]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/man-pages.git/blob - man3/mpool.3
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[thirdparty/man-pages.git] / man3 / mpool.3
1 .\" Copyright (c) 1990, 1993
2 .\" The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
3 .\"
4 .\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-4-Clause-UC
5 .\"
6 .\" @(#)mpool.3 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/4/93
7 .\"
8 .TH mpool 3 (date) "Linux man-pages (unreleased)"
9 .UC 7
11 mpool \- shared memory buffer pool
13 Standard C library
14 .RI ( libc ", " \-lc )
16 .nf
17 .B #include <db.h>
18 .B #include <mpool.h>
19 .PP
20 .BI "MPOOL *mpool_open(DBT *" key ", int " fd ", pgno_t " pagesize \
21 ", pgno_t " maxcache );
22 .PP
23 .BI "void mpool_filter(MPOOL *" mp ", void (*pgin)(void *, pgno_t, void *),"
24 .BI " void (*" pgout ")(void *, pgno_t, void *),"
25 .BI " void *" pgcookie );
26 .PP
27 .BI "void *mpool_new(MPOOL *" mp ", pgno_t *" pgnoaddr );
28 .BI "void *mpool_get(MPOOL *" mp ", pgno_t " pgno ", unsigned int " flags );
29 .BI "int mpool_put(MPOOL *" mp ", void *" pgaddr ", unsigned int " flags );
30 .PP
31 .BI "int mpool_sync(MPOOL *" mp );
32 .BI "int mpool_close(MPOOL *" mp );
33 .fi
35 .IR "Note well" :
36 This page documents interfaces provided in glibc up until version 2.1.
37 Since version 2.2, glibc no longer provides these interfaces.
38 Probably, you are looking for the APIs provided by the
39 .I libdb
40 library instead.
41 .PP
42 .I Mpool
43 is the library interface intended to provide page oriented buffer management
44 of files.
45 The buffers may be shared between processes.
46 .PP
47 The function
48 .BR mpool_open ()
49 initializes a memory pool.
50 The
51 .I key
52 argument is the byte string used to negotiate between multiple
53 processes wishing to share buffers.
54 If the file buffers are mapped in shared memory, all processes using
55 the same key will share the buffers.
56 If
57 .I key
58 is NULL, the buffers are mapped into private memory.
59 The
60 .I fd
61 argument is a file descriptor for the underlying file, which must be seekable.
62 If
63 .I key
64 is non-NULL and matches a file already being mapped, the
65 .I fd
66 argument is ignored.
67 .PP
68 The
69 .I pagesize
70 argument is the size, in bytes, of the pages into which the file is broken up.
71 The
72 .I maxcache
73 argument is the maximum number of pages from the underlying file to cache
74 at any one time.
75 This value is not relative to the number of processes which share a file's
76 buffers, but will be the largest value specified by any of the processes
77 sharing the file.
78 .PP
79 The
80 .BR mpool_filter ()
81 function is intended to make transparent input and output processing of the
82 pages possible.
83 If the
84 .I pgin
85 function is specified, it is called each time a buffer is read into the memory
86 pool from the backing file.
87 If the
88 .I pgout
89 function is specified, it is called each time a buffer is written into the
90 backing file.
91 Both functions are called with the
92 .I pgcookie
93 pointer, the page number and a pointer to the page to being read or written.
94 .PP
95 The function
96 .BR mpool_new ()
97 takes an
99 pointer and an address as arguments.
100 If a new page can be allocated, a pointer to the page is returned and
101 the page number is stored into the
102 .I pgnoaddr
103 address.
104 Otherwise, NULL is returned and
105 .I errno
106 is set.
107 .PP
108 The function
109 .BR mpool_get ()
110 takes an
111 .I MPOOL
112 pointer and a page number as arguments.
113 If the page exists, a pointer to the page is returned.
114 Otherwise, NULL is returned and
115 .I errno
116 is set.
117 The
118 .I flags
119 argument is not currently used.
120 .PP
121 The function
122 .BR mpool_put ()
123 unpins the page referenced by
124 .IR pgaddr .
125 .I pgaddr
126 must be an address previously returned by
127 .BR mpool_get ()
128 or
129 .BR mpool_new ().
130 The flag value is specified by ORing
131 any of the following values:
132 .TP
134 The page has been modified and needs to be written to the backing file.
135 .PP
136 .BR mpool_put ()
137 returns 0 on success and \-1 if an error occurs.
138 .PP
139 The function
140 .BR mpool_sync ()
141 writes all modified pages associated with the
142 .I MPOOL
143 pointer to the
144 backing file.
145 .BR mpool_sync ()
146 returns 0 on success and \-1 if an error occurs.
147 .PP
148 The
149 .BR mpool_close ()
150 function free's up any allocated memory associated with the memory pool
151 cookie.
152 Modified pages are
153 .B not
154 written to the backing file.
155 .BR mpool_close ()
156 returns 0 on success and \-1 if an error occurs.
158 The
159 .BR mpool_open ()
160 function may fail and set
161 .I errno
162 for any of the errors specified for the library routine
163 .BR malloc (3).
164 .PP
165 The
166 .BR mpool_get ()
167 function may fail and set
168 .I errno
169 for the following:
170 .TP 15
172 The requested record doesn't exist.
173 .PP
174 The
175 .BR mpool_new ()
176 and
177 .BR mpool_get ()
178 functions may fail and set
179 .I errno
180 for any of the errors specified for the library routines
181 .BR read (2),
182 .BR write (2),
183 and
184 .BR malloc (3).
185 .PP
186 The
187 .BR mpool_sync ()
188 function may fail and set
189 .I errno
190 for any of the errors specified for the library routine
191 .BR write (2).
192 .PP
193 The
194 .BR mpool_close ()
195 function may fail and set
196 .I errno
197 for any of the errors specified for the library routine
198 .BR free (3).
200 Not in POSIX.1.
201 Present on the BSDs.
203 .BR btree (3),
204 .BR dbopen (3),
205 .BR hash (3),
206 .BR recno (3)