]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/man-pages.git/blob - man3/pthread_setschedparam.3
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[thirdparty/man-pages.git] / man3 / pthread_setschedparam.3
1 .\" Copyright (c) 2008 Linux Foundation, written by Michael Kerrisk
2 .\" <mtk.manpages@gmail.com>
3 .\"
5 .\" Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
6 .\" manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
7 .\" preserved on all copies.
8 .\"
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10 .\" manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
11 .\" entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
12 .\" permission notice identical to this one.
13 .\"
14 .\" Since the Linux kernel and libraries are constantly changing, this
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21 .\"
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24 .\" %%%LICENSE_END
25 .\"
26 .TH PTHREAD_SETSCHEDPARAM 3 2017-09-15 "Linux" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
28 pthread_setschedparam, pthread_getschedparam \- set/get
29 scheduling policy and parameters of a thread
31 .nf
32 .B #include <pthread.h>
33 .PP
34 .BI "int pthread_setschedparam(pthread_t " thread ", int " policy ,
35 .BI " const struct sched_param *" param );
36 .BI "int pthread_getschedparam(pthread_t " thread ", int *" policy ,
37 .BI " struct sched_param *" param );
38 .PP
39 Compile and link with \fI\-pthread\fP.
40 .fi
42 The
43 .BR pthread_setschedparam ()
44 function sets the scheduling policy and parameters of the thread
45 .IR thread .
46 .PP
47 .I policy
48 specifies the new scheduling policy for
49 .IR thread .
50 The supported values for
51 .IR policy ,
52 and their semantics, are described in
53 .BR sched (7).
54 .\" FIXME . pthread_setschedparam() places no restriction on the policy,
55 .\" but pthread_attr_setschedpolicy() restricts policy to RR/FIFO/OTHER
56 .\" http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=7013
57 .PP
58 The structure pointed to by
59 .I param
60 specifies the new scheduling parameters for
61 .IR thread .
62 Scheduling parameters are maintained in the following structure:
63 .PP
64 .in +4n
65 .EX
66 struct sched_param {
67 int sched_priority; /* Scheduling priority */
68 };
69 .EE
70 .in
71 .PP
72 As can be seen, only one scheduling parameter is supported.
73 For details of the permitted ranges for scheduling priorities
74 in each scheduling policy, see
75 .BR sched (7).
76 .PP
77 The
78 .BR pthread_getschedparam ()
79 function returns the scheduling policy and parameters of the thread
80 .IR thread ,
81 in the buffers pointed to by
82 .I policy
83 and
84 .IR param ,
85 respectively.
86 The returned priority value is that set by the most recent
87 .BR pthread_setschedparam (),
88 .BR pthread_setschedprio (3),
89 or
90 .BR pthread_create (3)
91 call that affected
92 .IR thread .
93 The returned priority does not reflect any temporary priority adjustments
94 as a result of calls to any priority inheritance or
95 priority ceiling functions (see, for example,
96 .BR pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling (3)
97 and
98 .BR pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol (3)).
99 .\" FIXME . nptl/pthread_setschedparam.c has the following
100 .\" /* If the thread should have higher priority because of some
101 .\" PTHREAD_PRIO_PROTECT mutexes it holds, adjust the priority. */
102 .\" Eventually (perhaps after writing the mutexattr pages), we
103 .\" may want to add something on the topic to this page.
105 On success, these functions return 0;
106 on error, they return a nonzero error number.
107 If
108 .BR pthread_setschedparam ()
109 fails, the scheduling policy and parameters of
110 .I thread
111 are not changed.
113 Both of these functions can fail with the following error:
114 .TP
115 .B ESRCH
116 No thread with the ID
117 .I thread
118 could be found.
119 .PP
120 .BR pthread_setschedparam ()
121 may additionally fail with the following errors:
122 .TP
124 .I policy
125 is not a recognized policy, or
126 .I param
127 does not make sense for the
128 .IR policy .
129 .TP
130 .B EPERM
131 The caller does not have appropriate privileges
132 to set the specified scheduling policy and parameters.
133 .PP
134 POSIX.1 also documents an
136 ("attempt was made to set the policy or scheduling parameters
137 to an unsupported value") error for
138 .BR pthread_setschedparam ().
139 .\" .SH VERSIONS
140 .\" Available since glibc 2.0
142 For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see
143 .BR attributes (7).
144 .TS
145 allbox;
146 lbw24 lb lb
147 l l l.
148 Interface Attribute Value
149 T{
150 .BR pthread_setschedparam (),
151 .BR pthread_getschedparam ()
152 T} Thread safety MT-Safe
153 .TE
155 POSIX.1-2001, POSIX.1-2008.
157 For a description of the permissions required to, and the effect of,
158 changing a thread's scheduling policy and priority,
159 and details of the permitted ranges for priorities
160 in each scheduling policy, see
161 .BR sched (7).
163 The program below demonstrates the use of
164 .BR pthread_setschedparam ()
165 and
166 .BR pthread_getschedparam (),
167 as well as the use of a number of other scheduling-related
168 pthreads functions.
169 .PP
170 In the following run, the main thread sets its scheduling policy to
172 with a priority of 10,
173 and initializes a thread attributes object with
174 a scheduling policy attribute of
176 and a scheduling priority attribute of 20.
177 The program then sets (using
178 .BR pthread_attr_setinheritsched (3))
179 the inherit scheduler attribute of the thread attributes object to
181 meaning that threads created using this attributes object should
182 take their scheduling attributes from the thread attributes object.
183 The program then creates a thread using the thread attributes object,
184 and that thread displays its scheduling policy and priority.
185 .PP
186 .in +4n
187 .EX
188 $ \fBsu\fP # Need privilege to set real-time scheduling policies
189 Password:
190 # \fB./a.out \-mf10 \-ar20 \-i e\fP
191 Scheduler settings of main thread
192 policy=SCHED_FIFO, priority=10
194 Scheduler settings in \(aqattr\(aq
195 policy=SCHED_RR, priority=20
196 inheritsched is EXPLICIT
198 Scheduler attributes of new thread
199 policy=SCHED_RR, priority=20
200 .EE
201 .in
202 .PP
203 In the above output, one can see that the scheduling policy and priority
204 were taken from the values specified in the thread attributes object.
205 .PP
206 The next run is the same as the previous,
207 except that the inherit scheduler attribute is set to
209 meaning that threads created using the thread attributes object should
210 ignore the scheduling attributes specified in the attributes object
211 and instead take their scheduling attributes from the creating thread.
212 .PP
213 .in +4n
214 .EX
215 # \fB./a.out \-mf10 \-ar20 \-i i\fP
216 Scheduler settings of main thread
217 policy=SCHED_FIFO, priority=10
219 Scheduler settings in \(aqattr\(aq
220 policy=SCHED_RR, priority=20
221 inheritsched is INHERIT
223 Scheduler attributes of new thread
224 policy=SCHED_FIFO, priority=10
225 .EE
226 .in
227 .PP
228 In the above output, one can see that the scheduling policy and priority
229 were taken from the creating thread,
230 rather than the thread attributes object.
231 .PP
232 Note that if we had omitted the
233 .IR "\-i\ i"
234 option, the output would have been the same, since
236 is the default for the inherit scheduler attribute.
237 .SS Program source
238 \&
239 .EX
240 /* pthreads_sched_test.c */
242 #include <pthread.h>
243 #include <stdio.h>
244 #include <stdlib.h>
245 #include <unistd.h>
246 #include <errno.h>
248 #define handle_error_en(en, msg) \\
249 do { errno = en; perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (0)
251 static void
252 usage(char *prog_name, char *msg)
253 {
254 if (msg != NULL)
255 fputs(msg, stderr);
257 fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options]\\n", prog_name);
258 fprintf(stderr, "Options are:\\n");
259 #define fpe(msg) fprintf(stderr, "\\t%s", msg); /* Shorter */
260 fpe("\-a<policy><prio> Set scheduling policy and priority in\\n");
261 fpe(" thread attributes object\\n");
262 fpe(" <policy> can be\\n");
263 fpe(" f SCHED_FIFO\\n");
264 fpe(" r SCHED_RR\\n");
265 fpe(" o SCHED_OTHER\\n");
266 fpe("\-A Use default thread attributes object\\n");
267 fpe("\-i {e|i} Set inherit scheduler attribute to\\n");
268 fpe(" \(aqexplicit\(aq or \(aqinherit\(aq\\n");
269 fpe("\-m<policy><prio> Set scheduling policy and priority on\\n");
270 fpe(" main thread before pthread_create() call\\n");
271 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
272 }
274 static int
275 get_policy(char p, int *policy)
276 {
277 switch (p) {
278 case \(aqf\(aq: *policy = SCHED_FIFO; return 1;
279 case \(aqr\(aq: *policy = SCHED_RR; return 1;
280 case \(aqo\(aq: *policy = SCHED_OTHER; return 1;
281 default: return 0;
282 }
283 }
285 static void
286 display_sched_attr(int policy, struct sched_param *param)
287 {
288 printf(" policy=%s, priority=%d\\n",
289 (policy == SCHED_FIFO) ? "SCHED_FIFO" :
290 (policy == SCHED_RR) ? "SCHED_RR" :
291 (policy == SCHED_OTHER) ? "SCHED_OTHER" :
292 "???",
293 param\->sched_priority);
294 }
296 static void
297 display_thread_sched_attr(char *msg)
298 {
299 int policy, s;
300 struct sched_param param;
302 s = pthread_getschedparam(pthread_self(), &policy, &param);
303 if (s != 0)
304 handle_error_en(s, "pthread_getschedparam");
306 printf("%s\\n", msg);
307 display_sched_attr(policy, &param);
308 }
310 static void *
311 thread_start(void *arg)
312 {
313 display_thread_sched_attr("Scheduler attributes of new thread");
315 return NULL;
316 }
318 int
319 main(int argc, char *argv[])
320 {
321 int s, opt, inheritsched, use_null_attrib, policy;
322 pthread_t thread;
323 pthread_attr_t attr;
324 pthread_attr_t *attrp;
325 char *attr_sched_str, *main_sched_str, *inheritsched_str;
326 struct sched_param param;
328 /* Process command\-line options */
330 use_null_attrib = 0;
331 attr_sched_str = NULL;
332 main_sched_str = NULL;
333 inheritsched_str = NULL;
335 while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "a:Ai:m:")) != \-1) {
336 switch (opt) {
337 case \(aqa\(aq: attr_sched_str = optarg; break;
338 case \(aqA\(aq: use_null_attrib = 1; break;
339 case \(aqi\(aq: inheritsched_str = optarg; break;
340 case \(aqm\(aq: main_sched_str = optarg; break;
341 default: usage(argv[0], "Unrecognized option\\n");
342 }
343 }
345 if (use_null_attrib &&
346 (inheritsched_str != NULL || attr_sched_str != NULL))
347 usage(argv[0], "Can\(aqt specify \-A with \-i or \-a\\n");
349 /* Optionally set scheduling attributes of main thread,
350 and display the attributes */
352 if (main_sched_str != NULL) {
353 if (!get_policy(main_sched_str[0], &policy))
354 usage(argv[0], "Bad policy for main thread (\-m)\\n");
355 param.sched_priority = strtol(&main_sched_str[1], NULL, 0);
357 s = pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), policy, &param);
358 if (s != 0)
359 handle_error_en(s, "pthread_setschedparam");
360 }
362 display_thread_sched_attr("Scheduler settings of main thread");
363 printf("\\n");
365 /* Initialize thread attributes object according to options */
367 attrp = NULL;
369 if (!use_null_attrib) {
370 s = pthread_attr_init(&attr);
371 if (s != 0)
372 handle_error_en(s, "pthread_attr_init");
373 attrp = &attr;
374 }
376 if (inheritsched_str != NULL) {
377 if (inheritsched_str[0] == \(aqe\(aq)
378 inheritsched = PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED;
379 else if (inheritsched_str[0] == \(aqi\(aq)
380 inheritsched = PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED;
381 else
382 usage(argv[0], "Value for \-i must be \(aqe\(aq or \(aqi\(aq\\n");
384 s = pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&attr, inheritsched);
385 if (s != 0)
386 handle_error_en(s, "pthread_attr_setinheritsched");
387 }
389 if (attr_sched_str != NULL) {
390 if (!get_policy(attr_sched_str[0], &policy))
391 usage(argv[0],
392 "Bad policy for \(aqattr\(aq (\-a)\\n");
393 param.sched_priority = strtol(&attr_sched_str[1], NULL, 0);
395 s = pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, policy);
396 if (s != 0)
397 handle_error_en(s, "pthread_attr_setschedpolicy");
398 s = pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, &param);
399 if (s != 0)
400 handle_error_en(s, "pthread_attr_setschedparam");
401 }
403 /* If we initialized a thread attributes object, display
404 the scheduling attributes that were set in the object */
406 if (attrp != NULL) {
407 s = pthread_attr_getschedparam(&attr, &param);
408 if (s != 0)
409 handle_error_en(s, "pthread_attr_getschedparam");
410 s = pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(&attr, &policy);
411 if (s != 0)
412 handle_error_en(s, "pthread_attr_getschedpolicy");
414 printf("Scheduler settings in \(aqattr\(aq\\n");
415 display_sched_attr(policy, &param);
417 s = pthread_attr_getinheritsched(&attr, &inheritsched);
418 printf(" inheritsched is %s\\n",
419 (inheritsched == PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED) ? "INHERIT" :
420 (inheritsched == PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED) ? "EXPLICIT" :
421 "???");
422 printf("\\n");
423 }
425 /* Create a thread that will display its scheduling attributes */
427 s = pthread_create(&thread, attrp, &thread_start, NULL);
428 if (s != 0)
429 handle_error_en(s, "pthread_create");
431 /* Destroy unneeded thread attributes object */
433 if (!use_null_attrib) {
434 s = pthread_attr_destroy(&attr);
435 if (s != 0)
436 handle_error_en(s, "pthread_attr_destroy");
437 }
439 s = pthread_join(thread, NULL);
440 if (s != 0)
441 handle_error_en(s, "pthread_join");
443 exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
444 }
445 .EE
447 .ad l
448 .nh
449 .BR getrlimit (2),
450 .BR sched_get_priority_min (2),
451 .BR pthread_attr_init (3),
452 .BR pthread_attr_setinheritsched (3),
453 .BR pthread_attr_setschedparam (3),
454 .BR pthread_attr_setschedpolicy (3),
455 .BR pthread_create (3),
456 .BR pthread_self (3),
457 .BR pthread_setschedprio (3),
458 .BR pthreads (7),
459 .BR sched (7)