]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/gcc.git/blob - libstdc++-v3/docs/html/ext/pb_assoc/insert_type_methods.html
documentation.html: Add link for policy based associative containers docs.
[thirdparty/gcc.git] / libstdc++-v3 / docs / html / ext / pb_assoc / insert_type_methods.html
1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
2 <html>
3 <head>
4 <title>Insert-type Methods</title>
5 <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.1">
6 <meta name="vs_targetSchema" content="http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5">
7 </head>
8 <body bgcolor = "white">
9 <h2>Insert-Type Methods</h2>
10 <TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="1" ID="Table1">
11 <TR>
12 <TD Width = "30%" ALIGN="left"><b>Method</b></TD>
13 <TD Width = "50%" ALIGN="left"><b>Description</b></TD>
14 <TD Width = "10%" ALIGN="left"><b>Complexity Guarantee</b></TD>
15 <TD Width = "10%" ALIGN="left"><b>Exception Guarantee</b></TD>
16 </TR>
17 <TR>
18 <TD ALIGN="left">
19 <pre><b>inline</b> std::pair&lt;<a href = "find_iterator.html">find_iterator</a>, <b>bool</b>&gt;
20 insert
21 (<a href = "mapped_value_type_defs.html">const_mapped_reference</a> r_value)
22 </pre>
23 </TD>
24 <TD ALIGN="left">Inserts <tt>r_value</tt> into the table. Writes only if an entry with an equivalent key does not exist. If the entry was written, returns
25 <pre>std::make_pair(it, <b>true</b>)
26 </pre> where <tt>it</tt> corresponds to the new entry;
27 Otherwise, returns
28 <pre>std::make_pair(<a href = "find_type_methods.html">find_end()</a>, <b>false</b>)
29 </pre>.</TD>
30 <TD ALIGN="left"><i>O(1)</i> average <p><i>O(m)</i> worst</p> <p>(<i>m</i> = #entries)</p> <p><sub><a href = "#mmap_complex">[1]</a></sub></p></TD>
31 <TD ALIGN="left"><a href = "exception_guarantees_specifics.html#basic_guarantee">1</a>,<a href = "exception_guarantees_specifics.html#strong_guarantee">2</a></TD>
32 </TR>
33 </TABLE>
35 <p>
36 <a name = "mmap_complex">[1]</a> Note that for multimap types, the mapped data part is a collection, and so the average and worst case complexities
37 need to be multiplied by the corresponding complexities of copying collections.
38 </p>
41 </body>
42 </html>