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[thirdparty/man-pages.git] / man3 / posix_spawn.3
1 .\" Copyright (c) 2009 Bill O. Gallmeister (bgallmeister@gmail.com)
2 .\" and Copyright 2010 Michael Kerrisk <mtk.manpages@gmail.com>
3 .\"
5 .\" Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
6 .\" manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
7 .\" preserved on all copies.
8 .\"
9 .\" Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
10 .\" manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
11 .\" entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
12 .\" permission notice identical to this one.
13 .\"
14 .\" Since the Linux kernel and libraries are constantly changing, this
15 .\" manual page may be incorrect or out-of-date. The author(s) assume no
16 .\" responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from
17 .\" the use of the information contained herein. The author(s) may not
18 .\" have taken the same level of care in the production of this manual,
19 .\" which is licensed free of charge, as they might when working
20 .\" professionally.
21 .\"
22 .\" Formatted or processed versions of this manual, if unaccompanied by
23 .\" the source, must acknowledge the copyright and authors of this work.
24 .\" %%%LICENSE_END
25 .\"
26 .\" References consulted:
27 .\" Linux glibc source code
28 .\" POSIX 1003.1-2004 documentation
29 .\" (http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399)
30 .\"
31 .TH POSIX_SPAWN 3 2019-03-06 "GNU" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
33 posix_spawn, posix_spawnp \- spawn a process
35 .nf
36 .B #include <spawn.h>
37 .PP
38 .BI "int posix_spawn(pid_t *" pid ", const char *" path ,
39 .BI " const posix_spawn_file_actions_t *" file_actions ,
40 .BI " const posix_spawnattr_t *" attrp ,
41 .BI " char *const " argv[] ", char *const " envp[] );
42 .PP
43 .BI "int posix_spawnp(pid_t *" pid ", const char *" file ,
44 .BI " const posix_spawn_file_actions_t *" file_actions ,
45 .BI " const posix_spawnattr_t *" attrp ,
46 .BI " char *const " argv[] ", char *const " envp[] );
47 .fi
49 The
50 .BR posix_spawn ()
51 and
52 .BR posix_spawnp ()
53 functions are used to create a new child process that executes
54 a specified file.
55 These functions were specified by POSIX to provide a standardized method
56 of creating new processes on machines that lack the capability
57 to support the
58 .BR fork (2)
59 system call.
60 These machines are generally small, embedded systems lacking MMU support.
61 .PP
62 The
63 .BR posix_spawn ()
64 and
65 .BR posix_spawnp ()
66 functions provide the functionality of a combined
67 .BR fork (2)
68 and
69 .BR exec (3),
70 with some optional housekeeping steps in the child process before the
71 .BR exec (3).
72 These functions are not meant to replace the
73 .BR fork (2)
74 and
75 .BR execve (2)
76 system calls.
77 In fact, they provide only a subset of the functionality
78 that can be achieved by using the system calls.
79 .PP
80 The only difference between
81 .BR posix_spawn ()
82 and
83 .BR posix_spawnp ()
84 is the manner in which they specify the file to be executed by
85 the child process.
86 With
87 .BR posix_spawn (),
88 the executable file is specified as a pathname
89 (which can be absolute or relative).
90 With
91 .BR posix_spawnp (),
92 the executable file is specified as a simple filename;
93 the system searches for this file in the list of directories specified by
95 (in the same way as for
96 .BR execvp (3)).
97 For the remainder of this page, the discussion is phrased in terms of
98 .BR posix_spawn (),
99 with the understanding that
100 .BR posix_spawnp ()
101 differs only on the point just described.
102 .PP
103 The remaining arguments to these two functions are as follows:
104 .IP * 3
105 The
106 .I pid
107 argument points to a buffer that is used to return the process ID
108 of the new child process.
109 .IP *
110 The
111 .I file_actions
112 argument points to a
113 .I "spawn file actions object"
114 that specifies file-related actions to be performed in the child
115 between the
116 .BR fork (2)
117 and
118 .BR exec (3)
119 steps.
120 This object is initialized and populated before the
121 .BR posix_spawn ()
122 call using
123 .BR posix_spawn_file_actions_init (3)
124 and the
125 .BR posix_spawn_file_actions_* ()
126 functions.
127 .IP *
128 The
129 .I attrp
130 argument points to an
131 .I attributes objects
132 that specifies various attributes of the created child process.
133 This object is initialized and populated before the
134 .BR posix_spawn ()
135 call using
136 .BR posix_spawnattr_init (3)
137 and the
138 .BR posix_spawnattr_* ()
139 functions.
140 .IP *
141 The
142 .I argv
143 and
144 .I envp
145 arguments specify the argument list and environment for the program
146 that is executed in the child process, as for
147 .BR execve (2).
148 .PP
149 Below, the functions are described in terms of a three-step process: the
150 .BR fork ()
151 step, the
152 .RB pre- exec ()
153 step (executed in the child),
154 and the
155 .BR exec ()
156 step (executed in the child).
157 .SS fork() step
158 The
159 .BR posix_spawn ()
160 function commences by calling
161 .BR fork (2),
162 or possibly
163 .BR vfork (2)
164 (see below).
165 .PP
166 The PID of the new child process is placed in
167 .IR *pid .
168 The
169 .BR posix_spawn ()
170 function then returns control to the parent process.
171 .PP
172 Subsequently, the parent can use one of the system calls described in
173 .BR wait (2)
174 to check the status of the child process.
175 If the child fails in any of the housekeeping steps described below,
176 or fails to execute the desired file,
177 it exits with a status of 127.
178 .PP
179 The child process is created using
180 .BR vfork (2)
181 instead of
182 .BR fork (2)
183 when either of the following is true:
184 .IP * 3
185 the
186 .I spawn-flags
187 element of the attributes object pointed to by
188 .I attrp
189 contains the GNU-specific flag
191 or
192 .IP *
193 .I file_actions
194 is NULL and the
195 .I spawn-flags
196 element of the attributes object pointed to by
197 .I attrp
198 does \fInot\fP contain
204 or
206 .PP
207 In other words,
208 .BR vfork (2)
209 is used if the caller requests it,
210 or if there is no cleanup expected in the child before it
211 .BR exec (3)s
212 the requested file.
213 .PP
214 .SS pre-exec() step: housekeeping
215 In between the
216 .BR fork (2)
217 and the
218 .BR exec (3),
219 a child process may need to perform a set of housekeeping actions.
220 The
221 .BR posix_spawn ()
222 and
223 .BR posix_spawnp ()
224 functions support a small, well-defined set of system tasks that the child
225 process can accomplish before it executes the executable file.
226 These operations are controlled by the attributes object pointed to by
227 .IR attrp
228 and the file actions object pointed to by
229 .IR file_actions .
230 In the child, processing is done in the following sequence:
231 .IP 1. 3
232 Process attribute actions: signal mask, signal default handlers,
233 scheduling algorithm and parameters,
234 process group, and effective user and group IDs
235 are changed as specified by the attributes object pointed to by
236 .IR attrp .
237 .IP 2.
238 File actions, as specified in the
239 .I file_actions
240 argument,
241 are performed in the order that they were specified using calls to the
242 .BR posix_spawn_file_actions_add* ()
243 functions.
244 .IP 3.
245 File descriptors with the
247 flag set are closed.
248 .PP
249 All process attributes in the child,
250 other than those affected by attributes specified in the
251 object pointed to by
252 .IR attrp
253 and the file actions in the object pointed to by
254 .IR file_actions ,
255 will be affected as though the child was created with
256 .BR fork (2)
257 and it executed the program with
258 .BR execve (2).
259 .PP
260 The process attributes actions are defined by the attributes object
261 pointed to by
262 .IR attrp .
263 The
264 .I spawn-flags
265 attribute (set using
266 .BR posix_spawnattr_setflags (3))
267 controls the general actions that occur,
268 and other attributes in the object specify values
269 to be used during those actions.
270 .PP
271 The effects of the flags that may be specified in
272 .IR spawn-flags
273 are as follows:
274 .TP 8
276 Set the signal mask to the signal set specified in the
277 .I spawn-sigmask
278 attribute
279 .\" FIXME .
280 .\" (see
281 .\" .BR posix_spawnattr_setsigmask (3))
282 of the object pointed to by
283 .IR attrp .
284 If the
286 flag is not set, then the child inherits the parent's signal mask.
287 .TP
289 Reset the disposition of all signals in the set specified in the
290 .I spawn-sigdefault
291 attribute
292 .\" FIXME .
293 .\" (see
294 .\" .BR posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault (3))
295 of the object pointed to by
296 .IR attrp
297 to the default.
298 For the treatment of the dispositions of signals not specified in the
299 .I spawn-sigdefault
300 attribute, or the treatment when
302 is not specified, see
303 .BR execve (2).
304 .TP
307 If this flag is set, and the
309 flag is not set, then set the scheduling parameters
310 to the parameters specified in the
311 .I spawn-schedparam
312 attribute
313 .\" FIXME .
314 .\" (see
315 .\" .BR posix_spawnattr_setschedparam (3))
316 of the object pointed to by
317 .IR attrp .
318 .TP
320 Set the scheduling policy algorithm and parameters of the child,
321 as follows:
322 .RS
323 .IP * 3
324 The scheduling policy is set to the value specified in the
325 .I spawn-schedpolicy
326 attribute
327 .\" FIXME .
328 .\" (see
329 .\" .BR posix_spawnattr_setpolicy (3))
330 of the object pointed to by
331 .IR attrp .
332 .IP *
333 The scheduling parameters are set to the value specified in the
334 .I spawn-schedparam
335 attribute
336 .\" FIXME .
337 .\" (see
338 .\" .BR posix_spawnattr_setschedparam (3))
339 of the object pointed to by
340 .IR attrp
341 (but see BUGS).
342 .PP
343 If the
345 and
347 flags are not specified,
348 the child inherits the corresponding scheduling attributes from the parent.
349 .RE
350 .TP
352 If this flag is set,
353 reset the effective UID and GID to the
354 real UID and GID of the parent process.
355 If this flag is not set,
356 then the child retains the effective UID and GID of the parent.
357 In either case, if the set-user-ID and set-group-ID permission
358 bits are enabled on the executable file, their effect will override
359 the setting of the effective UID and GID (se
360 .BR execve (2)).
361 .TP
363 Set the process group to the value specified in the
364 .I spawn-pgroup
365 attribute
366 .\" FIXME .
367 .\" (see
368 .\" .BR posix_spawnattr_setpgroup (3))
369 of the object pointed to by
370 .IR attrp .
371 If the
372 .I spawn-pgroup
373 attribute has the value 0,
374 the child's process group ID is made the same as its process ID.
375 If the
377 flag is not set, the child inherits the parent's process group ID.
378 .PP
379 If
380 .I attrp
381 is NULL, then the default behaviors described above for each flag apply.
382 .\" mtk: I think we probably don't want to say the following, since it
383 .\" could lead people to do the wrong thing
384 .\" The POSIX standard tells you to call
385 .\" this function to de-initialize the attributes object pointed to by
386 .\" .I attrp
387 .\" when you are done with it;
388 .\" however, on Linux systems this operation is a no-op.
389 .PP
390 The
391 .I file_actions
392 argument specifies a sequence of file operations
393 that are performed in the child process after
394 the general processing described above, and before it performs the
395 .BR exec (3).
396 If
397 .I file_actions
398 is NULL, then no special action is taken, and standard
399 .BR exec (3)
400 semantics apply--file descriptors open before the exec
401 remain open in the new process,
402 except those for which the
404 flag has been set.
405 File locks remain in place.
406 .PP
407 If
408 .I file_actions
409 is not NULL, then it contains an ordered set of requests to
410 .BR open (2),
411 .BR close (2),
412 and
413 .BR dup2 (2)
414 files.
415 These requests are added to the
416 .I file_actions
417 by
418 .BR posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen (3),
419 .BR posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose (3),
420 and
421 .BR posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2 (3).
422 The requested operations are performed in the order they were added to
423 .IR file_actions .
424 .\" FIXME . I think the following is best placed in the
425 .\" posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(3) page, and a similar statement is
426 .\" also needed in posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(3)
427 .\" Note that you can specify file descriptors in
428 .\" .I posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2 (3)
429 .\" which would not be usable if you called
430 .\" .BR dup2 (2)
431 .\" at that time--i.e., file descriptors that are opened or
432 .\" closed by the earlier operations
433 .\" added to
434 .\" .I file_actions .
435 .PP
436 If any of the housekeeping actions fails
437 (due to bogus values being passed or other reasons why signal handling,
438 process scheduling, process group ID functions,
439 and file descriptor operations might fail),
440 the child process exits with exit value 127.
441 .SS exec() step
442 Once the child has successfully forked and performed
443 all requested pre-exec steps,
444 the child runs the requested executable.
445 .PP
446 The child process takes its environment from the
447 .I envp
448 argument, which is interpreted as if it had been passed to
449 .BR execve (2).
450 The arguments to the created process come from the
451 .I argv
452 argument, which is processed as for
453 .BR execve (2).
455 Upon successful completion,
456 .BR posix_spawn ()
457 and
458 .BR posix_spawnp ()
459 place the PID of the child process in
460 .IR pid ,
461 and return 0.
462 If there is an error before or during the
463 .BR fork (2),
464 then no child is created,
465 the contents of
466 .IR *pid
467 are unspecified,
468 and these functions return an error number as described below.
469 .PP
470 Even when these functions return a success status,
471 the child process may still fail for a plethora of reasons related to its
472 pre-\fBexec\fR() initialization.
473 In addition, the
474 .BR exec (3)
475 may fail.
476 In all of these cases, the child process will exit with the exit value of 127.
478 The
479 .BR posix_spawn ()
480 and
481 .BR posix_spawnp ()
482 functions fail only in the case where the underlying
483 .BR fork (2)
484 or
485 .BR vfork (2)
486 call fails; in these cases, these functions return an error number,
487 which will be one of the errors described for
488 .BR fork (2)
489 or
490 .BR vfork (2).
491 .PP
492 In addition, these functions fail if:
493 .TP
495 Function not supported on this system.
497 The
498 .BR posix_spawn ()
499 and
500 .BR posix_spawnp ()
501 functions are available since glibc 2.2.
503 .PP
504 POSIX.1-2001, POSIX.1-2008.
505 .\" FIXME . This piece belongs in spawnattr_setflags(3)
506 .\" The
508 .\" flag is a GNU extension; the
509 .\" .B _GNU_SOURCE
510 .\" feature test macro must be defined (before including any header files)
511 .\" to obtain the definition of this constant.
513 The housekeeping activities in the child are controlled by
514 the objects pointed to by
515 .I attrp
516 (for non-file actions) and
517 .I file_actions
518 In POSIX parlance, the
519 .I posix_spawnattr_t
520 and
521 .I posix_spawn_file_actions_t
522 data types are referred to as objects,
523 and their elements are not specified by name.
524 Portable programs should initialize these objects using
525 only the POSIX-specified functions.
526 (In other words,
527 although these objects may be implemented as structures containing fields,
528 portable programs must avoid dependence on such implementation details.)
529 .PP
530 According to POSIX, it unspecified whether fork handlers established with
531 .BR pthread_atfork (3)
532 are called when
533 .BR posix_spawn ()
534 is invoked.
535 On glibc,
536 .\" Tested on glibc 2.12
537 fork handlers are called only if the child is created using
538 .BR fork (2).
539 .PP
540 There is no "posix_fspawn" function (i.e., a function that is to
541 .BR posix_spawn ()
542 as
543 .BR fexecve (3)
544 is to
545 .BR execve (2)).
546 However, this functionality can be obtained by specifying the
547 .I path
548 argument as one of the files in the caller's
549 .IR /proc/self/fd
550 directory.
551 .SH BUGS
552 POSIX.1 says that when
554 is specified in
555 .IR spawn-flags ,
556 then the
558 (if present) is ignored.
559 However, before glibc 2.14, calls to
560 .BR posix_spawn ()
561 failed with an error if
562 .\" http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=12052
564 was specified without also specifying
567 The program below demonstrates the use of various functions in the
568 POSIX spawn API.
569 The program accepts command-line attributes that can be used
570 to create file actions and attributes objects.
571 The remaining command-line arguments are used as the executable name
572 and command-line arguments of the program that is executed in the child.
573 .PP
574 In the first run, the
575 .BR date (1)
576 command is executed in the child, and the
577 .BR posix_spawn ()
578 call employs no file actions or attributes objects.
579 .PP
580 .in +4
581 .EX
582 $ \fB./a.out date\fP
583 PID of child: 7634
584 Tue Feb 1 19:47:50 CEST 2011
585 Child status: exited, status=0
586 .EE
587 .in
588 .PP
589 In the next run, the
590 .I \-c
591 command-line option is used to create a file actions object that closes
592 standard output in the child.
593 Consequently,
594 .BR date (1)
595 fails when trying to perform output and exits with a status of 1.
596 .PP
597 .in +4
598 .EX
599 $ \fB./a.out -c date\fP
600 PID of child: 7636
601 date: write error: Bad file descriptor
602 Child status: exited, status=1
603 .EE
604 .in
605 .PP
606 In the next run, the
607 .I \-s
608 command-line option is used to create an attributes object that
609 specifies that all (blockable) signals in the child should be blocked.
610 Consequently, trying to kill child with the default signal sent by
611 .BR kill (1)
612 (i.e.,
614 fails, because that signal is blocked.
615 Therefore, to kill the child,
617 is necessary
619 can't be blocked).
620 .PP
621 .in +4
622 .EX
623 $ \fB./a.out -s sleep 60 &\fP
624 [1] 7637
625 $ PID of child: 7638
627 $ \fBkill 7638\fP
628 $ \fBkill -KILL 7638\fP
629 $ Child status: killed by signal 9
630 [1]+ Done ./a.out -s sleep 60
631 .EE
632 .in
633 .PP
634 When we try to execute a nonexistent command in the child, the
635 .BR exec (3)
636 fails and the child exits with a status of 127.
637 .PP
638 .in +4
639 .EX
640 $ \fB./a.out xxxxx
641 PID of child: 10190
642 Child status: exited, status=127
643 .EE
644 .in
645 .SS Program source
646 \&
647 .EX
648 #include <spawn.h>
649 #include <stdio.h>
650 #include <unistd.h>
651 #include <stdlib.h>
652 #include <string.h>
653 #include <wait.h>
654 #include <errno.h>
656 #define errExit(msg) do { perror(msg); \e
657 exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (0)
659 #define errExitEN(en, msg) \e
660 do { errno = en; perror(msg); \e
661 exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (0)
663 char **environ;
665 int
666 main(int argc, char *argv[])
667 {
668 pid_t child_pid;
669 int s, opt, status;
670 sigset_t mask;
671 posix_spawnattr_t attr;
672 posix_spawnattr_t *attrp;
673 posix_spawn_file_actions_t file_actions;
674 posix_spawn_file_actions_t *file_actionsp;
676 /* Parse command\-line options, which can be used to specify an
677 attributes object and file actions object for the child. */
679 attrp = NULL;
680 file_actionsp = NULL;
682 while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "sc")) != \-1) {
683 switch (opt) {
684 case \(aqc\(aq: /* \-c: close standard output in child */
686 /* Create a file actions object and add a "close"
687 action to it */
689 s = posix_spawn_file_actions_init(&file_actions);
690 if (s != 0)
691 errExitEN(s, "posix_spawn_file_actions_init");
693 s = posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(&file_actions,
695 if (s != 0)
696 errExitEN(s, "posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose");
698 file_actionsp = &file_actions;
699 break;
701 case \(aqs\(aq: /* \-s: block all signals in child */
703 /* Create an attributes object and add a "set signal mask"
704 action to it */
706 s = posix_spawnattr_init(&attr);
707 if (s != 0)
708 errExitEN(s, "posix_spawnattr_init");
709 s = posix_spawnattr_setflags(&attr, POSIX_SPAWN_SETSIGMASK);
710 if (s != 0)
711 errExitEN(s, "posix_spawnattr_setflags");
713 sigfillset(&mask);
714 s = posix_spawnattr_setsigmask(&attr, &mask);
715 if (s != 0)
716 errExitEN(s, "posix_spawnattr_setsigmask");
718 attrp = &attr;
719 break;
720 }
721 }
723 /* Spawn the child. The name of the program to execute and the
724 command\-line arguments are taken from the command\-line arguments
725 of this program. The environment of the program execed in the
726 child is made the same as the parent\(aqs environment. */
728 s = posix_spawnp(&child_pid, argv[optind], file_actionsp, attrp,
729 &argv[optind], environ);
730 if (s != 0)
731 errExitEN(s, "posix_spawn");
733 /* Destroy any objects that we created earlier */
735 if (attrp != NULL) {
736 s = posix_spawnattr_destroy(attrp);
737 if (s != 0)
738 errExitEN(s, "posix_spawnattr_destroy");
739 }
741 if (file_actionsp != NULL) {
742 s = posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(file_actionsp);
743 if (s != 0)
744 errExitEN(s, "posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy");
745 }
747 printf("PID of child: %ld\en", (long) child_pid);
749 /* Monitor status of the child until it terminates */
751 do {
752 s = waitpid(child_pid, &status, WUNTRACED | WCONTINUED);
753 if (s == \-1)
754 errExit("waitpid");
756 printf("Child status: ");
757 if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
758 printf("exited, status=%d\en", WEXITSTATUS(status));
759 } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
760 printf("killed by signal %d\en", WTERMSIG(status));
761 } else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) {
762 printf("stopped by signal %d\en", WSTOPSIG(status));
763 } else if (WIFCONTINUED(status)) {
764 printf("continued\en");
765 }
766 } while (!WIFEXITED(status) && !WIFSIGNALED(status));
768 exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
769 }
770 .EE
772 .nh \" Disable hyphenation
773 .ad l
774 .BR close (2),
775 .BR dup2 (2),
776 .BR execl (2),
777 .BR execlp (2),
778 .BR fork (2),
779 .BR open (2),
780 .BR sched_setparam (2),
781 .BR sched_setscheduler (2),
782 .BR setpgid (2),
783 .BR setuid (2),
784 .BR sigaction (2),
785 .BR sigprocmask (2),
786 .BR posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose (3),
787 .BR posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2 (3),
788 .BR posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen (3),
789 .BR posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy (3),
790 .BR posix_spawn_file_actions_init (3),
791 .BR posix_spawnattr_destroy (3),
792 .BR posix_spawnattr_getflags (3),
793 .BR posix_spawnattr_getpgroup (3),
794 .BR posix_spawnattr_getschedparam (3),
795 .BR posix_spawnattr_getschedpolicy (3),
796 .BR posix_spawnattr_getsigdefault (3),
797 .BR posix_spawnattr_getsigmask (3),
798 .BR posix_spawnattr_init (3),
799 .BR posix_spawnattr_setflags (3),
800 .BR posix_spawnattr_setpgroup (3),
801 .BR posix_spawnattr_setschedparam (3),
802 .BR posix_spawnattr_setschedpolicy (3),
803 .BR posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault (3),
804 .BR posix_spawnattr_setsigmask (3),
805 .BR pthread_atfork (3),
806 .IR <spawn.h> ,
807 Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1-2001,
808 .I http://www.opengroup.org/unix/online.html