]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/gcc.git/blob - gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/M2Quads.mod
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[thirdparty/gcc.git] / gcc / m2 / gm2-compiler / M2Quads.mod
1 (* M2Quads.mod generates quadruples.
3 Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4 Contributed by Gaius Mulley <gaius.mulley@southwales.ac.uk>.
6 This file is part of GNU Modula-2.
8 GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
11 any later version.
13 GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
14 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 General Public License for more details.
18 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see
20 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *)
26 FROM M2Debug IMPORT Assert, WriteDebug ;
27 FROM NameKey IMPORT Name, NulName, MakeKey, GetKey, makekey, KeyToCharStar, WriteKey ;
28 FROM FormatStrings IMPORT Sprintf0, Sprintf1, Sprintf2, Sprintf3 ;
29 FROM M2DebugStack IMPORT DebugStack ;
30 FROM M2Scaffold IMPORT DeclareScaffold, mainFunction, initFunction,
31 finiFunction, linkFunction, PopulateCtorArray,
32 ForeachModuleCallInit, ForeachModuleCallFinish ;
34 FROM M2MetaError IMPORT MetaError0, MetaError1, MetaError2, MetaError3,
35 MetaErrors1, MetaErrors2, MetaErrors3,
36 MetaErrorT0, MetaErrorT1, MetaErrorT2,
37 MetaErrorsT1, MetaErrorsT2,
38 MetaErrorStringT0, MetaErrorStringT1,
39 MetaErrorString1, MetaErrorString2,
40 MetaErrorN1, MetaErrorN2,
41 MetaErrorNT0, MetaErrorNT1, MetaErrorNT2 ;
43 FROM DynamicStrings IMPORT String, string, InitString, KillString,
44 ConCat, InitStringCharStar, Dup, Mark,
45 PushAllocation, PopAllocationExemption,
46 InitStringDB, InitStringCharStarDB,
47 InitStringCharDB, MultDB, DupDB, SliceDB ;
49 FROM SymbolTable IMPORT ModeOfAddr, GetMode, PutMode, GetSymName, IsUnknown,
50 MakeTemporary,
51 MakeTemporaryFromExpression,
52 MakeTemporaryFromExpressions,
53 MakeConstLit, MakeConstLitString,
54 MakeConstString, MakeConstant,
55 Make2Tuple,
56 RequestSym, MakePointer, PutPointer,
57 SkipType,
58 GetDType, GetSType, GetLType,
59 GetScope, GetCurrentScope,
60 GetSubrange, SkipTypeAndSubrange,
61 GetModule, GetMainModule,
62 GetCurrentModule, GetFileModule, GetLocalSym,
63 GetStringLength, GetString,
64 GetArraySubscript, GetDimension,
65 GetParam,
66 GetNth, GetNthParam,
67 GetFirstUsed, GetDeclaredMod,
68 GetQuads, GetReadQuads, GetWriteQuads,
69 GetWriteLimitQuads, GetReadLimitQuads,
70 GetVarScope,
71 GetModuleQuads, GetProcedureQuads,
72 GetModuleCtors,
73 MakeProcedure,
74 MakeConstStringCnul, MakeConstStringM2nul,
75 PutConstString,
76 PutModuleStartQuad, PutModuleEndQuad,
77 PutModuleFinallyStartQuad, PutModuleFinallyEndQuad,
78 PutProcedureStartQuad, PutProcedureEndQuad,
79 PutProcedureScopeQuad,
80 PutVar, PutConstSet,
81 GetVarPointerCheck, PutVarPointerCheck,
82 PutVarWritten,
83 PutReadQuad, RemoveReadQuad,
84 PutWriteQuad, RemoveWriteQuad,
85 PutPriority, GetPriority,
86 PutProcedureBegin, PutProcedureEnd,
87 PutVarConst, IsVarConst,
88 IsVarParam, IsProcedure, IsPointer, IsParameter,
89 IsUnboundedParam, IsEnumeration, IsDefinitionForC,
90 IsVarAParam, IsVarient, IsLegal,
91 UsesVarArgs, UsesOptArg,
92 GetOptArgInit,
93 IsReturnOptional,
94 NoOfElements,
95 NoOfParam,
96 StartScope, EndScope,
97 HasExceptionBlock, PutExceptionBlock,
98 HasExceptionFinally, PutExceptionFinally,
99 GetParent, GetRecord, IsRecordField, IsFieldVarient, IsRecord,
100 IsFieldEnumeration,
101 IsVar, IsProcType, IsType, IsSubrange, IsExported,
102 IsConst, IsConstString, IsModule, IsDefImp,
103 IsArray, IsUnbounded, IsProcedureNested,
104 IsParameterUnbounded,
105 IsPartialUnbounded, IsProcedureBuiltin,
106 IsSet, IsConstSet, IsConstructor, PutConst,
107 PutConstructor, PutConstructorFrom,
108 PutDeclared,
109 MakeComponentRecord, MakeComponentRef,
110 IsSubscript,
111 IsTemporary,
112 IsAModula2Type,
113 PutLeftValueFrontBackType,
114 PushSize, PushValue, PopValue,
115 GetVariableAtAddress, IsVariableAtAddress,
116 MakeError, UnknownReported,
117 IsError,
118 IsInnerModule,
119 IsImportStatement, IsImport, GetImportModule, GetImportDeclared,
120 GetImportStatementList,
121 GetModuleDefImportStatementList, GetModuleModImportStatementList,
122 IsCtor, IsPublic, IsExtern, IsMonoName,
124 GetUnboundedRecordType,
125 GetUnboundedAddressOffset,
126 GetUnboundedHighOffset,
128 ForeachFieldEnumerationDo, ForeachLocalSymDo,
129 GetExported, PutImported, GetSym,
130 IsUnused,
131 NulSym ;
133 FROM M2Batch IMPORT MakeDefinitionSource ;
134 FROM M2GCCDeclare IMPORT PutToBeSolvedByQuads ;
136 FROM FifoQueue IMPORT GetConstFromFifoQueue,
137 PutConstructorIntoFifoQueue, GetConstructorFromFifoQueue ;
139 FROM M2Comp IMPORT CompilingImplementationModule,
140 CompilingProgramModule ;
142 FROM M2LexBuf IMPORT currenttoken, UnknownTokenNo, BuiltinTokenNo,
143 GetToken, MakeVirtualTok,
144 GetFileName, TokenToLineNo, GetTokenName,
145 GetTokenNo, GetLineNo, GetPreviousTokenLineNo, PrintTokenNo ;
147 FROM M2Error IMPORT Error,
148 InternalError,
149 WriteFormat0, WriteFormat1, WriteFormat2, WriteFormat3,
150 NewError, NewWarning, ErrorFormat0, ErrorFormat1,
151 ErrorFormat2, ErrorFormat3, FlushErrors, ChainError,
152 ErrorString,
153 ErrorStringAt, ErrorStringAt2, ErrorStringsAt2,
154 WarnStringAt, WarnStringAt2, WarnStringsAt2 ;
156 FROM M2Printf IMPORT printf0, printf1, printf2, printf3, printf4 ;
158 FROM M2Reserved IMPORT PlusTok, MinusTok, TimesTok, DivTok, ModTok,
159 DivideTok, RemTok,
160 OrTok, AndTok, AmbersandTok,
161 EqualTok, LessEqualTok, GreaterEqualTok,
162 LessTok, GreaterTok, HashTok, LessGreaterTok,
163 InTok,
164 UpArrowTok, RParaTok, LParaTok, CommaTok,
165 NulTok, ByTok,
166 SemiColonTok, toktype ;
168 FROM M2Base IMPORT True, False, Boolean, Cardinal, Integer, Char,
169 Real, LongReal, ShortReal, Nil,
170 ZType, RType, CType,
171 Re, Im, Cmplx,
172 NegateType, ComplexToScalar, GetCmplxReturnType,
173 IsAssignmentCompatible, IsExpressionCompatible,
174 AssignmentRequiresWarning,
175 CannotCheckTypeInPass3, ScalarToComplex, MixTypes,
176 CheckAssignmentCompatible, CheckExpressionCompatible,
177 High, LengthS, New, Dispose, Inc, Dec, Incl, Excl,
178 Cap, Abs, Odd,
179 IsOrd, Chr, Convert, Val, IsFloat, IsTrunc,
180 IsInt, Min, Max,
181 IsPseudoBaseProcedure, IsPseudoBaseFunction,
182 IsMathType, IsOrdinalType, IsRealType,
183 IsBaseType, GetBaseTypeMinMax, ActivationPointer ;
185 FROM M2System IMPORT IsPseudoSystemFunction, IsPseudoSystemProcedure,
186 IsSystemType, GetSystemTypeMinMax,
187 IsPseudoSystemFunctionConstExpression,
188 IsGenericSystemType,
189 Adr, TSize, TBitSize, AddAdr, SubAdr, DifAdr, Cast,
190 Shift, Rotate, MakeAdr, Address, Byte, Word, Loc, Throw ;
192 FROM M2Size IMPORT Size ;
193 FROM M2Bitset IMPORT Bitset ;
195 FROM M2ALU IMPORT PushInt, Gre, Less, PushNulSet, AddBitRange, AddBit,
196 IsGenericNulSet, IsValueAndTreeKnown, AddField,
197 AddElements, ChangeToConstructor ;
199 FROM Lists IMPORT List, InitList, GetItemFromList, NoOfItemsInList, PutItemIntoList,
200 IsItemInList, KillList, IncludeItemIntoList ;
202 FROM M2Options IMPORT NilChecking,
203 WholeDivChecking, WholeValueChecking,
204 IndexChecking, RangeChecking,
205 CaseElseChecking, ReturnChecking,
206 UnusedVariableChecking, UnusedParameterChecking,
207 Iso, Pim, Pim2, Pim3, Pim4, PositiveModFloorDiv,
208 Pedantic, CompilerDebugging, GenerateDebugging,
209 GenerateLineDebug, Exceptions,
210 Profiling, Coding, Optimizing,
211 ScaffoldDynamic, ScaffoldStatic, cflag,
212 ScaffoldMain, SharedFlag, WholeProgram ;
214 FROM M2Pass IMPORT IsPassCodeGeneration, IsNoPass ;
216 FROM M2StackAddress IMPORT StackOfAddress, InitStackAddress, KillStackAddress,
217 PushAddress, PopAddress, PeepAddress,
218 IsEmptyAddress, NoOfItemsInStackAddress ;
220 FROM M2StackWord IMPORT StackOfWord, InitStackWord, KillStackWord,
221 PushWord, PopWord, PeepWord, RemoveTop,
222 IsEmptyWord, NoOfItemsInStackWord ;
224 FROM Indexing IMPORT Index, InitIndex, GetIndice, PutIndice, InBounds, HighIndice, IncludeIndiceIntoIndex ;
226 FROM M2Range IMPORT InitAssignmentRangeCheck,
227 InitReturnRangeCheck,
228 InitSubrangeRangeCheck,
229 InitStaticArraySubscriptRangeCheck,
230 InitDynamicArraySubscriptRangeCheck,
231 InitIncRangeCheck,
232 InitDecRangeCheck,
233 InitInclCheck,
234 InitExclCheck,
235 InitRotateCheck,
236 InitShiftCheck,
237 InitTypesAssignmentCheck,
238 InitTypesExpressionCheck,
239 InitTypesParameterCheck,
240 InitForLoopBeginRangeCheck,
241 InitForLoopToRangeCheck,
242 InitForLoopEndRangeCheck,
243 InitPointerRangeCheck,
244 InitNoReturnRangeCheck,
245 InitNoElseRangeCheck,
246 InitCaseBounds,
247 InitWholeZeroDivisionCheck,
248 InitWholeZeroRemainderCheck,
249 InitParameterRangeCheck,
250 (* CheckRangeAddVariableRead, *)
251 (* CheckRangeRemoveVariableRead, *)
252 WriteRangeCheck ;
254 FROM M2CaseList IMPORT PushCase, PopCase, AddRange, BeginCaseList, EndCaseList, ElseCase ;
255 FROM PCSymBuild IMPORT SkipConst ;
256 FROM m2builtins IMPORT GetBuiltinTypeInfoType ;
258 IMPORT M2Error ;
262 DebugStackOn = TRUE ;
263 DebugVarients = FALSE ;
264 BreakAtQuad = 4423 ;
265 DebugTokPos = FALSE ;
267 TYPE
268 ConstructorFrame = POINTER TO constructorFrame ;
269 constructorFrame = RECORD
270 type : CARDINAL ;
271 index: CARDINAL ;
272 END ;
275 TrueExit : CARDINAL ;
276 FalseExit : CARDINAL ;
277 Unbounded : CARDINAL ;
278 BooleanOp : BOOLEAN ;
279 Dimension : CARDINAL ;
280 ReadWrite : CARDINAL ;
281 name : CARDINAL ;
282 Annotation: String ;
283 tokenno : CARDINAL ;
284 END ;
287 Operator : QuadOperator ;
288 Operand1 : CARDINAL ;
289 Operand2 : CARDINAL ;
290 Operand3 : CARDINAL ;
291 Next : CARDINAL ; (* Next quadruple *)
292 LineNo : CARDINAL ; (* Line No of source text *)
293 TokenNo : CARDINAL ; (* Token No of source text *)
294 NoOfTimesReferenced: CARDINAL ; (* No of times quad is referenced *)
295 CheckOverflow : BOOLEAN ; (* should backend check overflow *)
296 op1pos,
297 op2pos,
298 op3pos : CARDINAL ; (* token position of operands. *)
299 END ;
302 RecordSym : CARDINAL ;
303 RecordType : CARDINAL ;
304 RecordRef : CARDINAL ;
305 rw : CARDINAL ; (* The record variable. *)
306 RecordTokPos: CARDINAL ; (* Token of the record. *)
307 END ;
310 IncrementQuad,
311 StartOfForLoop, (* we keep a list of all for *)
312 EndOfForLoop, (* loops so we can check index *)
313 ForLoopIndex,
314 IndexTok : CARDINAL ; (* variables are not abused *)
315 END ;
318 Line: CARDINAL ;
319 File: Name ;
320 Next: LineNote ;
321 END ;
322 VAR
323 ConstructorStack,
324 LineStack,
325 BoolStack,
326 WithStack : StackOfAddress ;
327 TryStack,
328 CatchStack,
329 ExceptStack,
330 ConstStack,
331 AutoStack,
332 RepeatStack,
333 WhileStack,
334 ForStack,
335 ExitStack,
336 ReturnStack : StackOfWord ; (* Return quadruple of the procedure. *)
337 PriorityStack : StackOfWord ; (* temporary variable holding old priority *)
338 SuppressWith : BOOLEAN ;
339 QuadArray : Index ;
340 NextQuad : CARDINAL ; (* Next quadruple number to be created. *)
341 FreeList : CARDINAL ; (* FreeList of quadruples. *)
342 CurrentProc : CARDINAL ; (* Current procedure being compiled, used *)
343 (* to determine which procedure a RETURN *)
344 (* ReturnValueOp must have as its 3rd op. *)
345 InitQuad : CARDINAL ; (* Initial Quad BackPatch that starts the *)
346 (* suit of Modules. *)
347 LastQuadNo : CARDINAL ; (* Last Quadruple accessed by GetQuad. *)
348 LogicalOrTok, (* Internal _LOR token. *)
349 LogicalAndTok, (* Internal _LAND token. *)
350 LogicalXorTok, (* Internal _LXOR token. *)
351 LogicalDifferenceTok : Name ; (* Internal _LDIFF token. *)
352 InConstExpression,
353 IsAutoOn, (* should parser automatically push idents *)
354 MustNotCheckBounds : BOOLEAN ;
355 ForInfo : Index ; (* start and end of all FOR loops *)
356 GrowInitialization : CARDINAL ; (* upper limit of where the initialized *)
357 (* quadruples. *)
358 BuildingHigh,
359 BuildingSize,
360 QuadrupleGeneration : BOOLEAN ; (* should we be generating quadruples? *)
361 FreeLineList : LineNote ; (* free list of line notes *)
362 VarientFields : List ; (* the list of all varient fields created *)
363 VarientFieldNo : CARDINAL ; (* used to retrieve the VarientFields *)
364 (* in order. *)
365 NoOfQuads : CARDINAL ; (* Number of used quadruples. *)
366 Head : CARDINAL ; (* Head of the list of quadruples *)
369 (*
370 Rules for file and initialization quadruples:
372 StartModFileOp - indicates that this file (module) has produced the
373 following code
374 StartDefFileOp - indicates that this definition module has produced
375 this code.
376 EndFileOp - indicates that a module has finished
377 InitStartOp - the start of the initialization code of a module
378 InitEndOp - the end of the above
379 FinallyStartOp - the start of the finalization code of a module
380 FinallyEndOp - the end of the above
381 *)
384 (*
385 #define InitString(X) InitStringDB(X, __FILE__, __LINE__)
386 #define InitStringCharStar(X) InitStringCharStarDB(X, __FILE__, __LINE__)
387 #define InitStringChar(X) InitStringCharDB(X, __FILE__, __LINE__)
388 #define Mult(X,Y) MultDB(X, Y, __FILE__, __LINE__)
389 #define Dup(X) DupDB(X, __FILE__, __LINE__)
390 #define Slice(X,Y,Z) SliceDB(X, Y, Z, __FILE__, __LINE__)
391 *)
394 (*
395 doDSdbEnter -
396 *)
398 (*
399 PROCEDURE doDSdbEnter ;
401 PushAllocation
402 END doDSdbEnter ;
403 *)
405 (*
406 doDSdbExit -
407 *)
409 (*
410 PROCEDURE doDSdbExit (s: String) ;
412 s := PopAllocationExemption(TRUE, s)
413 END doDSdbExit ;
414 *)
416 (*
417 DSdbEnter -
418 *)
420 PROCEDURE DSdbEnter ;
422 END DSdbEnter ;
425 (*
426 DSdbExit -
427 *)
429 PROCEDURE DSdbExit ;
431 END DSdbExit ;
434 (*
435 #define DBsbEnter doDBsbEnter
436 #define DBsbExit doDBsbExit
437 *)
440 (*
441 SetOptionProfiling - builds a profile quadruple if the profiling
442 option was given to the compiler.
443 *)
445 PROCEDURE SetOptionProfiling (b: BOOLEAN) ;
447 IF b#Profiling
448 THEN
449 IF b
450 THEN
451 BuildProfileOn
452 ELSE
453 BuildProfileOff
454 END ;
455 Profiling := b
456 END
457 END SetOptionProfiling ;
460 (*
461 SetOptionCoding - builds a code quadruple if the profiling
462 option was given to the compiler.
463 *)
465 PROCEDURE SetOptionCoding (b: BOOLEAN) ;
467 IF b#Coding
468 THEN
469 IF b
470 THEN
471 BuildCodeOn
472 ELSE
473 BuildCodeOff
474 END ;
475 Coding := b
476 END
477 END SetOptionCoding ;
480 (*
481 SetOptionOptimizing - builds a quadruple to say that the optimization option
482 has been found in a comment.
483 *)
485 PROCEDURE SetOptionOptimizing (b: BOOLEAN) ;
487 IF b
488 THEN
489 BuildOptimizeOn
490 ELSE
491 BuildOptimizeOff
492 END
493 END SetOptionOptimizing ;
496 (*
497 GetQF - returns the QuadFrame associated with, q.
498 *)
500 PROCEDURE GetQF (q: CARDINAL) : QuadFrame ;
502 RETURN QuadFrame (GetIndice (QuadArray, q))
503 END GetQF ;
506 (*
507 Opposite - returns the opposite comparison operator.
508 *)
510 PROCEDURE Opposite (Operator: QuadOperator) : QuadOperator ;
511 VAR
512 Op: QuadOperator ;
514 CASE Operator OF
516 IfNotEquOp : Op := IfEquOp |
517 IfEquOp : Op := IfNotEquOp |
518 IfLessEquOp: Op := IfGreOp |
519 IfGreOp : Op := IfLessEquOp |
520 IfGreEquOp : Op := IfLessOp |
521 IfLessOp : Op := IfGreEquOp |
522 IfInOp : Op := IfNotInOp |
523 IfNotInOp : Op := IfInOp
525 ELSE
526 InternalError ('unexpected operator')
527 END ;
529 END Opposite ;
532 (*
533 IsReferenced - returns true if QuadNo is referenced by another quadruple.
534 *)
536 PROCEDURE IsReferenced (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
537 VAR
538 f: QuadFrame ;
540 f := GetQF(QuadNo) ;
541 WITH f^ DO
542 RETURN( (Operator=ProcedureScopeOp) OR (Operator=NewLocalVarOp) OR
543 (NoOfTimesReferenced>0) )
544 END
545 END IsReferenced ;
548 (*
549 IsBackReference - returns TRUE if quadruple, q, is referenced from a quad further on.
550 *)
552 PROCEDURE IsBackReference (q: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
553 VAR
554 i : CARDINAL ;
555 op : QuadOperator ;
556 op1, op2, op3: CARDINAL ;
558 i := q ;
559 WHILE i#0 DO
560 GetQuad (i, op, op1, op2, op3) ;
561 CASE op OF
563 NewLocalVarOp,
564 KillLocalVarOp,
565 FinallyStartOp,
566 FinallyEndOp,
567 InitEndOp,
568 InitStartOp,
569 EndFileOp,
570 StartDefFileOp,
571 StartModFileOp: RETURN( FALSE ) | (* run into end of procedure or module *)
573 GotoOp,
574 IfEquOp,
575 IfLessEquOp,
576 IfGreEquOp,
577 IfGreOp,
578 IfLessOp,
579 IfNotEquOp,
580 IfInOp,
581 IfNotInOp : IF op3=q
582 THEN
584 END
586 END ;
587 i := GetNextQuad(i)
588 END ;
589 InternalError ('fix this for the sake of efficiency..')
590 END IsBackReference ;
593 (*
594 IsUnConditional - returns true if QuadNo is an unconditional jump.
595 *)
597 PROCEDURE IsUnConditional (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
598 VAR
599 f: QuadFrame ;
601 f := GetQF(QuadNo) ;
602 WITH f^ DO
603 CASE Operator OF
605 ThrowOp,
606 RetryOp,
607 CallOp,
608 ReturnOp,
609 GotoOp : RETURN( TRUE )
611 ELSE
613 END
614 END
615 END IsUnConditional ;
618 (*
619 IsConditional - returns true if QuadNo is a conditional jump.
620 *)
622 PROCEDURE IsConditional (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
623 VAR
624 f: QuadFrame ;
626 f := GetQF(QuadNo) ;
627 WITH f^ DO
628 CASE Operator OF
630 IfInOp,
631 IfNotInOp,
632 IfEquOp,
633 IfNotEquOp,
634 IfLessOp,
635 IfLessEquOp,
636 IfGreOp,
637 IfGreEquOp : RETURN( TRUE )
639 ELSE
641 END ;
642 END
643 END IsConditional ;
646 (*
647 IsBackReferenceConditional - returns TRUE if quadruple, q, is referenced from
648 a conditional quad further on.
649 *)
651 PROCEDURE IsBackReferenceConditional (q: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
652 VAR
653 i : CARDINAL ;
654 op : QuadOperator ;
655 op1, op2, op3: CARDINAL ;
657 i := q ;
658 WHILE i#0 DO
659 GetQuad (i, op, op1, op2, op3) ;
660 CASE op OF
662 NewLocalVarOp,
663 KillLocalVarOp,
664 FinallyStartOp,
665 FinallyEndOp,
666 InitEndOp,
667 InitStartOp,
668 EndFileOp,
669 StartDefFileOp,
670 StartModFileOp: RETURN( FALSE ) | (* run into end of procedure or module *)
672 TryOp,
673 RetryOp,
674 GotoOp,
675 IfEquOp,
676 IfLessEquOp,
677 IfGreEquOp,
678 IfGreOp,
679 IfLessOp,
680 IfNotEquOp,
681 IfInOp,
682 IfNotInOp : IF (op3=q) AND IsConditional(q)
683 THEN
685 END
687 END ;
688 i := GetNextQuad(i)
689 END ;
690 InternalError ('fix this for the sake of efficiency..')
691 END IsBackReferenceConditional ;
694 (*
695 IsQuadA - returns true if QuadNo is a op.
696 *)
698 PROCEDURE IsQuadA (QuadNo: CARDINAL; op: QuadOperator) : BOOLEAN ;
699 VAR
700 f: QuadFrame ;
702 f := GetQF(QuadNo) ;
703 WITH f^ DO
704 RETURN( Operator=op )
705 END
706 END IsQuadA ;
709 (*
710 IsCall - returns true if QuadNo is a call operation.
711 *)
715 RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, CallOp) )
716 END IsCall ;
719 (*
720 IsReturn - returns true if QuadNo is a return operation.
721 *)
725 RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, ReturnOp) )
726 END IsReturn ;
729 (*
730 IsNewLocalVar - returns true if QuadNo is a NewLocalVar operation.
731 *)
735 RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, NewLocalVarOp) )
736 END IsNewLocalVar ;
739 (*
740 IsKillLocalVar - returns true if QuadNo is a KillLocalVar operation.
741 *)
745 RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, KillLocalVarOp) )
746 END IsKillLocalVar ;
749 (*
750 IsProcedureScope - returns true if QuadNo is a ProcedureScope operation.
751 *)
753 PROCEDURE IsProcedureScope (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
755 RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, ProcedureScopeOp) )
756 END IsProcedureScope ;
759 (*
760 IsCatchBegin - returns true if QuadNo is a catch begin quad.
761 *)
765 RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, CatchBeginOp) )
766 END IsCatchBegin ;
769 (*
770 IsCatchEnd - returns true if QuadNo is a catch end quad.
771 *)
775 RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, CatchEndOp) )
776 END IsCatchEnd ;
779 (*
780 IsInitStart - returns true if QuadNo is a init start quad.
781 *)
785 RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, InitStartOp) )
786 END IsInitStart ;
789 (*
790 IsInitEnd - returns true if QuadNo is a init end quad.
791 *)
795 RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, InitEndOp) )
796 END IsInitEnd ;
799 (*
800 IsFinallyStart - returns true if QuadNo is a finally start quad.
801 *)
803 PROCEDURE IsFinallyStart (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
805 RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, FinallyStartOp) )
806 END IsFinallyStart ;
809 (*
810 IsFinallyEnd - returns true if QuadNo is a finally end quad.
811 *)
815 RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, FinallyEndOp) )
816 END IsFinallyEnd ;
819 (*
820 IsInitialisingConst - returns TRUE if the quadruple is setting
821 a const (op1) with a value.
822 *)
824 PROCEDURE IsInitialisingConst (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
825 VAR
826 op : QuadOperator ;
827 op1, op2, op3: CARDINAL ;
829 GetQuad (QuadNo, op, op1, op2, op3) ;
830 CASE op OF
832 InclOp,
833 ExclOp,
834 UnboundedOp,
835 FunctValueOp,
836 NegateOp,
837 BecomesOp,
838 HighOp,
839 SizeOp,
840 AddrOp,
841 RecordFieldOp,
842 ArrayOp,
843 LogicalShiftOp,
844 LogicalRotateOp,
845 LogicalOrOp,
846 LogicalAndOp,
847 LogicalXorOp,
848 CoerceOp,
849 ConvertOp,
850 CastOp,
851 AddOp,
852 SubOp,
853 MultOp,
854 ModFloorOp,
855 DivCeilOp,
856 ModCeilOp,
857 DivFloorOp,
858 ModTruncOp,
859 DivTruncOp,
860 DivM2Op,
861 ModM2Op,
862 XIndrOp,
863 IndrXOp,
864 SaveExceptionOp,
865 RestoreExceptionOp: RETURN( IsConst(op1) )
867 ELSE
869 END
870 END IsInitialisingConst ;
873 (*
874 IsOptimizeOn - returns true if the Optimize flag was true at QuadNo.
875 *)
878 VAR
879 f : QuadFrame ;
880 n,
881 q : CARDINAL ;
882 On: BOOLEAN ;
884 On := Optimizing ;
885 q := Head ;
886 WHILE (q#0) AND (q#QuadNo) DO
887 f := GetQF(q) ;
888 WITH f^ DO
889 IF Operator=OptimizeOnOp
890 THEN
891 On := TRUE
892 ELSIF Operator=OptimizeOffOp
893 THEN
894 On := FALSE
895 END ;
896 n := Next
897 END ;
898 q := n
899 END ;
900 RETURN( On )
901 END IsOptimizeOn ;
904 (*
905 IsProfileOn - returns true if the Profile flag was true at QuadNo.
906 *)
909 VAR
910 f : QuadFrame ;
911 n,
912 q : CARDINAL ;
913 On: BOOLEAN ;
915 On := Profiling ;
916 q := Head ;
917 WHILE (q#0) AND (q#QuadNo) DO
918 f := GetQF(q) ;
919 WITH f^ DO
920 IF Operator=ProfileOnOp
921 THEN
922 On := TRUE
923 ELSIF Operator=ProfileOffOp
924 THEN
925 On := FALSE
926 END ;
927 n := Next
928 END ;
929 q := n
930 END ;
931 RETURN( On )
932 END IsProfileOn ;
935 (*
936 IsCodeOn - returns true if the Code flag was true at QuadNo.
937 *)
940 VAR
941 f : QuadFrame ;
942 n,
943 q : CARDINAL ;
944 On: BOOLEAN ;
946 On := Coding ;
947 q := Head ;
948 WHILE (q#0) AND (q#QuadNo) DO
949 f := GetQF(q) ;
950 WITH f^ DO
951 IF Operator=CodeOnOp
952 THEN
953 On := TRUE
954 ELSIF Operator=CodeOffOp
955 THEN
956 On := FALSE
957 END ;
958 n := Next
959 END ;
960 q := n
961 END ;
962 RETURN( On )
963 END IsCodeOn ;
966 (*
967 IsDefOrModFile - returns TRUE if QuadNo is a start of Module or Def file
968 directive.
969 *)
972 VAR
973 f: QuadFrame ;
975 f := GetQF(QuadNo) ;
976 WITH f^ DO
977 RETURN( (Operator=StartDefFileOp) OR (Operator=StartModFileOp) )
978 END
979 END IsDefOrModFile ;
982 (*
983 IsPseudoQuad - returns true if QuadNo is a compiler directive.
984 ie code, profile and optimize.
985 StartFile, EndFile,
986 *)
989 VAR
990 f: QuadFrame ;
992 f := GetQF(QuadNo) ;
993 WITH f^ DO
994 RETURN( (Operator=CodeOnOp) OR (Operator=CodeOffOp) OR
995 (Operator=ProfileOnOp) OR (Operator=ProfileOffOp) OR
996 (Operator=OptimizeOnOp) OR (Operator=OptimizeOffOp) OR
997 (Operator=EndFileOp) OR
998 (Operator=StartDefFileOp) OR (Operator=StartModFileOp)
999 )
1000 END
1001 END IsPseudoQuad ;
1004 (*
1005 GetLastFileQuad - returns the Quadruple number of the last StartDefFile or
1006 StartModFile quadruple.
1007 *)
1009 PROCEDURE GetLastFileQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ;
1010 VAR
1011 f : QuadFrame ;
1012 q, i,
1013 FileQuad: CARDINAL ;
1014 BEGIN
1015 q := Head ;
1016 FileQuad := 0 ;
1018 f := GetQF(q) ;
1019 WITH f^ DO
1020 IF (Operator=StartModFileOp) OR (Operator=StartDefFileOp)
1021 THEN
1022 FileQuad := q
1023 END ;
1024 i := Next
1025 END ;
1026 q := i
1027 UNTIL (i=QuadNo) OR (i=0) ;
1028 Assert(i#0) ;
1029 Assert(FileQuad#0) ;
1030 RETURN( FileQuad )
1031 END GetLastFileQuad ;
1034 (*
1035 GetLastQuadNo - returns the last quadruple number referenced
1036 by a GetQuad.
1037 *)
1039 PROCEDURE GetLastQuadNo () : CARDINAL ;
1040 BEGIN
1041 RETURN( LastQuadNo )
1042 END GetLastQuadNo ;
1045 (*
1046 QuadToLineNo - Converts a QuadNo into the approprate line number of the
1047 source file, the line number is returned.
1049 This may be used to yield an idea where abouts in the
1050 source file the code generetion is
1051 processing.
1052 *)
1055 VAR
1056 f: QuadFrame ;
1057 BEGIN
1058 IF ((LastQuadNo=0) AND (NOT IsNoPass()) AND (NOT IsPassCodeGeneration())) OR
1059 (NOT InBounds(QuadArray, QuadNo))
1060 THEN
1061 RETURN( 0 )
1062 ELSE
1063 f := GetQF(QuadNo) ;
1064 RETURN( f^.LineNo )
1065 END
1066 END QuadToLineNo ;
1069 (*
1070 QuadToTokenNo - Converts a QuadNo into the approprate token number of the
1071 source file, the line number is returned.
1073 This may be used to yield an idea where abouts in the
1074 source file the code generetion is
1075 processing.
1076 *)
1079 VAR
1080 f: QuadFrame ;
1081 BEGIN
1082 IF ((LastQuadNo=0) AND (NOT IsNoPass()) AND (NOT IsPassCodeGeneration())) OR
1083 (NOT InBounds(QuadArray, QuadNo))
1084 THEN
1085 RETURN( 0 )
1086 ELSE
1087 f := GetQF(QuadNo) ;
1088 RETURN( f^.TokenNo )
1089 END
1090 END QuadToTokenNo ;
1093 (*
1094 GetQuad - returns the Quadruple QuadNo.
1095 *)
1098 VAR Op: QuadOperator;
1099 VAR Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL) ;
1100 VAR
1101 f: QuadFrame ;
1102 BEGIN
1103 f := GetQF(QuadNo) ;
1104 LastQuadNo := QuadNo ;
1105 WITH f^ DO
1106 Op := Operator ;
1107 Oper1 := Operand1 ;
1108 Oper2 := Operand2 ;
1109 Oper3 := Operand3
1110 END
1111 END GetQuad ;
1114 (*
1115 GetQuadtok - returns the Quadruple QuadNo.
1116 *)
1118 PROCEDURE GetQuadtok (QuadNo: CARDINAL;
1119 VAR Op: QuadOperator;
1120 VAR Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL;
1121 VAR Op1Pos, Op2Pos, Op3Pos: CARDINAL) ;
1122 VAR
1123 f: QuadFrame ;
1124 BEGIN
1125 f := GetQF(QuadNo) ;
1126 LastQuadNo := QuadNo ;
1127 WITH f^ DO
1128 Op := Operator ;
1129 Oper1 := Operand1 ;
1130 Oper2 := Operand2 ;
1131 Oper3 := Operand3 ;
1132 Op1Pos := op1pos ;
1133 Op2Pos := op2pos ;
1134 Op3Pos := op3pos
1135 END
1136 END GetQuadtok ;
1139 (*
1140 GetQuadOtok - returns the Quadruple QuadNo.
1141 *)
1143 PROCEDURE GetQuadOtok (QuadNo: CARDINAL;
1144 VAR tok: CARDINAL;
1145 VAR Op: QuadOperator;
1146 VAR Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL;
1147 VAR Op1Pos, Op2Pos, Op3Pos: CARDINAL) ;
1148 VAR
1149 f: QuadFrame ;
1150 BEGIN
1151 f := GetQF(QuadNo) ;
1152 LastQuadNo := QuadNo ;
1153 WITH f^ DO
1154 Op := Operator ;
1155 Oper1 := Operand1 ;
1156 Oper2 := Operand2 ;
1157 Oper3 := Operand3 ;
1158 Op1Pos := op1pos ;
1159 Op2Pos := op2pos ;
1160 Op3Pos := op3pos ;
1161 tok := TokenNo
1162 END
1163 END GetQuadOtok ;
1166 (*
1167 AddQuadInformation - adds variable analysis and jump analysis to the new quadruple.
1168 *)
1170 PROCEDURE AddQuadInformation (QuadNo: CARDINAL;
1171 Op: QuadOperator;
1172 Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL) ;
1173 BEGIN
1174 CASE Op OF
1176 IfInOp,
1177 IfNotInOp,
1178 IfEquOp,
1179 IfNotEquOp,
1180 IfLessOp,
1181 IfLessEquOp,
1182 IfGreOp,
1183 IfGreEquOp : ManipulateReference(QuadNo, Oper3) ;
1184 CheckAddVariableRead(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ;
1185 CheckAddVariableRead(Oper2, FALSE, QuadNo) |
1187 TryOp,
1188 RetryOp,
1189 GotoOp : ManipulateReference(QuadNo, Oper3) |
1191 (* variable references *)
1193 InclOp,
1194 ExclOp : CheckConst(Oper1) ;
1195 CheckAddVariableRead(Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) ;
1196 CheckAddVariableWrite(Oper1, TRUE, QuadNo) |
1197 UnboundedOp,
1198 FunctValueOp,
1199 NegateOp,
1200 BecomesOp,
1201 HighOp,
1202 SizeOp : CheckConst(Oper1) ;
1203 CheckAddVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ;
1204 CheckAddVariableRead(Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) |
1205 AddrOp : CheckConst(Oper1) ;
1206 CheckAddVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ;
1207 (* CheckAddVariableReadLeftValue(Oper3, QuadNo) *)
1208 (* the next line is a kludge and assumes we _will_
1209 write to the variable as we have taken its address *)
1210 CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper1, TRUE, QuadNo) |
1211 ReturnValueOp : CheckAddVariableRead(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) |
1212 ReturnOp,
1213 NewLocalVarOp,
1214 KillLocalVarOp : |
1215 CallOp : CheckAddVariableRead(Oper3, TRUE, QuadNo) |
1217 ParamOp : CheckAddVariableRead(Oper2, FALSE, QuadNo) ;
1218 CheckAddVariableRead(Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) ;
1219 IF (Oper1>0) AND (Oper1<=NoOfParam(Oper2)) AND
1220 IsVarParam(Oper2, Oper1)
1221 THEN
1222 (* _may_ also write to a var parameter, although we dont know *)
1223 CheckAddVariableWrite(Oper3, TRUE, QuadNo)
1224 END |
1225 RecordFieldOp,
1226 ArrayOp,
1227 LogicalShiftOp,
1228 LogicalRotateOp,
1229 LogicalOrOp,
1230 LogicalAndOp,
1231 LogicalXorOp,
1232 CoerceOp,
1233 ConvertOp,
1234 CastOp,
1235 AddOp,
1236 SubOp,
1237 MultOp,
1238 DivM2Op,
1239 ModM2Op,
1240 ModFloorOp,
1241 DivCeilOp,
1242 ModCeilOp,
1243 DivFloorOp,
1244 ModTruncOp,
1245 DivTruncOp : CheckConst(Oper1) ;
1246 CheckAddVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ;
1247 CheckAddVariableRead(Oper2, FALSE, QuadNo) ;
1248 CheckAddVariableRead(Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) |
1250 XIndrOp : CheckConst(Oper1) ;
1251 CheckAddVariableWrite(Oper1, TRUE, QuadNo) ;
1252 CheckAddVariableRead(Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) |
1254 IndrXOp : CheckConst(Oper1) ;
1255 CheckAddVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ;
1256 CheckAddVariableRead(Oper3, TRUE, QuadNo) |
1258 (* RangeCheckOp : CheckRangeAddVariableRead(Oper3, QuadNo) | *)
1259 SaveExceptionOp : CheckConst(Oper1) ;
1260 CheckAddVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) |
1261 RestoreExceptionOp: CheckAddVariableRead(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo)
1263 ELSE
1264 END
1265 END AddQuadInformation ;
1268 PROCEDURE stop ; BEGIN END stop ;
1271 (*
1272 PutQuadO - alters a quadruple QuadNo with Op, Oper1, Oper2, Oper3, and
1273 sets a boolean to determinine whether overflow should be checked.
1274 *)
1277 Op: QuadOperator;
1278 Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL;
1279 overflow: BOOLEAN) ;
1280 VAR
1281 f: QuadFrame ;
1282 BEGIN
1283 IF QuadNo = BreakAtQuad
1284 THEN
1285 stop
1286 END ;
1287 IF QuadrupleGeneration
1288 THEN
1289 EraseQuad (QuadNo) ;
1290 AddQuadInformation (QuadNo, Op, Oper1, Oper2, Oper3) ;
1291 f := GetQF (QuadNo) ;
1292 WITH f^ DO
1293 Operator := Op ;
1294 Operand1 := Oper1 ;
1295 Operand2 := Oper2 ;
1296 Operand3 := Oper3 ;
1297 CheckOverflow := overflow
1298 END
1299 END
1300 END PutQuadO ;
1303 (*
1304 PutQuad - overwrites a quadruple QuadNo with Op, Oper1, Oper2, Oper3
1305 *)
1308 Op: QuadOperator;
1309 Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL) ;
1310 BEGIN
1311 PutQuadO (QuadNo, Op, Oper1, Oper2, Oper3, TRUE)
1312 END PutQuad ;
1315 (*
1316 UndoReadWriteInfo -
1317 *)
1319 PROCEDURE UndoReadWriteInfo (QuadNo: CARDINAL;
1320 Op: QuadOperator;
1321 Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL) ;
1322 BEGIN
1323 CASE Op OF
1325 (* jumps, calls and branches *)
1326 IfInOp,
1327 IfNotInOp,
1328 IfEquOp,
1329 IfNotEquOp,
1330 IfLessOp,
1331 IfLessEquOp,
1332 IfGreOp,
1333 IfGreEquOp : RemoveReference(QuadNo) ;
1334 CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ;
1335 CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper2, FALSE, QuadNo) |
1337 TryOp,
1338 RetryOp,
1339 GotoOp : RemoveReference(QuadNo) |
1341 (* variable references *)
1343 InclOp,
1344 ExclOp : CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ;
1345 CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper1, TRUE, QuadNo) |
1347 UnboundedOp,
1348 FunctValueOp,
1349 NegateOp,
1350 BecomesOp,
1351 HighOp,
1352 SizeOp : CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ;
1353 CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) |
1354 AddrOp : CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ;
1355 (* CheckRemoveVariableReadLeftValue(Oper3, QuadNo) ; *)
1356 (* the next line is a kludge and assumes we _will_
1357 write to the variable as we have taken its address *)
1358 CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper1, TRUE, QuadNo) |
1359 ReturnValueOp : CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) |
1360 ReturnOp,
1361 CallOp,
1362 NewLocalVarOp,
1363 KillLocalVarOp : |
1364 ParamOp : CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper2, FALSE, QuadNo) ;
1365 CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) ;
1366 IF (Oper1>0) AND (Oper1<=NoOfParam(Oper2)) AND
1367 IsVarParam(Oper2, Oper1)
1368 THEN
1369 (* _may_ also write to a var parameter, although we dont know *)
1370 CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper3, TRUE, QuadNo)
1371 END |
1372 RecordFieldOp,
1373 ArrayOp,
1374 LogicalShiftOp,
1375 LogicalRotateOp,
1376 LogicalOrOp,
1377 LogicalAndOp,
1378 LogicalXorOp,
1379 CoerceOp,
1380 ConvertOp,
1381 CastOp,
1382 AddOp,
1383 SubOp,
1384 MultOp,
1385 DivM2Op,
1386 ModM2Op,
1387 ModFloorOp,
1388 DivCeilOp,
1389 ModCeilOp,
1390 DivFloorOp,
1391 ModTruncOp,
1392 DivTruncOp : CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ;
1393 CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper2, FALSE, QuadNo) ;
1394 CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) |
1396 XIndrOp : CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper1, TRUE, QuadNo) ;
1397 CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) |
1399 IndrXOp : CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ;
1400 CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper3, TRUE, QuadNo) |
1402 (* RangeCheckOp : CheckRangeRemoveVariableRead(Oper3, QuadNo) | *)
1403 SaveExceptionOp : CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) |
1404 RestoreExceptionOp: CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo)
1406 ELSE
1407 END
1408 END UndoReadWriteInfo ;
1411 (*
1412 EraseQuad - erases a quadruple QuadNo, the quadruple is still in the list
1413 but wiped clean.
1414 *)
1416 PROCEDURE EraseQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL) ;
1417 VAR
1418 f: QuadFrame ;
1419 BEGIN
1420 f := GetQF(QuadNo) ;
1421 WITH f^ DO
1422 UndoReadWriteInfo(QuadNo, Operator, Operand1, Operand2, Operand3) ;
1423 Operator := DummyOp ; (* finally blank it out *)
1424 Operand1 := 0 ;
1425 Operand2 := 0 ;
1426 Operand3 := 0 ;
1427 op1pos := UnknownTokenNo ;
1428 op2pos := UnknownTokenNo ;
1429 op3pos := UnknownTokenNo
1430 END
1431 END EraseQuad ;
1434 (*
1435 CheckAddVariableReadLeftValue -
1436 *)
1438 (*
1439 PROCEDURE CheckAddVariableReadLeftValue (sym: CARDINAL; q: CARDINAL) ;
1440 BEGIN
1441 IF IsVar(sym)
1442 THEN
1443 PutReadQuad(sym, LeftValue, q)
1444 END
1445 END CheckAddVariableReadLeftValue ;
1446 *)
1449 (*
1450 CheckRemoveVariableReadLeftValue -
1451 *)
1453 (*
1454 PROCEDURE CheckRemoveVariableReadLeftValue (sym: CARDINAL; q: CARDINAL) ;
1455 BEGIN
1456 IF IsVar(sym)
1457 THEN
1458 RemoveReadQuad(sym, LeftValue, q)
1459 END
1460 END CheckRemoveVariableReadLeftValue ;
1461 *)
1464 (*
1465 CheckAddVariableRead - checks to see whether symbol, Sym, is a variable or
1466 a parameter and if so it then adds this quadruple
1467 to the variable list.
1468 *)
1470 PROCEDURE CheckAddVariableRead (Sym: CARDINAL; canDereference: BOOLEAN; Quad: CARDINAL) ;
1471 BEGIN
1472 IF IsVar(Sym)
1473 THEN
1474 PutReadQuad(Sym, GetMode(Sym), Quad) ;
1475 IF (GetMode(Sym)=LeftValue) AND canDereference
1476 THEN
1477 PutReadQuad(Sym, RightValue, Quad)
1478 END
1479 END
1480 END CheckAddVariableRead ;
1483 (*
1484 CheckRemoveVariableRead - checks to see whether, Sym, is a variable or
1485 a parameter and if so then it removes the
1486 quadruple from the variable list.
1487 *)
1489 PROCEDURE CheckRemoveVariableRead (Sym: CARDINAL; canDereference: BOOLEAN; Quad: CARDINAL) ;
1490 BEGIN
1491 IF IsVar(Sym)
1492 THEN
1493 RemoveReadQuad(Sym, GetMode(Sym), Quad) ;
1494 IF (GetMode(Sym)=LeftValue) AND canDereference
1495 THEN
1496 RemoveReadQuad(Sym, RightValue, Quad)
1497 END
1498 END
1499 END CheckRemoveVariableRead ;
1502 (*
1503 CheckAddVariableWrite - checks to see whether symbol, Sym, is a variable and
1504 if so it then adds this quadruple to the variable list.
1505 *)
1507 PROCEDURE CheckAddVariableWrite (Sym: CARDINAL; canDereference: BOOLEAN; Quad: CARDINAL) ;
1508 BEGIN
1509 IF IsVar(Sym)
1510 THEN
1511 IF (GetMode(Sym)=LeftValue) AND canDereference
1512 THEN
1513 PutReadQuad(Sym, LeftValue, Quad) ;
1514 PutWriteQuad(Sym, RightValue, Quad)
1515 ELSE
1516 PutWriteQuad(Sym, GetMode(Sym), Quad)
1517 END
1518 END
1519 END CheckAddVariableWrite ;
1522 (*
1523 CheckRemoveVariableWrite - checks to see whether, Sym, is a variable and
1524 if so then it removes the quadruple from the
1525 variable list.
1526 *)
1528 PROCEDURE CheckRemoveVariableWrite (Sym: CARDINAL; canDereference: BOOLEAN; Quad: CARDINAL) ;
1529 BEGIN
1530 IF IsVar(Sym)
1531 THEN
1532 IF (GetMode(Sym)=LeftValue) AND canDereference
1533 THEN
1534 RemoveReadQuad(Sym, LeftValue, Quad) ;
1535 RemoveWriteQuad(Sym, RightValue, Quad)
1536 ELSE
1537 RemoveWriteQuad(Sym, GetMode(Sym), Quad)
1538 END
1539 END
1540 END CheckRemoveVariableWrite ;
1543 (*
1544 CheckConst -
1545 *)
1547 PROCEDURE CheckConst (sym: CARDINAL) ;
1548 BEGIN
1549 IF IsConst(sym)
1550 THEN
1551 PutToBeSolvedByQuads(sym)
1552 END
1553 END CheckConst ;
1556 (*
1557 GetFirstQuad - returns the first quadruple.
1558 *)
1560 PROCEDURE GetFirstQuad () : CARDINAL ;
1561 BEGIN
1562 RETURN( Head )
1563 END GetFirstQuad ;
1566 (*
1567 GetNextQuad - returns the Quadruple number following QuadNo.
1568 *)
1571 VAR
1572 f: QuadFrame ;
1573 BEGIN
1574 f := GetQF(QuadNo) ;
1575 RETURN( f^.Next )
1576 END GetNextQuad ;
1579 (*
1580 SubQuad - subtracts a quadruple QuadNo from a list Head.
1581 *)
1583 PROCEDURE SubQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL) ;
1584 VAR
1585 i : CARDINAL ;
1586 f, g: QuadFrame ;
1587 BEGIN
1588 f := GetQF(QuadNo) ;
1589 WITH f^ DO
1590 AlterReference(Head, QuadNo, f^.Next) ;
1591 UndoReadWriteInfo(QuadNo, Operator, Operand1, Operand2, Operand3)
1592 END ;
1593 IF Head=QuadNo
1594 THEN
1595 Head := f^.Next
1596 ELSE
1597 i := Head ;
1598 g := GetQF(i) ;
1599 WHILE g^.Next#QuadNo DO
1600 i := g^.Next ;
1601 g := GetQF(i)
1602 END ;
1603 g^.Next := f^.Next
1604 END ;
1605 f^.Operator := DummyOp ;
1606 DEC(NoOfQuads)
1607 END SubQuad ;
1610 (*
1611 GetRealQuad - returns the Quadruple number of the real quadruple
1612 at QuadNo or beyond.
1613 *)
1616 VAR
1617 f: QuadFrame ;
1618 BEGIN
1619 WHILE QuadNo#0 DO
1620 IF InBounds(QuadArray, QuadNo)
1621 THEN
1622 f := GetQF(QuadNo) ;
1623 WITH f^ DO
1624 IF (NOT IsPseudoQuad(QuadNo)) AND
1625 (Operator#DummyOp) AND (Operator#LineNumberOp) AND (Operator#StatementNoteOp)
1626 THEN
1627 RETURN( QuadNo )
1628 END
1629 END ;
1630 INC(QuadNo)
1631 ELSE
1632 RETURN( 0 )
1633 END
1634 END ;
1635 RETURN( 0 )
1636 END GetRealQuad ;
1639 (*
1640 AlterReference - alters all references from OldQuad, to NewQuad in a
1641 quadruple list Head.
1642 *)
1644 PROCEDURE AlterReference (Head, OldQuad, NewQuad: CARDINAL) ;
1645 VAR
1646 f, g: QuadFrame ;
1647 i : CARDINAL ;
1648 BEGIN
1649 f := GetQF(OldQuad) ;
1650 WHILE (f^.NoOfTimesReferenced>0) AND (Head#0) DO
1651 g := GetQF(Head) ;
1652 WITH g^ DO
1653 CASE Operator OF
1655 IfInOp,
1656 IfNotInOp,
1657 IfEquOp,
1658 IfNotEquOp,
1659 IfLessOp,
1660 IfLessEquOp,
1661 IfGreOp,
1662 IfGreEquOp,
1663 TryOp,
1664 RetryOp,
1665 GotoOp : IF Operand3=OldQuad
1666 THEN
1667 ManipulateReference(Head, NewQuad)
1668 END
1670 ELSE
1671 END ;
1672 i := Next
1673 END ;
1674 Head := i
1675 END
1676 END AlterReference ;
1679 (*
1680 GrowQuads - grows the list of quadruples to the quadruple, to.
1681 *)
1683 PROCEDURE GrowQuads (to: CARDINAL) ;
1684 VAR
1685 i: CARDINAL ;
1686 f: QuadFrame ;
1687 BEGIN
1688 IF (to#0) AND (to>GrowInitialization)
1689 THEN
1690 i := GrowInitialization+1 ;
1691 WHILE i<=to DO
1692 IF InBounds(QuadArray, i)
1693 THEN
1694 Assert(GetIndice(QuadArray, i)#NIL)
1695 ELSE
1696 NEW(f) ;
1697 IF f=NIL
1698 THEN
1699 InternalError ('out of memory error when trying to allocate a quadruple')
1700 END ;
1701 PutIndice(QuadArray, i, f) ;
1702 f^.NoOfTimesReferenced := 0
1703 END ;
1704 INC(i)
1705 END ;
1706 GrowInitialization := to
1707 END
1708 END GrowQuads ;
1711 (*
1712 ManipulateReference - manipulates the quadruple, q, so that it now points to quad, to.
1713 *)
1715 PROCEDURE ManipulateReference (q: CARDINAL; to: CARDINAL) ;
1716 VAR
1717 f: QuadFrame ;
1718 BEGIN
1719 Assert((GrowInitialization>=q) OR (to=0)) ;
1720 GrowQuads(to) ;
1721 RemoveReference(q) ;
1722 f := GetQF(q) ;
1723 f^.Operand3 := to ;
1724 IF to#0
1725 THEN
1726 f := GetQF(to) ;
1727 INC(f^.NoOfTimesReferenced)
1728 END
1729 END ManipulateReference ;
1732 (*
1733 RemoveReference - remove the reference by quadruple, q, to wherever
1734 it was pointing to.
1735 *)
1737 PROCEDURE RemoveReference (q: CARDINAL) ;
1738 VAR
1739 f, g: QuadFrame ;
1740 BEGIN
1741 f := GetQF(q) ;
1742 IF (f^.Operand3#0) AND (f^.Operand3<NextQuad)
1743 THEN
1744 g := GetQF(f^.Operand3) ;
1745 Assert(g^.NoOfTimesReferenced#0) ;
1746 DEC(g^.NoOfTimesReferenced)
1747 END
1748 END RemoveReference ;
1751 (*
1752 CountQuads - returns the number of quadruples.
1753 *)
1755 PROCEDURE CountQuads () : CARDINAL ;
1756 BEGIN
1757 RETURN( NoOfQuads )
1758 END CountQuads ;
1761 (*
1762 NewQuad - sets QuadNo to a new quadruple.
1763 *)
1766 VAR
1767 f: QuadFrame ;
1768 BEGIN
1769 QuadNo := FreeList ;
1770 IF InBounds (QuadArray, QuadNo) AND (GetIndice (QuadArray, QuadNo) # NIL)
1771 THEN
1772 f := GetIndice (QuadArray, QuadNo)
1773 ELSE
1774 NEW (f) ;
1775 IF f=NIL
1776 THEN
1777 InternalError ('out of memory error trying to allocate a quadruple')
1778 ELSE
1779 INC (NoOfQuads) ;
1780 PutIndice (QuadArray, QuadNo, f) ;
1781 f^.NoOfTimesReferenced := 0
1782 END
1783 END ;
1784 WITH f^ DO
1785 Operator := DummyOp ;
1786 Operand3 := 0 ;
1787 Next := 0
1788 END ;
1789 INC (FreeList) ;
1790 IF GrowInitialization < FreeList
1791 THEN
1792 GrowInitialization := FreeList
1793 END
1794 END NewQuad ;
1797 (*
1798 CheckVariableAt - checks to see whether, sym, was declared at a particular address.
1799 *)
1801 PROCEDURE CheckVariableAt (sym: CARDINAL) ;
1802 BEGIN
1803 IF IsVar (sym) AND IsVariableAtAddress (sym)
1804 THEN
1805 IF GetMode (sym) = LeftValue
1806 THEN
1807 GenQuad (InitAddressOp, sym, NulSym, GetVariableAtAddress (sym))
1808 ELSE
1809 InternalError ('expecting lvalue for this variable which is declared at an explicit address')
1810 END
1811 END
1812 END CheckVariableAt ;
1815 (*
1816 CheckVariablesAt - checks to see whether we need to initialize any pointers
1817 which point to variable declared at addresses.
1818 *)
1820 PROCEDURE CheckVariablesAt (scope: CARDINAL) ;
1821 BEGIN
1822 ForeachLocalSymDo (scope, CheckVariableAt)
1823 END CheckVariablesAt ;
1826 (*
1827 GetTurnInterrupts - returns the TurnInterrupts procedure function.
1828 *)
1830 PROCEDURE GetTurnInterrupts (tok: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ;
1831 BEGIN
1832 IF Iso
1833 THEN
1834 RETURN GetQualidentImport (tok,
1835 MakeKey ('TurnInterrupts'), MakeKey ('COROUTINES'))
1836 ELSE
1837 RETURN GetQualidentImport (tok,
1838 MakeKey ('TurnInterrupts'), MakeKey ('SYSTEM'))
1839 END
1840 END GetTurnInterrupts ;
1843 (*
1844 GetProtection - returns the PROTECTION data type.
1845 *)
1847 PROCEDURE GetProtection (tok: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ;
1848 BEGIN
1849 IF Iso
1850 THEN
1851 RETURN GetQualidentImport (tok,
1852 MakeKey ('PROTECTION'), MakeKey ('COROUTINES'))
1853 ELSE
1854 RETURN GetQualidentImport (tok,
1855 MakeKey ('PROTECTION'), MakeKey ('SYSTEM'))
1856 END
1857 END GetProtection ;
1860 (*
1861 CheckNeedPriorityBegin - checks to see whether we need to save the old
1862 module priority and change to another module
1863 priority.
1864 The current module initialization or procedure
1865 being built is defined by, scope. The module whose
1866 priority will be used is defined by, module.
1867 *)
1869 PROCEDURE CheckNeedPriorityBegin (tok: CARDINAL; scope, module: CARDINAL) ;
1870 VAR
1871 ProcSym, old: CARDINAL ;
1872 BEGIN
1873 IF GetPriority (module) # NulSym
1874 THEN
1875 (* module has been given a priority *)
1876 ProcSym := GetTurnInterrupts (tok) ;
1877 IF ProcSym # NulSym
1878 THEN
1879 old := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ;
1880 PutVar (old, GetProtection (tok)) ;
1882 GenQuadO (tok, SavePriorityOp, old, scope, ProcSym, FALSE) ;
1883 PushWord (PriorityStack, old)
1884 END
1885 END
1886 END CheckNeedPriorityBegin ;
1889 (*
1890 CheckNeedPriorityEnd - checks to see whether we need to restore the old
1891 module priority.
1892 The current module initialization or procedure
1893 being built is defined by, scope.
1894 *)
1896 PROCEDURE CheckNeedPriorityEnd (tok: CARDINAL;
1897 scope, module: CARDINAL) ;
1898 VAR
1899 ProcSym, old: CARDINAL ;
1900 BEGIN
1901 IF GetPriority (module) # NulSym
1902 THEN
1903 (* module has been given a priority *)
1904 ProcSym := GetTurnInterrupts (tok) ;
1905 IF ProcSym # NulSym
1906 THEN
1907 old := PopWord (PriorityStack) ;
1908 GenQuad (RestorePriorityOp, old, scope, ProcSym)
1909 END
1910 END
1911 END CheckNeedPriorityEnd ;
1914 (*
1915 StartBuildDefFile - generates a StartFileDefOp quadruple indicating the file
1916 that has produced the subsequent quadruples.
1917 The code generator uses the StartDefFileOp quadruples
1918 to relate any error to the appropriate file.
1921 Entry Exit
1922 ===== ====
1925 Ptr -> <- Ptr
1926 +------------+ +------------+
1927 | ModuleName | | ModuleName |
1928 |------------| |------------|
1931 Quadruples Produced
1933 q StartDefFileOp _ _ ModuleSym
1934 *)
1936 PROCEDURE StartBuildDefFile (tok: CARDINAL) ;
1937 VAR
1938 ModuleName: Name ;
1939 BEGIN
1940 PopT (ModuleName) ;
1941 PushT (ModuleName) ;
1942 GenQuadO (tok, StartDefFileOp, tok, NulSym, GetModule (ModuleName), FALSE)
1943 END StartBuildDefFile ;
1946 (*
1947 StartBuildModFile - generates a StartModFileOp quadruple indicating the file
1948 that has produced the subsequent quadruples.
1949 The code generator uses the StartModFileOp quadruples
1950 to relate any error to the appropriate file.
1953 Entry Exit
1954 ===== ====
1957 Ptr -> <- Ptr
1958 +------------+ +------------+
1959 | ModuleName | | ModuleName |
1960 |------------| |------------|
1963 Quadruples Produced
1965 q StartModFileOp lineno filename ModuleSym
1966 *)
1968 PROCEDURE StartBuildModFile (tok: CARDINAL) ;
1969 BEGIN
1970 GenQuadO (tok, StartModFileOp, tok,
1971 WORD (makekey (string (GetFileName ()))),
1972 GetFileModule (), FALSE)
1973 END StartBuildModFile ;
1976 (*
1977 EndBuildFile - generates an EndFileOp quadruple indicating the file
1978 that has produced the previous quadruples has ended.
1980 Entry Exit
1981 ===== ====
1984 Ptr -> <- Ptr
1985 +------------+ +------------+
1986 | ModuleName | | ModuleName |
1987 |------------| |------------|
1990 Quadruples Produced
1992 q EndFileOp _ _ ModuleSym
1993 *)
1995 PROCEDURE EndBuildFile (tok: CARDINAL) ;
1996 VAR
1997 ModuleName: Name ;
1998 BEGIN
1999 ModuleName := OperandT (1) ;
2000 GenQuadO (tok, EndFileOp, NulSym, NulSym, GetModule (ModuleName), FALSE)
2001 END EndBuildFile ;
2004 (*
2005 StartBuildInit - Sets the start of initialization code of the
2006 current module to the next quadruple.
2007 *)
2009 PROCEDURE StartBuildInit (tok: CARDINAL) ;
2010 VAR
2011 name : Name ;
2012 ModuleSym: CARDINAL ;
2013 BEGIN
2014 PopT(name) ;
2015 ModuleSym := GetCurrentModule() ;
2016 Assert(IsModule(ModuleSym) OR IsDefImp(ModuleSym)) ;
2017 Assert(GetSymName(ModuleSym)=name) ;
2018 PutModuleStartQuad(ModuleSym, NextQuad) ;
2019 GenQuad(InitStartOp, tok, GetFileModule(), ModuleSym) ;
2020 PushWord(ReturnStack, 0) ;
2021 PushT(name) ;
2022 CheckVariablesAt(ModuleSym) ;
2023 CheckNeedPriorityBegin(tok, ModuleSym, ModuleSym) ;
2024 PushWord(TryStack, NextQuad) ;
2025 PushWord(CatchStack, 0) ;
2026 IF HasExceptionBlock(ModuleSym)
2027 THEN
2028 GenQuad(TryOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0)
2029 END
2030 END StartBuildInit ;
2033 (*
2034 EndBuildInit - Sets the end initialization code of a module.
2035 *)
2037 PROCEDURE EndBuildInit (tok: CARDINAL) ;
2038 BEGIN
2039 IF HasExceptionBlock(GetCurrentModule())
2040 THEN
2041 BuildRTExceptLeave (tok, TRUE) ;
2042 GenQuadO (tok, CatchEndOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym, FALSE)
2043 END ;
2044 BackPatch (PopWord (ReturnStack), NextQuad) ;
2045 CheckNeedPriorityEnd (tok, GetCurrentModule(), GetCurrentModule()) ;
2046 PutModuleEndQuad (GetCurrentModule(), NextQuad) ;
2047 CheckVariablesInBlock (GetCurrentModule()) ;
2048 GenQuadO (tok, InitEndOp, tok, GetFileModule(), GetCurrentModule(), FALSE)
2049 END EndBuildInit ;
2052 (*
2053 StartBuildFinally - Sets the start of finalization code of the
2054 current module to the next quadruple.
2055 *)
2057 PROCEDURE StartBuildFinally (tok: CARDINAL) ;
2058 VAR
2059 name : Name ;
2060 ModuleSym: CARDINAL ;
2061 BEGIN
2062 PopT(name) ;
2063 ModuleSym := GetCurrentModule() ;
2064 Assert(IsModule(ModuleSym) OR IsDefImp(ModuleSym)) ;
2065 Assert(GetSymName(ModuleSym)=name) ;
2066 PutModuleFinallyStartQuad(ModuleSym, NextQuad) ;
2067 GenQuadO (tok, FinallyStartOp, tok, GetFileModule(), ModuleSym, FALSE) ;
2068 PushWord (ReturnStack, 0) ;
2069 PushT (name) ;
2070 (* CheckVariablesAt(ModuleSym) ; *)
2071 CheckNeedPriorityBegin (tok, ModuleSym, ModuleSym) ;
2072 PushWord (TryStack, NextQuad) ;
2073 PushWord (CatchStack, 0) ;
2074 IF HasExceptionFinally (ModuleSym)
2075 THEN
2076 GenQuadO (tok, TryOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0, FALSE)
2077 END
2078 END StartBuildFinally ;
2081 (*
2082 EndBuildFinally - Sets the end finalization code of a module.
2083 *)
2085 PROCEDURE EndBuildFinally (tok: CARDINAL) ;
2086 BEGIN
2087 IF HasExceptionFinally(GetCurrentModule())
2088 THEN
2089 BuildRTExceptLeave (tok, TRUE) ;
2090 GenQuadO (tok, CatchEndOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym, FALSE)
2091 END ;
2092 BackPatch (PopWord (ReturnStack), NextQuad) ;
2093 CheckNeedPriorityEnd (tok, GetCurrentModule (), GetCurrentModule ()) ;
2094 PutModuleFinallyEndQuad(GetCurrentModule (), NextQuad) ;
2095 CheckVariablesInBlock (GetCurrentModule ()) ;
2096 GenQuadO (tok, FinallyEndOp, tok, GetFileModule (),
2097 GetCurrentModule(), FALSE)
2098 END EndBuildFinally ;
2101 (*
2102 BuildRTExceptEnter - informs RTExceptions that we are about to enter the except state.
2103 *)
2105 PROCEDURE BuildRTExceptEnter (tok: CARDINAL) ;
2106 VAR
2107 old,
2108 ProcSym: CARDINAL ;
2109 BEGIN
2110 IF Exceptions
2111 THEN
2112 (* now inform the Modula-2 runtime we are in the exception state *)
2113 ProcSym := GetQualidentImport (tok,
2114 MakeKey('SetExceptionState'), MakeKey('RTExceptions')) ;
2115 IF ProcSym=NulSym
2116 THEN
2117 MetaErrorT0 (tok,
2118 '{%W}no procedure SetExceptionState found in RTExceptions which is needed to implement exception handling')
2119 ELSE
2120 old := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ;
2121 PutVar (old, Boolean) ;
2122 GenQuadO (tok, SaveExceptionOp, old, NulSym, ProcSym, FALSE) ;
2123 PushWord (ExceptStack, old)
2124 END
2125 ELSE
2126 MetaErrorT0 (tok,
2127 '{%E}cannot use {%kEXCEPT} blocks with the -fno-exceptions flag')
2128 END
2129 END BuildRTExceptEnter ;
2132 (*
2133 BuildRTExceptLeave - informs RTExceptions that we are about to leave the except state.
2134 If, destroy, is TRUE then pop the ExceptStack.
2135 *)
2137 PROCEDURE BuildRTExceptLeave (tok: CARDINAL; destroy: BOOLEAN) ;
2138 VAR
2139 old,
2140 ProcSym: CARDINAL ;
2141 BEGIN
2142 IF Exceptions
2143 THEN
2144 (* now inform the Modula-2 runtime we are in the exception state *)
2145 ProcSym := GetQualidentImport (tok,
2146 MakeKey('SetExceptionState'), MakeKey('RTExceptions')) ;
2147 IF ProcSym#NulSym
2148 THEN
2149 IF destroy
2150 THEN
2151 old := PopWord (ExceptStack)
2152 ELSE
2153 old := PeepWord (ExceptStack, 1)
2154 END ;
2155 GenQuadO (tok, RestoreExceptionOp, old, NulSym, ProcSym, FALSE)
2156 END
2157 ELSE
2158 (* no need for an error message here as it will be generated in the Enter procedure above *)
2159 END
2160 END BuildRTExceptLeave ;
2163 (*
2164 BuildExceptInitial - adds an CatchBeginOp, CatchEndOp quadruple
2165 in the current block.
2166 *)
2168 PROCEDURE BuildExceptInitial (tok: CARDINAL) ;
2169 VAR
2170 previous: CARDINAL ;
2171 BEGIN
2172 (* we have finished the 'try' block, so now goto the return
2173 section which will tidy up (any) priorities before returning.
2174 *)
2175 GenQuadO (tok, GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, PopWord(ReturnStack), FALSE) ;
2176 PushWord (ReturnStack, NextQuad-1) ;
2177 (*
2178 this is the 'catch' block.
2179 *)
2180 BackPatch (PeepWord (TryStack, 1), NextQuad) ;
2181 GenQuadO (tok, CatchBeginOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym, FALSE) ;
2182 previous := PopWord (CatchStack) ;
2183 IF previous # 0
2184 THEN
2185 MetaErrorT0 (tok,
2186 '{%E}only allowed one EXCEPT statement in a procedure or module')
2187 END ;
2188 PushWord (CatchStack, NextQuad-1) ;
2189 BuildRTExceptEnter (tok)
2190 END BuildExceptInitial ;
2193 (*
2194 BuildExceptFinally - adds an ExceptOp quadruple in a modules
2195 finally block.
2196 *)
2198 PROCEDURE BuildExceptFinally (tok: CARDINAL) ;
2199 BEGIN
2200 BuildExceptInitial (tok)
2201 END BuildExceptFinally ;
2204 (*
2205 BuildExceptProcedure - adds an ExceptOp quadruple in a procedure
2206 block.
2207 *)
2209 PROCEDURE BuildExceptProcedure (tok: CARDINAL) ;
2210 BEGIN
2211 BuildExceptInitial (tok)
2212 END BuildExceptProcedure ;
2215 (*
2216 BuildRetry - adds an RetryOp quadruple.
2217 *)
2219 PROCEDURE BuildRetry (tok: CARDINAL);
2220 BEGIN
2221 IF PeepWord (CatchStack, 1) = 0
2222 THEN
2223 MetaErrorT0 (tok,
2224 '{%E}the {%kRETRY} statement must occur after an {%kEXCEPT} statement in the same module or procedure block')
2225 ELSE
2226 BuildRTExceptLeave (tok, FALSE) ;
2227 GenQuadO (tok, RetryOp, NulSym, NulSym, PeepWord (TryStack, 1), FALSE)
2228 END
2229 END BuildRetry ;
2232 (*
2233 SafeRequestSym - only used during scaffold to get argc, argv, envp.
2234 It attempts to get symbol name from the current scope(s) and if
2235 it fails then it falls back onto default constants.
2236 *)
2238 PROCEDURE SafeRequestSym (tok: CARDINAL; name: Name) : CARDINAL ;
2239 VAR
2240 sym: CARDINAL ;
2241 BEGIN
2242 sym := GetSym (name) ;
2243 IF sym = NulSym
2244 THEN
2245 IF name = MakeKey ('argc')
2246 THEN
2247 RETURN MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey ('0'), ZType)
2248 ELSIF (name = MakeKey ('argv')) OR (name = MakeKey ('envp'))
2249 THEN
2250 RETURN Nil
2251 ELSE
2252 InternalError ('not expecting this parameter name') ;
2253 RETURN Nil
2254 END
2255 END ;
2256 RETURN sym
2257 END SafeRequestSym ;
2260 (*
2261 callRequestDependant - create a call:
2262 RequestDependant (GetSymName (modulesym), GetSymName (depModuleSym));
2263 *)
2265 PROCEDURE callRequestDependant (tokno: CARDINAL;
2266 moduleSym, depModuleSym: CARDINAL;
2267 requestDep: CARDINAL) ;
2268 BEGIN
2269 Assert (requestDep # NulSym) ;
2270 PushTtok (requestDep, tokno) ;
2271 PushTF (Adr, Address) ;
2272 PushTtok (MakeConstLitString (tokno, GetSymName (moduleSym)), tokno) ;
2273 PushT (1) ;
2274 BuildAdrFunction ;
2276 IF depModuleSym = NulSym
2277 THEN
2278 PushTF (Nil, Address)
2279 ELSE
2280 PushTF (Adr, Address) ;
2281 PushTtok (MakeConstLitString (tokno, GetSymName (depModuleSym)), tokno) ;
2282 PushT (1) ;
2283 BuildAdrFunction
2284 END ;
2286 PushT (2) ;
2287 BuildProcedureCall (tokno)
2288 END callRequestDependant ;
2291 (*
2292 ForeachImportInDepDo -
2293 *)
2295 PROCEDURE ForeachImportInDepDo (importStatements: List; moduleSym, requestDep: CARDINAL) ;
2296 VAR
2297 i, j,
2298 m, n : CARDINAL ;
2299 imported,
2300 stmt : CARDINAL ;
2301 l : List ;
2302 BEGIN
2303 IF importStatements # NIL
2304 THEN
2305 i := 1 ;
2306 n := NoOfItemsInList (importStatements) ;
2307 WHILE i <= n DO
2308 stmt := GetItemFromList (importStatements, i) ;
2309 Assert (IsImportStatement (stmt)) ;
2310 l := GetImportStatementList (stmt) ;
2311 j := 1 ;
2312 m := NoOfItemsInList (l) ;
2313 WHILE j <= m DO
2314 imported := GetItemFromList (l, j) ;
2315 Assert (IsImport (imported)) ;
2316 callRequestDependant (GetImportDeclared (imported),
2317 moduleSym, GetImportModule (imported),
2318 requestDep) ;
2319 INC (j) ;
2320 END ;
2321 INC (i)
2322 END
2323 END
2324 END ForeachImportInDepDo ;
2327 (*
2328 ForeachImportedModuleDo -
2329 *)
2331 PROCEDURE ForeachImportedModuleDo (moduleSym, requestDep: CARDINAL) ;
2332 VAR
2333 importStatements: List ;
2334 BEGIN
2335 importStatements := GetModuleModImportStatementList (moduleSym) ;
2336 ForeachImportInDepDo (importStatements, moduleSym, requestDep) ;
2337 importStatements := GetModuleDefImportStatementList (moduleSym) ;
2338 ForeachImportInDepDo (importStatements, moduleSym, requestDep)
2339 END ForeachImportedModuleDo ;
2342 (*
2343 BuildM2DepFunction - creates the dependency graph procedure using IR:
2344 static void
2345 dependencies (void)
2346 {
2347 M2RTS_RequestDependant (module_name, "b");
2348 M2RTS_RequestDependant (module_name, NULL);
2349 }
2350 *)
2352 PROCEDURE BuildM2DepFunction (tokno: CARDINAL; moduleSym: CARDINAL) ;
2353 VAR
2354 requestDep,
2355 ctor, init, fini, dep: CARDINAL ;
2356 BEGIN
2357 IF ScaffoldDynamic
2358 THEN
2359 (* Scaffold required and dynamic dependency graph should be produced. *)
2360 GetModuleCtors (moduleSym, ctor, init, fini, dep) ;
2361 PushT (dep) ;
2362 BuildProcedureStart ;
2363 BuildProcedureBegin ;
2364 StartScope (dep) ;
2365 requestDep := GetQualidentImport (tokno,
2366 MakeKey ("RequestDependant"),
2367 MakeKey ("M2RTS")) ;
2368 IF requestDep # NulSym
2369 THEN
2370 ForeachImportedModuleDo (moduleSym, requestDep) ;
2371 callRequestDependant (tokno, moduleSym, NulSym, requestDep)
2372 END ;
2373 EndScope ;
2374 BuildProcedureEnd ;
2375 PopN (1)
2376 END
2377 END BuildM2DepFunction ;
2380 (*
2381 BuildM2LinkFunction - creates the _M2_link procedure which will
2382 cause the linker to pull in all the module ctors.
2383 *)
2385 PROCEDURE BuildM2LinkFunction (tokno: CARDINAL) ;
2386 BEGIN
2387 IF ScaffoldDynamic
2388 THEN
2389 IF linkFunction # NulSym
2390 THEN
2391 (* void
2392 _M2_link (void)
2393 {
2394 for each module in uselist do
2395 PROC foo_%d = _M2_module_ctor
2396 done
2397 }. *)
2398 PushT (linkFunction) ;
2399 BuildProcedureStart ;
2400 BuildProcedureBegin ;
2401 StartScope (linkFunction) ;
2402 PopulateCtorArray (tokno) ;
2403 EndScope ;
2404 BuildProcedureEnd ;
2405 PopN (1)
2406 END
2407 END
2408 END BuildM2LinkFunction ;
2411 (*
2412 BuildTry - build the try statement for main.
2413 *)
2415 PROCEDURE BuildTry (tokno: CARDINAL) ;
2416 BEGIN
2417 IF Exceptions
2418 THEN
2419 PushWord (TryStack, NextQuad) ;
2420 PushWord (CatchStack, 0) ;
2421 GenQuadO (tokno, TryOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0, FALSE)
2422 END
2423 END BuildTry ;
2426 (*
2427 BuildExcept - build the except block for main.
2428 *)
2430 PROCEDURE BuildExcept (tokno: CARDINAL) ;
2431 VAR
2432 catchProcedure: CARDINAL ;
2433 BEGIN
2434 IF Exceptions
2435 THEN
2436 BuildExceptInitial (tokno) ;
2437 catchProcedure := GetQualidentImport (tokno,
2438 MakeKey ('DefaultErrorCatch'),
2439 MakeKey ('RTExceptions')) ;
2440 IF catchProcedure # NulSym
2441 THEN
2442 PushTtok (catchProcedure, tokno) ;
2443 PushT (0) ;
2444 BuildProcedureCall (tokno)
2445 END ;
2446 BuildRTExceptLeave (tokno, TRUE) ;
2447 GenQuadO (tokno, CatchEndOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym, FALSE)
2448 END
2449 END BuildExcept ;
2452 (*
2453 BuildM2MainFunction - creates the main function with appropriate calls to the scaffold.
2454 *)
2456 PROCEDURE BuildM2MainFunction (tokno: CARDINAL) ;
2457 BEGIN
2458 IF (ScaffoldDynamic OR ScaffoldStatic) AND (NOT SharedFlag)
2459 THEN
2460 (* Scaffold required and main should be produced. *)
2461 (*
2462 int
2463 main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
2464 {
2465 try {
2466 _M2_init (argc, argv, envp);
2467 _M2_fini (argc, argv, envp);
2468 return 0;
2469 }
2470 catch (...) {
2471 RTExceptions_DefaultErrorCatch ();
2472 }
2473 }
2474 *)
2475 PushT (mainFunction) ;
2476 BuildProcedureStart ;
2477 BuildProcedureBegin ;
2478 StartScope (mainFunction) ;
2479 BuildTry (tokno) ;
2480 (* _M2_init (argc, argv, envp); *)
2481 PushTtok (initFunction, tokno) ;
2482 PushTtok (RequestSym (tokno, MakeKey ("argc")), tokno) ;
2483 PushTtok (RequestSym (tokno, MakeKey ("argv")), tokno) ;
2484 PushTtok (RequestSym (tokno, MakeKey ("envp")), tokno) ;
2485 PushT (3) ;
2486 BuildProcedureCall (tokno) ;
2488 (* _M2_fini (argc, argv, envp); *)
2489 PushTtok (finiFunction, tokno) ;
2490 PushTtok (RequestSym (tokno, MakeKey ("argc")), tokno) ;
2491 PushTtok (RequestSym (tokno, MakeKey ("argv")), tokno) ;
2492 PushTtok (RequestSym (tokno, MakeKey ("envp")), tokno) ;
2493 PushT (3) ;
2494 BuildProcedureCall (tokno) ;
2496 PushZero (tokno, Integer) ;
2497 BuildReturn (tokno) ;
2498 BuildExcept (tokno) ;
2499 EndScope ;
2500 BuildProcedureEnd ;
2501 PopN (1)
2502 END
2503 END BuildM2MainFunction ;
2506 (*
2507 BuildM2InitFunction -
2508 *)
2510 PROCEDURE BuildM2InitFunction (tok: CARDINAL; moduleSym: CARDINAL) ;
2511 VAR
2512 constructModules: CARDINAL ;
2513 BEGIN
2514 IF ScaffoldDynamic OR ScaffoldStatic
2515 THEN
2516 (* Scaffold required and main should be produced. *)
2517 (* int
2518 _M2_init (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
2519 {
2520 M2RTS_ConstructModules (module_name, argc, argv, envp);
2521 } *)
2522 PushT (initFunction) ;
2523 BuildProcedureStart ;
2524 BuildProcedureBegin ;
2525 StartScope (initFunction) ;
2526 IF ScaffoldDynamic
2527 THEN
2528 IF linkFunction # NulSym
2529 THEN
2530 (* _M2_link (); *)
2531 PushTtok (linkFunction, tok) ;
2532 PushT (0) ;
2533 BuildProcedureCall (tok)
2534 END ;
2536 (* Lookup ConstructModules and call it. *)
2537 constructModules := GetQualidentImport (tok,
2538 MakeKey ("ConstructModules"),
2539 MakeKey ("M2RTS")) ;
2540 IF constructModules # NulSym
2541 THEN
2542 (* ConstructModules (module_name, argc, argv, envp); *)
2543 PushTtok (constructModules, tok) ;
2545 PushTF(Adr, Address) ;
2546 PushTtok (MakeConstLitString (tok, GetSymName (moduleSym)), tok) ;
2547 PushT(1) ;
2548 BuildAdrFunction ;
2550 PushTtok (SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("argc")), tok) ;
2551 PushTtok (SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("argv")), tok) ;
2552 PushTtok (SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("envp")), tok) ;
2553 PushT (4) ;
2554 BuildProcedureCall (tok) ;
2555 END
2556 ELSIF ScaffoldStatic
2557 THEN
2558 ForeachModuleCallInit (tok,
2559 SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("argc")),
2560 SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("argv")),
2561 SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("envp")))
2562 END ;
2563 EndScope ;
2564 BuildProcedureEnd ;
2565 PopN (1)
2566 END
2567 END BuildM2InitFunction ;
2570 (*
2571 BuildM2FiniFunction -
2572 *)
2574 PROCEDURE BuildM2FiniFunction (tok: CARDINAL; moduleSym: CARDINAL) ;
2575 VAR
2576 deconstructModules: CARDINAL ;
2577 BEGIN
2578 IF ScaffoldDynamic OR ScaffoldStatic
2579 THEN
2580 (* Scaffold required and main should be produced. *)
2581 PushT (finiFunction) ;
2582 BuildProcedureStart ;
2583 BuildProcedureBegin ;
2584 StartScope (finiFunction) ;
2585 IF ScaffoldDynamic
2586 THEN
2587 (* static void
2588 _M2_finish (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
2589 {
2590 M2RTS_DeconstructModules (module_name, argc, argv, envp);
2591 } *)
2592 deconstructModules := GetQualidentImport (tok,
2593 MakeKey ("DeconstructModules"),
2594 MakeKey ("M2RTS")) ;
2595 IF deconstructModules # NulSym
2596 THEN
2597 (* DeconstructModules (module_name, argc, argv, envp); *)
2598 PushTtok (deconstructModules, tok) ;
2600 PushTF(Adr, Address) ;
2601 PushTtok (MakeConstLitString (tok, GetSymName (moduleSym)), tok) ;
2602 PushT(1) ;
2603 BuildAdrFunction ;
2605 PushTtok (SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("argc")), tok) ;
2606 PushTtok (SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("argv")), tok) ;
2607 PushTtok (SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("envp")), tok) ;
2608 PushT (4) ;
2609 BuildProcedureCall (tok)
2610 END
2611 ELSIF ScaffoldStatic
2612 THEN
2613 ForeachModuleCallFinish (tok,
2614 SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("argc")),
2615 SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("argv")),
2616 SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("envp")))
2617 END ;
2618 EndScope ;
2619 BuildProcedureEnd ;
2620 PopN (1)
2621 END
2622 END BuildM2FiniFunction ;
2625 (*
2626 BuildM2CtorFunction - create a constructor function associated with moduleSym.
2628 void
2629 ctorFunction ()
2630 {
2631 M2RTS_RegisterModule (GetSymName (moduleSym),
2632 init, fini, dependencies);
2633 }
2634 *)
2636 PROCEDURE BuildM2CtorFunction (tok: CARDINAL; moduleSym: CARDINAL) ;
2637 VAR
2638 RegisterModule : CARDINAL ;
2639 ctor, init, fini, dep: CARDINAL ;
2640 BEGIN
2641 IF ScaffoldDynamic
2642 THEN
2643 GetModuleCtors (moduleSym, ctor, init, fini, dep) ;
2644 IF ctor # NulSym
2645 THEN
2646 Assert (IsProcedure (ctor)) ;
2647 PushT (ctor) ;
2648 BuildProcedureStart ;
2649 BuildProcedureBegin ;
2650 StartScope (ctor) ;
2651 RegisterModule := GetQualidentImport (tok,
2652 MakeKey ("RegisterModule"),
2653 MakeKey ("M2RTS")) ;
2654 IF RegisterModule # NulSym
2655 THEN
2656 (* RegisterModule (module_name, init, fini, dependencies); *)
2657 PushTtok (RegisterModule, tok) ;
2659 PushTF (Adr, Address) ;
2660 PushTtok (MakeConstLitString (tok, GetSymName (moduleSym)), tok) ;
2661 PushT (1) ;
2662 BuildAdrFunction ;
2664 PushTtok (init, tok) ;
2665 PushTtok (fini, tok) ;
2666 PushTtok (dep, tok) ;
2667 PushT (4) ;
2668 BuildProcedureCall (tok)
2669 END ;
2670 EndScope ;
2671 BuildProcedureEnd ;
2672 PopN (1)
2673 END
2674 END
2675 END BuildM2CtorFunction ;
2678 (*
2679 BuildScaffold - generate the main, init, finish functions if
2680 no -c and this is the application module.
2681 *)
2683 PROCEDURE BuildScaffold (tok: CARDINAL; moduleSym: CARDINAL) ;
2684 BEGIN
2685 IF GetMainModule () = moduleSym
2686 THEN
2687 DeclareScaffold (tok) ;
2688 IF (ScaffoldMain OR (NOT cflag))
2689 THEN
2690 (* There are module init/fini functions and
2691 application init/fini functions.
2692 Here we create the application pair. *)
2693 BuildM2LinkFunction (tok) ;
2694 BuildM2MainFunction (tok) ;
2695 BuildM2InitFunction (tok, moduleSym) ; (* Application init. *)
2696 BuildM2FiniFunction (tok, moduleSym) ; (* Application fini. *)
2697 END ;
2698 BuildM2DepFunction (tok, moduleSym) ; (* Per module dependency. *)
2699 (* Each module needs a ctor to register the module
2700 init/finish/dep with M2RTS. *)
2701 BuildM2CtorFunction (tok, moduleSym)
2702 ELSIF WholeProgram
2703 THEN
2704 DeclareScaffold (tok) ;
2705 BuildM2DepFunction (tok, moduleSym) ; (* Per module dependency. *)
2706 (* Each module needs a ctor to register the module
2707 init/finish/dep with M2RTS. *)
2708 BuildM2CtorFunction (tok, moduleSym)
2709 END
2710 END BuildScaffold ;
2713 (*
2714 BuildModuleStart - starts current module scope.
2715 *)
2717 PROCEDURE BuildModuleStart (tok: CARDINAL) ;
2718 BEGIN
2719 GenQuadO (tok,
2720 ModuleScopeOp, tok,
2721 WORD (makekey (string (GetFileName ()))), GetCurrentModule (), FALSE)
2722 END BuildModuleStart ;
2725 (*
2726 StartBuildInnerInit - Sets the start of initialization code of the
2727 inner module to the next quadruple.
2728 *)
2730 PROCEDURE StartBuildInnerInit (tok: CARDINAL) ;
2731 BEGIN
2732 PutModuleStartQuad (GetCurrentModule(), NextQuad) ;
2733 GenQuadO (tok, InitStartOp, tok, NulSym, GetCurrentModule(), FALSE) ;
2734 PushWord (ReturnStack, 0) ;
2735 CheckNeedPriorityBegin (tok, GetCurrentModule(), GetCurrentModule()) ;
2736 PushWord (TryStack, NextQuad) ;
2737 PushWord (CatchStack, 0) ;
2738 IF HasExceptionFinally (GetCurrentModule())
2739 THEN
2740 GenQuadO (tok, TryOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0, FALSE)
2741 END
2742 END StartBuildInnerInit ;
2745 (*
2746 EndBuildInnerInit - Sets the end initialization code of a module.
2747 *)
2749 PROCEDURE EndBuildInnerInit (tok: CARDINAL) ;
2750 BEGIN
2751 IF HasExceptionBlock (GetCurrentModule())
2752 THEN
2753 BuildRTExceptLeave (tok, TRUE) ;
2754 GenQuadO (tok, CatchEndOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym, FALSE)
2755 END ;
2756 PutModuleEndQuad (GetCurrentModule(), NextQuad) ;
2757 CheckVariablesInBlock (GetCurrentModule ()) ;
2758 BackPatch (PopWord (ReturnStack), NextQuad) ;
2759 CheckNeedPriorityEnd (tok, GetCurrentModule (), GetCurrentModule ()) ;
2760 GenQuadO (tok, InitEndOp, tok, NulSym, GetCurrentModule (), FALSE)
2761 END EndBuildInnerInit ;
2764 (*
2765 BuildModulePriority - assigns the current module with a priority
2766 from the top of stack.
2768 Entry Exit
2769 ===== ====
2772 Ptr -> Empty
2773 +------------+
2774 | Priority |
2775 |------------|
2776 *)
2778 PROCEDURE BuildModulePriority ;
2779 VAR
2780 Priority: CARDINAL ;
2781 BEGIN
2782 PopT (Priority) ;
2783 PutPriority (GetCurrentModule (), Priority)
2784 END BuildModulePriority ;
2787 (*
2788 ForLoopAnalysis - checks all the FOR loops for index variable manipulation
2789 and dangerous usage outside the loop.
2790 *)
2792 PROCEDURE ForLoopAnalysis ;
2793 VAR
2794 i, n : CARDINAL ;
2795 forDesc: ForLoopInfo ;
2796 BEGIN
2797 IF Pedantic
2798 THEN
2799 n := HighIndice (ForInfo) ;
2800 i := 1 ;
2801 WHILE i <= n DO
2802 forDesc := GetIndice (ForInfo, i) ;
2803 CheckForIndex (forDesc) ;
2804 INC (i)
2805 END
2806 END
2807 END ForLoopAnalysis ;
2810 (*
2811 AddForInfo - adds the description of the FOR loop into the record list.
2812 This is used if -pedantic is turned on to check index variable
2813 usage.
2814 *)
2816 PROCEDURE AddForInfo (Start, End, IncQuad: CARDINAL; Sym: CARDINAL; idtok: CARDINAL) ;
2817 VAR
2818 forDesc: ForLoopInfo ;
2819 BEGIN
2820 IF Pedantic
2821 THEN
2822 NEW (forDesc) ;
2823 WITH forDesc^ DO
2824 IncrementQuad := IncQuad ;
2825 StartOfForLoop := Start ;
2826 EndOfForLoop := End ;
2827 ForLoopIndex := Sym ;
2828 IndexTok := idtok
2829 END ;
2830 IncludeIndiceIntoIndex (ForInfo, forDesc)
2831 END
2832 END AddForInfo ;
2835 (*
2836 CheckForIndex - checks the quadruples: Start..End to see whether a
2837 for loop index is manipulated by the programmer.
2838 It generates a warning if this is the case.
2839 It also checks to see whether the IndexSym is read
2840 immediately outside the loop in which case a warning
2841 is issued.
2842 *)
2844 PROCEDURE CheckForIndex (forDesc: ForLoopInfo) ;
2845 VAR
2846 ReadStart, ReadEnd,
2847 WriteStart, WriteEnd: CARDINAL ;
2848 BEGIN
2849 GetWriteLimitQuads (forDesc^.ForLoopIndex, RightValue, forDesc^.StartOfForLoop, forDesc^.EndOfForLoop, WriteStart, WriteEnd) ;
2850 IF (WriteStart < forDesc^.IncrementQuad) AND (WriteStart > forDesc^.StartOfForLoop)
2851 THEN
2852 MetaErrorT1 (forDesc^.IndexTok,
2853 '{%kFOR} loop index variable {%1Wad} is being manipulated inside the loop',
2854 forDesc^.ForLoopIndex) ;
2855 MetaErrorT1 (QuadToTokenNo (WriteStart),
2856 '{%kFOR} loop index variable {%1Wad} is being manipulated, this is considered bad practice and may cause unknown program behaviour',
2857 forDesc^.ForLoopIndex)
2858 END ;
2859 GetWriteLimitQuads (forDesc^.ForLoopIndex, RightValue, forDesc^.EndOfForLoop, 0, WriteStart, WriteEnd) ;
2860 GetReadLimitQuads (forDesc^.ForLoopIndex, RightValue, forDesc^.EndOfForLoop, 0, ReadStart, ReadEnd) ;
2861 IF (ReadStart#0) AND ((ReadStart < WriteStart) OR (WriteStart = 0))
2862 THEN
2863 MetaErrorT1 (forDesc^.IndexTok,
2864 '{%kFOR} loop index variable {%1Wad} is being read outside the FOR loop (without being reset)',
2865 forDesc^.ForLoopIndex) ;
2866 MetaErrorT1 (QuadToTokenNo (ReadStart),
2867 '{%kFOR} loop index variable {%1Wad} is being read outside the FOR loop (without being reset), this is considered extremely bad practice and may cause unknown program behaviour',
2868 forDesc^.ForLoopIndex)
2869 END
2870 END CheckForIndex ;
2873 (*
2874 GetCurrentFunctionName - returns the name for the current __FUNCTION__
2875 *)
2877 (*
2878 PROCEDURE GetCurrentFunctionName () : Name ;
2879 VAR
2880 s: String ;
2881 n: Name ;
2882 BEGIN
2883 IF CurrentProc=NulSym
2884 THEN
2885 s := InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(GetCurrentModule()))) ;
2886 s := Sprintf1(Mark(InitString('module %s initialization')), s) ;
2887 n := makekey(string(s)) ;
2888 s := KillString(s) ;
2889 RETURN( n )
2890 ELSE
2891 RETURN( GetSymName(CurrentProc) )
2892 END
2893 END GetCurrentFunctionName ;
2894 *)
2897 (*
2898 BuildRange - generates a RangeCheckOp quad with, r, as its operand.
2899 *)
2901 PROCEDURE BuildRange (r: CARDINAL) ;
2902 BEGIN
2903 GenQuad (RangeCheckOp, WORD (GetLineNo ()), NulSym, r)
2904 END BuildRange ;
2907 (*
2908 BuildError - generates a ErrorOp quad, indicating that if this
2909 quadruple is reachable, then a runtime error would
2910 occur.
2911 *)
2913 PROCEDURE BuildError (r: CARDINAL) ;
2914 BEGIN
2915 GenQuad (ErrorOp, WORD (GetLineNo ()), NulSym, r)
2916 END BuildError ;
2919 (*
2920 CheckPointerThroughNil - builds a range quadruple, providing, sym, is
2921 a candidate for checking against NIL.
2922 This range quadruple is only expanded into
2923 code during the code generation phase
2924 thus allowing limited compile time checking.
2925 *)
2927 PROCEDURE CheckPointerThroughNil (tokpos: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL) ;
2928 BEGIN
2929 IF IsVar (sym) AND GetVarPointerCheck (sym)
2930 THEN
2931 (* PutVarPointerCheck(sym, FALSE) ; (* so we do not detect this again *) *)
2932 BuildRange (InitPointerRangeCheck (tokpos, sym, GetMode (sym) = LeftValue))
2933 END
2934 END CheckPointerThroughNil ;
2937 (*
2938 CollectLow - returns the low of the subrange value.
2939 *)
2941 PROCEDURE CollectLow (sym: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ;
2942 VAR
2943 low, high: CARDINAL ;
2944 BEGIN
2945 IF IsSubrange (sym)
2946 THEN
2947 GetSubrange (sym, high, low) ;
2948 RETURN low
2949 ELSE
2950 InternalError ('expecting Subrange symbol')
2951 END
2952 END CollectLow ;
2955 (*
2956 CollectHigh - returns the high of the subrange value, sym.
2957 *)
2959 PROCEDURE CollectHigh (sym: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ;
2960 VAR
2961 low, high: CARDINAL ;
2962 BEGIN
2963 IF IsSubrange (sym)
2964 THEN
2965 GetSubrange (sym, high, low) ;
2966 RETURN high
2967 ELSE
2968 InternalError ('expecting Subrange symbol')
2969 END
2970 END CollectHigh ;
2973 (*
2974 BackPatchSubrangesAndOptParam - runs through all the quadruples and finds SubrangeLow or SubrangeHigh
2975 quadruples and replaces it by an assignment to the Low or High component
2976 of the subrange type.
2978 Input:
2979 SubrangeLow op1 op3 (* op3 is a subrange *)
2981 Output:
2982 Becomes op1 low
2984 Input:
2985 SubrangeHigh op1 op3 (* op3 is a subrange *)
2987 Output:
2988 Becomes op1 high
2990 Input:
2991 OptParam op1 op2 op3
2993 Output:
2994 Param op1 op2 GetOptArgInit(op3)
2995 *)
2997 PROCEDURE BackPatchSubrangesAndOptParam ;
2998 VAR
2999 f: QuadFrame ;
3000 q: CARDINAL ;
3001 BEGIN
3002 q := GetFirstQuad () ;
3003 IF q # 0
3004 THEN
3006 f := GetQF (q) ;
3007 WITH f^ DO
3008 CASE Operator OF
3010 SubrangeLowOp : Operand3 := CollectLow (Operand3) ;
3011 Operator := BecomesOp |
3012 SubrangeHighOp: Operand3 := CollectHigh (Operand3) ;
3013 Operator := BecomesOp |
3014 OptParamOp : Operand3 := GetOptArgInit (Operand3) ;
3015 Operator := ParamOp
3017 ELSE
3018 END ;
3019 q := Next
3020 END
3021 UNTIL q = 0
3022 END
3023 END BackPatchSubrangesAndOptParam ;
3026 (*
3027 CheckCompatibleWithBecomes - checks to see that symbol, sym, is
3028 compatible with the := operator.
3029 *)
3031 PROCEDURE CheckCompatibleWithBecomes (des, expr,
3032 destok, exprtok: CARDINAL) ;
3033 BEGIN
3034 IF IsType (des)
3035 THEN
3036 MetaErrorT1 (destok,
3037 'an assignment cannot assign a value to a type {%1a}', des)
3038 ELSIF IsProcedure (des)
3039 THEN
3040 MetaErrorT1 (destok,
3041 'an assignment cannot assign a value to a procedure {%1a}', des)
3042 ELSIF IsFieldEnumeration (des)
3043 THEN
3044 MetaErrorT1 (destok,
3045 'an assignment cannot assign a value to an enumeration field {%1a}', des)
3046 END ;
3047 IF IsPseudoBaseProcedure (expr) OR IsPseudoBaseFunction (expr)
3048 THEN
3049 MetaErrorT1 (exprtok,
3050 'an assignment cannot assign a {%1d} {%1a}', expr)
3051 END
3052 END CheckCompatibleWithBecomes ;
3055 (*
3056 BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds - calls BuildAssignment but makes sure we do not
3057 check bounds.
3058 *)
3060 PROCEDURE BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (tok: CARDINAL; checkTypes, checkOverflow: BOOLEAN) ;
3061 VAR
3062 old: BOOLEAN ;
3063 BEGIN
3064 old := MustNotCheckBounds ;
3065 MustNotCheckBounds := TRUE ;
3066 doBuildAssignment (tok, checkTypes, checkOverflow) ;
3067 MustNotCheckBounds := old
3068 END BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds ;
3071 (*
3072 MarkArrayWritten - marks, Array, as being written.
3073 *)
3075 PROCEDURE MarkArrayWritten (Array: CARDINAL) ;
3076 BEGIN
3077 IF (Array#NulSym) AND IsVarAParam(Array)
3078 THEN
3079 PutVarWritten(Array, TRUE)
3080 END
3081 END MarkArrayWritten ;
3084 (*
3085 MarkAsReadWrite - marks the variable or parameter as being
3086 read/write.
3087 *)
3089 PROCEDURE MarkAsReadWrite (sym: CARDINAL) ;
3090 BEGIN
3091 IF (sym#NulSym) AND IsVar(sym)
3092 THEN
3093 PutReadQuad (sym, RightValue, NextQuad) ;
3094 PutWriteQuad (sym, RightValue, NextQuad)
3095 END
3096 END MarkAsReadWrite ;
3099 (*
3100 MarkAsRead - marks the variable or parameter as being read.
3101 *)
3103 PROCEDURE MarkAsRead (sym: CARDINAL) ;
3104 BEGIN
3105 IF (sym#NulSym) AND IsVar(sym)
3106 THEN
3107 PutReadQuad (sym, RightValue, NextQuad)
3108 END
3109 END MarkAsRead ;
3112 (*
3113 MarkAsWrite - marks the variable or parameter as being written.
3114 *)
3116 PROCEDURE MarkAsWrite (sym: CARDINAL) ;
3117 BEGIN
3118 IF (sym#NulSym) AND IsVar(sym)
3119 THEN
3120 PutWriteQuad(sym, RightValue, NextQuad)
3121 END
3122 END MarkAsWrite ;
3125 (*
3126 doVal - return an expression which is VAL(type, expr). If
3127 expr is a constant then return expr.
3128 *)
3130 PROCEDURE doVal (type, expr: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ;
3131 BEGIN
3132 IF (NOT IsConst(expr)) AND (SkipType(type)#GetDType(expr))
3133 THEN
3134 PushTF(Convert, NulSym) ;
3135 PushT(SkipType(type)) ;
3136 PushT(expr) ;
3137 PushT(2) ; (* Two parameters *)
3138 BuildConvertFunction ;
3139 PopT(expr)
3140 END ;
3141 RETURN( expr )
3142 END doVal ;
3145 (*
3146 MoveWithMode -
3147 *)
3149 PROCEDURE MoveWithMode (tokno: CARDINAL;
3150 Des, Exp, Array: CARDINAL;
3151 destok, exptok: CARDINAL;
3152 checkOverflow: BOOLEAN) ;
3153 VAR
3154 t: CARDINAL ;
3155 BEGIN
3156 IF IsConstString(Exp) AND IsConst(Des)
3157 THEN
3158 GenQuadOtok (tokno, BecomesOp, Des, NulSym, Exp, TRUE,
3159 tokno, destok, exptok) ;
3160 PutConstString (tokno, Des, GetString (Exp))
3161 ELSE
3162 IF GetMode(Des)=RightValue
3163 THEN
3164 IF GetMode(Exp)=LeftValue
3165 THEN
3166 CheckPointerThroughNil (tokno, Exp) ; (* Des = *Exp *)
3167 doIndrX (tokno, Des, Exp)
3168 ELSE
3169 GenQuadOtok (tokno, BecomesOp, Des, NulSym, Exp, TRUE,
3170 tokno, destok, exptok)
3171 END
3172 ELSIF GetMode(Des)=LeftValue
3173 THEN
3174 MarkArrayWritten (Array) ;
3175 IF GetMode(Exp) = LeftValue
3176 THEN
3177 t := MakeTemporary (tokno, RightValue) ;
3178 PutVar(t, GetSType(Exp)) ;
3179 CheckPointerThroughNil (tokno, Exp) ;
3180 doIndrX (tokno, t, Exp) ;
3181 CheckPointerThroughNil (tokno, Des) ; (* *Des = Exp *)
3182 GenQuadO (tokno, XIndrOp, Des, GetSType (Des), doVal (GetSType (Des), t),
3183 checkOverflow)
3184 ELSE
3185 CheckPointerThroughNil (tokno, Des) ; (* *Des = Exp *)
3186 GenQuadO (tokno, XIndrOp, Des, GetSType (Des), doVal (GetSType (Des), Exp),
3187 checkOverflow)
3188 END
3189 ELSE
3190 GenQuadOtok (tokno, BecomesOp, Des, NulSym, Exp, TRUE,
3191 tokno, destok, exptok)
3192 END
3193 END
3194 END MoveWithMode ;
3197 (*
3198 BuildBuiltinConst - makes reference to a builtin constant within gm2.
3200 Entry Exit
3202 Ptr ->
3203 +------------+ +------------+
3204 | Ident | | Sym |
3205 |------------| |------------|
3207 Quadruple produced:
3209 q Sym BuiltinConstOp Ident
3210 *)
3212 PROCEDURE BuildBuiltinConst ;
3213 VAR
3214 idtok: CARDINAL ;
3215 Id : CARDINAL ;
3216 Sym : CARDINAL ;
3217 BEGIN
3218 PopTtok (Id, idtok) ;
3219 Sym := MakeTemporary (idtok, ImmediateValue) ;
3220 PutVar (Sym, Integer) ;
3221 (*
3222 CASE GetBuiltinConstType(KeyToCharStar(Name(Id))) OF
3224 0: ErrorFormat1(NewError(GetTokenNo()),
3225 '%a unrecognised builtin constant', Id) |
3226 1: PutVar(Sym, Integer) |
3227 2: PutVar(Sym, Real)
3229 ELSE
3230 InternalError ('unrecognised value')
3231 END ;
3232 *)
3233 GenQuadO (idtok, BuiltinConstOp, Sym, NulSym, Id, FALSE) ;
3234 PushTtok (Sym, idtok)
3235 END BuildBuiltinConst ;
3238 (*
3239 BuildBuiltinTypeInfo - make reference to a builtin typeinfo function
3240 within gm2.
3242 Entry Exit
3244 Ptr ->
3245 +-------------+
3246 | Type |
3247 |-------------| +------------+
3248 | Ident | | Sym |
3249 |-------------| |------------|
3251 Quadruple produced:
3253 q Sym BuiltinTypeInfoOp Type Ident
3254 *)
3256 PROCEDURE BuildBuiltinTypeInfo ;
3257 VAR
3258 idtok: CARDINAL ;
3259 Ident,
3260 Type,
3261 Sym : CARDINAL ;
3262 BEGIN
3263 PopTtok (Ident, idtok) ;
3264 PopT (Type) ;
3265 Sym := MakeTemporary (BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ;
3266 CASE GetBuiltinTypeInfoType (KeyToCharStar (Name (Ident))) OF
3268 0: ErrorFormat1 (NewError(idtok),
3269 '%a unrecognised builtin constant', Ident) |
3270 1: PutVar (Sym, Boolean) |
3271 2: PutVar (Sym, ZType) |
3272 3: PutVar (Sym, RType)
3274 ELSE
3275 InternalError ('unrecognised value')
3276 END ;
3277 GenQuadO (idtok, BuiltinTypeInfoOp, Sym, Type, Ident, FALSE) ;
3278 PushTtok (Sym, idtok)
3279 END BuildBuiltinTypeInfo ;
3282 (*
3283 CheckBecomesMeta - checks to make sure that we are not
3284 assigning a variable to a constant.
3285 Also check we are not assigning to an
3286 unbounded array.
3287 *)
3289 PROCEDURE CheckBecomesMeta (Des, Exp: CARDINAL; combinedtok, destok, exprtok: CARDINAL) ;
3290 BEGIN
3291 IF IsConst (Des) AND IsVar (Exp)
3292 THEN
3293 MetaErrorsT2 (combinedtok,
3294 'in assignment, cannot assign a variable {%2a} to a constant {%1a}',
3295 'designator {%1Da} is declared as a {%kCONST}', Des, Exp)
3296 END ;
3297 IF (GetDType(Des) # NulSym) AND IsVar (Des) AND IsUnbounded (GetDType (Des))
3298 THEN
3299 MetaErrorT1 (destok,
3300 'in assignment, cannot assign to an unbounded array {%1ad}', Des)
3301 END ;
3302 IF (GetDType(Exp) # NulSym) AND IsVar (Exp) AND IsUnbounded (GetDType (Exp))
3303 THEN
3304 MetaErrorT1 (exprtok,
3305 'in assignment, cannot assign from an unbounded array {%1ad}', Exp)
3306 END
3307 END CheckBecomesMeta ;
3310 (*
3311 BuildAssignment - Builds an assignment from the values given on the
3312 quad stack. Either an assignment to an
3313 arithmetic expression or an assignment to a
3314 boolean expression. This procedure should not
3315 be called in CONST declarations.
3316 The Stack is expected to contain:
3319 Either
3321 Entry Exit
3322 ===== ====
3324 Ptr ->
3325 +------------+
3326 | Expression |
3327 |------------|
3328 | Designator |
3329 |------------| +------------+
3330 | | | | <- Ptr
3331 |------------| |------------|
3334 Quadruples Produced
3336 q BecomesOp Designator _ Expression
3338 OR
3340 Entry Exit
3341 ===== ====
3343 Ptr ->
3344 +------------+
3345 | True |False|
3346 |------------|
3347 | Designator |
3348 |------------| +------------+
3349 | | | | <- Ptr
3350 |------------| |------------|
3353 Quadruples Produced
3355 q BecomesOp Designator _ TRUE
3356 q+1 GotoOp q+3
3357 q+2 BecomesOp Designator _ FALSE
3359 *)
3361 PROCEDURE BuildAssignment (becomesTokNo: CARDINAL) ;
3362 VAR
3363 des, exp : CARDINAL ;
3364 destok,
3365 exptok,
3366 combinedtok: CARDINAL ;
3367 BEGIN
3368 des := OperandT (2) ;
3369 IF IsReadOnly (des)
3370 THEN
3371 destok := OperandTok (2) ;
3372 exptok := OperandTok (1) ;
3373 exp := OperandT (1) ;
3374 IF DebugTokPos
3375 THEN
3376 MetaErrorT1 (destok, 'destok {%1Ead}', des) ;
3377 MetaErrorT1 (exptok, 'exptok {%1Ead}', exp)
3378 END ;
3379 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (becomesTokNo, destok, exptok) ;
3380 IF DebugTokPos
3381 THEN
3382 MetaErrorT1 (combinedtok, 'combined {%1Ead}', des)
3383 END ;
3384 IF IsBoolean (1)
3385 THEN
3386 MetaErrorT1 (combinedtok,
3387 'cannot assign expression to a constant designator {%1Ead}', des)
3388 ELSE
3389 exp := OperandT (1) ;
3390 MetaErrorT2 (combinedtok,
3391 'cannot assign a constant designator {%1Ead} with an expression {%2Ead}',
3392 des, exp)
3393 END ;
3394 PopN (2) (* Remove both parameters. *)
3395 ELSIF IsError (des)
3396 THEN
3397 PopN (2) (* Remove both parameters. *)
3398 ELSE
3399 doBuildAssignment (becomesTokNo, TRUE, TRUE)
3400 END
3401 END BuildAssignment ;
3404 (*
3405 BuildAssignConstant - used to create constant in the CONST declaration.
3406 The stack is expected to contain:
3408 Either
3410 Entry Exit
3411 ===== ====
3413 Ptr ->
3414 +------------+
3415 | Expression |
3416 |------------|
3417 | Designator |
3418 |------------| +------------+
3419 | | | | <- Ptr
3420 |------------| |------------|
3423 Quadruples Produced
3425 q BecomesOp Designator _ Expression
3427 OR
3429 Entry Exit
3430 ===== ====
3432 Ptr ->
3433 +------------+
3434 | True |False|
3435 |------------|
3436 | Designator |
3437 |------------| +------------+
3438 | | | | <- Ptr
3439 |------------| |------------|
3442 Quadruples Produced
3444 q BecomesOp Designator _ TRUE
3445 q+1 GotoOp q+3
3446 q+2 BecomesOp Designator _ FALSE
3447 *)
3449 PROCEDURE BuildAssignConstant (equalsTokNo: CARDINAL) ;
3450 BEGIN
3451 doBuildAssignment (equalsTokNo, TRUE, TRUE)
3452 END BuildAssignConstant ;
3455 (*
3456 doBuildAssignment - subsiduary procedure of BuildAssignment.
3457 It builds the assignment and optionally
3458 checks the types are compatible.
3459 *)
3461 PROCEDURE doBuildAssignment (becomesTokNo: CARDINAL; checkTypes, checkOverflow: BOOLEAN) ;
3462 VAR
3463 r, w,
3464 t, f,
3465 Array,
3466 Des, Exp : CARDINAL ;
3467 combinedtok,
3468 destok, exptok: CARDINAL ;
3469 BEGIN
3470 DisplayStack ;
3471 IF IsBoolean (1)
3472 THEN
3473 PopBool (t, f) ;
3474 PopTtok (Des, destok) ;
3475 (* Conditional Boolean Assignment. *)
3476 BackPatch (t, NextQuad) ;
3477 IF GetMode (Des) = RightValue
3478 THEN
3479 GenQuadO (becomesTokNo, BecomesOp, Des, NulSym, True, checkOverflow)
3480 ELSE
3481 CheckPointerThroughNil (destok, Des) ;
3482 GenQuadO (destok, XIndrOp, Des, Boolean, True, checkOverflow)
3483 END ;
3484 GenQuadO (destok, GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, NextQuad+2, checkOverflow) ;
3485 BackPatch (f, NextQuad) ;
3486 IF GetMode (Des) = RightValue
3487 THEN
3488 GenQuadO (becomesTokNo, BecomesOp, Des, NulSym, False, checkOverflow)
3489 ELSE
3490 CheckPointerThroughNil (destok, Des) ;
3491 GenQuadO (destok, XIndrOp, Des, Boolean, False, checkOverflow)
3492 END
3493 ELSE
3494 PopTrwtok (Exp, r, exptok) ;
3495 MarkAsRead (r) ;
3496 IF Exp = NulSym
3497 THEN
3498 MetaError0 ('{%E}unknown expression found during assignment') ;
3499 FlushErrors
3500 END ;
3501 Array := OperandA (1) ;
3502 PopTrwtok (Des, w, destok) ;
3503 MarkAsWrite (w) ;
3504 CheckCompatibleWithBecomes (Des, Exp, destok, exptok) ;
3505 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (becomesTokNo, destok, exptok) ;
3506 IF (GetSType (Des) # NulSym) AND (NOT IsSet (GetDType (Des)))
3507 THEN
3508 (* Tell code generator to test runtime values of assignment so ensure we
3509 catch overflow and underflow. *)
3510 BuildRange (InitAssignmentRangeCheck (combinedtok, Des, Exp))
3511 END ;
3512 IF checkTypes
3513 THEN
3514 CheckBecomesMeta (Des, Exp, combinedtok, destok, exptok)
3515 END ;
3516 (* Traditional Assignment. *)
3517 MoveWithMode (becomesTokNo, Des, Exp, Array, destok, exptok, checkOverflow) ;
3518 IF checkTypes
3519 THEN
3520 (*
3521 IF (CannotCheckTypeInPass3 (Des) OR CannotCheckTypeInPass3 (Exp))
3522 THEN
3523 (* We must do this after the assignment to allow the Designator to be
3524 resolved (if it is a constant) before the type checking is done. *)
3525 (* Prompt post pass 3 to check the assignment once all types are resolved. *)
3526 BuildRange (InitTypesAssignmentCheck (combinedtok, Des, Exp))
3527 END ;
3528 *)
3529 (* BuildRange (InitTypesAssignmentCheck (combinedtok, Des, Exp)) ; *)
3530 CheckAssignCompatible (Des, Exp, combinedtok, destok, exptok)
3531 END
3532 END ;
3533 DisplayStack
3534 END doBuildAssignment ;
3537 (*
3538 CheckAssignCompatible - checks to see that an assignment is compatible.
3539 It performs limited checking - thorough checking
3540 is done in pass 3. But we do what we can here
3541 given knowledge so far.
3542 *)
3544 PROCEDURE CheckAssignCompatible (Des, Exp: CARDINAL; combinedtok, destok, exprtok: CARDINAL) ;
3545 VAR
3546 DesT, ExpT, DesL: CARDINAL ;
3547 BEGIN
3548 DesT := GetSType(Des) ;
3549 ExpT := GetSType(Exp) ;
3550 DesL := GetLType(Des) ;
3551 IF IsProcedure(Exp) AND
3552 ((DesT#NulSym) AND (NOT IsProcType(DesT))) AND
3553 ((DesL#NulSym) AND (NOT IsProcType(DesL)))
3554 THEN
3555 MetaErrorT1 (destok,
3556 'incorrectly assigning a procedure to a designator {%1Ead} (designator is not a procedure type, {%1ast})', Des)
3557 ELSIF IsProcedure (Exp) AND IsProcedureNested (Exp)
3558 THEN
3559 MetaErrorT1 (exprtok,
3560 'cannot call nested procedure {%1Ead} indirectly as the outer scope will not be known', Exp)
3561 ELSIF IsConstString(Exp)
3562 THEN
3563 ELSIF (DesT#NulSym) AND (IsUnbounded(DesT))
3564 THEN
3565 ELSIF (ExpT#NulSym) AND (IsUnbounded(ExpT))
3566 THEN
3567 ELSIF (DesL#NulSym) AND IsArray(DesL)
3568 THEN
3569 ELSIF IsConstructor(Exp)
3570 THEN
3571 IF ExpT=NulSym
3572 THEN
3573 (* ignore type checking *)
3574 ELSIF (DesT=NulSym) AND IsConst(Des) AND (IsConstructor(Des) OR IsConstSet(Des))
3575 THEN
3576 PutConst(Des, ExpT)
3577 ELSIF NOT IsAssignmentCompatible(DesT, ExpT)
3578 THEN
3579 MetaErrorT1 (combinedtok,
3580 'constructor expression is not compatible during assignment to {%1Ead}', Des)
3581 END
3582 ELSIF (DesT#NulSym) AND IsSet(DesT) AND IsConst(Exp)
3583 THEN
3584 (* We ignore checking of these types in pass 3 - but we do check them thoroughly post pass 3 *)
3585 ELSIF IsConst(Exp) AND (ExpT#Address) AND (NOT IsConst(Des)) AND
3586 (DesL#NulSym) AND ((DesL=Cardinal) OR (NOT IsSubrange(DesL))) AND
3587 (NOT IsEnumeration(DesL))
3588 THEN
3589 IF (IsBaseType(DesL) OR IsSystemType(DesL))
3590 THEN
3591 CheckAssignmentCompatible (combinedtok, ExpT, DesT)
3592 ELSE
3593 MetaErrorT2 (combinedtok,
3594 'assignment of a constant {%1Ead} can only be made to a variable whose type is equivalent to a Modula-2 base type {%2tsa}', Exp, Des)
3595 END
3596 ELSE
3597 IF (DesT#NulSym) AND IsProcType(DesT) AND IsProcedure(Exp)
3598 THEN
3599 DesT := GetSType(DesT) ; (* we can at least check RETURN values of procedure variables *)
3600 (* remember that thorough assignment checking is done post pass 3 *)
3601 CheckAssignmentCompatible (combinedtok, ExpT, DesT)
3602 END
3603 END
3604 END CheckAssignCompatible ;
3607 (*
3608 CheckBooleanId - Checks to see if the top operand is a boolean.
3609 If the operand is not a boolean then it is tested
3610 with true and a boolean is generated.
3611 The Stack:
3614 Entry Exit
3615 Ptr -> <- Ptr
3616 +------------+ +------------+
3617 | Sym | | t | f |
3618 |------------| |------------|
3620 Quadruples
3622 q If= Sym True _
3623 q+1 GotoOp _ _ _
3624 *)
3626 PROCEDURE CheckBooleanId ;
3627 VAR
3628 tok: CARDINAL ;
3629 BEGIN
3630 IF NOT IsBoolean (1)
3631 THEN
3632 tok := OperandTok (1) ;
3633 IF IsVar (OperandT (1))
3634 THEN
3635 IF GetSType (OperandT (1)) # Boolean
3636 THEN
3637 MetaError1 ('{%1Ua:is not a boolean expression}' +
3638 '{!%1Ua:boolean expression expected}', OperandT (1))
3639 END
3640 END ;
3641 PushT (EqualTok) ;
3642 PushT (True) ;
3643 BuildRelOp (tok)
3644 END
3645 END CheckBooleanId ;
3648 (*
3649 BuildAlignment - builds an assignment to an alignment constant.
3651 The Stack is expected to contain:
3654 Entry Exit
3655 ===== ====
3657 Ptr ->
3658 +---------------+
3659 | Expression |
3660 |---------------|
3661 | bytealignment |
3662 |---------------| empty
3663 *)
3665 PROCEDURE BuildAlignment (tokno: CARDINAL) ;
3666 VAR
3667 name : Name ;
3668 expr,
3669 align: CARDINAL ;
3670 BEGIN
3671 PopT (expr) ;
3672 PopT (name) ;
3673 IF name # MakeKey ('bytealignment')
3674 THEN
3675 MetaError1 ('expecting bytealignment identifier, rather than {%1Ea}',
3676 MakeError (tokno, name))
3677 END ;
3678 GetConstFromFifoQueue (align) ;
3679 PushT (align) ;
3680 PushT (expr) ;
3681 BuildAssignConstant (tokno)
3682 END BuildAlignment ;
3685 (*
3686 BuildBitLength - builds an assignment to a bit length constant.
3688 The Stack is expected to contain:
3691 Entry Exit
3692 ===== ====
3694 Ptr ->
3695 +------------+
3696 | Expression |
3697 |------------| empty
3698 *)
3700 PROCEDURE BuildBitLength (tokno: CARDINAL) ;
3701 VAR
3702 expr,
3703 length: CARDINAL ;
3704 BEGIN
3705 PopT (expr) ;
3706 GetConstFromFifoQueue (length) ;
3707 PushT (length) ;
3708 PushT (expr) ;
3709 BuildAssignConstant (tokno)
3710 END BuildBitLength ;
3713 (*
3714 BuildDefaultFieldAlignment - builds an assignment to an alignment constant.
3716 The Stack is expected to contain:
3719 Entry Exit
3720 ===== ====
3722 Ptr ->
3723 +------------+
3724 | Expression |
3725 |------------| empty
3726 *)
3728 PROCEDURE BuildDefaultFieldAlignment ;
3729 VAR
3730 expr,
3731 align: CARDINAL ;
3732 name : Name ;
3733 BEGIN
3734 PopT (expr) ;
3735 PopT (name) ;
3736 IF name # MakeKey ('bytealignment')
3737 THEN
3738 MetaError0 ('{%E}only allowed to use the attribute {%kbytealignment} in the default record field alignment pragma')
3739 END ;
3740 GetConstFromFifoQueue (align) ;
3741 PushT (align) ;
3742 PushT (expr) ;
3743 BuildAssignConstant (GetTokenNo ())
3744 END BuildDefaultFieldAlignment ;
3747 (*
3748 BuildPragmaField - builds an assignment to an alignment constant.
3750 The Stack is expected to contain:
3753 Entry Exit
3754 ===== ====
3756 Ptr ->
3757 +------------+
3758 | Expression |
3759 |------------| empty
3760 *)
3762 PROCEDURE BuildPragmaField ;
3763 VAR
3764 expr,
3765 const: CARDINAL ;
3766 name : Name ;
3767 BEGIN
3768 PopT (expr) ;
3769 PopT (name) ;
3770 IF (name # MakeKey ('unused')) AND (name # MakeKey ('bytealignment'))
3771 THEN
3772 MetaError0 ('only allowed to use the attribute {%Ekbytealignment} in the default record field alignment pragma')
3773 END ;
3774 IF expr # NulSym
3775 THEN
3776 GetConstFromFifoQueue (const) ;
3777 PushT (const) ;
3778 PushT (expr) ;
3779 BuildAssignConstant (GetTokenNo ())
3780 END
3781 END BuildPragmaField ;
3784 (*
3785 BuildRepeat - Builds the repeat statement from the quad stack.
3786 The Stack is expected to contain:
3789 Entry Exit
3790 ===== ====
3793 Empty
3794 <- Ptr
3795 +------------+
3796 | RepeatQuad |
3797 |------------|
3799 *)
3801 PROCEDURE BuildRepeat ;
3802 BEGIN
3803 PushT(NextQuad)
3804 END BuildRepeat ;
3807 (*
3808 BuildUntil - Builds the until part of the repeat statement
3809 from the quad stack.
3810 The Stack is expected to contain:
3813 Entry Exit
3814 ===== ====
3816 Ptr ->
3817 +------------+
3818 | t | f |
3819 |------------|
3820 | RepeatQuad | Empty
3821 |------------|
3822 *)
3824 PROCEDURE BuildUntil ;
3825 VAR
3826 t, f,
3827 Repeat: CARDINAL ;
3828 BEGIN
3829 CheckBooleanId ;
3830 PopBool(t, f) ;
3831 PopT(Repeat) ;
3832 BackPatch(f, Repeat) ; (* If False then keep on repeating *)
3833 BackPatch(t, NextQuad) ; (* If True then exit repeat *)
3834 END BuildUntil ;
3837 (*
3838 BuildWhile - Builds the While part of the While statement
3839 from the quad stack.
3840 The Stack is expected to contain:
3843 Entry Exit
3844 ===== ====
3846 <- Ptr
3847 |------------|
3848 Empty | WhileQuad |
3849 |------------|
3850 *)
3852 PROCEDURE BuildWhile ;
3853 BEGIN
3854 PushT(NextQuad)
3855 END BuildWhile ;
3858 (*
3859 BuildDoWhile - Builds the Do part of the while statement
3860 from the quad stack.
3861 The Stack is expected to contain:
3864 Entry Exit
3865 ===== ====
3867 Ptr ->
3868 +------------+ +------------+
3869 | t | f | | 0 | f |
3870 |------------| |------------|
3871 | WhileQuad | | WhileQuad |
3872 |------------| |------------|
3874 Quadruples
3876 BackPatch t exit to the NextQuad
3877 *)
3879 PROCEDURE BuildDoWhile ;
3880 VAR
3881 t, f: CARDINAL ;
3882 BEGIN
3883 CheckBooleanId ;
3884 PopBool(t, f) ;
3885 BackPatch(t, NextQuad) ;
3886 PushBool(0, f)
3887 END BuildDoWhile ;
3890 (*
3891 BuildEndWhile - Builds the end part of the while statement
3892 from the quad stack.
3893 The Stack is expected to contain:
3896 Entry Exit
3897 ===== ====
3899 Ptr ->
3900 +------------+
3901 | t | f |
3902 |------------|
3903 | WhileQuad | Empty
3904 |------------|
3906 Quadruples
3908 q GotoOp WhileQuad
3909 False exit is backpatched with q+1
3910 *)
3912 PROCEDURE BuildEndWhile ;
3913 VAR
3914 While,
3915 t, f : CARDINAL ;
3916 BEGIN
3917 PopBool(t, f) ;
3918 Assert(t=0) ;
3919 PopT(While) ;
3920 GenQuad(GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, While) ;
3921 BackPatch(f, NextQuad)
3922 END BuildEndWhile ;
3925 (*
3926 BuildLoop - Builds the Loop part of the Loop statement
3927 from the quad stack.
3928 The Stack is expected to contain:
3931 Entry Exit
3932 ===== ====
3934 <- Ptr
3935 Empty +------------+
3936 | LoopQuad |
3937 |------------|
3938 *)
3940 PROCEDURE BuildLoop ;
3941 BEGIN
3942 PushT(NextQuad) ;
3943 PushExit(0) (* Seperate Exit Stack for loop end *)
3944 END BuildLoop ;
3947 (*
3948 BuildExit - Builds the Exit part of the Loop statement.
3949 *)
3951 PROCEDURE BuildExit ;
3952 BEGIN
3953 IF IsEmptyWord(ExitStack)
3954 THEN
3955 MetaError0 ('{%EkEXIT} is only allowed in a {%kLOOP} statement')
3956 ELSE
3957 GenQuad(GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0) ;
3958 PushExit(Merge(PopExit(), NextQuad-1))
3959 END
3960 END BuildExit ;
3963 (*
3964 BuildEndLoop - Builds the End part of the Loop statement
3965 from the quad stack.
3966 The Stack is expected to contain:
3969 Entry Exit
3970 ===== ====
3972 Ptr ->
3973 +------------+
3974 | LoopQuad | Empty
3975 |------------|
3977 Quadruples
3979 Goto _ _ LoopQuad
3980 *)
3982 PROCEDURE BuildEndLoop ;
3983 VAR
3984 Loop: CARDINAL ;
3985 BEGIN
3986 PopT(Loop) ;
3987 GenQuad(GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, Loop) ;
3988 BackPatch(PopExit(), NextQuad)
3989 END BuildEndLoop ;
3992 (*
3993 BuildThenIf - Builds the Then part of the If statement
3994 from the quad stack.
3995 The Stack is expected to contain:
3998 Entry Exit
3999 ===== ====
4001 Ptr -> <- Ptr
4002 +------------+ +------------+
4003 | t | f | | 0 | f |
4004 |------------| |------------|
4006 Quadruples
4008 The true exit is BackPatched to point to
4009 the NextQuad.
4010 *)
4012 PROCEDURE BuildThenIf ;
4013 VAR
4014 t, f: CARDINAL ;
4015 BEGIN
4016 CheckBooleanId ;
4017 PopBool(t, f) ;
4018 BackPatch(t, NextQuad) ;
4019 PushBool(0, f)
4020 END BuildThenIf ;
4023 (*
4024 BuildElse - Builds the Else part of the If statement
4025 from the quad stack.
4026 The Stack is expected to contain:
4029 Entry Exit
4030 ===== ====
4032 Ptr ->
4033 +------------+ +------------+
4034 | t | f | | t+q | 0 |
4035 |------------| |------------|
4037 Quadruples
4039 q GotoOp _ _ 0
4040 q+1 <- BackPatched from f
4041 *)
4043 PROCEDURE BuildElse ;
4044 VAR
4045 t, f: CARDINAL ;
4046 BEGIN
4047 GenQuad(GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0) ;
4048 PopBool(t, f) ;
4049 BackPatch(f, NextQuad) ;
4050 PushBool(Merge(t, NextQuad-1), 0) (* NextQuad-1 = Goto Quad *)
4051 END BuildElse ;
4054 (*
4055 BuildEndIf - Builds the End part of the If statement
4056 from the quad stack.
4057 The Stack is expected to contain:
4060 Entry Exit
4061 ===== ====
4063 Ptr ->
4064 +------------+
4065 | t | f | Empty
4066 |------------|
4068 Quadruples
4070 Both t and f are backpatched to point to the NextQuad
4071 *)
4073 PROCEDURE BuildEndIf ;
4074 VAR
4075 t, f: CARDINAL ;
4076 BEGIN
4077 PopBool(t, f) ;
4078 BackPatch(t, NextQuad) ;
4079 BackPatch(f, NextQuad)
4080 END BuildEndIf ;
4083 (*
4084 BuildElsif1 - Builds the Elsif part of the If statement
4085 from the quad stack.
4086 The Stack is expected to contain:
4089 Entry Exit
4090 ===== ====
4092 Ptr ->
4093 +------------+ +------------+
4094 | t | f | | t+q | 0 |
4095 |------------| |------------|
4097 Quadruples
4099 q GotoOp _ _ 0
4100 q+1 <- BackPatched from f
4101 *)
4103 PROCEDURE BuildElsif1 ;
4104 VAR
4105 t, f: CARDINAL ;
4106 BEGIN
4107 GenQuad(GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0) ;
4108 PopBool(t, f) ;
4109 BackPatch(f, NextQuad) ;
4110 PushBool(Merge(t, NextQuad-1), 0) (* NextQuad-1 = Goto Quad *)
4111 END BuildElsif1 ;
4114 (*
4115 BuildElsif2 - Builds the Elsif until part of the If statement
4116 from the quad stack.
4117 The Stack is expected to contain:
4120 Entry Exit
4121 ===== ====
4123 Ptr ->
4124 +--------------+
4125 | 0 | f1 | <- Ptr
4126 |--------------| +---------------+
4127 | t2 | f2 | | t2 | f1+f2 |
4128 |--------------| |---------------|
4129 *)
4131 PROCEDURE BuildElsif2 ;
4132 VAR
4133 t1, f1,
4134 t2, f2: CARDINAL ;
4135 BEGIN
4136 PopBool(t1, f1) ;
4137 Assert(t1=0) ;
4138 PopBool(t2, f2) ;
4139 PushBool(t2, Merge(f1, f2))
4140 END BuildElsif2 ;
4143 (*
4144 PushOne - pushes the value one to the stack.
4145 The Stack is changed:
4148 Entry Exit
4149 ===== ====
4151 <- Ptr
4152 +------------+
4153 Ptr -> | 1 | type |
4154 |------------|
4155 *)
4157 PROCEDURE PushOne (tok: CARDINAL; type: CARDINAL; message: ARRAY OF CHAR) ;
4158 BEGIN
4159 IF type = NulSym
4160 THEN
4161 PushTF (MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey('1'), NulSym), NulSym)
4162 ELSIF IsEnumeration (type)
4163 THEN
4164 IF NoOfElements (type) = 0
4165 THEN
4166 MetaErrorString1 (ConCat (InitString ('enumeration type only has one element {%1Dad} and therefore '),
4167 Mark (InitString (message))),
4168 type) ;
4169 PushZero (tok, type)
4170 ELSE
4171 PushTF (Convert, NulSym) ;
4172 PushT (type) ;
4173 PushT (MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey ('1'), ZType)) ;
4174 PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *)
4175 BuildConvertFunction
4176 END
4177 ELSE
4178 PushTF (MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey ('1'), type), type)
4179 END
4180 END PushOne ;
4183 (*
4184 PushZero - pushes the value zero to the stack.
4185 The Stack is changed:
4188 Entry Exit
4189 ===== ====
4191 <- Ptr
4192 +------------+
4193 Ptr -> | 0 | type |
4194 |------------|
4195 *)
4197 PROCEDURE PushZero (tok: CARDINAL; type: CARDINAL) ;
4198 BEGIN
4199 IF type = NulSym
4200 THEN
4201 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey ('0'), NulSym), NulSym, tok)
4202 ELSIF IsEnumeration (type)
4203 THEN
4204 PushTFtok (Convert, NulSym, tok) ;
4205 PushTtok (type, tok) ;
4206 PushTtok (MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey ('0'), ZType), tok) ;
4207 PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *)
4208 BuildConvertFunction
4209 ELSE
4210 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey ('0'), type), type, tok)
4211 END
4212 END PushZero ;
4215 (*
4216 BuildPseudoBy - Builds the Non existant part of the By
4217 clause of the For statement
4218 from the quad stack.
4219 The Stack is expected to contain:
4222 Entry Exit
4223 ===== ====
4225 <- Ptr
4226 +------------+
4227 Ptr -> | BySym | t |
4228 +------------+ |------------|
4229 | e | t | | e | t |
4230 |------------| |------------|
4231 *)
4233 PROCEDURE BuildPseudoBy ;
4234 VAR
4235 e, t, dotok: CARDINAL ;
4236 BEGIN
4237 PopTFtok (e, t, dotok) ; (* as there is no BY token this position is the DO at the end of the last expression. *)
4238 PushTFtok (e, t, dotok) ;
4239 IF t=NulSym
4240 THEN
4241 t := GetSType (e)
4242 END ;
4243 PushOne (dotok, t, 'the implied FOR loop increment will cause an overflow {%1ad}')
4244 END BuildPseudoBy ;
4247 (*
4248 BuildForLoopToRangeCheck - builds the range check to ensure that the id
4249 does not exceed the limits of its type.
4250 *)
4252 PROCEDURE BuildForLoopToRangeCheck ;
4253 VAR
4254 d, dt,
4255 e, et: CARDINAL ;
4256 BEGIN
4257 PopTF (e, et) ;
4258 PopTF (d, dt) ;
4259 BuildRange (InitForLoopToRangeCheck (d, e)) ;
4260 PushTF (d, dt) ;
4261 PushTF (e, et)
4262 END BuildForLoopToRangeCheck ;
4265 (*
4266 BuildForToByDo - Builds the For To By Do part of the For statement
4267 from the quad stack.
4268 The Stack is expected to contain:
4271 Entry Exit
4272 ===== ====
4275 Ptr -> <- Ptr
4276 +----------------+ |----------------|
4277 | BySym | ByType | | ForQuad |
4278 |----------------| |----------------|
4279 | e2 | | LastValue |
4280 |----------------| |----------------|
4281 | e1 | | BySym | ByType |
4282 |----------------| |----------------|
4283 | Ident | | IdentSym |
4284 |----------------| |----------------|
4287 x := e1 ;
4288 LASTVALUE := ((e2-e1) DIV BySym) * BySym + e1
4289 IF BySym<0
4290 THEN
4291 IF e1<e2
4292 THEN
4293 goto exit
4294 END
4295 ELSE
4296 IF e1>e2
4297 THEN
4298 goto exit
4299 END
4300 END ;
4301 LOOP
4302 body
4304 THEN
4305 goto exit
4306 END ;
4307 INC(x, BySym)
4308 END
4310 Quadruples:
4312 q BecomesOp IdentSym _ e1
4313 q+ LastValue := ((e1-e2) DIV by) * by + e1
4314 q+1 if >= by 0 q+..2
4315 q+2 GotoOp q+3
4316 q+3 If >= e1 e2 q+5
4317 q+4 GotoOp exit
4318 q+5 ..
4319 q+..1 Goto q+..5
4320 q+..2 If >= e2 e1 q+..4
4321 q+..3 GotoOp exit
4322 q+..4 ..
4324 The For Loop is regarded:
4326 For ident := e1 To e2 By by Do
4328 End
4329 *)
4331 PROCEDURE BuildForToByDo ;
4332 VAR
4333 l1, l2 : LineNote ;
4334 e1, e2,
4335 Id : Name ;
4336 e1tok,
4337 e2tok,
4338 idtok,
4339 bytok : CARDINAL ;
4340 FinalValue,
4341 exit1,
4342 IdSym,
4343 BySym,
4344 ByType,
4345 ForLoop,
4346 t, f : CARDINAL ;
4347 etype,
4348 t1 : CARDINAL ;
4349 BEGIN
4350 l2 := PopLineNo() ;
4351 l1 := PopLineNo() ;
4352 UseLineNote(l1) ;
4353 PushFor (0) ;
4354 PopTFtok (BySym, ByType, bytok) ;
4355 PopTtok (e2, e2tok) ;
4356 PopTtok (e1, e1tok) ;
4357 PopTtok (Id, idtok) ;
4358 IdSym := RequestSym (idtok, Id) ;
4359 IF NOT IsExpressionCompatible (GetSType (e1), GetSType (e2))
4360 THEN
4361 MetaError2 ('incompatible types found in {%EkFOR} loop header, initial expression {%E1tsad} and final expression {%E2tsad}',
4362 e1, e2) ;
4363 CheckExpressionCompatible (idtok, GetSType (e1), GetSType (e2))
4364 END ;
4365 IF NOT IsExpressionCompatible( GetSType (e1), ByType)
4366 THEN
4367 MetaError2 ('incompatible types found in {%EkFOR} loop header, initial expression {%E1tsad} and {%kBY} {%E2tsad}',
4368 e2, BySym) ;
4369 CheckExpressionCompatible (e1tok, GetSType (e1), ByType)
4370 ELSIF NOT IsExpressionCompatible (GetSType (e2), ByType)
4371 THEN
4372 MetaError2 ('incompatible types found in {%EkFOR} loop header, final expression {%E1tsad} and {%kBY} {%E2tsad}',
4373 e2, BySym) ;
4374 CheckExpressionCompatible (e1tok, GetSType (e2), ByType)
4375 END ;
4376 BuildRange (InitForLoopBeginRangeCheck (IdSym, e1)) ;
4377 PushTtok (IdSym, idtok) ;
4378 PushTtok (e1, e1tok) ;
4379 BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (idtok, TRUE, TRUE) ;
4381 UseLineNote (l2) ;
4382 FinalValue := MakeTemporary (e2tok,
4383 AreConstant (IsConst (e1) AND IsConst (e2) AND
4384 IsConst (BySym))) ;
4385 PutVar (FinalValue, GetSType (IdSym)) ;
4386 etype := MixTypes (GetSType (e1), GetSType (e2), e2tok) ;
4387 e1 := doConvert (etype, e1) ;
4388 e2 := doConvert (etype, e2) ;
4390 PushTF (FinalValue, GetSType(FinalValue)) ;
4391 PushTFtok (e2, GetSType(e2), e2tok) ; (* FinalValue := ((e1-e2) DIV By) * By + e1 *)
4392 PushT (MinusTok) ;
4393 PushTFtok (e1, GetSType(e1), e1tok) ;
4394 doBuildBinaryOp (TRUE, FALSE) ;
4395 PushT (DivideTok) ;
4396 PushTFtok (BySym, ByType, bytok) ;
4397 doBuildBinaryOp (FALSE, FALSE) ;
4398 PushT (TimesTok) ;
4399 PushTFtok (BySym, ByType, bytok) ;
4400 doBuildBinaryOp (FALSE, FALSE) ;
4401 PushT (PlusTok) ;
4402 PushTFtok (e1, GetSType (e1), e1tok) ;
4403 doBuildBinaryOp (FALSE, FALSE) ;
4404 BuildForLoopToRangeCheck ;
4405 BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (e1tok, FALSE, FALSE) ;
4407 (* q+1 if >= by 0 q+..2 *)
4408 (* q+2 GotoOp q+3 *)
4409 PushTFtok (BySym, ByType, bytok) ; (* BuildRelOp 1st parameter *)
4410 PushT (GreaterEqualTok) ; (* 2nd parameter *)
4411 (* 3rd parameter *)
4412 PushZero (bytok, ByType) ;
4414 BuildRelOp (e2tok) ; (* choose final expression position. *)
4415 PopBool(t, f) ;
4416 BackPatch(f, NextQuad) ;
4417 (* q+3 If >= e1 e2 q+5 *)
4418 (* q+4 GotoOp Exit *)
4419 PushTFtok (e1, GetSType (e1), e1tok) ; (* BuildRelOp 1st parameter *)
4420 PushT (GreaterEqualTok) ; (* 2nd parameter *)
4421 PushTFtok (e2, GetSType (e2), e2tok) ; (* 3rd parameter *)
4422 BuildRelOp (e2tok) ; (* choose final expression position. *)
4423 PopBool (t1, exit1) ;
4424 BackPatch (t1, NextQuad) ;
4425 PushFor (Merge (PopFor(), exit1)) ; (* merge exit1 *)
4427 GenQuad (GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0) ;
4428 ForLoop := NextQuad-1 ;
4430 (* ELSE *)
4432 BackPatch (t, NextQuad) ;
4433 PushTFtok (e2, GetSType(e2), e2tok) ; (* BuildRelOp 1st parameter *)
4434 PushT (GreaterEqualTok) ; (* 2nd parameter *)
4435 PushTFtok (e1, GetSType(e1), e1tok) ; (* 3rd parameter *)
4436 BuildRelOp (e2tok) ;
4437 PopBool (t1, exit1) ;
4438 BackPatch (t1, NextQuad) ;
4439 PushFor (Merge (PopFor (), exit1)) ; (* merge exit1 *)
4441 BackPatch(ForLoop, NextQuad) ; (* fixes the start of the for loop *)
4442 ForLoop := NextQuad ;
4444 (* and set up the stack *)
4446 PushTFtok (IdSym, GetSym (IdSym), idtok) ;
4447 PushTFtok (BySym, ByType, bytok) ;
4448 PushTFtok (FinalValue, GetSType (FinalValue), e2tok) ;
4449 PushT (ForLoop)
4450 END BuildForToByDo ;
4453 (*
4454 BuildEndFor - Builds the End part of the For statement
4455 from the quad stack.
4456 The Stack is expected to contain:
4459 Entry Exit
4460 ===== ====
4462 Ptr ->
4463 +----------------+
4464 | ForQuad |
4465 |----------------|
4466 | LastValue |
4467 |----------------|
4468 | BySym | ByType |
4469 |----------------|
4470 | IdSym | Empty
4471 |----------------|
4472 *)
4474 PROCEDURE BuildEndFor (endpostok: CARDINAL) ;
4475 VAR
4476 t, f,
4477 tsym,
4478 IncQuad,
4479 ForQuad: CARDINAL ;
4480 LastSym,
4481 ByType,
4482 BySym,
4483 bytok,
4484 IdSym,
4485 idtok : CARDINAL ;
4486 BEGIN
4487 PopT (ForQuad) ;
4488 PopT (LastSym) ;
4489 PopTFtok (BySym, ByType, bytok) ;
4490 PopTtok (IdSym, idtok) ;
4492 (* IF IdSym=LastSym THEN exit END *)
4493 PushTF(IdSym, GetSType (IdSym)) ;
4494 PushT (EqualTok) ;
4495 PushTF (LastSym, GetSType (LastSym)) ;
4496 BuildRelOp (endpostok) ;
4497 PopBool (t, f) ;
4499 BackPatch (t, NextQuad) ;
4500 GenQuad (GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0) ;
4501 PushFor (Merge (PopFor (), NextQuad-1)) ;
4502 BackPatch (f, NextQuad) ;
4503 IF GetMode (IdSym) = LeftValue
4504 THEN
4505 (* index variable is a LeftValue, therefore we must dereference it *)
4506 tsym := MakeTemporary (idtok, RightValue) ;
4507 PutVar (tsym, GetSType (IdSym)) ;
4508 CheckPointerThroughNil (idtok, IdSym) ;
4509 doIndrX (endpostok, tsym, IdSym) ;
4510 BuildRange (InitForLoopEndRangeCheck (tsym, BySym)) ; (* --fixme-- pass endpostok. *)
4511 IncQuad := NextQuad ;
4512 (* we have explicitly checked using the above and also
4513 this addition can legally overflow if a cardinal type
4514 is counting down. The above test will generate a more
4515 precise error message, so we suppress overflow detection
4516 here. *)
4517 GenQuadO (bytok, AddOp, tsym, tsym, BySym, FALSE) ;
4518 CheckPointerThroughNil (idtok, IdSym) ;
4519 GenQuadO (idtok, XIndrOp, IdSym, GetSType (IdSym), tsym, FALSE)
4520 ELSE
4521 BuildRange (InitForLoopEndRangeCheck (IdSym, BySym)) ;
4522 IncQuad := NextQuad ;
4523 (* we have explicitly checked using the above and also
4524 this addition can legally overflow if a cardinal type
4525 is counting down. The above test will generate a more
4526 precise error message, so we suppress overflow detection
4527 here. *)
4528 GenQuadO (idtok, AddOp, IdSym, IdSym, BySym, FALSE)
4529 END ;
4530 GenQuadO (endpostok, GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, ForQuad, FALSE) ;
4531 BackPatch (PopFor (), NextQuad) ;
4532 AddForInfo (ForQuad, NextQuad-1, IncQuad, IdSym, idtok)
4533 END BuildEndFor ;
4536 (*
4537 BuildCaseStart - starts the case statement.
4538 It initializes a backpatch list on the compile
4539 time stack, the list is used to contain all
4540 case break points. The list is later backpatched
4541 and contains all positions of the case statement
4542 which jump to the end of the case statement.
4543 The stack also contains room for a boolean
4544 expression, this is needed to allow , operator
4545 in the CaseField alternatives.
4547 The Stack is expected to contain:
4550 Entry Exit
4551 ===== ====
4553 <- Ptr
4554 +------------+
4555 Empty | 0 | 0 |
4556 |------------|
4557 | 0 | 0 |
4558 |------------|
4559 *)
4561 PROCEDURE BuildCaseStart ;
4562 BEGIN
4563 BuildRange (InitCaseBounds (PushCase (NulSym, NulSym))) ;
4564 PushBool (0, 0) ; (* BackPatch list initialized *)
4565 PushBool (0, 0) (* Room for a boolean expression *)
4566 END BuildCaseStart ;
4569 (*
4570 BuildCaseStartStatementSequence - starts the statement sequence
4571 inside a case clause.
4572 BackPatches the true exit to the
4573 NextQuad.
4574 The Stack:
4576 Entry Exit
4578 Ptr -> <- Ptr
4579 +-----------+ +------------+
4580 | t | f | | 0 | f |
4581 |-----------| |------------|
4582 *)
4584 PROCEDURE BuildCaseStartStatementSequence ;
4585 VAR
4586 t, f: CARDINAL ;
4587 BEGIN
4588 PopBool (t, f) ;
4589 BackPatch (t, NextQuad) ;
4590 PushBool (0, f)
4591 END BuildCaseStartStatementSequence ;
4594 (*
4595 BuildCaseEndStatementSequence - ends the statement sequence
4596 inside a case clause.
4597 BackPatches the false exit f1 to the
4598 NextQuad.
4599 Asserts that t1 and f2 is 0
4600 Pushes t2+q and 0
4602 Quadruples:
4604 q GotoOp _ _ 0
4606 The Stack:
4608 Entry Exit
4610 Ptr -> <- Ptr
4611 +-----------+ +------------+
4612 | t1 | f1 | | 0 | 0 |
4613 |-----------| |------------|
4614 | t2 | f2 | | t2+q | 0 |
4615 |-----------| |------------|
4616 *)
4618 PROCEDURE BuildCaseEndStatementSequence ;
4619 VAR
4620 t1, f1,
4621 t2, f2: CARDINAL ;
4622 BEGIN
4623 GenQuad (GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0) ;
4624 PopBool (t1, f1) ;
4625 PopBool (t2, f2) ; (* t2 contains the break list for the case *)
4626 BackPatch (f1, NextQuad) ; (* f1 no longer needed *)
4627 Assert (t1=0) ;
4628 Assert (f2=0) ;
4629 PushBool (Merge (t2, NextQuad-1), 0) ; (* NextQuad-1 = Goto Quad *)
4630 PushBool (0, 0) (* Room for boolean expression *)
4631 END BuildCaseEndStatementSequence ;
4634 (*
4635 BuildCaseRange - builds the range testing quaruples for
4636 a case clause.
4638 IF (e1>=ce1) AND (e1<=ce2)
4639 THEN
4641 ELS..
4643 The Stack:
4645 Entry Exit
4647 Ptr ->
4648 +-----------+
4649 | ce2 | <- Ptr
4650 |-----------| +-----------+
4651 | ce1 | | t | f |
4652 |-----------| |-----------|
4653 | t1 | f1 | | t1 | f1 |
4654 |-----------| |-----------|
4655 | t2 | f2 | | t2 | f2 |
4656 |-----------| |-----------|
4657 | e1 | | e1 |
4658 |-----------| |-----------|
4659 *)
4661 PROCEDURE BuildCaseRange ;
4662 VAR
4663 ce1, ce2,
4664 combinedtok,
4665 ce1tok,
4666 ce2tok,
4667 e1tok,
4668 e1,
4669 t2, f2,
4670 t1, f1 : CARDINAL ;
4671 BEGIN
4672 PopTtok (ce2, ce2tok) ;
4673 PopTtok (ce1, ce1tok) ;
4674 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (ce2tok, ce2tok, ce1tok) ;
4675 AddRange (ce1, ce2, combinedtok) ;
4676 PopBool (t1, f1) ;
4677 PopBool (t2, f2) ;
4678 PopTtok (e1, e1tok) ;
4679 PushTtok (e1, e1tok) ; (* leave e1 on bottom of stack when exit procedure *)
4680 PushBool (t2, f2) ;
4681 PushBool (t1, f1) ; (* also leave t1 and f1 on the bottom of the stack *)
4682 PushTtok (e1, e1tok) ;
4683 PushT (GreaterEqualTok) ;
4684 PushTtok (ce1, ce1tok) ;
4685 BuildRelOp (combinedtok) ;
4686 PushT (AndTok) ;
4687 RecordOp ;
4688 PushTtok (e1, e1tok) ;
4689 PushT (LessEqualTok) ;
4690 PushTtok (ce2, ce2tok) ;
4691 BuildRelOp (combinedtok) ;
4692 BuildBinaryOp
4693 END BuildCaseRange ;
4696 (*
4697 BuildCaseEquality - builds the range testing quadruples for
4698 a case clause.
4700 IF e1=ce1
4701 THEN
4703 ELS..
4705 The Stack:
4707 Entry Exit
4709 Ptr ->
4710 +-----------+ +-----------+
4711 | ce1 | | t | f |
4712 |-----------| |-----------|
4713 | t1 | f1 | | t1 | f1 |
4714 |-----------| |-----------|
4715 | t2 | f2 | | t2 | f2 |
4716 |-----------| |-----------|
4717 | e1 | | e1 |
4718 |-----------| |-----------|
4719 *)
4721 PROCEDURE BuildCaseEquality ;
4722 VAR
4723 ce1tok,
4724 e1tok,
4725 ce1, e1,
4726 t2, f2,
4727 t1, f1 : CARDINAL ;
4728 BEGIN
4729 PopTtok (ce1, ce1tok) ;
4730 AddRange (ce1, NulSym, ce1tok) ;
4731 PopBool (t1, f1) ;
4732 PopBool (t2, f2) ;
4733 PopTtok (e1, e1tok) ;
4734 PushTtok (e1, e1tok) ; (* leave e1 on bottom of stack when exit procedure *)
4735 PushBool (t2, f2) ; (* also leave t2 and f2 on the bottom of the stack *)
4736 PushBool (t1, f1) ;
4737 PushTtok (e1, e1tok) ;
4738 PushT (EqualTok) ;
4739 PushTtok (ce1, ce1tok) ;
4740 BuildRelOp (ce1tok)
4741 END BuildCaseEquality ;
4744 (*
4745 BuildCaseList - merges two case tests into one
4747 The Stack:
4749 Entry Exit
4751 Ptr ->
4752 +-----------+
4753 | t2 | f2 |
4754 |-----------| +-------------+
4755 | t1 | f1 | | t1+t2| f1+f2|
4756 |-----------| |-------------|
4757 *)
4759 PROCEDURE BuildCaseList ;
4760 VAR
4761 t2, f2,
4762 t1, f1: CARDINAL ;
4763 BEGIN
4764 PopBool (t2, f2) ;
4765 PopBool (t1, f1) ;
4766 PushBool (Merge (t1, t2), Merge (f1, f2))
4767 END BuildCaseList ;
4770 (*
4771 BuildCaseOr - builds the , in the case clause.
4773 The Stack:
4775 Entry Exit
4777 Ptr -> <- Ptr
4778 +-----------+ +------------+
4779 | t | f | | t | 0 |
4780 |-----------| |------------|
4781 *)
4783 PROCEDURE BuildCaseOr ;
4784 VAR
4785 t, f: CARDINAL ;
4786 BEGIN
4787 PopBool (t, f) ;
4788 BackPatch (f, NextQuad) ;
4789 PushBool (t, 0)
4790 END BuildCaseOr ;
4793 (*
4794 BuildCaseElse - builds the else of case clause.
4796 The Stack:
4798 Entry Exit
4800 Ptr -> <- Ptr
4801 +-----------+ +------------+
4802 | t | f | | t | 0 |
4803 |-----------| |------------|
4804 *)
4806 PROCEDURE BuildCaseElse ;
4807 VAR
4808 t, f: CARDINAL ;
4809 BEGIN
4810 PopBool (t, f) ;
4811 BackPatch (f, NextQuad) ;
4812 PushBool (t, 0)
4813 END BuildCaseElse ;
4816 (*
4817 BuildCaseEnd - builds the end of case clause.
4819 The Stack:
4821 Entry Exit
4823 Ptr ->
4824 +-----------+
4825 | t1 | f1 |
4826 |-----------|
4827 | t2 | f2 |
4828 |-----------|
4829 | e1 |
4830 |-----------| Empty
4831 *)
4833 PROCEDURE BuildCaseEnd ;
4834 VAR
4835 e1,
4836 t, f: CARDINAL ;
4837 BEGIN
4838 PopBool (t, f) ;
4839 BackPatch (f, NextQuad) ;
4840 BackPatch (t, NextQuad) ;
4841 PopBool (t, f) ;
4842 BackPatch (f, NextQuad) ;
4843 BackPatch (t, NextQuad) ;
4844 PopT (e1) ;
4845 PopCase
4846 END BuildCaseEnd ;
4849 (*
4850 BuildCaseCheck - builds the case checking code to ensure that
4851 the program does not need an else clause at runtime.
4852 The stack is unaltered.
4853 *)
4855 PROCEDURE BuildCaseCheck ;
4856 BEGIN
4857 BuildError (InitNoElseRangeCheck ())
4858 END BuildCaseCheck ;
4861 (*
4862 BuildNulParam - Builds a nul parameter on the stack.
4863 The Stack:
4865 Entry Exit
4867 <- Ptr
4868 Empty +------------+
4869 | 0 |
4870 |------------|
4871 *)
4873 PROCEDURE BuildNulParam ;
4874 BEGIN
4875 PushT (0)
4876 END BuildNulParam ;
4879 (*
4880 BuildSizeCheckStart - switches off all quadruple generation if the function SIZE or HIGH
4881 is being "called". This should be done as SIZE only requires the
4882 actual type of the expression, not its value. Consider the problem of
4883 SIZE(UninitializedPointer^) which is quite legal and it must
4884 also be safe!
4885 ISO Modula-2 also allows HIGH(a[0]) for a two dimensional array
4886 and there is no need to compute a[0], we just need to follow the
4887 type and count dimensions. However if SIZE(a) or HIGH(a) occurs
4888 and, a, is an unbounded array then we turn on quadruple generation.
4890 The Stack is expected to contain:
4893 Entry Exit
4894 ===== ====
4896 Ptr -> <- Ptr
4897 +----------------------+ +----------------------+
4898 | ProcSym | Type | tok | | ProcSym | Type | tok |
4899 |----------------------| |----------------------|
4900 *)
4902 PROCEDURE BuildSizeCheckStart ;
4903 VAR
4904 ProcSym, Type, tok: CARDINAL ;
4905 BEGIN
4906 PopTFtok (ProcSym, Type, tok) ;
4907 IF (ProcSym=Size) OR (ProcSym=TSize) OR (ProcSym=TBitSize)
4908 THEN
4909 QuadrupleGeneration := FALSE ;
4910 BuildingSize := TRUE
4911 ELSIF ProcSym=High
4912 THEN
4913 QuadrupleGeneration := FALSE ;
4914 BuildingHigh := TRUE
4915 END ;
4916 PushTFtok (ProcSym, Type, tok)
4917 END BuildSizeCheckStart ;
4920 (*
4921 BuildSizeCheckEnd - checks to see whether the function "called" was in fact SIZE.
4922 If so then we restore quadruple generation.
4923 *)
4925 PROCEDURE BuildSizeCheckEnd (ProcSym: CARDINAL) ;
4926 BEGIN
4927 IF (ProcSym=Size) OR (ProcSym=TSize) OR (ProcSym=TBitSize)
4928 THEN
4929 QuadrupleGeneration := TRUE ;
4930 BuildingSize := FALSE
4931 ELSIF ProcSym=High
4932 THEN
4933 QuadrupleGeneration := TRUE ;
4934 BuildingHigh := FALSE
4935 END ;
4936 END BuildSizeCheckEnd ;
4939 (*
4940 BuildProcedureCall - builds a procedure call.
4941 Although this procedure does not directly
4942 destroy the procedure parameters, it calls
4943 routine which will manipulate the stack and
4944 so the entry and exit states of the stack are shown.
4946 The Stack:
4949 Entry Exit
4951 Ptr ->
4952 +----------------+
4953 | NoOfParam |
4954 |----------------|
4955 | Param 1 |
4956 |----------------|
4957 | Param 2 |
4958 |----------------|
4959 . .
4960 . .
4961 . .
4962 |----------------|
4963 | Param # |
4964 |----------------|
4965 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
4966 |----------------|
4967 *)
4969 PROCEDURE BuildProcedureCall (tokno: CARDINAL) ;
4970 VAR
4971 NoOfParam,
4972 ProcSym : CARDINAL ;
4973 BEGIN
4974 PopT(NoOfParam) ;
4975 ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam+1) ;
4976 PushT (NoOfParam) ; (* Compile time stack restored to entry state *)
4977 IF IsPseudoBaseProcedure (ProcSym) OR IsPseudoSystemProcedure (ProcSym)
4978 THEN
4979 DisplayStack ;
4980 ManipulatePseudoCallParameters ;
4981 DisplayStack ;
4982 BuildPseudoProcedureCall (tokno) ;
4983 DisplayStack
4984 ELSIF IsUnknown (ProcSym)
4985 THEN
4986 MetaError1 ('{%1Ua} is not recognised as a procedure, check declaration or import', ProcSym) ;
4987 PopN (NoOfParam + 2)
4988 ELSE
4989 DisplayStack ;
4990 BuildRealProcedureCall (tokno) ;
4991 DisplayStack ;
4992 END
4993 END BuildProcedureCall ;
4996 (*
4997 BuildRealProcedureCall - builds a real procedure call.
4998 The Stack:
5001 Entry Exit
5003 Ptr ->
5004 +----------------+
5005 | NoOfParam |
5006 |----------------|
5007 | Param 1 |
5008 |----------------|
5009 | Param 2 |
5010 |----------------|
5011 . .
5012 . .
5013 . .
5014 |----------------|
5015 | Param # |
5016 |----------------|
5017 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
5018 |----------------|
5019 *)
5021 PROCEDURE BuildRealProcedureCall (tokno: CARDINAL) ;
5022 VAR
5023 NoOfParam: CARDINAL ;
5024 ProcSym : CARDINAL ;
5025 BEGIN
5026 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
5027 PushT (NoOfParam) ;
5028 ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam+2) ;
5029 ProcSym := SkipConst (ProcSym) ;
5030 (* tokno := OperandTtok (NoOfParam+2) ; *) (* --checkme-- *)
5031 IF IsVar (ProcSym)
5032 THEN
5033 (* Procedure Variable ? *)
5034 ProcSym := SkipType (OperandF (NoOfParam+2))
5035 END ;
5036 IF IsDefImp (GetScope (ProcSym)) AND IsDefinitionForC (GetScope (ProcSym))
5037 THEN
5038 BuildRealFuncProcCall (tokno, FALSE, TRUE)
5039 ELSE
5040 BuildRealFuncProcCall (tokno, FALSE, FALSE)
5041 END
5042 END BuildRealProcedureCall ;
5045 (*
5046 BuildRealFuncProcCall - builds a real procedure or function call.
5047 The Stack:
5050 Entry Exit
5052 Ptr ->
5053 +----------------+
5054 | NoOfParam |
5055 |----------------|
5056 | Param 1 |
5057 |----------------|
5058 | Param 2 |
5059 |----------------|
5060 . .
5061 . .
5062 . .
5063 |----------------|
5064 | Param # |
5065 |----------------|
5066 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
5067 |----------------|
5068 *)
5070 PROCEDURE BuildRealFuncProcCall (tokno: CARDINAL; IsFunc, IsForC: BOOLEAN) ;
5071 VAR
5072 ForcedFunc,
5073 ParamConstant : BOOLEAN ;
5074 resulttok,
5075 paramtok,
5076 proctok,
5077 NoOfParameters,
5078 i, pi,
5079 ReturnVar,
5080 ProcSym,
5081 Proc : CARDINAL ;
5082 BEGIN
5083 CheckProcedureParameters (IsForC) ;
5084 PopT (NoOfParameters) ;
5085 PushT (NoOfParameters) ; (* Restore stack to original state. *)
5086 ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParameters+2) ;
5087 proctok := tokno ; (* OperandTtok (NoOfParameters+2) ; *)
5088 IF proctok = UnknownTokenNo
5089 THEN
5090 proctok := GetTokenNo ()
5091 END ;
5092 paramtok := proctok ;
5093 ProcSym := SkipConst (ProcSym) ;
5094 ForcedFunc := FALSE ;
5095 IF IsVar (ProcSym)
5096 THEN
5097 (* Procedure Variable ? *)
5098 Proc := SkipType (OperandF (NoOfParameters+2)) ;
5099 ParamConstant := FALSE
5100 ELSE
5101 Proc := ProcSym ;
5102 ParamConstant := IsProcedureBuiltin (Proc)
5103 END ;
5104 IF IsFunc
5105 THEN
5106 IF GetSType (Proc) = NulSym
5107 THEN
5108 MetaErrors1 ('procedure {%1a} cannot be used as a function',
5109 'procedure {%1Da} does not have a return type',
5110 Proc)
5111 END
5112 ELSE
5113 (* is being called as a procedure *)
5114 IF GetSType (Proc) # NulSym
5115 THEN
5116 (* however it was declared as a procedure function *)
5117 IF NOT IsReturnOptional (Proc)
5118 THEN
5119 MetaErrors1 ('function {%1a} is being called but its return value is ignored',
5120 'function {%1Da} return a type {%1ta:of {%1ta}}',
5121 Proc)
5122 END ;
5123 IsFunc := TRUE ;
5124 ForcedFunc := TRUE
5125 END
5126 END ;
5127 ManipulateParameters (IsForC) ;
5128 CheckParameterOrdinals ;
5129 PopT(NoOfParameters) ;
5130 IF IsFunc
5131 THEN
5132 GenQuad (ParamOp, 0, Proc, ProcSym) (* Space for return value *)
5133 END ;
5134 IF (NoOfParameters+1=NoOfParam(Proc)) AND UsesOptArg(Proc)
5135 THEN
5136 GenQuad (OptParamOp, NoOfParam(Proc), Proc, Proc)
5137 END ;
5138 i := NoOfParameters ;
5139 pi := 1 ; (* stack index referencing stacked parameter, i *)
5140 WHILE i>0 DO
5141 paramtok := OperandTtok (pi) ;
5142 GenQuadO (paramtok, ParamOp, i, Proc, OperandT (pi), TRUE) ;
5143 IF NOT IsConst (OperandT (pi))
5144 THEN
5145 ParamConstant := FALSE
5146 END ;
5147 DEC (i) ;
5148 INC (pi)
5149 END ;
5150 GenQuadO (proctok, CallOp, NulSym, NulSym, ProcSym, TRUE) ;
5151 PopN (NoOfParameters+1) ; (* Destroy arguments and procedure call *)
5152 IF IsFunc
5153 THEN
5154 (* ReturnVar - will have the type of the procedure *)
5155 resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (proctok, proctok, paramtok) ;
5156 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, AreConstant(ParamConstant)) ;
5157 PutVar (ReturnVar, GetSType(Proc)) ;
5158 GenQuadO (resulttok, FunctValueOp, ReturnVar, NulSym, Proc, TRUE) ;
5159 IF NOT ForcedFunc
5160 THEN
5161 PushTFtok (ReturnVar, GetSType (Proc), resulttok)
5162 END
5163 END
5164 END BuildRealFuncProcCall ;
5167 (*
5168 CheckProcedureParameters - Checks the parameters which are being passed to
5169 procedure ProcSym.
5171 The Stack:
5174 Entry Exit
5176 Ptr -> <- Ptr
5177 +----------------+ +----------------+
5178 | NoOfParam | | NoOfParam |
5179 |----------------| |----------------|
5180 | Param 1 | | Param 1 |
5181 |----------------| |----------------|
5182 | Param 2 | | Param 2 |
5183 |----------------| |----------------|
5184 . . . .
5185 . . . .
5186 . . . .
5187 |----------------| |----------------|
5188 | Param # | | Param # |
5189 |----------------| |----------------|
5190 | ProcSym | Type | | ProcSym | Type |
5191 |----------------| |----------------|
5193 *)
5195 PROCEDURE CheckProcedureParameters (IsForC: BOOLEAN) ;
5196 VAR
5197 proctok,
5198 paramtok : CARDINAL ;
5199 n1, n2 : Name ;
5200 Dim,
5201 Actual,
5202 FormalI,
5203 ParamTotal,
5204 pi,
5205 Proc,
5206 ProcSym,
5207 i : CARDINAL ;
5208 s : String ;
5209 BEGIN
5210 PopT(ParamTotal) ;
5211 PushT(ParamTotal) ; (* Restore stack to origional state *)
5212 ProcSym := OperandT(ParamTotal+1+1) ;
5213 proctok := OperandTtok(ParamTotal+1+1) ;
5214 IF IsVar(ProcSym) AND IsProcType(GetDType(ProcSym))
5215 THEN
5216 (* Procedure Variable ? *)
5217 Proc := SkipType(OperandF(ParamTotal+1+1))
5218 ELSE
5219 Proc := SkipConst(ProcSym)
5220 END ;
5221 IF NOT (IsProcedure(Proc) OR IsProcType(Proc))
5222 THEN
5223 IF IsUnknown(Proc)
5224 THEN
5225 MetaError1('{%1Ua} is not recognised as a procedure, check declaration or import', Proc)
5226 ELSE
5227 MetaErrors1('{%1a} is not recognised as a procedure, check declaration or import',
5228 '{%1Ua} is not recognised as a procedure, check declaration or import',
5229 Proc)
5230 END
5231 END ;
5232 IF CompilerDebugging
5233 THEN
5234 n1 := GetSymName(Proc) ;
5235 printf1(' %a ( ', n1)
5236 END ;
5237 IF DebugTokPos
5238 THEN
5239 s := InitString ('procedure') ;
5240 WarnStringAt (s, proctok)
5241 END ;
5243 i := 1 ;
5244 pi := ParamTotal+1 ; (* stack index referencing stacked parameter, i *)
5245 WHILE i<=ParamTotal DO
5246 IF i<=NoOfParam(Proc)
5247 THEN
5248 FormalI := GetParam(Proc, i) ;
5249 IF CompilerDebugging
5250 THEN
5251 n1 := GetSymName(FormalI) ;
5252 n2 := GetSymName(GetSType(FormalI)) ;
5253 printf2('%a: %a', n1, n2)
5254 END ;
5255 Actual := OperandT(pi) ;
5256 Dim := OperandD(pi) ;
5257 paramtok := OperandTtok(pi) ;
5258 IF DebugTokPos
5259 THEN
5260 s := InitString ('actual') ;
5261 WarnStringAt (s, paramtok)
5262 END ;
5264 BuildRange(InitTypesParameterCheck(Proc, i, FormalI, Actual)) ;
5265 IF IsConst(Actual)
5266 THEN
5267 IF IsVarParam(Proc, i)
5268 THEN
5269 FailParameter (paramtok,
5270 'trying to pass a constant to a VAR parameter',
5271 Actual, FormalI, Proc, i)
5272 ELSIF IsConstString (Actual)
5273 THEN
5274 IF (GetStringLength (Actual) = 0) (* if = 0 then it maybe unknown at this time *)
5275 THEN
5276 (* dont check this yet *)
5277 ELSIF IsArray(GetDType(FormalI)) AND (GetSType(GetDType(FormalI))=Char)
5278 THEN
5279 (* allow string literals to be passed to ARRAY [0..n] OF CHAR *)
5280 ELSIF (GetStringLength(Actual) = 1) (* if = 1 then it maybe treated as a char *)
5281 THEN
5282 CheckParameter (paramtok, Actual, Dim, FormalI, Proc, i, NIL)
5283 ELSIF NOT IsUnboundedParam(Proc, i)
5284 THEN
5285 IF IsForC AND (GetSType(FormalI)=Address)
5286 THEN
5287 FailParameter (paramtok,
5288 'a string constant can either be passed to an ADDRESS parameter or an ARRAY OF CHAR',
5289 Actual, FormalI, Proc, i)
5290 ELSE
5291 FailParameter (paramtok,
5292 'cannot pass a string constant to a non unbounded array parameter',
5293 Actual, FormalI, Proc, i)
5294 END
5295 END
5296 END
5297 ELSE
5298 CheckParameter (paramtok, Actual, Dim, FormalI, Proc, i, NIL)
5299 END
5300 ELSE
5301 IF IsForC AND UsesVarArgs(Proc)
5302 THEN
5303 (* these are varargs, therefore we don't check them *)
5304 i := ParamTotal
5305 ELSE
5306 MetaErrorT2 (proctok, 'too many parameters, {%2n} passed to {%1a} ', Proc, i)
5307 END
5308 END ;
5309 INC(i) ;
5310 DEC(pi) ;
5311 IF CompilerDebugging
5312 THEN
5313 IF i<=ParamTotal
5314 THEN
5315 printf0('; ')
5316 ELSE
5317 printf0(' ) ; \n')
5318 END
5319 END
5320 END
5321 END CheckProcedureParameters ;
5324 (*
5325 CheckProcTypeAndProcedure - checks the ProcType with the call.
5326 *)
5328 PROCEDURE CheckProcTypeAndProcedure (ProcType: CARDINAL; call: CARDINAL) ;
5329 VAR
5330 n1, n2 : Name ;
5331 i, n, t : CARDINAL ;
5332 CheckedProcedure: CARDINAL ;
5333 e : Error ;
5334 BEGIN
5335 n := NoOfParam(ProcType) ;
5336 IF IsVar(call) OR IsTemporary(call) OR IsParameter(call)
5337 THEN
5338 CheckedProcedure := GetDType(call)
5339 ELSE
5340 CheckedProcedure := call
5341 END ;
5342 IF n#NoOfParam(CheckedProcedure)
5343 THEN
5344 e := NewError(GetDeclaredMod(ProcType)) ;
5345 n1 := GetSymName(call) ;
5346 n2 := GetSymName(ProcType) ;
5347 ErrorFormat2(e, 'procedure (%a) is a parameter being passed as variable (%a) but they are declared with different number of parameters',
5348 n1, n2) ;
5349 e := ChainError(GetDeclaredMod(call), e) ;
5350 t := NoOfParam(CheckedProcedure) ;
5351 IF n<2
5352 THEN
5353 ErrorFormat3(e, 'procedure (%a) is being called incorrectly with (%d) parameter, declared with (%d)',
5354 n1, n, t)
5355 ELSE
5356 ErrorFormat3(e, 'procedure (%a) is being called incorrectly with (%d) parameters, declared with (%d)',
5357 n1, n, t)
5358 END
5359 ELSE
5360 i := 1 ;
5361 WHILE i<=n DO
5362 IF IsVarParam(ProcType, i) # IsVarParam(CheckedProcedure, i)
5363 THEN
5364 MetaError3('parameter {%3n} in {%1dD} causes a mismatch it was declared as a {%2d}', ProcType, GetNth(ProcType, i), i) ;
5365 MetaError3('parameter {%3n} in {%1dD} causes a mismatch it was declared as a {%2d}', call, GetNth(call, i), i)
5366 END ;
5367 BuildRange(InitTypesParameterCheck(CheckedProcedure, i,
5368 GetParam(CheckedProcedure, i),
5369 GetParam(ProcType, i))) ;
5370 (* CheckParameter(tokpos, GetParam(CheckedProcedure, i), 0, GetParam(ProcType, i), call, i, TypeList) ; *)
5371 INC(i)
5372 END
5373 END
5374 END CheckProcTypeAndProcedure ;
5377 (*
5378 IsReallyPointer - returns TRUE is sym is a pointer, address or a type declared
5379 as a pointer or address.
5380 *)
5382 PROCEDURE IsReallyPointer (Sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
5383 BEGIN
5384 IF IsVar(Sym)
5385 THEN
5386 Sym := GetSType(Sym)
5387 END ;
5388 Sym := SkipType(Sym) ;
5389 RETURN( IsPointer(Sym) OR (Sym=Address) )
5390 END IsReallyPointer ;
5393 (*
5394 LegalUnboundedParam - returns TRUE if the parameter, Actual, can legally be
5395 passed to ProcSym, i, the, Formal, parameter.
5396 *)
5398 PROCEDURE LegalUnboundedParam (tokpos: CARDINAL; ProcSym, i, ActualType, Actual, Dimension, Formal: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
5399 VAR
5400 FormalType: CARDINAL ;
5401 n, m : CARDINAL ;
5402 BEGIN
5403 ActualType := SkipType(ActualType) ;
5404 FormalType := GetDType(Formal) ;
5405 FormalType := GetSType(FormalType) ; (* type of the unbounded ARRAY *)
5406 IF IsArray(ActualType)
5407 THEN
5408 m := GetDimension(Formal) ;
5409 n := 0 ;
5410 WHILE IsArray(ActualType) DO
5411 INC(n) ;
5412 ActualType := GetDType(ActualType) ;
5413 IF (m=n) AND (ActualType=FormalType)
5414 THEN
5416 END
5417 END ;
5418 IF n=m
5419 THEN
5420 (* now we fall though and test ActualType against FormalType *)
5421 ELSE
5422 IF IsGenericSystemType(FormalType)
5423 THEN
5425 ELSE
5426 FailParameter(tokpos,
5427 'attempting to pass an array with the incorrect number dimenisons to an unbounded formal parameter of different dimensions',
5428 Actual, Formal, ProcSym, i) ;
5430 END
5431 END
5432 ELSIF IsUnbounded(ActualType)
5433 THEN
5434 IF (Dimension=0) AND (GetDimension(Formal)=GetDimension(Actual))
5435 THEN
5436 (* now we fall though and test ActualType against FormalType *)
5437 ActualType := GetSType(ActualType)
5438 ELSE
5439 IF IsGenericSystemType(FormalType)
5440 THEN
5442 ELSE
5443 IF GetDimension(Actual)-Dimension = GetDimension(Formal)
5444 THEN
5445 ActualType := GetSType(ActualType)
5446 ELSE
5447 FailParameter(tokpos,
5448 'attempting to pass an unbounded array with the incorrect number dimenisons to an unbounded formal parameter of different dimensions',
5449 Actual, Formal, ProcSym, i) ;
5451 END
5452 END
5453 END
5454 END ;
5455 IF IsGenericSystemType (FormalType) OR
5456 IsGenericSystemType (ActualType) OR
5457 IsAssignmentCompatible (FormalType, ActualType)
5458 THEN
5459 (* we think it is legal, but we ask post pass 3 to check as
5460 not all types are known at this point *)
5462 ELSE
5463 FailParameter(tokpos,
5464 'identifier with an incompatible type is being passed to this procedure',
5465 Actual, Formal, ProcSym, i) ;
5467 END
5468 END LegalUnboundedParam ;
5471 (*
5472 CheckParameter - checks that types ActualType and FormalType are compatible for parameter
5473 passing. ProcSym is the procedure and i is the parameter number.
5475 We obey the following rules:
5477 (1) we allow WORD, BYTE, LOC to be compitable with any like sized
5478 type.
5479 (2) we allow ADDRESS to be compatible with any pointer type.
5480 (3) we relax INTEGER and CARDINAL checking for Temporary variables.
5482 Note that type sizes are checked during the code generation pass.
5483 *)
5485 PROCEDURE CheckParameter (tokpos: CARDINAL;
5486 Actual, Dimension, Formal, ProcSym: CARDINAL;
5487 i: CARDINAL; TypeList: List) ;
5488 VAR
5489 NewList : BOOLEAN ;
5490 ActualType, FormalType: CARDINAL ;
5491 BEGIN
5492 FormalType := GetDType(Formal) ;
5493 IF IsConstString(Actual) AND (GetStringLength(Actual) = 1) (* if = 1 then it maybe treated as a char *)
5494 THEN
5495 ActualType := Char
5496 ELSIF Actual=Boolean
5497 THEN
5498 ActualType := Actual
5499 ELSE
5500 ActualType := GetDType(Actual)
5501 END ;
5502 IF TypeList=NIL
5503 THEN
5504 NewList := TRUE ;
5505 InitList(TypeList)
5506 ELSE
5507 NewList := FALSE
5508 END ;
5509 IF IsItemInList(TypeList, ActualType)
5510 THEN
5511 (* no need to check *)
5513 END ;
5514 IncludeItemIntoList(TypeList, ActualType) ;
5515 IF IsProcType(FormalType)
5516 THEN
5517 IF (NOT IsProcedure(Actual)) AND ((ActualType=NulSym) OR (NOT IsProcType(SkipType(ActualType))))
5518 THEN
5519 FailParameter(tokpos,
5520 'expecting a procedure or procedure variable as a parameter',
5521 Actual, Formal, ProcSym, i) ;
5523 END ;
5524 IF IsProcedure(Actual) AND IsProcedureNested(Actual)
5525 THEN
5526 MetaError2 ('cannot pass a nested procedure {%1Ea} seen in the {%2N} parameter as the outer scope will be unknown at runtime', Actual, i)
5527 END ;
5528 (* we can check the return type of both proc types *)
5529 IF (ActualType#NulSym) AND IsProcType(ActualType)
5530 THEN
5531 IF ((GetSType(ActualType)#NulSym) AND (GetSType(FormalType)=NulSym))
5532 THEN
5533 FailParameter(tokpos,
5534 'the item being passed is a function whereas the formal procedure parameter is a procedure',
5535 Actual, Formal, ProcSym, i) ;
5537 ELSIF ((GetSType(ActualType)=NulSym) AND (GetSType(FormalType)#NulSym))
5538 THEN
5539 FailParameter(tokpos,
5540 'the item being passed is a procedure whereas the formal procedure parameter is a function',
5541 Actual, Formal, ProcSym, i) ;
5543 ELSIF AssignmentRequiresWarning(GetSType(ActualType), GetSType(FormalType))
5544 THEN
5545 WarnParameter(tokpos,
5546 'the return result of the procedure variable parameter may not be compatible on other targets with the return result of the item being passed',
5547 Actual, Formal, ProcSym, i) ;
5549 ELSIF IsGenericSystemType (GetSType(FormalType)) OR
5550 IsGenericSystemType (GetSType(ActualType)) OR
5551 IsAssignmentCompatible(GetSType(ActualType), GetSType(FormalType))
5552 THEN
5553 (* pass *)
5554 ELSE
5555 FailParameter(tokpos,
5556 'the return result of the procedure variable parameter is not compatible with the return result of the item being passed',
5557 Actual, Formal, ProcSym, i) ;
5559 END
5560 END ;
5561 (* now to check each parameter of the proc type *)
5562 CheckProcTypeAndProcedure (FormalType, Actual)
5563 ELSIF (ActualType#FormalType) AND (ActualType#NulSym)
5564 THEN
5565 IF IsUnknown(FormalType)
5566 THEN
5567 FailParameter(tokpos,
5568 'procedure parameter type is undeclared',
5569 Actual, Formal, ProcSym, i) ;
5571 END ;
5572 IF IsUnbounded(ActualType) AND (NOT IsUnboundedParam(ProcSym, i))
5573 THEN
5574 FailParameter(tokpos,
5575 'attempting to pass an unbounded array to a NON unbounded parameter',
5576 Actual, Formal, ProcSym, i) ;
5578 ELSIF IsUnboundedParam(ProcSym, i)
5579 THEN
5580 IF NOT LegalUnboundedParam(tokpos, ProcSym, i, ActualType, Actual, Dimension, Formal)
5581 THEN
5583 END
5584 ELSIF ActualType#FormalType
5585 THEN
5586 IF AssignmentRequiresWarning(FormalType, ActualType)
5587 THEN
5588 WarnParameter (tokpos,
5589 'identifier being passed to this procedure may contain a possibly incompatible type when compiling for a different target',
5590 Actual, Formal, ProcSym, i)
5591 ELSIF IsGenericSystemType (FormalType) OR
5592 IsGenericSystemType (ActualType) OR
5593 IsAssignmentCompatible (ActualType, FormalType)
5594 THEN
5595 (* so far we know it is legal, but not all types have been resolved
5596 and so this is checked later on in another pass. *)
5597 ELSE
5598 FailParameter (tokpos,
5599 'identifier with an incompatible type is being passed to this procedure',
5600 Actual, Formal, ProcSym, i)
5601 END
5602 END
5603 END ;
5604 IF NewList
5605 THEN
5606 KillList(TypeList)
5607 END
5608 END CheckParameter ;
5611 (*
5612 DescribeType - returns a String describing a symbol, Sym, name and its type.
5613 *)
5615 PROCEDURE DescribeType (Sym: CARDINAL) : String ;
5616 VAR
5617 s, s1, s2: String ;
5618 Low, High,
5619 Subrange,
5620 Subscript,
5621 Type : CARDINAL ;
5622 BEGIN
5623 s := NIL ;
5624 IF IsConstString(Sym)
5625 THEN
5626 IF (GetStringLength(Sym) = 1) (* if = 1 then it maybe treated as a char *)
5627 THEN
5628 s := InitString('(constant string) or {%kCHAR}')
5629 ELSE
5630 s := InitString('(constant string)')
5631 END
5632 ELSIF IsConst(Sym)
5633 THEN
5634 s := InitString('(constant)')
5635 ELSIF IsUnknown(Sym)
5636 THEN
5637 s := InitString('(unknown)')
5638 ELSE
5639 Type := GetSType(Sym) ;
5640 IF Type=NulSym
5641 THEN
5642 s := InitString('(unknown)')
5643 ELSIF IsUnbounded(Type)
5644 THEN
5645 s1 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(GetSType(Type))))) ;
5646 s := Sprintf1(Mark(InitString('{%%kARRAY} {%%kOF} %s')), s1)
5647 ELSIF IsArray(Type)
5648 THEN
5649 s := InitString('{%kARRAY} [') ;
5650 Subscript := GetArraySubscript(Type) ;
5651 IF Subscript#NulSym
5652 THEN
5653 Assert(IsSubscript(Subscript)) ;
5654 Subrange := GetSType(Subscript) ;
5655 IF NOT IsSubrange(Subrange)
5656 THEN
5657 MetaError3 ('error in definition of array {%1Ead} in the {%2N} subscript which has no subrange, instead type given is {%3a}',
5658 Sym, Subscript, Subrange)
5659 END ;
5660 Assert(IsSubrange(Subrange)) ;
5661 GetSubrange(Subrange, High, Low) ;
5662 s1 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Low)))) ;
5663 s2 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(High)))) ;
5664 s := ConCat(s, Mark(Sprintf2(Mark(InitString('%s..%s')),
5665 s1, s2)))
5666 END ;
5667 s1 := Mark(DescribeType(Type)) ;
5668 s := ConCat(ConCat(s, Mark(InitString('] OF '))), s1)
5669 ELSE
5670 IF IsUnknown(Type)
5671 THEN
5672 s1 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Type)))) ;
5673 s := Sprintf1(Mark(InitString('%s (currently unknown, check declaration or import)')),
5674 s1)
5675 ELSE
5676 s := InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Type)))
5677 END
5678 END
5679 END ;
5680 RETURN( s )
5681 END DescribeType ;
5684 (*
5685 FailParameter - generates an error message indicating that a parameter
5686 declaration has failed.
5688 The parameters are:
5690 CurrentState - string describing the current failing state.
5691 Given - the token that the source code provided.
5692 Expecting - token or identifier that was expected.
5693 ParameterNo - parameter number that has failed.
5694 ProcedureSym - procedure symbol where parameter has failed.
5696 If any parameter is Nul then it is ignored.
5697 *)
5699 PROCEDURE FailParameter (tokpos : CARDINAL;
5700 CurrentState : ARRAY OF CHAR;
5701 Given : CARDINAL;
5702 Expecting : CARDINAL;
5703 ProcedureSym : CARDINAL;
5704 ParameterNo : CARDINAL) ;
5705 VAR
5706 First,
5707 ExpectType: CARDINAL ;
5708 s, s1, s2 : String ;
5709 BEGIN
5710 MetaError2 ('parameter mismatch between the {%2N} parameter of procedure {%1Ead}',
5711 ProcedureSym, ParameterNo) ;
5712 s := InitString ('{%kPROCEDURE} {%1Eau} (') ;
5713 IF NoOfParam(ProcedureSym)>=ParameterNo
5714 THEN
5715 IF ParameterNo>1
5716 THEN
5717 s := ConCat(s, Mark(InitString('.., ')))
5718 END ;
5719 IF IsVarParam(ProcedureSym, ParameterNo)
5720 THEN
5721 s := ConCat(s, Mark(InitString('{%kVAR} ')))
5722 END ;
5724 First := GetDeclaredMod(GetNthParam(ProcedureSym, ParameterNo)) ;
5725 ExpectType := GetSType(Expecting) ;
5726 IF IsUnboundedParam(ProcedureSym, ParameterNo)
5727 THEN
5728 s1 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Expecting)))) ;
5729 s2 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(GetSType(ExpectType))))) ;
5730 s := ConCat(s, Mark(Sprintf2(Mark(InitString('%s: {%%kARRAY} {%%kOF} %s')),
5731 s1, s2)))
5732 ELSE
5733 s1 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Expecting)))) ;
5734 s2 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(ExpectType)))) ;
5735 s := ConCat(s, Mark(Sprintf2(Mark(InitString('%s: %s')), s1, s2)))
5736 END ;
5737 IF ParameterNo<NoOfParam(ProcedureSym)
5738 THEN
5739 s := ConCat(s, Mark(InitString('; ... ')))
5740 END
5741 ELSE
5742 First := GetDeclaredMod(ProcedureSym) ;
5743 IF NoOfParam(ProcedureSym)>0
5744 THEN
5745 s := ConCat(s, Mark(InitString('..')))
5746 END
5747 END ;
5748 s := ConCat (s, Mark (InitString ('){%1Tau:% : {%1Tau}} ;'))) ;
5749 MetaErrorStringT1 (First, Dup (s), ProcedureSym) ;
5750 MetaErrorStringT1 (tokpos, s, ProcedureSym) ;
5751 MetaError1 ('item being passed is {%1EDda} {%1Dad} of type {%1Dtsd}', Given)
5752 END FailParameter ;
5755 (*
5756 WarnParameter - generates a warning message indicating that a parameter
5757 use might cause problems on another target.
5759 The parameters are:
5761 CurrentState - string describing the current failing state.
5762 Given - the token that the source code provided.
5763 Expecting - token or identifier that was expected.
5764 ParameterNo - parameter number that has failed.
5765 ProcedureSym - procedure symbol where parameter has failed.
5767 If any parameter is Nul then it is ignored.
5768 *)
5770 PROCEDURE WarnParameter (tokpos : CARDINAL;
5771 CurrentState : ARRAY OF CHAR;
5772 Given : CARDINAL;
5773 Expecting : CARDINAL;
5774 ProcedureSym : CARDINAL;
5775 ParameterNo : CARDINAL) ;
5776 VAR
5777 First,
5778 ExpectType,
5779 ReturnType: CARDINAL ;
5780 s, s1, s2 : String ;
5781 BEGIN
5782 s := InitString('{%W}') ;
5783 IF CompilingImplementationModule()
5784 THEN
5785 s := ConCat(s, Sprintf0(Mark(InitString('warning issued while compiling the implementation module\n'))))
5786 ELSIF CompilingProgramModule()
5787 THEN
5788 s := ConCat(s, Sprintf0(Mark(InitString('warning issued while compiling the program module\n'))))
5789 END ;
5790 s1 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(ProcedureSym)))) ;
5791 s := ConCat(s, Mark(Sprintf2(Mark(InitString('problem in parameter %d, PROCEDURE %s (')),
5792 ParameterNo,
5793 s1))) ;
5794 IF NoOfParam(ProcedureSym)>=ParameterNo
5795 THEN
5796 IF ParameterNo>1
5797 THEN
5798 s := ConCat(s, Mark(InitString('.., ')))
5799 END ;
5800 IF IsVarParam(ProcedureSym, ParameterNo)
5801 THEN
5802 s := ConCat(s, Mark(InitString('{%kVAR} ')))
5803 END ;
5805 First := GetDeclaredMod(GetNthParam(ProcedureSym, ParameterNo)) ;
5806 ExpectType := GetSType(Expecting) ;
5807 IF IsUnboundedParam(ProcedureSym, ParameterNo)
5808 THEN
5809 s1 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Expecting)))) ;
5810 s2 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(GetSType(ExpectType))))) ;
5811 s := ConCat(s, Mark(Sprintf2(Mark(InitString('%s: {%%kARRAY} {%%kOF} %s')),
5812 s1, s2)))
5813 ELSE
5814 s1 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Expecting)))) ;
5815 s2 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(ExpectType)))) ;
5816 s := ConCat(s, Mark(Sprintf2(Mark(InitString('%s: %s')), s1, s2)))
5817 END ;
5818 IF ParameterNo<NoOfParam(ProcedureSym)
5819 THEN
5820 s := ConCat(s, Mark(InitString('; ... ')))
5821 END
5822 ELSE
5823 First := GetDeclaredMod(ProcedureSym) ;
5824 IF NoOfParam(ProcedureSym)>0
5825 THEN
5826 s := ConCat(s, Mark(InitString('..')))
5827 END
5828 END ;
5829 ReturnType := GetSType(ProcedureSym) ;
5830 IF ReturnType=NulSym
5831 THEN
5832 s := ConCat(s, Sprintf0(Mark(InitString(') ;\n'))))
5833 ELSE
5834 s1 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(ReturnType)))) ;
5835 s := ConCat(s, Mark(Sprintf1(Mark(InitString(') : %s ;\n')), s1)))
5836 END ;
5837 IF IsConstString(Given)
5838 THEN
5839 s1 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Given)))) ;
5840 s := ConCat(s, Mark(Sprintf1(Mark(InitString("item being passed is '%s'")),
5841 s1)))
5842 ELSIF IsTemporary(Given)
5843 THEN
5844 s := ConCat(s, Mark(InitString("item being passed has type")))
5845 ELSE
5846 s1 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Given)))) ;
5847 s := ConCat(s, Mark(Sprintf1(Mark(InitString("item being passed is '%s'")),
5848 s1)))
5849 END ;
5850 s1 := DescribeType(Given) ;
5851 s2 := Mark(InitString(CurrentState)) ;
5852 s := ConCat(s, Mark(Sprintf2(Mark(InitString(': %s\nparameter mismatch: %s')),
5853 s1, s2))) ;
5854 MetaErrorStringT0 (tokpos, Dup (s)) ;
5855 MetaErrorStringT0 (First, Dup (s))
5856 END WarnParameter ;
5859 (*
5860 ExpectVariable - checks to see whether, sym, is declared as a variable.
5861 If not then it generates an error message.
5862 *)
5864 (*
5865 PROCEDURE ExpectVariable (a: ARRAY OF CHAR; sym: CARDINAL) ;
5866 VAR
5867 e : Error ;
5868 s1, s2, s3: String ;
5869 BEGIN
5870 IF NOT IsVar(sym)
5871 THEN
5872 e := NewError(GetTokenNo()) ;
5873 IF IsUnknown(sym)
5874 THEN
5875 s1 := ConCat (InitString (a),
5876 Mark (InitString ('but was given an undeclared symbol {%E1a}'))) ;
5878 ErrorString(e, Sprintf2(Mark(InitString('%s but was given an undeclared symbol %s')), s1, s2))
5879 ELSE
5880 s1 := Mark(InitString(a)) ;
5881 s2 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(sym)))) ;
5882 s3 := Mark(DescribeType(sym)) ;
5883 ErrorString(e, Sprintf3(Mark(InitString('%s but was given %s: %s')),
5884 s1, s2, s3))
5885 END
5886 END
5887 END ExpectVariable ;
5888 *)
5891 (*
5892 doIndrX - perform des = *exp with a conversion if necessary.
5893 *)
5895 PROCEDURE doIndrX (tok: CARDINAL;
5896 des, exp: CARDINAL) ;
5897 VAR
5898 t: CARDINAL ;
5899 BEGIN
5900 IF GetDType(des)=GetDType(exp)
5901 THEN
5902 GenQuadO (tok, IndrXOp, des, GetSType(des), exp, TRUE)
5903 ELSE
5904 t := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ;
5905 PutVar (t, GetSType (exp)) ;
5906 GenQuadO (tok, IndrXOp, t, GetSType (exp), exp, TRUE) ;
5907 GenQuadO (tok, BecomesOp, des, NulSym, doVal (GetSType(des), t), TRUE)
5908 END
5909 END doIndrX ;
5912 (*
5913 MakeRightValue - returns a temporary which will have the RightValue of symbol, Sym.
5914 If Sym is a right value and has type, type, then no quadruples are
5915 generated and Sym is returned. Otherwise a new temporary is created
5916 and an IndrX quadruple is generated.
5917 *)
5919 PROCEDURE MakeRightValue (tok: CARDINAL;
5921 VAR
5922 t: CARDINAL ;
5923 BEGIN
5924 IF GetMode (Sym) = RightValue
5925 THEN
5926 IF GetSType(Sym) = type
5927 THEN
5928 RETURN Sym (* already a RightValue with desired type *)
5929 ELSE
5930 (*
5931 type change or mode change, type changes are a pain, but I've
5932 left them here as it is perhaps easier to remove them later.
5933 *)
5934 t := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ;
5935 PutVar (t, type) ;
5936 GenQuadO (tok, BecomesOp, t, NulSym, doVal(type, Sym), TRUE) ;
5937 RETURN t
5938 END
5939 ELSE
5940 t := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ;
5941 PutVar (t, type) ;
5942 CheckPointerThroughNil (tok, Sym) ;
5943 doIndrX (tok, t, Sym) ;
5944 RETURN t
5945 END
5946 END MakeRightValue ;
5949 (*
5950 MakeLeftValue - returns a temporary coresponding to the LeftValue of
5951 symbol, Sym. No quadruple is generated if Sym is already
5952 a LeftValue and has the same type.
5953 *)
5955 PROCEDURE MakeLeftValue (tok: CARDINAL;
5956 Sym: CARDINAL; with: ModeOfAddr; type: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ;
5957 VAR
5958 t: CARDINAL ;
5959 BEGIN
5960 IF GetMode (Sym) = LeftValue
5961 THEN
5962 IF GetSType (Sym) = type
5963 THEN
5964 RETURN Sym
5965 ELSE
5966 (*
5967 type change or mode change, type changes are a pain, but I've
5968 left them here as it is perhaps easier to remove them later
5969 *)
5970 t := MakeTemporary (tok, with) ;
5971 PutVar (t, type) ;
5972 GenQuadO (tok, BecomesOp, t, NulSym, Sym, TRUE) ;
5973 RETURN t
5974 END
5975 ELSE
5976 t := MakeTemporary (tok, with) ;
5977 PutVar (t, type) ;
5978 GenQuadO (tok, AddrOp, t, NulSym, Sym, TRUE) ;
5979 RETURN t
5980 END
5981 END MakeLeftValue ;
5984 (*
5985 ManipulatePseudoCallParameters - manipulates the parameters to a pseudo function or
5986 procedure. It dereferences all LeftValue parameters
5987 and Boolean parameters.
5988 The Stack:
5991 Entry Exit
5993 Ptr -> exactly the same
5994 +----------------+
5995 | NoOfParameters |
5996 |----------------|
5997 | Param 1 |
5998 |----------------|
5999 | Param 2 |
6000 |----------------|
6001 . .
6002 . .
6003 . .
6004 |----------------|
6005 | Param # |
6006 |----------------|
6007 | ProcSym | Type |
6008 |----------------|
6010 *)
6012 PROCEDURE ManipulatePseudoCallParameters ;
6013 VAR
6014 NoOfParameters,
6015 ProcSym, Proc,
6016 i, pi : CARDINAL ;
6017 f : BoolFrame ;
6018 BEGIN
6019 PopT(NoOfParameters) ;
6020 PushT(NoOfParameters) ; (* restored to original state *)
6021 (* Ptr points to the ProcSym *)
6022 ProcSym := OperandT(NoOfParameters+1+1) ;
6023 IF IsVar(ProcSym)
6024 THEN
6025 InternalError ('expecting a pseudo procedure or a type')
6026 ELSE
6027 Proc := ProcSym
6028 END ;
6029 i := 1 ;
6030 pi := NoOfParameters+1 ;
6031 WHILE i<=NoOfParameters DO
6032 IF (GetMode(OperandT(pi))=LeftValue) AND
6033 (Proc#Adr) AND (Proc#Size) AND (Proc#TSize) AND (Proc#High) AND
6034 (* procedures which have first parameter as a VAR param *)
6035 (((Proc#Inc) AND (Proc#Incl) AND (Proc#Dec) AND (Proc#Excl) AND (Proc#New) AND (Proc#Dispose)) OR (i>1))
6036 THEN
6037 (* must dereference LeftValue *)
6038 f := PeepAddress(BoolStack, pi) ;
6039 f^.TrueExit := MakeRightValue (GetTokenNo(), OperandT(pi), GetSType(OperandT(pi)))
6040 END ;
6041 INC(i) ;
6042 DEC(pi)
6043 END
6044 END ManipulatePseudoCallParameters ;
6047 (*
6048 ManipulateParameters - manipulates the procedure parameters in
6049 preparation for a procedure call.
6050 Prepares Boolean, Unbounded and VAR parameters.
6051 The Stack:
6054 Entry Exit
6056 Ptr -> exactly the same
6057 +----------------+
6058 | NoOfParameters |
6059 |----------------|
6060 | Param 1 |
6061 |----------------|
6062 | Param 2 |
6063 |----------------|
6064 . .
6065 . .
6066 . .
6067 |----------------|
6068 | Param # |
6069 |----------------|
6070 | ProcSym | Type |
6071 |----------------|
6072 *)
6074 PROCEDURE ManipulateParameters (IsForC: BOOLEAN) ;
6075 VAR
6076 tokpos,
6077 np : CARDINAL ;
6078 s : String ;
6079 ArraySym,
6080 UnboundedType,
6081 ParamType,
6082 NoOfParameters,
6083 i, pi,
6084 ProcSym, rw,
6085 Proc,
6086 t : CARDINAL ;
6087 f : BoolFrame ;
6088 BEGIN
6089 PopT(NoOfParameters) ;
6090 ProcSym := OperandT(NoOfParameters+1) ;
6091 tokpos := OperandTtok(NoOfParameters+1) ;
6092 IF IsVar(ProcSym)
6093 THEN
6094 (* Procedure Variable ? *)
6095 Proc := SkipType(OperandF(NoOfParameters+1))
6096 ELSE
6097 Proc := SkipConst(ProcSym)
6098 END ;
6100 IF IsForC AND UsesVarArgs(Proc)
6101 THEN
6102 IF NoOfParameters<NoOfParam(Proc)
6103 THEN
6104 s := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Proc)))) ;
6105 np := NoOfParam(Proc) ;
6106 ErrorStringAt2(Sprintf3(Mark(InitString('attempting to pass (%d) parameters to procedure (%s) which was declared with varargs but contains at least (%d) parameters')),
6107 NoOfParameters, s, np),
6108 tokpos, GetDeclaredMod(ProcSym))
6109 END
6110 ELSIF UsesOptArg(Proc)
6111 THEN
6112 IF NOT ((NoOfParameters=NoOfParam(Proc)) OR (NoOfParameters+1=NoOfParam(Proc)))
6113 THEN
6114 s := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Proc)))) ;
6115 np := NoOfParam(Proc) ;
6116 ErrorStringAt2(Sprintf3(Mark(InitString('attempting to pass (%d) parameters to procedure (%s) which was declared with an optarg with a maximum of (%d) parameters')),
6117 NoOfParameters, s, np),
6118 tokpos, GetDeclaredMod(ProcSym))
6119 END
6120 ELSIF NoOfParameters#NoOfParam(Proc)
6121 THEN
6122 s := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Proc)))) ;
6123 np := NoOfParam(Proc) ;
6124 ErrorStringAt2(Sprintf3(Mark(InitString('attempting to pass (%d) parameters to procedure (%s) which was declared with (%d) parameters')),
6125 NoOfParameters, s, np),
6126 tokpos, GetDeclaredMod(ProcSym))
6127 END ;
6128 i := 1 ;
6129 pi := NoOfParameters ;
6130 WHILE i<=NoOfParameters DO
6131 f := PeepAddress(BoolStack, pi) ;
6132 rw := OperandMergeRW(pi) ;
6133 Assert(IsLegal(rw)) ;
6134 IF i>NoOfParam(Proc)
6135 THEN
6136 IF IsForC AND UsesVarArgs(Proc)
6137 THEN
6138 IF (GetSType(OperandT(pi))#NulSym) AND IsArray(GetDType(OperandT(pi)))
6139 THEN
6140 f^.TrueExit := MakeLeftValue(OperandTok(pi), OperandT(pi), RightValue, Address) ;
6141 MarkAsReadWrite(rw)
6142 ELSIF IsConstString (OperandT (pi))
6143 THEN
6144 f^.TrueExit := MakeLeftValue (OperandTok (pi),
6145 MakeConstStringCnul (OperandTok (pi), OperandT (pi)), RightValue, Address) ;
6146 MarkAsReadWrite(rw)
6147 ELSIF (GetSType(OperandT(pi))#NulSym) AND IsUnbounded(GetSType(OperandT(pi)))
6148 THEN
6149 MarkAsReadWrite(rw) ;
6150 (* pass the address field of an unbounded variable *)
6151 PushTF(Adr, Address) ;
6152 PushTFAD (f^.TrueExit, f^.FalseExit, f^.Unbounded, f^.Dimension) ;
6153 PushT(1) ;
6154 BuildAdrFunction ;
6155 PopT(f^.TrueExit)
6156 ELSIF GetMode(OperandT(pi))=LeftValue
6157 THEN
6158 MarkAsReadWrite(rw) ;
6159 (* must dereference LeftValue (even if we are passing variable as a vararg) *)
6160 t := MakeTemporary (OperandTok (pi), RightValue) ;
6161 PutVar(t, GetSType (OperandT (pi))) ;
6162 CheckPointerThroughNil (tokpos, OperandT (pi)) ;
6163 doIndrX (OperandTok(pi), t, OperandT (pi)) ;
6164 f^.TrueExit := t
6165 END
6166 ELSE
6167 MetaErrorT2 (tokpos,
6168 'attempting to pass too many parameters to procedure {%1a}, the {%2N} parameter does not exist',
6169 Proc, i)
6170 END
6171 ELSIF IsForC AND IsUnboundedParam(Proc, i) AND
6172 (GetSType(OperandT(pi))#NulSym) AND IsArray(GetDType(OperandT(pi)))
6173 THEN
6174 f^.TrueExit := MakeLeftValue(OperandTok(pi), OperandT(pi), RightValue, Address) ;
6175 MarkAsReadWrite(rw)
6176 ELSIF IsForC AND IsUnboundedParam(Proc, i) AND
6177 (GetSType(OperandT(pi))#NulSym) AND IsUnbounded(GetDType(OperandT(pi)))
6178 THEN
6179 MarkAsReadWrite(rw) ;
6180 (* pass the address field of an unbounded variable *)
6181 PushTF(Adr, Address) ;
6182 PushTFAD (f^.TrueExit, f^.FalseExit, f^.Unbounded, f^.Dimension) ;
6183 PushT(1) ;
6184 BuildAdrFunction ;
6185 PopT(f^.TrueExit)
6186 ELSIF IsForC AND IsConstString(OperandT(pi)) AND
6187 (IsUnboundedParam(Proc, i) OR (GetDType(GetParam(Proc, i))=Address))
6188 THEN
6189 f^.TrueExit := MakeLeftValue (OperandTok (pi),
6190 MakeConstStringCnul (OperandTok (pi), OperandT (pi)),
6191 RightValue, Address) ;
6192 MarkAsReadWrite (rw)
6193 ELSIF IsUnboundedParam(Proc, i)
6194 THEN
6195 (* always pass constant strings with a nul terminator, but leave the HIGH as before. *)
6196 IF IsConstString (OperandT(pi))
6197 THEN
6198 (* this is a Modula-2 string which must be nul terminated. *)
6199 f^.TrueExit := MakeConstStringM2nul (OperandTok (pi), OperandT (pi))
6200 END ;
6201 t := MakeTemporary (OperandTok (pi), RightValue) ;
6202 UnboundedType := GetSType(GetParam(Proc, i)) ;
6203 PutVar(t, UnboundedType) ;
6204 ParamType := GetSType(UnboundedType) ;
6205 IF OperandD(pi)=0
6206 THEN
6207 ArraySym := OperandT(pi)
6208 ELSE
6209 ArraySym := OperandA(pi)
6210 END ;
6211 IF IsVarParam(Proc, i)
6212 THEN
6213 MarkArrayWritten (OperandT (pi)) ;
6214 MarkArrayWritten (OperandA (pi)) ;
6215 MarkAsReadWrite(rw) ;
6216 AssignUnboundedVar (OperandTtok (pi), OperandT (pi), ArraySym, t, ParamType, OperandD (pi))
6217 ELSE
6218 MarkAsRead(rw) ;
6219 AssignUnboundedNonVar (OperandTtok (pi), OperandT (pi), ArraySym, t, ParamType, OperandD (pi))
6220 END ;
6221 f^.TrueExit := t
6222 ELSIF IsVarParam(Proc, i)
6223 THEN
6224 (* must reference by address, but we contain the type of the referenced entity *)
6225 MarkArrayWritten(OperandT(pi)) ;
6226 MarkArrayWritten(OperandA(pi)) ;
6227 MarkAsReadWrite(rw) ;
6228 f^.TrueExit := MakeLeftValue(OperandTok(pi), OperandT(pi), LeftValue, GetSType(GetParam(Proc, i)))
6229 ELSIF (NOT IsVarParam(Proc, i)) AND (GetMode(OperandT(pi))=LeftValue)
6230 THEN
6231 (* must dereference LeftValue *)
6232 t := MakeTemporary (OperandTok (pi), RightValue) ;
6233 PutVar(t, GetSType(OperandT(pi))) ;
6234 CheckPointerThroughNil (tokpos, OperandT (pi)) ;
6235 doIndrX (OperandTok(pi), t, OperandT(pi)) ;
6236 f^.TrueExit := t ;
6237 MarkAsRead(rw)
6238 ELSE
6239 MarkAsRead(rw)
6240 END ;
6241 INC(i) ;
6242 DEC(pi)
6243 END ;
6244 PushT(NoOfParameters)
6245 END ManipulateParameters ;
6248 (*
6249 CheckParameterOrdinals - check that ordinal values are within type range.
6250 *)
6252 PROCEDURE CheckParameterOrdinals ;
6253 VAR
6254 Proc,
6255 ProcSym : CARDINAL ;
6256 Actual,
6257 FormalI : CARDINAL ;
6258 ParamTotal,
6259 pi, i : CARDINAL ;
6260 BEGIN
6261 PopT (ParamTotal) ;
6262 PushT (ParamTotal) ; (* Restore stack to origional state *)
6263 ProcSym := OperandT (ParamTotal+1+1) ;
6264 IF IsVar(ProcSym) AND IsProcType(GetDType(ProcSym))
6265 THEN
6266 (* Indirect procedure call. *)
6267 Proc := SkipType(OperandF(ParamTotal+1+1))
6268 ELSE
6269 Proc := SkipConst(ProcSym)
6270 END ;
6271 i := 1 ;
6272 pi := ParamTotal+1 ; (* stack index referencing stacked parameter, i *)
6273 WHILE i<=ParamTotal DO
6274 IF i<=NoOfParam(Proc)
6275 THEN
6276 FormalI := GetParam (Proc, i) ;
6277 Actual := OperandT (pi) ;
6278 IF IsOrdinalType (GetLType (FormalI))
6279 THEN
6280 IF NOT IsSet (GetDType (FormalI))
6281 THEN
6282 (* tell code generator to test runtime values of assignment so ensure we
6283 catch overflow and underflow *)
6284 BuildRange (InitParameterRangeCheck (Proc, i, FormalI, Actual))
6285 END
6286 END
6287 END ;
6288 INC (i) ;
6289 DEC (pi)
6290 END
6291 END CheckParameterOrdinals ;
6294 (*
6295 IsSameUnbounded - returns TRUE if unbounded types, t1, and, t2,
6296 are compatible.
6297 *)
6299 PROCEDURE IsSameUnbounded (t1, t2: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
6300 BEGIN
6301 Assert(IsUnbounded(t1)) ;
6302 Assert(IsUnbounded(t2)) ;
6303 RETURN( GetDType(t1)=GetDType(t2) )
6304 END IsSameUnbounded ;
6307 (*
6308 AssignUnboundedVar - assigns an Unbounded symbol fields,
6309 ArrayAddress and ArrayHigh, from an array symbol.
6310 UnboundedSym is not a VAR parameter and therefore
6311 this procedure can complete both of the fields.
6312 Sym can be a Variable with type Unbounded.
6313 Sym can be a Variable with type Array.
6314 Sym can be a String Constant.
6316 ParamType is the TYPE of the parameter
6317 *)
6319 PROCEDURE AssignUnboundedVar (tok: CARDINAL;
6320 Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType: CARDINAL; dim: CARDINAL) ;
6321 VAR
6322 Type: CARDINAL ;
6323 BEGIN
6324 IF IsConst(Sym)
6325 THEN
6326 MetaErrorT1 (tok, '{%1ad} cannot be passed to a VAR formal parameter', Sym)
6327 ELSIF IsVar(Sym)
6328 THEN
6329 Type := GetDType(Sym) ;
6330 IF IsUnbounded(Type)
6331 THEN
6332 IF Type = GetSType (UnboundedSym)
6333 THEN
6334 (* Copy Unbounded Symbol ie. UnboundedSym := Sym *)
6335 PushT (UnboundedSym) ;
6336 PushT (Sym) ;
6337 BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (tok, FALSE, TRUE)
6338 ELSIF IsSameUnbounded (Type, GetSType (UnboundedSym)) OR
6339 IsGenericSystemType (ParamType)
6340 THEN
6341 UnboundedVarLinkToArray (tok, Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType, dim)
6342 ELSE
6343 MetaErrorT1 (tok, '{%1ad} cannot be passed to a VAR formal parameter', Sym)
6344 END
6345 ELSIF IsArray (Type) OR IsGenericSystemType (ParamType)
6346 THEN
6347 UnboundedVarLinkToArray (tok, Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType, dim)
6348 ELSE
6349 MetaErrorT1 (tok, '{%1ad} cannot be passed to a VAR formal parameter', Sym)
6350 END
6351 ELSE
6352 MetaErrorT1 (tok, '{%1ad} cannot be passed to a VAR formal parameter', Sym)
6353 END
6354 END AssignUnboundedVar ;
6357 (*
6358 AssignUnboundedNonVar - assigns an Unbounded symbol fields,
6359 The difference between this procedure and
6360 AssignUnboundedVar is that this procedure cannot
6361 set the Unbounded.Address since the data from
6362 Sym will be copied because parameter is NOT a VAR
6363 parameter.
6364 UnboundedSym is not a VAR parameter and therefore
6365 this procedure can only complete the HIGH field
6366 and not the ADDRESS field.
6367 Sym can be a Variable with type Unbounded.
6368 Sym can be a Variable with type Array.
6369 Sym can be a String Constant.
6371 ParamType is the TYPE of the paramater
6372 *)
6374 PROCEDURE AssignUnboundedNonVar (tok: CARDINAL;
6375 Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType: CARDINAL; dim: CARDINAL) ;
6376 VAR
6377 Type: CARDINAL ;
6378 BEGIN
6379 IF IsConst (Sym) (* was IsConstString(Sym) *)
6380 THEN
6381 UnboundedNonVarLinkToArray (tok, Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType, dim)
6382 ELSIF IsVar (Sym)
6383 THEN
6384 Type := GetDType (Sym) ;
6385 IF IsUnbounded (Type)
6386 THEN
6387 UnboundedNonVarLinkToArray (tok, Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType, dim)
6388 ELSIF IsArray (Type) OR IsGenericSystemType (ParamType)
6389 THEN
6390 UnboundedNonVarLinkToArray (tok, Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType, dim)
6391 ELSE
6392 MetaErrorT1 (tok, 'illegal type parameter {%1Ead} expecting array or dynamic array', Sym)
6393 END
6394 ELSE
6395 MetaErrorT1 (tok, 'illegal parameter {%1Ead} which cannot be passed as {%kVAR} {%kARRAY} {%kOF} {%1tsad}', Sym)
6396 END
6397 END AssignUnboundedNonVar ;
6400 (*
6401 GenHigh - generates a HighOp but it checks if op3 is a
6402 L value and if so it dereferences it. This
6403 is inefficient, however it is clean and we let the gcc
6404 backend detect these as common subexpressions.
6405 It will also detect that a R value -> L value -> R value
6406 via indirection and eleminate these.
6407 *)
6409 PROCEDURE GenHigh (tok: CARDINAL;
6410 op1, op2, op3: CARDINAL) ;
6411 VAR
6412 sym: CARDINAL ;
6413 BEGIN
6414 IF (GetMode(op3)=LeftValue) AND IsUnbounded(GetSType(op3))
6415 THEN
6416 sym := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ;
6417 PutVar (sym, GetSType (op3)) ;
6418 doIndrX (tok, sym, op3) ;
6419 GenQuadO (tok, HighOp, op1, op2, sym, TRUE)
6420 ELSE
6421 GenQuadO (tok, HighOp, op1, op2, op3, TRUE)
6422 END
6423 END GenHigh ;
6426 (*
6427 AssignHighField -
6428 *)
6430 PROCEDURE AssignHighField (tok: CARDINAL;
6431 Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType: CARDINAL;
6432 actuali, formali: CARDINAL) ;
6433 VAR
6434 ReturnVar,
6435 ArrayType,
6436 Field : CARDINAL ;
6437 BEGIN
6438 (* Unbounded.ArrayHigh := HIGH(ArraySym) *)
6439 PushTFtok (UnboundedSym, GetSType (UnboundedSym), tok) ;
6440 Field := GetUnboundedHighOffset (GetSType (UnboundedSym), formali) ;
6441 PushTFtok (Field, GetSType (Field), tok) ;
6442 PushT (1) ;
6443 BuildDesignatorRecord (tok) ;
6444 IF IsGenericSystemType (ParamType)
6445 THEN
6446 IF IsConstString (Sym)
6447 THEN
6448 PushTtok (MakeLengthConst (tok, Sym), tok)
6449 ELSE
6450 ArrayType := GetSType (Sym) ;
6451 IF IsUnbounded (ArrayType)
6452 THEN
6453 (*
6454 * SIZE(parameter) DIV TSIZE(ParamType)
6455 * however in this case parameter
6456 * is an unbounded symbol and therefore we must use
6457 * (HIGH(parameter)+1)*SIZE(unbounded type) DIV TSIZE(ParamType)
6458 *
6459 * we call upon the function SIZE(ArraySym)
6460 * remember SIZE doubles as
6461 * (HIGH(a)+1) * SIZE(ArrayType) for unbounded symbols
6462 *)
6463 PushTFtok (calculateMultipicand (tok, ArraySym, ArrayType, actuali-1), Cardinal, tok) ;
6464 PushT (DivideTok) ; (* Divide by *)
6465 PushTFtok (TSize, Cardinal, tok) ; (* TSIZE(ParamType) *)
6466 PushTtok (ParamType, tok) ;
6467 PushT (1) ; (* 1 parameter for TSIZE() *)
6468 BuildFunctionCall ;
6469 BuildBinaryOp
6470 ELSE
6471 (* SIZE(parameter) DIV TSIZE(ParamType) *)
6472 PushTFtok (TSize, Cardinal, tok) ; (* TSIZE(ArrayType) *)
6473 PushTtok (ArrayType, tok) ;
6474 PushT (1) ; (* 1 parameter for TSIZE() *)
6475 BuildFunctionCall ;
6476 PushT (DivideTok) ; (* Divide by *)
6477 PushTFtok (TSize, Cardinal, tok) ; (* TSIZE(ParamType) *)
6478 PushTtok (ParamType, tok) ;
6479 PushT (1) ; (* 1 parameter for TSIZE() *)
6480 BuildFunctionCall ;
6481 BuildBinaryOp
6482 END ;
6483 (* now convert from no of elements into HIGH by subtracting 1 *)
6484 PushT (MinusTok) ; (* -1 *)
6485 PushTtok (MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey('1'), Cardinal), tok) ;
6486 BuildBinaryOp
6487 END
6488 ELSE
6489 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ;
6490 PutVar (ReturnVar, Cardinal) ;
6491 IF (actuali # formali) AND (ArraySym # NulSym) AND IsUnbounded (GetSType (ArraySym))
6492 THEN
6493 GenHigh (tok, ReturnVar, actuali, ArraySym)
6494 ELSE
6495 GenHigh (tok, ReturnVar, formali, Sym)
6496 END ;
6497 PushTFtok (ReturnVar, GetSType(ReturnVar), tok)
6498 END ;
6499 BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (tok, FALSE, TRUE)
6500 END AssignHighField ;
6503 (*
6504 AssignHighFields -
6505 *)
6507 PROCEDURE AssignHighFields (tok: CARDINAL;
6508 Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType: CARDINAL; dim: CARDINAL) ;
6509 VAR
6510 type : CARDINAL ;
6511 actuali, formali,
6512 actualn, formaln: CARDINAL ;
6513 BEGIN
6514 type := GetDType (Sym) ;
6515 actualn := 1 ;
6516 IF (type # NulSym) AND (IsUnbounded (type) OR IsArray (type))
6517 THEN
6518 actualn := GetDimension (type)
6519 END ;
6520 actuali := dim + 1 ;
6521 formali := 1 ;
6522 formaln := GetDimension (GetDType (UnboundedSym)) ;
6523 WHILE (actuali < actualn) AND (formali < formaln) DO
6524 AssignHighField (tok, Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, NulSym, actuali, formali) ;
6525 INC (actuali) ;
6526 INC (formali)
6527 END ;
6528 AssignHighField (tok, Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType, actuali, formali)
6529 END AssignHighFields ;
6532 (*
6533 UnboundedNonVarLinkToArray - links an array, ArraySym, to an unbounded
6534 array, UnboundedSym. The parameter is a
6535 NON VAR variety.
6536 *)
6538 PROCEDURE UnboundedNonVarLinkToArray (tok: CARDINAL;
6539 Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType: CARDINAL; dim: CARDINAL) ;
6540 VAR
6541 Field,
6542 AddressField: CARDINAL ;
6543 BEGIN
6544 (* Unbounded.ArrayAddress := to be assigned at runtime. *)
6545 PushTFtok (UnboundedSym, GetSType (UnboundedSym), tok) ;
6547 Field := GetUnboundedAddressOffset(GetSType(UnboundedSym)) ;
6548 PushTFtok (Field, GetSType(Field), tok) ;
6549 PushT (1) ;
6550 BuildDesignatorRecord (tok) ;
6551 PopT (AddressField) ;
6553 (* caller saves non var unbounded array contents. *)
6554 GenQuadO (tok, UnboundedOp, AddressField, NulSym, Sym, FALSE) ;
6556 AssignHighFields (tok, Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType, dim)
6557 END UnboundedNonVarLinkToArray ;
6560 (*
6561 UnboundedVarLinkToArray - links an array, ArraySym, to an unbounded array,
6562 UnboundedSym. The parameter is a VAR variety.
6563 *)
6565 PROCEDURE UnboundedVarLinkToArray (tok: CARDINAL;
6566 Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType: CARDINAL; dim: CARDINAL) ;
6567 VAR
6568 SymType,
6569 Field : CARDINAL ;
6570 BEGIN
6571 SymType := GetSType (Sym) ;
6572 (* Unbounded.ArrayAddress := ADR(Sym) *)
6573 PushTFtok (UnboundedSym, GetSType (UnboundedSym), tok) ;
6574 Field := GetUnboundedAddressOffset (GetSType (UnboundedSym)) ;
6575 PushTFtok (Field, GetSType (Field), tok) ;
6576 PushT (1) ;
6577 BuildDesignatorRecord (tok) ;
6578 PushTFtok (Adr, Address, tok) ; (* ADR(Sym) *)
6579 IF IsUnbounded (SymType) AND (dim = 0)
6580 THEN
6581 PushTFADtok (Sym, SymType, UnboundedSym, dim, tok)
6582 ELSE
6583 PushTFADtok (Sym, SymType, ArraySym, dim, tok)
6584 END ;
6585 PushT (1) ; (* 1 parameter for ADR() *)
6586 BuildFunctionCall ;
6587 BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (tok, FALSE, TRUE) ;
6589 AssignHighFields (tok, Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType, dim)
6590 END UnboundedVarLinkToArray ;
6593 (*
6594 BuildPseudoProcedureCall - builds a pseudo procedure call.
6595 This procedure does not directly alter the
6596 stack, but by calling routines the stack
6597 will change in the following way when this
6598 procedure returns.
6600 The Stack:
6603 Entry Exit
6605 Ptr ->
6606 +----------------+
6607 | NoOfParam |
6608 |----------------|
6609 | Param 1 |
6610 |----------------|
6611 | Param 2 |
6612 |----------------|
6613 . .
6614 . .
6615 . .
6616 |----------------|
6617 | Param # |
6618 |----------------|
6619 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
6620 |----------------|
6621 *)
6623 PROCEDURE BuildPseudoProcedureCall (tokno: CARDINAL) ;
6624 VAR
6625 NoOfParam,
6626 ProcSym : CARDINAL ;
6627 BEGIN
6628 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
6629 ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ;
6630 PushT (NoOfParam) ;
6631 (* Compile time stack restored to entry state *)
6632 IF ProcSym = New
6633 THEN
6634 BuildNewProcedure (tokno)
6635 ELSIF ProcSym = Dispose
6636 THEN
6637 BuildDisposeProcedure (tokno)
6638 ELSIF ProcSym = Inc
6639 THEN
6640 BuildIncProcedure
6641 ELSIF ProcSym = Dec
6642 THEN
6643 BuildDecProcedure
6644 ELSIF ProcSym = Incl
6645 THEN
6646 BuildInclProcedure
6647 ELSIF ProcSym = Excl
6648 THEN
6649 BuildExclProcedure
6650 ELSIF ProcSym = Throw
6651 THEN
6652 BuildThrowProcedure
6653 ELSE
6654 InternalError ('pseudo procedure not implemented yet')
6655 END
6656 END BuildPseudoProcedureCall ;
6659 (*
6660 GetItemPointedTo - returns the symbol type that is being pointed to
6661 by Sym.
6662 *)
6664 PROCEDURE GetItemPointedTo (Sym: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ;
6665 BEGIN
6666 IF IsPointer (Sym)
6667 THEN
6668 RETURN GetSType (Sym)
6669 ELSIF IsVar (Sym) OR IsType (Sym)
6670 THEN
6671 RETURN GetItemPointedTo (GetSType (Sym))
6672 END
6673 END GetItemPointedTo ;
6676 (*
6677 BuildThrowProcedure - builds the pseudo procedure call M2RTS.Throw.
6678 The Stack:
6681 Entry Exit
6683 Ptr ->
6684 +----------------+
6685 | NoOfParam |
6686 |----------------|
6687 | Param 1 |
6688 |----------------|
6689 | Param 2 |
6690 |----------------|
6691 . .
6692 . .
6693 . .
6694 |----------------|
6695 | Param # |
6696 |----------------|
6697 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
6698 |----------------|
6699 *)
6701 PROCEDURE BuildThrowProcedure ;
6702 VAR
6703 functok : CARDINAL ;
6704 op : CARDINAL ;
6705 NoOfParam: CARDINAL ;
6706 BEGIN
6707 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
6708 functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
6709 IF NoOfParam = 1
6710 THEN
6711 op := OperandT (NoOfParam) ;
6712 GenQuadO (functok, ThrowOp, NulSym, NulSym, op, FALSE)
6713 ELSE
6714 MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'the pseudo procedure %{1Ea} takes one INTEGER parameter', Throw)
6715 END ;
6716 PopN (NoOfParam+1)
6717 END BuildThrowProcedure ;
6720 (*
6721 BuildReThrow - creates a ThrowOp _ _ NulSym, indicating that
6722 the exception needs to be rethrown. The stack
6723 is unaltered.
6724 *)
6726 PROCEDURE BuildReThrow (tokenno: CARDINAL) ;
6727 BEGIN
6728 GenQuadO (tokenno, ThrowOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym, FALSE)
6729 END BuildReThrow ;
6732 (*
6733 BuildNewProcedure - builds the pseudo procedure call NEW.
6734 This procedure is traditionally a "macro" for
6735 NEW(x, ...) --> ALLOCATE(x, TSIZE(x^, ...))
6736 One method of implementation is to emulate a "macro"
6737 processor by pushing the relevant input tokens
6738 back onto the input stack.
6739 However this causes two problems:
6741 (i) Unnecessary code is produced for x^
6742 (ii) SIZE must be imported from SYSTEM
6743 Therefore we chose an alternative method of
6744 implementation;
6745 generate quadruples for ALLOCATE(x, TSIZE(x^, ...))
6746 this, although slightly more efficient,
6747 is more complex and circumvents problems (i) and (ii).
6749 The Stack:
6752 Entry Exit
6754 Ptr ->
6755 +----------------+
6756 | NoOfParam |
6757 |----------------|
6758 | Param 1 |
6759 |----------------|
6760 | Param 2 |
6761 |----------------|
6762 . .
6763 . .
6764 . .
6765 |----------------|
6766 | Param # |
6767 |----------------|
6768 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
6769 |----------------|
6770 *)
6772 PROCEDURE BuildNewProcedure (functok: CARDINAL) ;
6773 VAR
6774 NoOfParam,
6775 SizeSym,
6776 PtrSym,
6777 ProcSym : CARDINAL ;
6778 paramtok,
6779 combinedtok: CARDINAL ;
6780 BEGIN
6781 PopT(NoOfParam) ;
6782 IF NoOfParam>=1
6783 THEN
6784 ProcSym := RequestSym (functok, MakeKey('ALLOCATE')) ;
6785 IF (ProcSym#NulSym) AND IsProcedure(ProcSym)
6786 THEN
6787 PtrSym := OperandT (NoOfParam) ;
6788 paramtok := OperandTtok (1) ;
6789 IF IsReallyPointer(PtrSym)
6790 THEN
6791 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ;
6792 (*
6793 Build macro: ALLOCATE( PtrSym, SIZE(PtrSym^) )
6794 *)
6795 PushTFtok (TSize, Cardinal, paramtok) ;(* Procedure *)
6796 (* x^ *)
6797 PushTtok (GetItemPointedTo (PtrSym), paramtok) ;
6798 PushT (1) ; (* One parameter *)
6799 BuildFunctionCall ;
6800 PopT (SizeSym) ;
6802 PushTtok (ProcSym, combinedtok) ; (* ALLOCATE *)
6803 PushTtok (PtrSym, paramtok) ; (* x *)
6804 PushTtok (SizeSym, paramtok) ; (* TSIZE(x^) *)
6805 PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *)
6806 BuildProcedureCall (combinedtok)
6807 ELSE
6808 MetaErrorT0 (paramtok, 'parameter to {%EkNEW} must be a pointer')
6809 END
6810 ELSE
6811 MetaErrorT0 (functok, '{%E}ALLOCATE procedure not found for NEW substitution')
6812 END
6813 ELSE
6814 MetaErrorT0 (functok, 'the pseudo procedure {%EkNEW} has one or more parameters')
6815 END ;
6816 PopN (NoOfParam+1)
6817 END BuildNewProcedure ;
6820 (*
6821 BuildDisposeProcedure - builds the pseudo procedure call DISPOSE.
6822 This procedure is traditionally a "macro" for
6823 DISPOSE(x) --> DEALLOCATE(x, TSIZE(x^))
6824 One method of implementation is to emulate a "macro"
6825 processor by pushing the relevant input tokens
6826 back onto the input stack.
6827 However this causes two problems:
6829 (i) Unnecessary code is produced for x^
6830 (ii) TSIZE must be imported from SYSTEM
6831 Therefore we chose an alternative method of
6832 implementation;
6833 generate quadruples for DEALLOCATE(x, TSIZE(x^))
6834 this, although slightly more efficient,
6835 is more complex and circumvents problems (i)
6836 and (ii).
6838 The Stack:
6841 Entry Exit
6843 Ptr ->
6844 +----------------+
6845 | NoOfParam |
6846 |----------------|
6847 | Param 1 |
6848 |----------------|
6849 | Param 2 |
6850 |----------------|
6851 . .
6852 . .
6853 . .
6854 |----------------|
6855 | Param # |
6856 |----------------|
6857 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
6858 |----------------|
6859 *)
6861 PROCEDURE BuildDisposeProcedure (functok: CARDINAL) ;
6862 VAR
6863 NoOfParam,
6864 SizeSym,
6865 PtrSym,
6866 ProcSym : CARDINAL ;
6867 combinedtok,
6868 paramtok : CARDINAL ;
6869 BEGIN
6870 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
6871 IF NoOfParam>=1
6872 THEN
6873 ProcSym := RequestSym (functok, MakeKey ('DEALLOCATE')) ;
6874 IF (ProcSym # NulSym) AND IsProcedure (ProcSym)
6875 THEN
6876 PtrSym := OperandT (NoOfParam) ;
6877 paramtok := OperandTtok (1) ;
6878 IF IsReallyPointer (PtrSym)
6879 THEN
6880 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ;
6881 (*
6882 Build macro: DEALLOCATE( PtrSym, TSIZE(PtrSym^) )
6883 *)
6884 PushTFtok (TSize, Cardinal, paramtok) ;(* Procedure *)
6885 (* x^ *)
6886 PushTtok (GetItemPointedTo(PtrSym), paramtok) ;
6887 PushT (1) ; (* One parameter *)
6888 BuildFunctionCall ;
6889 PopT (SizeSym) ;
6891 PushTtok (ProcSym, combinedtok) ; (* DEALLOCATE *)
6892 PushTtok (PtrSym, paramtok) ; (* x *)
6893 PushTtok (SizeSym, paramtok) ; (* TSIZE(x^) *)
6894 PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *)
6895 BuildProcedureCall (combinedtok)
6896 ELSE
6897 MetaErrorT0 (paramtok, 'argument to {%EkDISPOSE} must be a pointer')
6898 END
6899 ELSE
6900 MetaErrorT0 (functok, '{%E}DEALLOCATE procedure not found for DISPOSE substitution')
6901 END
6902 ELSE
6903 MetaErrorT0 (functok, 'the pseudo procedure {%EkDISPOSE} has one or more parameters')
6904 END ;
6905 PopN (NoOfParam+1)
6906 END BuildDisposeProcedure ;
6909 (*
6910 CheckRangeIncDec - performs des := des <tok> expr
6911 with range checking (if enabled).
6913 Stack
6914 Entry Exit
6916 +------------+
6917 empty | des + expr |
6918 |------------|
6919 *)
6921 PROCEDURE CheckRangeIncDec (tokenpos: CARDINAL; des, expr: CARDINAL; tok: Name) ;
6922 VAR
6923 dtype, etype: CARDINAL ;
6924 BEGIN
6925 dtype := GetDType(des) ;
6926 etype := GetDType(expr) ;
6927 IF WholeValueChecking AND (NOT MustNotCheckBounds)
6928 THEN
6929 IF tok=PlusTok
6930 THEN
6931 BuildRange (InitIncRangeCheck (des, expr))
6932 ELSE
6933 BuildRange (InitDecRangeCheck (des, expr))
6934 END
6935 END ;
6937 IF IsExpressionCompatible (dtype, etype)
6938 THEN
6939 (* the easy case simulate a straightforward macro *)
6940 PushTF(des, dtype) ;
6941 PushT(tok) ;
6942 PushTF(expr, etype) ;
6943 doBuildBinaryOp(FALSE, TRUE)
6944 ELSE
6945 IF (IsOrdinalType(dtype) OR (dtype=Address) OR IsPointer(dtype)) AND
6946 (IsOrdinalType(etype) OR (etype=Address) OR IsPointer(etype))
6947 THEN
6948 PushTF (des, dtype) ;
6949 PushT (tok) ;
6950 PushTF (Convert, NulSym) ;
6951 PushT (dtype) ;
6952 PushT (expr) ;
6953 PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *)
6954 BuildConvertFunction ;
6955 doBuildBinaryOp (FALSE, TRUE)
6956 ELSE
6957 IF tok=PlusTok
6958 THEN
6959 MetaError0 ('cannot perform {%EkINC} using non ordinal types')
6960 ELSE
6961 MetaError0 ('cannot perform {%EkDEC} using non ordinal types')
6962 END ;
6963 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (tokenpos, MakeKey ('0'), NulSym), NulSym, tokenpos)
6964 END
6965 END
6966 END CheckRangeIncDec ;
6969 (*
6970 BuildIncProcedure - builds the pseudo procedure call INC.
6971 INC is a procedure which increments a variable.
6972 It takes one or two parameters:
6973 INC(a, b) or INC(a)
6974 a := a+b or a := a+1
6976 The Stack:
6979 Entry Exit
6981 Ptr ->
6982 +----------------+
6983 | NoOfParam |
6984 |----------------|
6985 | Param 1 |
6986 |----------------|
6987 | Param 2 |
6988 |----------------|
6989 . .
6990 . .
6991 . .
6992 |----------------|
6993 | Param # |
6994 |----------------|
6995 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
6996 |----------------|
6997 *)
6999 PROCEDURE BuildIncProcedure ;
7000 VAR
7001 proctok : CARDINAL ;
7002 NoOfParam,
7003 dtype,
7004 OperandSym,
7005 VarSym,
7006 TempSym : CARDINAL ;
7007 BEGIN
7008 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
7009 proctok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
7010 IF (NoOfParam = 1) OR (NoOfParam = 2)
7011 THEN
7012 VarSym := OperandT (NoOfParam) ; (* bottom/first parameter *)
7013 IF IsVar (VarSym)
7014 THEN
7015 dtype := GetDType (VarSym) ;
7016 IF NoOfParam = 2
7017 THEN
7018 OperandSym := DereferenceLValue (OperandTok (1), OperandT (1))
7019 ELSE
7020 PushOne (proctok, dtype, 'the {%EkINC} will cause an overflow {%1ad}') ;
7021 PopT (OperandSym)
7022 END ;
7024 PushT (VarSym) ;
7025 TempSym := DereferenceLValue (OperandTok (NoOfParam), VarSym) ;
7026 CheckRangeIncDec (proctok, TempSym, OperandSym, PlusTok) ; (* TempSym + OperandSym *)
7027 BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (proctok, FALSE, TRUE) (* VarSym := TempSym + OperandSym *)
7028 ELSE
7029 MetaErrorT1 (proctok,
7030 'base procedure {%EkINC} expects a variable as a parameter but was given {%1Ed}',
7031 VarSym)
7032 END
7033 ELSE
7034 MetaErrorT0 (proctok,
7035 'the base procedure {%EkINC} expects 1 or 2 parameters')
7036 END ;
7037 PopN (NoOfParam + 1)
7038 END BuildIncProcedure ;
7041 (*
7042 BuildDecProcedure - builds the pseudo procedure call DEC.
7043 DEC is a procedure which decrements a variable.
7044 It takes one or two parameters:
7045 DEC(a, b) or DEC(a)
7046 a := a-b or a := a-1
7048 The Stack:
7051 Entry Exit
7053 Ptr ->
7054 +----------------+
7055 | NoOfParam |
7056 |----------------|
7057 | Param 1 |
7058 |----------------|
7059 | Param 2 |
7060 |----------------|
7061 . .
7062 . .
7063 . .
7064 |----------------|
7065 | Param # |
7066 |----------------|
7067 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
7068 |----------------|
7069 *)
7071 PROCEDURE BuildDecProcedure ;
7072 VAR
7073 proctok,
7074 NoOfParam,
7075 dtype,
7076 OperandSym,
7077 VarSym,
7078 TempSym : CARDINAL ;
7079 BEGIN
7080 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
7081 proctok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
7082 IF (NoOfParam = 1) OR (NoOfParam = 2)
7083 THEN
7084 VarSym := OperandT (NoOfParam) ; (* bottom/first parameter *)
7085 IF IsVar (VarSym)
7086 THEN
7087 dtype := GetDType (VarSym) ;
7088 IF NoOfParam = 2
7089 THEN
7090 OperandSym := DereferenceLValue (OperandTok (1), OperandT (1))
7091 ELSE
7092 PushOne (proctok, dtype, 'the {%EkDEC} will cause an overflow {%1ad}') ;
7093 PopT (OperandSym)
7094 END ;
7096 PushT (VarSym) ;
7097 TempSym := DereferenceLValue (OperandTok (NoOfParam), VarSym) ;
7098 CheckRangeIncDec (proctok, TempSym, OperandSym, MinusTok) ; (* TempSym - OperandSym *)
7099 BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (proctok, FALSE, TRUE) (* VarSym := TempSym - OperandSym *)
7100 ELSE
7101 MetaErrorT1 (proctok,
7102 'base procedure {%EkDEC} expects a variable as a parameter but was given {%1Ed}',
7103 VarSym)
7104 END
7105 ELSE
7106 MetaErrorT0 (proctok,
7107 'the base procedure {%EkDEC} expects 1 or 2 parameters')
7108 END ;
7109 PopN (NoOfParam + 1)
7110 END BuildDecProcedure ;
7113 (*
7114 DereferenceLValue - checks to see whether, operand, is declare as an LValue
7115 and if so it dereferences it.
7116 *)
7118 PROCEDURE DereferenceLValue (tok: CARDINAL; operand: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ;
7119 VAR
7120 sym: CARDINAL ;
7121 BEGIN
7122 IF GetMode (operand) = LeftValue
7123 THEN
7124 (* dereference the pointer *)
7125 sym := MakeTemporary (tok, AreConstant(IsConst(operand))) ;
7126 PutVar(sym, GetSType (operand)) ;
7128 PushTtok (sym, tok) ;
7129 PushTtok (operand, tok) ;
7130 BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (tok, FALSE, TRUE) ;
7131 RETURN sym
7132 ELSE
7133 RETURN operand
7134 END
7135 END DereferenceLValue ;
7138 (*
7139 BuildInclProcedure - builds the pseudo procedure call INCL.
7140 INCL is a procedure which adds bit b into a BITSET a.
7141 It takes two parameters:
7142 INCL(a, b)
7144 a := a + {b}
7146 The Stack:
7149 Entry Exit
7151 Ptr ->
7152 +----------------+
7153 | NoOfParam |
7154 |----------------|
7155 | Param 1 |
7156 |----------------|
7157 | Param 2 |
7158 |----------------|
7159 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
7160 |----------------|
7161 *)
7163 PROCEDURE BuildInclProcedure ;
7164 VAR
7165 proctok,
7166 optok : CARDINAL ;
7167 NoOfParam,
7168 DerefSym,
7169 OperandSym,
7170 VarSym : CARDINAL ;
7171 BEGIN
7172 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
7173 proctok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
7174 IF NoOfParam = 2
7175 THEN
7176 VarSym := OperandT (2) ;
7177 MarkArrayWritten (OperandA (2)) ;
7178 OperandSym := OperandT (1) ;
7179 optok := OperandTok (1) ;
7180 IF IsVar (VarSym)
7181 THEN
7182 IF IsSet (GetDType (VarSym))
7183 THEN
7184 DerefSym := DereferenceLValue (optok, OperandSym) ;
7185 BuildRange (InitInclCheck (VarSym, DerefSym)) ;
7186 GenQuadO (proctok, InclOp, VarSym, NulSym, DerefSym, FALSE)
7187 ELSE
7188 MetaErrorT1 (proctok,
7189 'the first parameter to {%EkINCL} must be a set variable but is {%E1d}',
7190 VarSym)
7191 END
7192 ELSE
7193 MetaErrorT1 (proctok,
7194 'base procedure {%EkINCL} expects a variable as a parameter but is {%E1d}',
7195 VarSym)
7196 END
7197 ELSE
7198 MetaErrorT0 (proctok, 'the base procedure {%EkINCL} expects 1 or 2 parameters')
7199 END ;
7200 PopN (NoOfParam + 1)
7201 END BuildInclProcedure ;
7204 (*
7205 BuildExclProcedure - builds the pseudo procedure call EXCL.
7206 INCL is a procedure which removes bit b from SET a.
7207 It takes two parameters:
7208 EXCL(a, b)
7210 a := a - {b}
7212 The Stack:
7215 Entry Exit
7217 Ptr ->
7218 +----------------+
7219 | NoOfParam |
7220 |----------------|
7221 | Param 1 |
7222 |----------------|
7223 | Param 2 |
7224 |----------------|
7225 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
7226 |----------------|
7227 *)
7229 PROCEDURE BuildExclProcedure ;
7230 VAR
7231 proctok,
7232 optok : CARDINAL ;
7233 NoOfParam,
7234 DerefSym,
7235 OperandSym,
7236 VarSym : CARDINAL ;
7237 BEGIN
7238 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
7239 proctok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
7240 IF NoOfParam=2
7241 THEN
7242 VarSym := OperandT (2) ;
7243 MarkArrayWritten (OperandA(2)) ;
7244 OperandSym := OperandT (1) ;
7245 optok := OperandTok (1) ;
7246 IF IsVar (VarSym)
7247 THEN
7248 IF IsSet (GetDType (VarSym))
7249 THEN
7250 DerefSym := DereferenceLValue (optok, OperandSym) ;
7251 BuildRange (InitExclCheck (VarSym, DerefSym)) ;
7252 GenQuadO (proctok, ExclOp, VarSym, NulSym, DerefSym, FALSE)
7253 ELSE
7254 MetaErrorT1 (proctok,
7255 'the first parameter to {%EkEXCL} must be a set variable but is {%E1d}',
7256 VarSym)
7257 END
7258 ELSE
7259 MetaErrorT1 (proctok,
7260 'base procedure {%EkEXCL} expects a variable as a parameter but is {%E1d}',
7261 VarSym)
7262 END
7263 ELSE
7264 MetaErrorT0 (proctok,
7265 'the base procedure {%EkEXCL} expects 1 or 2 parameters')
7266 END ;
7267 PopN (NoOfParam + 1)
7268 END BuildExclProcedure ;
7271 (*
7272 CheckBuildFunction - checks to see whether ProcSym is a function
7273 and if so it adds a TempSym value which will
7274 hold the return value once the function finishes.
7275 This procedure also generates an error message
7276 if the user is calling a function and ignoring
7277 the return result. The additional TempSym
7278 is not created if ProcSym is a procedure
7279 and the stack is unaltered.
7281 The Stack:
7284 Entry Exit
7286 Ptr ->
7288 +----------------+
7289 | ProcSym | Type |
7290 +----------------+ |----------------|
7291 | ProcSym | Type | | TempSym | Type |
7292 |----------------| |----------------|
7293 *)
7295 PROCEDURE CheckBuildFunction () : BOOLEAN ;
7296 VAR
7297 n : Name ;
7298 tokpos,
7299 TempSym,
7300 ProcSym, Type: CARDINAL ;
7301 BEGIN
7302 PopTFtok(ProcSym, Type, tokpos) ;
7303 IF IsVar(ProcSym) AND IsProcType(Type)
7304 THEN
7305 IF GetSType(Type)#NulSym
7306 THEN
7307 TempSym := MakeTemporary (tokpos, RightValue) ;
7308 PutVar(TempSym, GetSType(Type)) ;
7309 PushTFtok(TempSym, GetSType(Type), tokpos) ;
7310 PushTFtok(ProcSym, Type, tokpos) ;
7311 IF NOT IsReturnOptional(Type)
7312 THEN
7313 IF IsTemporary(ProcSym)
7314 THEN
7315 ErrorFormat0 (NewError (tokpos),
7316 'function is being called but its return value is ignored')
7317 ELSE
7318 n := GetSymName (ProcSym) ;
7319 ErrorFormat1 (NewError (tokpos),
7320 'function (%a) is being called but its return value is ignored', n)
7321 END
7322 END ;
7324 END
7325 ELSIF IsProcedure(ProcSym) AND (Type#NulSym)
7326 THEN
7327 TempSym := MakeTemporary (tokpos, RightValue) ;
7328 PutVar(TempSym, Type) ;
7329 PushTFtok(TempSym, Type, tokpos) ;
7330 PushTFtok(ProcSym, Type, tokpos) ;
7331 IF NOT IsReturnOptional(ProcSym)
7332 THEN
7333 n := GetSymName(ProcSym) ;
7334 ErrorFormat1(NewError(tokpos),
7335 'function (%a) is being called but its return value is ignored', n)
7336 END ;
7338 END ;
7339 PushTFtok (ProcSym, Type, tokpos) ;
7341 END CheckBuildFunction ;
7344 (*
7345 BuildFunctionCall - builds a function call.
7346 The Stack:
7349 Entry Exit
7351 Ptr ->
7352 +----------------+
7353 | NoOfParam |
7354 |----------------|
7355 | Param 1 |
7356 |----------------|
7357 | Param 2 |
7358 |----------------|
7359 . .
7360 . .
7361 . .
7362 |----------------|
7363 | Param # | <- Ptr
7364 |----------------| +------------+
7365 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar |
7366 |----------------| |------------|
7367 *)
7369 PROCEDURE BuildFunctionCall ;
7370 VAR
7371 paramtok,
7372 combinedtok,
7373 functok,
7374 NoOfParam,
7375 ProcSym : CARDINAL ;
7376 BEGIN
7377 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
7378 functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
7379 ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ;
7380 ProcSym := SkipConst (ProcSym) ;
7381 PushT (NoOfParam) ;
7382 (* Compile time stack restored to entry state *)
7383 IF IsUnknown (ProcSym)
7384 THEN
7385 paramtok := OperandTtok (1) ;
7386 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ;
7387 MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'procedure function {%1Ea} is undefined', ProcSym) ;
7388 PopN (NoOfParam + 2) ;
7389 PushT (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('0'), NulSym)) (* fake return value to continue compiling *)
7390 ELSIF IsAModula2Type (ProcSym)
7391 THEN
7392 ManipulatePseudoCallParameters ;
7393 BuildTypeCoercion
7394 ELSIF IsPseudoSystemFunction (ProcSym) OR
7395 IsPseudoBaseFunction (ProcSym)
7396 THEN
7397 ManipulatePseudoCallParameters ;
7398 BuildPseudoFunctionCall
7399 ELSE
7400 BuildRealFunctionCall (functok)
7401 END
7402 END BuildFunctionCall ;
7405 (*
7406 BuildConstFunctionCall - builds a function call and checks that this function can be
7407 called inside a ConstExpression.
7409 The Stack:
7412 Entry Exit
7414 Ptr ->
7415 +----------------+
7416 | NoOfParam |
7417 |----------------|
7418 | Param 1 |
7419 |----------------|
7420 | Param 2 |
7421 |----------------|
7422 . .
7423 . .
7424 . .
7425 |----------------|
7426 | Param # | <- Ptr
7427 |----------------| +------------+
7428 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar |
7429 |----------------| |------------|
7431 *)
7433 PROCEDURE BuildConstFunctionCall ;
7434 VAR
7435 functok,
7436 combinedtok,
7437 paramtok,
7438 ConstExpression,
7439 NoOfParam,
7440 ProcSym : CARDINAL ;
7441 BEGIN
7442 DisplayStack ;
7443 PopT(NoOfParam) ;
7444 ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ;
7445 functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
7446 IF CompilerDebugging
7447 THEN
7448 printf2 ('procsym = %d token = %d\n', ProcSym, functok) ;
7449 ErrorStringAt (InitString ('constant function'), functok)
7450 END ;
7451 PushT (NoOfParam) ;
7452 IF (ProcSym # Convert) AND
7453 (IsPseudoBaseFunction (ProcSym) OR
7454 IsPseudoSystemFunctionConstExpression (ProcSym) OR
7455 (IsProcedure (ProcSym) AND IsProcedureBuiltin (ProcSym)))
7456 THEN
7457 BuildFunctionCall
7458 ELSE
7459 IF IsAModula2Type (ProcSym)
7460 THEN
7461 (* type conversion *)
7462 IF NoOfParam = 1
7463 THEN
7464 ConstExpression := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ;
7465 paramtok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
7466 PopN (NoOfParam + 2) ;
7467 (*
7468 Build macro: CONVERT( ProcSym, ConstExpression )
7469 *)
7470 PushTFtok (Convert, NulSym, functok) ;
7471 PushTtok (ProcSym, functok) ;
7472 PushTtok (ConstExpression, paramtok) ;
7473 PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *)
7474 BuildConvertFunction
7475 ELSE
7476 MetaErrorT0 (functok, '{%E}a constant type conversion can only have one argument')
7477 END
7478 ELSE
7479 (* error issue message and fake return stack *)
7480 IF Iso
7481 THEN
7482 MetaErrorT0 (functok, 'the only functions permissible in a constant expression are: {%kCAP}, {%kCHR}, {%kCMPLX}, {%kFLOAT}, {%kHIGH}, {%kIM}, {%kLENGTH}, {%kMAX}, {%kMIN}, {%kODD}, {%kORD}, {%kRE}, {%kSIZE}, {%kTSIZE}, {%kTRUNC}, {%kVAL} and gcc builtins')
7483 ELSE
7484 MetaErrorT0 (functok, 'the only functions permissible in a constant expression are: {%kCAP}, {%kCHR}, {%kFLOAT}, {%kHIGH}, {%kMAX}, {%kMIN}, {%kODD}, {%kORD}, {%kSIZE}, {%kTSIZE}, {%kTRUNC}, {%kVAL} and gcc builtins')
7485 END ;
7486 IF NoOfParam > 0
7487 THEN
7488 paramtok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
7489 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok)
7490 ELSE
7491 combinedtok := functok
7492 END ;
7493 PopN (NoOfParam+2) ;
7494 PushT (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey('0'), NulSym)) (* fake return value to continue compiling *)
7495 END
7496 END
7497 END BuildConstFunctionCall ;
7500 (*
7501 BuildTypeCoercion - builds the type coersion.
7502 MODULA-2 allows types to be coersed with no runtime
7503 penility.
7504 It insists that the TSIZE(t1)=TSIZE(t2) where
7505 t2 variable := t2(variable of type t1).
7506 The ReturnVar on the stack is of type t2.
7508 The Stack:
7511 Entry Exit
7513 Ptr ->
7514 +----------------+
7515 | NoOfParam |
7516 |----------------|
7517 | Param 1 |
7518 |----------------|
7519 | Param 2 |
7520 |----------------|
7521 . .
7522 . .
7523 . .
7524 |----------------|
7525 | Param # | <- Ptr
7526 |----------------| +------------+
7527 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar |
7528 |----------------| |------------|
7530 Quadruples:
7532 CoerceOp ReturnVar Type Param1
7534 A type coercion will only be legal if the different
7535 types have exactly the same size.
7536 Since we can only decide this after M2Eval has processed
7537 the symbol table then we create a quadruple explaining
7538 the coercion taking place, the code generator can test
7539 this assertion and report an error if the type sizes
7540 differ.
7541 *)
7543 PROCEDURE BuildTypeCoercion ;
7544 VAR
7545 resulttok,
7546 proctok,
7547 exptok : CARDINAL ;
7548 r,
7549 exp,
7550 NoOfParam,
7551 ReturnVar,
7552 ProcSym : CARDINAL ;
7553 BEGIN
7554 PopT(NoOfParam) ;
7555 ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam+1) ;
7556 proctok := OperandTok (NoOfParam+1) ;
7557 IF NOT IsAModula2Type (ProcSym)
7558 THEN
7559 MetaError1 ('coersion expecting a type, seen {%1Ea} which is {%1Ed}', ProcSym)
7560 END ;
7561 IF NoOfParam = 1
7562 THEN
7563 PopTrwtok (exp, r, exptok) ;
7564 MarkAsRead (r) ;
7565 resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (proctok, proctok, exptok) ;
7566 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, RightValue) ;
7567 PutVar (ReturnVar, ProcSym) ; (* Set ReturnVar's TYPE *)
7568 PopN (1) ; (* pop procedure. *)
7569 IF IsConst (exp) OR IsVar (exp)
7570 THEN
7571 GenQuad (CoerceOp, ReturnVar, ProcSym, exp)
7572 ELSE
7573 MetaError2 ('trying to coerse {%1EMRad} which is not a variable or constant into {%2ad}',
7574 exp, ProcSym) ;
7575 MetaError2 ('trying to coerse {%1ECad} which is not a variable or constant into {%2ad}',
7576 exp, ProcSym)
7577 END ;
7578 PushTFtok (ReturnVar, ProcSym, resulttok)
7579 ELSE
7580 MetaError0 ('{%E}only one parameter expected in a TYPE coersion')
7581 END
7582 END BuildTypeCoercion ;
7585 (*
7586 BuildRealFunctionCall - builds a function call.
7587 The Stack:
7590 Entry Exit
7592 Ptr ->
7593 +----------------+
7594 | NoOfParam |
7595 |----------------|
7596 | Param 1 |
7597 |----------------|
7598 | Param 2 |
7599 |----------------|
7600 . .
7601 . .
7602 . .
7603 |----------------|
7604 | Param # | <- Ptr
7605 |----------------| +------------+
7606 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar |
7607 |----------------| |------------|
7608 *)
7610 PROCEDURE BuildRealFunctionCall (tokno: CARDINAL) ;
7611 VAR
7612 NoOfParam,
7613 ProcSym : CARDINAL ;
7614 BEGIN
7615 PopT(NoOfParam) ;
7616 PushT(NoOfParam) ;
7617 ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam+2) ;
7618 ProcSym := SkipConst (ProcSym) ;
7619 IF IsVar(ProcSym)
7620 THEN
7621 (* Procedure Variable ? *)
7622 ProcSym := SkipType(OperandF(NoOfParam+2))
7623 END ;
7624 IF IsDefImp (GetScope (ProcSym)) AND IsDefinitionForC (GetScope(ProcSym))
7625 THEN
7626 BuildRealFuncProcCall (tokno, TRUE, TRUE)
7627 ELSE
7628 BuildRealFuncProcCall (tokno, TRUE, FALSE)
7629 END
7630 END BuildRealFunctionCall ;
7633 (*
7634 BuildPseudoFunctionCall - builds the pseudo function
7635 The Stack:
7638 Entry Exit
7640 Ptr ->
7641 +----------------+
7642 | NoOfParam |
7643 |----------------|
7644 | Param 1 |
7645 |----------------|
7646 | Param 2 |
7647 |----------------|
7648 . .
7649 . .
7650 . .
7651 |----------------|
7652 | Param # | <- Ptr
7653 |----------------| +------------+
7654 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar |
7655 |----------------| |------------|
7657 *)
7659 PROCEDURE BuildPseudoFunctionCall ;
7660 VAR
7661 NoOfParam,
7662 ProcSym : CARDINAL ;
7663 BEGIN
7664 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
7665 ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam+1) ;
7666 ProcSym := SkipConst (ProcSym) ;
7667 PushT (NoOfParam) ;
7668 (* Compile time stack restored to entry state *)
7669 IF ProcSym = High
7670 THEN
7671 BuildHighFunction
7672 ELSIF ProcSym = LengthS
7673 THEN
7674 BuildLengthFunction
7675 ELSIF ProcSym = Adr
7676 THEN
7677 BuildAdrFunction
7678 ELSIF ProcSym = Size
7679 THEN
7680 BuildSizeFunction
7681 ELSIF ProcSym = TSize
7682 THEN
7683 BuildTSizeFunction
7684 ELSIF ProcSym = TBitSize
7685 THEN
7686 BuildTBitSizeFunction
7687 ELSIF ProcSym = Convert
7688 THEN
7689 BuildConvertFunction
7690 ELSIF ProcSym = Odd
7691 THEN
7692 BuildOddFunction
7693 ELSIF ProcSym = Abs
7694 THEN
7695 BuildAbsFunction
7696 ELSIF ProcSym = Cap
7697 THEN
7698 BuildCapFunction
7699 ELSIF ProcSym = Val
7700 THEN
7701 BuildValFunction
7702 ELSIF ProcSym = Chr
7703 THEN
7704 BuildChrFunction
7705 ELSIF IsOrd (ProcSym)
7706 THEN
7707 BuildOrdFunction (ProcSym)
7708 ELSIF IsInt (ProcSym)
7709 THEN
7710 BuildIntFunction (ProcSym)
7711 ELSIF IsTrunc (ProcSym)
7712 THEN
7713 BuildTruncFunction (ProcSym)
7714 ELSIF IsFloat (ProcSym)
7715 THEN
7716 BuildFloatFunction (ProcSym)
7717 ELSIF ProcSym = Min
7718 THEN
7719 BuildMinFunction
7720 ELSIF ProcSym = Max
7721 THEN
7722 BuildMaxFunction
7723 ELSIF ProcSym = AddAdr
7724 THEN
7725 BuildAddAdrFunction
7726 ELSIF ProcSym = SubAdr
7727 THEN
7728 BuildSubAdrFunction
7729 ELSIF ProcSym = DifAdr
7730 THEN
7731 BuildDifAdrFunction
7732 ELSIF ProcSym = Cast
7733 THEN
7734 BuildCastFunction
7735 ELSIF ProcSym = Shift
7736 THEN
7737 BuildShiftFunction
7738 ELSIF ProcSym = Rotate
7739 THEN
7740 BuildRotateFunction
7741 ELSIF ProcSym = MakeAdr
7742 THEN
7743 BuildMakeAdrFunction
7744 ELSIF ProcSym = Re
7745 THEN
7746 BuildReFunction
7747 ELSIF ProcSym = Im
7748 THEN
7749 BuildImFunction
7750 ELSIF ProcSym = Cmplx
7751 THEN
7752 BuildCmplxFunction
7753 ELSE
7754 InternalError ('pseudo function not implemented yet')
7755 END
7756 END BuildPseudoFunctionCall ;
7759 (*
7760 BuildAddAdrFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call ADDADR.
7764 Which returns address given by (addr + offset),
7765 [ the standard says that it _may_
7766 "raise an exception if this address is not valid."
7767 currently we do not generate any exception code ]
7769 The Stack:
7771 Entry Exit
7773 Ptr ->
7774 +----------------+
7775 | NoOfParam |
7776 |----------------|
7777 | Param 1 |
7778 |----------------|
7779 | Param 2 | <- Ptr
7780 |----------------| +------------+
7781 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar |
7782 |----------------| |------------|
7783 *)
7785 PROCEDURE BuildAddAdrFunction ;
7786 VAR
7787 combinedtok,
7788 functok,
7789 optok : CARDINAL ;
7790 ReturnVar,
7791 NoOfParam,
7792 OperandSym,
7793 VarSym : CARDINAL ;
7794 BEGIN
7795 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
7796 functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
7797 IF NoOfParam=2
7798 THEN
7799 VarSym := OperandT (2) ;
7800 OperandSym := OperandT (1) ;
7801 optok := OperandTok (1) ;
7802 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, optok) ;
7803 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ;
7804 IF IsVar (VarSym)
7805 THEN
7806 IF IsReallyPointer (VarSym) OR (GetSType (VarSym) = Address)
7807 THEN
7808 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, RightValue) ;
7809 PutVar (ReturnVar, Address) ;
7810 GenQuad (AddOp, ReturnVar, VarSym, DereferenceLValue (optok, OperandSym)) ;
7811 PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Address, combinedtok)
7812 ELSE
7813 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
7814 'the first parameter to ADDADR {%1Ea} must be a variable of type ADDRESS or a {%EkPOINTER}, rather than a {%1Etsd}',
7815 VarSym) ;
7816 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey('0'), Address), Address, combinedtok)
7817 END
7818 ELSE
7819 MetaErrorT0 (functok, '{%E}SYSTEM procedure ADDADR expects a variable of type ADDRESS or POINTER as its first parameter') ;
7820 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey('0'), Address), Address, combinedtok)
7821 END
7822 ELSE
7823 MetaErrorT0 (functok, '{%E}SYSTEM procedure ADDADR expects 2 parameters') ;
7824 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ;
7825 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey ('0'), Address), Address, functok)
7826 END
7827 END BuildAddAdrFunction ;
7830 (*
7831 BuildSubAdrFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call ADDADR.
7835 Which returns address given by (addr - offset),
7836 [ the standard says that it _may_
7837 "raise an exception if this address is not valid."
7838 currently we do not generate any exception code ]
7840 The Stack:
7842 Entry Exit
7844 Ptr ->
7845 +----------------+
7846 | NoOfParam |
7847 |----------------|
7848 | Param 1 |
7849 |----------------|
7850 | Param 2 | <- Ptr
7851 |----------------| +------------+
7852 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar |
7853 |----------------| |------------|
7854 *)
7856 PROCEDURE BuildSubAdrFunction ;
7857 VAR
7858 functok,
7859 combinedtok,
7860 optok,
7861 vartok : CARDINAL ;
7862 ReturnVar,
7863 NoOfParam,
7864 OperandSym,
7865 VarSym : CARDINAL ;
7866 BEGIN
7867 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
7868 functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
7869 OperandSym := OperandT (1) ;
7870 optok := OperandTok (1) ;
7871 IF NoOfParam = 2
7872 THEN
7873 VarSym := OperandT (2) ;
7874 vartok := OperandTok (2) ;
7875 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, optok) ;
7876 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ;
7877 IF IsVar (VarSym)
7878 THEN
7879 IF IsReallyPointer (VarSym) OR (GetSType (VarSym) = Address)
7880 THEN
7881 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, RightValue) ;
7882 PutVar (ReturnVar, Address) ;
7883 GenQuad (SubOp, ReturnVar, VarSym, DereferenceLValue (optok, OperandSym)) ;
7884 PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Address, combinedtok)
7885 ELSE
7886 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
7887 'the first parameter to {%EkSUBADR} {%1Ea} must be a variable of type ADDRESS or a {%EkPOINTER}, rather than a {%1Etsd}',
7888 VarSym) ;
7889 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (vartok, MakeKey('0'), Address), Address, vartok)
7890 END
7891 ELSE
7892 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, optok) ;
7893 MetaErrorT0 (combinedtok,
7894 '{%E}SYSTEM procedure {%EkSUBADR} expects a variable of type ADDRESS or POINTER as its first parameter') ;
7895 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('0'), Address), Address, combinedtok)
7896 END
7897 ELSE
7898 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, optok) ;
7899 MetaErrorT0 (functok,
7900 '{%E}SYSTEM procedure {%EkSUBADR} expects 2 parameters') ;
7901 PopN (NoOfParam+1) ;
7902 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey('0'), Address), Address, combinedtok)
7903 END
7904 END BuildSubAdrFunction ;
7907 (*
7908 BuildDifAdrFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call DIFADR.
7912 Which returns address given by (addr1 - addr2),
7913 [ the standard says that it _may_
7914 "raise an exception if this address is invalid or
7915 address space is non-contiguous."
7916 currently we do not generate any exception code ]
7918 The Stack:
7920 Entry Exit
7922 Ptr ->
7923 +----------------+
7924 | NoOfParam |
7925 |----------------|
7926 | Param 1 |
7927 |----------------|
7928 | Param 2 | <- Ptr
7929 |----------------| +------------+
7930 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar |
7931 |----------------| |------------|
7932 *)
7934 PROCEDURE BuildDifAdrFunction ;
7935 VAR
7936 functok,
7937 optok,
7938 vartok,
7939 combinedtok: CARDINAL ;
7940 TempVar,
7941 NoOfParam,
7942 OperandSym,
7943 VarSym : CARDINAL ;
7944 BEGIN
7945 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
7946 functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
7947 OperandSym := OperandT (1) ;
7948 optok := OperandTok (1) ;
7949 IF NoOfParam = 2
7950 THEN
7951 VarSym := OperandT (2) ;
7952 vartok := OperandTok (2) ;
7953 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, optok) ;
7954 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ;
7955 IF IsVar (VarSym)
7956 THEN
7957 IF IsReallyPointer (VarSym) OR (GetSType (VarSym) = Address)
7958 THEN
7959 IF IsReallyPointer (OperandSym) OR (GetSType (OperandSym) = Address)
7960 THEN
7961 TempVar := MakeTemporary (vartok, RightValue) ;
7962 PutVar (TempVar, Address) ;
7963 GenQuad (SubOp, TempVar, VarSym, DereferenceLValue (optok, OperandSym)) ;
7964 (*
7965 Build macro: CONVERT( INTEGER, TempVar )
7966 *)
7967 PushTFtok (Convert, NulSym, functok) ;
7968 PushTtok (Integer, functok) ;
7969 PushTtok (TempVar, vartok) ;
7970 PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *)
7971 BuildConvertFunction
7972 ELSE
7973 MetaError1 ('the second parameter to {%EkDIFADR } {%1Ea} must be a variable of type ADDRESS or a {%EkPOINTER}, rather than a {%1Etsd}',
7974 OperandSym) ;
7975 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('0'), Integer), Integer, combinedtok)
7976 END
7977 ELSE
7978 MetaError1 ('the first parameter to {%EkDIFADR } {%1Ea} must be a variable of type ADDRESS or a {%EkPOINTER}, rather than a {%1Etsd}',
7979 VarSym) ;
7980 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('0'), Integer), Integer, combinedtok)
7981 END
7982 ELSE
7983 MetaError0 ('{%E}SYSTEM procedure {%EkDIFADR } expects a variable of type ADDRESS or POINTER as its first parameter') ;
7984 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey('0'), Integer), Integer, combinedtok)
7985 END
7986 ELSE
7987 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, optok) ;
7988 MetaErrorT0 (functok, '{%E}SYSTEM procedure {%EkDIFADR } expects 2 parameters') ;
7989 PopN (NoOfParam+1) ;
7990 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey('0'), Integer), Integer, combinedtok)
7991 END
7992 END BuildDifAdrFunction ;
7995 (*
7996 BuildHighFunction - checks the stack in preparation for generating
7997 quadruples which perform HIGH.
7998 This procedure does not alter the stack but
7999 determines whether, a, in HIGH(a) is an ArraySym
8000 or UnboundedSym.
8001 Both cases are different and appropriate quadruple
8002 generating routines are called.
8004 The Stack:
8007 Entry Exit
8009 Ptr ->
8010 +----------------+
8011 | NoOfParam |
8012 |----------------|
8013 | Param 1 |
8014 |----------------|
8015 | Param 2 |
8016 |----------------|
8017 . .
8018 . .
8019 . .
8020 |----------------|
8021 | Param # | <- Ptr
8022 |----------------| +------------+
8023 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar |
8024 |----------------| |------------|
8026 *)
8028 PROCEDURE BuildHighFunction ;
8029 VAR
8030 functok,
8031 combinedtok,
8032 paramtok : CARDINAL ;
8033 ProcSym,
8034 Type,
8035 NoOfParam,
8036 Param : CARDINAL ;
8037 BEGIN
8038 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
8039 ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam+1) ;
8040 functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8041 BuildSizeCheckEnd (ProcSym) ; (* quadruple generation now on *)
8042 IF NoOfParam = 1
8043 THEN
8044 Param := OperandT (1) ;
8045 paramtok := OperandTok (1) ;
8046 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (paramtok, functok, paramtok) ;
8047 Type := GetDType (Param) ;
8048 (* Restore stack to original form *)
8049 PushT (NoOfParam) ;
8050 IF (NOT IsVar(Param)) AND (NOT IsConstString(Param)) AND (NOT IsConst(Param))
8051 THEN
8052 (* we cannot test for IsConst(Param) AND (GetSType(Param)=Char) as the type might not be assigned yet *)
8053 MetaError1 ('base procedure {%EkHIGH} expects a variable or string constant as its parameter {%1d:rather than {%1d}} {%1asa}', Param)
8054 ELSIF IsUnbounded(Type)
8055 THEN
8056 BuildHighFromUnbounded (combinedtok)
8057 ELSE
8058 BuildConstHighFromSym (combinedtok)
8059 END
8060 ELSE
8061 MetaError0 ('base procedure {%EkHIGH} requires one parameter') ;
8062 PopN (2) ;
8063 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal), Cardinal, functok)
8064 END
8065 END BuildHighFunction ;
8068 (*
8069 BuildConstHighFromSym - builds the pseudo function HIGH from an Sym.
8070 Sym is a constant or an array which has constant bounds
8071 and therefore it can be calculated at compile time.
8073 The Stack:
8076 Entry Exit
8078 Ptr ->
8079 +----------------+
8080 | NoOfParam |
8081 |----------------|
8082 | Param 1 |
8083 |----------------|
8084 | Param 2 |
8085 |----------------|
8086 . .
8087 . .
8088 . .
8089 |----------------|
8090 | Param # | <- Ptr
8091 |----------------| +------------+
8092 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar |
8093 |----------------| |------------|
8094 *)
8096 PROCEDURE BuildConstHighFromSym (tok: CARDINAL) ;
8097 VAR
8098 Dim,
8099 NoOfParam,
8100 ReturnVar: CARDINAL ;
8101 BEGIN
8102 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
8103 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (tok, ImmediateValue) ;
8104 Dim := OperandD (1) ;
8105 INC (Dim) ;
8106 GenHigh (tok, ReturnVar, 1, OperandT (1)) ;
8107 PopN (NoOfParam+1) ;
8108 PushTtok (ReturnVar, tok)
8109 END BuildConstHighFromSym ;
8112 (*
8113 BuildHighFromUnbounded - builds the pseudo function HIGH from an
8114 UnboundedSym.
8116 The Stack:
8119 Entry Exit
8121 Ptr ->
8122 +----------------+
8123 | NoOfParam |
8124 |----------------|
8125 | Param # | <- Ptr
8126 |----------------| +------------+
8127 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar |
8128 |----------------| |------------|
8130 *)
8132 PROCEDURE BuildHighFromUnbounded (tok: CARDINAL) ;
8133 VAR
8134 Dim,
8135 NoOfParam,
8136 ReturnVar: CARDINAL ;
8137 BEGIN
8138 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
8139 Assert (NoOfParam=1) ;
8140 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ;
8141 PutVar (ReturnVar, Cardinal) ;
8142 Dim := OperandD (1) ;
8143 INC (Dim) ;
8144 IF Dim > 1
8145 THEN
8146 GenHigh (tok, ReturnVar, Dim, OperandA(1))
8147 ELSE
8148 GenHigh (tok, ReturnVar, Dim, OperandT(1))
8149 END ;
8150 PopN (2) ;
8151 PushTFtok (ReturnVar, GetSType(ReturnVar), tok)
8152 END BuildHighFromUnbounded ;
8155 (*
8156 GetQualidentImport - returns the symbol as if it were qualified from, module.n.
8157 This is used to reference runtime support procedures and an
8158 error is generated if the symbol cannot be obtained.
8159 *)
8161 PROCEDURE GetQualidentImport (tokno: CARDINAL;
8162 n: Name; module: Name) : CARDINAL ;
8163 VAR
8164 ModSym: CARDINAL ;
8165 BEGIN
8166 ModSym := MakeDefinitionSource (tokno, module) ;
8167 IF ModSym=NulSym
8168 THEN
8169 MetaErrorNT2 (tokno,
8170 'module %a cannot be found and is needed to import %a', module, n) ;
8171 FlushErrors ;
8172 RETURN NulSym
8173 END ;
8174 Assert(IsDefImp(ModSym)) ;
8175 IF (GetExported (tokno, ModSym, n)=NulSym) OR IsUnknown (GetExported (tokno, ModSym, n))
8176 THEN
8177 MetaErrorN2 ('module %a does not export procedure %a which is a necessary component of the runtime system, hint check the path and library/language variant',
8178 module, n) ;
8179 FlushErrors ;
8180 RETURN NulSym
8181 END ;
8182 RETURN GetExported (tokno, MakeDefinitionSource (tokno, module), n)
8183 END GetQualidentImport ;
8186 (*
8187 MakeLengthConst - creates a constant which contains the length of string, sym.
8188 *)
8190 PROCEDURE MakeLengthConst (tok: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ;
8191 BEGIN
8192 RETURN MakeConstant (tok, GetStringLength (sym))
8193 END MakeLengthConst ;
8196 (*
8197 BuildLengthFunction - builds the inline standard function LENGTH.
8199 The Stack:
8202 Entry Exit
8204 Ptr ->
8205 +----------------+
8206 | NoOfParam |
8207 |----------------|
8208 | Param 1 | <- Ptr
8209 |----------------| +------------+
8210 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar |
8211 |----------------| |------------|
8213 *)
8215 PROCEDURE BuildLengthFunction ;
8216 VAR
8217 combinedtok,
8218 paramtok,
8219 functok : CARDINAL ;
8220 ProcSym,
8221 Type,
8222 NoOfParam,
8223 Param,
8224 ReturnVar : CARDINAL ;
8225 BEGIN
8226 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
8227 Param := OperandT (1) ;
8228 paramtok := OperandTok (1) ;
8229 functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8230 (* Restore stack to origional form *)
8231 PushT (NoOfParam) ;
8232 Type := GetSType (Param) ; (* get the type from the symbol, not the stack *)
8233 IF NoOfParam # 1
8234 THEN
8235 MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'base procedure {%E1kLENGTH} expects 1 parameter, seen {%1En} parameters', NoOfParam)
8236 END ;
8237 IF NoOfParam >= 1
8238 THEN
8239 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (paramtok, functok, paramtok) ;
8240 IF IsConst (Param) AND (GetSType (Param) = Char)
8241 THEN
8242 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
8243 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8244 ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('1'), Cardinal) ;
8245 PushTtok (ReturnVar, combinedtok)
8246 ELSIF IsConstString (Param)
8247 THEN
8248 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
8249 ReturnVar := MakeLengthConst (combinedtok, OperandT (1)) ;
8250 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8251 PushTtok (ReturnVar, combinedtok)
8252 ELSE
8253 ProcSym := GetQualidentImport (functok, MakeKey ('Length'), MakeKey ('M2RTS')) ;
8254 IF (ProcSym # NulSym) AND IsProcedure (ProcSym)
8255 THEN
8256 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
8257 IF IsConst (OperandT (1))
8258 THEN
8259 (* we can fold this in M2GenGCC. *)
8260 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, ImmediateValue) ;
8261 PutVar (ReturnVar, Cardinal) ;
8262 GenQuad (StandardFunctionOp, ReturnVar, ProcSym, OperandT (1)) ;
8263 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8264 PushTtok (ReturnVar, combinedtok)
8265 ELSE
8266 (* no we must resolve this at runtime or in the GCC optimizer. *)
8267 PopTF (Param, Type);
8268 PopN (NoOfParam) ;
8269 PushTtok (ProcSym, functok) ;
8270 PushTFtok (Param, Type, paramtok) ;
8271 PushT (NoOfParam) ;
8272 BuildRealFunctionCall (functok)
8273 END
8274 ELSE
8275 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
8276 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8277 PushTtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal), combinedtok) ;
8278 MetaErrorT0 (functok, 'no procedure Length found for substitution to the standard function {%E1kLENGTH} which is required to calculate non constant string lengths')
8279 END
8280 END
8281 ELSE
8282 (* NoOfParam is _very_ wrong, we flush all outstanding errors *)
8283 FlushErrors
8284 END
8285 END BuildLengthFunction ;
8288 (*
8289 BuildOddFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call ODD.
8290 This procedure is actually a "macro" for
8291 ORD(x) --> VAL(BOOLEAN, x MOD 2)
8292 However we cannot push tokens back onto the input stack
8293 because the compiler is currently building a function
8294 call and expecting a ReturnVar on the stack.
8295 Hence we manipulate the stack and call
8296 BuildConvertFunction.
8298 The Stack:
8301 Entry Exit
8303 Ptr ->
8304 +----------------+
8305 | NoOfParam |
8306 |----------------|
8307 | Param 1 |
8308 |----------------|
8309 | Param 2 |
8310 |----------------|
8311 . .
8312 . .
8313 . .
8314 |----------------|
8315 | Param # |
8316 |----------------|
8317 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
8318 |----------------|
8319 *)
8321 PROCEDURE BuildOddFunction ;
8322 VAR
8323 combinedtok,
8324 optok,
8325 functok : CARDINAL ;
8326 NoOfParam,
8327 Res, Var : CARDINAL ;
8328 BEGIN
8329 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
8330 functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8331 IF NoOfParam=1
8332 THEN
8333 Var := OperandT (1) ;
8334 optok := OperandTok (1) ;
8335 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, optok) ;
8336 IF IsVar(Var) OR IsConst(Var)
8337 THEN
8338 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8339 (*
8340 Build macro: VAL(BOOLEAN, (x MOD 2))
8341 *)
8343 (* compute (x MOD 2) *)
8344 PushTFtok (Var, GetSType (Var), optok) ;
8345 PushT (ModTok) ;
8346 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (optok, MakeKey ('2'), ZType), ZType, optok) ;
8347 BuildBinaryOp ;
8348 PopT (Res) ;
8350 (* compute IF ...=0 *)
8351 PushTtok (Res, optok) ;
8352 PushT (EqualTok) ;
8353 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (optok, MakeKey ('0'), ZType), ZType, optok) ;
8354 BuildRelOp (combinedtok) ;
8355 BuildThenIf ;
8357 Res := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, RightValue) ;
8358 PutVar (Res, Boolean) ;
8360 PushTtok (Res, combinedtok) ;
8361 PushTtok (False, combinedtok) ;
8362 BuildAssignment (combinedtok) ;
8363 BuildElse ;
8364 PushTtok (Res, combinedtok) ;
8365 PushTtok (True, combinedtok) ;
8366 BuildAssignment (combinedtok) ;
8367 BuildEndIf ;
8369 PushTtok (Res, combinedtok)
8370 ELSE
8371 MetaErrorT1 (combinedtok,
8372 'the parameter to {%E1kODD} must be a variable or constant, seen {%E1ad}',
8373 Var) ;
8374 PushTtok (False, combinedtok)
8375 END
8376 ELSE
8377 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
8378 'the pseudo procedure {%E1kODD} only has one parameter, seen {%E1n} parameters',
8379 NoOfParam) ;
8380 PushTtok (False, functok)
8381 END
8382 END BuildOddFunction ;
8385 (*
8386 BuildAbsFunction - builds a call to the standard function ABS.
8388 We cannot implement it as a macro or inline an
8389 IF THEN statement as the IF THEN ELSE requires
8390 we write the value to the same variable (or constant)
8391 twice. The macro implementation will fail as
8392 the compiler maybe building a function
8393 call and expecting a ReturnVar on the stack.
8394 The only method to implement this is to pass it to the
8395 gcc backend.
8397 The Stack:
8400 Entry Exit
8402 Ptr ->
8403 +----------------+
8404 | NoOfParam |
8405 |----------------|
8406 | Param 1 |
8407 |----------------|
8408 | Param 2 |
8409 |----------------|
8410 . .
8411 . .
8412 . .
8413 |----------------|
8414 | Param # |
8415 |----------------|
8416 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
8417 |----------------|
8418 *)
8420 PROCEDURE BuildAbsFunction ;
8421 VAR
8422 functok,
8423 combinedtok: CARDINAL ;
8424 NoOfParam,
8425 ProcSym,
8426 Res, Var : CARDINAL ;
8427 BEGIN
8428 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
8429 functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8430 IF NoOfParam = 1
8431 THEN
8432 Var := OperandT (1) ;
8433 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, vartok) ;
8434 IF IsVar(Var) OR IsConst(Var)
8435 THEN
8436 ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8437 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8439 Res := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Var))) ;
8440 PutVar (Res, GetSType (Var)) ;
8442 GenQuadO (combinedtok, StandardFunctionOp, Res, ProcSym, Var, FALSE) ;
8443 PushTFtok (Res, GetSType (Var), combinedtok)
8444 ELSE
8445 MetaErrorT1 (combinedtok,
8446 'the parameter to {%A1kABS} must be a variable or constant, seen {%E1ad}',
8447 Var)
8448 END
8449 ELSE
8450 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
8451 'the pseudo procedure {%A1kABS} only has one parameter, seen {%E1n} parameters',
8452 NoOfParam)
8453 END
8454 END BuildAbsFunction ;
8457 (*
8458 BuildCapFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call CAP.
8459 We generate a the following quad:
8462 StandardFunctionOp ReturnVal Cap Param1
8464 The Stack:
8467 Entry Exit
8469 Ptr ->
8470 +----------------+
8471 | NoOfParam = 1 |
8472 |----------------|
8473 | Param 1 |
8474 |----------------| +-------------+
8475 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVal |
8476 |----------------| |-------------|
8477 *)
8479 PROCEDURE BuildCapFunction ;
8480 VAR
8481 optok,
8482 functok,
8483 combinedtok: CARDINAL ;
8484 NoOfParam,
8485 ProcSym,
8486 Res, Var : CARDINAL ;
8487 BEGIN
8488 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
8489 functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8490 IF NoOfParam = 1
8491 THEN
8492 Var := OperandT (1) ;
8493 optok := OperandTok (1) ;
8494 IF IsVar (Var) OR IsConst (Var)
8495 THEN
8496 ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8497 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8499 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, optok) ;
8500 Res := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Var))) ;
8501 PutVar (Res, Char) ;
8502 GenQuadO (combinedtok, StandardFunctionOp, Res, ProcSym, Var, FALSE) ;
8503 PushTFtok (Res, Char, combinedtok)
8504 ELSE
8505 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
8506 'the parameter to {%A1kCAP} must be a variable or constant, seen {%E1ad}',
8507 Var)
8508 END
8509 ELSE
8510 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
8511 'the pseudo procedure {%A1kCAP} only has one parameter, seen {%E1n} parameters',
8512 NoOfParam)
8513 END
8514 END BuildCapFunction ;
8517 (*
8518 BuildChrFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call CHR.
8519 This procedure is actually a "macro" for
8520 CHR(x) --> CONVERT(CHAR, x)
8521 However we cannot push tokens back onto the input stack
8522 because the compiler is currently building a function
8523 call and expecting a ReturnVar on the stack.
8524 Hence we manipulate the stack and call
8525 BuildConvertFunction.
8527 The Stack:
8530 Entry Exit
8532 Ptr ->
8533 +----------------+
8534 | NoOfParam |
8535 |----------------|
8536 | Param 1 |
8537 |----------------|
8538 | Param 2 |
8539 |----------------|
8540 . .
8541 . .
8542 . .
8543 |----------------|
8544 | Param # |
8545 |----------------|
8546 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
8547 |----------------|
8548 *)
8550 PROCEDURE BuildChrFunction ;
8551 VAR
8552 functok,
8553 optok : CARDINAL ;
8554 NoOfParam,
8555 Var : CARDINAL ;
8556 BEGIN
8557 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
8558 functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8559 IF NoOfParam = 1
8560 THEN
8561 Var := OperandT (1) ;
8562 optok := OperandTok (1) ;
8563 IF IsVar (Var) OR IsConst (Var)
8564 THEN
8565 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8566 (*
8567 Build macro: CONVERT( CHAR, Var )
8568 *)
8569 PushTFtok (Convert, NulSym, functok) ;
8570 PushTtok (Char, functok) ;
8571 PushTtok (Var, optok) ;
8572 PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *)
8573 BuildConvertFunction
8574 ELSE
8575 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
8576 'the parameter to {%A1kCHR} must be a variable or constant, seen {%E1ad}',
8577 Var)
8578 END
8579 ELSE
8580 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
8581 'the pseudo procedure {%A1kCHR} only has one parameter, seen {%E1n} parameters',
8582 NoOfParam)
8583 END
8584 END BuildChrFunction ;
8587 (*
8588 BuildOrdFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call ORD.
8589 This procedure is actually a "macro" for
8590 ORD(x) --> CONVERT(GetSType(sym), x)
8591 However we cannot push tokens back onto the input stack
8592 because the compiler is currently building a function
8593 call and expecting a ReturnVar on the stack.
8594 Hence we manipulate the stack and call
8595 BuildConvertFunction.
8597 The Stack:
8600 Entry Exit
8602 Ptr ->
8603 +----------------+
8604 | NoOfParam |
8605 |----------------|
8606 | Param 1 |
8607 |----------------|
8608 | Param 2 |
8609 |----------------|
8610 . .
8611 . .
8612 . .
8613 |----------------|
8614 | Param # |
8615 |----------------|
8616 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
8617 |----------------|
8618 *)
8620 PROCEDURE BuildOrdFunction (Sym: CARDINAL) ;
8621 VAR
8622 functok,
8623 optok : CARDINAL ;
8624 NoOfParam,
8625 Type, Var: CARDINAL ;
8626 BEGIN
8627 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
8628 functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8629 IF NoOfParam = 1
8630 THEN
8631 Var := OperandT (1) ;
8632 optok := OperandTok (1) ;
8633 IF IsVar (Var) OR IsConst (Var)
8634 THEN
8635 Type := GetSType (Sym) ;
8636 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8637 (*
8638 Build macro: CONVERT( CARDINAL, Var )
8639 *)
8640 PushTFtok (Convert, NulSym, functok) ;
8641 PushTtok (Type, optok) ;
8642 PushTtok (Var, optok) ;
8643 PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *)
8644 BuildConvertFunction
8645 ELSE
8646 MetaErrorT2 (functok,
8647 'the parameter to {%A1k%a} must be a variable or constant, seen {%2ad}',
8648 Sym, Var)
8649 END
8650 ELSE
8651 MetaErrorT2 (functok,
8652 'the pseudo procedure {%A1k%a} only has one parameter, seen {%2n} parameters',
8653 Sym, NoOfParam)
8654 END
8655 END BuildOrdFunction ;
8658 (*
8659 BuildIntFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call INT.
8660 This procedure is actually a "macro" for
8661 INT(x) --> CONVERT(INTEGER, x)
8662 However we cannot push tokens back onto the input stack
8663 because the compiler is currently building a function
8664 call and expecting a ReturnVar on the stack.
8665 Hence we manipulate the stack and call
8666 BuildConvertFunction.
8668 The Stack:
8671 Entry Exit
8673 Ptr ->
8674 +----------------+
8675 | NoOfParam |
8676 |----------------|
8677 | Param 1 |
8678 |----------------|
8679 | Param 2 |
8680 |----------------|
8681 . .
8682 . .
8683 . .
8684 |----------------|
8685 | Param # |
8686 |----------------|
8687 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
8688 |----------------|
8689 *)
8691 PROCEDURE BuildIntFunction (Sym: CARDINAL) ;
8692 VAR
8693 combinedtok,
8694 functok,
8695 optok : CARDINAL ;
8696 NoOfParam,
8697 Type, Var : CARDINAL ;
8698 BEGIN
8699 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
8700 functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8701 IF NoOfParam = 1
8702 THEN
8703 Var := OperandT (1) ;
8704 optok := OperandTok (1) ;
8705 IF IsVar (Var) OR IsConst (Var)
8706 THEN
8707 Type := GetSType (Sym) ; (* return type of function *)
8708 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8709 (* Build macro: CONVERT( CARDINAL, Var ). *)
8710 PushTFtok (Convert, NulSym, functok) ;
8711 PushTtok (Type, functok) ;
8712 PushTtok (Var, optok) ;
8713 PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *)
8714 BuildConvertFunction
8715 ELSE
8716 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, optok, optok) ;
8717 MetaErrorT2 (combinedtok,
8718 'the parameter to {%E1k%a} must be a variable or constant, seen {%2ad}',
8719 Sym, Var) ;
8720 PushTtok (combinedtok, MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('0'), ZType))
8721 END
8722 ELSE
8723 MetaErrorT2 (functok,
8724 'the pseudo procedure {%E1k%a} only has one parameter, seen {%2n} parameters',
8725 Sym, NoOfParam) ;
8726 PushTtok (functok, MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey ('0'), ZType))
8727 END
8728 END BuildIntFunction ;
8731 (*
8732 BuildMakeAdrFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call MAKEADR.
8734 The Stack:
8737 Entry Exit
8739 Ptr ->
8740 +----------------+
8741 | NoOfParam |
8742 |----------------|
8743 | Param 1 |
8744 |----------------|
8745 | Param 2 |
8746 |----------------|
8747 . .
8748 . .
8749 . .
8750 |----------------|
8751 | Param # |
8752 |----------------|
8753 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
8754 |----------------|
8755 *)
8757 PROCEDURE BuildMakeAdrFunction ;
8758 VAR
8759 functok,
8760 starttok,
8761 endtok,
8762 resulttok : CARDINAL ;
8763 AreConst : BOOLEAN ;
8764 i, pi,
8765 NoOfParameters: CARDINAL ;
8766 ReturnVar : CARDINAL ;
8767 BEGIN
8768 PopT (NoOfParameters) ;
8769 functok := OperandTok (NoOfParameters + 1) ;
8770 IF NoOfParameters>0
8771 THEN
8772 starttok := OperandTok (NoOfParameters + 1) ; (* ADR token. *)
8773 endtok := OperandTok (1) ; (* last parameter. *)
8774 GenQuad (ParamOp, 0, MakeAdr, MakeAdr) ;
8775 i := NoOfParameters ;
8776 (* stack index referencing stacked parameter, i *)
8777 pi := 1 ;
8778 WHILE i > 0 DO
8779 GenQuadO (OperandTok (pi), ParamOp, i, MakeAdr, OperandT (pi), TRUE) ;
8780 DEC (i) ;
8781 INC (pi)
8782 END ;
8783 AreConst := TRUE ;
8784 i := 1 ;
8785 WHILE i <= NoOfParameters DO
8786 IF IsVar (OperandT (i))
8787 THEN
8788 AreConst := FALSE ;
8789 ELSIF NOT IsConst (OperandT (i))
8790 THEN
8791 MetaError1 ('problem in the {%E1N} argument for {%EkMAKEADR}, all arguments to {%EkMAKEADR} must be either variables or constants', i)
8792 END ;
8793 INC (i)
8794 END ;
8795 (* ReturnVar - will have the type of the procedure *)
8796 resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (starttok, starttok, endtok) ;
8797 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, AreConstant(AreConst)) ;
8798 PutVar (ReturnVar, GetSType(MakeAdr)) ;
8799 GenQuadO (resulttok, FunctValueOp, ReturnVar, NulSym, MakeAdr, TRUE) ;
8800 PopN (NoOfParameters+1) ;
8801 PushTFtok (ReturnVar, GetSType (MakeAdr), resulttok)
8802 ELSE
8803 MetaError1 ('the pseudo procedure {%EkMAKEADR} requires at least one parameter, seen {%E1n}', NoOfParameters) ;
8804 PopN (1) ;
8805 PushTFtok (Nil, GetSType (MakeAdr), functok)
8806 END
8807 END BuildMakeAdrFunction ;
8810 (*
8811 BuildShiftFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call SHIFT.
8813 PROCEDURE SHIFT (val: <any type>;
8814 num: INTEGER): <any type> ;
8816 "Returns a bit sequence obtained from val by
8817 shifting up or down (left or right) by the
8818 absolute value of num, introducing
8819 zeros as necessary. The direction is down if
8820 the sign of num is negative, otherwise the
8821 direction is up."
8823 The Stack:
8825 Entry Exit
8827 Ptr ->
8828 +----------------+
8829 | NoOfParam |
8830 |----------------|
8831 | Param 1 |
8832 |----------------|
8833 | Param 2 | <- Ptr
8834 |----------------| +------------+
8835 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar |
8836 |----------------| |------------|
8837 *)
8839 PROCEDURE BuildShiftFunction ;
8840 VAR
8841 combinedtok,
8842 paramtok,
8843 functok,
8844 vartok,
8845 exptok : CARDINAL ;
8846 r,
8847 procSym,
8848 returnVar,
8849 NoOfParam,
8850 derefExp,
8851 Exp,
8852 varSet : CARDINAL ;
8853 BEGIN
8854 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
8855 paramtok := OperandTok (1) ;
8856 functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8857 IF NoOfParam=2
8858 THEN
8859 PopTrwtok (Exp, r, exptok) ;
8860 MarkAsRead (r) ;
8861 PopTtok (varSet, vartok) ;
8862 PopT (procSym) ;
8863 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, exptok, vartok) ;
8864 IF (GetSType (varSet) # NulSym) AND IsSet (GetDType (varSet))
8865 THEN
8866 derefExp := DereferenceLValue (exptok, Exp) ;
8867 BuildRange (InitShiftCheck (varSet, derefExp)) ;
8868 returnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, RightValue) ;
8869 PutVar (returnVar, GetSType (varSet)) ;
8870 GenQuad (LogicalShiftOp, returnVar, varSet, derefExp) ;
8871 PushTFtok (returnVar, GetSType (varSet), combinedtok)
8872 ELSE
8873 MetaError1 ('SYSTEM procedure {%E1kSHIFT} expects a constant or variable which has a type of SET as its first parameter, seen {%E1ad}',
8874 varSet) ;
8875 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal), Cardinal, combinedtok)
8876 END
8877 ELSE
8878 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ;
8879 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
8880 'the pseudo procedure {%EkSHIFT} requires at least two parameters, seen {%E1n}',
8881 NoOfParam) ;
8882 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8883 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal), Cardinal, combinedtok)
8884 END
8885 END BuildShiftFunction ;
8888 (*
8889 BuildRotateFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call ROTATE.
8891 PROCEDURE ROTATE (val: <any type>;
8892 num: INTEGER): <any type> ;
8894 "Returns a bit sequence obtained from val
8895 by rotating up or down (left or right) by
8896 the absolute value of num. The direction is
8897 down if the sign of num is negative, otherwise
8898 the direction is up."
8900 The Stack:
8902 Entry Exit
8904 Ptr ->
8905 +----------------+
8906 | NoOfParam |
8907 |----------------|
8908 | Param 1 |
8909 |----------------|
8910 | Param 2 | <- Ptr
8911 |----------------| +------------+
8912 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar |
8913 |----------------| |------------|
8914 *)
8916 PROCEDURE BuildRotateFunction ;
8917 VAR
8918 combinedtok,
8919 functok,
8920 vartok,
8921 exptok : CARDINAL ;
8922 r,
8923 procSym,
8924 returnVar,
8925 NoOfParam,
8926 derefExp,
8927 Exp,
8928 varSet : CARDINAL ;
8929 BEGIN
8930 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
8931 functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8932 IF NoOfParam = 2
8933 THEN
8934 PopTrwtok (Exp, r, exptok) ;
8935 MarkAsRead (r) ;
8936 PopTtok (varSet, vartok) ;
8937 PopT (procSym) ;
8938 IF (GetSType (varSet) # NulSym) AND IsSet (GetDType (varSet))
8939 THEN
8940 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, exptok) ;
8941 derefExp := DereferenceLValue (exptok, Exp) ;
8942 BuildRange (InitRotateCheck (varSet, derefExp)) ;
8943 returnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, RightValue) ;
8944 PutVar (returnVar, GetSType (varSet)) ;
8945 GenQuadO (combinedtok, LogicalRotateOp, returnVar, varSet, derefExp, TRUE) ;
8946 PushTFtok (returnVar, GetSType (varSet), combinedtok)
8947 ELSE
8948 MetaErrorT0 (functok,
8949 'SYSTEM procedure {%EkROTATE} expects a constant or variable which has a type of SET as its first parameter') ;
8950 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey('0'), Cardinal), Cardinal, functok)
8951 END
8952 ELSE
8953 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
8954 'SYSTEM procedure {%EkROTATE} expects 2 parameters and was given {%1n} parameters',
8955 NoOfParam) ;
8956 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ;
8957 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal), Cardinal, functok)
8958 END
8959 END BuildRotateFunction ;
8962 (*
8963 BuildValFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call VAL.
8964 This procedure is actually a "macro" for
8965 VAL(Type, x) --> CONVERT(Type, x)
8966 However we cannot push tokens back onto the input stack
8967 because the compiler is currently building a function
8968 call and expecting a ReturnVar on the stack.
8969 Hence we manipulate the stack and call
8970 BuildConvertFunction.
8972 The Stack:
8975 Entry Exit
8977 Ptr ->
8978 +----------------+
8979 | NoOfParam |
8980 |----------------|
8981 | Param 1 |
8982 |----------------|
8983 | Param 2 |
8984 |----------------|
8985 . .
8986 . .
8987 . .
8988 |----------------|
8989 | Param # |
8990 |----------------|
8991 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
8992 |----------------|
8993 *)
8995 PROCEDURE BuildValFunction ;
8996 VAR
8997 functok : CARDINAL ;
8998 NoOfParam,
8999 ProcSym,
9000 Exp, Type: CARDINAL ;
9001 tok, r,
9002 typetok,
9003 exptok : CARDINAL ;
9004 BEGIN
9005 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
9006 functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
9007 IF NoOfParam = 2
9008 THEN
9009 PopTrwtok (Exp, r, exptok) ;
9010 MarkAsRead (r) ;
9011 PopTtok (Type, typetok) ;
9012 PopTtok (ProcSym, tok) ;
9013 IF IsUnknown (Type)
9014 THEN
9015 (* not sensible to try and recover when we dont know the return type. *)
9016 MetaErrorT1 (typetok,
9017 'undeclared type found in builtin procedure function {%AkVAL} {%A1ad}',
9018 Type)
9019 (* non recoverable error. *)
9020 ELSIF (IsSet (Type) OR IsEnumeration (Type) OR IsSubrange (Type) OR
9021 IsType (Type) OR IsPointer (Type) OR IsProcType (Type)) AND
9022 (IsVar (Exp) OR IsConst (Exp) OR IsProcedure (Exp))
9023 THEN
9024 (*
9025 Build macro: CONVERT( Type, Var )
9026 *)
9027 PushTFtok (Convert, NulSym, tok) ;
9028 PushTtok (Type, typetok) ;
9029 PushTtok (Exp, exptok) ;
9030 PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *)
9031 BuildConvertFunction
9032 ELSE
9033 (* not sensible to try and recover when we dont know the return type. *)
9034 MetaErrorT0 (functok,
9035 'the builtin procedure {%AkVAL} has thw following formal parameter declaration {%kVAL} (type, expression)')
9036 (* non recoverable error. *)
9037 END
9038 ELSE
9039 (* not sensible to try and recover when we dont know the return type. *)
9040 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
9041 'the builtin procedure {%AkVAL} expects 2 parameters, a type and an expression, but was given {%1n} parameters', NoOfParam)
9042 (* non recoverable error. *)
9043 END
9044 END BuildValFunction ;
9047 (*
9048 BuildCastFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call CAST.
9049 This procedure is actually a "macro" for
9050 CAST(Type, x) --> Type(x)
9051 However we cannot push tokens back onto the input stack
9052 because the compiler is currently building a function
9053 call and expecting a ReturnVar on the stack.
9054 Hence we manipulate the stack and call
9055 BuildConvertFunction.
9057 The Stack:
9060 Entry Exit
9062 Ptr ->
9063 +----------------+
9064 | NoOfParam |
9065 |----------------|
9066 | Param 1 |
9067 |----------------|
9068 | Param 2 |
9069 |----------------|
9070 . .
9071 . .
9072 . .
9073 |----------------|
9074 | Param # |
9075 |----------------|
9076 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
9077 |----------------|
9078 *)
9080 PROCEDURE BuildCastFunction ;
9081 VAR
9082 combinedtok,
9083 typetok,
9084 functok,
9085 vartok : CARDINAL ;
9086 n : Name ;
9087 ReturnVar,
9088 NoOfParam,
9089 Var, Type : CARDINAL ;
9090 BEGIN
9091 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
9092 functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
9093 IF NoOfParam = 2
9094 THEN
9095 Type := OperandT (2) ;
9096 typetok := OperandTok (2) ;
9097 Var := OperandT (1) ;
9098 vartok := OperandTok (1) ;
9099 IF IsUnknown (Type)
9100 THEN
9101 n := GetSymName (Type) ;
9102 WriteFormat1 ('undeclared type found in CAST (%a)', n)
9103 ELSIF IsSet (Type) OR IsEnumeration (Type) OR IsSubrange (Type) OR IsType (Type) OR
9104 IsPointer (Type) OR IsArray (Type) OR IsProcType (Type)
9105 THEN
9106 IF IsConst (Var)
9107 THEN
9108 PopN (NoOfParam+1) ;
9109 (*
9110 Build macro: Type( Var )
9111 *)
9112 PushTFtok (Type, NulSym, typetok) ;
9113 PushTtok (Var, vartok) ;
9114 PushT (1) ; (* one parameter *)
9115 BuildTypeCoercion
9116 ELSIF IsVar (Var) OR IsProcedure (Var)
9117 THEN
9118 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ;
9119 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, vartok) ;
9120 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, RightValue) ;
9121 PutVar (ReturnVar, Type) ;
9122 GenQuadO (combinedtok, CastOp, ReturnVar, Type, Var, FALSE) ;
9123 PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Type, combinedtok)
9124 ELSE
9125 (* not sensible to try and recover when we dont know the return type. *)
9126 MetaErrorT0 (functok,
9127 'the second parameter to the builtin procedure {%AkCAST} must either be a variable, constant or a procedure. The formal parameters to cast are CAST(type, variable or constant or procedure)')
9128 (* non recoverable error. *)
9129 END
9130 ELSE
9131 (* not sensible to try and recover when we dont know the return type. *)
9132 MetaErrorT0 (functok,
9133 'the builtin procedure {%AkCAST} has the following formal parameter declaration {%kCAST} (type, expression)')
9134 (* non recoverable error. *)
9135 END
9136 ELSE
9137 (* not sensible to try and recover when we dont know the return type. *)
9138 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
9139 'the builtin procedure {%AkCAST} `expects 2 parameters, a type and an expression, but was given {%1n} parameters', NoOfParam)
9140 (* non recoverable error. *)
9141 END
9142 END BuildCastFunction ;
9145 (*
9146 BuildConvertFunction - builds the pseudo function CONVERT.
9147 CONVERT( Type, Variable ) ;
9149 The Stack:
9152 Entry Exit
9154 Ptr ->
9155 +----------------+
9156 | NoOfParam |
9157 |----------------|
9158 | Param 1 |
9159 |----------------|
9160 | Param 2 |
9161 |----------------|
9162 . .
9163 . .
9164 . .
9165 |----------------|
9166 | Param # | <- Ptr
9167 |----------------| +---------------------+
9168 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | Param1 |
9169 |----------------| |---------------------|
9171 Quadruples:
9173 ConvertOp ReturnVar Param1 Param2
9175 Converts variable Param2 into a variable Param1
9176 with a type Param1.
9177 *)
9179 PROCEDURE BuildConvertFunction ;
9180 VAR
9181 combinedtok,
9182 functok,
9183 typetok,
9184 exptok : CARDINAL ;
9185 t, r,
9186 Exp, Type,
9187 ProcSym,
9188 NoOfParam,
9189 ReturnVar : CARDINAL ;
9190 BEGIN
9191 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
9192 functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
9193 IF NoOfParam = 2
9194 THEN
9195 PopTrwtok (Exp, r, exptok) ;
9196 MarkAsRead (r) ;
9197 PopTtok (Type, typetok) ;
9198 PopT (ProcSym) ;
9199 IF IsUnknown (Type)
9200 THEN
9201 (* we cannot recover if we dont have a type. *)
9202 MetaErrorT1 (typetok, 'undeclared type {%A1ad} found in {%kCONVERT}', Type)
9203 (* non recoverable error. *)
9204 ELSIF IsUnknown (Exp)
9205 THEN
9206 (* we cannot recover if we dont have a type. *)
9207 MetaErrorT1 (typetok, 'unknown {%A1d} {%1ad} found in {%kCONVERT}', Exp)
9208 (* non recoverable error. *)
9209 ELSIF (IsSet (Type) OR IsEnumeration (Type) OR IsSubrange (Type) OR
9210 IsType (Type) OR IsPointer (Type) OR IsProcType (Type) OR IsRecord (Type)) AND
9211 (IsVar (Exp) OR IsConst (Exp) OR IsProcedure (Exp))
9212 THEN
9213 (* firstly dereference Var *)
9214 IF GetMode (Exp) = LeftValue
9215 THEN
9216 t := MakeTemporary (exptok, RightValue) ;
9217 PutVar (t, GetSType (Exp)) ;
9218 CheckPointerThroughNil (exptok, Exp) ;
9219 doIndrX (exptok, t, Exp) ;
9220 Exp := t
9221 END ;
9223 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, exptok) ;
9224 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Exp))) ;
9225 PutVar (ReturnVar, Type) ;
9226 GenQuadO (combinedtok, ConvertOp, ReturnVar, Type, Exp, TRUE) ;
9227 PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Type, combinedtok)
9228 ELSE
9229 (* not sensible to try and recover when we dont know the return type. *)
9230 MetaErrorT0 (functok,
9231 'the builtin procedure {%AkCONVERT} has the following formal parameter declaration {%kCONVERT} (type, expression)')
9232 (* non recoverable error. *)
9233 END
9234 ELSE
9235 (* not sensible to try and recover when we dont know the return type. *)
9236 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
9237 'the builtin procedure {%AkCONVERT} expects 2 parameters, a type and an expression, but was given {%1n} parameters', NoOfParam)
9238 (* non recoverable error. *)
9239 END
9240 END BuildConvertFunction ;
9243 (*
9244 CheckBaseTypeValue - checks to see whether the value, min, really exists.
9245 *)
9247 PROCEDURE CheckBaseTypeValue (tok: CARDINAL;
9248 type: CARDINAL;
9249 min: CARDINAL;
9250 func: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ;
9251 BEGIN
9252 IF (type = Real) OR (type = LongReal) OR (type = ShortReal)
9253 THEN
9254 PushValue (min) ;
9255 IF NOT IsValueAndTreeKnown ()
9256 THEN
9257 MetaErrorT2 (tok,
9258 '{%1Ead} ({%2ad}) cannot be calculated at compile time for the target architecture', func, type) ;
9259 RETURN MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey ('1.0'), RType)
9260 END
9261 END ;
9262 RETURN min
9263 END CheckBaseTypeValue ;
9266 (*
9267 GetTypeMin - returns the minimium value of type.
9268 *)
9270 PROCEDURE GetTypeMin (tok: CARDINAL; func, type: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ;
9271 VAR
9272 min, max: CARDINAL ;
9273 BEGIN
9274 IF IsSubrange (type)
9275 THEN
9276 min := MakeTemporary (tok, ImmediateValue) ;
9277 PutVar (min, type) ;
9278 GenQuad (SubrangeLowOp, min, NulSym, type) ;
9279 RETURN min
9280 ELSIF IsSet (SkipType (type))
9281 THEN
9282 RETURN GetTypeMin (tok, func, GetSType (SkipType (type)))
9283 ELSIF IsBaseType (type) OR IsEnumeration (type)
9284 THEN
9285 GetBaseTypeMinMax (type, min, max) ;
9286 min := CheckBaseTypeValue (tok, type, min, func) ;
9287 RETURN min
9288 ELSIF IsSystemType (type)
9289 THEN
9290 GetSystemTypeMinMax (type, min, max) ;
9291 RETURN min
9292 ELSIF GetSType (type) = NulSym
9293 THEN
9294 MetaErrorT1 (tok,
9295 'unable to obtain the {%AkMIN} value for type {%1Aad}', type)
9296 (* non recoverable error. *)
9297 ELSE
9298 RETURN GetTypeMin (tok, func, GetSType (type))
9299 END
9300 END GetTypeMin ;
9303 (*
9304 GetTypeMax - returns the maximum value of type.
9305 *)
9307 PROCEDURE GetTypeMax (tok: CARDINAL; func, type: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ;
9308 VAR
9309 min, max: CARDINAL ;
9310 BEGIN
9311 IF IsSubrange (type)
9312 THEN
9313 max := MakeTemporary (tok, ImmediateValue) ;
9314 PutVar (max, type) ;
9315 GenQuad (SubrangeHighOp, max, NulSym, type) ;
9316 RETURN max
9317 ELSIF IsSet (SkipType (type))
9318 THEN
9319 RETURN GetTypeMax (tok, func, GetSType (SkipType (type)))
9320 ELSIF IsBaseType (type) OR IsEnumeration (type)
9321 THEN
9322 GetBaseTypeMinMax (type, min, max) ;
9323 min := CheckBaseTypeValue (tok, type, min, func) ;
9324 RETURN max
9325 ELSIF IsSystemType (type)
9326 THEN
9327 GetSystemTypeMinMax (type, min, max) ;
9328 RETURN max
9329 ELSIF GetSType (type) = NulSym
9330 THEN
9331 MetaErrorT1 (tok,
9332 'unable to obtain the {%AkMAX} value for type {%1Aad}', type)
9333 (* non recoverable error. *)
9334 ELSE
9335 RETURN GetTypeMax (tok, func, GetSType (type))
9336 END
9337 END GetTypeMax ;
9340 (*
9341 BuildMinFunction - builds the pseudo function call Min.
9343 The Stack:
9345 Entry Exit
9347 Ptr ->
9348 +----------------+
9349 | NoOfParam=1 |
9350 |----------------|
9351 | Param 1 |
9352 |----------------|
9353 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
9354 |----------------|
9355 *)
9357 PROCEDURE BuildMinFunction ;
9358 VAR
9359 combinedtok,
9360 functok,
9361 vartok : CARDINAL ;
9362 func,
9363 min,
9364 NoOfParam,
9365 Var : CARDINAL ;
9366 BEGIN
9367 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
9368 func := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ;
9369 functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
9370 IF NoOfParam = 1
9371 THEN
9372 Var := OperandT (1) ;
9373 vartok := OperandTok (1) ;
9374 PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *)
9375 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, vartok) ;
9376 IF IsAModula2Type (Var)
9377 THEN
9378 min := GetTypeMin (vartok, func, Var) ;
9379 PushTFtok (min, GetSType (min), combinedtok)
9380 ELSIF IsVar (Var)
9381 THEN
9382 min := GetTypeMin (vartok, func, GetSType (Var)) ;
9383 PushTFtok (min, GetSType (Var), combinedtok)
9384 ELSE
9385 (* we dont know the type therefore cannot fake a return. *)
9386 MetaErrorT1 (vartok,
9387 'parameter to {%AkMIN} must be a type or a variable, seen {%1Aad}',
9388 Var)
9389 (* non recoverable error. *)
9390 END
9391 ELSE
9392 (* we dont know the type therefore cannot fake a return. *)
9393 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
9394 'the pseudo builtin procedure function {%AkMIN} only has one parameter, seen {%1An}',
9395 NoOfParam)
9396 (* non recoverable error. *)
9397 END
9398 END BuildMinFunction ;
9401 (*
9402 BuildMaxFunction - builds the pseudo function call Max.
9404 The Stack:
9406 Entry Exit
9408 Ptr ->
9409 +----------------+
9410 | NoOfParam=1 |
9411 |----------------|
9412 | Param 1 |
9413 |----------------|
9414 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
9415 |----------------|
9416 *)
9418 PROCEDURE BuildMaxFunction ;
9419 VAR
9420 combinedtok,
9421 functok,
9422 vartok : CARDINAL ;
9423 func,
9424 max,
9425 NoOfParam,
9426 Var : CARDINAL ;
9427 BEGIN
9428 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
9429 func := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ;
9430 functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
9431 IF NoOfParam = 1
9432 THEN
9433 Var := OperandT (1) ;
9434 vartok := OperandTok (1) ;
9435 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *)
9436 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, vartok) ;
9437 IF IsAModula2Type (Var)
9438 THEN
9439 max := GetTypeMax (vartok, func, Var) ;
9440 PushTFtok (max, GetSType (max), combinedtok)
9441 ELSIF IsVar(Var)
9442 THEN
9443 max := GetTypeMax (vartok, func, GetSType (Var)) ;
9444 PushTFtok (max, GetSType (Var), combinedtok)
9445 ELSE
9446 (* we dont know the type therefore cannot fake a return. *)
9447 MetaErrorT1 (vartok,
9448 'parameter to {%AkMAX} must be a type or a variable, seen {%1Aad}',
9449 Var)
9450 (* non recoverable error. *)
9451 END
9452 ELSE
9453 (* we dont know the type therefore cannot fake a return. *)
9454 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
9455 'the pseudo builtin procedure function {%AkMAX} only has one parameter, seen {%1An}',
9456 NoOfParam)
9457 (* non recoverable error. *)
9458 END
9459 END BuildMaxFunction ;
9462 (*
9463 BuildTruncFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call TRUNC.
9464 This procedure is actually a "macro" for
9466 However we cannot push tokens back onto the input stack
9467 because the compiler is currently building a function
9468 call and expecting a ReturnVar on the stack.
9469 Hence we manipulate the stack and call
9470 BuildConvertFunction.
9472 The Stack:
9475 Entry Exit
9477 Ptr ->
9478 +----------------+
9479 | NoOfParam |
9480 |----------------|
9481 | Param 1 |
9482 |----------------|
9483 | Param 2 |
9484 |----------------|
9485 . .
9486 . .
9487 . .
9488 |----------------|
9489 | Param # |
9490 |----------------|
9491 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
9492 |----------------|
9493 *)
9495 PROCEDURE BuildTruncFunction (Sym: CARDINAL) ;
9496 VAR
9497 vartok,
9498 functok : CARDINAL ;
9499 NoOfParam: CARDINAL ;
9500 ProcSym,
9501 Type,
9502 Var : CARDINAL ;
9503 BEGIN
9504 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
9505 Assert (IsTrunc (OperandT (NoOfParam+1))) ;
9506 functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
9507 IF NoOfParam = 1
9508 THEN
9509 ProcSym := RequestSym (functok, MakeKey ('CONVERT')) ;
9510 IF (ProcSym # NulSym) AND IsProcedure (ProcSym)
9511 THEN
9512 Var := OperandT (1) ;
9513 vartok := OperandTtok (1) ;
9514 Type := GetSType (Sym) ;
9515 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *)
9516 IF IsVar (Var) OR IsConst (Var)
9517 THEN
9518 IF IsRealType (GetSType (Var))
9519 THEN
9520 (* build macro: CONVERT( INTEGER, Var ). *)
9521 PushTFtok (ProcSym, NulSym, functok) ;
9522 PushTtok (Type, functok) ;
9523 PushTtok (Var, vartok) ;
9524 PushT (2) ; (* two parameters *)
9525 BuildConvertFunction
9526 ELSE
9527 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
9528 'argument to {%1E%ad} must be a float point type', Sym) ;
9529 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey('0'), Type), Type, functok)
9530 END
9531 ELSE
9532 MetaErrorT2 (functok,
9533 'argument to {%1E%ad} must be a variable or constant, seen {%2ad}',
9534 Sym, Var) ;
9535 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey('0'), Type), Type, functok)
9536 END
9537 ELSE
9538 InternalError ('CONVERT procedure not found for TRUNC substitution')
9539 END
9540 ELSE
9541 (* we dont know the type therefore cannot fake a return. *)
9542 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
9543 'the pseudo builtin procedure function {%AkTRUNC} only has one parameter, seen {%1An}', NoOfParam)
9544 (* non recoverable error. *)
9545 END
9546 END BuildTruncFunction ;
9549 (*
9550 BuildFloatFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call FLOAT.
9551 This procedure is actually a "macro" for
9552 FLOAT(x) --> CONVERT(REAL, x)
9553 However we cannot push tokens back onto the input stack
9554 because the compiler is currently building a function
9555 call and expecting a ReturnVar on the stack.
9556 Hence we manipulate the stack and call
9557 BuildConvertFunction.
9559 The Stack:
9562 Entry Exit
9564 Ptr ->
9565 +----------------+
9566 | NoOfParam |
9567 |----------------|
9568 | Param 1 |
9569 |----------------|
9570 | Param 2 |
9571 |----------------|
9572 . .
9573 . .
9574 . .
9575 |----------------|
9576 | Param # |
9577 |----------------|
9578 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
9579 |----------------|
9580 *)
9582 PROCEDURE BuildFloatFunction (Sym: CARDINAL) ;
9583 VAR
9584 vartok,
9585 functok : CARDINAL ;
9586 NoOfParam: CARDINAL ;
9587 Type,
9588 Var,
9589 ProcSym : CARDINAL ;
9590 BEGIN
9591 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
9592 functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
9593 Type := GetSType (Sym) ;
9594 IF NoOfParam = 1
9595 THEN
9596 ProcSym := RequestSym (functok, MakeKey ('CONVERT')) ;
9597 IF (ProcSym # NulSym) AND IsProcedure (ProcSym)
9598 THEN
9599 Var := OperandT (1) ;
9600 vartok := OperandTtok (1) ;
9601 IF IsVar (Var) OR IsConst (Var)
9602 THEN
9603 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function. *)
9604 (* build macro: CONVERT (REAL, Var). *)
9605 PushTFtok (ProcSym, NulSym, functok) ;
9606 PushTtok (Type, functok) ;
9607 PushTtok (Var, vartok) ;
9608 PushT(2) ; (* two parameters. *)
9609 BuildConvertFunction
9610 ELSE
9611 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
9612 'argument to {%1E%ad} must be a variable or constant', ProcSym) ;
9613 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey('0.0'), Type), Type, functok)
9614 END
9615 ELSE
9616 InternalError ('CONVERT procedure not found for FLOAT substitution')
9617 END
9618 ELSE
9619 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
9620 'the builtin procedure function {%1Ead} only has one parameter',
9621 Sym) ;
9622 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey('0.0'), Type), Type, functok)
9623 END
9624 END BuildFloatFunction ;
9627 (*
9628 BuildReFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call RE.
9630 The Stack:
9633 Entry Exit
9635 Ptr ->
9636 +----------------+
9637 | NoOfParam |
9638 |----------------|
9639 | Param 1 |
9640 |----------------|
9641 | Param 2 |
9642 |----------------|
9643 . .
9644 . .
9645 . .
9646 |----------------|
9647 | Param # |
9648 |----------------|
9649 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
9650 |----------------|
9651 *)
9653 PROCEDURE BuildReFunction ;
9654 VAR
9655 func,
9656 combinedtok,
9657 vartok,
9658 functok : CARDINAL ;
9659 NoOfParam : CARDINAL ;
9660 ReturnVar,
9661 Var : CARDINAL ;
9662 BEGIN
9663 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
9664 functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
9665 func := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ;
9666 IF NoOfParam=1
9667 THEN
9668 Var := OperandT (1) ;
9669 vartok := OperandTok (1) ;
9670 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, vartok) ;
9671 IF IsVar(Var) OR IsConst(Var)
9672 THEN
9673 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Var))) ;
9674 PutVar (ReturnVar, ComplexToScalar (GetSType (Var))) ;
9675 GenQuadO (combinedtok, StandardFunctionOp, ReturnVar, Re, Var, FALSE) ;
9676 PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *)
9677 PushTFtok (ReturnVar, GetSType (ReturnVar), combinedtok)
9678 ELSE
9679 PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *)
9680 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('1.0'), RType), RType, combinedtok) ;
9681 MetaErrorT2 (functok,
9682 'the parameter to the builtin procedure function {%1Ead} must be a constant or a variable, seen {%2ad}',
9683 func, Var)
9684 END
9685 ELSE
9686 PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *)
9687 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey ('1.0'), RType), RType, functok) ;
9688 MetaErrorT2 (functok,
9689 'the builtin procedure function {%1Ead} only has one parameter, seen {%2n}',
9690 func, NoOfParam)
9691 END
9692 END BuildReFunction ;
9695 (*
9696 BuildImFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call IM.
9698 The Stack:
9701 Entry Exit
9703 Ptr ->
9704 +----------------+
9705 | NoOfParam |
9706 |----------------|
9707 | Param 1 |
9708 |----------------|
9709 | Param 2 |
9710 |----------------|
9711 . .
9712 . .
9713 . .
9714 |----------------|
9715 | Param # |
9716 |----------------|
9717 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
9718 |----------------|
9719 *)
9721 PROCEDURE BuildImFunction ;
9722 VAR
9723 func,
9724 combinedtok,
9725 vartok,
9726 functok : CARDINAL ;
9727 NoOfParam : CARDINAL ;
9728 ReturnVar,
9729 Var : CARDINAL ;
9730 BEGIN
9731 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
9732 functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
9733 func := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ;
9734 IF NoOfParam=1
9735 THEN
9736 Var := OperandT (1) ;
9737 vartok := OperandTok (1) ;
9738 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, vartok) ;
9739 IF IsVar(Var) OR IsConst(Var)
9740 THEN
9741 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Var))) ;
9742 PutVar (ReturnVar, ComplexToScalar (GetSType (Var))) ;
9743 GenQuadO (combinedtok, StandardFunctionOp, ReturnVar, Im, Var, FALSE) ;
9744 PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *)
9745 PushTFtok (ReturnVar, GetSType (ReturnVar), combinedtok)
9746 ELSE
9747 PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *)
9748 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('1.0'), RType), RType, combinedtok) ;
9749 MetaErrorT2 (functok,
9750 'the parameter to the builtin procedure function {%1Ead} must be a constant or a variable, seen {%2ad}',
9751 func, Var)
9752 END
9753 ELSE
9754 PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *)
9755 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey ('1.0'), RType), RType, functok) ;
9756 MetaErrorT2 (functok,
9757 'the builtin procedure function {%1Ead} only has one parameter, seen {%2n}',
9758 func, NoOfParam)
9759 END
9760 END BuildImFunction ;
9763 (*
9764 BuildCmplxFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call CMPLX.
9766 The Stack:
9769 Entry Exit
9771 Ptr ->
9772 +----------------+
9773 | NoOfParam |
9774 |----------------|
9775 | Param 1 |
9776 |----------------|
9777 | Param 2 |
9778 |----------------|
9779 . .
9780 . .
9781 . .
9782 |----------------|
9783 | Param # |
9784 |----------------|
9785 | ProcSym | Type | Empty
9786 |----------------|
9787 *)
9789 PROCEDURE BuildCmplxFunction ;
9790 VAR
9791 functok,
9792 endtok,
9793 combinedtok: CARDINAL ;
9794 NoOfParam : CARDINAL ;
9795 func,
9796 ReturnVar,
9797 l, r : CARDINAL ;
9798 BEGIN
9799 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
9800 functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
9801 func := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ;
9802 IF NoOfParam = 2
9803 THEN
9804 l := OperandT (2) ;
9805 r := OperandT (1) ;
9806 endtok := OperandTok (1) ;
9807 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, endtok) ;
9808 IF (IsVar(l) OR IsConst(l)) AND
9809 (IsVar(r) OR IsConst(r))
9810 THEN
9811 CheckExpressionCompatible (combinedtok, GetSType(l), GetSType(r)) ;
9812 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (l) AND IsConst (r))) ;
9813 PutVar (ReturnVar, GetCmplxReturnType (GetDType (l), GetDType (r))) ;
9814 GenQuadO (combinedtok, StandardFunctionOp, ReturnVar, Cmplx, Make2Tuple (l, r), TRUE) ;
9815 PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *)
9816 PushTFtok (ReturnVar, GetSType (ReturnVar), combinedtok)
9817 ELSE
9818 IF IsVar (l) OR IsConst (l)
9819 THEN
9820 MetaErrorT2 (functok,
9821 'the builtin procedure {%1Ead} requires two parameters, both must be variables or constants but the second parameter is {%2d}',
9822 func, r)
9823 ELSE
9824 MetaErrorT2 (functok,
9825 'the builtin procedure {%1Ead} requires two parameters, both must be variables or constants but the first parameter is {%2d}',
9826 func, l)
9827 END ;
9828 PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *)
9829 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('1.0'), CType), CType, combinedtok)
9830 END
9831 ELSE
9832 MetaErrorT2 (functok,
9833 'the builtin procedure {%1Ead} requires two parameters, seen {%2n}',
9834 func, NoOfParam) ;
9835 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *)
9836 PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey ('1.0'), CType), CType, functok)
9837 END
9838 END BuildCmplxFunction ;
9841 (*
9842 BuildAdrFunction - builds the pseudo function ADR
9843 The Stack:
9846 Entry Exit
9848 Ptr ->
9849 +----------------+
9850 | NoOfParam |
9851 |----------------|
9852 | Param 1 |
9853 |----------------|
9854 | Param 2 |
9855 |----------------|
9856 . .
9857 . .
9858 . .
9859 |----------------|
9860 | Param # | <- Ptr
9861 |----------------| +------------+
9862 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar |
9863 |----------------| |------------|
9865 *)
9867 PROCEDURE BuildAdrFunction ;
9868 VAR
9869 endtok,
9870 combinedTok,
9871 procTok,
9872 t,
9873 UnboundedSym,
9874 Dim,
9875 Field,
9876 noOfParameters,
9877 procSym,
9878 returnVar,
9879 Type, rw : CARDINAL ;
9880 BEGIN
9881 DisplayStack ;
9882 PopT (noOfParameters) ;
9883 procSym := OperandT (noOfParameters + 1) ;
9884 procTok := OperandTok (noOfParameters + 1) ; (* token of procedure ADR. *)
9885 endtok := OperandTok (1) ; (* last parameter. *)
9886 combinedTok := MakeVirtualTok (procTok, procTok, endtok) ;
9887 IF noOfParameters # 1
9888 THEN
9889 MetaErrorNT0 (combinedTok,
9890 'SYSTEM procedure ADR expects 1 parameter') ;
9891 PopN (noOfParameters + 1) ; (* destroy the arguments and function *)
9892 PushTF (Nil, Address)
9893 ELSIF IsConstString (OperandT (1))
9894 THEN
9895 returnVar := MakeLeftValue (combinedTok, OperandT (1), RightValue,
9896 GetSType (procSym)) ;
9897 PopN (noOfParameters + 1) ; (* destroy the arguments and function *)
9898 PushTFtok (returnVar, GetSType (returnVar), combinedTok)
9899 ELSIF (NOT IsVar(OperandT(1))) AND (NOT IsProcedure(OperandT(1)))
9900 THEN
9901 MetaErrorNT0 (combinedTok,
9902 'SYSTEM procedure ADR expects a variable, procedure or a constant string as its parameter') ;
9903 PopN (noOfParameters + 1) ; (* destroy the arguments and function *)
9904 PushTFtok (Nil, Address, combinedTok)
9905 ELSIF IsProcedure (OperandT (1))
9906 THEN
9907 returnVar := MakeLeftValue (combinedTok, OperandT (1), RightValue,
9908 GetSType (procSym)) ;
9909 PopN (noOfParameters + 1) ; (* destroy the arguments and function *)
9910 PushTFtok (returnVar, GetSType (returnVar), combinedTok)
9911 ELSE
9912 Type := GetSType (OperandT (1)) ;
9913 Dim := OperandD (1) ;
9914 MarkArrayWritten (OperandT (1)) ;
9915 MarkArrayWritten (OperandA (1)) ;
9916 (* if the operand is an unbounded which has not been indexed
9917 then we will lookup its address from the unbounded record.
9918 Otherwise we obtain the address of the operand.
9919 *)
9920 IF IsUnbounded (Type) AND (Dim = 0)
9921 THEN
9922 (* we will reference the address field of the unbounded structure *)
9923 UnboundedSym := OperandT (1) ;
9924 rw := OperandRW (1) ;
9925 PushTFrw (UnboundedSym, GetSType (UnboundedSym), rw) ;
9926 Field := GetUnboundedAddressOffset (GetSType (UnboundedSym)) ;
9927 PushTF (Field, GetSType (Field)) ;
9928 PushT (1) ;
9929 BuildDesignatorRecord (combinedTok) ;
9930 PopTrw (returnVar, rw) ;
9931 IF GetMode (returnVar) = LeftValue
9932 THEN
9933 t := MakeTemporary (combinedTok, RightValue) ;
9934 PutVar (t, GetSType (procSym)) ;
9935 doIndrX (combinedTok, t, returnVar) ;
9936 returnVar := t
9937 ELSE
9938 (* we need to cast returnVar into ADDRESS *)
9939 t := MakeTemporary (combinedTok, RightValue) ;
9940 PutVar (t, GetSType (procSym)) ;
9941 GenQuadO (combinedTok, ConvertOp, t, GetSType (procSym), returnVar, FALSE) ;
9942 returnVar := t
9943 END
9944 ELSE
9945 returnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedTok, RightValue) ;
9946 PutVar (returnVar, GetSType (procSym)) ;
9947 IF GetMode (OperandT (1)) = LeftValue
9948 THEN
9949 PutVar (returnVar, GetSType (procSym)) ;
9950 GenQuadO (combinedTok, ConvertOp, returnVar, GetSType (procSym), OperandT (1), FALSE)
9951 ELSE
9952 GenQuadO (combinedTok, AddrOp, returnVar, NulSym, OperandT (1), FALSE)
9953 END ;
9954 rw := OperandMergeRW (1) ;
9955 Assert (IsLegal (rw))
9956 END ;
9957 PopN (noOfParameters + 1) ; (* destroy the arguments and function *)
9958 PushTFrwtok (returnVar, GetSType (returnVar), rw, combinedTok)
9959 END
9960 END BuildAdrFunction ;
9963 (*
9964 BuildSizeFunction - builds the pseudo function SIZE
9965 The Stack:
9968 Entry Exit
9970 Ptr ->
9971 +----------------+
9972 | NoOfParam |
9973 |----------------|
9974 | Param 1 |
9975 |----------------|
9976 | Param 2 |
9977 |----------------|
9978 . .
9979 . .
9980 . .
9981 |----------------|
9982 | Param # | <- Ptr
9983 |----------------| +------------+
9984 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar |
9985 |----------------| |------------|
9986 *)
9988 PROCEDURE BuildSizeFunction ;
9989 VAR
9990 resulttok,
9991 paramtok,
9992 functok : CARDINAL ;
9993 dim : CARDINAL ;
9994 Type,
9995 NoOfParam,
9996 ProcSym,
9997 ReturnVar : CARDINAL ;
9998 BEGIN
9999 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
10000 ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ;
10001 functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ;
10002 IF NoOfParam # 1
10003 THEN
10004 MetaErrorT1 (functok,
10005 '{%E} SYSTEM procedure function {%kSIZE} requires one parameter, seen {%1n}',
10006 NoOfParam) ;
10007 resulttok := functok ;
10008 ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (resulttok, MakeKey('0'), Cardinal)
10009 ELSIF IsAModula2Type (OperandT (1))
10010 THEN
10011 paramtok := OperandTok (1) ;
10012 resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ;
10013 BuildSizeCheckEnd (ProcSym) ; (* quadruple generation now on *)
10014 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, ImmediateValue) ;
10015 GenQuadO (resulttok, SizeOp, ReturnVar, NulSym, OperandT(1), TRUE)
10016 ELSIF IsVar (OperandT (1))
10017 THEN
10018 BuildSizeCheckEnd (ProcSym) ; (* quadruple generation now on *)
10019 Type := GetSType (OperandT (1)) ;
10020 paramtok := OperandTok (1) ;
10021 resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ;
10022 IF IsUnbounded (Type)
10023 THEN
10024 (* eg. SIZE(a) ; where a is unbounded dereference HIGH and multiply by the TYPE *)
10025 dim := OperandD (1) ;
10026 IF dim = 0
10027 THEN
10028 ReturnVar := calculateMultipicand (resulttok, OperandT (1), Type, dim)
10029 ELSE
10030 ReturnVar := calculateMultipicand (resulttok, OperandA (1), Type, dim)
10031 END
10032 ELSE
10033 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, ImmediateValue) ;
10034 IF Type = NulSym
10035 THEN
10036 MetaErrorT1 (resulttok,
10037 'cannot get the type and size of {%E1ad}', OperandT (1))
10038 END ;
10039 GenQuadO (resulttok, SizeOp, ReturnVar, NulSym, Type, TRUE)
10040 END
10041 ELSE
10042 resulttok := functok ;
10043 MetaErrorT1 (resulttok,
10044 '{%E}SYSTEM procedure {%kSIZE} expects a variable as its parameter, seen {%E1d}',
10045 OperandT (1)) ;
10046 ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (resulttok, MakeKey('0'), Cardinal)
10047 END ;
10048 PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* destroy the arguments and function *)
10049 PushTFtok (ReturnVar, GetSType(ProcSym), resulttok)
10050 END BuildSizeFunction ;
10053 (*
10054 BuildTSizeFunction - builds the pseudo function TSIZE
10055 The Stack:
10058 Entry Exit
10060 Ptr ->
10061 +----------------+
10062 | NoOfParam |
10063 |----------------|
10064 | Param 1 |
10065 |----------------|
10066 | Param 2 |
10067 |----------------|
10068 . .
10069 . .
10070 . .
10071 |----------------|
10072 | Param # | <- Ptr
10073 |----------------| +------------+
10074 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar |
10075 |----------------| |------------|
10077 *)
10079 PROCEDURE BuildTSizeFunction ;
10080 VAR
10081 resulttok,
10082 paramtok,
10083 functok : CARDINAL ;
10084 NoOfParam: CARDINAL ;
10085 ProcSym,
10086 Record,
10087 ReturnVar: CARDINAL ;
10088 BEGIN
10089 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
10090 ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ;
10091 functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam) ;
10092 BuildSizeCheckEnd (ProcSym) ; (* quadruple generation now on *)
10093 IF NoOfParam = 1
10094 THEN
10095 paramtok := OperandTtok (1) ;
10096 resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ;
10097 IF IsAModula2Type (OperandT (1))
10098 THEN
10099 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, ImmediateValue) ;
10100 GenQuadO (resulttok, SizeOp, ReturnVar, NulSym, OperandT (1), FALSE)
10101 ELSIF IsVar (OperandT (1))
10102 THEN
10103 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, ImmediateValue) ;
10104 GenQuadO (resulttok, SizeOp, ReturnVar, NulSym, GetSType (OperandT (1)), FALSE)
10105 ELSE
10106 MetaErrorT1 (resulttok,
10107 '{%E}SYSTEM procedure function {%kTSIZE} expects a variable as its first parameter, seen {%E1d}',
10108 OperandT (1)) ;
10109 ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (resulttok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal)
10110 END
10111 ELSIF NoOfParam = 0
10112 THEN
10113 resulttok := functok ;
10114 MetaErrorT0 (resulttok,
10115 '{%E}SYSTEM procedure function {%kTSIZE} expects either one or two parameters, seen none') ;
10116 ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (resulttok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal)
10117 ELSE
10118 Record := OperandT (NoOfParam) ;
10119 paramtok := OperandTtok (1) ;
10120 resulttok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam) ;
10121 IF IsRecord (Record)
10122 THEN
10123 paramtok := OperandTtok (1) ;
10124 resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ;
10125 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, ImmediateValue) ;
10126 GenQuadO (resulttok, SizeOp, ReturnVar, NulSym, Record, FALSE)
10127 ELSE
10128 resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ;
10129 MetaErrorT1 (resulttok,
10130 '{%E}SYSTEM procedure function {%kTSIZE} expects the first parameter to be a record type, seen {%E1d}',
10131 Record) ;
10132 ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (resulttok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal)
10133 END
10134 END ;
10135 PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* destroy the arguments and function *)
10136 PushTFtok (ReturnVar, GetSType (ProcSym), resulttok)
10137 END BuildTSizeFunction ;
10140 (*
10141 BuildTBitSizeFunction - builds the pseudo function TBITSIZE
10142 The Stack:
10145 Entry Exit
10147 Ptr ->
10148 +----------------+
10149 | NoOfParam |
10150 |----------------|
10151 | Param 1 |
10152 |----------------|
10153 | Param 2 |
10154 |----------------|
10155 . .
10156 . .
10157 . .
10158 |----------------|
10159 | Param # | <- Ptr
10160 |----------------| +------------+
10161 | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar |
10162 |----------------| |------------|
10164 *)
10166 PROCEDURE BuildTBitSizeFunction ;
10167 VAR
10168 resulttok,
10169 paramtok,
10170 functok : CARDINAL ;
10171 NoOfParam: CARDINAL ;
10172 ProcSym,
10173 Record,
10174 ReturnVar: CARDINAL ;
10175 BEGIN
10176 PopT (NoOfParam) ;
10177 ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ;
10178 functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam) ;
10179 BuildSizeCheckEnd (ProcSym) ; (* quadruple generation now on *)
10180 IF NoOfParam = 1
10181 THEN
10182 paramtok := OperandTtok (1) ;
10183 resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ;
10184 IF IsAModula2Type (OperandT (1))
10185 THEN
10186 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, ImmediateValue) ;
10187 GenQuadO (resulttok, StandardFunctionOp, ReturnVar, ProcSym, OperandT (1), FALSE)
10188 ELSIF IsVar (OperandT (1))
10189 THEN
10190 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, ImmediateValue) ;
10191 GenQuadO (resulttok, StandardFunctionOp, ReturnVar, ProcSym, OperandT(1), FALSE)
10192 ELSE
10193 MetaErrorT1 (resulttok,
10194 '{%E}SYSTEM procedure function {%kTBITSIZE} expects a variable as its first parameter, seen {%E1d}',
10195 OperandT (1)) ;
10196 ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (resulttok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal)
10197 END
10198 ELSIF NoOfParam = 0
10199 THEN
10200 resulttok := functok ;
10201 MetaErrorT0 (functok,
10202 '{%E}SYSTEM procedure function {%kTBITSIZE} expects either one or two parameters, seen none') ;
10203 ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal)
10204 ELSE
10205 Record := OperandT (NoOfParam) ;
10206 paramtok := OperandTtok (1) ;
10207 resulttok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam) ;
10208 IF IsRecord (Record)
10209 THEN
10210 paramtok := OperandTtok (1) ;
10211 resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ;
10212 ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, ImmediateValue) ;
10213 GenQuad(StandardFunctionOp, ReturnVar, ProcSym, OperandT(1)) ;
10214 ELSE
10215 resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ;
10216 MetaErrorT1 (resulttok,
10217 '{%E}SYSTEM procedure function {%kTBITSIZE} expects the first parameter to be a record type, seen {%E1d}',
10218 Record) ;
10219 ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (resulttok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal)
10220 END
10221 END ;
10222 PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; (* destroy the arguments and function *)
10223 PushTFtok (ReturnVar, GetSType (ProcSym), resulttok)
10224 END BuildTBitSizeFunction ;
10227 (*
10228 ExpectingParameterType -
10229 *)
10231 PROCEDURE ExpectingParameterType (BlockSym, Type: CARDINAL) ;
10232 BEGIN
10233 IF NOT IsAModula2Type (Type)
10234 THEN
10235 IF (Type = NulSym) OR IsPartialUnbounded (Type) OR IsUnknown (Type)
10236 THEN
10237 MetaError1 ('the type used in the formal parameter declaration in {%1Md} {%1a} is unknown',
10238 BlockSym)
10239 ELSE
10240 MetaError2 ('the type {%1Ead} used in the formal parameter declaration in {%2Md} {%2a} was not declared as a type',
10241 Type, BlockSym)
10242 END
10243 END
10244 END ExpectingParameterType ;
10247 (*
10248 ExpectingVariableType -
10249 *)
10251 PROCEDURE ExpectingVariableType (BlockSym, Type: CARDINAL) ;
10252 BEGIN
10253 IF NOT IsAModula2Type(Type)
10254 THEN
10255 IF Type=NulSym
10256 THEN
10257 MetaError1 ('the type used during the variable declaration section in procedure {%1EMad} is unknown',
10258 BlockSym) ;
10259 MetaError1 ('the type used during the variable declaration section in procedure {%1Ead} is unknown',
10260 BlockSym)
10261 ELSIF IsPartialUnbounded(Type) OR IsUnknown(Type)
10262 THEN
10263 MetaError2 ('the type {%1EMad} used during variable declaration section in procedure {%2ad} is unknown',
10264 Type, BlockSym) ;
10265 MetaError2 ('the type {%1Ead} used during variable declaration section in procedure {%2Mad} is unknown',
10266 Type, BlockSym)
10267 ELSE
10268 MetaError2 ('the {%1d} {%1Ea} is not a type and therefore cannot be used to declare a variable in {%2d} {%2a}',
10269 Type, BlockSym)
10270 END
10271 END
10272 END ExpectingVariableType ;
10275 (*
10276 CheckVariablesAndParameterTypesInBlock - checks to make sure that block, BlockSym, has
10277 parameters types and variable types which are legal.
10278 *)
10280 PROCEDURE CheckVariablesAndParameterTypesInBlock (BlockSym: CARDINAL) ;
10281 VAR
10282 i, n,
10283 ParamNo: CARDINAL ;
10284 BEGIN
10285 IF IsProcedure(BlockSym)
10286 THEN
10287 ParamNo := NoOfParam(BlockSym)
10288 ELSE
10289 ParamNo := 0
10290 END ;
10291 i := 1 ;
10292 REPEAT
10293 n := GetNth(BlockSym, i) ;
10294 IF (n#NulSym) AND (NOT IsTemporary(n)) AND
10295 (IsProcedure(BlockSym) OR ((IsDefImp(BlockSym) AND (GetMainModule()=BlockSym)) OR IsModule(BlockSym)))
10296 THEN
10297 IF i<=ParamNo
10298 THEN
10299 (* n is a parameter *)
10300 ExpectingParameterType(BlockSym, GetSType(n))
10301 ELSE
10302 (* n is a local variable *)
10303 ExpectingVariableType(BlockSym, GetSType(n))
10304 END
10305 END ;
10306 INC(i)
10307 UNTIL n=NulSym ;
10308 END CheckVariablesAndParameterTypesInBlock ;
10311 (*
10312 BuildProcedureStart - Builds start of the procedure. Generates a
10313 quadruple which indicated the start of
10314 this procedure declarations scope.
10315 The Stack is expected to contain:
10318 Entry Exit
10319 ===== ====
10321 Ptr -> <- Ptr
10322 +------------+ +-----------+
10323 | ProcSym | | ProcSym |
10324 |------------| |-----------|
10325 | Name | | Name |
10326 |------------| |-----------|
10329 Quadruples:
10331 q ProcedureScopeOp Line# Scope ProcSym
10332 *)
10334 PROCEDURE BuildProcedureStart ;
10335 VAR
10336 ProcSym: CARDINAL ;
10337 BEGIN
10338 PopT(ProcSym) ;
10339 Assert(IsProcedure(ProcSym)) ;
10340 PutProcedureScopeQuad(ProcSym, NextQuad) ;
10341 GenQuad(ProcedureScopeOp, GetPreviousTokenLineNo(), GetScope(ProcSym), ProcSym) ;
10342 PushT(ProcSym)
10343 END BuildProcedureStart ;
10346 (*
10347 BuildProcedureBegin - determines the start of the BEGIN END block of
10348 the procedure.
10349 The Stack is expected to contain:
10352 Entry Exit
10353 ===== ====
10355 Ptr -> <- Ptr
10356 +------------+ +-----------+
10357 | ProcSym | | ProcSym |
10358 |------------| |-----------|
10359 | Name | | Name |
10360 |------------| |-----------|
10363 Quadruples:
10365 q NewLocalVarOp TokenNo(BEGIN) _ ProcSym
10366 *)
10368 PROCEDURE BuildProcedureBegin ;
10369 VAR
10370 ProcSym: CARDINAL ;
10371 BEGIN
10372 PopT(ProcSym) ;
10373 Assert(IsProcedure(ProcSym)) ;
10374 PutProcedureStartQuad(ProcSym, NextQuad) ;
10375 PutProcedureBegin(ProcSym, GetTokenNo()) ;
10376 GenQuad(NewLocalVarOp, GetTokenNo(), GetScope(ProcSym), ProcSym) ;
10377 CurrentProc := ProcSym ;
10378 PushWord(ReturnStack, 0) ;
10379 PushT(ProcSym) ;
10380 CheckVariablesAt(ProcSym) ;
10381 CheckNeedPriorityBegin(GetTokenNo(), ProcSym, GetCurrentModule()) ;
10382 PushWord(TryStack, NextQuad) ;
10383 PushWord(CatchStack, 0) ;
10384 IF HasExceptionBlock(ProcSym)
10385 THEN
10386 GenQuad(TryOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0)
10387 END
10388 END BuildProcedureBegin ;
10391 (*
10392 BuildProcedureEnd - Builds end of the procedure. Destroys space for
10393 the local variables.
10394 The Stack is expected to contain:
10397 Entry Exit
10398 ===== ====
10400 Ptr -> <- Ptr
10401 +------------+ +-----------+
10402 | ProcSym | | ProcSym |
10403 |------------| |-----------|
10404 | Name | | Name |
10405 |------------| |-----------|
10408 Quadruples:
10410 q KillLocalVarOp TokenNo(END) _ ProcSym
10411 *)
10413 PROCEDURE BuildProcedureEnd ;
10414 VAR
10415 tok : CARDINAL ;
10416 ProcSym: CARDINAL ;
10417 BEGIN
10418 PopTtok(ProcSym, tok) ;
10419 IF HasExceptionBlock(ProcSym)
10420 THEN
10421 BuildRTExceptLeave(tok, TRUE) ;
10422 GenQuad(CatchEndOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym)
10423 END ;
10424 IF GetSType(ProcSym)#NulSym
10425 THEN
10426 BuildError(InitNoReturnRangeCheck())
10427 END ;
10428 BackPatch(PopWord(ReturnStack), NextQuad) ;
10429 CheckNeedPriorityEnd(tok, ProcSym, GetCurrentModule()) ;
10430 CurrentProc := NulSym ;
10431 PutProcedureEnd(ProcSym, GetTokenNo()-1) ; (* --fixme-- *)
10432 GenQuad(KillLocalVarOp, GetTokenNo()-1, NulSym, ProcSym) ;
10433 PutProcedureEndQuad(ProcSym, NextQuad) ;
10434 GenQuad(ReturnOp, NulSym, NulSym, ProcSym) ;
10435 CheckFunctionReturn(ProcSym) ;
10436 CheckVariablesInBlock(ProcSym) ;
10437 RemoveTop (CatchStack) ;
10438 RemoveTop (TryStack) ;
10439 PushT(ProcSym)
10440 END BuildProcedureEnd ;
10443 (*
10444 CheckReadBeforeInitialized -
10445 *)
10447 PROCEDURE CheckReadBeforeInitialized (ProcSym: CARDINAL; End: CARDINAL) ;
10448 VAR
10449 s1, s2 : String ;
10450 i, n, ParamNo,
10451 ReadStart, ReadEnd,
10452 WriteStart, WriteEnd: CARDINAL ;
10453 BEGIN
10454 ParamNo := NoOfParam(ProcSym) ;
10455 i := 1 ;
10456 REPEAT
10457 n := GetNth(ProcSym, i) ;
10458 IF (n#NulSym) AND (NOT IsTemporary(n))
10459 THEN
10460 GetReadQuads(n, RightValue, ReadStart, ReadEnd) ;
10461 GetWriteQuads(n, RightValue, WriteStart, WriteEnd) ;
10462 IF i>ParamNo
10463 THEN
10464 (* n is a not a parameter thus we can check *)
10465 IF (ReadStart>0) AND (ReadStart<End)
10466 THEN
10467 (* it is read in the first basic block *)
10468 IF ReadStart<WriteStart
10469 THEN
10470 (* read before written, this is a problem which must be fixed *)
10471 s1 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(n)))) ;
10472 s2 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(ProcSym)))) ;
10473 ErrorStringAt2(Sprintf2(Mark(InitString('reading from a variable (%s) before it is initialized in procedure (%s)')),
10474 s1, s2),
10475 GetDeclaredMod(n), GetDeclaredMod(n))
10476 END
10477 END
10478 END
10479 END ;
10480 INC(i)
10481 UNTIL n=NulSym
10482 END CheckReadBeforeInitialized ;
10485 (*
10486 VariableAnalysis - checks to see whether a variable is:
10488 read before it has been initialized
10489 *)
10491 PROCEDURE VariableAnalysis (Start, End: CARDINAL) ;
10492 VAR
10493 Op : QuadOperator ;
10494 Op1, Op2, Op3: CARDINAL ;
10495 BEGIN
10496 IF Pedantic
10497 THEN
10498 GetQuad(Start, Op, Op1, Op2, Op3) ;
10499 CASE Op OF
10501 NewLocalVarOp: CheckReadBeforeInitialized(Op3, End)
10503 ELSE
10504 END
10505 END
10506 END VariableAnalysis ;
10509 (*
10510 IsNeverAltered - returns TRUE if variable, sym, is never altered
10511 between quadruples: Start..End
10512 *)
10514 PROCEDURE IsNeverAltered (sym: CARDINAL; Start, End: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
10515 VAR
10516 WriteStart, WriteEnd: CARDINAL ;
10517 BEGIN
10518 GetWriteLimitQuads(sym, GetMode(sym), Start, End, WriteStart, WriteEnd) ;
10519 RETURN( (WriteStart=0) AND (WriteEnd=0) )
10520 END IsNeverAltered ;
10523 (*
10524 IsConditionVariable - returns TRUE if the condition at quadruple, q, is variable.
10525 *)
10527 PROCEDURE IsConditionVariable (q: CARDINAL; Start, End: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
10528 VAR
10529 op : QuadOperator ;
10530 op1, op2, op3: CARDINAL ;
10531 LeftFixed,
10532 RightFixed : BOOLEAN ;
10533 BEGIN
10534 GetQuad(q, op, op1, op2, op3) ;
10535 IF op=GotoOp
10536 THEN
10538 ELSE
10539 LeftFixed := IsConst(op1) ;
10540 RightFixed := IsConst(op2) ;
10541 IF NOT LeftFixed
10542 THEN
10543 LeftFixed := IsNeverAltered(op1, Start, End)
10544 END ;
10545 IF NOT RightFixed
10546 THEN
10547 RightFixed := IsNeverAltered(op2, Start, End)
10548 END ;
10549 RETURN( NOT (LeftFixed AND RightFixed) )
10550 END
10551 END IsConditionVariable ;
10554 (*
10555 IsInfiniteLoop - returns TRUE if an infinite loop is found.
10556 Given a backwards jump at, End, it returns a BOOLEAN which depends on
10557 whether a jump is found to jump beyond, End. If a conditonal jump is found
10558 to pass over, End, the condition is tested for global variables, procedure variables and
10559 constants.
10561 constant - ignored
10562 variables - tested to see whether they are altered inside the loop
10563 global variable - the procedure tests to see whether it is altered as above
10564 but will also test to see whether this loop calls a procedure
10565 in which case it believes the loop NOT to be infinite
10566 (as this procedure call might alter the global variable)
10568 Note that this procedure can easily be fooled by the user altering variables
10569 with pointers.
10570 *)
10572 PROCEDURE IsInfiniteLoop (End: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
10573 VAR
10574 SeenCall,
10575 IsGlobal : BOOLEAN ;
10576 Current,
10577 Start : CARDINAL ;
10578 op : QuadOperator ;
10579 op1, op2, op3: CARDINAL ;
10580 BEGIN
10581 SeenCall := FALSE ;
10582 IsGlobal := FALSE ;
10583 GetQuad(End, op, op1, op2, Start) ;
10584 Current := Start ;
10585 WHILE Current#End DO
10586 GetQuad(Current, op, op1, op2, op3) ;
10587 (* remember that this function is only called once we have optimized the redundant gotos and conditionals *)
10588 IF IsConditional(Current) AND (NOT IsGlobal)
10589 THEN
10590 IsGlobal := (IsVar(op1) AND (NOT IsProcedure(GetVarScope(op1)))) OR
10591 (IsVar(op2) AND (NOT IsProcedure(GetVarScope(op2))))
10592 END ;
10593 IF op=CallOp
10594 THEN
10595 SeenCall := TRUE
10596 END ;
10597 IF (op=GotoOp) OR (IsConditional(Current) AND IsConditionVariable(Current, Start, End))
10598 THEN
10599 IF (op3>End) OR (op3<Start)
10600 THEN
10601 RETURN( FALSE ) (* may jump out of this loop, good *)
10602 END
10603 END ;
10604 Current := GetNextQuad(Current)
10605 END ;
10606 GetQuad(End, op, op1, op2, op3) ;
10607 IF IsConditional(End)
10608 THEN
10609 IF IsConditionVariable(End, Start, End)
10610 THEN
10612 ELSE
10613 IF NOT IsGlobal
10614 THEN
10615 IsGlobal := (IsVar(op1) AND (NOT IsProcedure(GetVarScope(op1)))) OR
10616 (IsVar(op2) AND (NOT IsProcedure(GetVarScope(op2))))
10617 END
10618 END
10619 END ;
10620 (* we have found a likely infinite loop if no conditional uses a global and no procedure call was seen *)
10621 RETURN( NOT (IsGlobal AND SeenCall) )
10622 END IsInfiniteLoop ;
10625 (*
10626 LoopAnalysis - checks whether an infinite loop exists.
10627 *)
10629 PROCEDURE LoopAnalysis (Current, End: CARDINAL) ;
10630 VAR
10631 op : QuadOperator ;
10632 op1, op2, op3: CARDINAL ;
10633 BEGIN
10634 IF Pedantic
10635 THEN
10636 WHILE (Current<=End) AND (Current#0) DO
10637 GetQuad(Current, op, op1, op2, op3) ;
10638 IF (op=GotoOp) OR IsConditional(Current)
10639 THEN
10640 IF op3<=Current
10641 THEN
10642 (* found a loop - ie a branch which goes back in quadruple numbers *)
10643 IF IsInfiniteLoop(Current)
10644 THEN
10645 WarnStringAt(InitString('it is very likely (although not absolutely certain) that the top of an infinite loop is here'),
10646 QuadToTokenNo(op3)) ;
10647 WarnStringAt(InitString('and the bottom of the infinite loop is ends here or alternatively a component of this loop is never executed'),
10648 QuadToTokenNo(Current))
10649 END
10650 END
10651 END ;
10652 Current := GetNextQuad(Current)
10653 END
10654 END
10655 END LoopAnalysis ;
10658 (*
10659 CheckUninitializedVariablesAreUsed - checks to see whether uninitialized variables are used.
10660 *)
10662 PROCEDURE CheckUninitializedVariablesAreUsed (BlockSym: CARDINAL) ;
10663 VAR
10664 i, n,
10665 ParamNo : CARDINAL ;
10666 ReadStart,
10667 ReadEnd,
10668 WriteStart,
10669 WriteEnd : CARDINAL ;
10670 BEGIN
10671 IF IsProcedure(BlockSym)
10672 THEN
10673 ParamNo := NoOfParam(BlockSym)
10674 ELSE
10675 ParamNo := 0
10676 END ;
10677 i := 1 ;
10678 REPEAT
10679 n := GetNth(BlockSym, i) ;
10680 IF (n#NulSym) AND (NOT IsTemporary(n)) AND
10681 (IsProcedure(BlockSym) OR (((IsDefImp(BlockSym) AND (GetMainModule()=BlockSym)) OR IsModule(BlockSym)) AND
10682 (NOT IsExported(BlockSym, n))))
10683 THEN
10684 GetReadQuads(n, RightValue, ReadStart, ReadEnd) ;
10685 GetWriteQuads(n, RightValue, WriteStart, WriteEnd) ;
10686 IF i<=ParamNo
10687 THEN
10688 (* n is a parameter *)
10689 IF UnusedParameterChecking
10690 THEN
10691 IF ReadStart = 0
10692 THEN
10693 IF WriteStart = 0
10694 THEN
10695 MetaError2 ('unused parameter {%1WMad} in procedure {%2ad}', n, BlockSym)
10696 ELSE
10697 IF NOT IsVarParam (BlockSym, i)
10698 THEN
10699 (* --fixme-- reconsider this. *)
10700 (* MetaError2 ('writing to a non var parameter {%1WMad} and never reading from it in procedure {%2ad}',
10701 n, BlockSym) *)
10702 END
10703 END
10704 END
10705 END
10706 ELSE
10707 (* n is a local variable *)
10708 IF UnusedVariableChecking
10709 THEN
10710 IF ReadStart=0
10711 THEN
10712 IF WriteStart=0
10713 THEN
10714 MetaError2 ('unused variable {%1WMad} in {%2d} {%2ad}', n, BlockSym)
10715 ELSE
10716 (* --fixme-- reconsider this. *)
10717 (* MetaError2 ('writing to a variable {%1WMad} and never reading from it in {%2d} {%2ad}', n, BlockSym) *)
10718 END
10719 ELSE
10720 IF WriteStart=0
10721 THEN
10722 MetaError2 ('variable {%1WMad} is being used but it is never initialized in {%2d} {%2ad}', n, BlockSym)
10723 END
10724 END
10725 END
10726 END
10727 END ;
10728 INC(i)
10729 UNTIL n=NulSym
10730 END CheckUninitializedVariablesAreUsed ;
10733 (*
10734 IsInlineWithinBlock - returns TRUE if an InlineOp is found
10735 within start..end.
10736 *)
10738 PROCEDURE IsInlineWithinBlock (start, end: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
10739 VAR
10740 op : QuadOperator ;
10741 op1, op2, op3: CARDINAL ;
10742 BEGIN
10743 WHILE (start#end) AND (start#0) DO
10744 GetQuad(start, op, op1, op2, op3) ;
10745 IF op=InlineOp
10746 THEN
10747 RETURN( TRUE )
10748 END ;
10749 start := GetNextQuad(start)
10750 END ;
10752 END IsInlineWithinBlock ;
10755 (*
10756 AsmStatementsInBlock - returns TRUE if an ASM statement is found within a block, BlockSym.
10757 *)
10759 PROCEDURE AsmStatementsInBlock (BlockSym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
10760 VAR
10761 Scope,
10762 StartInit,
10763 EndInit,
10764 StartFinish,
10765 EndFinish : CARDINAL ;
10766 BEGIN
10767 IF IsProcedure(BlockSym)
10768 THEN
10769 GetProcedureQuads(BlockSym, Scope, StartInit, EndInit) ;
10770 RETURN( IsInlineWithinBlock(StartInit, EndInit) )
10771 ELSE
10772 GetModuleQuads(BlockSym, StartInit, EndInit, StartFinish, EndFinish) ;
10773 RETURN( IsInlineWithinBlock(StartInit, EndInit) OR
10774 IsInlineWithinBlock(StartFinish, EndFinish) )
10775 END
10776 END AsmStatementsInBlock ;
10779 (*
10780 CheckVariablesInBlock - given a block, BlockSym, check whether all variables are used.
10781 *)
10783 PROCEDURE CheckVariablesInBlock (BlockSym: CARDINAL) ;
10784 BEGIN
10785 CheckVariablesAndParameterTypesInBlock (BlockSym) ;
10786 IF UnusedVariableChecking OR UnusedParameterChecking
10787 THEN
10788 IF (NOT AsmStatementsInBlock (BlockSym))
10789 THEN
10790 CheckUninitializedVariablesAreUsed (BlockSym)
10791 END
10792 END
10793 END CheckVariablesInBlock ;
10796 (*
10797 CheckFunctionReturn - checks to see that a RETURN statement was present in a function.
10798 *)
10800 PROCEDURE CheckFunctionReturn (ProcSym: CARDINAL) ;
10801 VAR
10802 Op : QuadOperator ;
10803 Op1, Op2, Op3,
10804 Scope,
10805 Start, End : CARDINAL ;
10806 BEGIN
10807 IF GetSType(ProcSym)#NulSym
10808 THEN
10809 (* yes it is a function *)
10810 GetProcedureQuads(ProcSym, Scope, Start, End) ;
10811 GetQuad(Start, Op, Op1, Op2, Op3) ;
10812 IF Start=0
10813 THEN
10814 InternalError ('incorrect start quad')
10815 END ;
10816 WHILE (Start#End) AND (Op#ReturnValueOp) AND (Op#InlineOp) DO
10817 Start := GetNextQuad(Start) ;
10818 GetQuad(Start, Op, Op1, Op2, Op3)
10819 END ;
10820 IF (Op#ReturnValueOp) AND (Op#InlineOp)
10821 THEN
10822 (* an InlineOp can always be used to emulate a RETURN *)
10823 MetaError1 ('procedure function {%1Ea} does not RETURN a value', ProcSym)
10824 END
10825 END
10826 END CheckFunctionReturn ;
10829 (*
10830 CheckReturnType - checks to see that the return type from currentProc is
10831 assignment compatible with actualType.
10832 *)
10834 PROCEDURE CheckReturnType (tokno: CARDINAL; currentProc, actualVal, actualType: CARDINAL) ;
10835 VAR
10836 procType: CARDINAL ;
10837 s1, s2 : String ;
10838 n1, n2 : Name ;
10839 BEGIN
10840 procType := GetSType (currentProc) ;
10841 IF procType = NulSym
10842 THEN
10843 MetaError1 ('attempting to RETURN a value from procedure {%1Ea} which was not a declared as a procedure function', currentProc)
10844 ELSIF AssignmentRequiresWarning (actualType, GetSType (currentProc))
10845 THEN
10846 MetaError2 ('attempting to RETURN a value {%1Wa} with an incompatible type {%1Wtsa} from a procedure function {%1a} which returns {%1tsa}', actualVal, currentProc)
10847 ELSIF NOT IsAssignmentCompatible (actualType, procType)
10848 THEN
10849 n1 := GetSymName(actualType) ;
10850 n2 := GetSymName(procType) ;
10851 WriteFormat2('attempting to RETURN a value with an incompatible type (%a) from a function which returns (%a)',
10852 n1, n2)
10853 ELSIF IsProcedure(actualVal) AND (NOT IsAssignmentCompatible(actualVal, procType))
10854 THEN
10855 (*
10856 MetaWarnings2('attempting to RETURN a value with an incompatible type {%1ad} from function {%2a} which returns {%2ta}',
10857 actualVal, currentProc)
10859 --fixme-- introduce MetaWarning, MetaWarning2, MetaWarning3 into M2MetaError
10860 *)
10861 s1 := InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(actualVal))) ;
10862 s2 := InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(procType))) ;
10863 ErrorString(NewWarning(GetTokenNo()),
10864 Sprintf2(Mark(InitString('attempting to RETURN a value with a (possibly on other targets) incompatible type (%s) from a function which returns (%s)')),
10865 s1, s2))
10866 ELSIF IsProcedure(actualVal) AND (NOT IsAssignmentCompatible(actualVal, GetSType(CurrentProc)))
10867 THEN
10868 n1 := GetSymName(actualVal) ;
10869 n2 := GetSymName(GetSType(currentProc)) ;
10870 WriteFormat2('attempting to RETURN a value with an incompatible type (%a) from a function which returns (%a)',
10871 n1, n2)
10872 ELSE
10873 (* this checks the types are compatible, not the data contents. *)
10874 BuildRange (InitTypesAssignmentCheck (tokno, currentProc, actualVal))
10875 END
10876 END CheckReturnType ;
10879 (*
10880 BuildReturn - Builds the Return part of the procedure.
10881 tokno is the location of the RETURN keyword.
10882 The Stack is expected to contain:
10885 Entry Exit
10886 ===== ====
10888 Ptr ->
10889 +------------+
10890 | e1 | Empty
10891 |------------|
10892 *)
10894 PROCEDURE BuildReturn (tokno: CARDINAL) ;
10895 VAR
10896 e2, t2,
10897 e1, t1,
10898 t, f,
10899 Des : CARDINAL ;
10900 BEGIN
10901 IF IsBoolean (1)
10902 THEN
10903 PopBool(t, f) ;
10904 (* Des will be a boolean type *)
10905 Des := MakeTemporary (tokno, RightValue) ;
10906 PutVar (Des, Boolean) ;
10907 PushTF (Des, Boolean) ;
10908 PushBool (t, f) ;
10909 BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (tokno, FALSE, TRUE) ;
10910 PushTF (Des, Boolean)
10911 END ;
10912 PopTF (e1, t1) ;
10913 IF e1 # NulSym
10914 THEN
10915 (* this will check that the type returned is compatible with
10916 the formal return type of the procedure. *)
10917 CheckReturnType (tokno, CurrentProc, e1, t1) ;
10918 (* dereference LeftValue if necessary *)
10919 IF GetMode (e1) = LeftValue
10920 THEN
10921 t2 := GetSType (CurrentProc) ;
10922 e2 := MakeTemporary (tokno, RightValue) ;
10923 PutVar(e2, t2) ;
10924 CheckPointerThroughNil (tokno, e1) ;
10925 doIndrX (tokno, e2, e1) ;
10926 (* here we check the data contents to ensure no overflow. *)
10927 BuildRange (InitReturnRangeCheck (tokno, CurrentProc, e2)) ;
10928 GenQuadO (tokno, ReturnValueOp, e2, NulSym, CurrentProc, FALSE)
10929 ELSE
10930 (* here we check the data contents to ensure no overflow. *)
10931 BuildRange (InitReturnRangeCheck (tokno, CurrentProc, e1)) ;
10932 GenQuadO (tokno, ReturnValueOp, e1, NulSym, CurrentProc, FALSE)
10933 END
10934 END ;
10935 GenQuadO (tokno, GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, PopWord(ReturnStack), FALSE) ;
10936 PushWord (ReturnStack, NextQuad-1)
10937 END BuildReturn ;
10940 (*
10941 IsReadOnly - a helper procedure function to detect constants.
10942 *)
10944 PROCEDURE IsReadOnly (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
10945 BEGIN
10946 RETURN IsConst (sym) OR (IsVar (sym) AND IsVarConst (sym))
10947 END IsReadOnly ;
10950 (*
10951 BuildDesignatorRecord - Builds the record referencing.
10952 The Stack is expected to contain:
10955 Entry Exit
10956 ===== ====
10958 Ptr ->
10959 +--------------+
10960 | n |
10961 |--------------|
10962 | fld1 | type1 |
10963 |--------------|
10964 . .
10965 . .
10966 . .
10967 |--------------|
10968 | fldn | typen | <- Ptr
10969 |--------------| +-------------+
10970 | Sym | Type | | S | type1|
10971 |--------------| |-------------|
10972 *)
10974 PROCEDURE BuildDesignatorRecord (dottok: CARDINAL) ;
10975 VAR
10976 RecordTok,
10977 FieldTok,
10978 combinedtok: CARDINAL ;
10979 n, rw,
10980 Field,
10981 FieldType,
10982 RecordSym,
10983 Res : CARDINAL ;
10984 BEGIN
10985 PopT(n) ;
10986 RecordSym := OperandT (n+1) ;
10987 (* RecordType could be found by: SkipType (OperandF (n+1)). *)
10988 RecordTok := OperandTok (n+1) ;
10989 rw := OperandMergeRW (n+1) ;
10990 Assert (IsLegal (rw)) ;
10991 Field := OperandT (n) ;
10992 FieldType := SkipType (OperandF (n)) ;
10993 FieldTok := OperandTok (n) ;
10994 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (dottok, RecordTok, FieldTok) ;
10995 IF n>1
10996 THEN
10997 InternalError ('not expecting to see n>1')
10998 END ;
10999 IF IsUnused (Field)
11000 THEN
11001 MetaErrors1 ('record field {%1Dad} was declared as unused by a pragma',
11002 'record field {%1ad} is being used after being declared as unused by a pragma', Field)
11003 END ;
11004 Res := MakeComponentRef (MakeComponentRecord (combinedtok,
11005 RightValue, RecordSym), Field) ;
11006 PutVarConst (Res, IsReadOnly (RecordSym)) ;
11007 GenQuadO (combinedtok, RecordFieldOp, Res, RecordSym, Field, FALSE) ;
11008 PopN (n+1) ;
11009 PushTFrwtok (Res, FieldType, rw, combinedtok)
11010 END BuildDesignatorRecord ;
11013 (*
11014 BuildDesignatorError - removes the designator from the stack and replaces
11015 it with an error symbol.
11016 *)
11018 PROCEDURE BuildDesignatorError (message: ARRAY OF CHAR) ;
11019 VAR
11020 combinedTok,
11021 arrayTok,
11022 exprTok : CARDINAL ;
11023 e, d, error,
11024 Sym,
11025 Type : CARDINAL ;
11026 BEGIN
11027 PopTtok (e, exprTok) ;
11028 PopTFDtok (Sym, Type, d, arrayTok) ;
11029 combinedTok := MakeVirtualTok (arrayTok, arrayTok, exprTok) ;
11030 error := MakeError (combinedTok, MakeKey (message)) ;
11031 PushTFDtok (error, Type, d, arrayTok)
11032 END BuildDesignatorError ;
11036 (*
11037 BuildDesignatorArray - Builds the array referencing.
11038 The purpose of this procedure is to work out
11039 whether the DesignatorArray is a static or
11040 dynamic array and to call the appropriate
11041 BuildRoutine.
11043 The Stack is expected to contain:
11046 Entry Exit
11047 ===== ====
11049 Ptr ->
11050 +--------------+
11051 | e | <- Ptr
11052 |--------------| +------------+
11053 | Sym | Type | | S | T |
11054 |--------------| |------------|
11055 *)
11057 PROCEDURE BuildDesignatorArray ;
11058 VAR
11059 combinedTok,
11060 arrayTok,
11061 exprTok : CARDINAL ;
11062 e, t, d,
11063 Sym,
11064 Type : CARDINAL ;
11065 BEGIN
11066 IF IsConst (OperandT (2)) AND IsConstructor (OperandT (2))
11067 THEN
11068 t := GetDType (OperandT (2)) ;
11069 IF t = NulSym
11070 THEN
11071 InternalError ('constructor type should have been resolved')
11072 ELSIF IsArray (t)
11073 THEN
11074 PopTtok (e, exprTok) ;
11075 PopTFDtok (Sym, Type, d, arrayTok) ;
11076 t := MakeTemporary (exprTok, RightValue) ;
11077 PutVar (t, Type) ;
11078 PushTFtok (t, GetSType(t), exprTok) ;
11079 PushTtok (Sym, arrayTok) ;
11080 combinedTok := MakeVirtualTok (arrayTok, arrayTok, exprTok) ;
11081 PutVarConst (t, TRUE) ;
11082 BuildAssignConstant (combinedTok) ;
11083 PushTFDtok (t, GetDType(t), d, arrayTok) ;
11084 PushTtok (e, exprTok)
11085 END
11086 END ;
11087 IF (NOT IsVar (OperandT (2))) AND (NOT IsTemporary (OperandT (2)))
11088 THEN
11089 MetaErrorT1 (OperandTtok (2),
11090 'can only access arrays using variables or formal parameters not {%1Ead}',
11091 OperandT (2)) ;
11092 BuildDesignatorError ('bad array access')
11093 END ;
11094 Sym := OperandT (2) ;
11095 Type := GetDType (Sym) ;
11096 arrayTok := OperandTtok (2) ;
11097 IF Type = NulSym
11098 THEN
11099 IF (arrayTok = UnknownTokenNo) OR (arrayTok = BuiltinTokenNo)
11100 THEN
11101 arrayTok := GetTokenNo ()
11102 END ;
11103 MetaErrorT0 (arrayTok, "type of array is undefined") ;
11104 BuildDesignatorError ('bad array access')
11105 ELSIF IsUnbounded (Type)
11106 THEN
11107 BuildDynamicArray
11108 ELSIF IsArray (Type)
11109 THEN
11110 BuildStaticArray
11111 ELSE
11112 MetaErrorT1 (arrayTok,
11113 'can only index static or dynamic arrays, {%1Ead} is not an array but a {%tad}',
11114 Sym) ;
11115 BuildDesignatorError ('bad array access')
11116 END
11117 END BuildDesignatorArray ;
11120 (*
11121 BuildStaticArray - Builds the array referencing for static arrays.
11122 The Stack is expected to contain:
11125 Entry Exit
11126 ===== ====
11128 Ptr ->
11129 +--------------+
11130 | e | <- Ptr
11131 |--------------| +------------+
11132 | Sym | Type | | S | T |
11133 |--------------| |------------|
11134 *)
11136 PROCEDURE BuildStaticArray ;
11137 VAR
11138 combinedTok,
11139 indexTok,
11140 arrayTok : CARDINAL ;
11141 rw,
11142 Dim,
11143 Array,
11144 Index,
11145 BackEndType,
11146 Type, Adr : CARDINAL ;
11147 BEGIN
11148 Index := OperandT (1) ;
11149 indexTok := OperandTtok (1) ;
11150 Array := OperandT (2) ;
11151 arrayTok := OperandTtok (2) ;
11152 Type := SkipType (OperandF (2)) ;
11153 rw := OperandMergeRW (2) ;
11154 Assert (IsLegal (rw)) ;
11155 Dim := OperandD (2) ;
11156 INC (Dim) ;
11157 IF GetMode (Index)=LeftValue
11158 THEN
11159 Index := MakeRightValue (indexTok, Index, GetSType (Index))
11160 END ;
11161 BuildRange (InitStaticArraySubscriptRangeCheck (GetArraySubscript (Type), Index, Dim)) ;
11163 (* now make Adr point to the address of the indexed element *)
11164 combinedTok := MakeVirtualTok (arrayTok, arrayTok, indexTok) ;
11165 Adr := MakeTemporary (combinedTok, LeftValue) ;
11166 IF IsVar (Array)
11167 THEN
11168 (* BuildDesignatorArray may have detected des is a constant. *)
11169 PutVarConst (Adr, IsVarConst (Array))
11170 END ;
11171 (*
11172 From now on it must reference the array element by its lvalue
11173 - so we create the type of the referenced entity
11174 *)
11176 BackEndType := MakePointer (combinedTok, NulName) ;
11177 PutPointer (BackEndType, GetDType (Type)) ;
11178 (* PutVar(Adr, BackEndType) ; *)
11179 PutLeftValueFrontBackType (Adr, GetDType (Type), BackEndType) ;
11181 GenQuadO (combinedTok, ArrayOp, Adr, Index, Array, TRUE) ;
11182 PopN (2) ; (* remove all parameters to this procedure *)
11183 PushTFDrwtok (Adr, GetSType (Adr), Dim, rw, combinedTok)
11184 END BuildStaticArray ;
11187 (*
11188 calculateMultipicand - generates quadruples which calculate the
11189 multiplicand for the array at dimension, dim.
11190 *)
11192 PROCEDURE calculateMultipicand (tok: CARDINAL;
11193 arraySym, arrayType: CARDINAL; dim: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ;
11194 VAR
11195 ti, tj, tk, tl: CARDINAL ;
11196 BEGIN
11197 IF dim = GetDimension (arrayType)
11198 THEN
11199 (* ti has no type since constant *)
11200 ti := MakeTemporary (tok, ImmediateValue) ;
11201 PutVar(ti, Cardinal) ;
11202 GenQuadO (tok, ElementSizeOp, ti, arrayType, 1, TRUE)
11203 ELSE
11204 INC(dim) ;
11205 tk := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ;
11206 PutVar(tk, Cardinal) ;
11207 GenHigh (tok, tk, dim, arraySym) ;
11208 tl := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ;
11209 PutVar(tl, Cardinal) ;
11210 GenQuadO (tok, AddOp, tl, tk, MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey ('1'), Cardinal), TRUE) ;
11211 tj := calculateMultipicand (tok, arraySym, arrayType, dim) ;
11212 ti := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ;
11213 PutVar (ti, Cardinal) ;
11214 GenQuadO (tok, MultOp, ti, tj, tl, TRUE)
11215 END ;
11216 RETURN ti
11217 END calculateMultipicand ;
11220 (*
11221 BuildDynamicArray - Builds the array referencing for dynamic arrays.
11222 The Stack is expected to contain:
11225 Entry Exit
11226 ===== ====
11228 Ptr ->
11229 +-----------------------+
11230 | Index | <- Ptr
11231 |-----------------------| +---------------------------+
11232 | ArraySym | Type | Dim | | S | T | ArraySym | Dim+1 |
11233 |-----------------------| |---------------------------|
11236 if Dim=1
11237 then
11238 S := base of ArraySym + TSIZE(Type)*Index
11239 else
11240 S := S + TSIZE(Type)*Index
11241 fi
11242 *)
11244 PROCEDURE BuildDynamicArray ;
11245 VAR
11246 combinedTok,
11247 arrayTok,
11248 indexTok : CARDINAL ;
11249 Sym, idx,
11250 Type, Adr,
11251 ArraySym,
11252 BackEndType,
11253 UnboundedType,
11254 PtrToBase,
11255 Base,
11256 Dim, rw,
11257 ti, tj, tk : CARDINAL ;
11258 BEGIN
11259 DisplayStack ;
11260 Sym := OperandT (2) ;
11261 Type := SkipType (OperandF (2)) ;
11262 arrayTok := OperandTok (2) ;
11263 indexTok := OperandTok (1) ;
11264 combinedTok := MakeVirtualTok (arrayTok, arrayTok, indexTok) ;
11265 Dim := OperandD (2) ;
11266 rw := OperandMergeRW (2) ;
11267 Assert (IsLegal (rw)) ;
11268 INC (Dim) ;
11269 IF Dim = 1
11270 THEN
11271 (*
11272 Base has type address since
11273 BuildDesignatorRecord references by address.
11275 Build a record for retrieving the address of dynamic array.
11276 BuildDesignatorRecord will generate the required quadruples,
11277 therefore build sets up the stack for BuildDesignatorRecord
11278 which will generate the quads to access the record.
11279 *)
11280 ArraySym := Sym ;
11281 UnboundedType := GetUnboundedRecordType (GetSType (Sym)) ;
11282 PushTFrwtok (Sym, UnboundedType, rw, arrayTok) ;
11283 PushTF (GetUnboundedAddressOffset (GetSType (Sym)),
11284 GetSType (GetUnboundedAddressOffset (GetSType (Sym)))) ;
11285 PushT (1) ; (* One record field to dereference *)
11286 BuildDesignatorRecord (combinedTok) ;
11287 PopT (PtrToBase) ;
11288 DisplayStack ;
11289 (* Now actually copy Unbounded.ArrayAddress into base *)
11290 IF GetMode(PtrToBase) = LeftValue
11291 THEN
11292 Base := MakeTemporary (arrayTok, RightValue) ;
11293 PutVar (Base, Address) ; (* has type ADDRESS *)
11294 CheckPointerThroughNil (arrayTok, PtrToBase) ;
11295 GenQuad (IndrXOp, Base, Address, PtrToBase) (* Base = *PtrToBase *)
11296 ELSE
11297 Assert (GetMode (PtrToBase) # ImmediateValue) ;
11298 Base := PtrToBase
11299 END
11300 ELSE
11301 (* Base already calculated previously and pushed to stack *)
11302 UnboundedType := SkipType (OperandF (2)) ;
11303 Base := Sym ;
11304 ArraySym := OperandA (2)
11305 END ;
11306 Assert (GetSType (Sym) = Type) ;
11307 ti := calculateMultipicand (indexTok, Sym, Type, Dim) ;
11308 idx := OperandT (1) ;
11309 IF IsConst (idx)
11310 THEN
11311 (* tj has no type since constant *)
11312 tj := MakeTemporary (indexTok, ImmediateValue) ;
11313 tk := MakeTemporary (indexTok, ImmediateValue) ;
11314 PutVar (tj, Cardinal) ;
11315 PutVar (tk, Cardinal)
11316 ELSE
11317 (* tj has Cardinal type since we have multiplied array indices *)
11318 tj := MakeTemporary (indexTok, RightValue) ;
11319 IF GetSType (idx) # Cardinal
11320 THEN
11321 PushTF (RequestSym (indexTok, MakeKey ('CONVERT')), NulSym) ;
11322 PushT (Cardinal) ;
11323 PushTtok (idx, indexTok) ;
11324 PushT(2) ; (* Two parameters *)
11325 BuildConvertFunction ;
11326 PopT (idx)
11327 END ;
11328 PutVar (tj, Cardinal) ;
11329 tk := MakeTemporary (indexTok, RightValue) ;
11330 PutVar (tk, Cardinal)
11331 END ;
11332 BuildRange (InitDynamicArraySubscriptRangeCheck (ArraySym, idx, Dim)) ;
11334 PushTtok (tj, indexTok) ;
11335 PushTtok (idx, indexTok) ;
11336 BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (indexTok, FALSE, TRUE) ;
11338 GenQuad (MultOp, tk, ti, tj) ;
11339 Adr := MakeTemporary (combinedTok, LeftValue) ;
11340 (*
11341 Ok must reference by address
11342 - but we contain the type of the referenced entity
11343 *)
11344 BackEndType := MakePointer (combinedTok, NulName) ;
11345 PutPointer (BackEndType, GetSType (Type)) ;
11347 IF Dim = GetDimension (Type)
11348 THEN
11349 PutLeftValueFrontBackType (Adr, GetSType(Type), BackEndType) ;
11351 GenQuad (AddOp, Adr, Base, tk) ;
11352 PopN (2) ;
11353 PushTFADrwtok (Adr, GetSType(Adr), ArraySym, Dim, rw, combinedTok)
11354 ELSE
11355 (* more to index *)
11356 PutLeftValueFrontBackType (Adr, Type, BackEndType) ;
11358 GenQuad (AddOp, Adr, Base, tk) ;
11359 PopN (2) ;
11360 PushTFADrwtok (Adr, GetSType(Adr), ArraySym, Dim, rw, combinedTok)
11361 END
11362 END BuildDynamicArray ;
11365 (*
11366 BuildDesignatorPointer - Builds a pointer reference.
11367 The Stack is expected to contain:
11370 Entry Exit
11371 ===== ====
11373 Ptr -> <- Ptr
11374 +--------------+ +--------------+
11375 | Sym1 | Type1| | Sym2 | Type2|
11376 |--------------| |--------------|
11377 *)
11379 PROCEDURE BuildDesignatorPointer (ptrtok: CARDINAL) ;
11380 VAR
11381 combinedtok,
11382 exprtok : CARDINAL ;
11383 rw,
11384 Sym1, Type1,
11385 Sym2, Type2: CARDINAL ;
11386 BEGIN
11387 PopTFrwtok (Sym1, Type1, rw, exprtok) ;
11388 Type1 := SkipType (Type1) ;
11389 IF IsUnknown (Sym1)
11390 THEN
11391 MetaError1 ('{%1EMad} is undefined and therefore {%1ad}^ cannot be resolved', Sym1)
11392 ELSIF IsPointer (Type1)
11393 THEN
11394 Type2 := GetSType (Type1) ;
11395 Sym2 := MakeTemporary (ptrtok, LeftValue) ;
11396 (*
11397 Ok must reference by address
11398 - but we contain the type of the referenced entity
11399 *)
11400 MarkAsRead (rw) ;
11401 PutVarPointerCheck (Sym1, TRUE) ;
11402 CheckPointerThroughNil (ptrtok, Sym1) ;
11403 IF GetMode (Sym1) = LeftValue
11404 THEN
11405 rw := NulSym ;
11406 PutLeftValueFrontBackType (Sym2, Type2, Type1) ;
11407 GenQuad (IndrXOp, Sym2, Type1, Sym1) (* Sym2 := *Sym1 *)
11408 ELSE
11409 PutLeftValueFrontBackType (Sym2, Type2, NulSym) ;
11410 GenQuad (BecomesOp, Sym2, NulSym, Sym1) (* Sym2 := Sym1 *)
11411 END ;
11412 PutVarPointerCheck (Sym2, TRUE) ; (* we should check this for *)
11413 (* Sym2 later on (pointer via NIL) *)
11414 combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (exprtok, exprtok, ptrtok) ;
11415 PushTFrwtok (Sym2, Type2, rw, combinedtok)
11416 ELSE
11417 MetaError2 ('{%1ad} is not a pointer type but a {%2d}', Sym1, Type1)
11418 END
11419 END BuildDesignatorPointer ;
11422 (*
11423 StartBuildWith - performs the with statement.
11424 The Stack:
11426 Entry Exit
11428 +------------+
11429 | Sym | Type | Empty
11430 |------------|
11431 *)
11433 PROCEDURE StartBuildWith (withTok: CARDINAL) ;
11434 VAR
11435 tok : CARDINAL ;
11436 Sym, Type,
11437 Ref : CARDINAL ;
11438 BEGIN
11439 DisplayStack ;
11440 PopTFtok (Sym, Type, tok) ;
11441 Type := SkipType (Type) ;
11443 Ref := MakeTemporary (tok, LeftValue) ;
11444 PutVar (Ref, Type) ;
11445 IF GetMode (Sym) = LeftValue
11446 THEN
11447 (* copy LeftValue *)
11448 GenQuadO (tok, BecomesOp, Ref, NulSym, Sym, TRUE)
11449 ELSE
11450 (* calculate the address of Sym *)
11451 GenQuadO (tok, AddrOp, Ref, NulSym, Sym, TRUE)
11452 END ;
11454 PushWith (Sym, Type, Ref, tok) ;
11455 IF Type = NulSym
11456 THEN
11457 MetaError1 ('{%1Ea} {%1d} has a no type, the {%kWITH} statement requires a variable or parameter of a {%kRECORD} type',
11458 Sym)
11459 ELSIF NOT IsRecord(Type)
11460 THEN
11461 MetaError1 ('the {%kWITH} statement requires that {%1Ea} {%1d} be of a {%kRECORD} {%1tsa:type rather than {%1tsa}}',
11462 Sym)
11463 END ;
11464 StartScope (Type)
11465 ; DisplayStack ;
11466 END StartBuildWith ;
11469 (*
11470 EndBuildWith - terminates the innermost with scope.
11471 *)
11473 PROCEDURE EndBuildWith ;
11474 BEGIN
11475 DisplayStack ;
11476 EndScope ;
11477 PopWith
11478 ; DisplayStack ;
11479 END EndBuildWith ;
11482 (*
11483 PushWith - pushes sym and type onto the with stack. It checks for
11484 previous declaration of this record type.
11485 *)
11487 PROCEDURE PushWith (Sym, Type, Ref, Tok: CARDINAL) ;
11488 VAR
11489 i, n: CARDINAL ;
11490 f : WithFrame ;
11491 BEGIN
11492 IF Pedantic
11493 THEN
11494 n := NoOfItemsInStackAddress(WithStack) ;
11495 i := 1 ; (* top of the stack *)
11496 WHILE i <= n DO
11497 (* Search for other declarations of the with using Type *)
11498 f := PeepAddress(WithStack, i) ;
11499 IF f^.RecordSym=Type
11500 THEN
11501 MetaErrorT1 (Tok,
11502 'cannot have nested {%kWITH} statements referencing the same {%kRECORD} {%1Ead}',
11503 Sym) ;
11504 MetaErrorT1 (f^.RecordTokPos,
11505 'cannot have nested {%kWITH} statements referencing the same {%kRECORD} {%1Ead}',
11506 f^.RecordSym)
11507 END ;
11508 INC (i)
11509 END
11510 END ;
11511 NEW (f) ;
11512 WITH f^ DO
11513 RecordSym := Sym ;
11514 RecordType := Type ;
11515 RecordRef := Ref ;
11516 rw := Sym ;
11517 RecordTokPos := Tok
11518 END ;
11519 PushAddress (WithStack, f)
11520 END PushWith ;
11523 PROCEDURE PopWith ;
11524 VAR
11525 f: WithFrame ;
11526 BEGIN
11527 f := PopAddress (WithStack) ;
11528 DISPOSE (f)
11529 END PopWith ;
11532 (*
11533 CheckWithReference - performs the with statement.
11534 The Stack:
11536 Entry Exit
11538 +------------+ +------------+
11539 | Sym | Type | | Sym | Type |
11540 |------------| |------------|
11541 *)
11543 PROCEDURE CheckWithReference ;
11544 VAR
11545 f : WithFrame ;
11546 tokpos,
11547 i, n, rw,
11548 Sym, Type: CARDINAL ;
11549 BEGIN
11550 n := NoOfItemsInStackAddress(WithStack) ;
11551 IF (n>0) AND (NOT SuppressWith)
11552 THEN
11553 PopTFrwtok (Sym, Type, rw, tokpos) ;
11554 Assert (tokpos # UnknownTokenNo) ;
11555 (* inner WITH always has precidence *)
11556 i := 1 ; (* top of stack *)
11557 WHILE i<=n DO
11558 (* WriteString('Checking for a with') ; *)
11559 f := PeepAddress (WithStack, i) ;
11560 WITH f^ DO
11561 IF IsRecordField (Sym) AND (GetRecord (GetParent (Sym)) = RecordType)
11562 THEN
11563 IF IsUnused (Sym)
11564 THEN
11565 MetaError1('record field {%1Dad} was declared as unused by a pragma', Sym)
11566 END ;
11567 (* Fake a RecordSym.op *)
11568 PushTFrwtok (RecordRef, RecordType, rw, RecordTokPos) ;
11569 PushTFtok (Sym, Type, tokpos) ;
11570 BuildAccessWithField ;
11571 PopTFrw (Sym, Type, rw) ;
11572 i := n+1 (* Finish loop. *)
11573 ELSE
11574 INC (i)
11575 END
11576 END
11577 END ;
11578 PushTFrwtok (Sym, Type, rw, tokpos)
11579 END
11580 END CheckWithReference ;
11583 (*
11584 BuildAccessWithField - similar to BuildDesignatorRecord except it
11585 does not perform the address operation.
11586 The address will have been computed at the
11587 beginning of the WITH statement.
11588 It also stops the GenQuad procedure from examining the
11589 with stack.
11591 The Stack
11593 Entry
11595 Ptr ->
11596 +--------------+
11597 | Field | Type1| <- Ptr
11598 |-------|------| +-------------+
11599 | Adr | Type2| | Sym | Type1|
11600 |--------------| |-------------|
11601 *)
11603 PROCEDURE BuildAccessWithField ;
11604 VAR
11605 rectok, fieldtok : CARDINAL ;
11606 OldSuppressWith : BOOLEAN ;
11607 rw,
11608 Field, FieldType,
11609 Record, RecordType,
11610 Ref : CARDINAL ;
11611 BEGIN
11612 OldSuppressWith := SuppressWith ;
11613 SuppressWith := TRUE ;
11614 (*
11615 now the WITH cannot look at the stack of outstanding WITH records.
11616 *)
11617 PopTFtok (Field, FieldType, fieldtok) ;
11618 PopTFrwtok (Record, RecordType, rw, rectok) ;
11620 Ref := MakeComponentRef (MakeComponentRecord (fieldtok,
11621 RightValue, Record), Field) ;
11622 PutVarConst (Ref, IsReadOnly (Record)) ;
11623 GenQuadO (fieldtok,
11624 RecordFieldOp, Ref, Record, Field, TRUE) ;
11626 PushTFrwtok (Ref, FieldType, rw, fieldtok) ;
11627 SuppressWith := OldSuppressWith
11628 END BuildAccessWithField ;
11631 (*
11632 BuildNulExpression - Builds a nul expression on the stack.
11633 The Stack:
11635 Entry Exit
11637 <- Ptr
11638 Empty +------------+
11639 | NulSym |
11640 |------------|
11641 *)
11643 PROCEDURE BuildNulExpression ;
11644 BEGIN
11645 PushT(NulSym)
11646 END BuildNulExpression ;
11649 (*
11650 BuildTypeForConstructor - pushes the type implied by the current constructor.
11651 If no constructor is currently being built then
11652 it Pushes a Bitset type.
11653 *)
11655 PROCEDURE BuildTypeForConstructor ;
11656 VAR
11657 c: ConstructorFrame ;
11658 BEGIN
11659 IF NoOfItemsInStackAddress(ConstructorStack)=0
11660 THEN
11661 PushT(Bitset)
11662 ELSE
11663 c := PeepAddress(ConstructorStack, 1) ;
11664 WITH c^ DO
11665 IF IsArray(type) OR IsSet(type)
11666 THEN
11667 PushT(GetSType(type))
11668 ELSIF IsRecord(type)
11669 THEN
11670 PushT(GetSType(GetNth(type, index)))
11671 ELSE
11672 MetaError1('{%1ad} is not a set, record or array type which is expected when constructing an aggregate entity',
11673 type)
11674 END
11675 END
11676 END
11677 END BuildTypeForConstructor ;
11680 (*
11681 BuildSetStart - Pushes a Bitset type on the stack.
11683 The Stack:
11685 Entry Exit
11687 Ptr -> <- Ptr
11689 Empty +--------------+
11690 | Bitset |
11691 |--------------|
11692 *)
11694 PROCEDURE BuildSetStart ;
11695 BEGIN
11696 PushT(Bitset)
11697 END BuildSetStart ;
11700 (*
11701 BuildSetEnd - pops the set value and type from the stack
11702 and pushes the value,type pair.
11704 Entry Exit
11706 Ptr ->
11707 +--------------+
11708 | Set Value | <- Ptr
11709 |--------------| +--------------+
11710 | Set Type | | Value | Type |
11711 |--------------| |--------------|
11712 *)
11714 PROCEDURE BuildSetEnd ;
11715 VAR
11716 v, t: CARDINAL ;
11717 BEGIN
11718 PopT(v) ;
11719 PopT(t) ;
11720 PushTF(v, t) ;
11721 Assert(IsSet(t))
11722 END BuildSetEnd ;
11725 (*
11726 BuildEmptySet - Builds an empty set on the stack.
11727 The Stack:
11729 Entry Exit
11731 <- Ptr
11732 +-------------+
11733 Ptr -> | Value |
11734 +-----------+ |-------------|
11735 | SetType | | SetType |
11736 |-----------| |-------------|
11738 *)
11740 PROCEDURE BuildEmptySet ;
11741 VAR
11742 n : Name ;
11743 Type : CARDINAL ;
11744 NulSet: CARDINAL ;
11745 tok : CARDINAL ;
11746 BEGIN
11747 PopT(Type) ; (* type of set we are building *)
11748 tok := GetTokenNo () ;
11749 IF (Type=NulSym) AND Pim
11750 THEN
11751 (* allowed generic {} in PIM Modula-2 *)
11752 ELSIF IsUnknown(Type)
11753 THEN
11754 n := GetSymName(Type) ;
11755 WriteFormat1('set type %a is undefined', n) ;
11756 Type := Bitset
11757 ELSIF NOT IsSet(SkipType(Type))
11758 THEN
11759 n := GetSymName(Type) ;
11760 WriteFormat1('expecting a set type %a', n) ;
11761 Type := Bitset
11762 ELSE
11763 Type := SkipType(Type) ;
11764 Assert((Type#NulSym))
11765 END ;
11766 NulSet := MakeTemporary(tok, ImmediateValue) ;
11767 PutVar(NulSet, Type) ;
11768 PutConstSet(NulSet) ;
11769 IF CompilerDebugging
11770 THEN
11771 n := GetSymName(Type) ;
11772 printf1('set type = %a\n', n)
11773 END ;
11774 PushNulSet(Type) ; (* onto the ALU stack *)
11775 PopValue(NulSet) ; (* ALU -> symbol table *)
11777 (* and now construct the M2Quads stack as defined by the comments above *)
11778 PushT(Type) ;
11779 PushT(NulSet) ;
11780 IF CompilerDebugging
11781 THEN
11782 n := GetSymName(Type) ;
11783 printf2('Type = %a (%d) built empty set\n', n, Type) ;
11784 DisplayStack (* Debugging info *)
11785 END
11786 END BuildEmptySet ;
11789 (*
11790 BuildInclRange - includes a set range with a set.
11793 Entry Exit
11794 ===== ====
11797 Ptr ->
11798 +------------+
11799 | El2 |
11800 |------------|
11801 | El1 | <- Ptr
11802 |------------| +-------------------+
11803 | Set Value | | Value + {El1..El2}|
11804 |------------| |-------------------|
11806 No quadruples produced as the range info is contained within
11807 the set value.
11808 *)
11810 PROCEDURE BuildInclRange ;
11811 VAR
11812 n : Name ;
11813 el1, el2,
11814 value : CARDINAL ;
11815 BEGIN
11816 PopT(el2) ;
11817 PopT(el1) ;
11818 PopT(value) ;
11819 IF NOT IsConstSet(value)
11820 THEN
11821 n := GetSymName(el1) ;
11822 WriteFormat1('can only add bit ranges to a constant set, %a is not a constant set', n)
11823 END ;
11824 IF IsConst(el1) AND IsConst(el2)
11825 THEN
11826 PushValue(value) ; (* onto ALU stack *)
11827 AddBitRange(GetTokenNo(), el1, el2) ;
11828 PopValue(value) (* ALU -> symboltable *)
11829 ELSE
11830 IF NOT IsConst(el1)
11831 THEN
11832 n := GetSymName(el1) ;
11833 WriteFormat1('must use constants as ranges when defining a set constant, problem with the low value %a', n)
11834 END ;
11835 IF NOT IsConst(el2)
11836 THEN
11837 n := GetSymName(el2) ;
11838 WriteFormat1('must use constants as ranges when defining a set constant, problem with the high value %a', n)
11839 END
11840 END ;
11841 PushT(value)
11842 END BuildInclRange ;
11845 (*
11846 BuildInclBit - includes a bit into the set.
11848 Entry Exit
11849 ===== ====
11852 Ptr ->
11853 +------------+
11854 | Element | <- Ptr
11855 |------------| +------------+
11856 | Value | | Value |
11857 |------------| |------------|
11859 *)
11861 PROCEDURE BuildInclBit ;
11862 VAR
11863 tok : CARDINAL ;
11864 el, value, t: CARDINAL ;
11865 BEGIN
11866 PopT(el) ;
11867 PopT(value) ;
11868 tok := GetTokenNo () ;
11869 IF IsConst(el)
11870 THEN
11871 PushValue(value) ; (* onto ALU stack *)
11872 AddBit(tok, el) ;
11873 PopValue(value) (* ALU -> symboltable *)
11874 ELSE
11875 IF GetMode(el)=LeftValue
11876 THEN
11877 t := MakeTemporary(tok, RightValue) ;
11878 PutVar(t, GetSType(el)) ;
11879 CheckPointerThroughNil (tok, el) ;
11880 doIndrX(tok, t, el) ;
11881 el := t
11882 END ;
11883 IF IsConst(value)
11884 THEN
11885 (* move constant into a variable to achieve the include *)
11886 t := MakeTemporary(tok, RightValue) ;
11887 PutVar(t, GetSType(value)) ;
11888 GenQuad(BecomesOp, t, NulSym, value) ;
11889 value := t
11890 END ;
11891 GenQuad(InclOp, value, NulSym, el)
11892 END ;
11893 PushT(value)
11894 END BuildInclBit ;
11897 (*
11898 PushConstructor -
11899 *)
11901 PROCEDURE PushConstructor (sym: CARDINAL) ;
11902 VAR
11903 c: ConstructorFrame ;
11904 BEGIN
11905 NEW(c) ;
11906 WITH c^ DO
11907 type := SkipType(sym) ;
11908 index := 1
11909 END ;
11910 PushAddress(ConstructorStack, c)
11911 END PushConstructor ;
11914 (*
11915 PopConstructor - removes the top constructor from the top of stack.
11916 *)
11918 PROCEDURE PopConstructor ;
11919 VAR
11920 c: ConstructorFrame ;
11921 BEGIN
11922 c := PopAddress (ConstructorStack) ;
11923 DISPOSE(c)
11924 END PopConstructor ;
11927 (*
11928 NextConstructorField - increments the top of constructor stacks index by one.
11929 *)
11931 PROCEDURE NextConstructorField ;
11932 VAR
11933 c: ConstructorFrame ;
11934 BEGIN
11935 c := PeepAddress(ConstructorStack, 1) ;
11936 INC(c^.index)
11937 END NextConstructorField ;
11940 (*
11941 SilentBuildConstructor - places NulSym into the constructor fifo queue.
11942 *)
11944 PROCEDURE SilentBuildConstructor ;
11945 BEGIN
11946 PutConstructorIntoFifoQueue (NulSym)
11947 END SilentBuildConstructor ;
11950 (*
11951 BuildConstructor - builds a constructor.
11952 Stack
11954 Entry Exit
11956 Ptr ->
11957 +------------+
11958 | Type | <- Ptr
11959 |------------+
11960 *)
11962 PROCEDURE BuildConstructor (tokcbrpos: CARDINAL) ;
11963 VAR
11964 tok : CARDINAL ;
11965 constValue,
11966 type : CARDINAL ;
11967 BEGIN
11968 PopTtok (type, tok) ;
11969 constValue := MakeTemporary (tok, ImmediateValue) ;
11970 PutVar (constValue, type) ;
11971 PutConstructor (constValue) ;
11972 PushValue (constValue) ;
11973 IF type = NulSym
11974 THEN
11975 MetaErrorT0 (tokcbrpos,
11976 '{%E}constructor requires a type before the opening {')
11977 ELSE
11978 ChangeToConstructor (tok, type) ;
11979 PutConstructorFrom (constValue, type) ;
11980 PopValue (constValue) ;
11981 PutConstructorIntoFifoQueue (constValue)
11982 END ;
11983 PushConstructor (type)
11984 END BuildConstructor ;
11987 (*
11988 SilentBuildConstructorStart - removes an entry from the constructor fifo queue.
11989 *)
11991 PROCEDURE SilentBuildConstructorStart ;
11992 VAR
11993 constValue: CARDINAL ;
11994 BEGIN
11995 GetConstructorFromFifoQueue (constValue)
11996 END SilentBuildConstructorStart ;
11999 (*
12000 BuildConstructorStart - builds a constructor.
12001 Stack
12003 Entry Exit
12005 Ptr -> <- Ptr
12006 +------------+ +----------------+
12007 | Type | | ConstructorSym |
12008 |------------+ |----------------|
12009 *)
12011 PROCEDURE BuildConstructorStart (cbratokpos: CARDINAL) ;
12012 VAR
12013 constValue,
12014 type : CARDINAL ;
12015 BEGIN
12016 PopT (type) ; (* we ignore the type as we already have the constructor symbol from pass C *)
12017 GetConstructorFromFifoQueue (constValue) ;
12018 Assert (type = GetSType (constValue)) ;
12019 PushTtok (constValue, cbratokpos) ;
12020 PushConstructor (type)
12021 END BuildConstructorStart ;
12024 (*
12025 BuildConstructorEnd - removes the current constructor frame from the
12026 constructor stack (it does not effect the quad
12027 stack)
12029 Entry Exit
12031 Ptr -> <- Ptr
12032 +------------+ +------------+
12033 | const | | const |
12034 |------------| |------------|
12035 *)
12037 PROCEDURE BuildConstructorEnd (cbratokpos: CARDINAL) ;
12038 VAR
12039 typetok,
12040 value, valtok: CARDINAL ;
12041 BEGIN
12042 PopTtok (value, valtok) ;
12043 IF IsBoolean (1)
12044 THEN
12045 typetok := valtok
12046 ELSE
12047 typetok := OperandTtok (1)
12048 END ;
12049 valtok := MakeVirtualTok (typetok, typetok, cbratokpos) ;
12050 PutDeclared (valtok, value) ;
12051 PushTtok (value, valtok) ; (* Use valtok as we now know it was a constructor. *)
12052 PopConstructor
12053 (* ; ErrorStringAt (Mark (InitString ('aggregate constant')), valtok) *)
12054 END BuildConstructorEnd ;
12057 (*
12058 AddFieldTo - adds field, e, to, value.
12059 *)
12061 PROCEDURE AddFieldTo (value, e: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ;
12062 BEGIN
12063 IF IsSet(GetDType(value))
12064 THEN
12065 PutConstSet(value) ;
12066 PushT(value) ;
12067 PushT(e) ;
12068 BuildInclBit ;
12069 PopT(value)
12070 ELSE
12071 PushValue(value) ;
12072 AddField(GetTokenNo(), e) ;
12073 PopValue(value)
12074 END ;
12075 RETURN( value )
12076 END AddFieldTo ;
12079 (*
12080 BuildComponentValue - builds a component value.
12082 Entry Exit
12084 Ptr -> <- Ptr
12087 +------------+ +------------+
12088 | const | | const |
12089 |------------| |------------|
12090 *)
12092 PROCEDURE BuildComponentValue ;
12093 VAR
12094 const,
12095 e1, e2 : CARDINAL ;
12096 nuldotdot,
12097 nulby : Name ;
12098 BEGIN
12099 PopT(nulby) ;
12100 IF nulby=NulTok
12101 THEN
12102 PopT(nuldotdot) ;
12103 IF nuldotdot=NulTok
12104 THEN
12105 PopT(e1) ;
12106 PopT(const) ;
12107 PushT(AddFieldTo(const, e1))
12108 ELSE
12109 PopT(e2) ;
12110 PopT(e1) ;
12111 PopT(const) ;
12112 PushValue(const) ;
12113 AddBitRange(GetTokenNo(), e1, e2) ;
12114 PopValue(const) ;
12115 PushT(const)
12116 END
12117 ELSE
12118 PopT(e1) ;
12119 PopT(nuldotdot) ;
12120 IF nuldotdot=NulTok
12121 THEN
12122 PopT(e2) ;
12123 PopT(const) ;
12124 PushValue(const) ;
12125 AddElements(GetTokenNo(), e2, e1) ;
12126 PopValue(const) ;
12127 PushT(const)
12128 ELSE
12129 PopT(e2) ;
12130 PopT(e1) ;
12131 PopT(const) ;
12132 WriteFormat0('the constant must be an array constructor or a set constructor but not both') ;
12133 PushT(const)
12134 END
12135 END
12136 END BuildComponentValue ;
12139 (*
12140 RecordOp - Records the operator passed on the stack.
12141 Checks for AND operator or OR operator
12142 if either of these operators are found then BackPatching
12143 takes place.
12144 The Expected Stack:
12146 Entry Exit
12148 Ptr -> <- Ptr
12149 +-------------+ +-------------+
12150 | OperatorTok | | OperatorTok |
12151 |-------------| |-------------|
12152 | t | f | | t | f |
12153 |-------------| |-------------|
12156 If OperatorTok=AndTok
12157 Then
12158 BackPatch(f, NextQuad)
12159 Elsif OperatorTok=OrTok
12160 Then
12161 BackPatch(t, NextQuad)
12162 End
12163 *)
12165 PROCEDURE RecordOp ;
12166 VAR
12167 Op : Name ;
12168 tokno: CARDINAL ;
12169 t, f : CARDINAL ;
12170 BEGIN
12171 PopTtok(Op, tokno) ;
12172 IF (Op=AndTok) OR (Op=AmbersandTok)
12173 THEN
12174 CheckBooleanId ;
12175 PopBool(t, f) ;
12176 BackPatch(t, NextQuad) ;
12177 PushBool(0, f)
12178 ELSIF Op=OrTok
12179 THEN
12180 CheckBooleanId ;
12181 PopBool(t, f) ;
12182 BackPatch(f, NextQuad) ;
12183 PushBool(t, 0)
12184 END ;
12185 PushTtok(Op, tokno)
12186 END RecordOp ;
12189 (*
12190 CheckLogicalOperator - returns a logical operator if the operands imply
12191 a logical operation should be performed.
12192 *)
12194 PROCEDURE CheckLogicalOperator (Tok: Name; left, lefttype: CARDINAL) : Name ;
12195 BEGIN
12196 IF (Tok=PlusTok) OR (Tok=TimesTok) OR (Tok=DivideTok) OR (Tok=MinusTok)
12197 THEN
12198 (* --fixme-- when we add complex arithmetic, we must check constructor is not a complex constant. *)
12199 IF ((lefttype#NulSym) AND IsSet(SkipType(lefttype))) OR
12200 IsConstSet(left) OR IsConstructor(left)
12201 THEN
12202 IF Tok=PlusTok
12203 THEN
12204 RETURN( LogicalOrTok )
12205 ELSIF Tok=DivideTok
12206 THEN
12207 RETURN( LogicalXorTok )
12208 ELSIF Tok=TimesTok
12209 THEN
12210 RETURN( LogicalAndTok )
12211 ELSIF Tok=MinusTok
12212 THEN
12213 RETURN( LogicalDifferenceTok )
12214 END
12215 END
12216 END ;
12217 RETURN( Tok )
12218 END CheckLogicalOperator ;
12221 (*
12222 doCheckGenericNulSet - checks to see whether e1 is a generic nul set and if so it alters it
12223 to the nul set of t2.
12224 *)
12226 (*
12227 PROCEDURE doCheckGenericNulSet (e1: CARDINAL; VAR t1: CARDINAL; t2: CARDINAL) ;
12228 BEGIN
12229 IF IsConstSet (e1)
12230 THEN
12231 IF NOT IsSet (t2)
12232 THEN
12233 MetaError2 ('incompatibility between a set constant {%1Ea} of type {%1tsa} and an object of type {%2sa}',
12234 e1, t2)
12235 END ;
12236 PushValue (e1) ;
12237 IF IsGenericNulSet ()
12238 THEN
12239 PopValue (e1) ;
12240 PushNulSet (t2) ;
12241 t1 := t2
12242 END ;
12243 PopValue (e1)
12244 END
12245 END doCheckGenericNulSet ;
12246 *)
12249 (*
12250 CheckGenericNulSet - if e1 or e2 is the generic nul set then
12251 alter it to the nul set of the other operands type.
12252 *)
12254 (*
12255 PROCEDURE CheckGenericNulSet (e1, e2: CARDINAL; VAR t1, t2: CARDINAL) ;
12256 BEGIN
12257 IF t1#t2
12258 THEN
12259 doCheckGenericNulSet(e1, t1, t2) ;
12260 doCheckGenericNulSet(e2, t2, t1)
12261 END
12262 END CheckGenericNulSet ;
12263 *)
12266 (*
12267 CheckDivModRem - initiates calls to check the divisor for DIV, MOD, REM
12268 expressions.
12269 *)
12271 PROCEDURE CheckDivModRem (TokPos: CARDINAL; tok: Name; d, e: CARDINAL) ;
12272 BEGIN
12273 IF tok=DivTok
12274 THEN
12275 BuildRange (InitWholeZeroDivisionCheck (TokPos, d, e))
12276 ELSIF tok=ModTok
12277 THEN
12278 BuildRange (InitWholeZeroDivisionCheck (TokPos, d, e))
12279 ELSIF tok=RemTok
12280 THEN
12281 BuildRange (InitWholeZeroRemainderCheck (TokPos, d, e))
12282 END
12283 END CheckDivModRem ;
12286 (*
12287 doConvert - convert, sym, to a new symbol with, type.
12288 Return the new symbol.
12289 *)
12291 PROCEDURE doConvert (type: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ;
12292 BEGIN
12293 IF GetSType(sym)#type
12294 THEN
12295 PushTF(Convert, NulSym) ;
12296 PushT(type) ;
12297 PushT(sym) ;
12298 PushT(2) ; (* Two parameters *)
12299 BuildConvertFunction ;
12300 PopT(sym)
12301 END ;
12302 RETURN( sym )
12303 END doConvert ;
12306 (*
12307 BuildBinaryOp - Builds a binary operation from the quad stack.
12308 Be aware that this procedure will check for
12309 the overloading of the bitset operators + - \ *.
12310 So do NOT call this procedure if you are building
12311 a reference to an array which has a bitset type or
12312 the address arithmetic will be wrongly coersed into
12313 logical ORs.
12315 The Stack is expected to contain:
12318 Entry Exit
12319 ===== ====
12321 Ptr ->
12322 +------------+
12323 | Sym1 |
12324 |------------|
12325 | Operator | <- Ptr
12326 |------------| +------------+
12327 | Sym2 | | Temporary |
12328 |------------| |------------|
12331 Quadruples Produced
12333 q Operator Temporary Sym1 Sym2
12336 OR
12339 Entry Exit
12340 ===== ====
12342 Ptr ->
12343 +------------+
12344 | T1 | F1 |
12345 |------------|
12346 | OrTok | <- Ptr
12347 |------------| +------------+
12348 | T2 | F2 | | T1+T2| F1 |
12349 |------------| |------------|
12352 Quadruples Produced
12354 *)
12356 PROCEDURE BuildBinaryOp ;
12357 BEGIN
12358 doBuildBinaryOp (TRUE, TRUE)
12359 END BuildBinaryOp ;
12362 (*
12363 doBuildBinaryOp - build the binary op, with or without type
12364 checking.
12365 *)
12367 PROCEDURE doBuildBinaryOp (checkTypes, checkOverflow: BOOLEAN) ;
12368 VAR
12369 s : String ;
12370 NewOp,
12371 Operator : Name ;
12372 OperatorPos,
12373 OldPos,
12374 leftrw, rightrw,
12375 t1, f1,
12376 t2, f2,
12377 lefttype, righttype,
12378 left, right,
12379 leftpos, rightpos : CARDINAL ;
12380 value : CARDINAL ;
12381 BEGIN
12382 Operator := OperandT(2) ;
12383 IF Operator = OrTok
12384 THEN
12385 CheckBooleanId ;
12386 PopBool (t1, f1) ;
12387 PopTtok (Operator, OperatorPos) ;
12388 PopBool (t2, f2) ;
12389 Assert (f2=0) ;
12390 PushBool (Merge (t1, t2), f1)
12391 ELSIF (Operator = AndTok) OR (Operator = AmbersandTok)
12392 THEN
12393 CheckBooleanId ;
12394 PopBool (t1, f1) ;
12395 PopTtok (Operator, OperatorPos) ;
12396 PopBool (t2, f2) ;
12397 Assert (t2=0) ;
12398 PushBool (t1, Merge (f1, f2))
12399 ELSE
12400 PopTFrwtok (right, righttype, rightrw, rightpos) ;
12401 PopTtok (Operator, OperatorPos) ;
12402 PopTFrwtok (left, lefttype, leftrw, leftpos) ;
12403 MarkAsRead (rightrw) ;
12404 MarkAsRead (leftrw) ;
12405 NewOp := CheckLogicalOperator (Operator, (* right, righttype, *) left, lefttype) ;
12406 IF NewOp = Operator
12407 THEN
12408 (*
12409 BinaryOps and UnaryOps only work with immediate and
12410 offset addressing. This is fine for calculating
12411 array and record offsets but we need to get the real
12412 values to perform normal arithmetic. Not address
12413 arithmetic.
12415 However the set operators will dereference LValues
12416 (to optimize large set arithemetic)
12417 *)
12418 IF GetMode (right) = LeftValue
12419 THEN
12420 value := MakeTemporary (rightpos, RightValue) ;
12421 PutVar (value, righttype) ;
12422 CheckPointerThroughNil (rightpos, right) ;
12423 doIndrX (rightpos, value, right) ;
12424 right := value
12425 END ;
12426 IF GetMode (left) = LeftValue
12427 THEN
12428 value := MakeTemporary (leftpos, RightValue) ;
12429 PutVar (value, lefttype) ;
12430 CheckPointerThroughNil (leftpos, left) ;
12431 doIndrX (leftpos, value, left) ;
12432 left := value
12433 END
12434 ELSE
12435 (* CheckForGenericNulSet(e1, e2, t1, t2) *)
12436 END ;
12437 IF (Operator = PlusTok) AND IsConstString(left) AND IsConstString(right)
12438 THEN
12439 (* handle special addition for constant strings *)
12440 s := InitStringCharStar (KeyToCharStar (GetString (left))) ;
12441 s := ConCat (s, Mark (InitStringCharStar (KeyToCharStar (GetString (right))))) ;
12442 value := MakeConstLitString (OperatorPos, makekey (string (s))) ;
12443 s := KillString (s)
12444 ELSE
12445 OldPos := OperatorPos ;
12446 OperatorPos := MakeVirtualTok (OperatorPos, leftpos, rightpos) ;
12447 IF checkTypes
12448 THEN
12449 BuildRange (InitTypesExpressionCheck (OperatorPos, left, right, FALSE, FALSE))
12450 END ;
12451 value := MakeTemporaryFromExpressions (OperatorPos,
12452 right, left,
12453 AreConstant (IsConst (left) AND IsConst (right))) ;
12455 CheckDivModRem (OperatorPos, NewOp, value, right) ;
12457 IF DebugTokPos
12458 THEN
12459 s := InitStringCharStar (KeyToCharStar (GetTokenName (Operator))) ;
12460 WarnStringAt (s, OldPos) ;
12461 s := InitString ('left') ;
12462 WarnStringAt (s, leftpos) ;
12463 s := InitString ('right') ;
12464 WarnStringAt (s, rightpos) ;
12465 s := InitString ('caret') ;
12466 WarnStringAt (s, OldPos) ;
12467 s := InitString ('combined') ;
12468 WarnStringAt (s, OperatorPos) ;
12469 (* MetaErrorT1 (GetDeclaredMod (t), 'in binary with a {%1a}', t) *)
12470 END ;
12471 GenQuadOtok (OperatorPos, MakeOp (NewOp), value, left, right, checkOverflow,
12472 OperatorPos, leftpos, rightpos)
12473 END ;
12474 PushTFtok (value, GetSType (value), OperatorPos)
12475 END
12476 END doBuildBinaryOp ;
12479 (*
12480 BuildUnaryOp - Builds a unary operation from the quad stack.
12481 The Stack is expected to contain:
12484 Entry Exit
12485 ===== ====
12487 Ptr ->
12488 +------------+
12489 | Sym |
12490 |------------| +------------+
12491 | Operator | | Temporary | <- Ptr
12492 |------------| |------------|
12495 Quadruples Produced
12497 q Operator Temporary _ Sym
12499 *)
12501 PROCEDURE BuildUnaryOp ;
12502 VAR
12503 sympos,
12504 tokpos : CARDINAL ;
12505 Tok : Name ;
12506 type,
12507 Sym,
12508 SymT, r, t: CARDINAL ;
12509 BEGIN
12510 PopTrwtok (Sym, r, sympos) ;
12511 PopTtok (Tok, tokpos) ;
12512 IF Tok=MinusTok
12513 THEN
12514 MarkAsRead(r) ;
12515 type := NegateType (GetSType (Sym) (* , sympos *) ) ;
12516 tokpos := MakeVirtualTok (tokpos, tokpos, sympos) ;
12518 t := MakeTemporary (tokpos, AreConstant(IsConst(Sym))) ;
12519 PutVar(t, type) ;
12521 (*
12522 variables must have a type and REAL/LONGREAL constants must
12523 be typed
12524 *)
12526 IF NOT IsConst(Sym)
12527 THEN
12528 IF (type#NulSym) AND IsSet(SkipType(type))
12529 THEN
12530 (* do not dereference set variables *)
12531 ELSIF GetMode(Sym)=LeftValue
12532 THEN
12533 (* dereference symbols which are not sets and which are variables *)
12535 SymT := MakeTemporary (sympos, RightValue) ;
12536 PutVar (SymT, GetSType (Sym)) ;
12537 CheckPointerThroughNil (sympos, Sym) ;
12538 doIndrX (sympos, SymT, Sym) ;
12539 Sym := SymT
12540 END
12541 END ;
12542 GenQuadO (tokpos, NegateOp, t, NulSym, Sym, TRUE) ;
12543 PushTtok (t, tokpos)
12544 ELSIF Tok=PlusTok
12545 THEN
12546 tokpos := MakeVirtualTok (tokpos, tokpos, sympos) ;
12547 PushTrwtok (Sym, r, tokpos)
12548 ELSE
12549 MetaErrorNT1 (tokpos,
12550 'expecting an unary operator, seen {%Ek%a}', Tok)
12551 END
12552 END BuildUnaryOp ;
12555 (*
12556 AreConstant - returns immediate addressing mode if b is true else
12557 offset mode is returned. b determines whether the
12558 operands are all constant - in which case we can use
12559 a constant temporary variable.
12560 *)
12562 PROCEDURE AreConstant (b: BOOLEAN) : ModeOfAddr ;
12563 BEGIN
12564 IF b
12565 THEN
12566 RETURN ImmediateValue
12567 ELSE
12568 RETURN RightValue
12569 END
12570 END AreConstant ;
12573 (*
12574 ConvertBooleanToVariable - converts a BoolStack(i) from a Boolean True|False
12575 exit pair into a variable containing the value TRUE or
12576 FALSE. The parameter, i, is relative to the top
12577 of the stack.
12578 *)
12580 PROCEDURE ConvertBooleanToVariable (tok: CARDINAL; i: CARDINAL) ;
12581 VAR
12582 Des: CARDINAL ;
12583 f : BoolFrame ;
12584 BEGIN
12585 Assert (IsBoolean (i)) ;
12586 (*
12587 need to convert it to a variable containing the result.
12588 Des will be a boolean type
12589 *)
12590 Des := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ;
12591 PutVar (Des, Boolean) ;
12592 PushTtok (Des, tok) ; (* we have just increased the stack so we must use i+1 *)
12593 f := PeepAddress (BoolStack, i+1) ;
12594 PushBool (f^.TrueExit, f^.FalseExit) ;
12595 BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (tok, FALSE, TRUE) ; (* restored stack *)
12596 f := PeepAddress (BoolStack, i) ;
12597 WITH f^ DO
12598 TrueExit := Des ; (* alter Stack(i) to contain the variable *)
12599 FalseExit := Boolean ;
12600 BooleanOp := FALSE ; (* no longer a Boolean True|False pair *)
12601 Unbounded := NulSym ;
12602 Dimension := 0 ;
12603 ReadWrite := NulSym ;
12604 tokenno := tok ;
12605 Annotation := KillString (Annotation) ;
12606 Annotation := InitString ('%1s(%1d)|%2s(%2d)||boolean var|type')
12607 END
12608 END ConvertBooleanToVariable ;
12611 (*
12612 BuildBooleanVariable - tests to see whether top of stack is a boolean
12613 conditional and if so it converts it into a boolean
12614 variable.
12615 *)
12617 PROCEDURE BuildBooleanVariable ;
12618 BEGIN
12619 IF IsBoolean (1)
12620 THEN
12621 ConvertBooleanToVariable (OperandTtok (1), 1)
12622 END
12623 END BuildBooleanVariable ;
12626 (*
12627 BuildRelOpFromBoolean - builds a relational operator sequence of quadruples
12628 instead of using a temporary boolean variable.
12629 This function can only be used when we perform
12630 the following translation:
12632 (a=b) # (c=d) alternatively (a=b) = (c=d)
12633 ^ ^
12635 it only allows # = to be used as >= <= > < all
12636 assume a particular value for TRUE and FALSE.
12637 (In which case the user should specify ORD)
12640 before
12642 q if r1 op1 op2 t2
12643 q+1 Goto f2
12644 q+2 if r2 op3 op4 t1
12645 q+3 Goto f1
12647 after (in case of =)
12649 q if r1 op1 op2 q+2
12650 q+1 Goto q+4
12651 q+2 if r2 op3 op4 t
12652 q+3 Goto f
12653 q+4 if r2 op3 op4 f
12654 q+5 Goto t
12656 after (in case of #)
12658 q if r1 op1 op2 q+2
12659 q+1 Goto q+4
12660 q+2 if r2 op3 op4 f
12661 q+3 Goto t
12662 q+4 if r2 op3 op4 t
12663 q+5 Goto f
12665 The Stack is expected to contain:
12668 Entry Exit
12669 ===== ====
12671 Ptr ->
12672 +------------+
12673 | t1 | f1 |
12674 |------------|
12675 | Operator | <- Ptr
12676 |------------| +------------+
12677 | t2 | f2 | | t | f |
12678 |------------| |------------|
12681 *)
12683 PROCEDURE BuildRelOpFromBoolean (tokpos: CARDINAL) ;
12684 VAR
12685 Tok,
12686 t1, f1,
12687 t2, f2: CARDINAL ;
12688 f : QuadFrame ;
12689 BEGIN
12690 Assert (IsBoolean (1) AND IsBoolean (3)) ;
12691 IF OperandT (2) = EqualTok
12692 THEN
12693 (* are the two boolean expressions the same? *)
12694 PopBool (t1, f1) ;
12695 PopT (Tok) ;
12696 PopBool (t2, f2) ;
12697 (* give the false exit a second chance *)
12698 BackPatch (t2, t1) ; (* q if _ _ q+2 *)
12699 BackPatch (f2, NextQuad) ; (* q+1 if _ _ q+4 *)
12700 Assert (NextQuad = f1+1) ;
12701 f := GetQF (t1) ;
12702 WITH f^ DO
12703 GenQuadO (tokpos, Operator, Operand1, Operand2, 0, FALSE)
12704 END ;
12705 GenQuadO (tokpos, GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0, FALSE) ;
12706 PushBool (Merge (NextQuad-1, t1), Merge (NextQuad-2, f1))
12707 ELSIF (OperandT (2) = HashTok) OR (OperandT (2) = LessGreaterTok)
12708 THEN
12709 (* are the two boolean expressions the different? *)
12710 PopBool (t1, f1) ;
12711 PopT (Tok) ;
12712 PopBool (t2, f2) ;
12713 (* give the false exit a second chance *)
12714 BackPatch (t2, t1) ; (* q if _ _ q+2 *)
12715 BackPatch (f2, NextQuad) ; (* q+1 if _ _ q+4 *)
12716 Assert (NextQuad = f1+1) ;
12717 f := GetQF (t1) ;
12718 WITH f^ DO
12719 GenQuadO (tokpos, Operator, Operand1, Operand2, 0, FALSE)
12720 END ;
12721 GenQuadO (tokpos, GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0, FALSE) ;
12722 PushBool (Merge (NextQuad-2, f1), Merge (NextQuad-1, t1))
12723 ELSE
12724 MetaError0 ('only allowed to use the relation operators {%Ek=} {%Ek#} rather than {%Ek<} or {%Ek>} on {%EkBOOLEAN} expressions as these do not imply an ordinal value for {%kTRUE} or {%kFALSE}')
12725 END
12726 END BuildRelOpFromBoolean ;
12729 (*
12730 CheckVariableOrConstantOrProcedure - checks to make sure sym is a variable, constant or procedure.
12731 *)
12733 PROCEDURE CheckVariableOrConstantOrProcedure (tokpos: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL) ;
12734 VAR
12735 type: CARDINAL ;
12736 BEGIN
12737 type := GetSType (sym) ;
12738 IF IsUnknown (sym)
12739 THEN
12740 MetaErrorT1 (tokpos, '{%1EUad} has not been declared', sym) ;
12741 UnknownReported (sym)
12742 ELSIF IsPseudoSystemFunction (sym) OR IsPseudoBaseFunction (sym)
12743 THEN
12744 MetaErrorT1 (tokpos,
12745 '{%1Ead} expected a variable, procedure, constant or expression, not an intrinsic procedure function',
12746 sym)
12747 ELSIF (NOT IsConst(sym)) AND (NOT IsVar(sym)) AND
12748 (NOT IsProcedure(sym)) AND
12749 (NOT IsTemporary(sym)) AND (NOT MustNotCheckBounds)
12750 THEN
12751 MetaErrorsT1 (tokpos,
12752 '{%1Ead} expected a variable, procedure, constant or expression',
12753 'and it was declared as a {%1Dd}', sym) ;
12754 ELSIF (type#NulSym) AND IsArray(type)
12755 THEN
12756 MetaErrorsT1 (tokpos,
12757 '{%1EU} not expecting an array variable as an operand for either comparison or binary operation',
12758 'it was declared as a {%1Dd}', sym)
12759 ELSIF IsConstString(sym) AND (GetStringLength(sym)>1)
12760 THEN
12761 MetaErrorT1 (tokpos,
12762 '{%1EU} not expecting a string constant as an operand for either comparison or binary operation',
12763 sym)
12764 END
12765 END CheckVariableOrConstantOrProcedure ;
12768 (*
12769 BuildRelOp - Builds a relative operation from the quad stack.
12770 The Stack is expected to contain:
12773 Entry Exit
12774 ===== ====
12776 Ptr ->
12777 +------------+
12778 | e1 |
12779 |------------| <- Ptr
12780 | Operator |
12781 |------------| +------------+
12782 | e2 | | t | f |
12783 |------------| |------------|
12786 Quadruples Produced
12788 q IFOperator e2 e1 TrueExit ; e2 e1 since
12789 q+1 GotoOp FalseExit ; relation > etc
12790 ; requires order.
12791 *)
12793 PROCEDURE BuildRelOp (optokpos: CARDINAL) ;
12794 VAR
12795 combinedTok,
12796 rightpos,
12797 leftpos : CARDINAL ;
12798 Op : Name ;
12799 t,
12800 rightType, leftType,
12801 right, left : CARDINAL ;
12802 BEGIN
12803 IF CompilerDebugging
12804 THEN
12805 DisplayStack (* Debugging info *)
12806 END ;
12807 IF IsBoolean (1) AND IsBoolean (3)
12808 THEN
12809 (*
12810 we allow # and = to be used with Boolean expressions.
12811 we do not allow > < >= <= though
12812 *)
12813 BuildRelOpFromBoolean (optokpos)
12814 ELSE
12815 IF IsBoolean (1)
12816 THEN
12817 ConvertBooleanToVariable (OperandTtok (1), 1)
12818 END ;
12819 IF IsBoolean (3)
12820 THEN
12821 ConvertBooleanToVariable (OperandTtok (3), 3)
12822 END ;
12823 PopTFtok (right, rightType, rightpos) ;
12824 PopT (Op) ;
12825 PopTFtok (left, leftType, leftpos) ;
12827 CheckVariableOrConstantOrProcedure (rightpos, right) ;
12828 CheckVariableOrConstantOrProcedure (leftpos, left) ;
12830 IF (left#NulSym) AND (right#NulSym)
12831 THEN
12832 (* BuildRange will check the expression later on once gcc knows about all data types. *)
12833 BuildRange (InitTypesExpressionCheck (optokpos, left, right, TRUE, Op = InTok))
12834 END ;
12836 (* Must dereference LeftValue operands. *)
12837 IF GetMode(right) = LeftValue
12838 THEN
12839 t := MakeTemporary (rightpos, RightValue) ;
12840 PutVar(t, GetSType(right)) ;
12841 CheckPointerThroughNil (rightpos, right) ;
12842 doIndrX (rightpos, t, right) ;
12843 right := t
12844 END ;
12845 IF GetMode(left) = LeftValue
12846 THEN
12847 t := MakeTemporary (leftpos, RightValue) ;
12848 PutVar (t, GetSType (left)) ;
12849 CheckPointerThroughNil (leftpos, left) ;
12850 doIndrX (leftpos, t, left) ;
12851 left := t
12852 END ;
12853 combinedTok := MakeVirtualTok (optokpos, leftpos, rightpos) ;
12854 GenQuadO (combinedTok, MakeOp(Op), left, right, 0, FALSE) ; (* True Exit *)
12855 GenQuadO (combinedTok, GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0, FALSE) ; (* False Exit *)
12856 PushBool (NextQuad-2, NextQuad-1)
12857 END
12858 END BuildRelOp ;
12861 (*
12862 BuildNot - Builds a NOT operation from the quad stack.
12863 The Stack is expected to contain:
12866 Entry Exit
12867 ===== ====
12869 Ptr -> <- Ptr
12870 +------------+ +------------+
12871 | t | f | | f | t |
12872 |------------| |------------|
12873 *)
12875 PROCEDURE BuildNot (notTokPos: CARDINAL) ;
12876 VAR
12877 combinedTok,
12878 exprTokPos : CARDINAL ;
12879 t, f : CARDINAL ;
12880 BEGIN
12881 CheckBooleanId ;
12882 PopBooltok (t, f, exprTokPos) ;
12883 combinedTok := MakeVirtualTok (notTokPos, notTokPos, exprTokPos) ;
12884 PushBooltok (f, t, combinedTok)
12885 END BuildNot ;
12888 (*
12889 MakeOp - returns the equalent quadruple operator to a token, t.
12890 *)
12892 PROCEDURE MakeOp (t: Name) : QuadOperator ;
12893 BEGIN
12894 IF t=PlusTok
12895 THEN
12896 RETURN( AddOp )
12897 ELSIF t=MinusTok
12898 THEN
12899 RETURN( SubOp )
12900 ELSIF t=DivTok
12901 THEN
12902 RETURN( DivM2Op )
12903 ELSIF t=DivideTok
12904 THEN
12905 RETURN( DivTruncOp )
12906 ELSIF t=RemTok
12907 THEN
12908 RETURN( ModTruncOp )
12909 ELSIF t=ModTok
12910 THEN
12911 RETURN( ModM2Op )
12912 ELSIF t=TimesTok
12913 THEN
12914 RETURN( MultOp )
12915 ELSIF t=HashTok
12916 THEN
12917 RETURN( IfNotEquOp )
12918 ELSIF t=LessGreaterTok
12919 THEN
12920 RETURN( IfNotEquOp )
12921 ELSIF t=GreaterEqualTok
12922 THEN
12923 RETURN( IfGreEquOp )
12924 ELSIF t=LessEqualTok
12925 THEN
12926 RETURN( IfLessEquOp )
12927 ELSIF t=EqualTok
12928 THEN
12929 RETURN( IfEquOp )
12930 ELSIF t=LessTok
12931 THEN
12932 RETURN( IfLessOp )
12933 ELSIF t=GreaterTok
12934 THEN
12935 RETURN( IfGreOp )
12936 ELSIF t=InTok
12937 THEN
12938 RETURN( IfInOp )
12939 ELSIF t=LogicalOrTok
12940 THEN
12941 RETURN( LogicalOrOp )
12942 ELSIF t=LogicalAndTok
12943 THEN
12944 RETURN( LogicalAndOp )
12945 ELSIF t=LogicalXorTok
12946 THEN
12947 RETURN( LogicalXorOp )
12948 ELSIF t=LogicalDifferenceTok
12949 THEN
12950 RETURN( LogicalDiffOp )
12951 ELSE
12952 InternalError('binary operation not implemented yet')
12953 END
12954 END MakeOp ;
12957 (*
12958 GenQuadO - generate a quadruple with Operation, Op1, Op2, Op3, overflow.
12959 *)
12962 Operation: QuadOperator;
12963 Op1, Op2, Op3: CARDINAL; overflow: BOOLEAN) ;
12964 VAR
12965 f: QuadFrame ;
12966 BEGIN
12967 (* WriteString('Potential Quad: ') ; *)
12968 IF QuadrupleGeneration
12969 THEN
12970 IF NextQuad # Head
12971 THEN
12972 f := GetQF (NextQuad-1) ;
12973 f^.Next := NextQuad
12974 END ;
12975 PutQuadO (NextQuad, Operation, Op1, Op2, Op3, overflow) ;
12976 f := GetQF (NextQuad) ;
12977 WITH f^ DO
12978 Next := 0 ;
12979 LineNo := GetLineNo () ;
12980 IF TokPos = UnknownTokenNo
12981 THEN
12982 TokenNo := GetTokenNo ()
12983 ELSE
12984 TokenNo := TokPos
12985 END
12986 END ;
12987 IF NextQuad=BreakAtQuad
12988 THEN
12989 stop
12990 END ;
12991 (* DisplayQuad(NextQuad) ; *)
12992 NewQuad (NextQuad)
12993 END
12994 END GenQuadO ;
12997 (*
12998 GenQuad - Generate a quadruple with Operation, Op1, Op2, Op3.
12999 *)
13001 PROCEDURE GenQuad (Operation: QuadOperator;
13002 Op1, Op2, Op3: CARDINAL) ;
13003 BEGIN
13004 GenQuadO (UnknownTokenNo, Operation, Op1, Op2, Op3, TRUE)
13005 END GenQuad ;
13008 (*
13009 GenQuadOtok - generate a quadruple with Operation, Op1, Op2, Op3, overflow.
13010 *)
13012 PROCEDURE GenQuadOtok (TokPos: CARDINAL;
13013 Operation: QuadOperator;
13014 Op1, Op2, Op3: CARDINAL; overflow: BOOLEAN;
13015 Op1Pos, Op2Pos, Op3Pos: CARDINAL) ;
13016 VAR
13017 f: QuadFrame ;
13018 BEGIN
13019 (* WriteString('Potential Quad: ') ; *)
13020 IF QuadrupleGeneration
13021 THEN
13022 IF NextQuad # Head
13023 THEN
13024 f := GetQF (NextQuad-1) ;
13025 f^.Next := NextQuad
13026 END ;
13027 PutQuadO (NextQuad, Operation, Op1, Op2, Op3, overflow) ;
13028 f := GetQF (NextQuad) ;
13029 WITH f^ DO
13030 Next := 0 ;
13031 LineNo := GetLineNo () ;
13032 IF TokPos = UnknownTokenNo
13033 THEN
13034 TokenNo := GetTokenNo ()
13035 ELSE
13036 TokenNo := TokPos
13037 END ;
13038 op1pos := Op1Pos ;
13039 op2pos := Op2Pos ;
13040 op3pos := Op3Pos
13041 END ;
13042 IF NextQuad=BreakAtQuad
13043 THEN
13044 stop
13045 END ;
13046 (* DisplayQuad(NextQuad) ; *)
13047 NewQuad (NextQuad)
13048 END
13049 END GenQuadOtok ;
13052 (*
13053 DisplayQuadList - displays all quads.
13054 *)
13056 PROCEDURE DisplayQuadList ;
13057 VAR
13058 i: CARDINAL ;
13059 f: QuadFrame ;
13060 BEGIN
13061 printf0('Quadruples:\n') ;
13062 i := Head ;
13063 WHILE i#0 DO
13064 DisplayQuad(i) ;
13065 f := GetQF(i) ;
13066 i := f^.Next
13067 END
13068 END DisplayQuadList ;
13071 (*
13072 DisplayQuadRange - displays all quads in list range, start..end.
13073 *)
13075 PROCEDURE DisplayQuadRange (start, end: CARDINAL) ;
13076 VAR
13077 f: QuadFrame ;
13078 BEGIN
13079 printf0('Quadruples:\n') ;
13080 WHILE (start<=end) AND (start#0) DO
13081 DisplayQuad(start) ;
13082 f := GetQF(start) ;
13083 start := f^.Next
13084 END
13085 END DisplayQuadRange ;
13088 (*
13089 BackPatch - Makes each of the quadruples on the list pointed to by
13090 StartQuad, take quadruple Value as a target.
13091 *)
13093 PROCEDURE BackPatch (QuadNo, Value: CARDINAL) ;
13094 VAR
13095 i: CARDINAL ;
13096 f: QuadFrame ;
13097 BEGIN
13098 IF QuadrupleGeneration
13099 THEN
13100 WHILE QuadNo#0 DO
13101 f := GetQF(QuadNo) ;
13102 WITH f^ DO
13103 i := Operand3 ; (* Next Link along the BackPatch *)
13104 ManipulateReference(QuadNo, Value) (* Filling in the BackPatch. *)
13105 END ;
13106 QuadNo := i
13107 END
13108 END
13109 END BackPatch ;
13112 (*
13113 Merge - joins two quad lists, QuadList2 to the end of QuadList1.
13114 A QuadList of value zero is a nul list.
13115 *)
13117 PROCEDURE Merge (QuadList1, QuadList2: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ;
13118 VAR
13119 i, j: CARDINAL ;
13120 f : QuadFrame ;
13121 BEGIN
13122 IF QuadList1=0
13123 THEN
13124 RETURN( QuadList2 )
13125 ELSIF QuadList2=0
13126 THEN
13127 RETURN( QuadList1 )
13128 ELSE
13129 i := QuadList1 ;
13130 REPEAT
13131 j := i ;
13132 f := GetQF(i) ;
13133 i := f^.Operand3
13134 UNTIL i=0 ;
13135 ManipulateReference(j, QuadList2) ;
13136 RETURN( QuadList1 )
13137 END
13138 END Merge ;
13141 (*
13142 Annotate - annotate the top of stack.
13143 *)
13145 PROCEDURE Annotate (a: ARRAY OF CHAR) ;
13146 VAR
13147 f: BoolFrame ;
13148 BEGIN
13149 IF DebugStackOn AND CompilerDebugging AND (NoOfItemsInStackAddress(BoolStack)>0)
13150 THEN
13151 f := PeepAddress(BoolStack, 1) ; (* top of stack *)
13152 WITH f^ DO
13153 IF Annotation#NIL
13154 THEN
13155 Annotation := KillString(Annotation)
13156 END ;
13157 Annotation := InitString(a)
13158 END
13159 END
13160 END Annotate ;
13163 (*
13164 OperandAnno - returns the annotation string associated with the
13165 position, n, on the stack.
13166 *)
13168 PROCEDURE OperandAnno (n: CARDINAL) : String ;
13169 VAR
13170 f: BoolFrame ;
13171 BEGIN
13172 f := PeepAddress (BoolStack, n) ;
13173 RETURN f^.Annotation
13174 END OperandAnno ;
13177 (*
13178 DisplayStack - displays the compile time symbol stack.
13179 *)
13181 PROCEDURE DisplayStack ;
13182 BEGIN
13183 IF DebugStackOn AND CompilerDebugging
13184 THEN
13185 DebugStack (NoOfItemsInStackAddress (BoolStack),
13186 OperandTno, OperandFno, OperandA,
13187 OperandD, OperandRW, OperandTok, OperandAnno)
13188 END
13189 END DisplayStack ;
13192 (*
13193 ds - tiny procedure name, useful for calling from the gdb shell.
13194 *)
13196 (*
13197 PROCEDURE ds ;
13198 BEGIN
13199 DisplayStack
13200 END ds ;
13201 *)
13204 (*
13205 DisplayQuad - displays a quadruple, QuadNo.
13206 *)
13208 PROCEDURE DisplayQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL) ;
13209 BEGIN
13210 DSdbEnter ;
13211 printf1('%4d ', QuadNo) ; WriteQuad(QuadNo) ; printf0('\n') ;
13212 DSdbExit
13213 END DisplayQuad ;
13216 (*
13217 DisplayProcedureAttributes -
13218 *)
13220 PROCEDURE DisplayProcedureAttributes (proc: CARDINAL) ;
13221 BEGIN
13222 IF IsCtor (proc)
13223 THEN
13224 printf0 (" (ctor)")
13225 END ;
13226 IF IsPublic (proc)
13227 THEN
13228 printf0 (" (public)")
13229 END ;
13230 IF IsExtern (proc)
13231 THEN
13232 printf0 (" (extern)")
13233 END ;
13234 IF IsMonoName (proc)
13235 THEN
13236 printf0 (" (mononame)")
13237 END
13238 END DisplayProcedureAttributes ;
13241 (*
13242 WriteQuad - Writes out the Quad BufferQuad.
13243 *)
13245 PROCEDURE WriteQuad (BufferQuad: CARDINAL) ;
13246 VAR
13247 n1, n2: Name ;
13248 f : QuadFrame ;
13249 n : Name ;
13250 l : CARDINAL ;
13251 BEGIN
13252 f := GetQF(BufferQuad) ;
13253 WITH f^ DO
13254 WriteOperator(Operator) ;
13255 printf1(' [%d] ', NoOfTimesReferenced) ;
13256 CASE Operator OF
13258 HighOp : WriteOperand(Operand1) ;
13259 printf1(' %4d ', Operand2) ;
13260 WriteOperand(Operand3) |
13261 InitAddressOp,
13262 SavePriorityOp,
13263 RestorePriorityOp,
13264 SubrangeLowOp,
13265 SubrangeHighOp,
13266 BecomesOp,
13267 InclOp,
13268 ExclOp,
13269 UnboundedOp,
13270 ReturnValueOp,
13271 FunctValueOp,
13272 NegateOp,
13273 AddrOp : WriteOperand(Operand1) ;
13274 printf0(' ') ;
13275 WriteOperand(Operand3) |
13276 ElementSizeOp,
13277 IfInOp,
13278 IfNotInOp,
13279 IfNotEquOp,
13280 IfEquOp,
13281 IfLessOp,
13282 IfGreOp,
13283 IfLessEquOp,
13284 IfGreEquOp : WriteOperand(Operand1) ;
13285 printf0(' ') ;
13286 WriteOperand(Operand2) ;
13287 printf1(' %4d', Operand3) |
13289 InlineOp,
13290 RetryOp,
13291 TryOp,
13292 GotoOp : printf1('%4d', Operand3) |
13294 StatementNoteOp : l := TokenToLineNo(Operand3, 0) ;
13295 n := GetTokenName (Operand3) ;
13296 printf4('%a:%d:%a (tokenno %d)', Operand1, l, n, Operand3) |
13297 LineNumberOp : printf2('%a:%d', Operand1, Operand3) |
13299 EndFileOp : n1 := GetSymName(Operand3) ;
13300 printf1('%a', n1) |
13302 ThrowOp,
13303 ReturnOp,
13304 CallOp,
13305 KillLocalVarOp : WriteOperand(Operand3) |
13307 ProcedureScopeOp : n1 := GetSymName(Operand2) ;
13308 n2 := GetSymName(Operand3) ;
13309 printf3(' %4d %a %a', Operand1, n1, n2) ;
13310 DisplayProcedureAttributes (Operand3) |
13311 NewLocalVarOp,
13312 FinallyStartOp,
13313 FinallyEndOp,
13314 InitEndOp,
13315 InitStartOp : n1 := GetSymName(Operand2) ;
13316 n2 := GetSymName(Operand3) ;
13317 printf3(' %4d %a %a', Operand1, n1, n2) |
13319 ModuleScopeOp,
13320 StartModFileOp : n1 := GetSymName(Operand3) ;
13321 printf4('%a:%d %a(%d)', Operand2, Operand1, n1, Operand3) |
13323 StartDefFileOp : n1 := GetSymName(Operand3) ;
13324 printf2(' %4d %a', Operand1, n1) |
13326 OptParamOp,
13327 ParamOp : printf1('%4d ', Operand1) ;
13328 WriteOperand(Operand2) ;
13329 printf0(' ') ;
13330 WriteOperand(Operand3) |
13331 SizeOp,
13332 RecordFieldOp,
13333 IndrXOp,
13334 XIndrOp,
13335 ArrayOp,
13336 LogicalShiftOp,
13337 LogicalRotateOp,
13338 LogicalOrOp,
13339 LogicalAndOp,
13340 LogicalXorOp,
13341 LogicalDiffOp,
13342 CoerceOp,
13343 ConvertOp,
13344 CastOp,
13345 AddOp,
13346 SubOp,
13347 MultOp,
13348 DivM2Op,
13349 ModM2Op,
13350 ModFloorOp,
13351 DivCeilOp,
13352 ModCeilOp,
13353 DivFloorOp,
13354 ModTruncOp,
13355 DivTruncOp : WriteOperand(Operand1) ;
13356 printf0(' ') ;
13357 WriteOperand(Operand2) ;
13358 printf0(' ') ;
13359 WriteOperand(Operand3) |
13360 DummyOp,
13361 CodeOnOp,
13362 CodeOffOp,
13363 ProfileOnOp,
13364 ProfileOffOp,
13365 OptimizeOnOp,
13366 OptimizeOffOp : |
13367 BuiltinConstOp : WriteOperand(Operand1) ;
13368 printf1(' %a', Operand3) |
13369 BuiltinTypeInfoOp : WriteOperand(Operand1) ;
13370 printf1(' %a', Operand2) ;
13371 printf1(' %a', Operand3) |
13372 StandardFunctionOp: WriteOperand(Operand1) ;
13373 printf0(' ') ;
13374 WriteOperand(Operand2) ;
13375 printf0(' ') ;
13376 WriteOperand(Operand3) |
13377 CatchBeginOp,
13378 CatchEndOp : |
13380 RangeCheckOp,
13381 ErrorOp : WriteRangeCheck(Operand3) |
13382 SaveExceptionOp,
13383 RestoreExceptionOp: WriteOperand(Operand1) ;
13384 printf0(' ') ;
13385 WriteOperand(Operand3)
13387 ELSE
13388 InternalError ('quadruple not recognised')
13389 END
13390 END
13391 END WriteQuad ;
13394 (*
13395 WriteOperator - writes the name of the quadruple operator.
13396 *)
13398 PROCEDURE WriteOperator (Operator: QuadOperator) ;
13399 BEGIN
13400 CASE Operator OF
13402 InitAddressOp : printf0('InitAddress ') |
13403 LogicalOrOp : printf0('Or ') |
13404 LogicalAndOp : printf0('And ') |
13405 LogicalXorOp : printf0('Xor ') |
13406 LogicalDiffOp : printf0('Ldiff ') |
13407 LogicalShiftOp : printf0('Shift ') |
13408 LogicalRotateOp : printf0('Rotate ') |
13409 BecomesOp : printf0('Becomes ') |
13410 IndrXOp : printf0('IndrX ') |
13411 XIndrOp : printf0('XIndr ') |
13412 ArrayOp : printf0('Array ') |
13413 ElementSizeOp : printf0('ElementSize ') |
13414 RecordFieldOp : printf0('RecordField ') |
13415 AddrOp : printf0('Addr ') |
13416 SizeOp : printf0('Size ') |
13417 IfInOp : printf0('If IN ') |
13418 IfNotInOp : printf0('If NOT IN ') |
13419 IfNotEquOp : printf0('If <> ') |
13420 IfEquOp : printf0('If = ') |
13421 IfLessEquOp : printf0('If <= ') |
13422 IfGreEquOp : printf0('If >= ') |
13423 IfGreOp : printf0('If > ') |
13424 IfLessOp : printf0('If < ') |
13425 GotoOp : printf0('Goto ') |
13426 DummyOp : printf0('Dummy ') |
13427 ModuleScopeOp : printf0('ModuleScopeOp ') |
13428 StartDefFileOp : printf0('StartDefFile ') |
13429 StartModFileOp : printf0('StartModFile ') |
13430 EndFileOp : printf0('EndFileOp ') |
13431 InitStartOp : printf0('InitStart ') |
13432 InitEndOp : printf0('InitEnd ') |
13433 FinallyStartOp : printf0('FinallyStart ') |
13434 FinallyEndOp : printf0('FinallyEnd ') |
13435 RetryOp : printf0('Retry ') |
13436 TryOp : printf0('Try ') |
13437 ThrowOp : printf0('Throw ') |
13438 CatchBeginOp : printf0('CatchBegin ') |
13439 CatchEndOp : printf0('CatchEnd ') |
13440 AddOp : printf0('+ ') |
13441 SubOp : printf0('- ') |
13442 DivM2Op : printf0('DIV M2 ') |
13443 ModM2Op : printf0('MOD M2 ') |
13444 DivCeilOp : printf0('DIV ceil ') |
13445 ModCeilOp : printf0('MOD ceil ') |
13446 DivFloorOp : printf0('DIV floor ') |
13447 ModFloorOp : printf0('MOD floor ') |
13448 DivTruncOp : printf0('DIV trunc ') |
13449 ModTruncOp : printf0('MOD trunc ') |
13450 MultOp : printf0('* ') |
13451 NegateOp : printf0('Negate ') |
13452 InclOp : printf0('Incl ') |
13453 ExclOp : printf0('Excl ') |
13454 ReturnOp : printf0('Return ') |
13455 ReturnValueOp : printf0('ReturnValue ') |
13456 FunctValueOp : printf0('FunctValue ') |
13457 CallOp : printf0('Call ') |
13458 ParamOp : printf0('Param ') |
13459 OptParamOp : printf0('OptParam ') |
13460 NewLocalVarOp : printf0('NewLocalVar ') |
13461 KillLocalVarOp : printf0('KillLocalVar ') |
13462 ProcedureScopeOp : printf0('ProcedureScope ') |
13463 UnboundedOp : printf0('Unbounded ') |
13464 CoerceOp : printf0('Coerce ') |
13465 ConvertOp : printf0('Convert ') |
13466 CastOp : printf0('Cast ') |
13467 HighOp : printf0('High ') |
13468 CodeOnOp : printf0('CodeOn ') |
13469 CodeOffOp : printf0('CodeOff ') |
13470 ProfileOnOp : printf0('ProfileOn ') |
13471 ProfileOffOp : printf0('ProfileOff ') |
13472 OptimizeOnOp : printf0('OptimizeOn ') |
13473 OptimizeOffOp : printf0('OptimizeOff ') |
13474 InlineOp : printf0('Inline ') |
13475 StatementNoteOp : printf0('StatementNote ') |
13476 LineNumberOp : printf0('LineNumber ') |
13477 BuiltinConstOp : printf0('BuiltinConst ') |
13478 BuiltinTypeInfoOp : printf0('BuiltinTypeInfo ') |
13479 StandardFunctionOp : printf0('StandardFunction ') |
13480 SavePriorityOp : printf0('SavePriority ') |
13481 RestorePriorityOp : printf0('RestorePriority ') |
13482 RangeCheckOp : printf0('RangeCheck ') |
13483 ErrorOp : printf0('Error ') |
13484 SaveExceptionOp : printf0('SaveException ') |
13485 RestoreExceptionOp : printf0('RestoreException ')
13487 ELSE
13488 InternalError ('operator not expected')
13489 END
13490 END WriteOperator ;
13493 (*
13494 WriteOperand - displays the operands name, symbol id and mode of addressing.
13495 *)
13497 PROCEDURE WriteOperand (Sym: CARDINAL) ;
13498 VAR
13499 n: Name ;
13500 BEGIN
13501 IF Sym=NulSym
13502 THEN
13503 printf0('<nulsym>')
13504 ELSE
13505 n := GetSymName(Sym) ;
13506 printf1('%a', n) ;
13507 IF IsVar(Sym) OR IsConst(Sym)
13508 THEN
13509 printf0('[') ; WriteMode(GetMode(Sym)) ; printf0(']')
13510 END ;
13511 printf1('(%d)', Sym)
13512 END
13513 END WriteOperand ;
13516 PROCEDURE WriteMode (Mode: ModeOfAddr) ;
13517 BEGIN
13518 CASE Mode OF
13520 ImmediateValue: printf0('i') |
13521 NoValue : printf0('n') |
13522 RightValue : printf0('r') |
13523 LeftValue : printf0('l')
13525 ELSE
13526 InternalError ('unrecognised mode')
13527 END
13528 END WriteMode ;
13531 (*
13532 GetQuadOp - returns the operator for quad.
13533 *)
13535 PROCEDURE GetQuadOp (quad: CARDINAL) : QuadOperator ;
13536 VAR
13537 f: QuadFrame ;
13538 BEGIN
13539 f := GetQF (quad) ;
13540 RETURN f^.Operator
13541 END GetQuadOp ;
13544 (*
13545 GetM2OperatorDesc - returns the Modula-2 string associated with the quad operator
13546 (if possible). It returns NIL if no there is not an obvious match
13547 in Modula-2. It is assummed that the string will be used during
13548 construction of error messages and therefore keywords are
13549 wrapped with a format specifier.
13550 *)
13552 PROCEDURE GetM2OperatorDesc (op: QuadOperator) : String ;
13553 BEGIN
13554 CASE op OF
13556 NegateOp : RETURN InitString ('-') |
13557 AddOp : RETURN InitString ('+') |
13558 SubOp : RETURN InitString ('-') |
13559 MultOp : RETURN InitString ('*') |
13560 DivM2Op,
13561 DivCeilOp,
13562 DivFloorOp,
13563 DivTruncOp : RETURN InitString ('{%kDIV}') |
13564 ModM2Op,
13565 ModCeilOp,
13566 ModFloorOp : RETURN InitString ('{%kMOD}') |
13567 ModTruncOp : RETURN InitString ('{%kREM}') |
13568 LogicalOrOp : RETURN InitString ('{%kOR}') |
13569 LogicalAndOp: RETURN InitString ('{%kAND}') |
13570 InclOp : RETURN InitString ('{%kINCL}') |
13571 ExclOp : RETURN InitString ('{%kEXCL}')
13573 ELSE
13575 END
13576 END GetM2OperatorDesc ;
13580 (*
13581 PushExit - pushes the exit value onto the EXIT stack.
13582 *)
13584 PROCEDURE PushExit (Exit: CARDINAL) ;
13585 BEGIN
13586 PushWord(ExitStack, Exit)
13587 END PushExit ;
13590 (*
13591 PopExit - pops the exit value from the EXIT stack.
13592 *)
13594 PROCEDURE PopExit() : WORD ;
13595 BEGIN
13596 RETURN( PopWord(ExitStack) )
13597 END PopExit ;
13600 (*
13601 PushFor - pushes the exit value onto the FOR stack.
13602 *)
13604 PROCEDURE PushFor (Exit: CARDINAL) ;
13605 BEGIN
13606 PushWord(ForStack, Exit)
13607 END PushFor ;
13610 (*
13611 PopFor - pops the exit value from the FOR stack.
13612 *)
13614 PROCEDURE PopFor() : WORD ;
13615 BEGIN
13616 RETURN( PopWord(ForStack) )
13617 END PopFor ;
13620 (*
13621 OperandTno - returns the ident operand stored in the true position
13622 on the boolean stack. This is exactly the same as
13623 OperandT but it has no IsBoolean checking.
13624 *)
13626 PROCEDURE OperandTno (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ;
13627 VAR
13628 f: BoolFrame ;
13629 BEGIN
13630 Assert(pos>0) ;
13631 f := PeepAddress(BoolStack, pos) ;
13632 RETURN( f^.TrueExit )
13633 END OperandTno ;
13636 (*
13637 OperandFno - returns the ident operand stored in the false position
13638 on the boolean stack. This is exactly the same as
13639 OperandF but it has no IsBoolean checking.
13640 *)
13642 PROCEDURE OperandFno (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ;
13643 VAR
13644 f: BoolFrame ;
13645 BEGIN
13646 Assert(pos>0) ;
13647 f := PeepAddress (BoolStack, pos) ;
13648 RETURN f^.FalseExit
13649 END OperandFno ;
13652 (*
13653 OperandTtok - returns the token associated with the position, pos
13654 on the boolean stack.
13655 *)
13657 PROCEDURE OperandTtok (pos: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ;
13658 VAR
13659 f: BoolFrame ;
13660 BEGIN
13661 Assert (pos > 0) ;
13662 f := PeepAddress (BoolStack, pos) ;
13663 RETURN f^.tokenno
13664 END OperandTtok ;
13667 (*
13668 PopBooltok - Pops a True and a False exit quad number from the True/False
13669 stack.
13670 *)
13672 PROCEDURE PopBooltok (VAR True, False: CARDINAL; VAR tokno: CARDINAL) ;
13673 VAR
13674 f: BoolFrame ;
13675 BEGIN
13676 f := PopAddress (BoolStack) ;
13677 WITH f^ DO
13678 True := TrueExit ;
13679 False := FalseExit ;
13680 tokno := tokenno ;
13681 Assert (BooleanOp)
13682 END ;
13683 DISPOSE (f)
13684 END PopBooltok ;
13687 (*
13688 PushBooltok - Push a True and a False exit quad numbers onto the
13689 True/False stack.
13690 *)
13692 PROCEDURE PushBooltok (True, False: CARDINAL; tokno: CARDINAL) ;
13693 VAR
13694 f: BoolFrame ;
13695 BEGIN
13696 Assert (True<=NextQuad) ;
13697 Assert (False<=NextQuad) ;
13698 f := newBoolFrame () ;
13699 WITH f^ DO
13700 TrueExit := True ;
13701 FalseExit := False ;
13702 BooleanOp := TRUE ;
13703 tokenno := tokno ;
13704 Annotation := NIL
13705 END ;
13706 PushAddress (BoolStack, f) ;
13707 Annotate ('<q%1d>|<q%2d>||true quad|false quad')
13708 END PushBooltok ;
13711 (*
13712 PopBool - Pops a True and a False exit quad number from the True/False
13713 stack.
13714 *)
13716 PROCEDURE PopBool (VAR True, False: CARDINAL) ;
13717 VAR
13718 tokno: CARDINAL ;
13719 BEGIN
13720 PopBooltok (True, False, tokno)
13721 END PopBool ;
13724 (*
13725 PushBool - Push a True and a False exit quad numbers onto the
13726 True/False stack.
13727 *)
13729 PROCEDURE PushBool (True, False: CARDINAL) ;
13730 BEGIN
13731 PushBooltok (True, False, UnknownTokenNo)
13732 END PushBool ;
13735 (*
13736 IsBoolean - returns true is the Stack position pos contains a Boolean
13737 Exit. False is returned if an Ident is stored.
13738 *)
13740 PROCEDURE IsBoolean (pos: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
13741 VAR
13742 f: BoolFrame ;
13743 BEGIN
13744 Assert(pos>0) ;
13745 f := PeepAddress(BoolStack, pos) ;
13746 RETURN( f^.BooleanOp )
13747 END IsBoolean ;
13750 (*
13751 OperandD - returns possible array dimension associated with the ident
13752 operand stored on the boolean stack.
13753 *)
13755 PROCEDURE OperandD (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ;
13756 VAR
13757 f: BoolFrame ;
13758 BEGIN
13759 Assert(pos>0) ;
13760 Assert(NOT IsBoolean (pos)) ;
13761 f := PeepAddress(BoolStack, pos) ;
13762 RETURN( f^.Dimension )
13763 END OperandD ;
13766 (*
13767 OperandA - returns possible array symbol associated with the ident
13768 operand stored on the boolean stack.
13769 *)
13771 PROCEDURE OperandA (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ;
13772 VAR
13773 f: BoolFrame ;
13774 BEGIN
13775 Assert(pos>0) ;
13776 Assert(NOT IsBoolean (pos)) ;
13777 f := PeepAddress(BoolStack, pos) ;
13778 RETURN( f^.Unbounded )
13779 END OperandA ;
13782 (*
13783 OperandT - returns the ident operand stored in the true position on the boolean stack.
13784 *)
13786 PROCEDURE OperandT (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ;
13787 BEGIN
13788 Assert(NOT IsBoolean (pos)) ;
13789 RETURN( OperandTno(pos) )
13790 END OperandT ;
13793 (*
13794 OperandF - returns the ident operand stored in the false position on the boolean stack.
13795 *)
13797 PROCEDURE OperandF (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ;
13798 BEGIN
13799 Assert(NOT IsBoolean (pos)) ;
13800 RETURN( OperandFno(pos) )
13801 END OperandF ;
13804 (*
13805 OperandRW - returns the rw operand stored on the boolean stack.
13806 *)
13808 PROCEDURE OperandRW (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ;
13809 VAR
13810 f: BoolFrame ;
13811 BEGIN
13812 Assert(pos>0) ;
13813 Assert(NOT IsBoolean (pos)) ;
13814 f := PeepAddress(BoolStack, pos) ;
13815 RETURN( f^.ReadWrite )
13816 END OperandRW ;
13819 (*
13820 OperandMergeRW - returns the rw operand if not NulSym else it
13821 returns True.
13822 *)
13824 PROCEDURE OperandMergeRW (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ;
13825 BEGIN
13826 IF OperandRW (pos) = NulSym
13827 THEN
13828 RETURN OperandT (pos)
13829 ELSE
13830 RETURN OperandRW (pos)
13831 END
13832 END OperandMergeRW ;
13835 (*
13836 OperandTok - returns the token associated with pos, on the stack.
13837 *)
13839 PROCEDURE OperandTok (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ;
13840 BEGIN
13841 Assert (NOT IsBoolean (pos)) ;
13842 RETURN OperandTtok (pos)
13843 END OperandTok ;
13846 (*
13847 BuildCodeOn - generates a quadruple declaring that code should be
13848 emmitted from henceforth.
13850 The Stack is unnaffected.
13851 *)
13853 PROCEDURE BuildCodeOn ;
13854 BEGIN
13855 GenQuad(CodeOnOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym)
13856 END BuildCodeOn ;
13859 (*
13860 BuildCodeOff - generates a quadruple declaring that code should not be
13861 emmitted from henceforth.
13863 The Stack is unnaffected.
13864 *)
13866 PROCEDURE BuildCodeOff ;
13867 BEGIN
13868 GenQuad(CodeOffOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym)
13869 END BuildCodeOff ;
13872 (*
13873 BuildProfileOn - generates a quadruple declaring that profile timings
13874 should be emmitted from henceforth.
13876 The Stack is unnaffected.
13877 *)
13879 PROCEDURE BuildProfileOn ;
13880 BEGIN
13881 GenQuad(ProfileOnOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym)
13882 END BuildProfileOn ;
13885 (*
13886 BuildProfileOn - generates a quadruple declaring that profile timings
13887 should be emmitted from henceforth.
13889 The Stack is unnaffected.
13890 *)
13892 PROCEDURE BuildProfileOff ;
13893 BEGIN
13894 GenQuad(ProfileOffOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym)
13895 END BuildProfileOff ;
13898 (*
13899 BuildOptimizeOn - generates a quadruple declaring that optimization
13900 should occur from henceforth.
13902 The Stack is unnaffected.
13903 *)
13905 PROCEDURE BuildOptimizeOn ;
13906 BEGIN
13907 GenQuad(OptimizeOnOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym)
13908 END BuildOptimizeOn ;
13911 (*
13912 BuildOptimizeOff - generates a quadruple declaring that optimization
13913 should not occur from henceforth.
13915 The Stack is unnaffected.
13916 *)
13918 PROCEDURE BuildOptimizeOff ;
13919 BEGIN
13920 GenQuad(OptimizeOffOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym)
13921 END BuildOptimizeOff ;
13924 (*
13925 BuildInline - builds an Inline pseudo quadruple operator.
13926 The inline interface, Sym, is stored as the operand
13927 to the operator InlineOp.
13929 The stack is expected to contain:
13932 Entry Exit
13933 ===== ====
13935 Ptr ->
13936 +--------------+
13937 | Sym | Empty
13938 |--------------|
13939 *)
13941 PROCEDURE BuildInline ;
13942 VAR
13943 Sym: CARDINAL ;
13944 BEGIN
13945 PopT(Sym) ;
13946 GenQuad(InlineOp, NulSym, NulSym, Sym)
13947 END BuildInline ;
13950 (*
13951 BuildLineNo - builds a LineNumberOp pseudo quadruple operator.
13952 This quadruple indicates which source line has been
13953 processed, these quadruples are only generated if we
13954 are producing runtime debugging information.
13956 The stack is not affected, read or altered in any way.
13959 Entry Exit
13960 ===== ====
13962 Ptr -> <- Ptr
13963 *)
13965 PROCEDURE BuildLineNo ;
13966 VAR
13967 filename: Name ;
13968 f : QuadFrame ;
13969 BEGIN
13970 IF (NextQuad#Head) AND (GenerateLineDebug OR GenerateDebugging) AND FALSE
13971 THEN
13972 filename := makekey(string(GetFileName())) ;
13973 f := GetQF(NextQuad-1) ;
13974 IF NOT ((f^.Operator=LineNumberOp) AND (f^.Operand1=WORD(filename)))
13975 THEN
13976 GenQuad(LineNumberOp, WORD(filename), NulSym, WORD(GetLineNo()))
13977 END
13978 END
13979 END BuildLineNo ;
13982 (*
13983 UseLineNote - uses the line note and returns it to the free list.
13984 *)
13986 PROCEDURE UseLineNote (l: LineNote) ;
13987 VAR
13988 f: QuadFrame ;
13989 BEGIN
13990 WITH l^ DO
13991 f := GetQF(NextQuad-1) ;
13992 IF (f^.Operator=LineNumberOp) AND (f^.Operand1=WORD(File))
13993 THEN
13994 (* do nothing *)
13995 ELSE
13996 IF FALSE
13997 THEN
13998 GenQuad(LineNumberOp, WORD(File), NulSym, WORD(Line))
13999 END
14000 END ;
14001 Next := FreeLineList
14002 END ;
14003 FreeLineList := l
14004 END UseLineNote ;
14007 (*
14008 PopLineNo - pops a line note from the line stack.
14009 *)
14011 PROCEDURE PopLineNo () : LineNote ;
14012 VAR
14013 l: LineNote ;
14014 BEGIN
14015 l := PopAddress(LineStack) ;
14016 IF l=NIL
14017 THEN
14018 InternalError ('no line note available')
14019 END ;
14020 RETURN( l )
14021 END PopLineNo ;
14024 (*
14025 InitLineNote - creates a line note and initializes it to
14026 contain, file, line.
14027 *)
14029 PROCEDURE InitLineNote (file: Name; line: CARDINAL) : LineNote ;
14030 VAR
14031 l: LineNote ;
14032 BEGIN
14033 IF FreeLineList=NIL
14034 THEN
14035 NEW(l)
14036 ELSE
14037 l := FreeLineList ;
14038 FreeLineList := FreeLineList^.Next
14039 END ;
14040 WITH l^ DO
14041 File := file ;
14042 Line := line
14043 END ;
14044 RETURN( l )
14045 END InitLineNote ;
14048 (*
14049 PushLineNote -
14050 *)
14052 PROCEDURE PushLineNote (l: LineNote) ;
14053 BEGIN
14054 PushAddress(LineStack, l)
14055 END PushLineNote ;
14058 (*
14059 PushLineNo - pushes the current file and line number to the stack.
14060 *)
14062 PROCEDURE PushLineNo ;
14063 BEGIN
14064 PushLineNote(InitLineNote(makekey(string(GetFileName())), GetLineNo()))
14065 END PushLineNo ;
14068 (*
14069 BuildStmtNote - builds a StatementNoteOp pseudo quadruple operator.
14070 This quadruple indicates which source line has been
14071 processed and it represents the start of a statement
14072 sequence.
14073 It differs from LineNumberOp in that multiple successive
14074 LineNumberOps will be removed and the final one is attached to
14075 the next real GCC tree. Whereas a StatementNoteOp is always left
14076 alone. Depending upon the debugging level it will issue a nop
14077 instruction to ensure that the gdb single step will step into
14078 this line. Practically it allows pedalogical debugging to
14079 occur when there is syntax sugar such as:
14082 END (* step *)
14083 END (* step *)
14084 END ; (* step *)
14085 a := 1 ; (* step *)
14087 REPEAT (* step *)
14088 i := 1 (* step *)
14090 The stack is not affected, read or altered in any way.
14093 Entry Exit
14094 ===== ====
14096 Ptr -> <- Ptr
14097 *)
14099 PROCEDURE BuildStmtNote (offset: INTEGER) ;
14100 VAR
14101 filename: Name ;
14102 f : QuadFrame ;
14103 i : INTEGER ;
14104 BEGIN
14105 IF NextQuad#Head
14106 THEN
14107 f := GetQF (NextQuad-1) ;
14108 i := offset ;
14109 INC (i, GetTokenNo ()) ;
14110 (* no need to have multiple notes at the same position. *)
14111 IF (f^.Operator # StatementNoteOp) OR (f^.Operand3 # VAL (CARDINAL, i))
14112 THEN
14113 filename := makekey (string (GetFileName ())) ;
14114 GenQuad (StatementNoteOp, WORD (filename), NulSym, i)
14115 END
14116 END
14117 END BuildStmtNote ;
14120 (*
14121 AddRecordToList - adds the record held on the top of stack to the
14122 list of records and varient fields.
14123 *)
14125 PROCEDURE AddRecordToList ;
14126 VAR
14127 r: CARDINAL ;
14128 n: CARDINAL ;
14129 BEGIN
14130 r := OperandT(1) ;
14131 Assert(IsRecord(r) OR IsFieldVarient(r)) ;
14132 (*
14133 r might be a field varient if the declaration consists of nested
14134 varients. However ISO TSIZE can only utilise record types, we store
14135 a varient field anyway as the next pass would not know whether to
14136 ignore a varient field.
14137 *)
14138 PutItemIntoList (VarientFields, r) ;
14139 IF DebugVarients
14140 THEN
14141 n := NoOfItemsInList(VarientFields) ;
14142 IF IsRecord(r)
14143 THEN
14144 printf2('in list: record %d is %d\n', n, r)
14145 ELSE
14146 printf2('in list: varient field %d is %d\n', n, r)
14147 END
14148 END
14149 END AddRecordToList ;
14152 (*
14153 AddVarientToList - adds varient held on the top of stack to the list.
14154 *)
14156 PROCEDURE AddVarientToList ;
14157 VAR
14158 v, n: CARDINAL ;
14159 BEGIN
14160 v := OperandT(1) ;
14161 Assert(IsVarient(v)) ;
14162 PutItemIntoList(VarientFields, v) ;
14163 IF DebugVarients
14164 THEN
14165 n := NoOfItemsInList(VarientFields) ;
14166 printf2('in list: varient %d is %d\n', n, v)
14167 END
14168 END AddVarientToList ;
14171 (*
14172 AddVarientFieldToList - adds varient field, f, to the list of all varient
14173 fields created.
14174 *)
14176 PROCEDURE AddVarientFieldToList (f: CARDINAL) ;
14177 VAR
14178 n: CARDINAL ;
14179 BEGIN
14180 Assert(IsFieldVarient(f)) ;
14181 PutItemIntoList(VarientFields, f) ;
14182 IF DebugVarients
14183 THEN
14184 n := NoOfItemsInList(VarientFields) ;
14185 printf2('in list: varient field %d is %d\n', n, f)
14186 END
14187 END AddVarientFieldToList ;
14190 (*
14191 GetRecordOrField -
14192 *)
14194 PROCEDURE GetRecordOrField () : CARDINAL ;
14195 VAR
14196 f: CARDINAL ;
14197 BEGIN
14198 INC(VarientFieldNo) ;
14199 f := GetItemFromList(VarientFields, VarientFieldNo) ;
14200 IF DebugVarients
14201 THEN
14202 IF IsRecord(f)
14203 THEN
14204 printf2('out list: record %d is %d\n', VarientFieldNo, f)
14205 ELSE
14206 printf2('out list: varient field %d is %d\n', VarientFieldNo, f)
14207 END
14208 END ;
14209 RETURN( f )
14210 END GetRecordOrField ;
14213 (*
14214 BeginVarient - begin a varient record.
14215 *)
14217 PROCEDURE BeginVarient ;
14218 VAR
14219 r, v: CARDINAL ;
14220 BEGIN
14221 r := GetRecordOrField() ;
14222 Assert(IsRecord(r) OR IsFieldVarient(r)) ;
14223 v := GetRecordOrField() ;
14224 Assert(IsVarient(v)) ;
14225 BuildRange(InitCaseBounds(PushCase(r, v)))
14226 END BeginVarient ;
14229 (*
14230 EndVarient - end a varient record.
14231 *)
14233 PROCEDURE EndVarient ;
14234 BEGIN
14235 PopCase
14236 END EndVarient ;
14239 (*
14240 ElseVarient - associate an ELSE clause with a varient record.
14241 *)
14243 PROCEDURE ElseVarient ;
14244 VAR
14245 f: CARDINAL ;
14246 BEGIN
14247 f := GetRecordOrField() ;
14248 Assert(IsFieldVarient(f)) ;
14249 ElseCase(f)
14250 END ElseVarient ;
14254 (*
14255 BeginVarientList - begin an ident list containing ranges belonging to a
14256 varient list.
14257 *)
14259 PROCEDURE BeginVarientList ;
14260 VAR
14261 f: CARDINAL ;
14262 BEGIN
14263 f := GetRecordOrField() ;
14264 Assert(IsFieldVarient(f)) ;
14265 BeginCaseList(f)
14266 END BeginVarientList ;
14269 (*
14270 EndVarientList - end a range list for a varient field.
14271 *)
14273 PROCEDURE EndVarientList ;
14274 BEGIN
14275 EndCaseList
14276 END EndVarientList ;
14279 (*
14280 AddVarientRange - creates a range from the top two contant expressions
14281 on the stack which are recorded with the current
14282 varient field. The stack is unaltered.
14283 *)
14285 PROCEDURE AddVarientRange ;
14286 VAR
14287 r1, r2: CARDINAL ;
14288 BEGIN
14289 PopT(r2) ;
14290 PopT(r1) ;
14291 AddRange(r1, r2, GetTokenNo())
14292 END AddVarientRange ;
14295 (*
14296 AddVarientEquality - adds the contant expression on the top of the stack
14297 to the current varient field being recorded.
14298 The stack is unaltered.
14299 *)
14301 PROCEDURE AddVarientEquality ;
14302 VAR
14303 r1: CARDINAL ;
14304 BEGIN
14305 PopT(r1) ;
14306 AddRange(r1, NulSym, GetTokenNo())
14307 END AddVarientEquality ;
14310 (*
14311 IncOperandD - increment the dimension number associated with symbol
14312 at, pos, on the boolean stack.
14313 *)
14315 (*
14316 PROCEDURE IncOperandD (pos: CARDINAL) ;
14317 VAR
14318 f: BoolFrame ;
14319 BEGIN
14320 f := PeepAddress(BoolStack, pos) ;
14321 INC(f^.Dimension)
14322 END IncOperandD ;
14323 *)
14326 (*
14327 PushTFA - Push True, False, Array, numbers onto the
14328 True/False stack. True and False are assumed to
14329 contain Symbols or Ident etc.
14330 *)
14332 PROCEDURE PushTFA (True, False, Array: WORD) ;
14333 VAR
14334 f: BoolFrame ;
14335 BEGIN
14336 f := newBoolFrame () ;
14337 WITH f^ DO
14338 TrueExit := True ;
14339 FalseExit := False ;
14340 Unbounded := Array
14341 END ;
14342 PushAddress(BoolStack, f)
14343 END PushTFA ;
14346 (*
14347 PushTFAD - Push True, False, Array, Dim, numbers onto the
14348 True/False stack. True and False are assumed to
14349 contain Symbols or Ident etc.
14350 *)
14352 PROCEDURE PushTFAD (True, False, Array, Dim: WORD) ;
14353 VAR
14354 f: BoolFrame ;
14355 BEGIN
14356 f := newBoolFrame () ;
14357 WITH f^ DO
14358 TrueExit := True ;
14359 FalseExit := False ;
14360 Unbounded := Array ;
14361 Dimension := Dim
14362 END ;
14363 PushAddress(BoolStack, f)
14364 END PushTFAD ;
14367 (*
14368 PushTFADtok - Push True, False, Array, Dim, numbers onto the
14369 True/False stack. True and False are assumed to
14370 contain Symbols or Ident etc.
14371 *)
14373 PROCEDURE PushTFADtok (True, False, Array, Dim: WORD; tokno: CARDINAL) ;
14374 VAR
14375 f: BoolFrame ;
14376 BEGIN
14377 f := newBoolFrame () ;
14378 WITH f^ DO
14379 TrueExit := True ;
14380 FalseExit := False ;
14381 Unbounded := Array ;
14382 Dimension := Dim ;
14383 tokenno := tokno
14384 END ;
14385 PushAddress (BoolStack, f)
14386 END PushTFADtok ;
14389 (*
14390 PushTFADrwtok - Push True, False, Array, Dim, rw, numbers onto the
14391 True/False stack. True and False are assumed to
14392 contain Symbols or Ident etc.
14393 *)
14395 PROCEDURE PushTFADrwtok (True, False, Array, Dim, rw: WORD; Tok: CARDINAL) ;
14396 VAR
14397 f: BoolFrame ;
14398 BEGIN
14399 f := newBoolFrame () ;
14400 WITH f^ DO
14401 TrueExit := True ;
14402 FalseExit := False ;
14403 Unbounded := Array ;
14404 Dimension := Dim ;
14405 ReadWrite := rw ;
14406 tokenno := Tok
14407 END ;
14408 PushAddress (BoolStack, f)
14409 END PushTFADrwtok ;
14412 (*
14413 PopTFrwtok - Pop a True and False number from the True/False stack.
14414 True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc.
14415 *)
14417 PROCEDURE PopTFrwtok (VAR True, False, rw: WORD; VAR tokno: CARDINAL) ;
14418 VAR
14419 f: BoolFrame ;
14420 BEGIN
14421 f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ;
14422 WITH f^ DO
14423 True := TrueExit ;
14424 False := FalseExit ;
14425 Assert(NOT BooleanOp) ;
14426 rw := ReadWrite ;
14427 tokno := tokenno
14428 END ;
14429 DISPOSE(f)
14430 END PopTFrwtok ;
14433 (*
14434 PushTFrwtok - Push an item onto the stack in the T (true) position,
14435 it is assummed to be a token and its token location is recorded.
14436 *)
14438 PROCEDURE PushTFrwtok (True, False, rw: WORD; tokno: CARDINAL) ;
14439 VAR
14440 f: BoolFrame ;
14441 BEGIN
14442 f := newBoolFrame () ;
14443 WITH f^ DO
14444 TrueExit := True ;
14445 FalseExit := False ;
14446 ReadWrite := rw ;
14447 tokenno := tokno
14448 END ;
14449 PushAddress(BoolStack, f)
14450 END PushTFrwtok ;
14453 (*
14454 PushTFDtok - Push True, False, Dim, numbers onto the
14455 True/False stack. True and False are assumed to
14456 contain Symbols or Ident etc.
14457 *)
14459 PROCEDURE PushTFDtok (True, False, Dim: WORD; Tok: CARDINAL) ;
14460 VAR
14461 f: BoolFrame ;
14462 BEGIN
14463 f := newBoolFrame () ;
14464 WITH f^ DO
14465 TrueExit := True ;
14466 FalseExit := False ;
14467 Dimension := Dim ;
14468 tokenno := Tok
14469 END ;
14470 PushAddress (BoolStack, f)
14471 END PushTFDtok ;
14474 (*
14475 PopTFDtok - Pop a True, False, Dim number from the True/False stack.
14476 True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc.
14477 *)
14479 PROCEDURE PopTFDtok (VAR True, False, Dim: WORD; VAR Tok: CARDINAL) ;
14480 VAR
14481 f: BoolFrame ;
14482 BEGIN
14483 f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ;
14484 WITH f^ DO
14485 True := TrueExit ;
14486 False := FalseExit ;
14487 Dim := Dimension ;
14488 Tok := tokenno ;
14489 Assert(NOT BooleanOp)
14490 END ;
14491 DISPOSE(f)
14492 END PopTFDtok ;
14495 (*
14496 PushTFDrwtok - Push True, False, Dim, numbers onto the
14497 True/False stack. True and False are assumed to
14498 contain Symbols or Ident etc.
14499 *)
14501 PROCEDURE PushTFDrwtok (True, False, Dim, rw: WORD; Tok: CARDINAL) ;
14502 VAR
14503 f: BoolFrame ;
14504 BEGIN
14505 f := newBoolFrame () ;
14506 WITH f^ DO
14507 TrueExit := True ;
14508 FalseExit := False ;
14509 Dimension := Dim ;
14510 ReadWrite := rw ;
14511 tokenno := Tok
14512 END ;
14513 PushAddress (BoolStack, f)
14514 END PushTFDrwtok ;
14517 (*
14518 PushTFrw - Push a True and False numbers onto the True/False stack.
14519 True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc.
14520 It also pushes the higher level symbol which is associated
14521 with the True symbol. Eg record variable or array variable.
14522 *)
14524 PROCEDURE PushTFrw (True, False: WORD; rw: CARDINAL) ;
14525 VAR
14526 f: BoolFrame ;
14527 BEGIN
14528 f := newBoolFrame () ;
14529 WITH f^ DO
14530 TrueExit := True ;
14531 FalseExit := False ;
14532 ReadWrite := rw
14533 END ;
14534 PushAddress(BoolStack, f)
14535 END PushTFrw ;
14538 (*
14539 PopTFrw - Pop a True and False number from the True/False stack.
14540 True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc.
14541 *)
14543 PROCEDURE PopTFrw (VAR True, False, rw: WORD) ;
14544 VAR
14545 f: BoolFrame ;
14546 BEGIN
14547 f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ;
14548 WITH f^ DO
14549 True := TrueExit ;
14550 False := FalseExit ;
14551 Assert(NOT BooleanOp) ;
14552 rw := ReadWrite
14553 END ;
14554 DISPOSE(f)
14555 END PopTFrw ;
14558 (*
14559 PushTF - Push a True and False numbers onto the True/False stack.
14560 True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc.
14561 *)
14563 PROCEDURE PushTF (True, False: WORD) ;
14564 VAR
14565 f: BoolFrame ;
14566 BEGIN
14567 f := newBoolFrame () ;
14568 WITH f^ DO
14569 TrueExit := True ;
14570 FalseExit := False
14571 END ;
14572 PushAddress(BoolStack, f)
14573 END PushTF ;
14576 (*
14577 PopTF - Pop a True and False number from the True/False stack.
14578 True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc.
14579 *)
14581 PROCEDURE PopTF (VAR True, False: WORD) ;
14582 VAR
14583 f: BoolFrame ;
14584 BEGIN
14585 f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ;
14586 WITH f^ DO
14587 True := TrueExit ;
14588 False := FalseExit ;
14589 Assert(NOT BooleanOp)
14590 END ;
14591 DISPOSE(f)
14592 END PopTF ;
14595 (*
14596 newBoolFrame - creates a new BoolFrame with all fields initialised to their defaults.
14597 *)
14599 PROCEDURE newBoolFrame () : BoolFrame ;
14600 VAR
14601 f: BoolFrame ;
14602 BEGIN
14603 NEW (f) ;
14604 WITH f^ DO
14605 TrueExit := 0 ;
14606 FalseExit := 0 ;
14607 Unbounded := NulSym ;
14608 BooleanOp := FALSE ;
14609 Dimension := 0 ;
14610 ReadWrite := NulSym ;
14611 name := NulSym ;
14612 Annotation := NIL ;
14613 tokenno := UnknownTokenNo
14614 END ;
14615 RETURN f
14616 END newBoolFrame ;
14619 (*
14620 PushTtok - Push an item onto the stack in the T (true) position,
14621 it is assummed to be a token and its token location is recorded.
14622 *)
14624 PROCEDURE PushTtok (True: WORD; tokno: CARDINAL) ;
14625 VAR
14626 f: BoolFrame ;
14627 BEGIN
14628 (* PrintTokenNo (tokno) ; *)
14629 f := newBoolFrame () ;
14630 WITH f^ DO
14631 TrueExit := True ;
14632 tokenno := tokno
14633 END ;
14634 PushAddress (BoolStack, f)
14635 END PushTtok ;
14638 (*
14639 PushT - Push an item onto the stack in the T (true) position.
14640 *)
14642 PROCEDURE PushT (True: WORD) ;
14643 VAR
14644 f: BoolFrame ;
14645 BEGIN
14646 f := newBoolFrame () ;
14647 WITH f^ DO
14648 TrueExit := True
14649 END ;
14650 PushAddress (BoolStack, f)
14651 END PushT ;
14654 (*
14655 PopT - Pops the T value from the stack.
14656 *)
14658 PROCEDURE PopT (VAR True: WORD) ;
14659 VAR
14660 f: BoolFrame ;
14661 BEGIN
14662 f := PopAddress (BoolStack) ;
14663 WITH f^ DO
14664 True := TrueExit ;
14665 Assert(NOT BooleanOp)
14666 END ;
14667 DISPOSE(f)
14668 END PopT ;
14671 (*
14672 PopTtok - Pops the T value from the stack and token position.
14673 *)
14675 PROCEDURE PopTtok (VAR True: WORD; VAR tok: CARDINAL) ;
14676 VAR
14677 f: BoolFrame ;
14678 BEGIN
14679 f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ;
14680 WITH f^ DO
14681 True := TrueExit ;
14682 tok := tokenno ;
14683 Assert(NOT BooleanOp)
14684 END ;
14685 DISPOSE(f)
14686 END PopTtok ;
14689 (*
14690 PushTrw - Push an item onto the True/False stack. The False value will be zero.
14691 *)
14693 (*
14694 PROCEDURE PushTrw (True: WORD; rw: WORD) ;
14695 VAR
14696 f: BoolFrame ;
14697 BEGIN
14698 f := newBoolFrame () ;
14699 WITH f^ DO
14700 TrueExit := True ;
14701 ReadWrite := rw
14702 END ;
14703 PushAddress(BoolStack, f)
14704 END PushTrw ;
14705 *)
14708 (*
14709 PushTrwtok - Push an item onto the True/False stack. The False value will be zero.
14710 *)
14712 PROCEDURE PushTrwtok (True: WORD; rw: WORD; tok: CARDINAL) ;
14713 VAR
14714 f: BoolFrame ;
14715 BEGIN
14716 f := newBoolFrame () ;
14717 WITH f^ DO
14718 TrueExit := True ;
14719 ReadWrite := rw ;
14720 tokenno := tok
14721 END ;
14722 PushAddress(BoolStack, f)
14723 END PushTrwtok ;
14726 (*
14727 PopTrw - Pop a True field and rw symbol from the stack.
14728 *)
14730 PROCEDURE PopTrw (VAR True, rw: WORD) ;
14731 VAR
14732 f: BoolFrame ;
14733 BEGIN
14734 f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ;
14735 WITH f^ DO
14736 True := TrueExit ;
14737 Assert(NOT BooleanOp) ;
14738 rw := ReadWrite
14739 END ;
14740 DISPOSE(f)
14741 END PopTrw ;
14744 (*
14745 PopTrwtok - Pop a True field and rw symbol from the stack.
14746 *)
14748 PROCEDURE PopTrwtok (VAR True, rw: WORD; VAR tok: CARDINAL) ;
14749 VAR
14750 f: BoolFrame ;
14751 BEGIN
14752 f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ;
14753 WITH f^ DO
14754 True := TrueExit ;
14755 Assert(NOT BooleanOp) ;
14756 rw := ReadWrite ;
14757 tok := tokenno
14758 END ;
14759 DISPOSE(f)
14760 END PopTrwtok ;
14763 (*
14764 PushTFn - Push a True and False numbers onto the True/False stack.
14765 True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc.
14766 *)
14768 PROCEDURE PushTFn (True, False, n: WORD) ;
14769 VAR
14770 f: BoolFrame ;
14771 BEGIN
14772 f := newBoolFrame () ;
14773 WITH f^ DO
14774 TrueExit := True ;
14775 FalseExit := False ;
14776 name := n
14777 END ;
14778 PushAddress(BoolStack, f)
14779 END PushTFn ;
14782 (*
14783 PushTFntok - Push a True and False numbers onto the True/False stack.
14784 True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc.
14785 *)
14787 PROCEDURE PushTFntok (True, False, n: WORD; tokno: CARDINAL) ;
14788 VAR
14789 f: BoolFrame ;
14790 BEGIN
14791 f := newBoolFrame () ;
14792 WITH f^ DO
14793 TrueExit := True ;
14794 FalseExit := False ;
14795 name := n ;
14796 tokenno := tokno
14797 END ;
14798 PushAddress (BoolStack, f)
14799 END PushTFntok ;
14802 (*
14803 PopTFn - Pop a True and False number from the True/False stack.
14804 True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc.
14805 *)
14807 PROCEDURE PopTFn (VAR True, False, n: WORD) ;
14808 VAR
14809 f: BoolFrame ;
14810 BEGIN
14811 f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ;
14812 WITH f^ DO
14813 True := TrueExit ;
14814 False := FalseExit ;
14815 n := name ;
14816 Assert(NOT BooleanOp)
14817 END ;
14818 DISPOSE(f)
14819 END PopTFn ;
14822 (*
14823 PopNothing - pops the top element on the boolean stack.
14824 *)
14826 PROCEDURE PopNothing ;
14827 VAR
14828 f: BoolFrame ;
14829 BEGIN
14830 f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ;
14831 DISPOSE(f)
14832 END PopNothing ;
14835 (*
14836 PopN - pops multiple elements from the BoolStack.
14837 *)
14840 BEGIN
14841 WHILE n>0 DO
14842 PopNothing ;
14843 DEC(n)
14844 END
14845 END PopN ;
14848 (*
14849 PushTFtok - Push an item onto the stack in the T (true) position,
14850 it is assummed to be a token and its token location is recorded.
14851 *)
14853 PROCEDURE PushTFtok (True, False: WORD; tokno: CARDINAL) ;
14854 VAR
14855 f: BoolFrame ;
14856 BEGIN
14857 f := newBoolFrame () ;
14858 WITH f^ DO
14859 TrueExit := True ;
14860 FalseExit := False ;
14861 tokenno := tokno
14862 END ;
14863 PushAddress(BoolStack, f)
14864 END PushTFtok ;
14867 (*
14868 PopTFtok - Pop T/F/tok from the stack.
14869 *)
14871 PROCEDURE PopTFtok (VAR True, False: WORD; VAR tokno: CARDINAL) ;
14872 VAR
14873 f: BoolFrame ;
14874 BEGIN
14875 f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ;
14876 WITH f^ DO
14877 True := TrueExit ;
14878 False := FalseExit ;
14879 tokno := tokenno
14880 END
14881 END PopTFtok ;
14884 (*
14885 PushTFAtok - Push T/F/A/tok to the stack.
14886 *)
14888 PROCEDURE PushTFAtok (True, False, Array: WORD; tokno: CARDINAL) ;
14889 VAR
14890 f: BoolFrame ;
14891 BEGIN
14892 f := newBoolFrame () ;
14893 WITH f^ DO
14894 TrueExit := True ;
14895 FalseExit := False ;
14896 Unbounded := Array ;
14897 tokenno := tokno
14898 END ;
14899 PushAddress(BoolStack, f)
14900 END PushTFAtok ;
14903 (*
14904 Top - returns the no of items held in the stack.
14905 *)
14908 BEGIN
14909 RETURN( NoOfItemsInStackAddress(BoolStack) )
14910 END Top ;
14913 (*
14914 PushAutoOn - push the auto flag and then set it to TRUE.
14915 Any call to ident in the parser will result in the token being pushed.
14916 *)
14918 PROCEDURE PushAutoOn ;
14919 BEGIN
14920 PushWord(AutoStack, IsAutoOn) ;
14921 IsAutoOn := TRUE
14922 END PushAutoOn ;
14925 (*
14926 PushAutoOff - push the auto flag and then set it to FALSE.
14927 *)
14929 PROCEDURE PushAutoOff ;
14930 BEGIN
14931 PushWord(AutoStack, IsAutoOn) ;
14932 IsAutoOn := FALSE
14933 END PushAutoOff ;
14936 (*
14937 IsAutoPushOn - returns the value of the current Auto ident push flag.
14938 *)
14940 PROCEDURE IsAutoPushOn () : BOOLEAN ;
14941 BEGIN
14942 RETURN( IsAutoOn )
14943 END IsAutoPushOn ;
14946 (*
14947 PopAuto - restores the previous value of the Auto flag.
14948 *)
14950 PROCEDURE PopAuto ;
14951 BEGIN
14952 IsAutoOn := PopWord(AutoStack)
14953 END PopAuto ;
14956 (*
14957 PushInConstExpression - push the InConstExpression flag and then set it to TRUE.
14958 *)
14960 PROCEDURE PushInConstExpression ;
14961 BEGIN
14962 PushWord(ConstStack, InConstExpression) ;
14963 InConstExpression := TRUE
14964 END PushInConstExpression ;
14967 (*
14968 PopInConstExpression - restores the previous value of the InConstExpression.
14969 *)
14971 PROCEDURE PopInConstExpression ;
14972 BEGIN
14973 InConstExpression := PopWord(ConstStack)
14974 END PopInConstExpression ;
14977 (*
14978 IsInConstExpression - returns the value of the InConstExpression.
14979 *)
14981 PROCEDURE IsInConstExpression () : BOOLEAN ;
14982 BEGIN
14983 RETURN( InConstExpression )
14984 END IsInConstExpression ;
14987 (*
14988 MustCheckOverflow - returns TRUE if the quadruple should test for overflow.
14989 *)
14991 PROCEDURE MustCheckOverflow (q: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;
14992 VAR
14993 f: QuadFrame ;
14994 BEGIN
14995 f := GetQF(q) ;
14996 RETURN( f^.CheckOverflow )
14997 END MustCheckOverflow ;
15000 (*
15001 StressStack -
15002 *)
15004 (*
15005 PROCEDURE StressStack ;
15006 CONST
15007 Maxtries = 1000 ;
15008 VAR
15009 n, i, j: CARDINAL ;
15010 BEGIN
15011 PushT(1) ;
15012 PopT(i) ;
15013 Assert(i=1) ;
15014 FOR n := 1 TO Maxtries DO
15015 FOR i := n TO 1 BY -1 DO
15016 PushT(i)
15017 END ;
15018 FOR i := n TO 1 BY -1 DO
15019 Assert(OperandT(i)=i)
15020 END ;
15021 FOR i := 1 TO n DO
15022 Assert(OperandT(i)=i)
15023 END ;
15024 FOR i := 1 TO n BY 10 DO
15025 Assert(OperandT(i)=i)
15026 END ;
15027 IF (n>1) AND (n MOD 2 = 0)
15028 THEN
15029 FOR i := 1 TO n DIV 2 DO
15030 PopT(j) ;
15031 Assert(j=i)
15032 END ;
15033 FOR i := n DIV 2 TO 1 BY -1 DO
15034 PushT(i)
15035 END
15036 END ;
15037 FOR i := 1 TO n DO
15038 PopT(j) ;
15039 Assert(j=i)
15040 END
15041 END
15042 END StressStack ;
15043 *)
15046 (*
15047 Init - initialize the M2Quads module, all the stacks, all the lists
15048 and the quads list.
15049 *)
15051 PROCEDURE Init ;
15052 BEGIN
15053 LogicalOrTok := MakeKey('_LOR') ;
15054 LogicalAndTok := MakeKey('_LAND') ;
15055 LogicalXorTok := MakeKey('_LXOR') ;
15056 LogicalDifferenceTok := MakeKey('_LDIFF') ;
15057 QuadArray := InitIndex (1) ;
15058 FreeList := 1 ;
15059 NewQuad(NextQuad) ;
15060 Assert(NextQuad=1) ;
15061 BoolStack := InitStackAddress() ;
15062 ExitStack := InitStackWord() ;
15063 RepeatStack := InitStackWord() ;
15064 WhileStack := InitStackWord() ;
15065 ForStack := InitStackWord() ;
15066 WithStack := InitStackAddress() ;
15067 ReturnStack := InitStackWord() ;
15068 LineStack := InitStackAddress() ;
15069 PriorityStack := InitStackWord() ;
15070 TryStack := InitStackWord() ;
15071 CatchStack := InitStackWord() ;
15072 ExceptStack := InitStackWord() ;
15073 ConstructorStack := InitStackAddress() ;
15074 ConstStack := InitStackWord() ;
15075 (* StressStack ; *)
15076 SuppressWith := FALSE ;
15077 Head := 1 ;
15078 LastQuadNo := 0 ;
15079 MustNotCheckBounds := FALSE ;
15080 InitQuad := 0 ;
15081 GrowInitialization := 0 ;
15082 ForInfo := InitIndex (1) ;
15083 QuadrupleGeneration := TRUE ;
15084 BuildingHigh := FALSE ;
15085 BuildingSize := FALSE ;
15086 AutoStack := InitStackWord() ;
15087 IsAutoOn := TRUE ;
15088 InConstExpression := FALSE ;
15089 FreeLineList := NIL ;
15090 InitList(VarientFields) ;
15091 VarientFieldNo := 0 ;
15092 NoOfQuads := 0
15093 END Init ;
15096 BEGIN
15097 Init
15098 END M2Quads.