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[thirdparty/man-pages.git] / man3 / ftw.3
1 .\" Copyright (c) 1993 Michael Haardt (michael@moria.de)
2 .\" and copyright (c) 1999 Andries Brouwer (aeb@cwi.nl)
3 .\" and copyright (c) 2006 Justin Pryzby <justinpryzby@users.sf.net>
4 .\" and copyright (c) 2006 Michael Kerrisk <mtk.manpages@gmail.com>
5 .\"
7 .\" This is free documentation; you can redistribute it and/or
8 .\" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
9 .\" published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
10 .\" the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 .\"
12 .\" The GNU General Public License's references to "object code"
13 .\" and "executables" are to be interpreted as the output of any
14 .\" document formatting or typesetting system, including
15 .\" intermediate and printed output.
16 .\"
17 .\" This manual is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 .\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 .\" GNU General Public License for more details.
21 .\"
22 .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
23 .\" License along with this manual; if not, see
24 .\" <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25 .\" %%%LICENSE_END
26 .\"
27 .\" Modified Sun Jul 25 11:02:22 1993 by Rik Faith (faith@cs.unc.edu)
28 .\" 2006-05-24, Justin Pryzby <justinpryzby@users.sf.net>
29 .\" document FTW_ACTIONRETVAL; include .SH RETURN VALUE;
30 .\" 2006-05-24, Justin Pryzby <justinpryzby@users.sf.net> and
31 .\" Michael Kerrisk <mtk.manpages@gmail.com>
32 .\" reorganized and rewrote much of the page
33 .\" 2006-05-24, Michael Kerrisk <mtk.manpages@gmail.com>
34 .\" Added an example program.
35 .\"
36 .TH FTW 3 2017-09-15 "Linux" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
38 ftw, nftw \- file tree walk
40 .nf
41 .B #include <ftw.h>
42 .PP
43 .BI "int nftw(const char *" dirpath ,
44 .BI " int (*" fn ") (const char *" fpath ", const struct stat *" sb ,
45 .BI " int " typeflag ", struct FTW *" ftwbuf ),
46 .BI " int " nopenfd ", int " flags );
47 .PP
48 .B #include <ftw.h>
49 .PP
50 .BI "int ftw(const char *" dirpath ,
51 .BI " int (*" fn ") (const char *" fpath ", const struct stat *" sb ,
52 .BI " int " typeflag ),
53 .BI " int " nopenfd );
54 .fi
55 .PP
56 .in -4n
57 Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see
58 .BR feature_test_macros (7)):
59 .in
60 .PP
61 .BR nftw ():
62 _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 500
64 .BR nftw ()
65 walks through the directory tree that is
66 located under the directory \fIdirpath\fP,
67 and calls \fIfn\fP() once for each entry in the tree.
68 By default, directories are handled before the files and
69 subdirectories they contain (preorder traversal).
70 .PP
71 To avoid using up all of the calling process's file descriptors,
72 \fInopenfd\fP specifies the maximum number of directories that
73 .BR nftw ()
74 will hold open simultaneously.
75 When
76 the search depth exceeds this,
77 .BR nftw ()
78 will become slower because
79 directories have to be closed and reopened.
80 .BR nftw ()
81 uses at most
82 one file descriptor for each level in the directory tree.
83 .PP
84 For each entry found in the tree,
85 .BR nftw ()
86 calls
87 \fIfn\fP() with four arguments:
88 .IR fpath ,
89 .IR sb ,
90 .IR typeflag ,
91 and
92 .IR ftwbuf .
93 .I fpath
94 is the pathname of the entry,
95 and is expressed either as a pathname relative to the calling process's
96 current working directory at the time of the call to
97 .BR nftw (),
98 if
99 .IR dirpath
100 was expressed as a relative pathname,
101 or as an absolute pathname, if
102 .I dirpath
103 was expressed as an absolute pathname.
104 .I sb
105 is a pointer to the
106 .I stat
107 structure returned by a call to
108 .BR stat (2)
109 for
110 .IR fpath .
111 .PP
112 The
113 .I typeflag
114 argument passed to
115 .IR fn ()
116 is an integer that has one of the following values:
117 .TP
118 .B FTW_F
119 .I fpath
120 is a regular file.
121 .TP
122 .B FTW_D
123 .I fpath
124 is a directory.
125 .TP
126 .B FTW_DNR
127 .I fpath
128 is a directory which can't be read.
129 .TP
130 .B FTW_DP
131 .I fpath
132 is a directory, and \fBFTW_DEPTH\fP was specified in \fIflags\fP.
133 (If
135 was not specified in
136 .IR flags ,
137 then directories will always be visited with
138 .I typeflag
139 set to
140 .BR FTW_D .)
141 All of the files
142 and subdirectories within \fIfpath\fP have been processed.
143 .TP
144 .B FTW_NS
145 The
146 .BR stat (2)
147 call failed on
148 .IR fpath ,
149 which is not a symbolic link.
150 The probable cause for this is that the caller had read permission
151 on the parent directory, so that the filename
152 .I fpath
153 could be seen,
154 but did not have execute permission,
155 so that the file could not be reached for
156 .BR stat (2).
157 The contents of the buffer pointed to by
158 .I sb
159 are undefined.
160 .TP
161 .B FTW_SL
162 .I fpath
163 is a symbolic link, and \fBFTW_PHYS\fP was set in \fIflags\fP.
164 .\" To obtain the definition of this constant from
165 .\" .IR <ftw.h> ,
166 .\" either
167 .\" .B _BSD_SOURCE
168 .\" must be defined, or
170 .\" must be defined with a value of 500 or more.
171 .TP
172 .B FTW_SLN
173 .I fpath
174 is a symbolic link pointing to a nonexistent file.
175 (This occurs only if \fBFTW_PHYS\fP is not set.)
176 On most implementations, in this case the
177 .I sb
178 argument passed to
179 .IR fn ()
180 contains information returned by performing
181 .BR lstat (2)
182 on the symbolic link.
183 For the details on Linux, see BUGS.
184 .PP
185 The fourth argument
186 .RI ( ftwbuf )
187 that
188 .BR nftw ()
189 supplies when calling
190 \fIfn\fP()
191 is a pointer to a structure of type \fIFTW\fP:
192 .PP
193 .in +4n
194 .EX
195 struct FTW {
196 int base;
197 int level;
198 };
199 .EE
200 .in
201 .PP
202 .I base
203 is the offset of the filename (i.e., basename component)
204 in the pathname given in
205 .IR fpath .
206 .I level
207 is the depth of
208 .I fpath
209 in the directory tree, relative to the root of the tree
210 .RI ( dirpath ,
211 which has depth 0).
212 .PP
213 To stop the tree walk, \fIfn\fP() returns a nonzero value; this
214 value will become the return value of
215 .BR nftw ().
216 As long as \fIfn\fP() returns 0,
217 .BR nftw ()
218 will continue either until it has traversed the entire tree,
219 in which case it will return zero,
220 or until it encounters an error (such as a
221 .BR malloc (3)
222 failure), in which case it will return \-1.
223 .PP
224 Because
225 .BR nftw ()
226 uses dynamic data structures, the only safe way to
227 exit out of a tree walk is to return a nonzero value from \fIfn\fP().
228 To allow a signal to terminate the walk without causing a memory leak,
229 have the handler set a global flag that is checked by \fIfn\fP().
230 \fIDon't\fP use
231 .BR longjmp (3)
232 unless the program is going to terminate.
233 .PP
234 The \fIflags\fP argument of
235 .BR nftw ()
236 is formed by ORing zero or more of the
237 following flags:
238 .TP
239 .BR FTW_ACTIONRETVAL " (since glibc 2.3.3)"
240 If this glibc-specific flag is set, then
241 .BR nftw ()
242 handles the return value from
243 .IR fn ()
244 differently.
245 .IR fn ()
246 should return one of the following values:
247 .RS
248 .TP
250 Instructs
251 .BR nftw ()
252 to continue normally.
253 .TP
255 If \fIfn\fP() returns this value, then
256 siblings of the current entry will be skipped,
257 and processing continues in the parent.
258 .\" If \fBFTW_DEPTH\fP
259 .\" is set, the entry's parent directory is processed next (with
260 .\" \fIflag\fP set to \fBFTW_DP\fP).
261 .TP
263 If \fIfn\fP() is called with an entry that is a directory
264 (\fItypeflag\fP is \fBFTW_D\fP), this return
265 value will prevent objects within that directory from being passed as
266 arguments to \fIfn\fP().
267 .BR nftw ()
268 continues processing with the next sibling of the directory.
269 .TP
271 Causes
272 .BR nftw ()
273 to return immediately with the return value
274 \fBFTW_STOP\fP.
275 .PP
276 Other return values could be associated with new actions in the future;
277 \fIfn\fP() should not return values other than those listed above.
278 .PP
279 The feature test macro
281 must be defined
282 (before including
283 .I any
284 header files)
285 in order to
286 obtain the definition of \fBFTW_ACTIONRETVAL\fP from \fI<ftw.h>\fP.
287 .RE
288 .TP
290 If set, do a
291 .BR chdir (2)
292 to each directory before handling its contents.
293 This is useful if the program needs to perform some action
294 in the directory in which \fIfpath\fP resides.
295 (Specifying this flag has no effect on the pathname that is passed in the
296 .I fpath
297 argument of
298 .IR fn .)
299 .TP
301 If set, do a post-order traversal, that is, call \fIfn\fP() for
302 the directory itself \fIafter\fP handling the contents of the directory
303 and its subdirectories.
304 (By default, each directory is handled \fIbefore\fP its contents.)
305 .TP
307 If set, stay within the same filesystem
308 (i.e., do not cross mount points).
309 .TP
311 If set, do not follow symbolic links.
312 (This is what you want.)
313 If not set, symbolic links are followed, but no file is reported twice.
314 .IP
315 If \fBFTW_PHYS\fP is not set, but \fBFTW_DEPTH\fP is set,
316 then the function
317 .IR fn ()
318 is never called for a directory that would be a descendant of itself.
319 .SS ftw()
320 .BR ftw ()
321 is an older function that offers a subset of the functionality of
322 .BR nftw ().
323 The notable differences are as follows:
324 .IP * 3
325 .BR ftw ()
326 has no
327 .IR flags
328 argument.
329 It behaves the same as when
330 .BR nftw ()
331 is called with
332 .I flags
333 specified as zero.
334 .IP *
335 The callback function,
336 .IR fn (),
337 is not supplied with a fourth argument.
338 .IP *
339 The range of values that is passed via the
340 .I typeflag
341 argument supplied to
342 .IR fn ()
343 is smaller: just
344 .BR FTW_F ,
345 .BR FTW_D ,
346 .BR FTW_DNR ,
347 .BR FTW_NS ,
348 and (possibly)
349 .BR FTW_SL .
351 These functions return 0 on success, and \-1 if an error occurs.
352 .PP
353 If \fIfn\fP() returns nonzero,
354 then the tree walk is terminated and the value returned by \fIfn\fP()
355 is returned as the result of
356 .BR ftw ()
357 or
358 .BR nftw ().
359 .PP
360 If
361 .BR nftw ()
362 is called with the \fBFTW_ACTIONRETVAL\fP flag,
363 then the only nonzero value that should be used by \fIfn\fP()
364 to terminate the tree walk is \fBFTW_STOP\fP,
365 and that value is returned as the result of
366 .BR nftw ().
368 .BR nftw ()
369 is available under glibc since version 2.1.
371 For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see
372 .BR attributes (7).
373 .TS
374 allbox;
375 lb lb lb
376 l l l.
377 Interface Attribute Value
378 T{
379 .BR nftw ()
380 T} Thread safety MT-Safe cwd
381 T{
382 .BR ftw ()
383 T} Thread safety MT-Safe
384 .TE
385 .sp 1
387 POSIX.1-2001, POSIX.1-2008, SVr4, SUSv1.
388 POSIX.1-2008 marks
389 .BR ftw ()
390 as obsolete.
392 POSIX.1-2008 notes that the results are unspecified if
393 .I fn
394 does not preserve the current working directory.
395 .PP
396 The function
397 .BR nftw ()
398 and the use of \fBFTW_SL\fP with
399 .BR ftw ()
400 were introduced in SUSv1.
401 .PP
402 In some implementations (e.g., glibc),
403 .BR ftw ()
404 will never use \fBFTW_SL\fP, on other systems \fBFTW_SL\fP occurs only
405 for symbolic links that do not point to an existing file,
406 and again on other systems
407 .BR ftw ()
408 will use \fBFTW_SL\fP for each symbolic link.
409 If
410 .I fpath
411 is a symbolic link and
412 .BR stat (2)
413 failed, POSIX.1-2008 states
414 that it is undefined whether \fBFTW_NS\fP or \fBFTW_SL\fP
415 is passed in
416 .IR typeflag .
417 For predictable results, use
418 .BR nftw ().
419 .SH BUGS
420 In the specification of
421 .BR nftw (),
422 POSIX.1 notes that when
423 .B FTW_NS
424 is passed as the
425 .I typeflag
426 argument of
427 .IR fn (),
428 then the contents of the buffer pointed to by the
429 .I sb
430 argument are undefined.
431 The standard makes no such statement for the case where
432 .B FTW_SLN
433 is passed in
434 .IR typeflag ,
435 with the implication that the contents of the buffer pointed to by
436 .I sb
437 are defined.
438 And indeed this is the case on most implementations: the buffer pointed to by
439 .I sb
440 contains the results produced by applying
441 .BR lstat (2)
442 to the symbolic link.
443 In early glibc, the behavior was the same.
444 However, since glibc 2.4, the contents of the buffer pointed to by
445 .I sb
446 are undefined when
447 .B FTW_SLN
448 is passed in
449 .IR typeflag .
450 This change
451 .I appears
452 to be an unintended regression,
453 but it is not (yet) clear if the behavior will be restored to that
454 provided in the original glibc implementation (and on other implementations).
455 .\" FIXME .
456 .\" https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1422736
457 .\" http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=1121
459 The following program traverses the directory tree under the path named
460 in its first command-line argument, or under the current directory
461 if no argument is supplied.
462 It displays various information about each file.
463 The second command-line argument can be used to specify characters that
464 control the value assigned to the \fIflags\fP
465 argument when calling
466 .BR nftw ().
467 .SS Program source
468 \&
469 .EX
470 #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
471 #include <ftw.h>
472 #include <stdio.h>
473 #include <stdlib.h>
474 #include <string.h>
475 #include <stdint.h>
477 static int
478 display_info(const char *fpath, const struct stat *sb,
479 int tflag, struct FTW *ftwbuf)
480 {
481 printf("%\-3s %2d ",
482 (tflag == FTW_D) ? "d" : (tflag == FTW_DNR) ? "dnr" :
483 (tflag == FTW_DP) ? "dp" : (tflag == FTW_F) ? "f" :
484 (tflag == FTW_NS) ? "ns" : (tflag == FTW_SL) ? "sl" :
485 (tflag == FTW_SLN) ? "sln" : "???",
486 ftwbuf\->level);
488 if (tflag == FTW_NS)
489 printf("\-\-\-\-\-\-\-");
490 else
491 printf("%7jd", (intmax_t) sb\->st_size);
493 printf(" %\-40s %d %s\\n",
494 fpath, ftwbuf\->base, fpath + ftwbuf\->base);
496 return 0; /* To tell nftw() to continue */
497 }
499 int
500 main(int argc, char *argv[])
501 {
502 int flags = 0;
504 if (argc > 2 && strchr(argv[2], \(aqd\(aq) != NULL)
505 flags |= FTW_DEPTH;
506 if (argc > 2 && strchr(argv[2], \(aqp\(aq) != NULL)
507 flags |= FTW_PHYS;
509 if (nftw((argc < 2) ? "." : argv[1], display_info, 20, flags)
510 == \-1) {
511 perror("nftw");
512 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
513 }
515 exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
516 }
517 .EE
519 .BR stat (2),
520 .BR fts (3),
521 .BR readdir (3)