]> git.ipfire.org Git - people/teissler/ipfire-2.x.git/blob - lfs/Config
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[people/teissler/ipfire-2.x.git] / lfs / Config
1 ###############################################################################
2 # LFSMake #
3 # by Rod Roark <rod@sunsetsystems.com> #
4 # #
5 # Copyright (C) 2002 Rod Roark #
6 # #
7 # See http://www.lfsmake.org/ for the most current standard version. #
8 # #
9 # These Makefiles are made available under the terms of the Artistic License, #
10 # found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license.html. #
11 ###############################################################################
13 # URLs that are common sources of downloads. If you're having trouble with
14 # a site you should change its URL to that of a suitable mirror site.
15 #
16 URL_CPAN = http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module
17 URL_AGNU = ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu
18 URL_DEBIAN = http://http.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main
19 URL_GNU = http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu
20 URL_KERNEL = http://www.kernel.org/pub
21 URL_TUE = ftp://ftp.win.tue.nl/pub
22 URL_LFS_FTP = http://ftp.at.linuxfromscratch.org/pub/lfs/lfs-packages/5.1.1
23 URL_LFS = http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/downloads
24 URL_SFNET = http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge
26 # Default compiler optimizations.
27 #
28 FLAGS_OPT = -O2
29 FLAGS_CPU = -mcpu=$(MACHINE)
30 FLAGS_ARCH = -march=$(MACHINE)
32 # Don't change this; it will be overridden by other makefiles where necessary.
33 #
34 ROOT =
36 # For most packages tarballs are unpacked here and then deleted after
37 # installation.
38 #
39 DIR_SRC = $(ROOT)/usr/src
41 # Files are downloaded into DIR_TMP and then moved to DIR_DL, to avoid
42 # messes with partially retrieved files. DIR_DL is where we will
43 # save all the files that are downloaded. DIR_INFO contains the
44 # file lists of installed packages.
45 #
46 DIR_DL = $(LFS_BASEDIR)/cache
47 DIR_CHK = $(LFS_BASEDIR)/cache/check
49 DIR_TMP = /tmp
51 KGCC = ccache /usr/bin/gcc
53 ###############################################################################
54 # Common Macro Definitions
55 ###############################################################################
57 # For each package we create a list of files that it installed under
58 # log/<TARGET> name. Modified files are not identified
59 #
60 define FIND_FILES
61 cd $(ROOT)/ && find -mount \
62 -not -path './tools*' -not -path './tmp*' -not -path './usr/src*' \
63 -not -path './dev*' -not -path './proc*' -not -path './install*'
64 endef
66 # This is common starting logic for builds.
67 #
68 ifeq "$(ROOT)" ""
69 define PREBUILD
70 echo "====================================== Installing $(THISAPP) ..."
71 @echo "Install started; saving file list to $(DIR_SRC)/lsalr ..."
72 @if [ ! -f $(DIR_SRC)/lsalr ]; then $(FIND_FILES) > $(DIR_SRC)/lsalr; fi
73 endef
74 else
75 define PREBUILD
76 echo "====================================== Installing $(THISAPP) ..."
77 endef
78 endif
80 # Common end-of-installation logic for Stage 2 and beyond.
81 #
82 ifeq "$(ROOT)" ""
83 define POSTBUILD
84 @echo "Install done; saving file list to $(DIR_INFO)/$(THISAPP) ..."
85 @$(FIND_FILES) > $(DIR_SRC)/lsalrnew
86 @diff $(DIR_SRC)/lsalr $(DIR_SRC)/lsalrnew | grep '^> ' | sed 's/^> //' | sort > $(TARGET)_1
87 @cp -f $(DIR_SRC)/lsalrnew $(DIR_SRC)/lsalr
88 @rm -f $(DIR_SRC)/lsalrnew
89 sed -i -e 's+.\/++' $(TARGET)_1
90 # compare roofile ( same name as lfs script) with the list of installed files
91 # special cases
92 # - on a partial rebuild without a new file inside TARGET_1, just touch TARGET
93 if [ -s "$(TARGET)_1" ]; then \
95 for line in `cat $(TARGET)_1`; do \
96 if grep -qE "^#$$line$$" $$ROOTFILE ; then echo "#$$line" >> $(TARGET); \
97 elif grep -qE "^$$line$$" $$ROOTFILE ; then echo "$$line" >> $(TARGET); \
98 else echo "+$$line" >> $(TARGET); \
99 fi; \
100 done; \
101 else \
102 touch $(TARGET); \
103 fi
104 @rm -f $(TARGET)_1
105 endef
106 else
107 define POSTBUILD
108 @echo "===================================== Install done for $(THISAPP)."
109 touch $(TARGET)
110 endef
111 endif
113 define CHECK
114 @echo -e "$(MESSAGE)Check: $($(notdir $@))"
115 wget -T 120 -t 1 --spider -nv $($(notdir $@)) -O /dev/null
116 @touch $(DIR_CHK)/$(notdir $@)
117 endef
119 define LOAD
120 @echo -e "$(MESSAGE)Download: $($(notdir $@))"
121 wget -T 120 -t 1 -c -nv $($(notdir $@)) -O $(DIR_TMP)/$(notdir $@)
122 [ "$($(notdir $@)_MD5)" = `md5sum $(DIR_TMP)/$(notdir $@) | awk '{ print $$1 }'` ] # detect page not found answer
123 mv $(DIR_TMP)/$(notdir $@) $(DIR_DL)
124 endef
126 define MD5
127 # error mean file signature don't match the one in lfs script
128 [ "$($@_MD5)" = `md5sum $(DIR_DL)/$@ | awk '{ print $$1 }'` ]
129 echo "$@ checksum OK"
130 endef