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4 <TITLE>Multimap Value-Type Utilities</TITLE>
5 <META NAME="Generator" content="Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.1">
6 </HEAD>
7 <BODY>
9 <H1>Multimap Value-Type Utilities</H1>
11 <p>
12 In <tt>pb_assoc</tt>, associative containers have a unique-key design.
13 Multimaps, consequently are maps of sets, <i>e.g.</i>,
14 a <a href = "cc_ht_multimap.html"><tt>cc_ht_multimap</a>&lt;<b>int</b>, <b>char</b>&gt;</tt>
15 object maps <tt><b>int</b></tt>s to sets of <tt><b>char</b></tt>s.
16 It is often convenient to perform
17 value-type operations on multimaps, <i>e.g.</i>, in this case, to find a specific
18 <tt>std::pair&lt;<b>int</b>, <b>char</b>&gt;</tt> object (say, <tt>std::make_pair(2, 'b')</tt>)
19 in a multimap object. These types of operations involve typically two steps: in the
20 first step, some operation is performed on the multimap object itself, and in the second
21 step, some operation is performed on the multimap's pertinent set object.
22 (This is true for the STL's multimaps as well, except that the "set" is an implicit
23 list.)
24 </p>
26 <p>
27 Coding these two-step operations is repetitious and error prone.
28 <tt>pb_assoc</tt> containers already maintain the invariant that they support
29 a value-type method for any mapped-value-type method they support
30 (hence any multimap of the above type supporsts a method for inserting
31 <tt>std::make_pair(2, 'b')</tt>). Following are some utility functions for
32 other common operations.
33 </p>
36 <pre>
37 <b>template</b>&lt;
38 <b>class</b> MMap_Cntnr&gt;
39 <b>inline</b> std::pair&lt;
40 <b>typename</b> MMap_Cntnr::mapped_data_type::find_iterator,
41 <b>bool</b>&gt;
42 mmap_value_find
43 (<b>const</b> MMap_Cntnr &r_mmap_cntnr,
44 <b>typename</b> MMap_Cntnr::const_reference r_val);
45 </pre>
47 <p>
48 Finds the (const reference to a) value-type
49 <font color = "#666666"><tt>r_val</tt></font> in
50 the multimap object
51 <font color = "#666666"><tt>r_mmap_cntnr</tt></font>.
52 </p>
53 <p>
54 It
55 returns a pair whose first entry is a find-type iterator
56 of the multimap's set type, and whose second entry is a boolean
57 indicating whether the value type was found (only in this
58 case is the first entry in the pair valid).
59 </p>
61 <pre>
62 <b>template</b>&lt;
63 <b>class</b> MMap_Cntnr&lt;
64 <b>inline</b> <b>typename</b> MMap_Cntnr::size_type
65 mmap_value_erase
66 (MMap_Cntnr &r_mmap_cntnr,
67 <b>typename</b> MMap_Cntnr::const_reference r_val,
68 <b>bool</b> erase_entry_if_last);
69 </pre>
71 <p>
72 Transactionally erases the (const reference to the) value-type
73 <font color = "#666666"><tt>r_val</tt></font> from
74 the multimap object
75 <font color = "#666666"><tt>r_mmap_cntnr</tt></font>, and
76 erases the mapped value type
77 with
78 <font color = "#666666"><tt>r_val</tt></font>'s key
79 if there are no more value types with this given key
80 and
81 <font color = "#666666"><tt>erase_entry_if_last</tt></font> <tt>= <b>true</b></tt>.
82 <p>
83 </p>
84 It
85 returns 1 if a value type was actually erased, or 0 otherwise.
86 </p>
88 <pre>
89 <b>template</b>&lt;
90 <b>class</b> MMap_Cntnr&gt;
91 <b>inline</b> std::pair&lt;
92 <b>typename</b> MMap_Cntnr::mapped_data_type::find_iterator,
93 <b>bool</b>>
94 mmap_value_replace
95 (MMap_Cntnr &r_mmap_cntnr,
96 <b>typename</b> MMap_Cntnr::const_reference r_val,
97 <b>typename</b> MMap_Cntnr::const_data_reference r_data);
98 </pre>
100 <p>
101 Transactionally erases
102 <font color = "#666666"><tt>r_val</tt></font>
103 from
104 <font color = "#666666"><tt>r_mmap_cntnr</tt></font>
105 (if it such a value type exists) and
106 inserts instead a value type whose key is
107 <font color = "#666666"><tt>r_val</tt></font><tt>.first</tt>
108 and whose data is
109 <font color = "#666666"><tt>r_data</tt></font>.
110 </p>
111 <p>
112 <p>
113 It
114 returns a pair whose first entry is a find-type iterator
115 of the multimap's set type, and whose second entry is a boolean
116 indicating whether the new value type was inserted
117 (it might have
118 existed previously).
119 </p>
121 <p>
122 (If the multimap type or its set type do not guarantee exception free
123 erases, <tt>mmap_value_erase</tt> and <tt>mmap_value_replace</tt> will
124 invalidate pointers, references, and iterators).
125 </p>
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