]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/openssl.git/blob - doc/bn.doc
Import of old SSLeay release: SSLeay 0.9.0b
[thirdparty/openssl.git] / doc / bn.doc
1 The Big Number library.
3 #include "bn.h" when using this library.
5 This big number library was written for use in implementing the RSA and DH
6 public key encryption algorithms. As such, features such as negative
7 numbers have not been extensively tested but they should work as expected.
8 This library uses dynamic memory allocation for storing its data structures
9 and so there are no limit on the size of the numbers manipulated by these
10 routines but there is always the requirement to check return codes from
11 functions just in case a memory allocation error has occurred.
13 The basic object in this library is a BIGNUM. It is used to hold a single
14 large integer. This type should be considered opaque and fields should not
15 be modified or accessed directly.
16 typedef struct bignum_st
17 {
18 int top; /* Index of last used d. */
19 BN_ULONG *d; /* Pointer to an array of 'BITS2' bit chunks. */
20 int max; /* Size of the d array. */
21 int neg;
22 } BIGNUM;
23 The big number is stored in a malloced array of BN_ULONG's. A BN_ULONG can
24 be either 16, 32 or 64 bits in size, depending on the 'number of bits'
25 specified in bn.h.
26 The 'd' field is this array. 'max' is the size of the 'd' array that has
27 been allocated. 'top' is the 'last' entry being used, so for a value of 4,
28 bn.d[0]=4 and bn.top=1. 'neg' is 1 if the number is negative.
29 When a BIGNUM is '0', the 'd' field can be NULL and top == 0.
31 Various routines in this library require the use of 'temporary' BIGNUM
32 variables during their execution. Due to the use of dynamic memory
33 allocation to create BIGNUMs being rather expensive when used in
34 conjunction with repeated subroutine calls, the BN_CTX structure is
35 used. This structure contains BN_CTX BIGNUMs. BN_CTX
36 is the maximum number of temporary BIGNUMs any publicly exported
37 function will use.
39 #define BN_CTX 12
40 typedef struct bignum_ctx
41 {
42 int tos; /* top of stack */
43 BIGNUM *bn[BN_CTX]; /* The variables */
44 } BN_CTX;
46 The functions that follow have been grouped according to function. Most
47 arithmetic functions return a result in the first argument, sometimes this
48 first argument can also be an input parameter, sometimes it cannot. These
49 restrictions are documented.
51 extern BIGNUM *BN_value_one;
52 There is one variable defined by this library, a BIGNUM which contains the
53 number 1. This variable is useful for use in comparisons and assignment.
55 Get Size functions.
57 int BN_num_bits(BIGNUM *a);
58 This function returns the size of 'a' in bits.
60 int BN_num_bytes(BIGNUM *a);
61 This function (macro) returns the size of 'a' in bytes.
62 For conversion of BIGNUMs to byte streams, this is the number of
63 bytes the output string will occupy. If the output byte
64 format specifies that the 'top' bit indicates if the number is
65 signed, so an extra '0' byte is required if the top bit on a
66 positive number is being written, it is upto the application to
67 make this adjustment. Like I said at the start, I don't
68 really support negative numbers :-).
70 Creation/Destruction routines.
72 BIGNUM *BN_new();
73 Return a new BIGNUM object. The number initially has a value of 0. If
74 there is an error, NULL is returned.
76 void BN_free(BIGNUM *a);
77 Free()s a BIGNUM.
79 void BN_clear(BIGNUM *a);
80 Sets 'a' to a value of 0 and also zeros all unused allocated
81 memory. This function is used to clear a variable of 'sensitive'
82 data that was held in it.
84 void BN_clear_free(BIGNUM *a);
85 This function zeros the memory used by 'a' and then free()'s it.
86 This function should be used to BN_free() BIGNUMS that have held
87 sensitive numeric values like RSA private key values. Both this
88 function and BN_clear tend to only be used by RSA and DH routines.
90 BN_CTX *BN_CTX_new(void);
91 Returns a new BN_CTX. NULL on error.
93 void BN_CTX_free(BN_CTX *c);
94 Free a BN_CTX structure. The BIGNUMs in 'c' are BN_clear_free()ed.
96 BIGNUM *bn_expand(BIGNUM *b, int bits);
97 This is an internal function that should not normally be used. It
98 ensures that 'b' has enough room for a 'bits' bit number. It is
99 mostly used by the various BIGNUM routines. If there is an error,
100 NULL is returned. if not, 'b' is returned.
102 BIGNUM *BN_copy(BIGNUM *to, BIGNUM *from);
103 The 'from' is copied into 'to'. NULL is returned if there is an
104 error, otherwise 'to' is returned.
106 BIGNUM *BN_dup(BIGNUM *a);
107 A new BIGNUM is created and returned containing the value of 'a'.
108 NULL is returned on error.
110 Comparison and Test Functions.
112 int BN_is_zero(BIGNUM *a)
113 Return 1 if 'a' is zero, else 0.
115 int BN_is_one(a)
116 Return 1 is 'a' is one, else 0.
118 int BN_is_word(a,w)
119 Return 1 if 'a' == w, else 0. 'w' is a BN_ULONG.
121 int BN_cmp(BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *b);
122 Return -1 if 'a' is less than 'b', 0 if 'a' and 'b' are the same
123 and 1 is 'a' is greater than 'b'. This is a signed comparison.
125 int BN_ucmp(BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *b);
126 This function is the same as BN_cmp except that the comparison
127 ignores the sign of the numbers.
129 Arithmetic Functions
130 For all of these functions, 0 is returned if there is an error and 1 is
131 returned for success. The return value should always be checked. eg.
132 if (!BN_add(r,a,b)) goto err;
133 Unless explicitly mentioned, the 'return' value can be one of the
134 'parameters' to the function.
136 int BN_add(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *b);
137 Add 'a' and 'b' and return the result in 'r'. This is r=a+b.
139 int BN_sub(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *b);
140 Subtract 'a' from 'b' and put the result in 'r'. This is r=a-b.
142 int BN_lshift(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, int n);
143 Shift 'a' left by 'n' bits. This is r=a*(2^n).
145 int BN_lshift1(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a);
146 Shift 'a' left by 1 bit. This form is more efficient than
147 BN_lshift(r,a,1). This is r=a*2.
149 int BN_rshift(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, int n);
150 Shift 'a' right by 'n' bits. This is r=int(a/(2^n)).
152 int BN_rshift1(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a);
153 Shift 'a' right by 1 bit. This form is more efficient than
154 BN_rshift(r,a,1). This is r=int(a/2).
156 int BN_mul(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *b);
157 Multiply a by b and return the result in 'r'. 'r' must not be
158 either 'a' or 'b'. It has to be a different BIGNUM.
159 This is r=a*b.
161 int BN_sqr(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, BN_CTX *ctx);
162 Multiply a by a and return the result in 'r'. 'r' must not be
163 'a'. This function is alot faster than BN_mul(r,a,a). This is r=a*a.
165 int BN_div(BIGNUM *dv, BIGNUM *rem, BIGNUM *m, BIGNUM *d, BN_CTX *ctx);
166 Divide 'm' by 'd' and return the result in 'dv' and the remainder
167 in 'rem'. Either of 'dv' or 'rem' can be NULL in which case that
168 value is not returned. 'ctx' needs to be passed as a source of
169 temporary BIGNUM variables.
170 This is dv=int(m/d), rem=m%d.
172 int BN_mod(BIGNUM *rem, BIGNUM *m, BIGNUM *d, BN_CTX *ctx);
173 Find the remainder of 'm' divided by 'd' and return it in 'rem'.
174 'ctx' holds the temporary BIGNUMs required by this function.
175 This function is more efficient than BN_div(NULL,rem,m,d,ctx);
176 This is rem=m%d.
178 int BN_mod_mul(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *b, BIGNUM *m,BN_CTX *ctx);
179 Multiply 'a' by 'b' and return the remainder when divided by 'm'.
180 'ctx' holds the temporary BIGNUMs required by this function.
181 This is r=(a*b)%m.
183 int BN_mod_exp(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *p, BIGNUM *m,BN_CTX *ctx);
184 Raise 'a' to the 'p' power and return the remainder when divided by
185 'm'. 'ctx' holds the temporary BIGNUMs required by this function.
186 This is r=(a^p)%m.
188 int BN_reciprocal(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx);
189 Return the reciprocal of 'm'. 'ctx' holds the temporary variables
190 required. This function returns -1 on error, otherwise it returns
191 the number of bits 'r' is shifted left to make 'r' into an integer.
192 This number of bits shifted is required in BN_mod_mul_reciprocal().
193 This is r=(1/m)<<(BN_num_bits(m)+1).
195 int BN_mod_mul_reciprocal(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *x, BIGNUM *y, BIGNUM *m,
196 BIGNUM *i, int nb, BN_CTX *ctx);
197 This function is used to perform an efficient BN_mod_mul()
198 operation. If one is going to repeatedly perform BN_mod_mul() with
199 the same modulus is worth calculating the reciprocal of the modulus
200 and then using this function. This operation uses the fact that
201 a/b == a*r where r is the reciprocal of b. On modern computers
202 multiplication is very fast and big number division is very slow.
203 'x' is multiplied by 'y' and then divided by 'm' and the remainder
204 is returned. 'i' is the reciprocal of 'm' and 'nb' is the number
205 of bits as returned from BN_reciprocal(). Normal usage is as follows.
206 bn=BN_reciprocal(i,m);
207 for (...)
208 { BN_mod_mul_reciprocal(r,x,y,m,i,bn,ctx); }
209 This is r=(x*y)%m. Internally it is approximately
210 r=(x*y)-m*(x*y/m) or r=(x*y)-m*((x*y*i) >> bn)
211 This function is used in BN_mod_exp() and BN_is_prime().
213 Assignment Operations
215 int BN_one(BIGNUM *a)
216 Set 'a' to hold the value one.
217 This is a=1.
219 int BN_zero(BIGNUM *a)
220 Set 'a' to hold the value zero.
221 This is a=0.
223 int BN_set_word(BIGNUM *a, unsigned long w);
224 Set 'a' to hold the value of 'w'. 'w' is an unsigned long.
225 This is a=w.
227 unsigned long BN_get_word(BIGNUM *a);
228 Returns 'a' in an unsigned long. Not remarkably, often 'a' will
229 be biger than a word, in which case 0xffffffffL is returned.
231 Word Operations
232 These functions are much more efficient that the normal bignum arithmetic
233 operations.
235 BN_ULONG BN_mod_word(BIGNUM *a, unsigned long w);
236 Return the remainder of 'a' divided by 'w'.
237 This is return(a%w).
239 int BN_add_word(BIGNUM *a, unsigned long w);
240 Add 'w' to 'a'. This function does not take the sign of 'a' into
241 account. This is a+=w;
243 Bit operations.
245 int BN_is_bit_set(BIGNUM *a, int n);
246 This function return 1 if bit 'n' is set in 'a' else 0.
248 int BN_set_bit(BIGNUM *a, int n);
249 This function sets bit 'n' to 1 in 'a'.
250 This is a&= ~(1<<n);
252 int BN_clear_bit(BIGNUM *a, int n);
253 This function sets bit 'n' to zero in 'a'. Return 0 if less
254 than 'n' bits in 'a' else 1. This is a&= ~(1<<n);
256 int BN_mask_bits(BIGNUM *a, int n);
257 Truncate 'a' to n bits long. This is a&= ~((~0)<<n)
259 Format conversion routines.
261 BIGNUM *BN_bin2bn(unsigned char *s, int len,BIGNUM *ret);
262 This function converts 'len' bytes in 's' into a BIGNUM which
263 is put in 'ret'. If ret is NULL, a new BIGNUM is created.
264 Either this new BIGNUM or ret is returned. The number is
265 assumed to be in bigendian form in 's'. By this I mean that
266 to 'ret' is created as follows for 'len' == 5.
267 ret = s[0]*2^32 + s[1]*2^24 + s[2]*2^16 + s[3]*2^8 + s[4];
268 This function cannot be used to convert negative numbers. It
269 is always assumed the number is positive. The application
270 needs to diddle the 'neg' field of th BIGNUM its self.
271 The better solution would be to save the numbers in ASN.1 format
272 since this is a defined standard for storing big numbers.
273 Look at the functions
277 int i2d_ASN1_INTEGER(ASN1_INTEGER *a,unsigned char **pp);
278 ASN1_INTEGER *d2i_ASN1_INTEGER(ASN1_INTEGER **a,unsigned char **pp,
279 long length;
281 int BN_bn2bin(BIGNUM *a, unsigned char *to);
282 This function converts 'a' to a byte string which is put into
283 'to'. The representation is big-endian in that the most
284 significant byte of 'a' is put into to[0]. This function
285 returns the number of bytes used to hold 'a'. BN_num_bytes(a)
286 would return the same value and can be used to determine how
287 large 'to' needs to be. If the number is negative, this
288 information is lost. Since this library was written to
289 manipulate large positive integers, the inability to save and
290 restore them is not considered to be a problem by me :-).
291 As for BN_bin2bn(), look at the ASN.1 integer encoding funtions
292 for SSLeay. They use BN_bin2bn() and BN_bn2bin() internally.
294 char *BN_bn2ascii(BIGNUM *a);
295 This function returns a malloc()ed string that contains the
296 ascii hexadecimal encoding of 'a'. The number is in bigendian
297 format with a '-' in front if the number is negative.
299 int BN_ascii2bn(BIGNUM **bn, char *a);
300 The inverse of BN_bn2ascii. The function returns the number of
301 characters from 'a' were processed in generating a the bignum.
302 error is inticated by 0 being returned. The number is a
303 hex digit string, optionally with a leading '-'. If *bn
304 is null, a BIGNUM is created and returned via that variable.
306 int BN_print_fp(FILE *fp, BIGNUM *a);
307 'a' is printed to file pointer 'fp'. It is in the same format
308 that is output from BN_bn2ascii(). 0 is returned on error,
309 1 if things are ok.
311 int BN_print(BIO *bp, BIGNUM *a);
312 Same as BN_print except that the output is done to the SSLeay libraries
313 BIO routines. BN_print_fp() actually calls this function.
315 Miscellaneous Routines.
317 int BN_rand(BIGNUM *rnd, int bits, int top, int bottom);
318 This function returns in 'rnd' a random BIGNUM that is bits
319 long. If bottom is 1, the number returned is odd. If top is set,
320 the top 2 bits of the number are set. This is useful because if
321 this is set, 2 'n; bit numbers multiplied together will return a 2n
322 bit number. If top was not set, they could produce a 2n-1 bit
323 number.
325 BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *n,BN_CTX *ctx);
326 This function create a new BIGNUM and returns it. This number
327 is the inverse mod 'n' of 'a'. By this it is meant that the
328 returned value 'r' satisfies (a*r)%n == 1. This function is
329 used in the generation of RSA keys. 'ctx', as per usual,
330 is used to hold temporary variables that are required by the
331 function. NULL is returned on error.
333 int BN_gcd(BIGNUM *r,BIGNUM *a,BIGNUM *b,BN_CTX *ctx);
334 'r' has the greatest common divisor of 'a' and 'b'. 'ctx' is
335 used for temporary variables and 0 is returned on error.
337 int BN_is_prime(BIGNUM *p,int nchecks,void (*callback)(),BN_CTX *ctx,
338 char *cb_arg);
339 This function is used to check if a BIGNUM ('p') is prime.
340 It performs this test by using the Miller-Rabin randomised
341 primality test. This is a probalistic test that requires a
342 number of rounds to ensure the number is prime to a high
343 degree of probability. Since this can take quite some time, a
344 callback function can be passed and it will be called each
345 time 'p' passes a round of the prime testing. 'callback' will
346 be called as follows, callback(1,n,cb_arg) where n is the number of
347 the round, just passed. As per usual 'ctx' contains temporary
348 variables used. If ctx is NULL, it does not matter, a local version
349 will be malloced. This parameter is present to save some mallocing
350 inside the function but probably could be removed.
351 0 is returned on error.
352 'ncheck' is the number of Miller-Rabin tests to run. It is
353 suggested to use the value 'BN_prime_checks' by default.
355 BIGNUM *BN_generate_prime(
356 int bits,
357 int strong,
358 BIGNUM *a,
359 BIGNUM *rems,
360 void (*callback)());
361 char *cb_arg
362 This function is used to generate prime numbers. It returns a
363 new BIGNUM that has a high probability of being a prime.
364 'bits' is the number of bits that
365 are to be in the prime. If 'strong' is true, the returned prime
366 will also be a strong prime ((p-1)/2 is also prime).
367 While searching for the prime ('p'), we
368 can add the requirement that the prime fill the following
369 condition p%a == rem. This can be used to help search for
370 primes with specific features, which is required when looking
371 for primes suitable for use with certain 'g' values in the
372 Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm. If 'a' is NULL,
373 this condition is not checked. If rem is NULL, rem is assumed
374 to be 1. Since this search for a prime
375 can take quite some time, if callback is not NULL, it is called
376 in the following situations.
377 We have a suspected prime (from a quick sieve),
378 callback(0,sus_prime++,cb_arg). Each item to be passed to BN_is_prime().
379 callback(1,round++,cb_arg). Each successful 'round' in BN_is_prime().
380 callback(2,round,cb_arg). For each successful BN_is_prime() test.