]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/man-pages.git/blob - man3/getservent_r.3
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[thirdparty/man-pages.git] / man3 / getservent_r.3
1 .\" Copyright 2008, Linux Foundation, written by Michael Kerrisk
2 .\" <mtk.manpages@gmail.com>
3 .\"
5 .\" Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
6 .\" manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
7 .\" preserved on all copies.
8 .\"
9 .\" Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
10 .\" manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
11 .\" entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
12 .\" permission notice identical to this one.
13 .\"
14 .\" Since the Linux kernel and libraries are constantly changing, this
15 .\" manual page may be incorrect or out-of-date. The author(s) assume no
16 .\" responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from
17 .\" the use of the information contained herein. The author(s) may not
18 .\" have taken the same level of care in the production of this manual,
19 .\" which is licensed free of charge, as they might when working
20 .\" professionally.
21 .\"
22 .\" Formatted or processed versions of this manual, if unaccompanied by
23 .\" the source, must acknowledge the copyright and authors of this work.
24 .\" %%%LICENSE_END
25 .\"
26 .TH GETSERVENT_R 3 2017-09-15 "GNU" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
28 getservent_r, getservbyname_r, getservbyport_r \- get
29 service entry (reentrant)
31 .nf
32 .B #include <netdb.h>
33 .PP
34 .BI "int getservent_r(struct servent *" result_buf ", char *" buf ,
35 .BI " size_t " buflen ", struct servent **" result );
36 .PP
37 .BI "int getservbyname_r(const char *" name ", const char *" proto ,
38 .BI " struct servent *" result_buf ", char *" buf ,
39 .BI " size_t " buflen ", struct servent **" result );
40 .PP
41 .BI "int getservbyport_r(int " port ", const char *" proto ,
42 .BI " struct servent *" result_buf ", char *" buf ,
43 .BI " size_t " buflen ", struct servent **" result );
44 .PP
45 .fi
46 .in -4n
47 Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see
48 .BR feature_test_macros (7)):
49 .ad l
50 .in
51 .PP
52 .BR getservent_r (),
53 .BR getservbyname_r (),
54 .BR getservbyport_r ():
55 Since glibc 2.19:
57 Glibc 2.19 and earlier:
59 .ad b
61 The
62 .BR getservent_r (),
63 .BR getservbyname_r (),
64 and
65 .BR getservbyport_r ()
66 functions are the reentrant equivalents of, respectively,
67 .BR getservent (3),
68 .BR getservbyname (3),
69 and
70 .BR getservbyport (3).
71 They differ in the way that the
72 .I servent
73 structure is returned,
74 and in the function calling signature and return value.
75 This manual page describes just the differences from
76 the nonreentrant functions.
77 .PP
78 Instead of returning a pointer to a statically allocated
79 .I servent
80 structure as the function result,
81 these functions copy the structure into the location pointed to by
82 .IR result_buf .
83 .PP
84 The
85 .I buf
86 array is used to store the string fields pointed to by the returned
87 .I servent
88 structure.
89 (The nonreentrant functions allocate these strings in static storage.)
90 The size of this array is specified in
91 .IR buflen .
92 If
93 .I buf
94 is too small, the call fails with the error
96 and the caller must try again with a larger buffer.
97 (A buffer of length 1024 bytes should be sufficient for most applications.)
98 .\" I can find no information on the required/recommended buffer size;
99 .\" the nonreentrant functions use a 1024 byte buffer -- mtk.
100 .PP
101 If the function call successfully obtains a service record, then
102 .I *result
103 is set pointing to
104 .IR result_buf ;
105 otherwise,
106 .I *result
107 is set to NULL.
109 On success, these functions return 0.
110 On error, they return one of the positive error numbers listed in errors.
111 .PP
112 On error, record not found
113 .RB ( getservbyname_r (),
114 .BR getservbyport_r ()),
115 or end of input
116 .RB ( getservent_r ())
117 .I result
118 is set to NULL.
120 .TP
122 .RB ( getservent_r ())
123 No more records in database.
124 .TP
126 .I buf
127 is too small.
128 Try again with a larger buffer
129 (and increased
130 .IR buflen ).
132 For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see
133 .BR attributes (7).
134 .ad l
135 .TS
136 allbox;
137 lbw18 lb lb
138 l l l.
139 Interface Attribute Value
140 T{
141 .BR getservent_r (),
142 .BR getservbyname_r (),
143 .BR getservbyport_r ()
144 T} Thread safety MT-Safe locale
145 .TE
146 .ad
148 These functions are GNU extensions.
149 Functions with similar names exist on some other systems,
150 though typically with different calling signatures.
152 The program below uses
153 .BR getservbyport_r ()
154 to retrieve the service record for the port and protocol named
155 in its first command-line argument.
156 If a third (integer) command-line argument is supplied,
157 it is used as the initial value for
158 .IR buflen ;
159 if
160 .BR getservbyport_r ()
161 fails with the error
162 .BR ERANGE ,
163 the program retries with larger buffer sizes.
164 The following shell session shows a couple of sample runs:
165 .PP
166 .in +4n
167 .EX
168 .RB "$" " ./a.out 7 tcp 1"
169 ERANGE! Retrying with larger buffer
170 getservbyport_r() returned: 0 (success) (buflen=87)
171 s_name=echo; s_proto=tcp; s_port=7; aliases=
172 .RB "$" " ./a.out 77777 tcp"
173 getservbyport_r() returned: 0 (success) (buflen=1024)
174 Call failed/record not found
175 .EE
176 .in
177 .SS Program source
178 \&
179 .EX
180 #define _GNU_SOURCE
181 #include <ctype.h>
182 #include <netdb.h>
183 #include <stdlib.h>
184 #include <stdio.h>
185 #include <errno.h>
186 #include <string.h>
188 #define MAX_BUF 10000
190 int
191 main(int argc, char *argv[])
192 {
193 int buflen, erange_cnt, port, s;
194 struct servent result_buf;
195 struct servent *result;
196 char buf[MAX_BUF];
197 char *protop;
198 char **p;
200 if (argc < 3) {
201 printf("Usage: %s port\-num proto\-name [buflen]\\n", argv[0]);
202 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
203 }
205 port = htons(atoi(argv[1]));
206 protop = (strcmp(argv[2], "null") == 0 ||
207 strcmp(argv[2], "NULL") == 0) ? NULL : argv[2];
209 buflen = 1024;
210 if (argc > 3)
211 buflen = atoi(argv[3]);
213 if (buflen > MAX_BUF) {
214 printf("Exceeded buffer limit (%d)\\n", MAX_BUF);
215 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
216 }
218 erange_cnt = 0;
219 do {
220 s = getservbyport_r(port, protop, &result_buf,
221 buf, buflen, &result);
222 if (s == ERANGE) {
223 if (erange_cnt == 0)
224 printf("ERANGE! Retrying with larger buffer\\n");
225 erange_cnt++;
227 /* Increment a byte at a time so we can see exactly
228 what size buffer was required */
230 buflen++;
232 if (buflen > MAX_BUF) {
233 printf("Exceeded buffer limit (%d)\\n", MAX_BUF);
234 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
235 }
236 }
237 } while (s == ERANGE);
239 printf("getservbyport_r() returned: %s (buflen=%d)\\n",
240 (s == 0) ? "0 (success)" : (s == ENOENT) ? "ENOENT" :
241 strerror(s), buflen);
243 if (s != 0 || result == NULL) {
244 printf("Call failed/record not found\\n");
245 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
246 }
248 printf("s_name=%s; s_proto=%s; s_port=%d; aliases=",
249 result_buf.s_name, result_buf.s_proto,
250 ntohs(result_buf.s_port));
251 for (p = result_buf.s_aliases; *p != NULL; p++)
252 printf("%s ", *p);
253 printf("\\n");
255 exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
256 }
257 .EE
259 .BR getservent (3),
260 .BR services (5)