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[thirdparty/man-pages.git] / man3 / dbopen.3
1 .\" Copyright (c) 1990, 1993
2 .\" The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
3 .\"
4 .\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-4-Clause-UC
5 .\"
6 .\" @(#)dbopen.3 8.5 (Berkeley) 1/2/94
7 .\"
8 .TH DBOPEN 3 2017-09-15 "Linux man-pages (unreleased)"
9 .UC 7
11 dbopen \- database access methods
13 Standard C library
14 .RI ( libc ", " \-lc )
16 .nf
17 .B #include <sys/types.h>
18 .B #include <limits.h>
19 .B #include <db.h>
20 .B #include <fcntl.h>
21 .PP
22 .BI "DB *dbopen(const char *" file ", int " flags ", int " mode \
23 ", DBTYPE " type ,
24 .BI " const void *" openinfo );
25 .fi
27 .IR "Note well" :
28 This page documents interfaces provided in glibc up until version 2.1.
29 Since version 2.2, glibc no longer provides these interfaces.
30 Probably, you are looking for the APIs provided by the
31 .I libdb
32 library instead.
33 .PP
34 .BR dbopen ()
35 is the library interface to database files.
36 The supported file formats are btree, hashed, and UNIX file oriented.
37 The btree format is a representation of a sorted, balanced tree structure.
38 The hashed format is an extensible, dynamic hashing scheme.
39 The flat-file format is a byte stream file with fixed or variable length
40 records.
41 The formats and file-format-specific information are described in detail
42 in their respective manual pages
43 .BR btree (3),
44 .BR hash (3),
45 and
46 .BR recno (3).
47 .PP
48 .BR dbopen ()
49 opens
50 .I file
51 for reading and/or writing.
52 Files never intended to be preserved on disk may be created by setting
53 the
54 .I file
55 argument to NULL.
56 .PP
57 The
58 .I flags
59 and
60 .I mode
61 arguments are as specified to the
62 .BR open (2)
63 routine, however, only the
64 .BR O_CREAT ,
65 .BR O_EXCL ,
69 .BR O_RDWR ,
71 and
73 flags are meaningful.
74 (Note, opening a database file
76 is not possible.)
77 .\"Three additional options may be specified by ORing
78 .\"them into the
79 .\".I flags
80 .\"argument.
81 .\".TP
82 .\"DB_LOCK
83 .\"Do the necessary locking in the database to support concurrent access.
84 .\"If concurrent access isn't needed or the database is read-only this
85 .\"flag should not be set, as it tends to have an associated performance
86 .\"penalty.
87 .\".TP
88 .\"DB_SHMEM
89 .\"Place the underlying memory pool used by the database in shared
90 .\"memory.
91 .\"Necessary for concurrent access.
92 .\".TP
93 .\"DB_TXN
94 .\"Support transactions in the database.
95 .\"The DB_LOCK and DB_SHMEM flags must be set as well.
96 .PP
97 The
98 .I type
99 argument is of type
101 (as defined in the
102 .I <db.h>
103 include file) and
104 may be set to
105 .BR DB_BTREE ,
106 .BR DB_HASH ,
107 or
108 .BR DB_RECNO .
109 .PP
110 The
111 .I openinfo
112 argument is a pointer to an access-method-specific structure described
113 in the access method's manual page.
114 If
115 .I openinfo
116 is NULL, each access method will use defaults appropriate for the system
117 and the access method.
118 .PP
119 .BR dbopen ()
120 returns a pointer to a
121 .I DB
122 structure on success and NULL on error.
123 The
124 .I DB
125 structure is defined in the
126 .I <db.h>
127 include file, and contains at
128 least the following fields:
129 .PP
130 .in +4n
131 .EX
132 typedef struct {
133 DBTYPE type;
134 int (*close)(const DB *db);
135 int (*del)(const DB *db, const DBT *key, unsigned int flags);
136 int (*fd)(const DB *db);
137 int (*get)(const DB *db, DBT *key, DBT *data,
138 unsigned int flags);
139 int (*put)(const DB *db, DBT *key, const DBT *data,
140 unsigned int flags);
141 int (*sync)(const DB *db, unsigned int flags);
142 int (*seq)(const DB *db, DBT *key, DBT *data,
143 unsigned int flags);
144 } DB;
145 .EE
146 .in
147 .PP
148 These elements describe a database type and a set of functions performing
149 various actions.
150 These functions take a pointer to a structure as returned by
151 .BR dbopen (),
152 and sometimes one or more pointers to key/data structures and a flag value.
153 .TP
154 .I type
155 The type of the underlying access method (and file format).
156 .TP
157 .I close
158 A pointer to a routine to flush any cached information to disk, free any
159 allocated resources, and close the underlying file(s).
160 Since key/data pairs may be cached in memory, failing to sync the file
161 with a
162 .I close
163 or
164 .I sync
165 function may result in inconsistent or lost information.
166 .I close
167 routines return \-1 on error (setting
168 .IR errno )
169 and 0 on success.
170 .TP
171 .I del
172 A pointer to a routine to remove key/data pairs from the database.
173 .IP
174 The argument
175 .I flag
176 may be set to the following value:
177 .RS
178 .TP
180 Delete the record referenced by the cursor.
181 The cursor must have previously been initialized.
182 .RE
183 .IP
184 .I delete
185 routines return \-1 on error (setting
186 .IR errno ),
187 0 on success, and 1 if the specified
188 .I key
189 was not in the file.
190 .TP
191 .I fd
192 A pointer to a routine which returns a file descriptor representative
193 of the underlying database.
194 A file descriptor referencing the same file will be returned to all
195 processes which call
196 .BR dbopen ()
197 with the same
198 .I file
199 name.
200 This file descriptor may be safely used as an argument to the
201 .BR fcntl (2)
202 and
203 .BR flock (2)
204 locking functions.
205 The file descriptor is not necessarily associated with any of the
206 underlying files used by the access method.
207 No file descriptor is available for in memory databases.
208 .I fd
209 routines return \-1 on error (setting
210 .IR errno ),
211 and the file descriptor on success.
212 .TP
213 .I get
214 A pointer to a routine which is the interface for keyed retrieval from
215 the database.
216 The address and length of the data associated with the specified
217 .I key
218 are returned in the structure referenced by
219 .IR data .
220 .I get
221 routines return \-1 on error (setting
222 .IR errno ),
223 0 on success, and 1 if the
224 .I key
225 was not in the file.
226 .TP
227 .I put
228 A pointer to a routine to store key/data pairs in the database.
229 .IP
230 The argument
231 .I flag
232 may be set to one of the following values:
233 .RS
234 .TP
236 Replace the key/data pair referenced by the cursor.
237 The cursor must have previously been initialized.
238 .TP
240 Append the data immediately after the data referenced by
241 .IR key ,
242 creating a new key/data pair.
243 The record number of the appended key/data pair is returned in the
244 .I key
245 structure.
246 (Applicable only to the
248 access method.)
249 .TP
251 Insert the data immediately before the data referenced by
252 .IR key ,
253 creating a new key/data pair.
254 The record number of the inserted key/data pair is returned in the
255 .I key
256 structure.
257 (Applicable only to the
259 access method.)
260 .TP
262 Enter the new key/data pair only if the key does not previously exist.
263 .TP
265 Store the key/data pair, setting or initializing the position of the
266 cursor to reference it.
267 (Applicable only to the
269 and
271 access methods.)
272 .RE
273 .IP
275 is available only for the
277 and
279 access
280 methods because it implies that the keys have an inherent order
281 which does not change.
282 .IP
284 and
286 are available only for the
288 access method because they each imply that the access method is able to
289 create new keys.
290 This is true only if the keys are ordered and independent, record numbers
291 for example.
292 .IP
293 The default behavior of the
294 .I put
295 routines is to enter the new key/data pair, replacing any previously
296 existing key.
297 .IP
298 .I put
299 routines return \-1 on error (setting
300 .IR errno ),
301 0 on success, and 1 if the
303 .I flag
304 was set and the key already exists in the file.
305 .TP
306 .I seq
307 A pointer to a routine which is the interface for sequential
308 retrieval from the database.
309 The address and length of the key are returned in the structure
310 referenced by
311 .IR key ,
312 and the address and length of the data are returned in the
313 structure referenced
314 by
315 .IR data .
316 .IP
317 Sequential key/data pair retrieval may begin at any time, and the
318 position of the "cursor" is not affected by calls to the
319 .IR del ,
320 .IR get ,
321 .IR put ,
322 or
323 .I sync
324 routines.
325 Modifications to the database during a sequential scan will be reflected
326 in the scan, that is,
327 records inserted behind the cursor will not be returned
328 while records inserted in front of the cursor will be returned.
329 .IP
330 The flag value
331 .B must
332 be set to one of the following values:
333 .RS
334 .TP
336 The data associated with the specified key is returned.
337 This differs from the
338 .I get
339 routines in that it sets or initializes the cursor to the location of
340 the key as well.
341 (Note, for the
343 access method, the returned key is not necessarily an
344 exact match for the specified key.
345 The returned key is the smallest key greater than or equal to the specified
346 key, permitting partial key matches and range searches.)
347 .TP
348 .B R_FIRST
349 The first key/data pair of the database is returned, and the cursor
350 is set or initialized to reference it.
351 .TP
352 .B R_LAST
353 The last key/data pair of the database is returned, and the cursor
354 is set or initialized to reference it.
355 (Applicable only to the
357 and
359 access methods.)
360 .TP
361 .B R_NEXT
362 Retrieve the key/data pair immediately after the cursor.
363 If the cursor is not yet set, this is the same as the
364 .B R_FIRST
365 flag.
366 .TP
367 .B R_PREV
368 Retrieve the key/data pair immediately before the cursor.
369 If the cursor is not yet set, this is the same as the
370 .B R_LAST
371 flag.
372 (Applicable only to the
374 and
376 access methods.)
377 .RE
378 .IP
379 .B R_LAST
380 and
381 .B R_PREV
382 are available only for the
384 and
386 access methods because they each imply that the keys have an inherent
387 order which does not change.
388 .IP
389 .I seq
390 routines return \-1 on error (setting
391 .IR errno ),
392 0 on success and 1 if there are no key/data pairs less than or greater
393 than the specified or current key.
394 If the
396 access method is being used, and if the database file
397 is a character special file and no complete key/data pairs are currently
398 available, the
399 .I seq
400 routines return 2.
401 .TP
402 .I sync
403 A pointer to a routine to flush any cached information to disk.
404 If the database is in memory only, the
405 .I sync
406 routine has no effect and will always succeed.
407 .IP
408 The flag value may be set to the following value:
409 .RS
410 .TP
412 If the
414 access method is being used, this flag causes
415 the sync routine to apply to the btree file which underlies the
416 recno file, not the recno file itself.
417 (See the
418 .I bfname
419 field of the
420 .BR recno (3)
421 manual page for more information.)
422 .RE
423 .IP
424 .I sync
425 routines return \-1 on error (setting
426 .IR errno )
427 and 0 on success.
428 .SS Key/data pairs
429 Access to all file types is based on key/data pairs.
430 Both keys and data are represented by the following data structure:
431 .PP
432 .in +4n
433 .EX
434 typedef struct {
435 void *data;
436 size_t size;
437 } DBT;
438 .EE
439 .in
440 .PP
441 The elements of the
442 .I DBT
443 structure are defined as follows:
444 .TP
445 .I data
446 A pointer to a byte string.
447 .TP
448 .I size
449 The length of the byte string.
450 .PP
451 Key and data byte strings may reference strings of essentially unlimited
452 length although any two of them must fit into available memory at the same
453 time.
454 It should be noted that the access methods provide no guarantees about
455 byte string alignment.
457 The
458 .BR dbopen ()
459 routine may fail and set
460 .I errno
461 for any of the errors specified for the library routines
462 .BR open (2)
463 and
464 .BR malloc (3)
465 or the following:
466 .TP
468 A file is incorrectly formatted.
469 .TP
471 A parameter has been specified (hash function, pad byte, etc.) that is
472 incompatible with the current file specification or which is not
473 meaningful for the function (for example, use of the cursor without
474 prior initialization) or there is a mismatch between the version
475 number of file and the software.
476 .PP
477 The
478 .I close
479 routines may fail and set
480 .I errno
481 for any of the errors specified for the library routines
482 .BR close (2),
483 .BR read (2),
484 .BR write (2),
485 .BR free (3),
486 or
487 .BR fsync (2).
488 .PP
489 The
490 .IR del ,
491 .IR get ,
492 .IR put ,
493 and
494 .I seq
495 routines may fail and set
496 .I errno
497 for any of the errors specified for the library routines
498 .BR read (2),
499 .BR write (2),
500 .BR free (3),
501 or
502 .BR malloc (3).
503 .PP
504 The
505 .I fd
506 routines will fail and set
507 .I errno
508 to
510 for in memory databases.
511 .PP
512 The
513 .I sync
514 routines may fail and set
515 .I errno
516 for any of the errors specified for the library routine
517 .BR fsync (2).
518 .SH BUGS
519 The typedef
520 .I DBT
521 is a mnemonic for "data base thang", and was used
522 because no one could think of a reasonable name that wasn't already used.
523 .PP
524 The file descriptor interface is a kludge and will be deleted in a
525 future version of the interface.
526 .PP
527 None of the access methods provide any form of concurrent access,
528 locking, or transactions.
530 .BR btree (3),
531 .BR hash (3),
532 .BR mpool (3),
533 .BR recno (3)
534 .PP
535 .IR "LIBTP: Portable, Modular Transactions for UNIX" ,
536 Margo Seltzer, Michael Olson, USENIX proceedings, Winter 1992.