matches the prefix (if specified). Extended clauses are used when the
601 protocol handles multiple addresses on an interface independently.
603 An interface option can be used more times with different interface-specific
604 options, in that case for given interface the first matching interface
605 option is used.
607 This option is allowed in BFD, Direct, OSPF, RAdv and RIP protocols, but
608 in OSPF protocol it is used in the <cf/area/ subsection.
610 Default: none.
612 Examples:
614 <cf>interface "*" { type broadcast; };</cf> - start the protocol on all
615 interfaces with <cf>type broadcast</cf> option.
617 <cf>interface "eth1", "eth4", "eth5" { type ptp; };</cf> - start the
618 protocol on enumerated interfaces with <cf>type ptp</cf> option.
620 <cf>interface -,;</cf> - start the protocol
621 on all interfaces that have address from, but not from
624 <cf>interface -,;</cf> - start the protocol
625 on all interfaces that have address from, but not from
628 <cf>interface "eth*";</cf> - start the protocol on all
629 ethernet interfaces that have address from
631 <tag><label id="dsc-prio">tx class|dscp <m/num/</tag>
632 This option specifies the value of ToS/DS/Class field in IP headers of
633 the outgoing protocol packets. This may affect how the protocol packets
634 are processed by the network relative to the other network traffic. With
635 <cf/class/ keyword, the value (0-255) is used for the whole ToS/Class
636 octet (but two bits reserved for ECN are ignored). With <cf/dscp/
637 keyword, the value (0-63) is used just for the DS field in the octet.
638 Default value is 0xc0 (DSCP 0x30 - CS6).
640 <tag>tx priority <m/num/</tag>
641 This option specifies the local packet priority. This may affect how the
642 protocol packets are processed in the local TX queues. This option is
643 Linux specific. Default value is 7 (highest priority, privileged traffic).
645 <tag><label id="dsc-pass">password "<m/password/" [ { id <m/num/; generate from <m/time/; generate to <m/time/; accept from <m/time/; accept to <m/time/; } ]</tag>
646 Specifies a password that can be used by the protocol. Password option
647 can be used more times to specify more passwords. If more passwords are
648 specified, it is a protocol-dependent decision which one is really
649 used. Specifying passwords does not mean that authentication is enabled,
650 authentication can be enabled by separate, protocol-dependent
651 <cf/authentication/ option.
653 This option is allowed in OSPF and RIP protocols. BGP has also
654 <cf/password/ option, but it is slightly different and described
655 separately.
657 Default: none.
658 </descrip>
660 <p>Password option can contain section with some (not necessary all) password sub-options:
662 <descrip>
663 <tag>id <M>num</M></tag>
664 ID of the password, (0-255). If it's not used, BIRD will choose ID based
665 on an order of the password item in the interface. For example, second
666 password item in one interface will have default ID 2. ID is used by
667 some routing protocols to identify which password was used to
668 authenticate protocol packets.
670 <tag>generate from "<m/time/"</tag>
671 The start time of the usage of the password for packet signing.
672 The format of <cf><m/time/</cf> is <tt>dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM:SS</tt>.
674 <tag>generate to "<m/time/"</tag>
675 The last time of the usage of the password for packet signing.
677 <tag>accept from "<m/time/"</tag>
678 The start time of the usage of the password for packet verification.
680 <tag>accept to "<m/time/"</tag>
681 The last time of the usage of the password for packet verification.
682 </descrip>
684 <chapt>Remote control
686 <p>You can use the command-line client <file>birdc</file> to talk with a running
687 BIRD. Communication is done using a <file/bird.ctl/ UNIX domain socket (unless
688 changed with the <tt/-s/ option given to both the server and the client). The
689 commands can perform simple actions such as enabling/disabling of protocols,
690 telling BIRD to show various information, telling it to show routing table
691 filtered by filter, or asking BIRD to reconfigure. Press <tt/?/ at any time to
692 get online help. Option <tt/-r/ can be used to enable a restricted mode of BIRD
693 client, which allows just read-only commands (<cf/show .../). Option <tt/-v/ can
694 be passed to the client, to make it dump numeric return codes along with the
695 messages. You do not necessarily need to use <file/birdc/ to talk to BIRD, your
696 own applications could do that, too -- the format of communication between BIRD
697 and <file/birdc/ is stable (see the programmer's documentation).
699 <p>There is also lightweight variant of BIRD client called <file/birdcl/, which
700 does not support command line editing and history and has minimal dependencies.
701 This is useful for running BIRD in resource constrained environments, where
702 Readline library (required for regular BIRD client) is not available.
704 <p>Many commands have the <m/name/ of the protocol instance as an argument.
705 This argument can be omitted if there exists only a single instance.
707 <p>Here is a brief list of supported functions:
709 <descrip>
710 <tag>show status</tag>
711 Show router status, that is BIRD version, uptime and time from last
712 reconfiguration.
714 <tag>show protocols [all]</tag>
715 Show list of protocol instances along with tables they are connected to
716 and protocol status, possibly giving verbose information, if <cf/all/ is
717 specified.
719 <tag>show ospf interface [<m/name/] ["<m/interface/"]</tag>
720 Show detailed information about OSPF interfaces.
722 <tag>show ospf neighbors [<m/name/] ["<m/interface/"]</tag>
723 Show a list of OSPF neighbors and a state of adjacency to them.
725 <tag>show ospf state [all] [<m/name/]</tag>
726 Show detailed information about OSPF areas based on a content of the
727 link-state database. It shows network topology, stub networks,
728 aggregated networks and routers from other areas and external routes.
729 The command shows information about reachable network nodes, use option
730 <cf/all/ to show information about all network nodes in the link-state
731 database.
733 <tag>show ospf topology [all] [<m/name/]</tag>
734 Show a topology of OSPF areas based on a content of the link-state
735 database. It is just a stripped-down version of 'show ospf state'.
737 <tag>show ospf lsadb [global | area <m/id/ | link] [type <m/num/] [lsid <m/id/] [self | router <m/id/] [<m/name/] </tag>
738 Show contents of an OSPF LSA database. Options could be used to filter
739 entries.
741 <tag>show static [<m/name/]</tag>
742 Show detailed information about static routes.
744 <tag>show bfd sessions [<m/name/]</tag>
745 Show information about BFD sessions.
747 <tag>show interfaces [summary]</tag>
748 Show the list of interfaces. For each interface, print its type, state,
749 MTU and addresses assigned.
751 <tag>show symbols [table|filter|function|protocol|template|roa|<m/symbol/]</tag>
752 Show the list of symbols defined in the configuration (names of
753 protocols, routing tables etc.).
755 <tag>show route [[for] <m/prefix/|<m/IP/] [table <m/sym/] [filter <m/f/|where <m/c/] [(export|preexport|noexport) <m/p/] [protocol <m/p/] [<m/options/]</tag>
756 Show contents of a routing table (by default of the main one or the
757 table attached to a respective protocol), that is routes, their metrics
758 and (in case the <cf/all/ switch is given) all their attributes.
760 <p>You can specify a <m/prefix/ if you want to print routes for a
761 specific network. If you use <cf>for <m/prefix or IP/</cf>, you'll get
762 the entry which will be used for forwarding of packets to the given
763 destination. By default, all routes for each network are printed with
764 the selected one at the top, unless <cf/primary/ is given in which case
765 only the selected route is shown.
767 <p>You can also ask for printing only routes processed and accepted by
768 a given filter (<cf>filter <m/name/</cf> or <cf>filter { <m/filter/ }
769 </cf> or matching a given condition (<cf>where <m/condition/</cf>).
771 The <cf/export/, <cf/preexport/ and <cf/noexport/ switches ask for
772 printing of routes that are exported to the specified protocol.
773 With <cf/preexport/, the export filter of the protocol is skipped.
774 With <cf/noexport/, routes rejected by the export filter are printed
775 instead. Note that routes not exported to the protocol for other reasons
776 (e.g. secondary routes or routes imported from that protocol) are not
777 printed even with <cf/noexport/.
779 <p>You can also select just routes added by a specific protocol.
780 <cf>protocol <m/p/</cf>.
782 <p>If BIRD is configured to keep filtered routes (see <cf/import keep
783 filtered/ option), you can show them instead of routes by using
784 <cf/filtered/ switch.
786 <p>The <cf/stats/ switch requests showing of route statistics (the
787 number of networks, number of routes before and after filtering). If
788 you use <cf/count/ instead, only the statistics will be printed.
790 <tag>show roa [<m/prefix/ | in <m/prefix/ | for <m/prefix/] [as <m/num/] [table <m/t/>]</tag>
791 Show contents of a ROA table (by default of the first one). You can
792 specify a <m/prefix/ to print ROA entries for a specific network. If you
793 use <cf>for <m/prefix/</cf>, you'll get all entries relevant for route
794 validation of the network prefix; i.e., ROA entries whose prefixes cover
795 the network prefix. Or you can use <cf>in <m/prefix/</cf> to get ROA
796 entries covered by the network prefix. You could also use <cf/as/ option
797 to show just entries for given AS.
799 <tag>add roa <m/prefix/ max <m/num/] as <m/num/ [table <m/t/>]</tag>
800 Add a new ROA entry to a ROA table. Such entry is called <it/dynamic/
801 compared to <it/static/ entries specified in the config file. These
802 dynamic entries survive reconfiguration.
804 <tag>delete roa <m/prefix/ max <m/num/] as <m/num/ [table <m/t/>]</tag>
805 Delete the specified ROA entry from a ROA table. Only dynamic ROA
806 entries (i.e., the ones added by <cf/add roa/ command) can be deleted.
808 <tag>flush roa [table <m/t/>]</tag>
809 Remove all dynamic ROA entries from a ROA table.
811 <tag>configure [soft] ["<m/config file/"] [timeout [<m/num/]]</tag>
812 Reload configuration from a given file. BIRD will smoothly switch itself
813 to the new configuration, protocols are reconfigured if possible,
814 restarted otherwise. Changes in filters usually lead to restart of
815 affected protocols.
817 If <cf/soft/ option is used, changes in filters does not cause BIRD to
818 restart affected protocols, therefore already accepted routes (according
819 to old filters) would be still propagated, but new routes would be
820 processed according to the new filters.
822 If <cf/timeout/ option is used, config timer is activated. The new
823 configuration could be either confirmed using <cf/configure confirm/
824 command, or it will be reverted to the old one when the config timer
825 expires. This is useful for cases when reconfiguration breaks current
826 routing and a router becames inaccessible for an administrator. The
827 config timeout expiration is equivalent to <cf/configure undo/
828 command. The timeout duration could be specified, default is 300 s.
830 <tag>configure confirm</tag>
831 Deactivate the config undo timer and therefore confirm the current
832 configuration.
834 <tag>configure undo</tag>
835 Undo the last configuration change and smoothly switch back to the
836 previous (stored) configuration. If the last configuration change was
837 soft, the undo change is also soft. There is only one level of undo, but
838 in some specific cases when several reconfiguration requests are given
839 immediately in a row and the intermediate ones are skipped then the undo
840 also skips them back.
842 <tag>configure check ["<m/config file/"]</tag>
843 Read and parse given config file, but do not use it. useful for checking
844 syntactic and some semantic validity of an config file.
846 <tag>enable|disable|restart <m/name/|"<m/pattern/"|all</tag>
847 Enable, disable or restart a given protocol instance, instances matching
848 the <cf><m/pattern/</cf> or <cf/all/ instances.
850 <tag>reload [in|out] <m/name/|"<m/pattern/"|all</tag>
851 Reload a given protocol instance, that means re-import routes from the
852 protocol instance and re-export preferred routes to the instance. If
853 <cf/in/ or <cf/out/ options are used, the command is restricted to one
854 direction (re-import or re-export).
856 This command is useful if appropriate filters have changed but the
857 protocol instance was not restarted (or reloaded), therefore it still
858 propagates the old set of routes. For example when <cf/configure soft/
859 command was used to change filters.
861 Re-export always succeeds, but re-import is protocol-dependent and might
862 fail (for example, if BGP neighbor does not support route-refresh
863 extension). In that case, re-export is also skipped. Note that for the
864 pipe protocol, both directions are always reloaded together (<cf/in/ or
865 <cf/out/ options are ignored in that case).
867 <tag/down/
868 Shut BIRD down.
870 <tag>debug <m/protocol/|<m/pattern/|all all|off|{ states | routes | filters | events | packets }</tag>
871 Control protocol debugging.
873 <tag>dump resources|sockets|interfaces|neighbors|attributes|routes|protocols</tag>
874 Dump contents of internal data structures to the debugging output.
876 <tag>echo all|off|{ <m/list of log classes/ } [ <m/buffer-size/ ]</tag>
877 Control echoing of log messages to the command-line output.
878 See <ref id="dsc-log" name="log option"> for a list of log classes.
880 <tag>eval <m/expr/</tag>
881 Evaluate given expression.
882 </descrip>
885 <chapt>Filters
887 <sect>Introduction
889 <p>BIRD contains a simple programming language. (No, it can't yet read mail :-).
890 There are two objects in this language: filters and functions. Filters are
891 interpreted by BIRD core when a route is being passed between protocols and
892 routing tables. The filter language contains control structures such as if's and
893 switches, but it allows no loops. An example of a filter using many features can
894 be found in <file>filter/test.conf</file>.
896 <p>Filter gets the route, looks at its attributes and modifies some of them if
897 it wishes. At the end, it decides whether to pass the changed route through
898 (using <cf/accept/) or whether to <cf/reject/ it. A simple filter looks like
899 this:
901 <code>
902 filter not_too_far
903 int var;
904 {
905 if defined( rip_metric ) then
906 var = rip_metric;
907 else {
908 var = 1;
909 rip_metric = 1;
910 }
911 if rip_metric &gt; 10 then
912 reject "RIP metric is too big";
913 else
914 accept "ok";
915 }
916 </code>
918 <p>As you can see, a filter has a header, a list of local variables, and a body.
919 The header consists of the <cf/filter/ keyword followed by a (unique) name of
920 filter. The list of local variables consists of <cf><M>type name</M>;</cf>
921 pairs where each pair defines one local variable. The body consists of <cf>
922 { <M>statements</M> }</cf>. Each <m/statement/ is terminated by a <cf/;/. You
923 can group several statements to a single compound statement by using braces
924 (<cf>{ <M>statements</M> }</cf>) which is useful if you want to make a bigger
925 block of code conditional.
927 <p>BIRD supports functions, so that you don't have to repeat the same blocks of
928 code over and over. Functions can have zero or more parameters and they can have
929 local variables. Recursion is not allowed. Function definitions look like this:
931 <code>
932 function name ()
933 int local_variable;
934 {
935 local_variable = 5;
936 }
938 function with_parameters (int parameter)
939 {
940 print parameter;
941 }
942 </code>
944 <p>Unlike in C, variables are declared after the <cf/function/ line, but before
945 the first <cf/{/. You can't declare variables in nested blocks. Functions are
946 called like in C: <cf>name(); with_parameters(5);</cf>. Function may return
947 values using the <cf>return <m/[expr]/</cf> command. Returning a value exits
948 from current function (this is similar to C).
950 <p>Filters are declared in a way similar to functions except they can't have
951 explicit parameters. They get a route table entry as an implicit parameter, it
952 is also passed automatically to any functions called. The filter must terminate
953 with either <cf/accept/ or <cf/reject/ statement. If there's a runtime error in
954 filter, the route is rejected.
956 <p>A nice trick to debug filters is to use <cf>show route filter <m/name/</cf>
957 from the command line client. An example session might look like:
959 <code>
960 pavel@bug:~/bird$ ./birdc -s bird.ctl
961 BIRD 0.0.0 ready.
962 bird> show route
963 dev eth0 [direct1 23:21] (240)
964 dev tunl1 [direct1 23:21] (240)
965 dev lo [direct1 23:21] (240)
966 bird> show route ?
967 show route [<prefix>] [table <t>] [filter <f>] [all] [primary]...
968 bird> show route filter { if &tilde; net then accept; }
969 dev lo [direct1 23:21] (240)
970 bird>
971 </code>
974 <sect>Data types
976 <p>Each variable and each value has certain type. Booleans, integers and enums
977 are incompatible with each other (that is to prevent you from shooting in the
978 foot).
980 <descrip>
981 <tag/bool/
982 This is a boolean type, it can have only two values, <cf/true/ and
983 <cf/false/. Boolean is the only type you can use in <cf/if/ statements.
985 <tag/int/
986 This is a general integer type. It is an unsigned 32bit type; i.e., you
987 can expect it to store values from 0 to 4294967295. Overflows are not
988 checked. You can use <cf/0x1234/ syntax to write hexadecimal values.
990 <tag/pair/
991 This is a pair of two short integers. Each component can have values
992 from 0 to 65535. Literals of this type are written as <cf/(1234,5678)/.
993 The same syntax can also be used to construct a pair from two arbitrary
994 integer expressions (for example <cf/(1+2,a)/).
996 <tag/quad/
997 This is a dotted quad of numbers used to represent router IDs (and
998 others). Each component can have a value from 0 to 255. Literals of
999 this type are written like IPv4 addresses.
1001 <tag/string/
1002 This is a string of characters. There are no ways to modify strings in
1003 filters. You can pass them between functions, assign them to variables
1004 of type <cf/string/, print such variables, use standard string
1005 comparison operations (e.g. <cf/=, !=, &lt;, &gt;, &lt;=, &gt;=/), but
1006 you can't concatenate two strings. String literals are written as
1007 <cf/"This is a string constant"/. Additionaly matching <cf/&tilde;/
1008 operator could be used to match a string value against a shell pattern
1009 (represented also as a string).
1011 <tag/ip/
1012 This type can hold a single IP address. Depending on the compile-time
1013 configuration of BIRD you are using, it is either an IPv4 or IPv6
1014 address. IP addresses are written in the standard notation
1015 (<cf/ or <cf/fec0:3:4::1/). You can apply special operator
1016 <cf>.mask(<M>num</M>)</cf> on values of type ip. It masks out all but
1017 first <cf><M>num</M></cf> bits from the IP address. So
1018 <cf/ = is true.
1020 <tag/prefix/
1021 This type can hold a network prefix consisting of IP address and prefix
1022 length. Prefix literals are written as <cf><m/ipaddress//<m/pxlen/</cf>,
1023 or <cf><m>ipaddress</m>/<m>netmask</m></cf>. There are two special
1024 operators on prefixes: <cf/.ip/ which extracts the IP address from the
1025 pair, and <cf/.len/, which separates prefix length from the pair.
1026 So <cf> = 16</cf> is true.
1028 <tag/ec/
1029 This is a specialized type used to represent BGP extended community
1030 values. It is essentially a 64bit value, literals of this type are
1031 usually written as <cf>(<m/kind/, <m/key/, <m/value/)</cf>, where
1032 <cf/kind/ is a kind of extended community (e.g. <cf/rt/ / <cf/ro/ for a
1033 route target / route origin communities), the format and possible values
1034 of <cf/key/ and <cf/value/ are usually integers, but it depends on the
1035 used kind. Similarly to pairs, ECs can be constructed using expressions
1036 for <cf/key/ and <cf/value/ parts, (e.g. <cf/(ro, myas, 3*10)/, where
1037 <cf/myas/ is an integer variable).
1039 <tag/int|pair|quad|ip|prefix|ec|enum set/
1040 Filters recognize four types of sets. Sets are similar to strings: you
1041 can pass them around but you can't modify them. Literals of type <cf>int
1042 set</cf> look like <cf> [ 1, 2, 5..7 ]</cf>. As you can see, both simple
1043 values and ranges are permitted in sets.
1045 For pair sets, expressions like <cf/(123,*)/ can be used to denote
1046 ranges (in that case <cf/(123,0)..(123,65535)/). You can also use
1047 <cf/(123,5..100)/ for range <cf/(123,5)..(123,100)/. You can also use
1048 <cf/*/ and <cf/a..b/ expressions in the first part of a pair, note that
1049 such expressions are translated to a set of intervals, which may be
1050 memory intensive. E.g. <cf/(*,4..20)/ is translated to <cf/(0,4..20),
1051 (1,4..20), (2,4..20), ... (65535, 4..20)/.
1053 EC sets use similar expressions like pair sets, e.g. <cf/(rt, 123,
1054 10..20)/ or <cf/(ro, 123, *)/. Expressions requiring the translation
1055 (like <cf/(rt, *, 3)/) are not allowed (as they usually have 4B range
1056 for ASNs).
1058 You can also use expressions for int, pair and EC set values. However it
1059 must be possible to evaluate these expressions before daemon boots. So
1060 you can use only constants inside them. E.g.
1062 <code>
1063 define one=1;
1064 define myas=64500;
1065 int set odds;
1066 pair set ps;
1067 ec set es;
1069 odds = [ one, 2+1, 6-one, 2*2*2-1, 9, 11 ];
1070 ps = [ (1,one+one), (3,4)..(4,8), (5,*), (6,3..6), (7..9,*) ];
1071 es = [ (rt, myas, 3*10), (rt, myas+one, 0..16*16*16-1), (ro, myas+2, *) ];
1072 </code>
1074 Sets of prefixes are special: their literals does not allow ranges, but
1075 allows prefix patterns that are written
1076 as <cf><M>ipaddress</M>/<M>pxlen</M>{<M>low</M>,<M>high</M>}</cf>.
1077 Prefix <cf><m>ip1</m>/<m>len1</m></cf> matches prefix
1078 pattern <cf><m>ip2</m>/<m>len2</m>{<m>l</m>,<m>h</m>}</cf> if the
1079 first <cf>min(len1, len2)</cf> bits of <cf/ip1/ and <cf/ip2/ are
1080 identical and <cf>len1 &lt;= ip1 &lt;= len2</cf>. A valid prefix pattern
1081 has to satisfy <cf>low &lt;= high</cf>, but <cf/pxlen/ is not
1082 constrained by <cf/low/ or <cf/high/. Obviously, a prefix matches a
1083 prefix set literal if it matches any prefix pattern in the prefix set
1084 literal.
1086 There are also two shorthands for prefix patterns: <cf><m/address//<m/len/+</cf>
1087 is a shorthand for <cf><m/address//<m/len/{<m/len/,<m/maxlen/}</cf>
1088 (where <cf><m/maxlen/</cf> is 32 for IPv4 and 128 for IPv6), that means
1089 network prefix <cf><m/address//<m/len/</cf> and all its subnets.
1090 <cf><m/address//<m/len/-</cf> is a shorthand for
1091 <cf><m/address//<m/len/{0,<m/len/}</cf>, that means network prefix
1092 <cf><m/address//<m/len/</cf> and all its supernets (network prefixes
1093 that contain it).
1095 For example, <cf>[,,,{16,24}
1096 ]</cf> matches prefix <cf></cf>, all subprefixes of
1097 <cf></cf>, all superprefixes of <cf></cf> and prefixes
1098 <cf/4.X.X.X/ whose prefix length is 16 to 24. <cf>[{20,24} ]</cf>
1099 matches all prefixes (regardless of IP address) whose prefix length is
1100 20 to 24, <cf>[ ]</cf> matches any prefix that contains IP
1101 address <cf></cf>. <cf> &tilde; [{15,17} ]</cf>
1102 is true, but <cf> &tilde; [ ]</cf> is false.
1104 Cisco-style patterns like <cf> ge 16 le 24</cf> can be expressed
1105 in BIRD as <cf>{16,24}</cf>, <cf> le 24</cf> as
1106 <cf>{16,24}</cf> and <cf> ge 24</cf> as
1107 <cf>{24,32}</cf>.
1109 <tag/enum/
1110 Enumeration types are fixed sets of possibilities. You can't define your
1111 own variables of such type, but some route attributes are of enumeration
1112 type. Enumeration types are incompatible with each other.
1114 <tag/bgppath/
1115 BGP path is a list of autonomous system numbers. You can't write
1116 literals of this type. There are several special operators on bgppaths:
1118 <cf><m/P/.first</cf> returns the first ASN (the neighbor ASN) in path <m/P/.
1120 <cf><m/P/.last</cf> returns the last ASN (the source ASN) in path <m/P/.
1122 Both <cf/first/ and <cf/last/ return zero if there is no appropriate
1123 ASN, for example if the path contains an AS set element as the first (or
1124 the last) part.
1126 <cf><m/P/.len</cf> returns the length of path <m/P/.
1128 <cf>prepend(<m/P/,<m/A/)</cf> prepends ASN <m/A/ to path <m/P/ and
1129 returns the result.
1131 <cf>delete(<m/P/,<m/A/)</cf> deletes all instances of ASN <m/A/ from
1132 from path <m/P/ and returns the result. <m/A/ may also be an integer
1133 set, in that case the operator deletes all ASNs from path <m/P/ that are
1134 also members of set <m/A/.
1136 <cf>filter(<m/P/,<m/A/)</cf> deletes all ASNs from path <m/P/ that are
1137 not members of integer set <m/A/. I.e., <cf/filter/ do the same as
1138 <cf/delete/ with inverted set <m/A/.
1140 Statement <cf><m/P/ = prepend(<m/P/, <m/A/);</cf> can be shortened to
1141 <cf><m/P/.prepend(<m/A/);</cf> if <m/P/ is appropriate route attribute
1142 (for example <cf/bgp_path/). Similarly for <cf/delete/ and <cf/filter/.
1144 <tag/bgpmask/
1145 BGP masks are patterns used for BGP path matching (using <cf>path
1146 &tilde; [= 2 3 5 * =]</cf> syntax). The masks resemble wildcard patterns
1147 as used by UNIX shells. Autonomous system numbers match themselves,
1148 <cf/*/ matches any (even empty) sequence of arbitrary AS numbers and
1149 <cf/?/ matches one arbitrary AS number. For example, if <cf>bgp_path</cf>
1150 is 4 3 2 1, then: <tt>bgp_path &tilde; [= * 4 3 * =]</tt> is true,
1151 but <tt>bgp_path &tilde; [= * 4 5 * =]</tt> is false. BGP mask
1152 expressions can also contain integer expressions enclosed in parenthesis
1153 and integer variables, for example <tt>[= * 4 (1+2) a =]</tt>. There is
1154 also old syntax that uses / .. / instead of [= .. =] and ? instead of *.
1156 <tag/clist/
1157 Clist is similar to a set, except that unlike other sets, it can be
1158 modified. The type is used for community list (a set of pairs) and for
1159 cluster list (a set of quads). There exist no literals of this type.
1160 There are three special operators on clists:
1162 <cf><m/C/.len</cf> returns the length of clist <m/C/.
1164 <cf>add(<m/C/,<m/P/)</cf> adds pair (or quad) <m/P/ to clist <m/C/ and
1165 returns the result. If item <m/P/ is already in clist <m/C/, it does
1166 nothing. <m/P/ may also be a clist, in that case all its members are
1167 added; i.e., it works as clist union.
1169 <cf>delete(<m/C/,<m/P/)</cf> deletes pair (or quad) <m/P/ from clist
1170 <m/C/ and returns the result. If clist <m/C/ does not contain item
1171 <m/P/, it does nothing. <m/P/ may also be a pair (or quad) set, in that
1172 case the operator deletes all items from clist <m/C/ that are also
1173 members of set <m/P/. Moreover, <m/P/ may also be a clist, which works
1174 analogously; i.e., it works as clist difference.
1176 <cf>filter(<m/C/,<m/P/)</cf> deletes all items from clist <m/C/ that are
1177 not members of pair (or quad) set <m/P/. I.e., <cf/filter/ do the same
1178 as <cf/delete/ with inverted set <m/P/. <m/P/ may also be a clist, which
1179 works analogously; i.e., it works as clist intersection.
1181 Statement <cf><m/C/ = add(<m/C/, <m/P/);</cf> can be shortened to
1182 <cf><m/C/.add(<m/P/);</cf> if <m/C/ is appropriate route attribute (for
1183 example <cf/bgp_community/). Similarly for <cf/delete/ and <cf/filter/.
1185 <tag/eclist/
1186 Eclist is a data type used for BGP extended community lists. Eclists
1187 are very similar to clists, but they are sets of ECs instead of pairs.
1188 The same operations (like <cf/add/, <cf/delete/, or <cf/&tilde;/
1189 membership operator) can be used to modify or test eclists, with ECs
1190 instead of pairs as arguments.
1191 </descrip>
1194 <sect>Operators
1196 <p>The filter language supports common integer operators <cf>(+,-,*,/)</cf>,
1197 parentheses <cf/(a*(b+c))/, comparison <cf/(a=b, a!=b, a&lt;b, a&gt;=b)/.
1198 Logical operations include unary not (<cf/!/), and (<cf/&amp;&amp;/) and or
1199 (<cf/&verbar;&verbar;/). Special operators include <cf/&tilde;/ for "is element
1200 of a set" operation - it can be used on element and set of elements of the same
1201 type (returning true if element is contained in the given set), or on two
1202 strings (returning true if first string matches a shell-like pattern stored in
1203 second string) or on IP and prefix (returning true if IP is within the range
1204 defined by that prefix), or on prefix and prefix (returning true if first prefix
1205 is more specific than second one) or on bgppath and bgpmask (returning true if
1206 the path matches the mask) or on number and bgppath (returning true if the
1207 number is in the path) or on bgppath and int (number) set (returning true if any
1208 ASN from the path is in the set) or on pair/quad and clist (returning true if
1209 the pair/quad is element of the clist) or on clist and pair/quad set (returning
1210 true if there is an element of the clist that is also a member of the pair/quad
1211 set).
1213 <p>There is one operator related to ROA infrastructure - <cf/roa_check()/. It
1214 examines a ROA table and does RFC 6483 route origin validation for a given
1215 network prefix. The basic usage is <cf>roa_check(<m/table/)</cf>, which checks
1216 current route (which should be from BGP to have AS_PATH argument) in the
1217 specified ROA table and returns ROA_UNKNOWN if there is no relevant ROA,
1218 ROA_VALID if there is a matching ROA, or ROA_INVALID if there are some relevant
1219 ROAs but none of them match. There is also an extended variant
1220 <cf>roa_check(<m/table/, <m/prefix/, <m/asn/)</cf>, which allows to specify a
1221 prefix and an ASN as arguments.
1224 <sect>Control structures
1226 <p>Filters support two control structures: conditions and case switches.
1228 <p>Syntax of a condition is: <cf>if <M>boolean expression</M> then <m/command1/;
1229 else <m/command2/;</cf> and you can use <cf>{ <m/command_1/; <m/command_2/;
1230 <M>...</M> }</cf> instead of either command. The <cf>else</cf> clause may be
1231 omitted. If the <cf><m>boolean expression</m></cf> is true, <m/command1/ is
1232 executed, otherwise <m/command2/ is executed.
1234 <p>The <cf>case</cf> is similar to case from Pascal. Syntax is <cf>case
1235 <m/expr/ { else: | <m/num_or_prefix [ .. num_or_prefix]/: <m/statement/ ; [
1236 ... ] }</cf>. The expression after <cf>case</cf> can be of any type which can be
1237 on the left side of the &tilde; operator and anything that could be a member of
1238 a set is allowed before <cf/:/. Multiple commands are allowed without <cf/{}/
1239 grouping. If <cf><m/expr/</cf> matches one of the <cf/:/ clauses, statements
1240 between it and next <cf/:/ statement are executed. If <cf><m/expr/</cf> matches
1241 neither of the <cf/:/ clauses, the statements after <cf/else:/ are executed.
1243 <p>Here is example that uses <cf/if/ and <cf/case/ structures:
1245 <code>
1246 case arg1 {
1247 2: print "two"; print "I can do more commands without {}";
1248 3 .. 5: print "three to five";
1249 else: print "something else";
1250 }
1252 if 1234 = i then printn "."; else {
1253 print "not 1234";
1254 print "You need {} around multiple commands";
1255 }
1256 </code>
1259 <sect>Route attributes
1261 <p>A filter is implicitly passed a route, and it can access its attributes just
1262 like it accesses variables. Attempts to access undefined attribute result in a
1263 runtime error; you can check if an attribute is defined by using the
1264 <cf>defined( <m>attribute</m> )</cf> operator. One notable exception to this
1265 rule are attributes of clist type, where undefined value is regarded as empty
1266 clist for most purposes.
1268 <descrip>
1269 <tag><m/prefix/ net</tag>
1270 Network the route is talking about. Read-only. (See the chapter about
1271 routing tables.)
1273 <tag><m/enum/ scope</tag>
1274 The scope of the route. Possible values: <cf/SCOPE_HOST/ for routes
1275 local to this host, <cf/SCOPE_LINK/ for those specific for a physical
1276 link, <cf/SCOPE_SITE/ and <cf/SCOPE_ORGANIZATION/ for private routes and
1277 <cf/SCOPE_UNIVERSE/ for globally visible routes. This attribute is not
1278 interpreted by BIRD and can be used to mark routes in filters. The
1279 default value for new routes is <cf/SCOPE_UNIVERSE/.
1281 <tag><m/int/ preference</tag>
1282 Preference of the route. Valid values are 0-65535. (See the chapter
1283 about routing tables.)
1285 <tag><m/ip/ from</tag>
1286 The router which the route has originated from.
1288 <tag><m/ip/ gw</tag>
1289 Next hop packets routed using this route should be forwarded to.
1291 <tag><m/string/ proto</tag>
1292 The name of the protocol which the route has been imported from.
1293 Read-only.
1295 <tag><m/enum/ source</tag>
1296 what protocol has told me about this route. Possible values:
1297 <cf/RTS_DUMMY/, <cf/RTS_STATIC/, <cf/RTS_INHERIT/, <cf/RTS_DEVICE/,
1299 <cf/RTS_OSPF_IA/, <cf/RTS_OSPF_EXT1/, <cf/RTS_OSPF_EXT2/, <cf/RTS_BGP/,
1300 <cf/RTS_PIPE/.
1302 <tag><m/enum/ cast</tag>
1303 Route type (Currently <cf/RTC_UNICAST/ for normal routes,
1304 <cf/RTC_BROADCAST/, <cf/RTC_MULTICAST/, <cf/RTC_ANYCAST/ will be used in
1305 the future for broadcast, multicast and anycast routes). Read-only.
1307 <tag><m/enum/ dest</tag>
1308 Type of destination the packets should be sent to
1309 (<cf/RTD_ROUTER/ for forwarding to a neighboring router,
1310 <cf/RTD_DEVICE/ for routing to a directly-connected network,
1311 <cf/RTD_MULTIPATH/ for multipath destinations,
1312 <cf/RTD_BLACKHOLE/ for packets to be silently discarded,
1313 <cf/RTD_UNREACHABLE/, <cf/RTD_PROHIBIT/ for packets that should be
1314 returned with ICMP host unreachable / ICMP administratively prohibited
1315 messages). Can be changed, but only to <cf/RTD_BLACKHOLE/,
1318 <tag><m/string/ ifname</tag>
1319 Name of the outgoing interface. Sink routes (like blackhole, unreachable
1320 or prohibit) and multipath routes have no interface associated with
1321 them, so <cf/ifname/ returns an empty string for such routes. Read-only.
1323 <tag><m/int/ ifindex</tag>
1324 Index of the outgoing interface. System wide index of the interface. May
1325 be used for interface matching, however indexes might change on interface
1326 creation/removal. Zero is returned for routes with undefined outgoing
1327 interfaces. Read-only.
1329 <tag><m/int/ igp_metric</tag>
1330 The optional attribute that can be used to specify a distance to the
1331 network for routes that do not have a native protocol metric attribute
1332 (like <cf/ospf_metric1/ for OSPF routes). It is used mainly by BGP to
1333 compare internal distances to boundary routers (see below). It is also
1334 used when the route is exported to OSPF as a default value for OSPF type
1335 1 metric.
1336 </descrip>
1338 <p>There also exist some protocol-specific attributes which are described in the
1339 corresponding protocol sections.
1342 <sect>Other statements
1344 <p>The following statements are available:
1346 <descrip>
1347 <tag><m/variable/ = <m/expr/</tag>
1348 Set variable to a given value.
1350 <tag>accept|reject [ <m/expr/ ]</tag>
1351 Accept or reject the route, possibly printing <cf><m>expr</m></cf>.
1353 <tag>return <m/expr/</tag>
1354 Return <cf><m>expr</m></cf> from the current function, the function ends
1355 at this point.
1357 <tag>print|printn <m/expr/ [<m/, expr.../]</tag>
1358 Prints given expressions; useful mainly while debugging filters. The
1359 <cf/printn/ variant does not terminate the line.
1361 <tag>quitbird</tag>
1362 Terminates BIRD. Useful when debugging the filter interpreter.
1363 </descrip>
1366 <chapt>Protocols
1368 <sect><label id="sect-bfd">BFD
1370 <sect1>Introduction
1372 <p>Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) is not a routing protocol itself, it
1373 is an independent tool providing liveness and failure detection. Routing
1374 protocols like OSPF and BGP use integrated periodic "hello" messages to monitor
1375 liveness of neighbors, but detection times of these mechanisms are high (e.g. 40
1376 seconds by default in OSPF, could be set down to several seconds). BFD offers
1377 universal, fast and low-overhead mechanism for failure detection, which could be
1378 attached to any routing protocol in an advisory role.
1380 <p>BFD consists of mostly independent BFD sessions. Each session monitors an
1381 unicast bidirectional path between two BFD-enabled routers. This is done by
1382 periodically sending control packets in both directions. BFD does not handle
1383 neighbor discovery, BFD sessions are created on demand by request of other
1384 protocols (like OSPF or BGP), which supply appropriate information like IP
1385 addresses and associated interfaces. When a session changes its state, these
1386 protocols are notified and act accordingly (e.g. break an OSPF adjacency when
1387 the BFD session went down).
1389 <p>BIRD implements basic BFD behavior as defined in
1390 RFC 5880<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc5880.txt">
1391 (some advanced features like the echo mode or authentication are not implemented),
1392 IP transport for BFD as defined in
1393 RFC 5881<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc5881.txt"> and
1394 RFC 5883<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc5883.txt">
1395 and interaction with client protocols as defined in
1396 RFC 5882<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc5882.txt">.
1398 <p>Note that BFD implementation in BIRD is currently a new feature in
1399 development, expect some rough edges and possible UI and configuration changes
1400 in the future. Also note that we currently support at most one protocol instance.
1402 <p>BFD packets are sent with a dynamic source port number. Linux systems use by
1403 default a bit different dynamic port range than the IANA approved one
1404 (49152-65535). If you experience problems with compatibility, please adjust
1405 <cf>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range</cf>
1407 <sect1>Configuration
1409 <p>BFD configuration consists mainly of multiple definitions of interfaces.
1410 Most BFD config options are session specific. When a new session is requested
1411 and dynamically created, it is configured from one of these definitions. For
1412 sessions to directly connected neighbors, <cf/interface/ definitions are chosen
1413 based on the interface associated with the session, while <cf/multihop/
1414 definition is used for multihop sessions. If no definition is relevant, the
1415 session is just created with the default configuration. Therefore, an empty BFD
1416 configuration is often sufficient.
1418 <p>Note that to use BFD for other protocols like OSPF or BGP, these protocols
1419 also have to be configured to request BFD sessions, usually by <cf/bfd/ option.
1421 <p>Some of BFD session options require <m/time/ value, which has to be specified
1422 with the appropriate unit: <m/num/ <cf/s/|<cf/ms/|<cf/us/. Although microseconds
1423 are allowed as units, practical minimum values are usually in order of tens of
1424 milliseconds.
1426 <code>
1427 protocol bfd [&lt;name&gt;] {
1428 interface &lt;interface pattern&gt; {
1429 interval &lt;time&gt;;
1430 min rx interval &lt;time&gt;;
1431 min tx interval &lt;time&gt;;
1432 idle tx interval &lt;time&gt;;
1433 multiplier &lt;num&gt;;
1434 passive &lt;switch&gt;;
1435 };
1436 multihop {
1437 interval &lt;time&gt;;
1438 min rx interval &lt;time&gt;;
1439 min tx interval &lt;time&gt;;
1440 idle tx interval &lt;time&gt;;
1441 multiplier &lt;num&gt;;
1442 passive &lt;switch&gt;;
1443 };
1444 neighbor &lt;ip&gt; [dev "&lt;interface&gt;"] [local &lt;ip&gt;] [multihop &lt;switch&gt;];
1445 }
1446 </code>
1448 <descrip>
1449 <tag>interface <m/pattern [, ...]/ { <m/options/ }</tag>
1450 Interface definitions allow to specify options for sessions associated
1451 with such interfaces and also may contain interface specific options.
1452 See <ref id="dsc-iface" name="interface"> common option for a detailed
1453 description of interface patterns. Note that contrary to the behavior of
1454 <cf/interface/ definitions of other protocols, BFD protocol would accept
1455 sessions (in default configuration) even on interfaces not covered by
1456 such definitions.
1458 <tag>multihop { <m/options/ }</tag>
1459 Multihop definitions allow to specify options for multihop BFD sessions,
1460 in the same manner as <cf/interface/ definitions are used for directly
1461 connected sessions. Currently only one such definition (for all multihop
1462 sessions) could be used.
1464 <tag>neighbor <m/ip/ [dev "<m/interface/"] [local <m/ip/] [multihop <m/switch/]</tag>
1465 BFD sessions are usually created on demand as requested by other
1466 protocols (like OSPF or BGP). This option allows to explicitly add
1467 a BFD session to the specified neighbor regardless of such requests.
1469 The session is identified by the IP address of the neighbor, with
1470 optional specification of used interface and local IP. By default
1471 the neighbor must be directly connected, unless the the session is
1472 configured as multihop. Note that local IP must be specified for
1473 multihop sessions.
1474 </descrip>
1476 <p>Session specific options (part of <cf/interface/ and <cf/multihop/ definitions):
1478 <descrip>
1479 <tag>interval <m/time/</tag>
1480 BFD ensures availability of the forwarding path associated with the
1481 session by periodically sending BFD control packets in both
1482 directions. The rate of such packets is controlled by two options,
1483 <cf/min rx interval/ and <cf/min tx interval/ (see below). This option
1484 is just a shorthand to set both of these options together.
1486 <tag>min rx interval <m/time/</tag>
1487 This option specifies the minimum RX interval, which is announced to the
1488 neighbor and used there to limit the neighbor's rate of generated BFD
1489 control packets. Default: 10 ms.
1491 <tag>min tx interval <m/time/</tag>
1492 This option specifies the desired TX interval, which controls the rate
1493 of generated BFD control packets (together with <cf/min rx interval/
1494 announced by the neighbor). Note that this value is used only if the BFD
1495 session is up, otherwise the value of <cf/idle tx interval/ is used
1496 instead. Default: 100 ms.
1498 <tag>idle tx interval <m/time/</tag>
1499 In order to limit unnecessary traffic in cases where a neighbor is not
1500 available or not running BFD, the rate of generated BFD control packets
1501 is lower when the BFD session is not up. This option specifies the
1502 desired TX interval in such cases instead of <cf/min tx interval/.
1503 Default: 1 s.
1505 <tag>multiplier <m/num/</tag>
1506 Failure detection time for BFD sessions is based on established rate of
1507 BFD control packets (<cf>min rx/tx interval</cf>) multiplied by this
1508 multiplier, which is essentially (ignoring jitter) a number of missed
1509 packets after which the session is declared down. Note that rates and
1510 multipliers could be different in each direction of a BFD session.
1511 Default: 5.
1513 <tag>passive <m/switch/</tag>
1514 Generally, both BFD session endpoinds try to establish the session by
1515 sending control packets to the other side. This option allows to enable
1516 passive mode, which means that the router does not send BFD packets
1517 until it has received one from the other side. Default: disabled.
1518 </descrip>
1520 <sect1>Example
1522 <p><code>
1523 protocol bfd {
1524 interface "eth*" {
1525 min rx interval 20 ms;
1526 min tx interval 50 ms;
1527 idle tx interval 300 ms;
1528 };
1529 interface "gre*" {
1530 interval 200 ms;
1531 multiplier 10;
1532 passive;
1533 };
1534 multihop {
1535 interval 200 ms;
1536 multiplier 10;
1537 };
1539 neighbor;
1540 neighbor dev "eth2";
1541 neighbor local multihop;
1542 }
1543 </code>
1546 <sect>BGP
1548 <p>The Border Gateway Protocol is the routing protocol used for backbone level
1549 routing in the today's Internet. Contrary to other protocols, its convergence
1550 does not rely on all routers following the same rules for route selection,
1551 making it possible to implement any routing policy at any router in the network,
1552 the only restriction being that if a router advertises a route, it must accept
1553 and forward packets according to it.
1555 <p>BGP works in terms of autonomous systems (often abbreviated as AS). Each AS
1556 is a part of the network with common management and common routing policy. It is
1557 identified by a unique 16-bit number (ASN). Routers within each AS usually
1558 exchange AS-internal routing information with each other using an interior
1559 gateway protocol (IGP, such as OSPF or RIP). Boundary routers at the border of
1560 the AS communicate global (inter-AS) network reachability information with their
1561 neighbors in the neighboring AS'es via exterior BGP (eBGP) and redistribute
1562 received information to other routers in the AS via interior BGP (iBGP).
1564 <p>Each BGP router sends to its neighbors updates of the parts of its routing
1565 table it wishes to export along with complete path information (a list of AS'es
1566 the packet will travel through if it uses the particular route) in order to
1567 avoid routing loops.
1569 <p>BIRD supports all requirements of the BGP4 standard as defined in
1570 RFC 4271<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc4271.txt">
1571 It also supports the community attributes
1572 (RFC 1997<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc1997.txt">),
1573 capability negotiation
1574 (RFC 3392<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc3392.txt">),
1575 MD5 password authentication
1576 (RFC 2385<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc2385.txt">),
1577 extended communities
1578 (RFC 4360<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc4360.txt">),
1579 route reflectors
1580 (RFC 4456<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc4456.txt">),
1581 graceful restart
1582 (RFC 4724<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc4724.txt">),
1583 multiprotocol extensions
1584 (RFC 4760<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc4760.txt">),
1585 4B AS numbers
1586 (RFC 4893<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc4893.txt">),
1587 and 4B AS numbers in extended communities
1588 (RFC 5668<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc5668.txt">).
1591 For IPv6, it uses the standard multiprotocol extensions defined in
1592 RFC 4760<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc4760.txt">
1593 and applied to IPv6 according to
1594 RFC 2545<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc2545.txt">.
1596 <sect1>Route selection rules
1598 <p>BGP doesn't have any simple metric, so the rules for selection of an optimal
1599 route among multiple BGP routes with the same preference are a bit more complex
1600 and they are implemented according to the following algorithm. It starts the
1601 first rule, if there are more "best" routes, then it uses the second rule to
1602 choose among them and so on.
1604 <itemize>
1605 <item>Prefer route with the highest Local Preference attribute.
1606 <item>Prefer route with the shortest AS path.
1607 <item>Prefer IGP origin over EGP and EGP origin over incomplete.
1608 <item>Prefer the lowest value of the Multiple Exit Discriminator.
1609 <item>Prefer routes received via eBGP over ones received via iBGP.
1610 <item>Prefer routes with lower internal distance to a boundary router.
1611 <item>Prefer the route with the lowest value of router ID of the
1612 advertising router.
1613 </itemize>
1615 <sect1>IGP routing table
1617 <p>BGP is mainly concerned with global network reachability and with routes to
1618 other autonomous systems. When such routes are redistributed to routers in the
1619 AS via BGP, they contain IP addresses of a boundary routers (in route attribute
1620 NEXT_HOP). BGP depends on existing IGP routing table with AS-internal routes to
1621 determine immediate next hops for routes and to know their internal distances to
1622 boundary routers for the purpose of BGP route selection. In BIRD, there is
1623 usually one routing table used for both IGP routes and BGP routes.
1625 <sect1>Configuration
1627 <p>Each instance of the BGP corresponds to one neighboring router. This allows
1628 to set routing policy and all the other parameters differently for each neighbor
1629 using the following configuration parameters:
1631 <descrip>
1632 <tag>local [<m/ip/] as <m/number/</tag>
1633 Define which AS we are part of. (Note that contrary to other IP routers,
1634 BIRD is able to act as a router located in multiple AS'es simultaneously,
1635 but in such cases you need to tweak the BGP paths manually in the filters
1636 to get consistent behavior.) Optional <cf/ip/ argument specifies a source
1637 address, equivalent to the <cf/source address/ option (see below). This
1638 parameter is mandatory.
1640 <tag>neighbor [<m/ip/] [port <m/number/] [as <m/number/]</tag>
1641 Define neighboring router this instance will be talking to and what AS
1642 it is located in. In case the neighbor is in the same AS as we are, we
1643 automatically switch to iBGP. Optionally, the remote port may also be
1644 specified. The parameter may be used multiple times with different
1645 sub-options (e.g., both <cf/neighbor as 65000;/ and
1646 <cf/neighbor; neighbor as 65000;/ are valid). This parameter is
1647 mandatory.
1649 <tag>interface <m/string/</tag>
1650 Define interface we should use for link-local BGP IPv6 sessions.
1651 Interface can also be specified as a part of <cf/neighbor address/
1652 (e.g., <cf/neighbor fe80::1234%eth0 as 65000;/). It is an error to use
1653 this parameter for non link-local sessions.
1655 <tag>direct</tag>
1656 Specify that the neighbor is directly connected. The IP address of the
1657 neighbor must be from a directly reachable IP range (i.e. associated
1658 with one of your router's interfaces), otherwise the BGP session
1659 wouldn't start but it would wait for such interface to appear. The
1660 alternative is the <cf/multihop/ option. Default: enabled for eBGP.
1662 <tag>multihop [<m/number/]</tag>
1663 Configure multihop BGP session to a neighbor that isn't directly
1664 connected. Accurately, this option should be used if the configured
1665 neighbor IP address does not match with any local network subnets. Such
1666 IP address have to be reachable through system routing table. The
1667 alternative is the <cf/direct/ option. For multihop BGP it is
1668 recommended to explicitly configure the source address to have it
1669 stable. Optional <cf/number/ argument can be used to specify the number
1670 of hops (used for TTL). Note that the number of networks (edges) in a
1671 path is counted; i.e., if two BGP speakers are separated by one router,
1672 the number of hops is 2. Default: enabled for iBGP.
1674 <tag>source address <m/ip/</tag>
1675 Define local address we should use for next hop calculation and as a
1676 source address for the BGP session. Default: the address of the local
1677 end of the interface our neighbor is connected to.
1679 <tag>next hop self</tag>
1680 Avoid calculation of the Next Hop attribute and always advertise our own
1681 source address as a next hop. This needs to be used only occasionally to
1682 circumvent misconfigurations of other routers. Default: disabled.
1684 <tag>next hop keep</tag>
1685 Forward the received Next Hop attribute even in situations where the
1686 local address should be used instead, like when the route is sent to an
1687 interface with a different subnet. Default: disabled.
1689 <tag>missing lladdr self|drop|ignore</tag>
1690 Next Hop attribute in BGP-IPv6 sometimes contains just the global IPv6
1691 address, but sometimes it has to contain both global and link-local IPv6
1692 addresses. This option specifies what to do if BIRD have to send both
1693 addresses but does not know link-local address. This situation might
1694 happen when routes from other protocols are exported to BGP, or when
1695 improper updates are received from BGP peers. <cf/self/ means that BIRD
1696 advertises its own local address instead. <cf/drop/ means that BIRD
1697 skips that prefixes and logs error. <cf/ignore/ means that BIRD ignores
1698 the problem and sends just the global address (and therefore forms
1699 improper BGP update). Default: <cf/self/, unless BIRD is configured as a
1700 route server (option <cf/rs client/), in that case default is <cf/ignore/,
1701 because route servers usually do not forward packets themselves.
1703 <tag>gateway direct|recursive</tag>
1704 For received routes, their <cf/gw/ (immediate next hop) attribute is
1705 computed from received <cf/bgp_next_hop/ attribute. This option
1706 specifies how it is computed. Direct mode means that the IP address from
1707 <cf/bgp_next_hop/ is used if it is directly reachable, otherwise the
1708 neighbor IP address is used. Recursive mode means that the gateway is
1709 computed by an IGP routing table lookup for the IP address from
1710 <cf/bgp_next_hop/. Recursive mode is the behavior specified by the BGP
1711 standard. Direct mode is simpler, does not require any routes in a
1712 routing table, and was used in older versions of BIRD, but does not
1713 handle well nontrivial iBGP setups and multihop. Recursive mode is
1714 incompatible with <ref id="dsc-sorted" name="sorted tables">. Default:
1715 <cf/direct/ for direct sessions, <cf/recursive/ for multihop sessions.
1717 <tag>igp table <m/name/</tag>
1718 Specifies a table that is used as an IGP routing table. Default: the
1719 same as the table BGP is connected to.
1721 <tag>check link <M>switch</M></tag>
1722 BGP could use hardware link state into consideration. If enabled,
1723 BIRD tracks the link state of the associated interface and when link
1724 disappears (e.g. an ethernet cable is unplugged), the BGP session is
1725 immediately shut down. Note that this option cannot be used with
1726 multihop BGP. Default: disabled.
1728 <tag>bfd <M>switch</M></tag>
1729 BGP could use BFD protocol as an advisory mechanism for neighbor
1730 liveness and failure detection. If enabled, BIRD setups a BFD session
1731 for the BGP neighbor and tracks its liveness by it. This has an
1732 advantage of an order of magnitude lower detection times in case of
1733 failure. Note that BFD protocol also has to be configured, see
1734 <ref id="sect-bfd" name="BFD"> section for details. Default: disabled.
1736 <tag>ttl security <m/switch/</tag>
1737 Use GTSM (RFC 5082 - the generalized TTL security mechanism). GTSM
1738 protects against spoofed packets by ignoring received packets with a
1739 smaller than expected TTL. To work properly, GTSM have to be enabled on
1740 both sides of a BGP session. If both <cf/ttl security/ and <cf/multihop/
1741 options are enabled, <cf/multihop/ option should specify proper hop
1742 value to compute expected TTL. Kernel support required: Linux: 2.6.34+
1743 (IPv4), 2.6.35+ (IPv6), BSD: since long ago, IPv4 only. Note that full
1744 (ICMP protection, for example) RFC 5082 support is provided by Linux
1745 only. Default: disabled.
1747 <tag>password <m/string/</tag>
1748 Use this password for MD5 authentication of BGP sessions. Default: no
1749 authentication. Password has to be set by external utility
1750 (e.g. setkey(8)) on BSD systems.
1752 <tag>passive <m/switch/</tag>
1753 Standard BGP behavior is both initiating outgoing connections and
1754 accepting incoming connections. In passive mode, outgoing connections
1755 are not initiated. Default: off.
1757 <tag>rr client</tag>
1758 Be a route reflector and treat the neighbor as a route reflection
1759 client. Default: disabled.
1761 <tag>rr cluster id <m/IPv4 address/</tag>
1762 Route reflectors use cluster id to avoid route reflection loops. When
1763 there is one route reflector in a cluster it usually uses its router id
1764 as a cluster id, but when there are more route reflectors in a cluster,
1765 these need to be configured (using this option) to use a common cluster
1766 id. Clients in a cluster need not know their cluster id and this option
1767 is not allowed for them. Default: the same as router id.
1769 <tag>rs client</tag>
1770 Be a route server and treat the neighbor as a route server client.
1771 A route server is used as a replacement for full mesh EBGP routing in
1772 Internet exchange points in a similar way to route reflectors used in
1773 IBGP routing. BIRD does not implement obsoleted RFC 1863, but uses
1774 ad-hoc implementation, which behaves like plain EBGP but reduces
1775 modifications to advertised route attributes to be transparent (for
1776 example does not prepend its AS number to AS PATH attribute and keeps
1777 MED attribute). Default: disabled.
1779 <tag>secondary <m/switch/</tag>
1780 Usually, if an export filter rejects a selected route, no other route is
1781 propagated for that network. This option allows to try the next route in
1782 order until one that is accepted is found or all routes for that network
1783 are rejected. This can be used for route servers that need to propagate
1784 different tables to each client but do not want to have these tables
1785 explicitly (to conserve memory). This option requires that the connected
1786 routing table is <ref id="dsc-sorted" name="sorted">. Default: off.
1788 <tag>add paths <m/switch/|rx|tx</tag>
1789 Standard BGP can propagate only one path (route) per destination network
1790 (usually the selected one). This option controls the add-path protocol
1791 extension, which allows to advertise any number of paths to a
1792 destination. Note that to be active, add-path has to be enabled on both
1793 sides of the BGP session, but it could be enabled separately for RX and
1794 TX direction. When active, all available routes accepted by the export
1795 filter are advertised to the neighbor. Default: off.
1797 <tag>allow local as [<m/number/]</tag>
1798 BGP prevents routing loops by rejecting received routes with the local
1799 AS number in the AS path. This option allows to loose or disable the
1800 check. Optional <cf/number/ argument can be used to specify the maximum
1801 number of local ASNs in the AS path that is allowed for received
1802 routes. When the option is used without the argument, the check is
1803 completely disabled and you should ensure loop-free behavior by some
1804 other means. Default: 0 (no local AS number allowed).
1806 <tag>enable route refresh <m/switch/</tag>
1807 After the initial route exchange, BGP protocol uses incremental updates
1808 to keep BGP speakers synchronized. Sometimes (e.g., if BGP speaker
1809 changes its import filter, or if there is suspicion of inconsistency) it
1810 is necessary to do a new complete route exchange. BGP protocol extension
1811 Route Refresh (RFC 2918) allows BGP speaker to request re-advertisement
1812 of all routes from its neighbor. BGP protocol extension Enhanced Route
1813 Refresh (RFC 7313) specifies explicit begin and end for such exchanges,
1814 therefore the receiver can remove stale routes that were not advertised
1815 during the exchange. This option specifies whether BIRD advertises these
1816 capabilities and supports related procedures. Note that even when
1817 disabled, BIRD can send route refresh requests. Default: on.
1819 <tag>graceful restart <m/switch/|aware</tag>
1820 When a BGP speaker restarts or crashes, neighbors will discard all
1821 received paths from the speaker, which disrupts packet forwarding even
1822 when the forwarding plane of the speaker remains intact. RFC 4724
1823 specifies an optional graceful restart mechanism to alleviate this
1824 issue. This option controls the mechanism. It has three states:
1825 Disabled, when no support is provided. Aware, when the graceful restart
1826 support is announced and the support for restarting neighbors is
1827 provided, but no local graceful restart is allowed (i.e. receiving-only
1828 role). Enabled, when the full graceful restart support is provided
1829 (i.e. both restarting and receiving role). Note that proper support for
1830 local graceful restart requires also configuration of other protocols.
1831 Default: aware.
1833 <tag>graceful restart time <m/number/</tag>
1834 The restart time is announced in the BGP graceful restart capability
1835 and specifies how long the neighbor would wait for the BGP session to
1836 re-establish after a restart before deleting stale routes. Default:
1837 120 seconds.
1839 <tag>interpret communities <m/switch/</tag>
1840 RFC 1997 demands that BGP speaker should process well-known communities
1841 like no-export (65535, 65281) or no-advertise (65535, 65282). For
1842 example, received route carrying a no-adverise community should not be
1843 advertised to any of its neighbors. If this option is enabled (which is
1844 by default), BIRD has such behavior automatically (it is evaluated when
1845 a route is exported to the BGP protocol just before the export filter).
1846 Otherwise, this integrated processing of well-known communities is
1847 disabled. In that case, similar behavior can be implemented in the
1848 export filter. Default: on.
1850 <tag>enable as4 <m/switch/</tag>
1851 BGP protocol was designed to use 2B AS numbers and was extended later to
1852 allow 4B AS number. BIRD supports 4B AS extension, but by disabling this
1853 option it can be persuaded not to advertise it and to maintain old-style
1854 sessions with its neighbors. This might be useful for circumventing bugs
1855 in neighbor's implementation of 4B AS extension. Even when disabled
1856 (off), BIRD behaves internally as AS4-aware BGP router. Default: on.
1858 <tag>capabilities <m/switch/</tag>
1859 Use capability advertisement to advertise optional capabilities. This is
1860 standard behavior for newer BGP implementations, but there might be some
1861 older BGP implementations that reject such connection attempts. When
1862 disabled (off), features that request it (4B AS support) are also
1863 disabled. Default: on, with automatic fallback to off when received
1864 capability-related error.
1866 <tag>advertise ipv4 <m/switch/</tag>
1867 Advertise IPv4 multiprotocol capability. This is not a correct behavior
1868 according to the strict interpretation of RFC 4760, but it is widespread
1869 and required by some BGP implementations (Cisco and Quagga). This option
1870 is relevant to IPv4 mode with enabled capability advertisement
1871 only. Default: on.
1873 <tag>route limit <m/number/</tag>
1874 The maximal number of routes that may be imported from the protocol. If
1875 the route limit is exceeded, the connection is closed with an error.
1876 Limit is currently implemented as <cf>import limit <m/number/ action
1877 restart</cf>. This option is obsolete and it is replaced by
1878 <ref id="import-limit" name="import limit option">. Default: no limit.
1880 <tag>disable after error <m/switch/</tag>
1881 When an error is encountered (either locally or by the other side),
1882 disable the instance automatically and wait for an administrator to fix
1883 the problem manually. Default: off.
1885 <tag>hold time <m/number/</tag>
1886 Time in seconds to wait for a Keepalive message from the other side
1887 before considering the connection stale. Default: depends on agreement
1888 with the neighboring router, we prefer 240 seconds if the other side is
1889 willing to accept it.
1891 <tag>startup hold time <m/number/</tag>
1892 Value of the hold timer used before the routers have a chance to exchange
1893 open messages and agree on the real value. Default: 240 seconds.
1895 <tag>keepalive time <m/number/</tag>
1896 Delay in seconds between sending of two consecutive Keepalive messages.
1897 Default: One third of the hold time.
1899 <tag>connect delay time <m/number/</tag>
1900 Delay in seconds between protocol startup and the first attempt to
1901 connect. Default: 5 seconds.
1903 <tag>connect retry time <m/number/</tag>
1904 Time in seconds to wait before retrying a failed attempt to connect.
1905 Default: 120 seconds.
1907 <tag>error wait time <m/number/,<m/number/</tag>
1908 Minimum and maximum delay in seconds between a protocol failure (either
1909 local or reported by the peer) and automatic restart. Doesn't apply
1910 when <cf/disable after error/ is configured. If consecutive errors
1911 happen, the delay is increased exponentially until it reaches the
1912 maximum. Default: 60, 300.
1914 <tag>error forget time <m/number/</tag>
1915 Maximum time in seconds between two protocol failures to treat them as a
1916 error sequence which makes <cf/error wait time/ increase exponentially.
1917 Default: 300 seconds.
1919 <tag>path metric <m/switch/</tag>
1920 Enable comparison of path lengths when deciding which BGP route is the
1921 best one. Default: on.
1923 <tag>med metric <m/switch/</tag>
1924 Enable comparison of MED attributes (during best route selection) even
1925 between routes received from different ASes. This may be useful if all
1926 MED attributes contain some consistent metric, perhaps enforced in
1927 import filters of AS boundary routers. If this option is disabled, MED
1928 attributes are compared only if routes are received from the same AS
1929 (which is the standard behavior). Default: off.
1931 <tag>deterministic med <m/switch/</tag>
1932 BGP route selection algorithm is often viewed as a comparison between
1933 individual routes (e.g. if a new route appears and is better than the
1934 current best one, it is chosen as the new best one). But the proper
1935 route selection, as specified by RFC 4271, cannot be fully implemented
1936 in that way. The problem is mainly in handling the MED attribute. BIRD,
1937 by default, uses an simplification based on individual route comparison,
1938 which in some cases may lead to temporally dependent behavior (i.e. the
1939 selection is dependent on the order in which routes appeared). This
1940 option enables a different (and slower) algorithm implementing proper
1941 RFC 4271 route selection, which is deterministic. Alternative way how to
1942 get deterministic behavior is to use <cf/med metric/ option. This option
1943 is incompatible with <ref id="dsc-sorted" name="sorted tables">.
1944 Default: off.
1946 <tag>igp metric <m/switch/</tag>
1947 Enable comparison of internal distances to boundary routers during best
1948 route selection. Default: on.
1950 <tag>prefer older <m/switch/</tag>
1951 Standard route selection algorithm breaks ties by comparing router IDs.
1952 This changes the behavior to prefer older routes (when both are external
1953 and from different peer). For details, see RFC 5004. Default: off.
1955 <tag>default bgp_med <m/number/</tag>
1956 Value of the Multiple Exit Discriminator to be used during route
1957 selection when the MED attribute is missing. Default: 0.
1959 <tag>default bgp_local_pref <m/number/</tag>
1960 A default value for the Local Preference attribute. It is used when
1961 a new Local Preference attribute is attached to a route by the BGP
1962 protocol itself (for example, if a route is received through eBGP and
1963 therefore does not have such attribute). Default: 100 (0 in pre-1.2.0
1964 versions of BIRD).
1965 </descrip>
1967 <sect1>Attributes
1969 <p>BGP defines several route attributes. Some of them (those marked with
1970 `<tt/I/' in the table below) are available on internal BGP connections only,
1971 some of them (marked with `<tt/O/') are optional.
1973 <descrip>
1974 <tag>bgppath <cf/bgp_path/</tag>
1975 Sequence of AS numbers describing the AS path the packet will travel
1976 through when forwarded according to the particular route. In case of
1977 internal BGP it doesn't contain the number of the local AS.
1979 <tag>int <cf/bgp_local_pref/ [I]</tag>
1980 Local preference value used for selection among multiple BGP routes (see
1981 the selection rules above). It's used as an additional metric which is
1982 propagated through the whole local AS.
1984 <tag>int <cf/bgp_med/ [O]</tag>
1985 The Multiple Exit Discriminator of the route is an optional attribute
1986 which is used on external (inter-AS) links to convey to an adjacent AS
1987 the optimal entry point into the local AS. The received attribute is
1988 also propagated over internal BGP links. The attribute value is zeroed
1989 when a route is exported to an external BGP instance to ensure that the
1990 attribute received from a neighboring AS is not propagated to other
1991 neighboring ASes. A new value might be set in the export filter of an
1992 external BGP instance. See RFC 4451<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc4451.txt">
1993 for further discussion of BGP MED attribute.
1995 <tag>enum <cf/bgp_origin/</tag>
1996 Origin of the route: either <cf/ORIGIN_IGP/ if the route has originated
1997 in an interior routing protocol or <cf/ORIGIN_EGP/ if it's been imported
1998 from the <tt>EGP</tt> protocol (nowadays it seems to be obsolete) or
1999 <cf/ORIGIN_INCOMPLETE/ if the origin is unknown.
2001 <tag>ip <cf/bgp_next_hop/</tag>
2002 Next hop to be used for forwarding of packets to this destination. On
2003 internal BGP connections, it's an address of the originating router if
2004 it's inside the local AS or a boundary router the packet will leave the
2005 AS through if it's an exterior route, so each BGP speaker within the AS
2006 has a chance to use the shortest interior path possible to this point.
2008 <tag>void <cf/bgp_atomic_aggr/ [O]</tag>
2009 This is an optional attribute which carries no value, but the sole
2010 presence of which indicates that the route has been aggregated from
2011 multiple routes by some router on the path from the originator.
2013 <!-- we don't handle aggregators right since they are of a very obscure type
2014 <tag>bgp_aggregator</tag>
2015 -->
2016 <tag>clist <cf/bgp_community/ [O]</tag>
2017 List of community values associated with the route. Each such value is a
2018 pair (represented as a <cf/pair/ data type inside the filters) of 16-bit
2019 integers, the first of them containing the number of the AS which
2020 defines the community and the second one being a per-AS identifier.
2021 There are lots of uses of the community mechanism, but generally they
2022 are used to carry policy information like "don't export to USA peers".
2023 As each AS can define its own routing policy, it also has a complete
2024 freedom about which community attributes it defines and what will their
2025 semantics be.
2027 <tag>eclist <cf/bgp_ext_community/ [O]</tag>
2028 List of extended community values associated with the route. Extended
2029 communities have similar usage as plain communities, but they have an
2030 extended range (to allow 4B ASNs) and a nontrivial structure with a type
2031 field. Individual community values are represented using an <cf/ec/ data
2032 type inside the filters.
2034 <tag>quad <cf/bgp_originator_id/ [I, O]</tag>
2035 This attribute is created by the route reflector when reflecting the
2036 route and contains the router ID of the originator of the route in the
2037 local AS.
2039 <tag>clist <cf/bgp_cluster_list/ [I, O]</tag>
2040 This attribute contains a list of cluster IDs of route reflectors. Each
2041 route reflector prepends its cluster ID when reflecting the route.
2042 </descrip>
2044 <sect1>Example
2046 <p><code>
2047 protocol bgp {
2048 local as 65000; # Use a private AS number
2049 neighbor as 64496; # Our neighbor ...
2050 multihop; # ... which is connected indirectly
2051 export filter { # We use non-trivial export rules
2052 if source = RTS_STATIC then { # Export only static routes
2053 # Assign our community
2054 bgp_community.add((65000,64501));
2055 # Artificially increase path length
2056 # by advertising local AS number twice
2057 if bgp_path ~ [= 65000 =] then
2058 bgp_path.prepend(65000);
2059 accept;
2060 }
2061 reject;
2062 };
2063 import all;
2064 source address; # Use a non-standard source address
2065 }
2066 </code>
2069 <sect>Device
2071 <p>The Device protocol is not a real routing protocol. It doesn't generate any
2072 routes and it only serves as a module for getting information about network
2073 interfaces from the kernel.
2075 <p>Except for very unusual circumstances, you probably should include this
2076 protocol in the configuration since almost all other protocols require network
2077 interfaces to be defined for them to work with.
2079 <sect1>Configuration
2081 <p><descrip>
2083 <tag>scan time <m/number/</tag>
2085 Time in seconds between two scans of the network interface list. On
2086 systems where we are notified about interface status changes
2087 asynchronously (such as newer versions of Linux), we need to scan the
2088 list only in order to avoid confusion by lost notification messages,
2089 so the default time is set to a large value.
2091 <tag>primary [ "<m/mask/" ] <m/prefix/</tag>
2092 If a network interface has more than one network address, BIRD has to
2093 choose one of them as a primary one. By default, BIRD chooses the
2094 lexicographically smallest address as the primary one.
2096 This option allows to specify which network address should be chosen as
2097 a primary one. Network addresses that match <m/prefix/ are preferred to
2098 non-matching addresses. If more <cf/primary/ options are used, the first
2099 one has the highest preference. If "<m/mask/" is specified, then such
2100 <cf/primary/ option is relevant only to matching network interfaces.
2102 In all cases, an address marked by operating system as secondary cannot
2103 be chosen as the primary one.
2104 </descrip>
2106 <p>As the Device protocol doesn't generate any routes, it cannot have
2107 any attributes. Example configuration looks like this:
2109 <p><code>
2110 protocol device {
2111 scan time 10; # Scan the interfaces often
2112 primary "eth0";
2113 primary;
2114 }
2115 </code>
2118 <sect>Direct
2120 <p>The Direct protocol is a simple generator of device routes for all the
2121 directly connected networks according to the list of interfaces provided by the
2122 kernel via the Device protocol.
2124 <p>The question is whether it is a good idea to have such device routes in BIRD
2125 routing table. OS kernel usually handles device routes for directly connected
2126 networks by itself so we don't need (and don't want) to export these routes to
2127 the kernel protocol. OSPF protocol creates device routes for its interfaces
2128 itself and BGP protocol is usually used for exporting aggregate routes. Although
2129 there are some use cases that use the direct protocol (like abusing eBGP as an
2130 IGP routing protocol), in most cases it is not needed to have these device
2131 routes in BIRD routing table and to use the direct protocol.
2133 <p>There is one notable case when you definitely want to use the direct protocol
2134 -- running BIRD on BSD systems. Having high priority device routes for directly
2135 connected networks from the direct protocol protects kernel device routes from
2136 being overwritten or removed by IGP routes during some transient network
2137 conditions, because a lower priority IGP route for the same network is not
2138 exported to the kernel routing table. This is an issue on BSD systems only, as
2139 on Linux systems BIRD cannot change non-BIRD route in the kernel routing table.
2141 <p>The only configurable thing about direct is what interfaces it watches:
2143 <p><descrip>
2144 <tag>interface <m/pattern [, ...]/</tag>
2145 By default, the Direct protocol will generate device routes for all the
2146 interfaces available. If you want to restrict it to some subset of
2147 interfaces or addresses (e.g. if you're using multiple routing tables
2148 for policy routing and some of the policy domains don't contain all
2149 interfaces), just use this clause. See <ref id="dsc-iface" name="interface">
2150 common option for detailed description. The Direct protocol uses
2151 extended interface clauses.
2152 </descrip>
2154 <p>Direct device routes don't contain any specific attributes.
2156 <p>Example config might look like this:
2158 <p><code>
2159 protocol direct {
2160 interface "-arc*", "*"; # Exclude the ARCnets
2161 }
2162 </code>
2165 <sect>Kernel
2167 <p>The Kernel protocol is not a real routing protocol. Instead of communicating
2168 with other routers in the network, it performs synchronization of BIRD's routing
2169 tables with the OS kernel. Basically, it sends all routing table updates to the
2170 kernel and from time to time it scans the kernel tables to see whether some
2171 routes have disappeared (for example due to unnoticed up/down transition of an
2172 interface) or whether an `alien' route has been added by someone else (depending
2173 on the <cf/learn/ switch, such routes are either ignored or accepted to our
2174 table).
2176 <p>Unfortunately, there is one thing that makes the routing table synchronization
2177 a bit more complicated. In the kernel routing table there are also device routes
2178 for directly connected networks. These routes are usually managed by OS itself
2179 (as a part of IP address configuration) and we don't want to touch that. They
2180 are completely ignored during the scan of the kernel tables and also the export
2181 of device routes from BIRD tables to kernel routing tables is restricted to
2182 prevent accidental interference. This restriction can be disabled using
2183 <cf/device routes/ switch.
2185 <p>If your OS supports only a single routing table, you can configure only one
2186 instance of the Kernel protocol. If it supports multiple tables (in order to
2187 allow policy routing; such an OS is for example Linux), you can run as many
2188 instances as you want, but each of them must be connected to a different BIRD
2189 routing table and to a different kernel table.
2191 <p>Because the kernel protocol is partially integrated with the connected
2192 routing table, there are two limitations - it is not possible to connect more
2193 kernel protocols to the same routing table and changing route destination
2194 (gateway) in an export filter of a kernel protocol does not work. Both
2195 limitations can be overcome using another routing table and the pipe protocol.
2197 <sect1>Configuration
2199 <p><descrip>
2200 <tag>persist <m/switch/</tag>
2201 Tell BIRD to leave all its routes in the routing tables when it exits
2202 (instead of cleaning them up).
2204 <tag>scan time <m/number/</tag>
2205 Time in seconds between two consecutive scans of the kernel routing
2206 table.
2208 <tag>learn <m/switch/</tag>
2209 Enable learning of routes added to the kernel routing tables by other
2210 routing daemons or by the system administrator. This is possible only on
2211 systems which support identification of route authorship.
2213 <tag>device routes <m/switch/</tag>
2214 Enable export of device routes to the kernel routing table. By default,
2215 such routes are rejected (with the exception of explicitly configured
2216 device routes from the static protocol) regardless of the export filter
2217 to protect device routes in kernel routing table (managed by OS itself)
2218 from accidental overwriting or erasing.
2220 <tag>kernel table <m/number/</tag>
2221 Select which kernel table should this particular instance of the Kernel
2222 protocol work with. Available only on systems supporting multiple
2223 routing tables.
2225 <tag>graceful restart <m/switch/</tag>
2226 Participate in graceful restart recovery. If this option is enabled and
2227 a graceful restart recovery is active, the Kernel protocol will defer
2228 synchronization of routing tables until the end of the recovery. Note
2229 that import of kernel routes to BIRD is not affected.
2230 </descrip>
2232 <sect1>Attributes
2234 <p>The Kernel protocol defines several attributes. These attributes are
2235 translated to appropriate system (and OS-specific) route attributes. We support
2236 these attributes:
2238 <descrip>
2239 <tag>int <cf/krt_source/</tag>
2240 The original source of the imported kernel route. The value is
2241 system-dependent. On Linux, it is a value of the protocol field of the
2242 route. See /etc/iproute2/rt_protos for common values. On BSD, it is
2243 based on STATIC and PROTOx flags. The attribute is read-only.
2245 <tag>int <cf/krt_metric/</tag>
2246 The kernel metric of the route. When multiple same routes are in a
2247 kernel routing table, the Linux kernel chooses one with lower metric.
2249 <tag>ip <cf/krt_prefsrc/</tag> (Linux)
2250 The preferred source address. Used in source address selection for
2251 outgoing packets. Has to be one of the IP addresses of the router.
2253 <tag>int <cf/krt_realm/</tag> (Linux)
2254 The realm of the route. Can be used for traffic classification.
2255 </descrip>
2257 <sect1>Example
2259 <p>A simple configuration can look this way:
2261 <p><code>
2262 protocol kernel {
2263 export all;
2264 }
2265 </code>
2267 <p>Or for a system with two routing tables:
2269 <p><code>
2270 protocol kernel { # Primary routing table
2271 learn; # Learn alien routes from the kernel
2272 persist; # Don't remove routes on bird shutdown
2273 scan time 10; # Scan kernel routing table every 10 seconds
2274 import all;
2275 export all;
2276 }
2278 protocol kernel { # Secondary routing table
2279 table auxtable;
2280 kernel table 100;
2281 export all;
2282 }
2283 </code>
2286 <sect>OSPF
2288 <sect1>Introduction
2290 <p>Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a quite complex interior gateway
2291 protocol. The current IPv4 version (OSPFv2) is defined in RFC 2328
2292 <htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc2328.txt">
2293 and the current IPv6 version (OSPFv3) is defined in RFC 5340
2294 <htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc5340.txt">
2295 It's a link state (a.k.a. shortest path first) protocol -- each router maintains
2296 a database describing the autonomous system's topology. Each participating
2297 router has an identical copy of the database and all routers run the same
2298 algorithm calculating a shortest path tree with themselves as a root. OSPF
2299 chooses the least cost path as the best path.
2301 <p>In OSPF, the autonomous system can be split to several areas in order to
2302 reduce the amount of resources consumed for exchanging the routing information
2303 and to protect the other areas from incorrect routing data. Topology of the area
2304 is hidden to the rest of the autonomous system.
2306 <p>Another very important feature of OSPF is that it can keep routing information
2307 from other protocols (like Static or BGP) in its link state database as external
2308 routes. Each external route can be tagged by the advertising router, making it
2309 possible to pass additional information between routers on the boundary of the
2310 autonomous system.
2312 <p>OSPF quickly detects topological changes in the autonomous system (such as
2313 router interface failures) and calculates new loop-free routes after a short
2314 period of convergence. Only a minimal amount of routing traffic is involved.
2316 <p>Each router participating in OSPF routing periodically sends Hello messages
2317 to all its interfaces. This allows neighbors to be discovered dynamically. Then
2318 the neighbors exchange theirs parts of the link state database and keep it
2319 identical by flooding updates. The flooding process is reliable and ensures that
2320 each router detects all changes.
2322 <sect1>Configuration
2324 <p>In the main part of configuration, there can be multiple definitions of OSPF
2325 areas, each with a different id. These definitions includes many other switches
2326 and multiple definitions of interfaces. Definition of interface may contain many
2327 switches and constant definitions and list of neighbors on nonbroadcast
2328 networks.
2330 <code>
2331 protocol ospf &lt;name&gt; {
2332 rfc1583compat &lt;switch&gt;;
2333 instance id &lt;num&gt;;
2334 stub router &lt;switch&gt;;
2335 tick &lt;num&gt;;
2336 ecmp &lt;switch&gt; [limit &lt;num&gt;];
2337 merge external &lt;switch&gt;;
2338 area &lt;id&gt; {
2339 stub;
2340 nssa;
2341 summary &lt;switch&gt;;
2342 default nssa &lt;switch&gt;;
2343 default cost &lt;num&gt;;
2344 default cost2 &lt;num&gt;;
2345 translator &lt;switch&gt;;
2346 translator stability &lt;num&gt;;
2348 networks {
2349 &lt;prefix&gt;;
2350 &lt;prefix&gt; hidden;
2351 }
2352 external {
2353 &lt;prefix&gt;;
2354 &lt;prefix&gt; hidden;
2355 &lt;prefix&gt; tag &lt;num&gt;;
2356 }
2357 stubnet &lt;prefix&gt;;
2358 stubnet &lt;prefix&gt; {
2359 hidden &lt;switch&gt;;
2360 summary &lt;switch&gt;;
2361 cost &lt;num&gt;;
2362 }
2363 interface &lt;interface pattern&gt; [instance &lt;num&gt;] {
2364 cost &lt;num&gt;;
2365 stub &lt;switch&gt;;
2366 hello &lt;num&gt;;
2367 poll &lt;num&gt;;
2368 retransmit &lt;num&gt;;
2369 priority &lt;num&gt;;
2370 wait &lt;num&gt;;
2371 dead count &lt;num&gt;;
2372 dead &lt;num&gt;;
2373 secondary &lt;switch&gt;;
2374 rx buffer [normal|large|&lt;num&gt;];
2375 tx length &lt;num&gt;;
2376 type [broadcast|bcast|pointopoint|ptp|
2377 nonbroadcast|nbma|pointomultipoint|ptmp];
2378 link lsa suppression &lt;switch&gt;;
2379 strict nonbroadcast &lt;switch&gt;;
2380 real broadcast &lt;switch&gt;;
2381 ptp netmask &lt;switch&gt;;
2382 check link &lt;switch&gt;;
2383 bfd &lt;switch&gt;;
2384 ecmp weight &lt;num&gt;;
2385 ttl security [&lt;switch&gt;; | tx only]
2386 tx class|dscp &lt;num&gt;;
2387 tx priority &lt;num&gt;;
2388 authentication [none|simple|cryptographic];
2389 password "&lt;text&gt;";
2390 password "&lt;text&gt;" {
2391 id &lt;num&gt;;
2392 generate from "&lt;date&gt;";
2393 generate to "&lt;date&gt;";
2394 accept from "&lt;date&gt;";
2395 accept to "&lt;date&gt;";
2396 };
2397 neighbors {
2398 &lt;ip&gt;;
2399 &lt;ip&gt; eligible;
2400 };
2401 };
2402 virtual link &lt;id&gt; [instance &lt;num&gt;] {
2403 hello &lt;num&gt;;
2404 retransmit &lt;num&gt;;
2405 wait &lt;num&gt;;
2406 dead count &lt;num&gt;;
2407 dead &lt;num&gt;;
2408 authentication [none|simple|cryptographic];
2409 password "&lt;text&gt;";
2410 };
2411 };
2412 }
2413 </code>
2415 <descrip>
2416 <tag>rfc1583compat <M>switch</M></tag>
2417 This option controls compatibility of routing table calculation with
2418 RFC 1583 <htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc1583.txt">.
2419 Default value is no.
2421 <tag>instance id <m/num/</tag>
2422 When multiple OSPF protocol instances are active on the same links, they
2423 should use different instance IDs to distinguish their packets. Although
2424 it could be done on per-interface basis, it is often preferred to set
2425 one instance ID to whole OSPF domain/topology (e.g., when multiple
2426 instances are used to represent separate logical topologies on the same
2427 physical network). This option specifies the default instance ID for all
2428 interfaces of the OSPF instance. Note that this option, if used, must
2429 precede interface definitions. Default value is 0.
2431 <tag>stub router <M>switch</M></tag>
2432 This option configures the router to be a stub router, i.e., a router
2433 that participates in the OSPF topology but does not allow transit
2434 traffic. In OSPFv2, this is implemented by advertising maximum metric
2435 for outgoing links. In OSPFv3, the stub router behavior is announced by
2436 clearing the R-bit in the router LSA. See RFC 6987
2437 <htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc6987.txt"> for
2438 details. Default value is no.
2440 <tag>tick <M>num</M></tag>
2441 The routing table calculation and clean-up of areas' databases is not
2442 performed when a single link state change arrives. To lower the CPU
2443 utilization, it's processed later at periodical intervals of <m/num/
2444 seconds. The default value is 1.
2446 <tag>ecmp <M>switch</M> [limit <M>number</M>]</tag>
2447 This option specifies whether OSPF is allowed to generate ECMP
2448 (equal-cost multipath) routes. Such routes are used when there are
2449 several directions to the destination, each with the same (computed)
2450 cost. This option also allows to specify a limit on maximal number of
2451 nexthops in one route. By default, ECMP is disabled. If enabled,
2452 default value of the limit is 16.
2454 <tag>merge external <M>switch</M></tag>
2455 This option specifies whether OSPF should merge external routes from
2456 different routers/LSAs for the same destination. When enabled together
2457 with <cf/ecmp/, equal-cost external routes will be combined to multipath
2458 routes in the same way as regular routes. When disabled, external routes
2459 from different LSAs are treated as separate even if they represents the
2460 same destination. Default value is no.
2462 <tag>area <M>id</M></tag>
2463 This defines an OSPF area with given area ID (an integer or an IPv4
2464 address, similarly to a router ID). The most important area is the
2465 backbone (ID 0) to which every other area must be connected.
2467 <tag>stub</tag>
2468 This option configures the area to be a stub area. External routes are
2469 not flooded into stub areas. Also summary LSAs can be limited in stub
2470 areas (see option <cf/summary/). By default, the area is not a stub
2471 area.
2473 <tag>nssa</tag>
2474 This option configures the area to be a NSSA (Not-So-Stubby Area). NSSA
2475 is a variant of a stub area which allows a limited way of external route
2476 propagation. Global external routes are not propagated into a NSSA, but
2477 an external route can be imported into NSSA as a (area-wide) NSSA-LSA
2478 (and possibly translated and/or aggregated on area boundary). By
2479 default, the area is not NSSA.
2481 <tag>summary <M>switch</M></tag>
2482 This option controls propagation of summary LSAs into stub or NSSA
2483 areas. If enabled, summary LSAs are propagated as usual, otherwise just
2484 the default summary route ( is propagated (this is sometimes
2485 called totally stubby area). If a stub area has more area boundary
2486 routers, propagating summary LSAs could lead to more efficient routing
2487 at the cost of larger link state database. Default value is no.
2489 <tag>default nssa <M>switch</M></tag>
2490 When <cf/summary/ option is enabled, default summary route is no longer
2491 propagated to the NSSA. In that case, this option allows to originate
2492 default route as NSSA-LSA to the NSSA. Default value is no.
2494 <tag>default cost <M>num</M></tag>
2495 This option controls the cost of a default route propagated to stub and
2496 NSSA areas. Default value is 1000.
2498 <tag>default cost2 <M>num</M></tag>
2499 When a default route is originated as NSSA-LSA, its cost can use either
2500 type 1 or type 2 metric. This option allows to specify the cost of a
2501 default route in type 2 metric. By default, type 1 metric (option
2502 <cf/default cost/) is used.
2504 <tag>translator <M>switch</M></tag>
2505 This option controls translation of NSSA-LSAs into external LSAs. By
2506 default, one translator per NSSA is automatically elected from area
2507 boundary routers. If enabled, this area boundary router would
2508 unconditionally translate all NSSA-LSAs regardless of translator
2509 election. Default value is no.
2511 <tag>translator stability <M>num</M></tag>
2512 This option controls the translator stability interval (in seconds).
2513 When the new translator is elected, the old one keeps translating until
2514 the interval is over. Default value is 40.
2516 <tag>networks { <m/set/ }</tag>
2517 Definition of area IP ranges. This is used in summary LSA origination.
2518 Hidden networks are not propagated into other areas.
2520 <tag>external { <m/set/ }</tag>
2521 Definition of external area IP ranges for NSSAs. This is used for
2522 NSSA-LSA translation. Hidden networks are not translated into external
2523 LSAs. Networks can have configured route tag.
2525 <tag>stubnet <m/prefix/ { <m/options/ }</tag>
2526 Stub networks are networks that are not transit networks between OSPF
2527 routers. They are also propagated through an OSPF area as a part of a
2528 link state database. By default, BIRD generates a stub network record
2529 for each primary network address on each OSPF interface that does not
2530 have any OSPF neighbors, and also for each non-primary network address
2531 on each OSPF interface. This option allows to alter a set of stub
2532 networks propagated by this router.
2534 Each instance of this option adds a stub network with given network
2535 prefix to the set of propagated stub network, unless option <cf/hidden/
2536 is used. It also suppresses default stub networks for given network
2537 prefix. When option <cf/summary/ is used, also default stub networks
2538 that are subnetworks of given stub network are suppressed. This might be
2539 used, for example, to aggregate generated stub networks.
2541 <tag>interface <M>pattern</M> [instance <m/num/]</tag>
2542 Defines that the specified interfaces belong to the area being defined.
2543 See <ref id="dsc-iface" name="interface"> common option for detailed
2544 description. In OSPFv2, extended interface clauses are used, because
2545 each network prefix is handled as a separate virtual interface.
2547 You can specify alternative instance ID for the interface definition,
2548 therefore it is possible to have several instances of that interface
2549 with different options or even in different areas. For OSPFv2,
2550 instance ID support is an extension (RFC 6549
2551 <htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc6549.txt">) and is
2552 supposed to be set per-protocol. For OSPFv3, it is an integral feature.
2554 <tag>virtual link <M>id</M> [instance <m/num/]</tag>
2555 Virtual link to router with the router id. Virtual link acts as a
2556 point-to-point interface belonging to backbone. The actual area is used
2557 as a transport area. This item cannot be in the backbone. Like with
2558 <cf/interface/ option, you could also use several virtual links to one
2559 destination with different instance IDs.
2561 <tag>cost <M>num</M></tag>
2562 Specifies output cost (metric) of an interface. Default value is 10.
2564 <tag>stub <M>switch</M></tag>
2565 If set to interface it does not listen to any packet and does not send
2566 any hello. Default value is no.
2568 <tag>hello <M>num</M></tag>
2569 Specifies interval in seconds between sending of Hello messages. Beware,
2570 all routers on the same network need to have the same hello interval.
2571 Default value is 10.
2573 <tag>poll <M>num</M></tag>
2574 Specifies interval in seconds between sending of Hello messages for some
2575 neighbors on NBMA network. Default value is 20.
2577 <tag>retransmit <M>num</M></tag>
2578 Specifies interval in seconds between retransmissions of unacknowledged
2579 updates. Default value is 5.
2581 <tag>priority <M>num</M></tag>
2582 On every multiple access network (e.g., the Ethernet) Designed Router
2583 and Backup Designed router are elected. These routers have some special
2584 functions in the flooding process. Higher priority increases preferences
2585 in this election. Routers with priority 0 are not eligible. Default
2586 value is 1.
2588 <tag>wait <M>num</M></tag>
2589 After start, router waits for the specified number of seconds between
2590 starting election and building adjacency. Default value is 4*<m/hello/.
2592 <tag>dead count <M>num</M></tag>
2593 When the router does not receive any messages from a neighbor in
2594 <m/dead count/*<m/hello/ seconds, it will consider the neighbor down.
2596 <tag>dead <M>num</M></tag>
2597 When the router does not receive any messages from a neighbor in
2598 <m/dead/ seconds, it will consider the neighbor down. If both directives
2599 <cf/dead count/ and <cf/dead/ are used, <cf/dead/ has precendence.
2601 <tag>secondary <M>switch</M></tag>
2602 On BSD systems, older versions of BIRD supported OSPFv2 only for the
2603 primary IP address of an interface, other IP ranges on the interface
2604 were handled as stub networks. Since v1.4.1, regular operation on
2605 secondary IP addresses is supported, but disabled by default for
2606 compatibility. This option allows to enable it. The option is a
2607 transitional measure, will be removed in the next major release as the
2608 behavior will be changed. On Linux systems, the option is irrelevant, as
2609 operation on non-primary addresses is already the regular behavior.
2611 <tag>rx buffer <M>num</M></tag>
2612 This option allows to specify the size of buffers used for packet
2613 processing. The buffer size should be bigger than maximal size of any
2614 packets. By default, buffers are dynamically resized as needed, but a
2615 fixed value could be specified. Value <cf/large/ means maximal allowed
2616 packet size - 65535.
2618 <tag>tx length <M>num</M></tag>
2619 Transmitted OSPF messages that contain large amount of information are
2620 segmented to separate OSPF packets to avoid IP fragmentation. This
2621 option specifies the soft ceiling for the length of generated OSPF
2622 packets. Default value is the MTU of the network interface. Note that
2623 larger OSPF packets may still be generated if underlying OSPF messages
2624 cannot be splitted (e.g. when one large LSA is propagated).
2626 <tag>type broadcast|bcast</tag>
2627 BIRD detects a type of a connected network automatically, but sometimes
2628 it's convenient to force use of a different type manually. On broadcast
2629 networks (like ethernet), flooding and Hello messages are sent using
2630 multicasts (a single packet for all the neighbors). A designated router
2631 is elected and it is responsible for synchronizing the link-state
2632 databases and originating network LSAs. This network type cannot be used
2633 on physically NBMA networks and on unnumbered networks (networks without
2634 proper IP prefix).
2636 <tag>type pointopoint|ptp</tag>
2637 Point-to-point networks connect just 2 routers together. No election is
2638 performed and no network LSA is originated, which makes it simpler and
2639 faster to establish. This network type is useful not only for physically
2640 PtP ifaces (like PPP or tunnels), but also for broadcast networks used
2641 as PtP links. This network type cannot be used on physically NBMA
2642 networks.
2644 <tag>type nonbroadcast|nbma</tag>
2645 On NBMA networks, the packets are sent to each neighbor separately
2646 because of lack of multicast capabilities. Like on broadcast networks,
2647 a designated router is elected, which plays a central role in propagation
2648 of LSAs. This network type cannot be used on unnumbered networks.
2650 <tag>type pointomultipoint|ptmp</tag>
2651 This is another network type designed to handle NBMA networks. In this
2652 case the NBMA network is treated as a collection of PtP links. This is
2653 useful if not every pair of routers on the NBMA network has direct
2654 communication, or if the NBMA network is used as an (possibly
2655 unnumbered) PtP link.
2657 <tag>link lsa suppression <m/switch/</tag>
2658 In OSPFv3, link LSAs are generated for each link, announcing link-local
2659 IPv6 address of the router to its local neighbors. These are useless on
2660 PtP or PtMP networks and this option allows to suppress the link LSA
2661 origination for such interfaces. The option is ignored on other than PtP
2662 or PtMP interfaces. Default value is no.
2664 <tag>strict nonbroadcast <m/switch/</tag>
2665 If set, don't send hello to any undefined neighbor. This switch is
2666 ignored on other than NBMA or PtMP interfaces. Default value is no.
2668 <tag>real broadcast <m/switch/</tag>
2669 In <cf/type broadcast/ or <cf/type ptp/ network configuration, OSPF
2670 packets are sent as IP multicast packets. This option changes the
2671 behavior to using old-fashioned IP broadcast packets. This may be useful
2672 as a workaround if IP multicast for some reason does not work or does
2673 not work reliably. This is a non-standard option and probably is not
2674 interoperable with other OSPF implementations. Default value is no.
2676 <tag>ptp netmask <m/switch/</tag>
2677 In <cf/type ptp/ network configurations, OSPFv2 implementations should
2678 ignore received netmask field in hello packets and should send hello
2679 packets with zero netmask field on unnumbered PtP links. But some OSPFv2
2680 implementations perform netmask checking even for PtP links. This option
2681 specifies whether real netmask will be used in hello packets on <cf/type
2682 ptp/ interfaces. You should ignore this option unless you meet some
2683 compatibility problems related to this issue. Default value is no for
2684 unnumbered PtP links, yes otherwise.
2686 <tag>check link <M>switch</M></tag>
2687 If set, a hardware link state (reported by OS) is taken into consideration.
2688 When a link disappears (e.g. an ethernet cable is unplugged), neighbors
2689 are immediately considered unreachable and only the address of the iface
2690 (instead of whole network prefix) is propagated. It is possible that
2691 some hardware drivers or platforms do not implement this feature.
2692 Default value is no.
2694 <tag>bfd <M>switch</M></tag>
2695 OSPF could use BFD protocol as an advisory mechanism for neighbor
2696 liveness and failure detection. If enabled, BIRD setups a BFD session
2697 for each OSPF neighbor and tracks its liveness by it. This has an
2698 advantage of an order of magnitude lower detection times in case of
2699 failure. Note that BFD protocol also has to be configured, see
2700 <ref id="sect-bfd" name="BFD"> section for details. Default value is no.
2702 <tag>ttl security [<m/switch/ | tx only]</tag>
2703 TTL security is a feature that protects routing protocols from remote
2704 spoofed packets by using TTL 255 instead of TTL 1 for protocol packets
2705 destined to neighbors. Because TTL is decremented when packets are
2706 forwarded, it is non-trivial to spoof packets with TTL 255 from remote
2707 locations. Note that this option would interfere with OSPF virtual
2708 links.
2710 If this option is enabled, the router will send OSPF packets with TTL
2711 255 and drop received packets with TTL less than 255. If this option si
2712 set to <cf/tx only/, TTL 255 is used for sent packets, but is not
2713 checked for received packets. Default value is no.
2715 <tag>tx class|dscp|priority <m/num/</tag>
2716 These options specify the ToS/DiffServ/Traffic class/Priority of the
2717 outgoing OSPF packets. See <ref id="dsc-prio" name="tx class"> common
2718 option for detailed description.
2720 <tag>ecmp weight <M>num</M></tag>
2721 When ECMP (multipath) routes are allowed, this value specifies a
2722 relative weight used for nexthops going through the iface. Allowed
2723 values are 1-256. Default value is 1.
2725 <tag>authentication none</tag>
2726 No passwords are sent in OSPF packets. This is the default value.
2728 <tag>authentication simple</tag>
2729 Every packet carries 8 bytes of password. Received packets lacking this
2730 password are ignored. This authentication mechanism is very weak.
2732 <tag>authentication cryptographic</tag>
2733 16-byte long MD5 digest is appended to every packet. For the digest
2734 generation 16-byte long passwords are used. Those passwords are not sent
2735 via network, so this mechanism is quite secure. Packets can still be
2736 read by an attacker.
2738 <tag>password "<M>text</M>"</tag>
2739 An 8-byte or 16-byte password used for authentication. See
2740 <ref id="dsc-pass" name="password"> common option for detailed
2741 description.
2743 <tag>neighbors { <m/set/ } </tag>
2744 A set of neighbors to which Hello messages on NBMA or PtMP networks are
2745 to be sent. For NBMA networks, some of them could be marked as eligible.
2746 In OSPFv3, link-local addresses should be used, using global ones is
2747 possible, but it is nonstandard and might be problematic. And definitely,
2748 link-local and global addresses should not be mixed.
2749 </descrip>
2751 <sect1>Attributes
2753 <p>OSPF defines four route attributes. Each internal route has a <cf/metric/.
2755 <p>Metric is ranging from 1 to infinity (65535). External routes use
2756 <cf/metric type 1/ or <cf/metric type 2/. A <cf/metric of type 1/ is comparable
2757 with internal <cf/metric/, a <cf/metric of type 2/ is always longer than any
2758 <cf/metric of type 1/ or any <cf/internal metric/. <cf/Internal metric/ or
2759 <cf/metric of type 1/ is stored in attribute <cf/ospf_metric1/, <cf/metric type
2760 2/ is stored in attribute <cf/ospf_metric2/. If you specify both metrics only
2761 metric1 is used.
2763 <p>Each external route can also carry attribute <cf/ospf_tag/ which is a 32-bit
2764 integer which is used when exporting routes to other protocols; otherwise, it
2765 doesn't affect routing inside the OSPF domain at all. The fourth attribute
2766 <cf/ospf_router_id/ is a router ID of the router advertising that route /
2767 network. This attribute is read-only. Default is <cf/ospf_metric2 = 10000/ and
2768 <cf/ospf_tag = 0/.
2770 <sect1>Example
2772 <p><code>
2773 protocol ospf MyOSPF {
2774 rfc1583compat yes;
2775 tick 2;
2776 export filter {
2777 if source = RTS_BGP then {
2778 ospf_metric1 = 100;
2779 accept;
2780 }
2781 reject;
2782 };
2783 area {
2784 interface "eth*" {
2785 cost 11;
2786 hello 15;
2787 priority 100;
2788 retransmit 7;
2789 authentication simple;
2790 password "aaa";
2791 };
2792 interface "ppp*" {
2793 cost 100;
2794 authentication cryptographic;
2795 password "abc" {
2796 id 1;
2797 generate to "22-04-2003 11:00:06";
2798 accept from "17-01-2001 12:01:05";
2799 };
2800 password "def" {
2801 id 2;
2802 generate to "22-07-2005 17:03:21";
2803 accept from "22-02-2001 11:34:06";
2804 };
2805 };
2806 interface "arc0" {
2807 cost 10;
2808 stub yes;
2809 };
2810 interface "arc1";
2811 };
2812 area 120 {
2813 stub yes;
2814 networks {
2816 hidden;
2817 }
2818 interface "-arc0" , "arc*" {
2819 type nonbroadcast;
2820 authentication none;
2821 strict nonbroadcast yes;
2822 wait 120;
2823 poll 40;
2824 dead count 8;
2825 neighbors {
2826 eligible;
2829 };
2830 };
2831 };
2832 }
2833 </code>
2836 <sect>Pipe
2838 <sect1>Introduction
2840 <p>The Pipe protocol serves as a link between two routing tables, allowing
2841 routes to be passed from a table declared as primary (i.e., the one the pipe is
2842 connected to using the <cf/table/ configuration keyword) to the secondary one
2843 (declared using <cf/peer table/) and vice versa, depending on what's allowed by
2844 the filters. Export filters control export of routes from the primary table to
2845 the secondary one, import filters control the opposite direction.
2847 <p>The Pipe protocol may work in the transparent mode mode or in the opaque
2848 mode. In the transparent mode, the Pipe protocol retransmits all routes from
2849 one table to the other table, retaining their original source and attributes.
2850 If import and export filters are set to accept, then both tables would have
2851 the same content. The transparent mode is the default mode.
2853 <p>In the opaque mode, the Pipe protocol retransmits optimal route from one
2854 table to the other table in a similar way like other protocols send and receive
2855 routes. Retransmitted route will have the source set to the Pipe protocol, which
2856 may limit access to protocol specific route attributes. This mode is mainly for
2857 compatibility, it is not suggested for new configs. The mode can be changed by
2858 <tt/mode/ option.
2860 <p>The primary use of multiple routing tables and the Pipe protocol is for
2861 policy routing, where handling of a single packet doesn't depend only on its
2862 destination address, but also on its source address, source interface, protocol
2863 type and other similar parameters. In many systems (Linux being a good example),
2864 the kernel allows to enforce routing policies by defining routing rules which
2865 choose one of several routing tables to be used for a packet according to its
2866 parameters. Setting of these rules is outside the scope of BIRD's work (on
2867 Linux, you can use the <tt/ip/ command), but you can create several routing
2868 tables in BIRD, connect them to the kernel ones, use filters to control which
2869 routes appear in which tables and also you can employ the Pipe protocol for
2870 exporting a selected subset of one table to another one.
2872 <sect1>Configuration
2874 <p><descrip>
2875 <tag>peer table <m/table/</tag>
2876 Defines secondary routing table to connect to. The primary one is
2877 selected by the <cf/table/ keyword.
2879 <tag>mode opaque|transparent</tag>
2880 Specifies the mode for the pipe to work in. Default is transparent.
2881 </descrip>
2883 <sect1>Attributes
2885 <p>The Pipe protocol doesn't define any route attributes.
2887 <sect1>Example
2889 <p>Let's consider a router which serves as a boundary router of two different
2890 autonomous systems, each of them connected to a subset of interfaces of the
2891 router, having its own exterior connectivity and wishing to use the other AS as
2892 a backup connectivity in case of outage of its own exterior line.
2894 <p>Probably the simplest solution to this situation is to use two routing tables
2895 (we'll call them <cf/as1/ and <cf/as2/) and set up kernel routing rules, so that
2896 packets having arrived from interfaces belonging to the first AS will be routed
2897 according to <cf/as1/ and similarly for the second AS. Thus we have split our
2898 router to two logical routers, each one acting on its own routing table, having
2899 its own routing protocols on its own interfaces. In order to use the other AS's
2900 routes for backup purposes, we can pass the routes between the tables through a
2901 Pipe protocol while decreasing their preferences and correcting their BGP paths
2902 to reflect the AS boundary crossing.
2904 <code>
2905 table as1; # Define the tables
2906 table as2;
2908 protocol kernel kern1 { # Synchronize them with the kernel
2909 table as1;
2910 kernel table 1;
2911 }
2913 protocol kernel kern2 {
2914 table as2;
2915 kernel table 2;
2916 }
2918 protocol bgp bgp1 { # The outside connections
2919 table as1;
2920 local as 1;
2921 neighbor as 1001;
2922 export all;
2923 import all;
2924 }
2926 protocol bgp bgp2 {
2927 table as2;
2928 local as 2;
2929 neighbor as 1002;
2930 export all;
2931 import all;
2932 }
2934 protocol pipe { # The Pipe
2935 table as1;
2936 peer table as2;
2937 export filter {
2938 if net ~ [] then { # Only AS1 networks
2939 if preference>10 then preference = preference-10;
2940 if source=RTS_BGP then bgp_path.prepend(1);
2941 accept;
2942 }
2943 reject;
2944 };
2945 import filter {
2946 if net ~ [] then { # Only AS2 networks
2947 if preference>10 then preference = preference-10;
2948 if source=RTS_BGP then bgp_path.prepend(2);
2949 accept;
2950 }
2951 reject;
2952 };
2953 }
2954 </code>
2957 <sect>RAdv
2959 <sect1>Introduction
2961 <p>The RAdv protocol is an implementation of Router Advertisements, which are
2962 used in the IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration. IPv6 routers send (in irregular
2963 time intervals or as an answer to a request) advertisement packets to connected
2964 networks. These packets contain basic information about a local network (e.g. a
2965 list of network prefixes), which allows network hosts to autoconfigure network
2966 addresses and choose a default route. BIRD implements router behavior as defined
2967 in RFC 4861<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc4861.txt">
2968 and also the DNS extensions from
2969 RFC 6106<htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc6106.txt">.
2971 <sect1>Configuration
2973 <p>There are several classes of definitions in RAdv configuration -- interface
2974 definitions, prefix definitions and DNS definitions:
2976 <descrip>
2977 <tag>interface <m/pattern [, ...]/ { <m/options/ }</tag>
2978 Interface definitions specify a set of interfaces on which the
2979 protocol is activated and contain interface specific options.
2980 See <ref id="dsc-iface" name="interface"> common options for
2981 detailed description.
2983 <tag>prefix <m/prefix/ { <m/options/ }</tag>
2984 Prefix definitions allow to modify a list of advertised prefixes. By
2985 default, the advertised prefixes are the same as the network prefixes
2986 assigned to the interface. For each network prefix, the matching prefix
2987 definition is found and its options are used. If no matching prefix
2988 definition is found, the prefix is used with default options.
2990 Prefix definitions can be either global or interface-specific. The
2991 second ones are part of interface options. The prefix definition
2992 matching is done in the first-match style, when interface-specific
2993 definitions are processed before global definitions. As expected, the
2994 prefix definition is matching if the network prefix is a subnet of the
2995 prefix in prefix definition.
2997 <tag>rdnss { <m/options/ }</tag>
2998 RDNSS definitions allow to specify a list of advertised recursive DNS
2999 servers together with their options. As options are seldom necessary,
3000 there is also a short variant <cf>rdnss <m/address/</cf> that just
3001 specifies one DNS server. Multiple definitions are cumulative. RDNSS
3002 definitions may also be interface-specific when used inside interface
3003 options. By default, interface uses both global and interface-specific
3004 options, but that can be changed by <cf/rdnss local/ option.
3006 <tag>dnssl { <m/options/ }</tag>
3007 DNSSL definitions allow to specify a list of advertised DNS search
3008 domains together with their options. Like <cf/rdnss/ above, multiple
3009 definitions are cumulative, they can be used also as interface-specific
3010 options and there is a short variant <cf>dnssl <m/domain/</cf> that just
3011 specifies one DNS search domain.
3013 <label id="dsc-trigger"> <tag>trigger <m/prefix/</tag>
3014 RAdv protocol could be configured to change its behavior based on
3015 availability of routes. When this option is used, the protocol waits in
3016 suppressed state until a <it/trigger route/ (for the specified network)
3017 is exported to the protocol, the protocol also returnsd to suppressed
3018 state if the <it/trigger route/ disappears. Note that route export
3019 depends on specified export filter, as usual. This option could be used,
3020 e.g., for handling failover in multihoming scenarios.
3022 During suppressed state, router advertisements are generated, but with
3023 some fields zeroed. Exact behavior depends on which fields are zeroed,
3024 this can be configured by <cf/sensitive/ option for appropriate
3025 fields. By default, just <cf/default lifetime/ (also called <cf/router
3026 lifetime/) is zeroed, which means hosts cannot use the router as a
3027 default router. <cf/preferred lifetime/ and <cf/valid lifetime/ could
3028 also be configured as <cf/sensitive/ for a prefix, which would cause
3029 autoconfigured IPs to be deprecated or even removed.
3030 </descrip>
3032 <p>Interface specific options:
3034 <descrip>
3035 <tag>max ra interval <m/expr/</tag>
3036 Unsolicited router advertisements are sent in irregular time intervals.
3037 This option specifies the maximum length of these intervals, in seconds.
3038 Valid values are 4-1800. Default: 600
3040 <tag>min ra interval <m/expr/</tag>
3041 This option specifies the minimum length of that intervals, in seconds.
3042 Must be at least 3 and at most 3/4 * <cf/max ra interval/. Default:
3043 about 1/3 * <cf/max ra interval/.
3045 <tag>min delay <m/expr/</tag>
3046 The minimum delay between two consecutive router advertisements, in
3047 seconds. Default: 3
3049 <tag>managed <m/switch/</tag>
3050 This option specifies whether hosts should use DHCPv6 for IP address
3051 configuration. Default: no
3053 <tag>other config <m/switch/</tag>
3054 This option specifies whether hosts should use DHCPv6 to receive other
3055 configuration information. Default: no
3057 <tag>link mtu <m/expr/</tag>
3058 This option specifies which value of MTU should be used by hosts. 0
3059 means unspecified. Default: 0
3061 <tag>reachable time <m/expr/</tag>
3062 This option specifies the time (in milliseconds) how long hosts should
3063 assume a neighbor is reachable (from the last confirmation). Maximum is
3064 3600000, 0 means unspecified. Default 0.
3066 <tag>retrans timer <m/expr/</tag>
3067 This option specifies the time (in milliseconds) how long hosts should
3068 wait before retransmitting Neighbor Solicitation messages. 0 means
3069 unspecified. Default 0.
3071 <tag>current hop limit <m/expr/</tag>
3072 This option specifies which value of Hop Limit should be used by
3073 hosts. Valid values are 0-255, 0 means unspecified. Default: 64
3075 <tag>default lifetime <m/expr/ [sensitive <m/switch/]</tag>
3076 This option specifies the time (in seconds) how long (after the receipt
3077 of RA) hosts may use the router as a default router. 0 means do not use
3078 as a default router. For <cf/sensitive/ option, see <ref id="dsc-trigger" name="trigger">.
3079 Default: 3 * <cf/max ra interval/, <cf/sensitive/ yes.
3081 <tag>default preference low|medium|high</tag>
3082 This option specifies the Default Router Preference value to advertise
3083 to hosts. Default: medium.
3085 <tag>rdnss local <m/switch/</tag>
3086 Use only local (interface-specific) RDNSS definitions for this
3087 interface. Otherwise, both global and local definitions are used. Could
3088 also be used to disable RDNSS for given interface if no local definitons
3089 are specified. Default: no.
3091 <tag>dnssl local <m/switch/</tag>
3092 Use only local DNSSL definitions for this interface. See <cf/rdnss local/
3093 option above. Default: no.
3094 </descrip>
3097 <p>Prefix specific options:
3099 <descrip>
3100 <tag>skip <m/switch/</tag>
3101 This option allows to specify that given prefix should not be
3102 advertised. This is useful for making exceptions from a default policy
3103 of advertising all prefixes. Note that for withdrawing an already
3104 advertised prefix it is more useful to advertise it with zero valid
3105 lifetime. Default: no
3107 <tag>onlink <m/switch/</tag>
3108 This option specifies whether hosts may use the advertised prefix for
3109 onlink determination. Default: yes
3111 <tag>autonomous <m/switch/</tag>
3112 This option specifies whether hosts may use the advertised prefix for
3113 stateless autoconfiguration. Default: yes
3115 <tag>valid lifetime <m/expr/ [sensitive <m/switch/]</tag>
3116 This option specifies the time (in seconds) how long (after the
3117 receipt of RA) the prefix information is valid, i.e., autoconfigured
3118 IP addresses can be assigned and hosts with that IP addresses are
3119 considered directly reachable. 0 means the prefix is no longer
3120 valid. For <cf/sensitive/ option, see <ref id="dsc-trigger" name="trigger">.
3121 Default: 86400 (1 day), <cf/sensitive/ no.
3123 <tag>preferred lifetime <m/expr/ [sensitive <m/switch/]</tag>
3124 This option specifies the time (in seconds) how long (after the
3125 receipt of RA) IP addresses generated from the prefix using stateless
3126 autoconfiguration remain preferred. For <cf/sensitive/ option,
3127 see <ref id="dsc-trigger" name="trigger">. Default: 14400 (4 hours),
3128 <cf/sensitive/ no.
3129 </descrip>
3132 <p>RDNSS specific options:
3134 <descrip>
3135 <tag>ns <m/address/</tag>
3136 This option specifies one recursive DNS server. Can be used multiple
3137 times for multiple servers. It is mandatory to have at least one
3138 <cf/ns/ option in <cf/rdnss/ definition.
3140 <tag>lifetime [mult] <m/expr/</tag>
3141 This option specifies the time how long the RDNSS information may be
3142 used by clients after the receipt of RA. It is expressed either in
3143 seconds or (when <cf/mult/ is used) in multiples of <cf/max ra
3144 interval/. Note that RDNSS information is also invalidated when
3145 <cf/default lifetime/ expires. 0 means these addresses are no longer
3146 valid DNS servers. Default: 3 * <cf/max ra interval/.
3147 </descrip>
3150 <p>DNSSL specific options:
3152 <descrip>
3153 <tag>domain <m/address/</tag>
3154 This option specifies one DNS search domain. Can be used multiple times
3155 for multiple domains. It is mandatory to have at least one <cf/domain/
3156 option in <cf/dnssl/ definition.
3158 <tag>lifetime [mult] <m/expr/</tag>
3159 This option specifies the time how long the DNSSL information may be
3160 used by clients after the receipt of RA. Details are the same as for
3161 RDNSS <cf/lifetime/ option above. Default: 3 * <cf/max ra interval/.
3162 </descrip>
3165 <sect1>Example
3167 <p><code>
3168 protocol radv {
3169 interface "eth2" {
3170 max ra interval 5; # Fast failover with more routers
3171 managed yes; # Using DHCPv6 on eth2
3172 prefix ::/0 {
3173 autonomous off; # So do not autoconfigure any IP
3174 };
3175 };
3177 interface "eth*"; # No need for any other options
3179 prefix 2001:0DB8:1234::/48 {
3180 preferred lifetime 0; # Deprecated address range
3181 };
3183 prefix 2001:0DB8:2000::/48 {
3184 autonomous off; # Do not autoconfigure
3185 };
3187 rdnss 2001:0DB8:1234::10; # Short form of RDNSS
3189 rdnss {
3190 lifetime mult 10;
3191 ns 2001:0DB8:1234::11;
3192 ns 2001:0DB8:1234::12;
3193 };
3195 dnssl {
3196 lifetime 3600;
3197 domain "abc.com";
3198 domain "xyz.com";
3199 };
3200 }
3201 </code>
3204 <sect>RIP
3206 <sect1>Introduction
3208 <p>The RIP protocol (also sometimes called Rest In Pieces) is a simple protocol,
3209 where each router broadcasts (to all its neighbors) distances to all networks it
3210 can reach. When a router hears distance to another network, it increments it and
3211 broadcasts it back. Broadcasts are done in regular intervals. Therefore, if some
3212 network goes unreachable, routers keep telling each other that its distance is
3213 the original distance plus 1 (actually, plus interface metric, which is usually
3214 one). After some time, the distance reaches infinity (that's 15 in RIP) and all
3215 routers know that network is unreachable. RIP tries to minimize situations where
3216 counting to infinity is necessary, because it is slow. Due to infinity being 16,
3217 you can't use RIP on networks where maximal distance is higher than 15
3218 hosts. You can read more about RIP at
3219 <HTMLURL URL="http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/rip-charter.html"
3220 name="http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/rip-charter.html">. Both IPv4
3221 (RFC 1723 <htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc1723.txt">) and IPv6
3222 (RFC 2080 <htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc2080.txt">) versions
3223 of RIP are supported by BIRD, historical RIPv1
3224 (RFC 1058 <htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc1058.txt">) is not
3225 currently supported. RIPv4 MD5 authentication
3226 (RFC 2082 <htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc2082.txt">) is
3227 supported.
3229 <p>RIP is a very simple protocol, and it has a lot of shortcomings. Slow
3230 convergence, big network load and inability to handle larger networks makes it
3231 pretty much obsolete. It is still usable on very small networks.
3233 <sect1>Configuration
3235 <p>In addition to options common for all to other protocols, RIP supports the
3236 following ones:
3238 <descrip>
3239 <tag>authentication none|plaintext|md5</tag>
3240 Selects authentication method to be used. <cf/none/ means that packets
3241 are not authenticated at all, <cf/plaintext/ means that a plaintext
3242 password is embedded into each packet, and <cf/md5/ means that packets
3243 are authenticated using a MD5 cryptographic hash. If you set
3244 authentication to not-none, it is a good idea to add <cf>password</cf>
3245 section. Default: none.
3247 <tag>honor always|neighbor|never</tag>
3248 Specifies when should requests for dumping routing table be honored.
3249 (Always, when sent from a host on a directly connected network or
3250 never.) Routing table updates are honored only from neighbors, that is
3251 not configurable. Default: never.
3252 </descrip>
3254 <p>There are some options that can be specified per-interface:
3256 <descrip>
3257 <tag>metric <m/num/</tag>
3258 This option specifies the metric of the interface. Valid
3260 <tag>mode multicast|broadcast|quiet|nolisten|version1</tag>
3261 This option selects the mode for RIP to use on the interface. If nothing
3262 is specified, RIP runs in multicast mode. <cf/version1/ is currently
3263 equivalent to <cf/broadcast/, and it makes RIP talk to a broadcast
3264 address even through multicast mode is possible. <cf/quiet/ option means
3265 that RIP will not transmit any periodic messages to this interface and
3266 <cf/nolisten/ means that RIP will send to this interface butnot listen
3267 to it.
3269 <tag>ttl security [<m/switch/ | tx only]</tag>
3270 TTL security is a feature that protects routing protocols from remote
3271 spoofed packets by using TTL 255 instead of TTL 1 for protocol packets
3272 destined to neighbors. Because TTL is decremented when packets are
3273 forwarded, it is non-trivial to spoof packets with TTL 255 from remote
3274 locations.
3276 If this option is enabled, the router will send RIP packets with TTL 255
3277 and drop received packets with TTL less than 255. If this option si set
3278 to <cf/tx only/, TTL 255 is used for sent packets, but is not checked
3279 for received packets. Such setting does not offer protection, but offers
3280 compatibility with neighbors regardless of whether they use ttl
3281 security.
3283 Note that for RIPng, TTL security is a standard behavior (required by
3284 RFC 2080), but BIRD uses <cf/tx only/ by default, for compatibility with
3285 older versions. For IPv4 RIP, default value is no.
3287 <tag>tx class|dscp|priority <m/num/</tag>
3288 These options specify the ToS/DiffServ/Traffic class/Priority of the
3289 outgoing RIP packets. See <ref id="dsc-prio" name="tx class"> common
3290 option for detailed description.
3291 </descrip>
3293 <p>The following options generally override behavior specified in RFC. If you
3294 use any of these options, BIRD will no longer be RFC-compliant, which means it
3295 will not be able to talk to anything other than equally configured BIRD. I have
3296 warned you.
3298 <descrip>
3299 <tag>port <M>number</M></tag>
3300 Selects IP port to operate on, default 520. (This is useful when testing
3301 BIRD, if you set this to an address &gt;1024, you will not need to run
3302 bird with UID==0).
3304 <tag>infinity <M>number</M></tag>
3305 Selects the value of infinity, default is 16. Bigger values will make
3306 protocol convergence even slower.
3308 <tag>period <M>number</M></tag>
3309 Specifies the number of seconds between periodic updates. Default is 30
3310 seconds. A lower number will mean faster convergence but bigger network
3311 load. Do not use values lower than 12.
3313 <tag>timeout time <M>number</M></tag>
3314 Specifies how old route has to be to be considered unreachable.
3315 Default is 4*<cf/period/.
3317 <tag>garbage time <M>number</M></tag>
3318 Specifies how old route has to be to be discarded. Default is
3319 10*<cf/period/.
3320 </descrip>
3322 <sect1>Attributes
3324 <p>RIP defines two route attributes:
3326 <descrip>
3327 <tag>int <cf/rip_metric/</tag>
3328 RIP metric of the route (ranging from 0 to <cf/infinity/). When routes
3329 from different RIP instances are available and all of them have the same
3330 preference, BIRD prefers the route with lowest <cf/rip_metric/. When
3331 importing a non-RIP route, the metric defaults to 5.
3333 <tag>int <cf/rip_tag/</tag>
3334 RIP route tag: a 16-bit number which can be used to carry additional
3335 information with the route (for example, an originating AS number in
3336 case of external routes). When importing a non-RIP route, the tag
3337 defaults to 0.
3338 </descrip>
3340 <sect1>Example
3342 <p><code>
3343 protocol rip MyRIP_test {
3344 debug all;
3345 port 1520;
3346 period 12;
3347 garbage time 60;
3348 interface "eth0" { metric 3; mode multicast; };
3349 interface "eth*" { metric 2; mode broadcast; };
3350 honor neighbor;
3351 authentication none;
3352 import filter { print "importing"; accept; };
3353 export filter { print "exporting"; accept; };
3354 }
3355 </code>
3358 <sect>Static
3360 <p>The Static protocol doesn't communicate with other routers in the network,
3361 but instead it allows you to define routes manually. This is often used for
3362 specifying how to forward packets to parts of the network which don't use
3363 dynamic routing at all and also for defining sink routes (i.e., those telling to
3364 return packets as undeliverable if they are in your IP block, you don't have any
3365 specific destination for them and you don't want to send them out through the
3366 default route to prevent routing loops).
3368 <p>There are five types of static routes: `classical' routes telling to forward
3369 packets to a neighboring router, multipath routes specifying several (possibly
3370 weighted) neighboring routers, device routes specifying forwarding to hosts on a
3371 directly connected network, recursive routes computing their nexthops by doing
3372 route table lookups for a given IP and special routes (sink, blackhole etc.)
3373 which specify a special action to be done instead of forwarding the packet.
3375 <p>When the particular destination is not available (the interface is down or
3376 the next hop of the route is not a neighbor at the moment), Static just
3377 uninstalls the route from the table it is connected to and adds it again as soon
3378 as the destination becomes adjacent again.
3380 <p>The Static protocol does not have many configuration options. The definition
3381 of the protocol contains mainly a list of static routes:
3383 <descrip>
3384 <tag>route <m/prefix/ via <m/ip/</tag>
3385 Static route through a neighboring router.
3387 <tag>route <m/prefix/ multipath via <m/ip/ [weight <m/num/] [via ...]</tag>
3388 Static multipath route. Contains several nexthops (gateways), possibly
3389 with their weights.
3391 <tag>route <m/prefix/ via <m/"interface"/</tag>
3392 Static device route through an interface to hosts on a directly
3393 connected network.
3395 <tag>route <m/prefix/ recursive <m/ip/</tag>
3396 Static recursive route, its nexthop depends on a route table lookup for
3397 given IP address.
3399 <tag>route <m/prefix/ blackhole|unreachable|prohibit</tag>
3400 Special routes specifying to silently drop the packet, return it as
3401 unreachable or return it as administratively prohibited. First two
3402 targets are also known as <cf/drop/ and <cf/reject/.
3404 <tag>check link <m/switch/</tag>
3405 If set, hardware link states of network interfaces are taken into
3406 consideration. When link disappears (e.g. ethernet cable is unplugged),
3407 static routes directing to that interface are removed. It is possible
3408 that some hardware drivers or platforms do not implement this feature.
3409 Default: off.
3411 <tag>igp table <m/name/</tag>
3412 Specifies a table that is used for route table lookups of recursive
3413 routes. Default: the same table as the protocol is connected to.
3414 </descrip>
3416 <p>Static routes have no specific attributes.
3418 <p>Example static config might look like this:
3420 <p><code>
3421 protocol static {
3422 table testable; # Connect to a non-default routing table
3423 route via; # Default route
3424 route multipath # Multipath route
3425 via weight 2
3426 via
3427 via;
3428 route unreachable; # Sink route
3429 route via "arc0"; # Secondary network
3430 }
3431 </code>
3434 <chapt>Conclusions
3436 <sect>Future work
3438 <p>Although BIRD supports all the commonly used routing protocols, there are
3439 still some features which would surely deserve to be implemented in future
3440 versions of BIRD:
3442 <itemize>
3443 <item>Opaque LSA's
3444 <item>Route aggregation and flap dampening
3445 <item>Multipath routes
3446 <item>Multicast routing protocols
3447 <item>Ports to other systems
3448 </itemize>
3451 <sect>Getting more help
3453 <p>If you use BIRD, you're welcome to join the bird-users mailing list
3454 (<HTMLURL URL="mailto:bird-users@network.cz" name="bird-users@network.cz">)
3455 where you can share your experiences with the other users and consult
3456 your problems with the authors. To subscribe to the list, visit
3457 <HTMLURL URL="http://bird.network.cz/?m_list" name="http://bird.network.cz/?m_list">.
3458 The home page of BIRD can be found at <HTMLURL URL="http://bird.network.cz/" name="http://bird.network.cz/">.
3460 <p>BIRD is a relatively young system and it probably contains some bugs. You can
3461 report any problems to the bird-users list and the authors will be glad to solve
3462 them, but before you do so, please make sure you have read the available
3463 documentation and that you are running the latest version (available at
3464 <HTMLURL URL="ftp://bird.network.cz/pub/bird" name="bird.network.cz:/pub/bird">).
3465 (Of course, a patch which fixes the bug is always welcome as an attachment.)
3467 <p>If you want to understand what is going inside, Internet standards are a good
3468 and interesting reading. You can get them from
3469 <HTMLURL URL="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/" name="ftp.rfc-editor.org"> (or a
3470 nicely sorted version from <HTMLURL URL="ftp://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/pub/rfc"
3471 name="atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz:/pub/rfc">).
3473 <p><it/Good luck!/
3475 </book>
3477 <!--
3478 LocalWords: GPL IPv GateD BGPv RIPv OSPFv Linux sgml html dvi sgmltools Pavel
3479 LocalWords: linuxdoc dtd descrip config conf syslog stderr auth ospf bgp Mbps
3480 LocalWords: router's eval expr num birdc ctl UNIX if's enums bool int ip GCC
3481 LocalWords: len ipaddress pxlen netmask enum bgppath bgpmask clist gw md eth
3482 LocalWords: RTS printn quitbird iBGP AS'es eBGP RFC multiprotocol IGP Machek
3483 LocalWords: EGP misconfigurations keepalive pref aggr aggregator BIRD's RTC
3484 LocalWords: OS'es AS's multicast nolisten misconfigured UID blackhole MRTD MTU
3485 LocalWords: uninstalls ethernets IP binutils ANYCAST anycast dest RTD ICMP rfc
3486 LocalWords: compat multicasts nonbroadcast pointopoint loopback sym stats
3487 LocalWords: Perl SIGHUP dd mm yy HH MM SS EXT IA UNICAST multihop Discriminator txt
3488 LocalWords: proto wildcard Ondrej Filip
3489 -->