]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/man-pages.git/blob - man3/getdate.3
[thirdparty/man-pages.git] / man3 / getdate.3
1 '\" t
2 .\" Copyright 2001 walter harms (walter.harms@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de)
3 .\" and Copyright 2008, Linux Foundation, written by Michael Kerrisk
4 .\" <mtk.manpages@gmail.com>
5 .\"
6 .\" SPDX-License-Identifier: Linux-man-pages-copyleft
7 .\"
8 .\" Modified, 2001-12-26, aeb
9 .\" 2008-09-07, mtk, Various rewrites; added an example program.
10 .\"
11 .TH getdate 3 (date) "Linux man-pages (unreleased)"
13 getdate, getdate_r \- convert a date-plus-time string to broken-down time
15 Standard C library
16 .RI ( libc ", " \-lc )
18 .nf
19 .B "#include <time.h>"
20 .PP
21 .BI "struct tm *getdate(const char *" string );
22 .PP
23 .B "extern int getdate_err;"
24 .PP
25 .BI "int getdate_r(const char *restrict " string ", struct tm *restrict " res );
26 .fi
27 .PP
28 .RS -4
29 Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see
30 .BR feature_test_macros (7)):
31 .RE
32 .PP
33 .BR getdate ():
34 .nf
35 _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 500
37 .fi
38 .PP
39 .BR getdate_r ():
40 .nf
42 .fi
44 The function
45 .BR getdate ()
46 converts a string representation of a date and time,
47 contained in the buffer pointed to by
48 .IR string ,
49 into a broken-down time.
50 The broken-down time is stored in a
51 .I tm
52 structure, and a pointer to this
53 structure is returned as the function result.
54 This
55 .I tm
56 structure is allocated in static storage,
57 and consequently it will be overwritten by further calls to
58 .BR getdate ().
59 .PP
60 In contrast to
61 .BR strptime (3),
62 (which has a
63 .I format
64 argument),
65 .BR getdate ()
66 uses the formats found in the file
67 whose full pathname is given in the environment variable
69 The first line in the file that matches the given input string
70 is used for the conversion.
71 .PP
72 The matching is done case insensitively.
73 Superfluous whitespace, either in the pattern or in the string to
74 be converted, is ignored.
75 .PP
76 The conversion specifications that a pattern can contain are those given for
77 .BR strptime (3).
78 One more conversion specification is specified in POSIX.1-2001:
79 .TP
80 .B %Z
81 Timezone name.
82 .\" FIXME Is it (still) true that %Z is not supported in glibc?
83 .\" Looking at the glibc 2.21 source code, where the implementation uses
84 .\" strptime(), suggests that it might be supported.
85 This is not implemented in glibc.
86 .PP
87 When
88 .B %Z
89 is given, the structure containing the broken-down time
90 is initialized with values corresponding to the current
91 time in the given timezone.
92 Otherwise, the structure is initialized to the broken-down time
93 corresponding to the current local time (as by a call to
94 .BR localtime (3)).
95 .PP
96 When only the day of the week is given,
97 the day is taken to be the first such day
98 on or after today.
99 .PP
100 When only the month is given (and no year), the month is taken to
101 be the first such month equal to or after the current month.
102 If no day is given, it is the first day of the month.
103 .PP
104 When no hour, minute, and second are given, the current
105 hour, minute, and second are taken.
106 .PP
107 If no date is given, but we know the hour, then that hour is taken
108 to be the first such hour equal to or after the current hour.
109 .PP
110 .BR getdate_r ()
111 is a GNU extension that provides a reentrant version of
112 .BR getdate ().
113 Rather than using a global variable to report errors and a static buffer
114 to return the broken down time,
115 it returns errors via the function result value,
116 and returns the resulting broken-down time in the
117 caller-allocated buffer pointed to by the argument
118 .IR res .
120 When successful,
121 .BR getdate ()
122 returns a pointer to a
123 .IR "struct tm" .
124 Otherwise, it returns NULL and sets the global variable
125 .I getdate_err
126 to one of the error numbers shown below.
127 Changes to
128 .I errno
129 are unspecified.
130 .PP
131 On success
132 .BR getdate_r ()
133 returns 0;
134 on error it returns one of the error numbers shown below.
136 The following errors are returned via
137 .I getdate_err
138 (for
139 .BR getdate ())
140 or as the function result (for
141 .BR getdate_r ()):
142 .TP 4n
143 .B 1
144 The
146 environment variable is not defined, or its value is an empty string.
147 .TP
148 .B 2
149 The template file specified by
151 cannot be opened for reading.
152 .TP
153 .B 3
154 Failed to get file status information.
155 .\" stat()
156 .TP
157 .B 4
158 The template file is not a regular file.
159 .TP
160 .B 5
161 An error was encountered while reading the template file.
162 .TP
163 .B 6
164 Memory allocation failed (not enough memory available).
165 .\" Error 6 doesn't seem to occur in glibc
166 .TP
167 .B 7
168 There is no line in the file that matches the input.
169 .TP
170 .B 8
171 Invalid input specification.
173 .TP
175 File containing format patterns.
176 .TP
177 .BR TZ ", " LC_TIME
178 Variables used by
179 .BR strptime (3).
181 For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see
182 .BR attributes (7).
183 .ad l
184 .nh
185 .TS
186 allbox;
187 lb lb lbx
188 l l l.
189 Interface Attribute Value
190 T{
191 .BR getdate ()
192 T} Thread safety T{
193 MT-Unsafe race:getdate env locale
194 T}
195 T{
196 .BR getdate_r ()
197 T} Thread safety T{
198 MT-Safe env locale
199 T}
200 .TE
201 .hy
202 .ad
203 .sp 1
205 The POSIX.1 specification for
206 .BR strptime (3)
207 contains conversion specifications using the
208 .B %E
209 or
210 .B %O
211 modifier, while such specifications are not given for
212 .BR getdate ().
213 In glibc,
214 .BR getdate ()
215 is implemented using
216 .BR strptime (3),
217 so that precisely the same conversions are supported by both.
219 POSIX.1-2008.
221 POSIX.1-2001.
223 The program below calls
224 .BR getdate ()
225 for each of its command-line arguments,
226 and for each call displays the values in the fields of the returned
227 .I tm
228 structure.
229 The following shell session demonstrates the operation of the program:
230 .PP
231 .in +4n
232 .EX
233 .RB "$" " TFILE=$PWD/tfile"
234 .RB "$" " echo \[aq]%A\[aq] > $TFILE " " # Full name of the day of the week"
235 .RB "$" " echo \[aq]%T\[aq] >> $TFILE" " # Time (HH:MM:SS)"
236 .RB "$" " echo \[aq]%F\[aq] >> $TFILE" " # ISO date (YYYY\-MM\-DD)"
237 .RB "$" " date"
238 .RB "$" " export DATEMSK=$TFILE"
239 .RB "$" " ./a.out Tuesday \[aq]2009\-12\-28\[aq] \[aq]12:22:33\[aq]"
240 Sun Sep 7 06:03:36 CEST 2008
241 Call 1 ("Tuesday") succeeded:
242 tm_sec = 36
243 tm_min = 3
244 tm_hour = 6
245 tm_mday = 9
246 tm_mon = 8
247 tm_year = 108
248 tm_wday = 2
249 tm_yday = 252
250 tm_isdst = 1
251 Call 2 ("2009\-12\-28") succeeded:
252 tm_sec = 36
253 tm_min = 3
254 tm_hour = 6
255 tm_mday = 28
256 tm_mon = 11
257 tm_year = 109
258 tm_wday = 1
259 tm_yday = 361
260 tm_isdst = 0
261 Call 3 ("12:22:33") succeeded:
262 tm_sec = 33
263 tm_min = 22
264 tm_hour = 12
265 tm_mday = 7
266 tm_mon = 8
267 tm_year = 108
268 tm_wday = 0
269 tm_yday = 250
270 tm_isdst = 1
271 .EE
272 .in
273 .SS Program source
274 \&
275 .\" SRC BEGIN (getdate.c)
276 .EX
277 #define _GNU_SOURCE
278 #include <stdio.h>
279 #include <stdlib.h>
280 #include <time.h>
281 \&
282 int
283 main(int argc, char *argv[])
284 {
285 struct tm *tmp;
286 \&
287 for (size_t j = 1; j < argc; j++) {
288 tmp = getdate(argv[j]);
289 \&
290 if (tmp == NULL) {
291 printf("Call %zu failed; getdate_err = %d\en",
292 j, getdate_err);
293 continue;
294 }
295 \&
296 printf("Call %zu (\e"%s\e") succeeded:\en", j, argv[j]);
297 printf(" tm_sec = %d\en", tmp\->tm_sec);
298 printf(" tm_min = %d\en", tmp\->tm_min);
299 printf(" tm_hour = %d\en", tmp\->tm_hour);
300 printf(" tm_mday = %d\en", tmp\->tm_mday);
301 printf(" tm_mon = %d\en", tmp\->tm_mon);
302 printf(" tm_year = %d\en", tmp\->tm_year);
303 printf(" tm_wday = %d\en", tmp\->tm_wday);
304 printf(" tm_yday = %d\en", tmp\->tm_yday);
305 printf(" tm_isdst = %d\en", tmp\->tm_isdst);
306 }
307 \&
308 exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
309 }
310 .EE
311 .\" SRC END
313 .BR time (2),
314 .BR localtime (3),
315 .BR setlocale (3),
316 .BR strftime (3),
317 .BR strptime (3)